Windows live mail from the toolbar. Working with the Windows Live Mail email client

Master's answer:

Settings Email Windows Live can be compared to setting up a new computer because you only have to do both once. The only exception to this rule is when creating a new account user.


1. First you need to make sure that you have necessary information To create an account: your email address and password, the type of email server your email service uses, and the incoming and outgoing mail server addresses your service provider uses.

2. Then you need to make sure that access to the mailboxes is unlocked according to the POP3 protocol.

3. Press the “Start” button to bring up the main menu of the system and go to the “All programs” item.

4. Then select Windows Live and open the main menu in top panel application windows.

5. Select the “Add account” item.

7. Specify the desired name in the “Display name” field and select the checkbox in the “Manually configure server settings for your email account” field.

9. Specify POP3 in the “Incoming message server” field, after which you must enter the value of pop.server_name. After this, enter the required value in the “Port” field and select the checkbox in the “Connect via secure connection(SSL)".

10. Select “Basic Authentication (Plain Text)” in the “Use to Login” field and enter the username that was specified during registration.

11. Specify smtp.server_name in the “Outgoing message server” field and enter the required value in the “Port” field.

12. Select the checkbox for “Connect via a secure connection (SSL)” and “The outgoing message server requires authentication.”

13. “Done” button to apply the changes.

14. Find in the left panel Windows windows Live the newly created account and turn it on service menu right-click on the field of this entry.

15. After this, you need to select “Properties” and go to the “Servers” tab.

Here we check that the previously specified values ​​are correct and click the “Options” button in the “Outgoing Mail Server” section.

16. Select the checkbox on the “as to incoming mail server” field in the “Login” section in the “Outgoing mail server” dialog box and click OK.

17. Go to the “Advanced” tab and select the checkbox on both fields “Connect via a secure connection (SSL)” in the “Server port numbers” section and “Leave copies of messages on the server” in the “Delivery” section.

18. Press the OK button to confirm the execution of the command.

Please note that when Windows help Live makes it easy to manage multiple email accounts because each account has its own folder.

As useful advice we can say that Windows Live performs automatic Windows setup Live Hotmail, Yahoo!, AOL and Gmail.

Windows Phone 7 went on sale not long ago and in order to help those who ordered it to Russia understand it in the first days after purchase, we will cover various topics by setting it up. Today we’ll focus on email – this is one of the first things you’ll set up when purchasing a WP7 smartphone.

Setting up a Windows Live ID account

At Windows startup Phone for the first time you will be prompted to set up Windows account Live ID. At this point, you can decide whether to use your Windows Live ID on your phone or stop using it and its associated services. If you don't have a Windows Live ID but need one, you can create one on your phone.

Be careful when specifying your Windows Live ID, as you won't be able to delete it after you've finished setting up your phone. Among other things, Live ID will give you the opportunity to use XBOX Live and Zune on your phone. If you don't use XBOX Live and Zune, you can sign in with your Windows Live ID and use it for email only.

If you don't know whether you need a Windows Live ID or which one to use for your phone, you can skip this setup step the first time you start your phone. You always have the option to add a Windows Live ID to your phone later. You can also add multiple Windows Live IDs, but only the first one will display information about your XBOX Live and Zune accounts.

If you did not set up Windows Live ID when you first started, you can set it up later by going through these steps:

  1. Click "Add Account" and select "Windows Live"
  2. Enter your Windows Live ID in the field provided
  3. Enter your account password
  4. Click "Login"

If you entered the data correctly, then mail, contacts, photos, calendar will be synchronized with the phone. Your data is also synchronized in XBOX Live and Zune if you use these services.

Create additional email accounts

Email can be automatically configured for the following services: Windows Live, Outlook/Exchange, Yahoo and Gmail. For them, you just need to enter your email address and password, the phone will automatically select the appropriate settings for the server.

If you have an email account on a custom domain or with an ISP, you can set up standard IMAP and POP servers for email record data. Advanced settings are also available for those who have unique server settings or problems with the process automatic configuration. Setup recommendations various types email accounts see below.

Setting up email accounts for services that have presets

Most people use Gmail, Yahoo, or Exchange as their primary email account. Windows Phone is designed with this in mind and offers a set of pre-configured email services. All you need is your username and password, the phone will do the rest. Follow these steps to set up such accounts:

  1. While on home screen Swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Click "Add Account" and select the appropriate service (Google, Exchange, Yahoo, Windows Live, etc.)
  3. Enter your account password
  4. Click "Login"

Your Windows Phone will contact the selected service, receive server settings and synchronize the content. What exactly will be synchronized depends on the selected service, so Google will synchronize email, contacts and calendar (only the main calendar, not secondary ones), Yahoo will synchronize only email. You can have multiple accounts for each service.

In some cases, the phone will not be able to automatically set up your email, in which case you will have to set up your account manually using the method described below in the “What to do if nothing works” section.

Setting up POP and IMAP for email accounts

Many people use not only Google and Yahoo services for mail; they have mail on a personal domain or with a provider. For these accounts, you must manually configure the server settings by following these steps:

  1. From the home screen, swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Click "Add Account" and select "Other"
  3. Enter your account username in the address box mailbox
  4. Enter your account password
  5. Click "Login"

The phone will automatically try to determine POP and IMAP servers, if it doesn’t work, then you need to do it manually.

What to do if nothing works

Sometimes the phone will not be able to determine the necessary parameters itself, then you will have to manually specify the servers for receiving and sending messages:

  • Account type (POP or IMAP)
  • Incoming email server address
  • Outgoing server (SMTP) email
  • Server Authentication Settings
  • SSL requirements for incoming mail and outgoing email
  • Domain (for accounts Exchange records)

Usually this information can be found on the website of the service you use, and for settings work record Exchange needs to contact your network administrator. You can make these settings by following these steps:

  1. From the home screen, swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Click "Add Account" and select " Advanced setup»
  3. Enter your account username in the mailbox address box
  4. Enter your account password
  5. Click Next
  6. Select Exchange ActiveSync if you are setting up an Exchange account, or select an online email address if you are setting up personal or provider-provided email
  7. Fill in text fields information received previously. For Exchange accounts, you can select items to sync, including email, contacts, and calendar
  8. Click "Login" to save your settings

Options for email accounts

After setup technical parameters account, you can proceed to setting up additional ones by following these steps:

  1. From the home screen, swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Select your configured email account
  3. In this section you can change:
    • account name
    • download frequency (as received, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.)
    • period for downloading old messages (last 3 days, 7 days before, etc.)
    • select items to sync, such as email, contacts or calendar
    • username, password or email server settings
  4. Once you've finished configuring your settings, click the "Edit" button

Notifications, one more important aspect email, are configured in the “Ringtones and sound settings" Unfortunately, Windows Phone 7 isn't as flexible as BlackBerry in customizing account ringtones. You can only assign one notification to all email accounts.

can only be guaranteed if it is installed on a computer running Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10

Configure via IMAP protocol

By IMAP protocol :

    • Incoming message server - IMAP;
    • Incoming message server -;
  • Outgoing message server -;
  • Check the box next to “Connect via a secure connection (SSL)” to enable encryption for better protection data;

Check that the IMAP server port is 993 and the SMTP server port is 465.

7. Now you need to specify the folders in which all letters sent from the mail program, as well as letters from other system folders mail program. To do this, click right click mouse over the name of the newly created account and select “Properties”

8. Go to the “IMAP” tab, in the “ Special folders» Enter the data shown in the picture below and click “Apply”. The mail program is now configured.

Configure by protocol POP3

To make email settings Windows programs Live Mail via POP3 protocol:

2. Enter the required data:

  • E-mail address - full name your mailbox in the format [email protected] ;
  • Password—the current password for your mailbox;
  • Check the box next to “Remember password” if you want the mail program to remember the password for your mailbox and not ask for it every time you try to download mail;
  • Display name - the name that will appear in the "From:" field for all messages sent;

3. Check the box next to “Manually configure server settings for your email account” and click “Next”.

4. In the “Incoming message server information” section, provide the following information:

    • Incoming message server - POP3;
    • Incoming message server -;
    • Check the box next to “Connect via a secure connection (SSL)” to enable encryption for better data protection;
    • Use to sign in - Basic authentication (plain text);
    • Login code - the full name of your mailbox.

5. In the Outgoing Message Server Information section, provide the following information:

  • Incoming message server -;
  • Check the box next to “Connect via a secure connection (SSL)” to enable encryption for better data protection;
  • Check the box next to "Outgoing message server requires authentication."

Check that the POP3 server port is 995 and the SMTP server port is 465.

When setting up this email program using the POP3 protocol, by default, the “Leave copies of messages on the server” checkbox is checked. In order to change this setting, right-click on the name of the account whose settings you want to change. Select the “Properties” menu item, go to the “Advanced” tab and uncheck the “Leave copies of messages on the server” checkbox.

Change SSL settings

Security of work in programs Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail can only be guaranteed if it is installed on a computer running Windows control Vista, 7, 8, 10. If version operating system below Windows Vista, it is not safe to use. We recommend installing a newer version of your email client.

To set up your mail program Windows Live by secure protocol SSL:

If the above settings are already installed in your email program, then no changes need to be made.

If you have problems setting up your email program, use our

With the program Windows Mail Live can be understood even by a junior high school student; there is nothing complicated about it. Let's look at the main elements of its window, organized according to the principle of the Ribbon panel.

    At the top of the window, on the Home tab, the following buttons are located:
  • Email message - creates a new email message;
  • Photo message - creates a photo album in Windows service Live SkyDrive and provides access to it to your interlocutors by sending them photo messages;
  • Objects - calls up the menu for creating a new object. Here you will find a command to create a new event, contact, etc.;
  • Delete - deletes the message. If you click the down arrow below the Delete button, the Delete menu will open, where another button will be available - Junk Email. When clicked, the email will be considered spam and will be moved to the Spam folder. You can also delete a letter by pressing the key;
  • Reply - allows you to reply to the letter;
  • Reply to all - if the letter was addressed not only to you, but also to other recipients, then this button allows you to write a reply to everyone who was specified as the recipient of the letter to which you are replying;
  • Forward - forwards the received message to another recipient;
  • Instant message - allows you to send instant message using Windows program Live Messenger;
  • Add to calendar - allows you to add the text of a letter as an event text to the calendar;
  • Unread/read - marks the message as unread (if you want to read it again later) or, conversely, as read. The program automatically marks a message as read immediately after opening it;
  • Move to - allows you to move the message to another virtual folder;
  • Mark - enables or disables marking a message as important;
  • Tracking - allows you to track new messages in your conversation. The program tracks all your correspondence with a particular interlocutor and groups the corresponding messages (received from the same recipient), which is very convenient;
  • Encoding - pressing the button brings up a menu that allows you to select the encoding of the message. In older versions of Outlook, you had to use the main program menu to select the encoding, but now you just need to click this button, which is much more convenient;
  • Copy to, Copy, Find (these are three small buttons in front of the Tools button, shown with icons). The first button allows you to copy a letter to another folder, the second allows you to copy a selected fragment of a letter to the clipboard, and the third allows you to find the required line in a letter or a letter with the desired line;
  • Service - opens a menu that contains the Send and Receive and Work Offline buttons. The first allows you to simultaneously send and receive mail from all accounts. If you only need to receive mail from a specific account, click the down arrow and select the desired account;
  • Login - logs into Windows Live Messenger.

Below the toolbar is the main area of ​​the program window, divided into four zones. On the left there is a list of quick views, a list of mail accounts and commands for calling other program modules (Calendar, Contacts, etc.). The second zone is a list of messages, and the third is the text of the selected message. The fourth zone is the calendar, where you will find notifications about upcoming events.

    The Quick View list (leftmost area) contains three commands:
  • Unread emails mail - displays everything unread messages from all users;
  • Unread messages from contacts - displays unread messages from users who are in your address book;
  • Unread Feeds - Displays unread posts in all RSS feeds you select. You can add a channel using the Web Channels module.

    Below is a list of accounts. For each account are displayed standard folders:
  • Inbox - contains incoming messages that have not been marked as spam (junk mail);
  • Drafts - messages prepared for sending, but not yet sent (perhaps you postponed sending because you have not yet completed the text of the message);
  • Sent - sent messages;
  • Junk mail - contains unwanted emails. Usually this is spam, but sometimes the system detects “normal” messages as spam. In addition, sometimes registration confirmation letters for forums or chats end up in this folder - so look through this folder;
  • Deleted - messages you have deleted. When you delete messages from this folder, they are permanently deleted;

For automatic room messages in the desired folder you can configure the appropriate filter.

A filter is called a view in Windows Live Mail terminology. You can create a view on the View tab. Go to this tab, click the Create View button on the Ribbon panel, and in the window that opens, click the Create button again. Next, set the presentation parameters: the filter condition and its action - in which folder to place the message. You can also create your own folder - right-click on the list of folders and select Create Folder. Already created folders can be renamed using the Rename command.

Below the list of accounts there is one global Outbox folder. This is where emails are waiting to be sent (from all accounts). The difference between the Outbox folder and the Drafts folder is the following - a letter is placed in Drafts at your request, for example, when you have not yet finished writing it. In Outbox, emails are placed for sending and will be sent as soon as an Internet connection is established.

    Even lower is the program module switch:
  • Mail - mail mode, the main mode of the program;
  • Calendar - you can use Windows Live Mail as a simple scheduler, and Calendar will help you with this;
  • Contacts is an address book. To add a sender to address book, right-click on the letter in the list of letters and select Add sender to contact list;
  • Web channels - you are already familiar with this module;
  • Newsgroups - The mail program can also be used to view newsgroups and to send messages to newsgroups (using the NNTP protocol).