Ask a question to Anatoly Wasserman. The whole truth about Anatoly Wasserman (60 fun facts)

I haven't laughed like that for a long time. A must read for everyone.
You can find out more about who Anatoly Wasserman is.

1. Anatoly Wasserman keeps dead kittens and hamsters in his many pockets.
2. Anatoly Wasserman - father of Nikolai Valuev.
3. Anatoly Wasserman has 7 brains, one in his head, 5 stuffed in his pockets and one in his beard.
4. Anatoly Wasserman was photographed having sex with Valeria Novodvorskaya. Scandals! Intrigue! Investigations!
5. Anatoly Wasserman’s vest weighs 70 kg and contains 354 items. Among other things, he always carries with him a pocket astrolabe and a scale model of the Universe.
6. Anatoly Wasserman's brain is the only thing in the Universe that Chuck Norris needs.
7. Anatoly Wasserman does not need the Internet, he has memory.
8. Wasserman's vest has a metal frame built into it to support a 30-kilogram brain. The friend uses his nostrils for these purposes.
9. After Armageddon, survivors will hear Wasserman's voice from the sky. He'll say, "Calm down, Chuck. Someone's going to have to fix all this."
10. When the Internet breaks down, you can connect to Anatoly Wasserman and restore him from the cache.
11. Five minutes of contemplating a photograph of Anatoly Wasserman increases iq by 30%.
12. When Anatoly eats a man's brain, he gains all his knowledge.
13. Anatoly Wasserman never eats mushrooms, because any mushroom could turn out to be Anatoly Wasserman. But Anatoly Wasserman does not like recursion.
14. Anatoly Wasserman’s glasses, among other things, see in the infrared and x-ray spectrum. Therefore, he is not lying when he says that he sees right through his interlocutor.
PS. Chuck Norris sometimes borrows them to fight air terrorism, to look at naked women at the airport.
15. Chuck Norris always calls Anatoly Wasserman before going to bed.
16. In his distant childhood, Anatoly Wasserman wore tights with 15 pockets.
17. Anatoly Wasserman wipes his butt with punch cards.
18. Out of habit, my wife still calls Wasserman Sauron the Great.
19. If you pull Wasserman’s beard three times and make a wish, Nikolai Valuev will immediately appear and punch you in the face.
20. Anatoly Wasserman’s hamster received a second higher education.
21. Anatoly is just waiting for his hamster to win the Nobel Prize and then eat his brain.
22. The FSB keeps a hair from the beard of Anatoly Wasserman as a standard of nanotechnology.
23. Wasserman works at Wikipedia free time.
24. Google fits in Wasserman’s cerebellum.
25. Google and Wikipedia are just small special cases of Anatoly’s fleeting thoughtfulness.
26. Early answer by Anatoly Wasserman is the only case of exceeding the speed of light in the macrocosm.
27. Anatoly Wasserman reads books in the infrared range at speeds of up to 1250 Mbit/s at a distance of up to 900 meters.
28. Anatoly Wasserman is loved by pickpockets.
29. Vladimir Putin and George Bush are just pawns in Anatoly Wasserman’s insidious game.
30. During his school years, Grisha Perelman bet Tolya Wasserman on the Alyonka chocolate bar in a dispute about the bosonic model of string theory.
31. Few people know that Anatoly Wasserman invented and patented 258 recipes for his favorite buckwheat pancakes.
32. Anatoly Wasserman's hamster heads the Microsoft corporation.
33. Wasserman carries artifacts in the pockets of his vest.
In particular, it became known that he has:
artifact +500% to memory –90% to libido and
artifact +6 to intelligence –10 to agility.
34. It was Anatoly Wasserman who invented borscht and holidays in Egypt.
35. Chuck Norris is Anatoly Wasserman's hamster in makeup.
36. Wasserman believes that “42” is an overly lengthy answer to main question Life, the Universe and everything
37 Anatoly lost his virginity while having sex with a highly loaded Pentagon server.
38. When Anatoly Wasserman spoils the air in an office building, typists begin typing 30% faster.
39. In the program What? Where? When? They don’t like Wasserman, especially Druz. Sometimes he calls him in the evening and starts saying all sorts of nasty things in a woman’s voice. But Wasserman listens to everything; his upbringing does not allow him to interrupt the woman or end the conversation first.
40. Anatoly Wasserman can scan a barcode with his eyes and burn a DVD.
41. Chuck is actually Anatoly's imaginary evil twin. When, as a child, Anatoly was scolded for writing “loser” on Einshein’s portrait again, he always said: “It’s not me, it’s Chuck!”
42. Even Anatoly Wasserman himself does not know whether he invented the Universe, or whether the Universe invented Wasserman.
43. Anatoly Wasserman doesn’t poop.
44. In pocket number zero, Anatoly Wasserman keeps a list of the contents of all pockets. And in pocket number one is its backup.
45. Anatoly Wasserman’s fingerprints are Mandelbrot fractals.
46. ​​In Japanese, the surname Wasserman is written in two characters, one meaning “brain” and the other “almighty.”
47. Dumbledore and Gandalf were created solely to prepare children and teenagers for the fact of the existence of Anatoly Wasserman.
48. Anatoly Wasserman’s beard fits two liters of borscht.
49. Anatoly Wasserman posed naked in the spread of the magazine “Popular Mechanics”.
50. In fact, Wasserman braids his beard at night, becomes Grebenshchikov and writes songs for him.
51. When Anatoly Wasserman wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t go there, but moves the universe towards himself.
52. When Anatoly Wasserman wants sex, he simply develops a new theorem, which then affects the entire scientific world.
53. When Anatoly Wasserman gets bored, he archives the Universe.
54. Scientists do not yet realize that the Big Bang is the orgasm of Anatoly Wasserman.
55. Anatoly Wasserman is able to divide by zero!
56. At first there was a beard and a vest, which over time was acquired by Anotoliy Wasserman.
57. Anatoly Vassrman is the only person in the world who can prove his point of view to a Chatbot.
58. Artemy Lebedev is the immaculately conceived son of Anatoly Wasserman.
59. Anatoly Wasserman beat Alexandra Pakhmutova in Pakhmut.
60. Nostradamus predicted that in 2017 the Earth will be filled with Wasserman's pockets and humanity will perish.

  1. The Wasserman reaction is currently one of the main methods for diagnosing syphilis at any stage and has great value V practical work dermatovenerologists. It was invented by August Wasserman in 1906. Of course, as always, he had nothing to do with it. Think about it. Also, a positive manifestation of this reaction is possible in a patient who does not suffer from syphilis. In particular, believe it or not, with lupus.
  2. There is a song Everyday I"m Hustling (Rick Ross) that seems to hint at Onotole.
  3. In September 2013, in the remote African tribe of Mangbetu at an altitude of 1600m above sea level, a 4-year-old boy was found who did not know about Anatoly Wasserman. He immediately went from the main list to the black list mobile phone Onotole.
  4. Only Anatoly Wasserman collected ALL the Pokemon!
  5. Anatoly Wasserman has 7 brains: one in his head, 5 stuffed in his pockets and one in his ass (he is very strong in hindsight). All of them are combined into a quantum computing cluster fiber optic network. There is information that Anatoly has 8 brains, the eighth is a backup and is at home just in case. Rumor has it that there are 9 more brains deep in the beard. It accounts for approximately 5% of Wasserman's intelligence. Unfortunately, this fact remains unproven, since when approaching closer than 100 meters to the beard, it begins to crush anyone with intellect and eventually telepathically subjugates this lower mind.
  6. The Large Hadron Collider is Anatoly Wasserman's favorite children's toy.
  7. Anatoly Wasserman's vest weighs 70 kg and contains 354 items (355 in leap years). Among other things, he always carries with him a pocket astrolabe and a life-size scale model of the Universe.
  8. Anatoly Wasserman does not need the Internet, he has memory.
  9. Wasserman's vest has a metal frame built into it to support a 30-kilogram brain. The friend uses his nostrils for these purposes. For the same purposes, Alexander Liber uses Alexander Ediger.
  10. When the Internet breaks down, you can connect to Anatoly Wasserman and restore him from the cache.
  11. Five minutes of contemplating a photograph of Anatoly Wasserman increases IQ by 30%.
  12. Anatoly Wasserman never eats mushrooms, because any mushroom could turn out to be Anatoly Wasserman. And Anatoly Wasserman does not like recursion.
  13. Anatoly Wasserman's glasses, among other things, see in the infrared and x-ray spectrum. Therefore, he is not lying when he says that he sees right through his interlocutor.
  14. Anatoly Wasserman's glasses won against the obstetrician in chess.
  15. In his distant childhood, Anatoly Wasserman wore tights with 15 pockets.
  16. Wasserman can speak assembly language. And sing.
  17. The FSB keeps a hair from the beard of Anatoly Wasserman as a standard of nanotechnology.
  18. Wasserman works on Wikipedia in his free time.
  19. Anatoly invented some world religions in his free time, but out of modesty he calls himself an atheist.
  20. All of Google fits in Wasserman's cerebellum.
  21. Wikipedia is just special case Anatoly's fleeting thoughtfulness.
  22. Anatoly Wasserman's early answer is the only case of exceeding the speed of light in the macrocosm.
  23. Anatoly Wasserman reads books in the infrared range at speeds of up to 1250 Mbit/s at a distance of up to 900 meters.
  24. During his school years, Grisha Perelman bet Tolya Wasserman on an Alyonka chocolate bar in a dispute about the bosonic model of string theory.
  25. Few people know that Anatoly Wasserman invented and patented 256 recipes for his favorite buckwheat pancakes.
  26. Wasserman carries artifacts in the pockets of his vest. In particular, it became known that he has:
    • artifact +500% to memory and −90% to libido,
    • artifact +6 to intelligence and −10 to agility.
  27. Wasserman believes that “” is an overly lengthy answer to the main question of Life, the Universe and in General.
  28. Unlike Julius Caesar, who could also do several things at once, but his eyes simply looked at one point, Anatoly Wasserman can scan a barcode with one eye and burn a two-layer, double-sided DVD+R with the other, and both sides in one passage
  29. Even Anatoly Wasserman himself does not know whether he invented the Universe, or whether the Universe invented Wasserman.
  30. In pocket number zero, Anatoly Wasserman keeps a list of the contents of all pockets. And in pocket number one is its backup.
  31. Anatoly Wasserman's fingerprints are Mandelbrot fractals.
  32. When Anatoly Wasserman gets bored, he archives the Universe.
  33. Anatoly Wasserman is able to divide by zero and although the result always turns out different, he remembers them all!
  34. At first there was a beard and a vest, which over time was acquired by Anatoly Wasserman.
  35. Anatoly Wasserman is the only person in the world who can prove his point of view to a Chatbot.
  36. Wasserman's beard is a prototype of the global web.
  37. Anatoly Wasserman hides a USB connector under his beard to quietly download information from the encyclopedia.
  38. Anatoly Wasserman reads the entire Abyss in 1 minute.
  39. Anatoly Wasserman - deputy. head of the Internet.
  40. We are all Anatoly Wasserman's midday dream.
  41. Anatoly Wasserman always takes Britannica or Brockhaus and Efron with him on a walk, just so he has something to read on the subway.
  42. Anatoly Wasserman knows the word that was in the beginning.
  43. Wasserman is not sleeping. He makes a memory backup with his eyes closed.
  44. Anatoly Wasserman's glasses are made from spare lenses from the Edwin Hubble Orbital Telescope. Therefore, the telescope had to use mirrors.
  45. In one hour of work, Anatoly Wasserman’s brain consumes energy that would be enough to heat three kindergartens for 9.8 days.
  46. In one of Anatoly Wasserman's pockets there is a Klein bottle, so Onotole is topomorphic and topological.
  47. Instead of exercising in the morning, Anatoly Wasserman plays chess with his reflection in the mirror. AND ALWAYS (but every time SUDDENLY) wins.
  48. There is no chin behind Anatoly Wasserman’s beard; there is another pocket there.
  49. Anatoly Wasserman does not know the meaning of the phrase “Anatoly Wasserman does not know.”
  50. If you ask Anatoly Wasserman whether he knows the meaning of the phrase “Anatoly Wasserman does not know”, there is a chance that he may freeze.
  51. Canadian prototype quantum computer- this is Tetris lost by Anatoly Wasserman.
  52. Wasserman writes his diary in assembler.
  53. FIDE paid Wasserman on time. That's why chess is still not solved.
  54. Anatoly’s brain can compile and disassemble 128-bit applications, including for architectures that have not yet been created.
  55. All of Anatoly’s brains are combined into a raid array, and his beard works as a bundle of waveguides.
  56. Anatoly Wasserman can express infinity prime numbers. And two.
  57. In one of Anatoly's pockets there is a portable hadron collider.
  58. God created Anatoly on the first day of the creation of the world in order to consult and clarify several issues for himself.
  59. Anatoly immediately pointed out the mistakes to God and proposed an alternative project for the universe - as a result, this project became the main one.
  60. Anatoly Wasserman is 80% brain and 20% beard
  61. Wasserman created the captcha.
  62. The universe emerged from the Monstrous Scream of Onotole (MVO). The Big Bang Theory is a modern falsification.
  63. IN elementary school Anatoly Wasserman, in the margins of his essay “How I Spent the Summer,” gave a proof of Fermat’s theorem.
  64. Anatoly knows exactly what came first - the chicken or the egg. But he won't tell you for free.
  65. Anatoly Wasserman has been wearing a chastity belt since childhood. But he has no idea about it.
  66. Anatoly Wasserman came up with all the colloquial and not spoken languages universe, as well as assembler.
  67. Anatoly Wasserman is the author of “Own Game”. However, the subject himself is sure that he just comes to chat before bed with his estranged son Petya Kuleshov-Wasserman.
  68. Anatoly's Beard has not seen a razor blade since 1982, so we can conclude that Anatoly's Beard is older than Timati.
  69. Anatoly Wasserman has set all world records, but hides this in order to give the neonotoleans a head start.
  70. God is just the nickname of the moderator bot, written by Onotole during a smoke break. Stands for "Beard of Onotole the Genius."
  71. Anatoly Wasserman knows ALL Matan.
  72. Anatoly Wasserman created his own test, after passing which he received 0 points.
  73. Sometimes Onotole plays Monopoly with God. Onotole always wins, resulting in another global financial crisis.
  74. Anatoly Wasserman knows exact value the numbers π by heart, by pronouncing the numbers out loud he can go for a walk into the past and even into the future.
  75. Scientists are hiding that blueprints for the Large Hadron Collider were found in Anatoly Wasserman’s beard. The purpose of the collider is unknown, there are only assumptions and conjectures.
  76. Only narrow specialists know that Wasserman's Beard is the only manifestation of superstring theory available for direct study. However, Anatoly does not allow you to study his beard without explaining the reasons.
  77. Anatoly Wasserman invented indirect recursion and used it for his own training: every morning he writes Artificial Intelligence, much smarter than Anatoly Wasserman. Every evening Artificial intelligence writes a new, much smarter Anatoly Wasserman.
  78. If you are lucky enough to be close to Anatoly Wasserman, then his brain can be used as free point Wi-Fi with a flow rate of 12.7 terabits/s
  79. Onotole deciphered his DNA code and lengthened the chain three times, but lost the piece of paper on which he wrote in one of his pockets. Now his DNA will never be deciphered.
  80. Anatoly Wasserman has the only mind capable of absorbing Black holes and returning from the singularity.
  81. There is a rumor that when Anatoly Wasserman divides himself by zero, the End of the World will come.
  82. Rumor has it that Anatoly Wasserman taught Yoda the Jedi art. Moreover, before the start of training, Yoda was a tall, slender blond with blue eyes. Onotoly himself studied with Darth Revan, and is therefore invincible.
  83. Anatoly Wasserman’s height is 178 cm. And in an erudite state, 193 (originally the joke from “PPH” referred to Druz) (or PPH squeezed in the joke, which is more likely).
  84. Wasserman knows what the most equals large number. And this number is Onotole. It is encrypted in the total length of his beard hair.
  85. The lawn mower went through a long and thorny path to get the right to care for Wasserman's beard.
  86. Wasserman once learned to play golf and lost about two dozen balls. This is how the planets and their satellites arose in the solar system.
  87. Somehow, thinking about something, Wasserman did not notice how he took all the existing integrals (and put them in the pocket of his vest).
  88. When preparing buckwheat pancakes, Wasserman arranges 2^64-1 grains on a chessboard (based on the principle of the legend of the Raja and the Brahmin).
  89. There are 2^32 dominoes sewn on the inside of Wasserman's vest. By spreading it out in the pavilions, he wins all the competitions using the domino principle (which he organizes, and then takes away the dominoes of all the losing participants in his pockets).
  90. When Wasserman collects 2^64 dominoes, the end of the world will come.
  91. When Wasserman dies and goes to travel to other Universes, the average IQ of Russians will decrease several times.
  92. Onotole easily takes integrals that cannot be taken. Onotole - hussar!!1
  93. Few people know that Onotole Beard (BO) controls his speech apparatus. It is thanks to this circumstance that Wasserman philosophizes on abstract topics from time to time.
  94. According to some information, Beard Onotole (BO) sprouted in Moscow. In addition, she is initially an attached intelligence agent. Under certain circumstances, according to an agreed signal from the Onotole Beard Control Center (TSUCO), sent via closed channel Wi-Fi, Onotole will demonstrate to the potential enemy the same asymmetrical response that was subtly hinted at by the leadership of this country, which could lead to dire consequences.
  95. The Skynet network, which is described in The Terminator, was originally home network Wasserman.
  96. Wasserman's eyes can act as high-definition webcams.
  97. Wasserman's favorite pastime is to spend hours admiring the Sun.
  98. Onotole's glasses are so severe that when he admires the Sun, spots appear there.
  99. Onotole's brain increases in weight by 1.5 grams. per day.
  100. A. Wasserman knows 75 languages, 80 of them perfectly.
  101. Death will die before Onotole.
  102. If you say “Onotole Wasserman” five times in a row, a portal to other dimensions will open.
  103. Onotole was found to have a cousin. His name is Ray.
  104. If Wassermann worked in the State Duma, then the total average IQ of the State Duma would be equal to the total average IQ of Russians.
  105. In the program “What? Where? When?" They don’t like Wasserman, especially Friends. Sometimes he calls him in the evening and starts saying all sorts of nasty things in a woman’s voice. But Wasserman listens to everything; upbringing does not allow him to interrupt a woman or end the conversation first.
  106. Onotole is the only one who can calculate how many millions of Chinese with shovels will replace one Walking Excavator.
  107. There is an opinion that if Onotoly is placed in a molecular phase deconstructor, he will decompose into 65536 clusters. Because Onotoly is 16-bit. And if his beard is upgraded to 64-bit technology, then a new era of Wasserman will begin in the world.
  108. Onotole eats half a kilo of chocolate a day and is not afraid of diabetes. It is diabetes that Onotole is afraid of.
  109. SECRETLY suffers from a mutual passion for Novodvorskaya. They will soon lose their virginity and in 6.5 months will give birth to the Antichrist. Amen.
  110. Gopnik, who asked Onotoly for a cigarette, unexpectedly received a higher technical education in response.
  111. When Onotole wipes himself with a newspaper, his ass manages to solve the crossword puzzle on the last page.
  112. Wasserman doesn't rock ZZ Top. This is ZZ Top being treated like Wasserman
  113. Wasserman resting on the bashorg, ololo.
  114. Onotole is the kagbe god of Upyachka, he is based on the island of Paradise in the central universe of Havona, has endless pepyaku and vzdrzhni-absolute, he is surrounded by unique Kote-Archangels with pink wings. It sends rainbow emanations to the other 7 universes, and this allows the warrior to keep his beam gun fully charged and his morale high. More honestly, the military can visit Onotole after death, and the UG is annihilated in Earth orbit.
  115. There is a modest opinion that scientists from the Institute of Aeronautics participated in the preparation of this article. Scientists pursued the goal of sending Chuck Norris into Babylon 5 orbit.
  116. If you kill Wasserman, all his brains can live separately for about 10 years and move into the one who puts on the vest.
  117. There is an opinion that Norris and Wasserman are actually moving inside the LHC at great speed. And scientists are waiting for their collision.
  118. Onotole is capable of dividing by zero, but the first attempt ended with the appearance of humanity.
  119. When Onotole starts WoW, 2 level 80 elves are automatically created on all servers.
  120. Available for OC Android application Chuck Norris Facts, if you take ANY fact from there, it will turn out to be liquefied from real stories about Onotol and facts about Onotol. Chuck Norris is really angry about this and has already gotten rid of the creators of the application.
  121. Albert Einstein is a simple German little man who has one of Wasserman's 100,500 brains.
  122. If you masturbate on Onotol, there is a 200% risk of getting gonorrhea and reducing your IQ by 200%
  123. Onotole knows how to control shkolota
  124. Onotole knows how to patch KDE2 under FreeBSD
  125. After birth, Onotole immediately solved the equation by which he was conceived.
  126. Onotole likes to spend his weekends in a neighboring galaxy.
  127. In just under 67.9479 seconds, Wasserman can install and fully configure SAP R3 and higher.
  128. Also Onotole stands for legalization of soft drugs.
  129. Onotole, reduced to nanosize, is not subject to quantum fluctuations.
  130. Onotole's beard (BO) knows the answers to all the questions of "Own Game" because it is Onotole's beard. Onotole knows all the questions of “His Game”, because this is Onotole Beard Onotole.
  131. There is a version that Wasserman is a representative of the mythical Ent people in the stage of a sprouted acorn.
  132. At the First International Congress of Wassermanologists, an unexpected suggestion was made that Onotole is connected with Beard Onotole (BO) by some secret agreements of an intimate nature. And indeed, it was experimentally revealed that when his bachelor status was mentioned, Wasserman’s eyes suddenly lit up with some kind of sly romantic light, and his hand involuntarily reached out to Beard.
  133. Onotole's pets - a spherical horse in a vacuum and a Schrödinger's cat
  134. Anatoly Wasserman never skipped school. Anatoly Wasserman skipped school.
  135. Viewing photos of Wasserman increases your IQ by 30 points.
  136. Anatoly Wasserman can program the entire Universe in BASIC and assembler.
  137. Onotole wrote KEYGEN.EXE for the nuclear briefcase.
  138. Anatoly Wasserman can violate the laws of logic and nothing will happen to him for it.
  139. Onotole knows the factorial of the number stopitsot.
  140. Anatoly can expand any function in a Taylor series to completion.
  141. Anatoly does not use spam filters because he does not know how to set them up and does not want to lose a single response from his admirers).
  142. Anatoly Wasserman's hamster founded Microsoft.
  143. The pockets of Wasserman's vest contain everything: from a set of screwdrivers and a folding umbrella to two voice recorders, a microsupercomputer, a spare beard, a mobile charger and other necessary nonsense.
  144. Wasserman can eat 0.5-0.6 kg of chocolate per day. If he eats, he will eat, but who will give it to him?
  145. In some circles, Wasserman is also known as one Christy Hefner, the chief executive of a well-known fishing magazine.
  146. Wasserman's memory capacity is 1 yobibyte.
  147. The computer games that Wasserman plays do not have a difficulty level, since they have not yet come up with one suitable for Wasserman.
  148. Onotole's beard - convolutions that do not fit into Moscow
  149. The famous Onotole glasses are made together with the eyes
  150. Wasserman invented all the languages ​​of the world
  151. When Wasserman dies, the world will restart and a new Wasserman 2.0 will appear
  152. Wasserman invented Wasserman
  153. Onotole Wasserman's wooden stool can beat a supercomputer at chess
  154. During a search of Anatoly Wasserman's apartment, investigators discovered the meaning of life.
  155. And then there is Wasserman’s reaction. Clients of a venereologist know what it is.
  156. Wasserman is powered from an outlet.
  157. Wasserman comes up with the structure of a hidden reality when technological progress is at the borders of knowledge.
  158. One boring evening, Onotole grew a super-advanced civilization in a jar of rotten stew.
  159. By stroking his beard, Onotole forms an energy field that brings all living things within a radius of 100,500 km to orgasm. At the same time, he himself gets slightly excited.

Good afternoon. Dear Anatoly Aleksandrovich, I apologize in advance if I am asking a stupid question, but those to whom I ask them do not even want to point out an error, if there is one in the reflections below. Next, I’ll move on to the question of spending, preferably, less of your time.
Let's imagine that photons have some property, namely, to excite or bend the space around them. Then, one can even imagine how they will interact with each other, if, of course, we assume that the phenomenon of gravity, manifested in the macrocosm, is a consequence of the curvature of space-time by massive bodies, and that the same properties, but in on a smaller scale, are inherent in the smallest particles, or even any matter in general, only to varying degrees. In this way it will not be difficult to explain both the pattern that appears in Jung’s experiment when only one of the slits is opened, and the interference pattern, with the explanation of which, as I understand, some difficulties arise. Namely, photons fired from a cannon interact with each other not through some exotic particles, for example, but due to the effect that we observe in stellar systems: by bending the space around, exciting it, photons create disturbances, waves, which lead to the appearance of an interference pattern when we open both holes at the same time.
But that’s not all, forgive me for that, but I’m just getting to the question. If I have not hidden too many details in order to save your time, then you can guess from what has been said that a lot of unusual phenomena can be explained by this in a simple way, this disturbance by the particles of space around you. But the following problem arises: is it possible to verify that photons really have the described property if we are not able to register such a small perturbation of space? And, yes, it should be possible, as long as there is no error in the reasoning anywhere. And this is the prediction we must make as soon as we accept that this disturbance is taking place. If photons disturb the space around, which allows them, by interacting, to create an interference pattern, then in this case, by releasing one photon at a time, and then replacing the plate with a new one, each time after a particle interacts with it, we must, by subsequently superimposing the plates on each other friend, to get just the picture that would indicate that light is a particle and not a wave, that is, two spots opposite the slits in the partition. The question is, have similar experiments been carried out, and what was the result? I know that I am not writing to exactly the right address, but I no longer know who else I can write to. If there is some obvious inaccuracy here, at least say that it is so.
Thank you for your time.

You have the opportunity to ask a question to the famous encyclopedist, political consultant, and REX news agency expert Anatoly Wasserman.

March 25, famous encyclopedist, political consultant, expert Anatoly Wasserman will take part in an online conference held on the topic "Challenges of the 21st century: Russia and international relations".

The conference will take place from 13:00 to 14:00 Moscow time. You can already ask your question at email address or in the comments to this announcement.


Anatoly Wasserman is a political consultant, journalist, and encyclopedist.

Finished Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry with a degree in thermal physics engineer.

Since November 1991 he has been a journalist, since 1995 he has been a political consultant in a team with Nurali Latypov. In 1994 he ran for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (took second place in the district). 2008-2010 — editor-in-chief of the popular science magazine “Idea X”.

Wasserman, a supporter of Ukraine’s annexation to Russia, has also repeatedly stated that he believes Ukrainian a dialect of Russian, and not an independent language.

The editors publish the full text of the online conference:

1. Dear Anatoly! In light of the latest events in Japan, I want to ask you the following question: should Russia sell the Kuril Islands to Japan for sooooo much money. Well, why are we so stuck on these rocks, why do we really need them? And so Japan will transfer decent money to the account of every Russian and will do the same for everyone after birth until the end of time...

A. Wasserman: Selling an inheritance is the easiest and most reliable way ruin. Anyone who wants to ensure constant well-being must work constantly and skillfully. I'm not even talking about the natural resources of the southern part of the Kuril ridge: their independent use can cover any price that can be asked from others.

2. Dear Anatoly Alexandrovich. What, in your opinion, is the reason for the very meager information in terms of reliability about the processes and armed aggression of Western states (Great Britain, France, USA) against Libya in official Russian funds mass media? Since the Western media proved their political bias and bias in August 2008, not a single serious man cannot treat the information they relay with confidence. 24/7 Russian channel Vesta 24 broadcasts, if not “unreliable” information, then at least “rotten” information. In this regard, are Russian state media “colluding” with Western disinformation media? Or, after all, the scarcity of reliable and objective information is most likely caused by a lack of professionalism in the “dependent” Russian media and the inability to use modern ones technical means communications and communications?

A. Wasserman: Undoubtedly, we are talking specifically about a conspiracy between the liberal part of the Russian social elite and Western countries that want to secure for themselves free access to all the riches of our homeland - primarily those that we ourselves could use for our own labor with much greater benefit for ourselves.

3. Anatoly Alexandrovich, many political analysts express the opinion that the main task of the West is to destroy the Putin-Medvedev tandem. Do you see any signs in Dmitry Medvedev’s latest demonstrative populist initiatives (casinos, metal detectors, shell companies, housing and communal services) that he is his election campaign already started?

A. Wasserman: Some of these initiatives also have practical implications. But overall they do create a depressing pre-election impression.

4. How would you characterize Medvedev's activities in the international arena? Don’t you think that during his presidency Russia “went into the shadows” on the international stage? And also, if possible, express your point of view on the Afghan problem and the Russian-American alliance in this matter. What are Russia’s national interests in it, if such interests are present in it?

A. Wasserman: Medvedev actually gave up even the modest opportunities that Putin achieved on the international stage. But as far as Afghanistan is concerned, we haven’t missed much. In my opinion, a flow of American-controlled heroin is better than a breakthrough of fanatics hiding behind Islamic slogans into Central Asia and from there to our Volga region and Crimea.

5. Anatoly Alexandrovich, do you think a revolution in Ukraine is possible? Maybe this is the only way she can “get up from her knees”?

A. Wasserman: The more complex the society, the more destructive the revolution is for it. The reasons for this were explored, for example, by Yegor Timurovich Gaidar in the last work published during his lifetime, “Troubles and Institutions.” Even if the revolution is indeed carried out in a progressive direction, only the next generation will be able to benefit from the fruits of this progress. Therefore, evolutionary progress is much better.

6. They say that the economic crisis may continue. Moreover, the new wave may become more destructive than in 2008-2009. Do you agree with this opinion?

A. Wasserman: I believe this is very likely and have already published both forecasts on this topic and recommendations on possible exit out of position.

7. Dear Anatoly! Do you think the United States is hiding behind wars to prevent the dollar from falling? Last time, the scandals with Enron, Xerox and other corporations coincided with the war in Iraq. Nowadays, protests in the United States with the seizure of government buildings and even “hunger protests” in Washington have coincided with the war in Libya. Maybe this is not just a coincidence, but a system of distraction?

A. Wasserman: You're right. This is precisely the system of protection against the collapse of the American economy. The only way currently available to the United States of America to ensure an influx foreign funds covering the needs of the Americans themselves - to prove that it is even worse in other places and the money will be most safe in the Federal Treasury.

8. What do you think about the real work to recreate the “Unified State” of the Slavic republics of the USSR? The theory is known from your 1993 research on single markets as a guarantee technical progress and to many speeches for the United State by prominent politicians and public organizations. But in practice - “the voice of those crying in the wilderness”... Maybe we are all missing a thinker recognized in the CIS, you?

A. Wasserman: It's not about me, of course. The point is that there are many figures who are directly interested in dividing our country. First of all, for the sake of the collapse of our industry, which entails a lack of demand for our raw materials and their cheap sale abroad.

9. Anatoly, what do you think about the Venus project? Do you think that the 21st century will finally unite humanity in one form or another?

A. Wasserman: The project is interesting. But to go into space, decisions must be made on earth.

10. What do you think about management's actions? Russian Federation Do they have at least some patriotic motives or is it just business?

A. Wasserman: It seems that many in the Russian leadership imagine the country as “their circle” and the personnel serving it. Therefore, from their point of view, their business is quite patriotic: after all, those who are not included in “their circle” are not included in _their_ country.

11. What do you think about the statements of Ahmadinejad and some Western scientists that the history of the Holocaust is a falsification? After all, the number of victims on the Auschwitz sign was indeed recently reduced by four.

A. Wasserman: In Auschwitz, “only” about a million people were actually killed, and not all of them were Jews. The bulk of the victims of the Second World War - including Jews - were killed “at their place of residence.” In particular, Jews were shot in cities and villages (just remember the Lvov pogrom, Kiev Babi Yar, the successes of the Estonian Nazis in completely “cleaning up” the republic), starved to death in the ghetto...

12. Hello Anatoly Alexandrovich!
The various intellectual games in which you have successfully participated and, apparently, continue to participate, require extraordinary intelligence and excellent memory. It is unlikely that there will be anyone who can challenge the presence of these qualities in you. Tell me, what methods did you use to develop them in yourself, what books would you recommend reading and what to study?

A. Wasserman: I did not develop my intelligence specifically and purposefully. This development is a natural consequence good teaching at school and college, extensive reading, constant reflection on what you read, constant communication with many smart people. The intellectual games themselves, of course, also greatly contributed to the enlightenment of the mind.

13. The US war in Iraq, the US war in Yugoslavia, the US war in Libya - began at the time of the Purim holiday. Could three coincidences of such significant events be accidental?

A. Wasserman: The coincidences, of course, are not accidental. March is one of the months when the weather in the Middle East is most convenient for military operations: there are no longer winter storms, but it is not yet too hot. And Jewish holidays are celebrated for several days in a row, so Purim easily overlaps with the beginning of the fighting.

14. Dear Anatoly Alexandrovich. There is increasing concern about rising prices for food and raw materials for its production. A number of experts are inclined to believe that difficult times are coming for earthlings. What, in your opinion, could be the options for the development of events in the post-Soviet territory? Will the countries of the Customs Union, Ukraine and others, realizing the depth of the impending problem, take effective measures now to stimulate agriculture, livestock farming, poultry farming, etc., will they be able to realize that only the restoration of historical cultural and economic ties can, if not eliminate this threat , then at least significantly reduce the negative effect of the impending problem?

A. Wasserman: Agricultural production is stimulated by food shortages themselves. It is only necessary not to interfere with agricultural producers - neither with taxes, nor with the forced dismemberment of collective (that is, large and efficient) farms, nor with the repurchase of land for non-agricultural purposes, nor with the preference for imports over one’s own labor...

15. The WTO has already approached Russia. Now Georgia is using its WTO membership as a tool of pressure on us, and after Russia joins the WTO, under whose supervision will we find ourselves? The example of India and China joining the WTO can make us happy - the economies of these countries are growing and everything seems to be in order, but economic growth is not an indicator of the standard of living of ordinary people. People lived in poverty and still live. How will Russia's accession to the WTO affect the wallets of ordinary people?

A. Wasserman: From joining the WTO ordinary people at first they will experience relief: imported goods will become cheaper. But after the first paycheck, most of these people will discover problems: after all, imports will crowd out their own production, that is, it will be much more difficult to earn money. China and India benefit because they have ultra-cheap labor and are net exporters.

16. Dear Anatoly! Is L.R.’s statement appropriate? Hubbard: “To achieve control over any area, watch: if there is chaos there, introduce a stable datum. If there stable condition, bring chaos into it,” to the events taking place in the Arab countries of the Middle East and Africa. Change of national elites, their weakening, the possibility of manipulating them, what do the forces behind this need?

A. Wasserman: Hubbard is the undoubted master of taking control. Current events in the Middle East fully correspond to his recipes. It seems that the Americans and their assistants in NATO have decided to return to the good old (for them) colonial days.

17. Do you think that great Russian literature can be revived in the same quality and at the level in which it existed at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, and whether any of those currently writing can become the new Russian Leo Tolstoy or at least Vladimir Mayakovsky, if not reviving patriotism, like Tolstoy in “Sevastopol Stories,” or inspiring optimism, like Mayakovsky in “Drainpipe Flutes”?

A. Wasserman: To revive literature, we must first of all revive society. Tolstoy began to write in an atmosphere of optimism generated by the reforms of Alexander II, Mayakovsky - in the era of the great revolution.

18. You agree that the ongoing educational reforms will ruin in just 5 years the level of knowledge that Russia, and earlier the USSR, was proud of for many years. Is there anything more that can be done to preserve quality school education?

A. Wasserman: Agree. In fact, this has already happened to a large extent. But almost nothing can be changed in the school itself. The school is part of society and the fulfiller of society’s requests. As long as our society is focused on selling raw materials cheaply, the school (and other industries aimed at human improvement - from medicine to physical education) will be destroyed.

19. How do you feel about juvenile justice?

And Wasserman: Like a crime.

20. Highly respected, where can I watch your video political consultations?

A. Wasserman: I give political advice confidentially. Until recently, my video materials were published on the website (now I have switched to text format), still appear on the intra-Moscow TV channel “Stolitsa”, regularly appear on the website and, recently, occasionally appear in the morning block of the NTV channel.

List of questions for Anatoly Aleksandrovich Wasserman.

List of answers by Anatoly Aleksandrovich Wasserman.

Are there any online resources that you visit regularly? For work and for leisure, maybe some entertainment resources, or, who knows, online games?

LiveJournal and Google. And also and - my video monologues are posted there, and I follow the reviews. Everything else is just for making inquiries and collecting information.

You have read an incredible number of books throughout your life. Could you share which books you liked the most and which ones you re-read? Of course, we are talking about fiction.

From time to time I re-read books by Vasily Zvyagintsev, Ioanna Khmelevskaya, Lois McMaster (by her husband Bujold), Tatyana Ustinova. And, of course, I look into what I’ve already read if I need to refresh some information or clarify a quote. I only have time to read everything else once, at best, or even just skim diagonally.

Continuing the previous question - how do you feel about science fiction? Have you ever had a desire to write something in this genre? There is an opinion that programmers have great respect for this genre of fiction and often write well.

I consider science fiction not a genre, but an artistic method within which many genres coexist. There are also many methods. For example, classicism is a comparison of reality with a certain standard that comes (according to the author) from ancient times. Romanticism is the identification of the most striking mental movements and the actions resulting from them. Fiction is the setting up of unrealistic circumstances for an unconventional approach to real problems.

I know fantasy too well and value science fiction too highly to consider myself capable of saying something not just new in this artistic method, but interesting to other connoisseurs.

It would be interesting to know your opinion regarding the reform of education, the Unified State Exam, and the current situation in general at the moment education system in Russia.

The education system in Russia is changing, undoubtedly for the worse. The remains are finally lost systematic approach to reality, it is replaced by a chaotic piling of disparate facts into the student’s head without any attempts to indicate the connections between them, and even more so those laws from which both the connections and the facts themselves stem. The only consolation is that similar processes, alas, are taking place in many other developed countries, so we are far from in a worse situation.

Many are amazed by the complete illiteracy of the majority of Runet users under the age of 25-30. What could this be connected with and how can the situation be corrected?

This is due, first of all, to the fact that the culture of book and magazine publishing has fallen. Literacy is formed not only (and not so much) by school courses, but primarily by reading literate texts. The only way to improve the situation now is by improving text checking programs so that correct samples appear before the eyes of every user more often.

I'm very concerned about the question - what configuration does your PC have?

I have a laptop Samsung R710 in the most sophisticated (at the time of purchase) configuration. Dual core processor(alas, Intel, not my beloved AMD), 4 GB DDR3 memory, 320 GB hard drive SATA, NVidia video processor, 17-inch screen, 1920*1200 pixels, DVD drive RW, 1.3 MP video camera, 4 USB 2.0 connectors, V.92 modem, 1 Gbit/s Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth.

How many PCs do you use regularly?

Only this. However, when I’m in Odessa, it’s easier for me to burn discs not on my computer, but on my father’s.

What other gadgets do you use (PDA, communicators, smartphones, UMPC)?

Communicator HTC TyTN II.

Please predict the future development of the Internet in Russia and the world. What will users expect? What new services may appear? Will the content change fundamentally (become completely visual, become 3D)?

As Sergei Lukyanenko noted in “Labyrinth of Reflections,” the capabilities of the Internet are determined, first of all, by the width of the access channel and the processor capabilities of visualizing materials received through the channel. Most computers' processors are already strong enough for efficient graphics. As you grow bandwidth channels - including in the outback, so that service creators can profit from audience growth - services for which I still don’t have enough imagination will also become popular.

What do you think about the possibility of government control of the Internet? What can this lead to, since it is known that the Internet has already turned into a completely new, updated and operational media?

Like any monopolization, government control of the Internet will create stagnation.

You are very for a long time worked as a programmer, what programming languages ​​did you write in?

Algol-60, Algol-68, FORTRAN, PL/1, PL/M, C, processor assemblers M-20, EC, SM-2, Intel-8080, Intel-8086.

How does technical education help you in your current activities?

Technical education and programming skills systematize thinking and allow you to build long chains interconnected reasoning, teach them to independently search for information needed to solve new problems.

Question as a professional programmer: what do you think about the future of free software?

I believe that it will never completely replace closed developments, but its share will grow in the foreseeable future. Most likely, in the majority mass applications open source software will displace closed software simply because each creator of a new tool for himself will offer it to others.

Which Linux distributions do you prefer if you have dealt with them?

Traditionally - since 2004 - I have been using Mandriva. Simply because they put it on me first.

Your vision of the future socio-political situation in the world. What is it, positive, negative?

In the coming years - due to the crisis - we will face an exacerbation of many already existing problems and the emergence of new ones. But if - unlike the previous Great Depression - it is possible to avoid war, in 5-10 years the situation will become incomparably more favorable than at any time during the previous 20 years.

New technologies appear in the world every day, not only in the technical field, but also in the field of people management. Which of these technologies do you consider useful and which dangerous?

No technology is either useful or dangerous on its own. For example, short-barreled weapons in the hands of private individuals have saved several orders of magnitude more lives than they have taken, simply because in regions where civilian armed self-defense is allowed, violent crime is sharply on the decline. Therefore, everything depends not on technologies, but on their users. It is not for nothing that the main slogan of the National Arms Association of the United States of America says: it is not weapons that kill people, but people.

What should an ordinary city dweller be wary of?

Failures of urban infrastructure: power supply, water supply, sewerage, law enforcement.

By what signs can one determine the approach of a threat (for example, a “color revolution” or a riot similar to the events in Chisinau in the recent past)?

The intensity of the obviously false propaganda.

And finally, a couple of frivolous questions :)

And a couple of serious answers.

What, in your opinion, are UFOs - spaceships of other civilizations, secret developments of the military, phenomena from parallel universes, or a mass hallucination?

None of this. UFOs are a consequence of errors in the visual assessment of real objects and phenomena (weather balloons, over-the-horizon missile launches and even high clouds).

What do you think about the so-called world conspiracy theories, about the Masonic order?

Freemasons are not an order in the usual sense of the word: their community is not based on a specific religion. As far as one can judge, the Masons quite sincerely adhere to the concept of the usefulness of universal enlightenment - and work for it. Of course, the closedness of a society contributes to the emergence of informal connections within it, aimed at other purposes - but similar connections arise in any community.

A global conspiracy is unfeasible for many reasons, understandable to anyone familiar with the real practice of managing people and organizations.

Have you seen the film “Zeitgeist” and what did you think about it?

Haven't seen the film yet. Judging by the reviews that have reached me, it shows many correct facts and draws many incorrect conclusions.