First setup of the tp link router. How to set up a TP-Link router

TP-Link routers and modems are deservedly popular for their reliability, low cost and ease of management. The instructions are given using the TD-W8960N model as an example.

Before turning on

The main function of the router is to create a local wireless network that connects computers, laptops and mobile gadgets within the home/office. The second, no less important task is connecting this network to the Internet. Therefore, before turning on the router for the first time, it is advisable to have the connection settings with the provider at hand. They are usually specified in the contract or separate instructions from the provider. If there are no settings, then when connecting you need to call technical support and ask for this information.

Before turning on, you need to look at bottom part case: in TP-Link models, the following information is needed to configure the router:

IP address: usually

· Login: admin

· Password: admin

If the values ​​in your model are different, it is better to rewrite or remember them in advance.

Turning on the wireless modem for the first time

1. Connect the data cable from your Internet provider to the router. Typically this is a telephone cable (ADSL connection, “leased line”), or an Ethernet wire (“fiber optic”, LAN). If the connection source is a 3G/4G modem, then you should connect it to the router’s USB port.

2. Connect the router to the power supply: TP-Link supplies a power cable included.

Connecting to a router

If everything is in order, then after 20-60 seconds the router is completely ready for use. This time is needed to download the firmware. Indicators - LEDs on the front panel will help you find out about its performance. By the way, on TP Link routers these “lights” glow with a soft, pleasant light, without irritating even in the dark. Indicators are equipped with icons or inscriptions. From left to right:

· Power indicator: When the device is turned on, it should always be on.

· Internet: shows the functionality of the Internet connection. Doesn't work when first turned on; in online mode it flickers or lights up constantly.

· ADSL or LAN; 3G, 4G for Beeline and others mobile operators: depending on the type of provider, shows the presence of a signal from it. When you turn it on for the first time, it may blink, or it may be off.

· WLAN (WiFi/Wireless): Access point indicator. Flickers or lights up when first connected.

· WDS: not present on all models, is responsible for expanding wireless network coverage.

· Other “light bulbs” may be present - USB port, fast connection QSS, 2-6 local network ports, etc. It is normal if these indicators are not lit yet. If the device is used as a repeater, the light signaling may be different.

Connecting a PC to a Wireless Network

For settings TP-Link modem A smartphone/tablet will also work, but we will consider the good old connection from a PC or laptop. If the router is working, then it is already “distributing” the wireless network (or expanding its coverage area using WDS technology). It is called standard and boring - like TP-Link_15616, and is visible from any device. It works without a password and this needs to be changed as soon as possible.

Connect the computer to new network Wi-Fi. The wireless connection icon in the Windows tray will be crossed out with a cross (or another icon of missing Internet).

Tune TP-Link router possible through a browser. We enter (without www) into its address bar: this is the router’s control panel. Remember - the IP address, plus the login and password are printed on the bottom of the case? So, instant authorization - and we are in the depths of the access point. If it is possible to change the language, then in the case of TP-Link you can do this with confidence: the company is famous for its decent translation of its firmware.

Everything about wireless router settings

Step-by-step instructions - connecting to the Internet, setting a network password, advanced parameters: WDS, MAC addresses, connection encryption algorithms.

TP-Link control panel home page

On home page(Device Info) nothing can be changed - this is a purely informational section. At the top there is information about the firmware and model version, below are the current indicators of the access point and connection with the provider, as well as the date and time.

Attention! When the router is fully configured, all values ​​in the Device Info table should have non-zero values. If there are zeros anywhere (or values ​​like, there is something wrong with the connection. True, the repeater mode allows zero values.

How to connect a router to the Internet

Connecting and setting up the Internet occurs in the Quick Setup section of the side menu on the left. In other models, this section may be called WAN Settings / WAN Configurations ( WAN settings).

How to connect a TP-Link router to the Internet: WAN and ADSL settings

In this section, it all comes down to entering 2-5 connection parameters that are provided by the provider. In our example it is:

· connection method (WAN Link Type): PPPoE mode;

· VPI/VCI values ​​set to 0 and 33;

· login (PPP Username) and password (PPP Password) for authorization with the provider (not to be confused with the login-password of your personal wireless network!).

Each provider has its own settings: for Beeline they are one, for MTS they are different. Although they differ slightly, you should check with your Internet operator. In any case, to connect the router to the Internet you will need to enter no more than a few values. When the router is working as a repeater, it should not be configured to connect to the Internet. These parameters are needed only for the access point.

How to set up a wireless network

In the left side menu there is a Wireless section (“Wireless network”, Wi-Fi and other names). Let's go there.

Basic wireless settings section

Basic wireless parameters TP-Link router

Basic wireless parameters of the TP-Link router:

· Enable Wireless: Enable the wireless network. There should be a check mark.

· Hide SSID Broadcast: hide the network name from the air. The unofficial name of the option is “paranoid mode”. With a correct password like 463sltjHe, it is impossible to hack the network, regardless of whether the relay transmits its name or not.

· Wireless network name: name of the wireless network. It’s better to use something personal to immediately distinguish your own network from neighboring ones: The-Best-Wi-Fi, Aleksey’s Network, etc. Acceptable english letters, numbers, spaces, but no Cyrillic.

· Country: optional. The TP-Link router does not require country setting to operate. You can choose your region, or you can forget.

The Apply/Save button is standard for all sections - it must be clicked after setting, before moving to the next section. Attention! Before changing the network name, encryption type, password, WDS mode etc., keep in mind: the computer’s connection to Wi-Fi will be interrupted. You just need to re-click on the connection icon in Windows and select the newly created network (enter New Password) for each device on the network. They do not connect on their own.

Security section – Wi-Fi security and password

Perhaps the most important section settings. The QSS parameter (more often called WPS on other routers) is responsible for quickly connecting new devices to your network at the touch of a button, without entering passwords. If we are setting up a network outside the home (in the office), then it is better to turn it off (disable).

· Network Authentication: security type. Remember the word WEP - and never use it at all. Exclusively WPA, or WPA2 - no other values ​​are suitable for a secure connection. WPA type variations (Home or Enterprise) are also acceptable. However, there is an ancient belief: a person who does not encrypt his wireless network goes to heaven.

· Configuring Open in network encryption means that your Internet can be used by random strangers, and they can have access to computers on the network. Use it only when you know exactly what you are doing. Even public networks WiFi with free access It is now customary for cafes/gyms to be password protected.

· Wireless Network Key: Enter the password for own network. Do not confuse it with the password for connecting to your provider. It is this password that will allow other devices to connect to the network. If the device is used as a repeater, then you do not need to set a password. Passwords like 111111, qwerty, Andrey, etc. sooner or later they will definitely be picked up by their neighbors. Choose a complex password, with letters, numbers and special characters, at least 10-15 characters.

Old joke: best password geek is the name of his pet. After all, a professional IT specialist’s dog’s name is always something like sif723@59!kw.

· Encryption algorithm (WPA Encryption). Both AES and AES-TKIP are equally good, there is no fundamental difference.

Advanced settings section

Advanced Wi-Fi settings. Useful advancements.

As a rule, TP Link modems do not require advanced settings. Everything should work with default values.

2. Mode: b / g / n / ac or their variations - bgn, bg, etc. In fact, generations of the Wi-Fi standard. You should choose the most fresh mode connections in the settings, bgn setting, or, if present, bgn+ac. The rest are needed only for rare cases of device incompatibility.

· The ancient and slow a and b modes were hardly seen even by seasoned specialists. These are retained for compatibility purposes and should not be used.

· Old “g” mode: can be used if older devices categorically refuse to work with other modes.

· Modern standard “n”: the most common for most devices.

· Latest "ac" standard: not supported by all devices.

Rarely used settings

Other wireless sections of the TP-Link control panel are required only in special cases - for example, to connect to a VPN, so let’s go over them briefly.

MAC Filter – filtering by MAC address. Allows only manually configured devices to connect to the network, and only after entering a password. No strangers. Not recommended for either home use, nor for small office, where everyone is theirs.

Setting up a VPN on a router: not possible on all models. This is a more advanced feature.

Wireless Bridge (WDS): the ability to use a Wi-Fi router as a “repeater” - a repeater of an existing one Wi-Fi signal. Used to “extend” the range of another working and configured router. In other cases, you need to use the already configured AP mode (Access Point mode).


Setting up a router is an easy task even for non-specialists, and very, very necessary. Once you understand the parameters, you will no longer call technicians and adjusters - it’s only a matter of 2-3 minutes of time.

There are no uniform instructions for setting up wireless network settings, but the general principles are the same for all models. The only difference is small parts: some devices use the terms Wireless, others use Wi-Fi; latest models work with the “ac” communication standard, older ones work with b/g/n networks. An example of setting up a TP-Link access point is also suitable for ASUS devices, and D-Link, and others - only little things differ. Direct analogy: microwave ovens - the principle is the same, but the buttons are slightly different.

TP-Link is one of the famous manufacturers routers, and the products of this company are distinguished by quality, reliability and quite affordable prices. But after purchasing one of these devices, users often cannot configure it themselves. Moreover, some of them do not even know how to log into the TP-LINK router and get to its main menu.

In fact, setting up a router is not such a difficult task, and after completing it once, you yourself will understand how simple it is. This article will help you understand everything and avoid making one of the common mistakes.


Before you start connecting your TP-Link router, you need to do a little preparation. It consists in determining network parameters provider and write them down (or remember).

The first thing you should understand is the type of Internet connection. If you use a login and password to connect, then the connection is carried out via PPPoE protocol and you can immediately connect a TP-Link router, the configuration of which will be discussed below.

If the login and password are not used for the connection, you must do the following:

  1. Open "Control Panel" and go to the "Network Management" tab.
  2. Now pay attention to sidebar(left). Here you need to select the line “Change adapter settings”.
  3. Here is a list of connections (usually there is only one). Click right click mouse over the one that is currently active and select “Properties”.

All you have to do is select “TCP/IPv4 Protocol” and click “Properties”.

Determining the connection type

The window that opens will allow you to determine the type of connection, of which (not counting PPPoE) there are two types:

  • If you have selected and filled in the “Use IP address” line, then your connection type is called “Static IP”. IN in this case you need to rewrite all the settings and then select the “Obtain IP Address” option and click “OK”.
  • If the “Obtain IP address” line is active immediately, it means you have a “Dynamic IP” connection. This means you don't need to rewrite anything and you can start connecting your TP-Link router.

In any case, you can now close all unnecessary windows and prepare for further actions.

Connecting a router

Now it's time to take the device out of the box and connect it to your computer. For this:

  1. Connect the power supply to the device.
  2. Connect the Internet cable to the blue port.
  3. Connect the device to the computer using a network cable. Any of the yellow ports will do this.

  1. Launch your browser. It's best if it's Internet Explorer or Edge (for Windows 10).
  2. Enter the TP-Link router address. Usually this is a combination of numbers “”, but sometimes there are other options (they are written on the bottom panel of the device).
  3. A window will appear in which you must enter the username and password of the TP-Link router. By default, you need to enter the word admin in both of these lines.
  4. In the menu (on the left), select the Quick Setup line.

Having completed the above steps, you will be taken to the main settings menu. Here you need to indicate the connection type that you defined before logging into the TP-Link router.

Setting up for PPPoE

If your connection is via the PPPoE protocol, you need to select it in the main menu, click “Next” and enter the settings:

  • User Name - login with the provider.
  • Password - password for connecting to the Internet.
  • Confirm Password - password again.

Now click Next and enter:

  • In the SSID field - the name of the access point (your choice).
  • PSK Password - create and enter a password.
  • Wireless Security - specify WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK.

After that, all you have to do is click Next and reboot the router (Reboot).

Setting up for static IP

Select the Static IP line in the main menu if your connection is via this protocol. You see a window with several lines that you need to fill in manually. These are the same parameters that you copied from the network Windows settings, before logging into the TP-Link router.

Once you have completed all the lines, check them carefully again, and then click Next. In the next window you need to enter the name of the access point (of your choice), password (come up with it yourself), click Next and reboot the router.

Setting up for dynamic IP

If you have a dynamic IP and are using a TP-Link router, the setup will be very simple. In the menu you need to select Dynamic IP, click Next and enter the name of the access point, as well as the password for it.

After this, all you have to do is click Next and then Finish. In this case, a reboot is not required.

Setting up using a special disk

To facilitate the process of setting up a router, TP-Link can be used special disk. It is not included with all device models, but if you have it, you can simply insert it into the CD-Rom and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup procedure in a few clicks.

Possible problems

Sometimes it happens that the provider blocks the connection by MAC address. In this case you need to do the following:

  1. Go to your router settings.
  2. Go to the Network section, and then select the MAC Clone sub-item.
  3. Here you need to click Clone MAC Address and then save the changes (Save).

By the way, it is best, before logging into a TP-Link router, to contact your provider’s support service and clarify this issue with them.

Password reset

If you don't remember the password to enter your device settings, you can reset it. To do this, click Reset button, which you will find on the back panel, and hold it for a few seconds. This will reset all settings to factory settings and you will be able to enter the settings using the standard password (admin).

In some cases, the password initially differs from the standard one. If so, you can find it on the bottom panel of the router. The login is usually written there, as well as other data necessary to enter the device settings.

In the 21st century, people are unable to live without the Internet. However, compared to the beginning of the century, when all devices were connected via wires, now the connection is made through wireless routers. Let's look at the features of setting up a TP-Link router. Models from this company are popular for their price-quality ratio. All actions are successfully applied to almost all TP-Link routers.

Regardless of the model, the TP-Link router and its configuration do not cause problems even for inexperienced users. In most ratings, the Chinese company's routers are leaders in various categories, delivering better performance than their competitors.


Visually “Wi-Fi » TP-Link routers are attractive and have rounded shapes. The plastic is glossy, which is a slight minus due to its dirtiness. The delivery set is standard and includes:

  • power adapter;
  • short network cable;
  • disk with software;
  • manual and warranty.

Indicator lights are placed on the top part. Due to large number holes, the router does not heat up. On the bottom there are rubber feet, thanks to which it does not slip, and a sticker with data, starting from standard password, ending with the entry address at special page administration. There are ports and buttons at the back. And antennas are placed on top.

Where to install

The question is often asked about where to install the TP-Link modem. The main thing is that you cannot install it on devices whose operating frequencies are 2.4 and 5 GHz. It is better to attach it to the wall, hanging it by special devices, or install it on an open shelf in a table or closet away from mirrors. Fix the antennas in a vertical position.

Connection and preparation for work

Process TP-Link connections access to a computer or laptop will not cause much trouble. To do this, you need to insert the cable installed by your provider into the connector on back side devices. Then connect the power adapter to an outlet. In about a minute, the router will be ready to use. This will be “told” by the light indication that has stopped changing.

How to properly configure a TP-Link router

Setting up wi-fi on any TP-Link router is unified and does not cause any problems. Moreover, you can do both a quick setup of the TP-Link router and a more thorough, manual method.

Automatic setup

In order to understand how to quickly set up a TP-Link router, you should go to the IP address indicated on the sticker on the bottom of the device. Typically this is The login and password fields will open. The standard username is admin, the password is the same - admin. Then go to the " Quick setup" After that, click “Next”, select the country, provider, connection type.

Connecting to the Internet manually

It's a little more difficult to do everything manually. IP address, gateway, subnet mask and others precise settings for a TP-Link modem, ensuring its correct operation, you should check with your provider, select desired type connections and then fill out all the fields yourself to gain access to the Internet.

"Home ru"

For example, let's look at how a TP-Link router connects to the network of a provider called In the past, you had to find out the mac address, but now this archaic method does not exist. You need to open the “Network” section, then go to the WAN submenu.

In the “Username” and “Password” fields, indicate the login and password that are specified in the concluded agreement. Select the Always Active checkbox. As a result, after saving, the Internet should work.


First, open the “Network” section and go to the WAN submenu. Then select the connection type, most often PPPoE, but the settings are identical for other types. Enter in the login and password fields the information specified in the concluded agreement. Check the box “Always active”.


When setting up TP-Link for Beeline, go to the administration page at and then to the “Network” item. The WAN Connection Type field is set to L2TP/Russia L2TP, and, accordingly, the login and password issued by the provider when concluding the contract are written in the required fields. You should check the box next to “ Automatic connection" In general, the settings make it easy to connect to a TP-Link router, regardless of the provider.

Wireless network

The wireless network for TP-Link is configured on the Wireless - Wireless Settings tab. In the special Basing settings field, you can set the name of the network that you created yourself. By logging into Wireless Security, you configure connection security using a password and encryption.

Configuration in repeater, amplifier, adapter or access point mode

To configure TP-Link in repeater (repeater), amplifier, adapter or access point mode, you should go to the wireless network settings field, where in the “Operation Mode” select the required option from the drop-down list.


Modern TP-Link routers support IPTV - interactive television. It is possible to set up and watch IPTV over Wi-Fi on any device. If there is a special set-top box, it is recommended to allocate the required LAN port for it, working as a bridge. All this is done in the “Network” tab, where you need to go to IPTV.

Individual user connection settings

Opportunities for making additional users With individual settings There is no equipment for TP-Link models through the web interface.

Dynamic DNS

To turn on dynamic DNS in TP-Link, you need to go to the DDNS tab. If you are registered on the resources presented in the drop-down menu, enter your login, password and domain, check the “Enable DDNS” checkbox and click “Next”. If the transition is not possible, click on the hyperlink and register.

Security Settings

To protect your data, you should change manufacturer installed password. To do this, find the Password field and enter a new password. In the “Protection” tab, subsection “Configuring basic protection”, check the box to enable the SPI firewall. Can be installed specific computers, from which the interface is locally controlled. To do this, in the “Protection” tab, go to the submenu “ Local control", where to register the MAC addresses of computers that are allowed access to the setup interface with administrator rights.

To exclude the possibility of remote access, you should go to the “Remote control” sub-item and set its IP address: Any other IP address is a potential vulnerability, for example, by entering in the field, remote access opens to any other computer.

Needs to be updated regularly software, because the manufacturing company regularly releases “patches” that protect devices from hacking by intruders.

Parental control

On the router page, select the appropriate tab. You should check the box next to “Enable parental control" After this, enter the MAC address of the host computer in the special field. It’s easy to copy the address of the PC on which the settings are made: by pressing one button.

Below are the MAC addresses of all monitored computers. The schedule can be configured: day, time of action. A “white” list of sites is formed for unhindered visiting.

Changing the function of the buttons

There is no standard mechanism for redefining buttons in the configuration interface for TP-Link models.

Setting up a torrent client

On the page TP-Link interface TL 841n no standard methods, allowing you to configure torrent clients. However, third-party firmware dd-wrt is installed, which turns almost any router with a USB port into a torrent client. It is also possible, without using computer resources, to download torrent files to a USB device connected to the router.

You should go to the official website of the developer dd-wrt firmware. Check compatibility in the field that opens specific model router with firmware. If successful, select and download one of the versions. Be sure to make a “backup” of the router’s factory firmware, and then install dd-wrt via a patch cord. Then you will need to download the Optoware program and install it on a Linux-formatted USB drive. During the setup process, the Transmission utility will be installed, an analogue of a torrent client. Through the Transmission Remote utility, it is remotely controlled, during which torrents are added or removed, speed is limited, etc.

It is worth noting the low value of this procedure. Firstly, installing third-party firmware voids the manufacturer's warranty on the router. Secondly, it is objectively much simpler and more convenient to use a computer as a torrent client, and specific configuration of a router is quite labor-intensive even for professionals.

Setting up the printer

As with all modern modems, the router settings include a print server function. Of course, this is done by standard using Windows 7, 8, 10, but it is much easier to use a specialized utility TP-Link USB Printer Controller, installation file which is located on the official TP-Link website.

Setting up DLNA on the router

Since 2011, after the May firmware update for TP-Link routers, support for the “Media Server” function appeared in the settings menu. Using a standard player or even a regular game console Shared access to media files is provided. To do this, you need to go to the modem settings, select “USB Settings”, and then “Media Server”. After that - folders with shared access. After starting the player, it will find the created media server.

VPN service

The question is how to establish a VPN connection between two modems. For the first, the router settings are set to “Server” mode, and for the second, accordingly, to “Client”.

To configure the “Server”, go to the VPN tab, select the Ip Address Pool field, where the necessary addresses are added using the Add button. In the L2TP/PPTP Tunnel tab, install PPTP protocol, and Mode - to Server mode. To be filled in a special field new login and password. Tunnel is set to LAN-to-LAN. After this, all that remains is to confirm the activation.

The “Client” setting is identical, except that the Mode field is set to Client mode.

Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

If the router does not respond to connection to the power supply, the indicators do not light up, you should check the power button. The router may have burned out.

If the router does not distribute the Internet, there are options:

  1. Due to problems on the part of the provider. In this case, you should either just wait a while or call technical support. If experts say that everything is fine on their end, then the problem is related to the router. It's worth trying to reboot the router itself. In the vast majority of cases this will be the solution.
  2. There were some problems with the settings. Most in a simple way is to reset to factory settings using the Reset button.

How to connect to a TP-Link router to update the firmware

The software is being improved, patches and improvements are released, additional functions. Accordingly, the question arises of how to install the latest firmware for a TP-Link router. You can do this in two ways:

Via web interface

Go to the website, select the version you are interested in and download. To avoid losing your settings, you only need to update the firmware using network cable via computer. The WAN cable is disconnected - from the provider - and the router is connected to the computer via a patch cord. And then proceed according to the instructions of the installation program.

Via mobile application

Tp-Link has created an application for smartphones and tablets called TP- Link Tether. Operates on Android and iOS. Using this program, you manage, configure and update your Wi-Fi router. Everything is intuitive, as in the vast majority modern applications. Just go to the page, select the router, go to the system settings and click “Update”.

Resetting the TP-Link router to factory settings

Sometimes people make mistakes, don’t know how the router should be connected, forget to write down personal data, or accidentally delete something. The question arises, how to reconfigure the router. You should use reset settings to default. Do this either through the “System Tools” tab or by clicking the WPS|Reset button. The parameters will be reset to the original factory settings.


It is worth noting that questions about how to connect a TP-Link router and then configure it should not cause problems. Enough to understand general principle work, then, regardless of the device, you will be able to correctly connect the network and use the Internet. The example considered is also suitable for configuring routers from other manufacturers, because the differences lie in the details.


The advantages of TP-Link routers are:

  • Powerful signal that easily covers a large area.
  • Availability of WPS button.
  • Low heat.
  • Reliability.


The disadvantages, first of all, include the not-so-pretty design of the administrator interface; competing companies have a more sophisticated design. in a stylish way. Also, most routers have crevices that make it difficult to remove dust. But the disadvantages, of course, are unable to “outweigh” the advantages.

Web interface of TP Link routers various models similar, the instructions are based on a universal one.

Connecting a router
Remove the router from the box and install it in a place convenient for you. Connect the power adapter from the kit into the corresponding connector on the back panel of the router and into a 220V outlet. Connect the main network cable (the one that was brought into your apartment when you connected to the K-Telecom network) into the “INTERNET” or “WAN” port, and connect one end of the included network cable into one of the numbered LAN ports on the back panel of the router, and others - in network card computer. Installation disk, which comes with the router, you will not need.

Important: Do not connect the main network cable to the numbered LAN ports! This will disrupt the communication service throughout the entire house.

Setting up the router

Open separate tab in the browser, enter the address in the address bar and press the Enter key on the keyboard. Having gone to this address, we see a window for entering your login and password for authorization when logging into the router’s web interface. In the “User Name” field enter “admin”. In the line “Password” - also “admin” in Latin (English) small (capital) letters without quotes. Then press “Log In” on the screen, or press the Enter key on the keyboard.

After correct input symbols, a window with the router settings will appear in front of you, shown in Figure 2.

In order to set up an Internet connection on the router, you need to select “Network”, then “WAN”. In the window that appears, select in the “Type” field WAN connections" - "L2TP/Russia L2TP" (Figure 3).

All remaining fields in this window are filled in according to the data presented in Figure 4.

Setting up WI-FI In order to configure wireless connection, you must select the “Wireless mode” item, sub-item – “Wireless mode settings”. The “Network name” field is the name of your wireless network (here you can enter any name convenient for you, the main thing is that it contains only Latin characters and/or numbers). After entering, click on the “Save” button (Figure 6).

To secure your wireless network from outside connections, you need to configure security settings. Initially, select “Wireless Mode”, then “Wireless Protection”, in the window that appears, put a dot on the item “WPA-Personal/WPA2-Personal (Recommended)”. “PSK Password” is the password for your wireless network (here you can enter any value convenient for you, the main thing is that it contains only Latin characters and/or numbers and there are more than 8 of them). To save the entered settings, click on the “Save” button (Figure 7).

Setting up IP-TV. For IP-TV settings you need to return to the “Network” item, select “IP-TV” there and select “Enable” in the “IGMP Proxy” field, then click on the “Save” button. If you are using an IP TV set-top box, it is recommended to turn it on to LAN port No. 4 on the router, then select “Bridge” in the “Mode” field and select “LAN 4” in the “Port for IPTV” field (Figure 8).

This completes the configuration of the router, but in order to successfully save all parameters and ensure correct operation of the device, you must reboot it. To do this, select the “System Tools” item, the sub-item – “Reboot”, then you need to click on the “Reboot” button (Figure 9).

After this, a window will appear in front of you in which you need to click on the “Ok” button (Figure 10).

Hello! Now we will connect and configure the Tp-link TL-WR841N Wi-Fi router. If you have a TL-WR841ND model, then these instructions will also suit you. Let's look at the entire process of connecting the router, setting up the Internet, Wi-Fi network and setting a password for Wi-Fi network.

All this with photos, and detailed description. So you shouldn’t have any problems setting up the Tp-link TL-WR841N router. Just follow the instructions.

A few words about Tp-link TL-WR841N (TL-WR841ND). Very successful model Wi-Fi router, which is very popular. Indeed, a successful model, with an excellent price/quality ratio. It seems to me that for home use, an undemanding user best router can not found. I myself, in practice, tested the operation of the Tp-link TL-WR841N. It has been working perfectly for more than five years, distributing Wi-Fi to a large number of devices. It works very stably, I don’t even remember that the Internet was lost on it or something else. You can read more about Tp-link TL-WR841N at. There you will find short review, and my review.

If you have already purchased this router, then it’s time to move on to configuration. Let's do everything according to this scheme:

  • Connecting the Tp-link TL-WR841N router.
  • Setting up an Internet connection (WAN).
  • Setting up a Wi-Fi network on the TL-WR841N.
  • Setting a password for Wi-Fi protection networks.
  • Change password admin, which protects the router settings.

Connection Tp-link TL-WR841N

Connect the power adapter to the router and plug it into a power outlet. If the indicators on the router do not light up, then turn on the power using the button located on the rear panel.

If you configure the router via cable (which comes included), having connected it to a computer or laptop, then take a network cable and connect the computer to the router. On the router, connect the cable to the LAN connector (one of 4):

We connect the second end of the network cable on the computer to the network card connector:

Connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi network

If you want to configure the router via Wi-Fi, and not by connecting via cable, then just connect to the Wi-Fi network, which will appear immediately after turning on the power on the Tp-link TL-WR841N router. The network will have a standard name (something like this: "TP-LINK_084313"), and will not be protected.

You can even connect to this network from a tablet or phone and set up a router without a computer.

You probably found a disk included with the TL-WR841N. There is a utility for configuring the router. So, we will configure without a disk, through the router’s web interface. We will not need the disk in this instruction. If you want to configure via the utility from the disk, you can do this according to the instructions.

The Internet must be connected to the router. And your computer, tablet, laptop, etc. must be connected to Tp-link via cable or Wi-Fi. The router's power must be turned on. If everything is ready, then you can proceed to configuration.

The router settings will open.

And if the router has already connected to the provider and is distributing the Internet, then you can continue setting up.

Setting up a Wi-Fi network and setting a password on the Tp-link TL-WR841N router

For Wi-Fi settings you need to open the tab on the settings page Wireless - Wireless Settings. On this page we need in the field Wireless Network Name come up with and write down a name for your Wi-Fi network, and in the drop-down menu Region select the country where you live. Leave the rest of the settings as they are in the screenshot below.

To protect our wireless network with a password, go to the tab Wireless - Wireless Security. There you need to select the security type WPA/WPA2 - Personal (Recommended).

In field PSK Password create and write down a password that will protect your Wi-Fi network. You can read more about setting a password on the TL-WR841N router in the article.

Save the settings by clicking the button Save.

Change admin password. Protecting your router settings

I already wrote in a separate article about how to do this in the router settings. Let's go while we're at it Tp-link settings TL-WR841N we will immediately change the password that is used to protect the settings page. So that everyone who connects to your network will not be able to go into the router settings and change them.

Open the tab System Tools - Password. Enter your old username and password first (default - admin). Then enter your new username below (you can leave admin) and a new password. I advise you to write down this password somewhere so you don’t forget. Save the settings with the button Save.

That's it, setup Tp-link router TL-WR841N is complete. All that remains is to reboot the router. This can be done by turning off/on the power, or from the settings. On the tab System Tools - Reboot, you need to click on the Reboot button.

After setup and reboot, a Wi-Fi network will appear with the name that we set during the setup process. And to connect to a wireless network, use the password that we also set when setting up the router.

You can already connect your devices to the router. If you set up via cable, but want to connect via Wi-Fi, then you can disconnect the laptop from the router and connect via a wireless network.

You can leave your feedback and questions in the comments!