Tabs open in one window. How to prevent new tabs from opening

To pin a tab, simply right clickcontrol click on it and select Pin a tab.

To pin multiple tabs at once: Select the required tabs (by Ctrl-clicking or Command-clicking on each tab), then right clickcontrol click one of them and select Pin tabs.

Adding tabs to bookmarks

Select the tab you want to bookmark, then right clickcontrol click on the tab and select Add a tab to bookmarks.

To bookmark multiple tabs at once: Select the ones you need (by Ctrl-clicking or Command-clicking on each one), then right clickcontrol click one of them and select Add tabs to bookmarks.... Give your new bookmarks folder a name and choose which folder to store it in. Click Add to bookmarks to finish.

To bookmark all open tabs at once: Select Bookmarks from the menu.

Right-click on any of the tabs and select Bookmark all tabs... from the context menu.Right-click on any of these tabs, select Select all tabs from the context menu, then right-click on any tab and select Add tabs to bookmarks.... Give your new bookmarks folder a name and choose which folder to store it in. Click Add to bookmarks to finish.

  • Hotkeys: You can also click Ctrl + Shift + Dcommand + Shift + D to bookmark all open tabs at once.

More information about bookmarks can be found in the article

For most of us, the browser is the most popular and most frequently launched program on the computer. We use it to listen to music, watch movies, check email and so on. And although browsers are updated almost every week, they still have a lot of problems. One of them is that it is not the most convenient to work with a large number of tabs.

In fact, working with tabs is like that joke about cats. Don't you like cats? You just don't know how to cook them. You just need to learn how to work with tabs and use the browser functions suitable for this. And you will not be able to understand how you lived before.

Keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)

Hotkeys are a very convenient way to manage tabs. Especially when the tabs become so tiny that they are even awkward to click on.

  • Ctrl+Tab- switch between tabs to the right side.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- switch between tabs to the left.
  • Ctrl + W / Cmd + W on Mac- close the active tab.

These are just a few combinations that will allow you to quickly switch between tabs. Keyboard shortcuts exist. And some of them may force you to use your keyboard instead of your mouse to manage your tabs.

Remembering open tabs

When you constantly switch between a browser and another program, there is a chance that you may accidentally close the browser, and then you will have to open everything again. And it’s good if you remember what you had open. A browser feature that allows you to remember which tabs were open before closing it can save you from all this headache.

Enable this feature and thereby free yourself from unnecessary work in the future:

  • Google Chrome: Settings → Starter group → Continue from the same place.
  • Firefox: Settings → General → When Firefox starts → Show windows and tabs last opened.
  • Apple Safari: Settings → General → Safari opens at startup → All windows from the last session.

Adding Tabs to Favorites

Another quick way to save open tabs so you can work with them later is to add them to a separate folder under Bookmarks. To do this, right-click on the tab and select “Add tabs to favorites.” The name of the item may vary in different browsers, but it is easy to understand that this is exactly the item you need. As a result, a folder with the site addresses you need will appear in your bookmarks. Next, right-click on this folder, select “Open all bookmarks” - all tabs are again in front of us.

Sorting tabs into separate browser windows

Who said that all tabs must be in one browser window? You can sort your tabs across different windows. For example, you can move all the tabs that relate to one project to one browser window, and everything related to entertainment to another, and so on. Just drag the tab to an empty space on your desktop and a new window will open. Another way is to right-click on a link or bookmark and select “Open in new window” from the list.

Selecting multiple tabs at once

You can perform various actions not with one tab, but with several at once. But to do this, you first need to select these same tabs. Hold down the Ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) and select the tabs you currently need. That's it, now you can close them, reload them, add them to bookmarks, and so on.

Pin tabs

Modern browsers from good developers have a wonderful “Pin Tab” feature. This is very convenient if you keep one or another tab open all the time. For example, this could be a tab with Gmail or a music service. Once you pin a tab, it will be more difficult to close and will take up less space on the tab bar. Just right-click on the tab and select the desired item from the list.

Restoring a closed tab

Sometimes it turns out that you accidentally close a tab that you didn’t mean to close at all. Your hand twitched or you changed your mind at the moment of closing - anything can happen. To open this tab again, you can, of course, go to your browser history and find this site. Or you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T (or Cmd + Shift + T on Mac in Chrome and Firefox and Cmd + Z in Safari) to bring back this tab. You can also right-click on any tab in your browser.

Tab Groups in Firefox

Almost five years ago, developers added Firefox to the browser very cool feature, which is called “Tab Groups”, or “Panorama”. She practically performs the trick described above. We are talking about using different browser windows for tabs. Only here all this is done more beautifully, and you don’t need to create a lot of windows. A couple of clicks and you’ve already switched to working on another project or, conversely, having fun after work. To launch tab groups, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + E or Cmd + Shift + E on Mac.

I hope that now your work with more browser tabs will be a little easier.

You can work on your computer faster if you optimally arrange your browser windows and tabs.

How to quickly switch between windows

Press and hold the key Alt. Then press and hold Tab until the desired window opens.

How to view two windows at the same time

Advice. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Alt + [ or Alt + ] to position the window on the left or right, respectively.

How to open and close windows or tabs

How to resize a window

How to rearrange tabs and pin them

You can place tabs with similar information side by side or open any of them in a new window. Tabs that are used regularly, for example to check email, can be pinned.

  • To swap tabs, drag any of them to the desired location in the current browser window.
  • To open a tab in a new window, drag it outside the browser. If you move the tab to another browser window, it will open in that browser window. Otherwise, the tab will open in a new window.
  • To pin a tab, right-click on it and select Pin a tab. It will appear on the left side of the browser window and will be smaller than the other tabs.

One of the site visitors asked how open link in new HTML window. In this article I will answer this question.

What you will need

The visitor did not specify which editor he uses, so we will assume that it works directly in HTML. But this does not mean that you cannot follow these instructions if you use any visual editor to create a website. You'll just need to access the page layout. Most editors and blogging platforms allow you to manually edit the HTML code.

For example, if you're working in Expression Web, you can edit the page code by switching to "Code Mode" ( Code mode).

How to set links to open in a new tab or new browser window

Change it to look like this:

Now, when users click on this link, it will open in a new window or tab ( depending on what browser they are using and how it is configured).

Please note that if you are using a DOCTYPE with strict XHTML 1.0 or 1.1 syntax, you will not be able to use the above code and have the page validated at the same time. But I suspect that no one uses these standards. The "transitional" versions of these standards for opening in a new HTML window are fine for us, and they also support the target attribute.

If you're working in Expression Web, Dreamweaver, BlueGriffon, or KompoZer, click on the link you want to edit, go into HTML edit mode, and add the target="_blank" attribute.

This method doesn't have many advantages.

Many new webmasters think that by opening links in a new window, users are less likely to leave the site. This is fundamentally wrong. If someone clicks on a link and then wants to return to your site, they will simply click the "Back" button. Even the least technically savvy people will learn about this function immediately after getting acquainted with the Internet. Advanced users also know that you can use the “ Open link in new tab" (or " Open link in new window»).

By creating links that open in a new window, you prevent users from returning to your site. It may seem that they will easily return to the first window with your site. My experience is that this is not the case - people are confused by the back button not working. They don't even suspect that there is a new tab or a new window in front of them. When they can't quickly return to the previous page, they simply give up and move on to other resources.

Experienced users fare no better. They are very annoyed by your site’s “habit” of opening new windows without permission. That's why they are experienced users - if they wanted to open a new tab, they would do it themselves, and they don't like it at all that they do it without their consent. It's even worse if all your links open in a new window.

The site becomes vulnerable to phishing attacks

If you use the HTML open in new window button using target="_blank" , the site that the link leads to has access to the window/tab containing your page and can replace its content.

Not only will this not keep users on the site ( if you opened new tabs specifically for this purpose), but will also endanger visitors. For example, if you have a user login page, the site located on the link can replace it with a copy of yours, but at the same time collecting user logins and passwords. This type of attack is called “phishing”.

And this is not a theoretical vulnerability. Google security experts noted “ a significant number of messages» about such interception of tabs for the purpose of introducing malicious software.

For those who are interested - technical details. The site opened in a new window accesses your page through the window.opener object in JavaScript. This is a read/write object that can be manipulated. Among other things, you can change the window.opener.location property and force the browser to go to the new address to open the image in a new HTML window.

Some browsers allow you to prevent this behavior by adding a rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute to the link. The example given at the beginning of the article would look like this:

In theory, both rel="noopener" and rel="noreferrer" should be enough to protect against such an attack when opening the page in a new HTML window. In this case, it is more correct to use the rel=”noopener” attribute, since rel=”noreferrer” has a side effect - the browser will not transmit the URL of the request source to the site. But at the moment, not all browsers support the rel="noopener" attribute. Likewise, rel="noreferrer" is not supported by some browsers. Therefore, if you want to protect users of as many browsers as possible, you will probably need to use both attributes.

However, this technique only works on current versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Internet Explorer does not support this function, although I quickly checked version 11 of IE, and it seems to be protected from such an attack with the default security settings. I can’t say for sure about the Microsoft Edge browser.

In other words, the method described above cannot be called one hundred percent protection. The best way to avoid this problem is to use normal links without the target="_blank" attribute.


A general recommendation is to avoid opening tabs in a new HTML window if possible. Of course, in some cases this cannot be avoided. In this situation, you can warn site visitors that “ Link opens in a new window" This won't help the average user much and won't protect them from phishing attacks through your site, but at least it won't annoy more experienced users.

It is often more convenient, when you see a link on the page you are viewing, to open it in a new browser tab so as not to leave the page from which you are making the transition. What needs to be done so that when you click on a link, it opens in a new browser tab?

There are probably two answers here:
1. When writing a link code, how can you make it so that it always opens in a new tab?
2. How can I open any link on any page of any site (even this one) with one click in a new browser tab?

The first problem is solved by using the "target" attribute with the value "_blank" in the HTML code of the link. When you click on such a link with the left mouse button, it will open in a new tab. (I wanted to show an example code for such a link, but the editor won’t give it; however, those who write links themselves understand what I’m talking about, but those who don’t write don’t need it.)

If you see a link on a page and want to view it without leaving the page where it is located, but in a new tab, then to do this you need to click on this link once, not with the left button, as usual, but with the mouse wheel - from such a click any link will open in a new tab.
You can, of course, right-click on it and select “Open link in a new tab,” but using the wheel is cooler - it will immediately be clear that you are an advanced user.



I would like to add that advanced users use not only the mouse for such operations, but also the keyboard, with some key combinations.
If the author adds the answer himself, it will be good. If not, I’ll write myself how to open new tabs using the keyboard :-).

This is not about opening a new tab (for example, Ctrl+T), but about opening the link you need in it, located in an arbitrary place on the page. And the hotkeys are different in different browsers. But opening a link with them not from the address bar, but from the text of the page - this, in my opinion, is not advanced, but sucks - it takes two hands at once (you need to hold down the Ctrl key) and requires searching through links throughout the page, for example, using the Tab keys . It’s easier to just press the wheel, agree. It’s not for nothing that the mouse is considered one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century... Of course, I could give links to directories of hot keys for different browsers, but this is not relevant to the question. However, if you want, write your answer, maybe it will be useful to someone...

Still, I would like to add. Some users (like me) access the Internet from laptops that do not have a mouse with a wheel (although one can be purchased separately), but rather a touchpad.

In the Opera browser, you can open a link in a new tab by clicking on it (with your mouse, touchpad, or something else) while holding Shift or Ctrl. Shift opens the active tab, that is, you go to it immediately after opening. Ctrl opens a tab that you can return to later. (You can switch between tabs in most browsers using Ctrl+Tab.) In Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, clicking on a link with Ctrl opens it in a new tab, and with Shift it opens it in a new window.