VKontakte verification - how to pass it (instructions). The Nimses network launched verification and announced a legal music service How to get verified in nemesis

VKontakte verification is a check of a page or group for authenticity and compliance with the person or organization behind it. Verified groups and pages are ranked higher in VKontakte search than non-verified ones, and the presence of a checkmark located to the right of the community name or person’s name is confirmation that this is not a clone.

How to pass verification on VKontakte?

First of all, it is worth saying that not everyone has the right to assign a “blue daw”. In the official group Official VKontakte pages it is written in detail who can receive official status and who cannot. In short, to obtain official status and successfully pass verification, you must be a famous person (singer, musician, blogger with a huge audience, TV presenter, etc.), or be an official representative of a company with a registered trademark and have the appropriate documents with you that give you have the right to represent the company in the media, etc.

VKontakte verification step by step

1. Go to page https://vk.com/support?act=new&from=sg and fill in the fields as follows. Or first go to the page https://vk.com/page-22079806_49614259, and then click on “ apply for verification"(see screenshot below)

2. In the title of the message, indicate “Application for VKontakte Verification.”

3. In the description, briefly describe the situation. Be sure to include a link to the group or personal page for which you are receiving official status. Be sure to attach scans of documents confirming your identity, and also (if you represent a brand), attach relevant documents confirming the registration of the trademark, as well as that you have the ability to represent this organization. More information can be found here, as well as in the official VKontakte group dedicated to this issue.

Registered in the increasingly popular Nimses mobile application. I'm telling you about my first impressions.

Briefly about Nimses

This is a Ukrainian project that is most similar to Instagram. Here you can also post photos with filters and geolocations. A distinctive feature here is the internal currency - nims.

Invite\invitation\promo code

If you need an invite, here is the code: aa8dqgguve. By registering with this promo code, you will receive 1440 nims.

Verification in Nimses

The application asks for proof that you are really you. To do this, you must be verified by six verified users. If you don’t have such friends, then where can you find them? For example, in In contact with you will be verified for a small number of nims (50-100). I did this one there, and no one cheated even once. You can also try writing to strangers. After confirmation you will receive Human status.

My impressions of this social network. networks

The application is still clearly crude and not optimized, because... I encountered a lot of glitches and shortcomings. Firstly, I was able to receive an SMS confirming registration only the next day. The iPhone gets extremely hot when using the app. I can't send private messages to many users.

But the philosophy of this site itself is quite interesting and, in my opinion, has a future. Yes, while nims are not provided with anything. For now it's a dummy. But if the developers manage to maintain the hype that is now swirling around their brainchild, then it can have real value. I heard that Nimses allegedly works on the blockchain, but I did not find any evidence of this. Most likely, people simply confused cryptocurrencies and nims. I liked the filters that can be applied to photos. They are similar to the filters from the VSCO app.

Register using my code aa8dqgguve, even if you are not going to actively use this social network. network. Every minute you will be credited with one nim. In the future, it will probably be possible to buy real goods and services with them. When you save enough money, you can buy something for yourself. Add to your loved ones! My nickname: pachvo. I'll add it in response)

Like many social networks, Instagram has a special attribute of account authenticity. This is the so-called blue tick. It is quite difficult to obtain this distinction, but there are several ways to achieve your goal. We will tell you more about how to make a blue checkmark part of your name on Instagram and why it is needed later in the article.

What does the blue tick mean on Instagram?

Since social networks do not require special data to confirm identity during registration, a situation is possible when a person tries on the identity of another person. This often happens to popular people. Not the most pleasant situation, because an anonymous person can say absolutely any thing on someone else’s behalf and simply misinform other users.

The Internet service support team comes to the rescue. They place a special insignia next to the nickname of the official account of a person or organization - this is a blue tick. The presence of this symbol on the Internet is a kind of badge of honor and for a large number of people a reason to consider you important in the Internet space.

By the way, about registration. If for some reason you need to refresh your memory, this article will help you with this.

What is account verification?

Instagram account verification is a process as a result of which, after confirming your identity, you will be assigned the coveted “tick”.

Instagram representatives will ask celebrities and popular companies for copies of documents confirming authenticity. You will only need to send the necessary information in response to the email. The procedure is quite rare and is carried out manually by the resource administration.

However, the profiles of many celebrities still remain without a distinctive sign. Therefore, if you have not received your “tick”, do not be upset and especially do not trust people on the network who promise to provide your account with this symbol for a monetary reward.

How to get a tick on Instagram

If you still want to acquire such a popular icon on social networks, but are not a media personality and do not represent any large organization, you will have to take the initiative yourself.

There are several ways to get a tick:

  1. To implement the first method, you will have to wander around the Instagram settings a little, but it won’t take much time:
  • Open your profile on a social network.
  • Select "Options".
  • In the “Support” tab, find and click the “Report a problem” button.

After all these actions, little remains to be done. You need to wait for a support response. In the best case, you will receive a return email in a couple of days.

If your request was not approved by the network administration, try to do it later, when you gain more subscribers. As your account activity increases, the situation may change for the better.

  1. The second method is intended for those who have a certain audience and verification in other social networks. All that remains is to link them to your Instagram profile:
  • open your profile page and click the “Options” button;
  • in the “Settings” tab, select “Linked accounts”;
  • click on the button associated with the required Internet platform;
  • Expect an email from the Instagram administration regarding further actions.
  1. There is a third way. However, it is a fleeting bug in the system that will disappear immediately after refreshing the page. It consists of copying the code of the “checkmark” element into your nickname.

Of course, you can take a screenshot and show off to your friends, but then the blue “tick” will disappear from your account name as quickly as it appeared there.


Remember that having a sign next to your name does not make what you do better. Improve your skills and level up your content until the check mark becomes a nice addition. After all, the purpose of this symbol is to identify the real author, and not to determine the author himself.