Random org random number generator. Random number generator (randomizer)

Promotion of VKontakte is one of the most pressing issues today. There are many ways to promote your page, and one of the most popular is holding competitions. But not all community leaders know about special programs that help conduct sweepstakes fairly, transparently and easily.
There is a special program for choosing a winner on VKontakte by repost, it’s called Random.app. If you need to honestly determine the winner, use it.

It is this kind of software that we will talk about today. You will learn what the essence of such programs is, what types exist and how to use them.

What opportunities do programs provide for VK competitions?

Services and programs for holding competitions on VKontakte are very convenient and useful tools.

In order to understand what capabilities programs should have, let's look at what types of competitions there are:

  • Creative competition. People submit their photos/videos, which must meet the conditions of the competition (for example, autumn theme) and the one who took the best photo/video wins a prize.
  • The most active participant. For a certain time, subscribers must be active in the group (like, repost, write comments). As a result, the most active participant is determined.
  • Raffle (lottery). In most cases, people must repost the community post that contains information about the giveaway and be subscribed to it. The winner is selected randomly from the list of participants. See article ““.

So, we figured out what kind of competitions there are. Now let's talk about programs.

No programs are required for creative competitions. If there are many participants, a few of the best photos/videos are determined by the public admin. And then a vote is held so that subscribers can choose the best work themselves.

The second type of event involves counting the activity of all participants. It is very difficult to manually count who has given how many likes and reposts, so services that can do all this quickly and easily come to the rescue. Such services can calculate statistics of walls, albums, groups, friends and much more. A little later we will tell you more about one of these services.

Raffles are the most commonly used type of competition, and therefore, the amount of software that offers to randomly determine the person who will receive a prize is simply off the charts. The main task of such programs is to maximize the chances of participants and randomize the determination of the winner. That is, the program must completely randomly select one person from the list of participants. Later in our article we will look at such services.

All programs are designed to simplify the work of competition organizers in VK. This is their main purpose.

TOP 5 programs

Competition organizers face a very large choice of which service to use. So that you do not waste your time searching, we present to your attention the 5 most popular and convenient services. If you use programs for VK competitions, then everything will be fair and a random person will win. To win big prizes, you should study our top programs for holding drawings in a group.

All of the programs described below are free and, most importantly, independent (that is, they do not cooperate with any group or public).


This project is intended to randomly select a winner. If you have such a need, randomPromo will help you with this. Here you can select a random person from subscribers or reposts of the specified post.

The service has two selection modes: instant and at a designated time. In both cases, a separate page for each draw is created. It can be indicated, for example, in the record that contains all the information about the event. Anyone can follow the link and verify the honesty of the summed up results.


One of the most popular projects for determining the winner in VKontakte sweepstakes. The service is very simple and is able to select one or more people absolutely randomly.

The selection criteria are as follows: by likes or reposts. You can also specify whether the participant must be subscribed to your community.


This service is intended for competitions for the most active member of the group. If you decide to hold such an event, then it is not at all necessary to count likes, reposts, and comments manually. SocialStats can do this for you.

On this site you can find out statistics:

  • Walls;
  • Photo albums;
  • Video recordings;
  • Popularity of groups;
  • Friends;
  • Personal correspondence.

In most cases, the first point is sufficient. Here the number of likes, reposts and comments left on the wall by each participant is calculated. As a result, you can see detailed statistics. Find out who is the most active and give him a prize.


The only service on our list that is not an online project. This is an application on VKontakte. The functionality is the same as other similar programs.

Random.app is able to identify random user(s) from among those who liked the specified post, reposted it, or among all subscribers of the community.

The convenience of this service is that it is located inside VK and there is no need to leave its confines. Already 1.5 million users use this application.


This is a site specializing in random games. There are many interesting tools here, one of which is determining the winner(s) of VK sweepstakes.

The peculiarity of the project is that there is an additional selection criterion - the city. That is, in addition to the fact that you choose a person based on likes/reposts and subscriptions, you can indicate the city where the winner should be from.

RandStuff can plan summaries for the future. You can specify a specific date and time, and the drawing will be held on the appointed day.

How to choose the winner of the drawing using programs?

So, above we described the 5 most popular services that help public managers and administrators conduct competitions.

If you need a good competition and the prizes are expensive, then use the programs.

The random method is the best way to determine the winner.

Let's look at how to select a random person using such programs (except SocialStats).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Go to one of the sites described above (or launch the application).
  2. Provide the URL of the post from which the winner will be selected.
  3. Select selection criteria (by likes, reposts or from among all subscribers).
  4. Select the number of winners.
  5. If possible and necessary, select a city and set a date and time.
  6. Start selection.

The selection system is almost the same everywhere, with the exception of certain nuances of each of the services (for example, a separate link in randomPromo or an indication of the city in RandomStuff).

Advantages and disadvantages

Sweepstakes programs are certainly a very useful and convenient tool. They have the following advantages:

  • For free. You don't have to pay to use them.
  • Safety. You do not provide any personal information and do not log in.
  • Independence. None of the services cooperates with any public pages or groups, which ensures an honest choice.
  • Transparency. You can always record a video of how the winner is determined, or provide a link to the drawing in your community.
  • Convenience. In just a couple of clicks you can find out the name of the person who will receive the promised prize.
  • Ability to select selection criteria (like, repost, subscribe).

Oddly enough, such services have no downsides. The only thing worth noting is the presence of scammers. This is perhaps the only drawback that can hardly be called a drawback. There are a lot of services out there and scammers take advantage of it. But using the software described above, you will never encounter them.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about programs for conducting. We tried to tell you as much as possible and show you the most convenient and popular services. Use them in your work. We hope the article was useful to you.

If you organized, you probably encountered the difficulty of choosing a random winner. As a rule, in such situations a popular service is used Random.org. You could see the corresponding screenshots with its results when announcing the winners of competitions held on VKontakte, etc. Today we propose to consider this project in a little more detail, especially since the number generator in Random is far from its only feature.

You will find a list of all functions on the main page. To conduct drawings in Random, you can use two types of services: paid and free. They are designated as FREE and PAID services. In the first case, you simply get the result. In the second method, it is additionally possible to save all the results + the service will create an official sampling protocol.

Many readers may argue, how does a computer (machine) manage to generate random numbers? And indeed, if we take the majority, then we are talking about pseudorandom variables, that is, the values ​​are calculated using mathematical functions, that is, in a predictable manner. The trick of this randomization service is that the information is read from atmospheric noise, which allows you to get truly random numbers.

Random.org was created in 1998 by Mads Haahr, a doctor at the Dublin School of Computer Science and Statistics. Now the project is actively used in lotteries, competitions, applications, science, etc.

In most cases, the free option is sufficient. The most important thing is to have a list of participants. At the same time, to draw prizes at Random.org, you can choose one of 2 trips:

  • through a random number generator;
  • using selection from lists;

Using a number generator form

Let's say on your computer you have a certain list of people taking part in a competition. On the right side of the main page you will find a widget where you will need to set parameters. In the minimum number field (Min) put one (1), in the maximum field - indicate the total number of participants. Next, click on the “Generate” button to generate the winning number.

By the way, just below on the main page there is an “Integer Generator” item, where you can generate a sequence of several random numbers in Random.org. There are a little more parameters there. This can be useful if you want to determine more than one winner in a giveaway.

Using a list generator

In the top menu, go to “Lists & more” and select the “List Randomizer” item (or find it on the main page). A new window will open in which you need to enter all your participants and click on the “Randomize” button. The program will produce a final list where the specified people will be placed randomly. The first person on the list is the winner.

In addition to sorting the list, the Random.org service will show the sampling time + your IP. You can take a screenshot of the screen and show it to participants so they can see that everyone was included in the list and the winner was chosen at the promised time.

In addition to these two Random.org generators, the project has several more interesting free features:

  • coin toss simulator;
  • random dice results;
  • lottery number generator;
  • forming a sequence of numbers (including non-repeating ones);
  • generating random strings of characters (and passwords);
  • using different random number functions;
  • obtaining arbitrary dates, geo coordinates and much more.

Paid service features

If there are large prizes involved or many people are involved, then you will be interested in paying for sampling so that the Random.org random number generator results are stored.

The price depends on the number of participants. If their number is less than five hundred people, then it will cost $4.95. If 1000 participants - $8.95. You can see more details in the screenshot:

Widgets for pages

In addition, the Random service offers additional tools. To view them, go to “web tools” in the top menu. The following options will be available here:

  1. Widgets for Your Pages. You can create widgets on this page. The system generates a special code that you place in your Internet project;
  2. API for Automated Clients. This page describes how to interface to Random.org via JSON-RPC;
  3. The HTTP API is used to display a random number in code;
  4. Banned Hosts. List of prohibited hosts.


So, the Random.org number generator is a great option for choosing the winner of a sweepstakes or competition. It will generate a random number based on the number of participants, plus you can choose one of the sampling methods - numerical value or list. In addition, when using the service, no one will doubt the presence of special “deceptive” squeaks that can affect the choice of the winner. In addition to the online version, there is also a Random generator application with various functions. In general, this is one of the iconic and really useful projects.

Anyone who tries to generate random numbers using arithmetic methods is, of course, living in sin.
- John von Neumann

Sequence Generator
Generates a sequence with all unique integers in a given range. Essentially what Collections.shuffle() does. For example, this is what a request to shuffle a deck of cards looks like:
String Generator
Generates a random string of a given size with the ability to select a set of characters (numbers, lower case, upper case). This is how, for example, you can generate a nickname for your character and a password:
Quota Checker
Well, as you already understand, all this is not free. Although no, they give a million free bits per day. This is more than enough. And in order to find out how much is left, you can use the following link:
If you clicked on the three previous links, then you have already spent ~1500 bits.
If the generation is successful, the server returns code 200, failure - code 503. That's all the errors.

A library was written for this API from five classes in Java, in which all the methods described above are called in a simple and understandable form.
// roll the dice IntegerGenerator ig = new IntegerGenerator(); ig.generate(1, 6, 2); // shuffle the cards SequenceGenerator sg = new SequenceGenerator(); sg.generate(1, 52); // new password StringGenerator strg = new StringGenerator(); strg.generate(12, 1, true, true, true, true); // how many bits are left QuotaChecker qc = new QuotaChecker(); qc.quota();

That seems to be all. On github you can download the source code and the lib with the original name randomorg(6 kilobytes).

A clear and convenient online number generator, which has recently become popular. It became most widespread during prize draws on social networks among users.

It is also popular in other areas. We also have either passwords and numbers.

Our online random number generator.

Our randomizer generator does not require downloading it to your personal PC. Everything happens in online number generator mode. Just specify parameters such as: online number range in which numbers will be randomly selected. Also indicate the number of numbers that will be selected.

For example, you have a VKontakte group. In the group you will win 5 prizes among the number of participants who repost the post. Using a special application, we received a list of participants. Each was assigned its own serial number for online numbers.

Now we go to our online generator and indicate the range of numbers (number of participants). For example, we set that 5 numbers are needed online, since we have 5 prizes. Now click the generate button. Then we get 5 random numbers online, ranging from 1 to 112 inclusive. The 5 numbers generated online will correspond to the serial number of the five participants who became the winners of the drawing. Everything is simple and convenient.

Another advantage of the random number generator is that all numbers online are issued randomly. That is, it is not possible to influence it, or to calculate what number will be next. What does it mean to say, honest and reliable, and the administration, which gives away prizes using our free generator, is honest and decent in the person of the competition participants. And if you are in doubt about any decision, then you can use our

Why is the random number generator the best?

The fact is that number generator online available on any device and always online. You can quite honestly generate any number for any idea you have. And use the same for the project random number generator online. Especially if you need to determine the winner of a game or for another number online. The fact is that random number generator generates any numbers completely randomly without algorithms. It's essentially the same as for numbers.

Random number generator online for free!

Random number generator online free for everyone. You don't need to download or buy any random number generator online for the draw. You just need to go to our website and get the random result you need. We not only have random number generator but also needed by many and will definitely help you win the lottery. A real online random number generator for lotteries is absolute randomness. Which our site is able to provide you with.

Random number online

If you are looking for a random number online, then we have created this resource just for you. We are constantly improving our algorithms. You will get the real one here random number generator. It will provide any needs like the random generator you need completely free of charge and at any time. Generate random numbers online with us. Always be sure that every number generated is completely random.

Random number generator

Our random number generator randomly selects numbers completely at random. It doesn't matter what day or hour you have on your computer. This is a real blind choice. The random generator simply shuffles all the numbers in a random order. And then it randomly selects the number of random numbers you specify from them. Sometimes numbers can be repeated, which proves the complete randomness of the random number generator.

Random online

Random is the surest option for a draw. The online generator is truly a random choice. You are protected from any influence on the selection of a random number. By filming the process of random online selection of the winner on video. That's all you need. Organize fair draws online with our online number generator. You get winners and satisfied players. And we are glad that we were able to please you with our random generator.