Programs for auto-filling forms online. Programs for automatically filling out forms

Autofilling forms on a website is a great way to save time when using Internet resources. If you wish, you can use this option by rummaging through your browser settings.

The main possibilities for using autofill are the following actions with data:

  • adding;
  • editing;
  • deletion.

Data storage features

Many users do not know what data should be for autofilling forms and what it even is. Typically, information that can be saved using this method includes the following autofill options:

  1. Username;
  2. E-mail address;
  3. phone number;
  4. Name of the organization;
  5. mailing address.

When using the Internet, ordinary users are often faced with the offer to remember data intended for authorization on various resources. And with the spread of electronic payments, the ability to autofill data on a website regarding bank card information is becoming popular, although you should be extremely careful when providing access to financial information.

Program for autofilling forms in the browser

Form autofill in Firefox is the ability to have a drop-down list appear when you start typing in a special text field on various sites. Options previously used on the site, similar to those being entered now, are provided in the form of a drop-down list. This is done automatically. You can customize autocomplete in FireFox as desired.

Is form autofill in Chrome different from the previous option? In principle, the main possible actions with data will be similar. Additionally, the user will have the option to save passwords using the Passwords and Forms section, which can also be enabled, saved, edited, and deleted.
Synchronization settings are used to use passwords from different devices. When making purchases on the Internet, synchronization with the Google Payments service is used. If you are afraid of leaving confidential information related to financial matters to third-party resources, Google will partially eliminate your fears. When you go to suspicious resources, it will warn you in advance about possible risks with information about an unsecured or dangerous connection, unsafe login and unsafe payment, advising you to refrain from autofilling.

Finally, let’s look at autofilling forms in the domestic Yandex browser. In the “Passwords and Forms” section there is an option to enable this service with one click. You can also add the necessary information, as well as delete it or clear the entire history.
In the classic interface, the user has the opportunity to independently define a list of addresses for which it is allowed or prohibited to use the function we are considering.

The Yandex browser stores passwords as hashes in its own database and assures that it will take an attacker about a hundred years to find the right combination. It uses additional protection against phishing and warns in advance about the undesirability of using the same passwords for different resources. Additionally, the Yandex Help service offers users detailed instructions on how to disable storing data on a website in the main popular browsers used today.

Have a great day!

Contractual relations have long been firmly entrenched in our lives, agreements are found everywhere and everywhere, practically nothing can be done without the conclusion of some kind of agreement. Providing services, performing work, supplying material assets, renting property, buying and selling and much more - all these are contracts. Contracts, as a rule, are drawn up by lawyers and take into account all the nuances of a particular activity. Curators, on the other hand, deal with standard forms of contracts and perform the same type of repetitive actions with them, which can and should be automated.

So, managers or contract curators, using a text editor (for example, Microsoft Word), make changes to standard forms and templates, adjusting certain fields, such as the number and date of the contract, the name of the counterparty, the cost of the contract, passport data, and bank details. At the same time, various amounts are recalculated, such as VAT; by the way, amounts in contracts are often duplicated in words. To draw up the preamble of the contract, parameters such as names, surnames and positions are declined in various cases. All this requires increased attention and leads to visual strain. The larger the contract, the more different forms and applications it contains, the stronger the desire to automate its completion.

Add-in for automated filling out contracts in Word

Automatic completion of contracts can be implemented in various ways, but I would like to dwell in more detail on the most convenient and accessible one. And oddly enough, this method is built into the Microsoft Word text editor itself. The Visual Basic for Application programming language built into the editor allows you to successfully automate routine tasks, which undoubtedly include filling out contracts. There are many types of agreements: construction agreement, supply agreement, lease agreement, purchase and sale agreement, commission agreement, loan agreement and much more, but they all have approximately the same fields to fill out. If these fields are marked in a special way in the contract template, and request the necessary information from the user through a dialog box, then you can later programmatically replace these fields with the necessary information.

At the same time, the user will still have to perform part of the routine work when entering data into a special form - a dialog box, but only part of it, the rest will be done by the machine. The add-in is launched and the dialog box is called by pressing a button displayed in the menu or on the ribbon, depending on the application.

Using the system to quickly fill out contract fields is easier than it seems at first glance. First, you need to decide on the parameters that will be requested from the add-in user and select the most suitable add-in configuration. Next you need to download andinstall add-in for Wordon filling out contracts. Pre-mark your contract template with the labels described in the documentation for the add-on. Open the contract template and open the add-in dialog box. Then fill in the fields of the dialog box (only some of the fields are filled in manually, the other part is generated automatically, for example, amounts written in words and dates) and start the program by clicking the "OK" button.

Automatic completion of an agreement between two legal entities

In the case of concluding an agreement between legal entities, the following can be changed (requested from the user in the dialog box): names of organizations, names of their representatives, addresses and bank details. Amounts, currencies and tax rates may also vary. All these contract parameters are presented for filling out on a special form - a dialog box.

The add-on implements currency selection (rubles are set by default), date conversion, automatic calculation of VAT rounded to two decimal places (if there is this tax), automatic writing of the contract amount and tax in words, automatic recognition of the signatory’s gender by name and patronymic with subsequent declension into the genitive case (for the preamble) of position, surname, name and patronymic. If the signers' data uses initials instead of full names, then the program will need to hint the signer's gender using the M/F option. After automatically filling in the fields, the generated contract is saved under a unique name in the folder in which the template is stored.

In practice, a simplified add-in model is more often used, when “your” details are indicated in the text of the contract and are not subject to changes, and only the counterparty’s data is requested in the dialog box.

video on working with the add-on

Automatic completion of an agreement between a legal entity and an individual

Agreements between legal entities and individuals are distinguished by the presence of passport data of one of the parties. Hence a slightly different set of fields in the dialog box, where in addition to passport data there are addresses and telephone numbers. Otherwise, all mechanisms are similar to those described in the previous paragraph.

Possibilities of add-ons for filling out contracts

Add-ons allow you to:

1) choice of currency;

3) automatic calculation of VAT, rounded to two decimal places (if this tax is available);

4) automatic writing of the contract amount and tax in words;

5) automatic recognition of the signer’s gender by name and patronymic, followed by declension into the genitive case position, surname, name and patronymic(for preamble);

*If the signers' data uses initials instead of full names, the program will need to hint the signer's gender using the M/F option.

6) automatic generation of initials of signatories;

7) automatic saving of the generated contract under a unique name in the folder in which the template is stored;

8) import data from the dialog box into an Excel file;

9) export data from an Excel file to a dialog box.

In the same way, you can customize filling out any document templates for lawyers, notaries, accountants, financiers, estimators, realtors and many others.

A universal add-in for Word for filling any Word documents with data from Excel

Contracts, agreements, powers of attorney, orders, applications, acts, receipts and much more can be automatically filled in with data from Excel using a universal add-in. The number of changeable fields in the document is not tied to the fields of the dialog box, so the user himself determines their number and names for the codes used in document templates. To fill out an active Word document, you just need to specify an Excel file with the source data. In addition, mass filling of Word documents is provided.

The search module is not installed.

Nadezhda Balovsyak

Those users who often have to spend a lot of time on the Internet, for example, registering products, sending materials or online shopping, spend a lot of time filling out various web forms. Logins, passwords, names, addresses, index and much more...

Endless wait for registration to complete after entering almost the same data. This routine work can be simplified by special programs designed to automatically fill out forms.

There are a lot of programs of this class on the Internet, but there are only a few real generalists among them, since most of these programs often have too narrow a specialization.

While surfing the Internet, you often have to fill out various forms on web pages, indicating the same data - last name, first name, address, date of birth and much more. Using special programs, you can save this data in a special database, and, if necessary, substitute it into forms on web pages.

IE Scripter

Developer's website:
Distribution size: 1.2 MB
Status: Shareware

As a result of installation, IE Scripter adds its button to the Internet Explorer browser toolbar. When you come across a form on a web page, you need to enter data and then click this button. An additional panel will be displayed in the browser window, with the help of which you can control the operation of the program. You can save the data entered into the form. At the same time, the program allows you to select which values ​​you want to keep and which ones to omit.

When you encounter a form on another site, in order to use the saved data, click the Load button, and the program will automatically insert all the values ​​into the required fields. However, it should be noted that the program does not always work correctly, especially for drop-down fields. In addition, it is not possible to use different data for one page opened in Internet Explorer; for example, you cannot use data from several mailboxes - the program cannot remember several sets of values.

In addition to this filling method, you can save a standard set of values ​​in the IE Scripter database, which the program will use when filling out forms found on web pages. These parameters should be set in the program settings window. It should be noted that the set of standard parameters is insufficient, and they are not always enough to fill out forms. These settings can be loaded from a set saved in Internet Explorer settings. In addition, the program does not have the ability to edit the list of keywords that determine the type of field in a web form.

The program has flexible settings. Settings can be saved in a special file. Additional features of the program include a password generation tool and viewing cookies.


Developer's website:
Distribution size: 2.8 MB
Status: Shareware

After installation and mandatory registration of the iNetFormFiller program, its icon will be placed in the system tray.

The main window of the program contains questionnaires with very detailed information about the user. It seems that the program developers have provided all possible options for input fields, even those that are very rarely encountered when filling out web forms. Form data is saved in a profile, which can be customized by randomly selecting the fields that will be included in it, as well as creating groups of fields. In addition, the questionnaire can contain fields of absolutely any standard. In this case, some fields can be linked to each other. In this case, when you enter certain information in one field, the others associated with it can be filled in automatically with the specified values. When creating a profile, the program supports deleting unnecessary fields. And ready-made profiles can be saved as templates and used later when creating other profiles.

After installing the program, an additional iNEtFormFiller toolbar is built into the Internet Explorer browser.

This program can also fill out forms in two ways - by substituting saved data into fields on a web page, or by saving data that was entered into forms on a web page. To fill out the form, just click the Fill button, and all data will be saved in the form.

All pages filled in by the program are saved in a special section - a list of form cards. If you select a form card in the list, the fields of this page will be shown next to it in the program window, which can be edited offline by simply entering the required values ​​there. Essentially, a form card is the same web page with a form, but with a preserved structure.

In the batch information input mode, the program allows you to fill out online forms with standard data, and you can specify which data should be substituted from the profile and which should be entered manually.

Another interesting tool available in iNetFormFiller allows you to record every user action performed in the browser. In this mode of operation, the program remembers not only the fields filled in, but also every click on a link or button. You can remember almost any set of actions, and then simply reproduce it the required number of times, changing some parameters if necessary.

It should be noted that the program has flexible customization options. For each page, the program allows you to set your own settings, including various saving and filling options. Thanks to the functions of exporting and importing settings and saved profiles, the program database can be transferred to another computer.


Developer's website:
Distribution size: 1.8 MB
Status: Shareware

RoboForm's functionality sets this program apart from its peers, making it one of the best in its category.

This program also adds its own button to the browser toolbar. RoboForm can save the data you entered into web pages. In this case, the program stores this data in special records called pass cards. These pass cards can be used to fill out forms. And if you enter some data into forms on web pages, the program will be able to recognize your actions and offer you to save this data.

Using the person editor, you can manually save data for later use when filling out forms. The contents of the program database, pass cards, as well as the ability to add new entries to the program database can be protected with passwords.

If several users work with the program, each of them can set their own parameters for filling out forms.

It should be noted that the program has extensive customization options. For example, RoboForm allows you to completely customize the composition of the Internet Explorer context menu; you can also customize the key combinations used by the program to fill out forms.


Developer's website:
Distribution size: 1.59 MB
Status: Shareware

The program allows you to work with a large amount of different data to fill out web forms. The main inconvenience of working with the program is that for each form you need to create its own separate list of field values. And to fill out the form, you should select in the program the required list of field values ​​for it, prepared in advance. Therefore, using WebM8, it is quite difficult to fill out different web forms found on different web pages. But if you need to fill out the same forms, the program will be the ideal solution for you.

Excel has many techniques for quickly and efficiently filling cells with data. Everyone knows that laziness is the engine of progress. The developers know this too.

You have to spend most of your time filling out data on boring and routine work. For example, filling out a time sheet or an invoice, etc.

Let's look at the techniques of automatic and semi-automatic filling in Excel. And also what tools do spreadsheets have to make the user’s work easier? Let's learn to apply them in practice and find out how effective they are.

How to fill cells with the same values ​​in Excel?

First, let's look at how to autofill cells in Excel. For example, let's fill the half-empty original table.

This is a small plate for example only and could be filled out manually. But in practice, sometimes you have to fill out 30 thousand lines. In order not to fill out this initial table manually, you should create a formula to fill in the data in Excel - automatically. To do this, you should perform a series of sequential actions:

When filling out 30 thousand lines, it is impossible not to make mistakes. The above method not only saves effort and time, but also eliminates the occurrence of errors caused by the human factor.

Attention! In the 5th point, the table was filled out beautifully without errors, since our active cell was at address A2, after completing the 4th point. When using this method, be careful and keep track of where the active cell is located after selection. It is important where it will get its values ​​from.

Semi-automatically filling cells in Excel from a drop-down list

Now you can fill in empty cells in semi-automatic mode. It only has a few values ​​that are repeated in sequential or random order.

In the new source table, automatically fill in columns C and D with their corresponding data.

  1. Fill in the headings of columns C1 – “Date” and D1 – “Payment Type”.
  2. In cell C2, enter the date 07/18/2015
  3. In cells C2:C4 the dates are repeated. Therefore, select the range C2:C4 and press the key combination CTRL + D to automatically fill the cells with the previous values.
  4. Enter today's date in cell C5. To do this, press the key combination CTRL+; (semicolon on English keyboard layout). Fill in column C to the end of the table with current dates.
  5. Fill in the range of cells D2:D4 as shown in the figure below.
  6. In cell D5, enter the first letter “p”, and then there is no need to fill in the word. Just press the Enter key.
  7. In cell D6, after entering the first letter "n", the part of the word for auto-complete is not displayed. Therefore, press the ALT+(down arrow) combination to make the drop-down list appear. Using the keyboard arrows or mouse pointer, select the value “cash at the cash desk” and press Enter.

This semi-automatic method of data entry allows you to speed up and facilitate the process of working with tables several times.

Attention! If a value consists of several lines, then when you click on the ALT+(down arrow) combination, it will not be displayed in the drop-down list of values.

You can split the value into lines using the ALT+Enter key combination. Thus, the text is divided into lines within one cell.

Note. Please note how we entered the current date in step 4 using hot keys (CTRL+;). It is very comfortable! And when you press CTRL+SHIFT+; we get the current time.

Excel allows you to automatically populate worksheet cells with consecutive, logically related values, or with the same value in multiple table cells (even if the cells are not adjacent or are on different sheets).

1.1.1 Entering numbers, text, date or time of day. To perform these steps, click the cell in which you want to enter data, type the data, press Enter or the Tab key, and do one of the following:

- Enter numbers and text in a list.

1) Enter data into a cell in the first column and press the Tab key to move to the adjacent cell.

2) After entering data on the first line, press the Enter key to move to the beginning of the next line.

3) If the cell located at the beginning of the next line does not become active, select the menu command Tools Þ Options, and then the Edit tab (Fig. 1.1). In the Options group, select the Move to another cell after typing check box, and then select Down from the direction list.

- Entering the date. When entering a date, use a period or hyphen as a separator, for example 05/09/2002 or Jan-2002. To enter the current date, press Ctrl+; (semicolon).

- Waters of the time of day. To display the time of day in 12-hour format, enter the letter a or p separated by a space from the time value, for example 9:00 p.m. Otherwise, the time will be interpreted based on the 24-hour clock. To enter the current time, press Ctrl+Shift+: (colon).

1.1.2 Entering numbers with a fixed number of decimal places or trailing zeros. For this:

1) Select the menu command Tools Þ Options, and then open the Edit tab (see Fig. 1.1).

2) Check the Fixed decimal format as you enter checkbox.

3) In the digits box, enter a positive or negative number, which automatically multiplies the entered value by ten to the appropriate power.

Figure 1.1 – Edit tab of the Options dialog

For example, if you enter 3 in the digit box and then 2834 in the cell, the value will be 2.834. If you enter -3 in the digit box and then 283, the value will be 283000.

Changing the Fixed decimal format setting as you enter does not affect previously entered data. To avoid using the Fixed Decimal Format option for a given number when entering the number, enter a decimal point when you type the number.

1.1.3 Entering the same value in several cells at the same time. For this:

1) Select the cells in which you need to enter data. They don't have to be adjacent.

2) Enter the data and press Ctrl+Enter.

1.1.4 Entering and changing the same value on several sheets. If you select a group of worksheets, changes to one of them are applied to all selected worksheets. Data is subject to change. To complete these steps:

1) Select the sheets on which you want to enter data. To highlight:

- separate sheet Click the sheet tab. If the tab for the sheet you want is not visible, use the sheet scroll buttons to find the tab, and then click it;

- two or more adjacent sheets Click the first sheet's tab, and then Shift-click the last sheet's tab;

- two or more non-adjacent sheets click the tab of the first sheet, and then, while holding down the Ctrl key, click the tabs of the remaining sheets in sequence;

- all pages of the book Right-click a sheet's tab, and then select Select All Sheets from the context menu.

2) Select a cell or select a range of cells in which you want to enter data.

3) Enter or change the data in the first highlighted cell.

4) Press the Enter key or the Tab key.

1.1.5 Automatic completion of duplicate entries in a column. If the first few characters entered into a cell match the characters of an entry previously entered in this column, then the missing part of the set will be generated automatically. In Microsoft Excel, automatic entry occurs only for records that contain text or text combined with numbers. Entries consisting entirely of numbers, dates or times must be entered yourself.

To confirm the proposed option, press the Enter key. The completed entry is formatted exactly the same as the existing entry, including upper and lower case characters.

To replace automatically entered characters, continue entering yourself.

To delete automatically entered characters, press Backspace.

To select a value from a list of records that are already in a column, right-click, and then select Select from List from the context menu.

1.1.6 Filling a series of cells with numbers, dates or other elements. For this:

1) Select the first cell to fill.

2) Enter a starting value for the range of values.

3) Enter a value in the adjacent cell to define the fill pattern:

If you want to get the row 2, 3, 4, 5..., enter 2 and 3 in the first two cells. If you want to get the row 2, 4, 6, 8..., enter 2 and 4. If you want to get the row 2, 2, 2, 2..., you can leave the second cell empty;

To set the value series type, right-click the fill handle, and then choose the appropriate command from the context menu. For example, if the initial value is the date “Jan-2002”, then to obtain the series “Feb-2002”, “Mar-2002”, etc. select the Fill by month command, and to obtain the series “Jan-2003”, “Jan-2004”, etc. select the Fill by year command;

To control the creation of a series manually or use the keyboard to fill in a series of values, use the context menu command – Progression.

4) Select the cell or cells containing the initial values.

5) Drag a fill handle across the cells to be filled:

To fill in increasing order, drag the marker down or to the right;

To fill in decreasing order, drag the marker up or left.

1.1.7 Entering the same data into different worksheets. If the data was entered on one sheet, then it can be quickly copied to the corresponding cells of other sheets. For this:

1) Select the sheet containing the entered data and the sheets to which you want to copy it.

2) Select the cells containing the data you want to copy.

3) Select the menu command Edit Þ Fill Þ By sheets.