Will the invisibility be visible in Odnoklassniki? How to buy invisible in Odnoklassniki: description of all methods

Invisibility in Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular services of the social network. Using invisibility, you can access other accounts of your classmates, while users will not receive a notification that you have visited their page. There are several ways to log in invisible to OK. I will tell you about the simplest methods in today’s article.

Free invisibility using the application

The easiest way to get free invisibility in Odnoklassniki is to install the special application “Moderator in Odnoklassniki”. All you need to do is type the name of the application into the search bar and start using it. The average time spent on getting a free invisible camera is 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to earn 3000-4000 points in order to be sure to get an invisible one at the auction.

Getting free invisibility through the “moderator” application

Don’t forget that with the help of the application you can not only get a free invisible person, but also buy additional stickers for communication and a “5+” rating. When you participate in an auction, remember a few tricks. Participate in auctions in the morning (the earlier the better), bid on a short invisible (3 days) rather than 7 days. And the main trick is to place your bet last, just before the deadline, where you can buy an invisible thing 60-70% cheaper. Enjoy the shopping.

Free invisible for testing

Another simple way to get a free invisible camera in Odnoklassniki is to take it for a test period. In 2018, they allow you to test the invisibility for 3 days. The process of enabling test mode is simple. We activate the invisible function and select the “try for free” field. Next, we will have several prepayment methods. It is advisable for us to choose a bank card, but if you have at least 190 credits in your account, then we choose the personal account of classmates.

Free invisibility via testing function for 3 days

Now we are starting the stealth test mode. The most important thing is to have time to disable it before enabling the paid function after 72 hours. You can disable the function in your personal profile. You are required to indicate the reason why you decided not to use invisible. The choice of reason depends on your imagination.

An easy way to go incognito to the desired page

The administration of Odnoklassniki does not encourage the creation of fake accounts, but this is one of the easiest ways to be invisible in OK. Simply log out of your account, then log back into the site. Now we have to go through the process of new registration in Odnoklassniki. To do this, you must have an unregistered phone number. We go through registration, indicate a fictitious name and add a photo that is not yours, and now you can be invisible in OK.

Registering a fake account in OK

In this case, it is better to avoid excessive account activity. If you need to find out information about a specific person, then it is better to add people from his environment as friends. You can get complete information about your profile only after adding the required profile as a friend. I advise you not to abuse this method and use it only for good.

Free bobby pin as a gift

The fourth sure way to get a free invisible camera is to participate in various competitions of popular groups. As a rule, once a month, large communities hold a drawing for gifts and prizes, including Oki and a free invisible. To do this, I recommend that you type “pranks in Odnoklassniki” in the search bar, and you will receive a whole list of groups.

Gift drawing groups in Odnoklassniki

In order to receive a free bobby pin as a gift, you need to complete various tasks. The competition itself usually lasts 1 week. Of all the ways to get free invisible hair, this is the longest and most difficult way. I recommend using it only as a last resort. After all, you have one more way to be invisible in classmates even without registration.

How to log in invisible in Odnoklassniki

And finally, another interesting trick to be invisible in classmates is to copy the address of the person (or group) you want to visit (for example, in a notepad or simply with the ctrl-c command). After this, click exit profile, now you are not logged in to Odnoklassniki. Paste the copied address into the address bar, now you are invisible on the user page. One drawback is that you can stay on the page for a limited time (about 15 seconds). As you can see, you can go invisible in Odnoklassniki using 5 methods.

Anonymity mode in Odnoklassniki

How to log in invisible to Odnoklassniki using a third-party extension

I have already written more than once about various extensions for classmates that I tested on myself. Very often, users are looking for an opportunity to log into Odnoklassniki invisible using free programs. And completely in vain. There is no way to log in invisible to OK using the extension, because this function is performed through your account. The extension may ask for access to your profile and, at a minimum, hack your account. However, there are also more serious consequences. Therefore, I strongly do not recommend using extensions to log into Odnoklassniki invisible.

Anonymity is one of the biggest problems of classmates

As you can see, it’s quite easy to join Odnoklassniki invisible. All you need is to know the algorithm for obtaining free invisible status and a little work. I wish the readers of my blog interesting social networks and discovering new functions! By the way, tell us in the comments what method of free invisibility you use? And why exactly?

Video about free invisibility in Odnoklassniki :

Invisibility is a unique feature in Odnoklassniki that allows you to hide your presence on the site from other members of the social network. When you connect to the service, you will be able to be “Online” without the “Currently on the site” mark and views of other people’s pages will not be counted in the “Guests” section.

How it works and what it gives

When you spend time on Odnoklassniki, you leave a lot of traces behind you: look at other people’s profiles, rate photos, write comments, etc. What can I say, simple authorization on the site will not go unnoticed by other users. Some of the listed actions can be hidden by the “Invisible” function.

Naturally, if you change or delete photos, join groups, these actions will also be displayed.

It is important to understand that turning on invisibility will not hide your photos, videos and statuses from prying eyes; there is a function for this -.

Now that we've figured out how the status works, let's move on to enabling the function.

How to turn on invisible

The cost of the service for residents of the Russian Federation is:

  • 1 month – 180 rubles;
  • 6 months – 499 rubles (83 rubles per month).

To pay for a subscription and enable stealth mode, follow these steps.

2. Among the paid functions, find the one you need and click “Buy”.

3. Select the required period and click “Buy” again.

4. From the list of available payment options, select the most profitable one. When paying with certain methods, the commission can reach up to 100% of the purchase amount.

Pay attention to the special offer - when paying by card, you will receive 3 days for free, but at the same time the “Autopayment” service will be activated on the card, which will debit 175 rubles monthly. If you need status for a certain period of time, do not use this “advantageous” offer.

After completing the payment, you will be assigned invisible status for the purchased period.

How to get it for free

Aren't you in a hurry to make a purchase? Great, because now I’ll tell you how to get invisible for free, although this will require certain actions from you.

Do not pay attention to various programs and sites that promise free status, you risk losing access to your account! The only free method is described in our article.

Everyone knows about (if not, run to read) where you can win not only “Rating 5+”, “Free emoticons”, but also invisible status. To participate in the auction, you need , which are issued for “Achievements” and activity in the “Moderator” application.

1. Go to the main page of your profile and select “Auctions” in the left menu.

2. In the “Active Auctions” section, find the item you are interested in and place a bid. Carefully monitor the progress of the auction, refresh the page and outbid other people's bids.

3. As soon as the auction is completed and you become the winner, the status will begin to apply.

In addition to auctions, status can also be won in the above-mentioned Odnoklassniki Moderator application; to do this, it is enough to score a certain number of points for correct answers.

How to disable invisible

Are you tired of monthly debits from your card or do you just want to turn off the service so everyone can see you? No problem.

Money for subscription renewal is written off in advance at the beginning of the billing period; funds for unused days will not be returned to your account.

1. Open the main page of your profile and in the menu, under the photo, find the item “Payments and subscriptions”.

2. On the page that opens, find the “Invisibility” service and click “Unsubscribe”. In my case, there is a “Buy” button, since I did not activate the service using a bank card.

3. You have unsubscribed from the service, but you probably have paid days left and your status is active. Return to your profile and below the menu, find the “Invisible” item and drag the slider to the left.

That’s it, you have completely abandoned the service and all your actions are displayed in the “Guests” section, etc.

Is it possible to see the invisible

No matter how other sites convince you of this possibility, unfortunately, this is not the case. The Ok.ru administration introduced this paid function for a reason, but to meet the needs of its users and is closely monitoring the emergence of possible “loopholes” and closing them in a timely manner.

The only way to find out if a person with a similar status has visited you is to catch him in the act.

1. Open the “Guests” section in one browser tab, and “Events” in another.

2. Try to find users who tagged your photo or left a comment, but are not reflected in the “Guests”. Found it? Great, here he is your secret admirer.

No matter how much you would like it, there are no more reliable methods. And once again - do not pay attention to sites and programs that offer similar functionality - this is pure deception.

The Odnoklassniki social network is different in that the account owner always finds out who was his guest and which of his friends is now online. Simply go to the “Guests” or “Friends” sections, the link to which is located on the top panel. But sometimes users want to remain unnoticed. So how to do this and become invisible?

How to turn on invisibility in Odnoklassniki for money

To use the “Invisibility” service on a social network for a fee, you must click on the “Enable invisibility” link. It is located under the main profile photo. After this, a window will appear in which you need to determine the payment method:

  • Via a mobile phone number (a commission is charged when paying by phone).
  • Debiting funds from a bank card (the most profitable method).
  • Payment through the terminal (electronic money QIWI, YandexMoney).

Attention! The browser (the program through which Internet sites are viewed) stores all visited pages in history. Even if used by Odnoklassniki in stealth mode, the history will be preserved.

To use the service, when logging into your account, you need to click on the “Enable invisibility” link (set the switch to a different position). Now you can surf the social network and go to any profiles invisible, view photos and videos.

Important! If you rate it, the owner of the photo will see who rated it. This means he will know that you visited his page.

The cost of the service primarily depends on the duration of its use:

  • A week will cost 50 OK.
  • 30 days cost 199 OK. If necessary, the use of the function can be extended.
  • You can activate the service for a long time, OKs will be debited themselves. The first three days in this case will be free, and then - 189 OK every month.

Attention! Price may vary.

How to enable invisibility in Odnoklassniki for free

Many users, of course, want to use invisibility for free. It is worth considering ways to obtain this service without spending money:


To prevent any of your friends from seeing that you are on the site, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • log in to your account;
  • go to the “Publicity” section;
  • Uncheck the box next to “Show me in the People Now Online section.”

Now none of your friends will see this account online.

Earn money

Earn free OKs on the site by participating in promotions and competitions held by various groups. You can often get classmates' rubles as a prize.


Become a site moderator and exchange earned bonuses for OKs. It is with them that you can buy the Invisible Man.

Advice! There is another way to view the desired account, but remain unknown. Copy the address of the desired page, exit the social network and paste the copied data into the address bar. Now you are not authorized on Odnoklassniki and your photo will not appear in the “Guests” section.

How to disable invisible

To disable Invisibility you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Go to your page.
  • On the side menu panel (located under the profile photo), click on the switch.

Now friends on the site will see this page online and will know that the account owner came to visit them.

How to disable automatic renewal of invisibility

Is it possible to interrupt the use of the function and disable the auto service? To disable your subscription, follow these steps:

  • Go to your page.
  • Go to the “Services and Payments” section.
  • In the paid services section, find the “Invisibility” function and click on the “Unsubscribe” sign.

Now the system will not write off money or renew the service.


The invisible service is very convenient and allows you to in some way expand your capabilities on the social network. The main thing is not to forget to turn it on in a timely manner. If problems arise and the question arises “why the invisibility is not activated,” then you should check your account status or contact support.

When you go to any user’s Odnoklassniki page, you leave a trace there. In the “Guests” section, your profile photo, first and last name and date of entry appear. You can visit pages anonymously in stealth mode.

How does the Invisible feature work in Odnoklassniki? Users will see a gray square instead of your name and photo in the list of guests. Look at other people's photos, read comments and posts in the feed absolutely anonymously - this is what the invisibility service provides. No one will know when you are online on the site: the system indicators do not indicate the presence of anonymous people. But you are only allowed to give ratings and write messages in your own name - even with invisibility turned on, the system will indicate you with a real signature.

Let's figure out how to turn on invisibility. Select the underlined item from the menu under your main profile photo.

Or go to the “Guests” section, and on the right click the “Turn on invisible” button.

Odnoklassniki provides a service for money. You can buy it for different periods - 1, 7 or 30 days for the appropriate amount.

Payment is made from a card, telephone account, payment terminal or electronic money. Pay attention to the commission for different payment methods: the most profitable ones are those where 1 rub. = 1 OK. When paying via phone, you will receive almost 2 times less OK on your account. Once you purchase a feature, you can turn it on and off an unlimited number of times until it expires. The connect button is located under the main account photo.

Self-disabling the service does not increase the duration of its operation. Is the invisibility visible after the end of the paid service period? No, you can activate the function for at least 1 day, but the visit will still remain hidden. Stealth mode does not provide an advantage when visiting users with a private profile. If you are not friends with a person, you will not be able to access their profile anonymously:

It is easier for owners of closed accounts to recognize an invisible person. Their account can only be visited by those included in the list of friends, which means that the invisible user is one of them. The invisibility feature has a trick: if you turn it on and go to the user’s page, then turn it off and go back again (after a few hours or days), you will declassify yourself.

The gray square in the guest section will change to your profile picture. Guests are displayed for the last 30 days - to maintain anonymity, do not go to the pages of those whom you visited invisible before this period expires with disabled or inactive invisibility.

Are you wondering how to view invisible? It is impossible to do this. With a private profile, try to identify the anonymous person among your friends. A person can also identify themselves by writing a comment or rating a photo. Periodically review the list of Guests - if an invisible user comes to you with the service disabled, the gray square in the list will change to his account. Invisibility mode is an interesting opportunity to visit pages anonymously and not reveal your presence on Odnoklassniki.


The social network Odnoklassniki is extremely popular among users of the World Wide Web. Until recently, the site had one advantageous advantage that significantly distinguished it from other similar Internet hangouts. Previously, users did not have the opportunity to hide their visit to the page of another network user, for example, their enemy or the girl they liked, but the site administration helped make this possible by providing a new “Invisible” service. What does invisible mean in Odnoklassniki? This is exactly what will be the topic of our conversation today.

What is the “Invisible” service in Odnoklassniki?

What is this service? Everything is quite simple: by activating the service, any resident of Odnoklassniki can freely walk through the “houses” of other users, remaining unrecognized.

Advantages of "invisibility"

Like any other service, Invisibility provides several additional features:

  1. By activating the “Invisible” service in Odnoklassniki, the user can freely visit other people’s profiles while remaining incognito. Instead of the guest's photo, a simple black profile will be displayed.
  2. After the end of the service period, the dark silhouette displayed in the guest tab will not be replaced with a real photo of the visitor.

How to recognize an invisible person?

Probably the most pressing question for users of the social network at the moment is: “How can I recognize an invisible person in Odnoklassniki?” To get a complete answer to the question posed, you should understand how this service works.

First of all, any user looking at someone else’s profile when the mode is turned on does not have a flashing “On site” beacon under his photo. It also does not appear in the feed indicating which friends are currently on the site. And instead of an avatar, just a drawing is displayed: a male or female silhouette. And it is absolutely impossible to determine who visited your page.

As a rule, all profile visitors are displayed in the “Guests” tab. The invisible avatar will be automatically removed from this section after 30 days. It may disappear a little earlier if the invisible guest visits the page again, but with the invisibility mode turned off. Then the silhouette picture will automatically be replaced with a real photo of the guest. This is practically the only way to get to know your invisible visitor.

An invisible person in Odnoklassniki cannot freely walk through other people's private profiles, unless, of course, he is a friend of the owner of the page. Therefore, if your profile is closed to visitors, then one of your friends has become invisible.

Connecting the service

How to enable “Invisibility” in Odnoklassniki? On your page, directly below your avatar, there is an item “Other actions”. We highlight this inscription using a computer mouse, click on the “Enable invisible” link and simply follow the steps of the highlighted instructions.

Service cost

This service is paid. The minimum period for using the invisible mode is 10 days from the moment of its activation. The cost of the service is from 20 OK. “OK” is the internal currency of the site, through which various services are paid. The maximum period of use of “Invisibility” is 3 months, and the cost, accordingly, is 180 OK.

The service will be activated immediately after the request, if there are funds in the account. If not, then you will need to purchase the amount necessary for payment. You can purchase OKs in different ways. Bank cards and electronic money are accepted for payment. Payment can be made through a payment terminal or debited from a mobile phone account.

We buy Odnoklassniki currency through a mobile phone

The users of this social network are mainly young people, who find it much easier to pay their bills via mobile phone. There must be at least 35 rubles in your account if you decide to purchase a minimum amount of 20 OK. To buy OK, you should click the inscription “Top up your account” under the main photo. In the window that opens, select the most suitable payment option, in our case, a mobile phone. Highlight this tab and enter your cell phone number. In just a few seconds, a message will be sent to the specified number containing a secret code. We enter it in the appropriate window, and the payment transaction is completed: the payment amount is debited from the mobile account, and the internal account is replenished with the number of OKs ordered. The same algorithm is used to purchase OKs through other payment systems.

"Odnoklassniki": invisible guests

How to get rid of annoying invisible visitors? Previously, the site had access to viewing the HTML code of the page, where you could see the uninvited guest. But at the moment this opportunity has been closed by the administration.

If you are tired of one of these invisible people, regularly visiting your page, and the decision to calculate has become practical, then you need to move on to decisive action.

If you constantly communicate on this social network and have a wonderful one, then look at the guests over the past few days. The essence of the method is that if someone you know looked at you under a black silhouette, and today they looked again, but with the mode turned off, then their real avatar will be displayed.

It is somewhat more difficult with such invisible visitors if they have not been seen visiting you before. If it doesn’t cause any particular trouble, then you shouldn’t worry too much. Perhaps this is a secret admirer.

But a different development of events is also possible. Stretch your memory and remember all the unpleasant situations that happened not so long ago. It is likely that the invisible person is precisely the opponent of that conflict and thus takes revenge on you for the insult caused. If you assume that it is one of your friends hiding behind the mask, then add him to the “Black List”. If the visits stop, then the suspicions turned out to be correct.

If a visitor really causes too much trouble, then as a last resort, you should contact the moderators. In this case, it is necessary to fill out the appropriate form, which briefly and clearly outlines the essence of the problem. You won’t recognize the name of the annoying visitor, but he won’t be able to continue doing dirty tricks on the page.

Limiting your profile

Closing your profile will help you get additional protection from invisible visitors. As a rule, the user’s friends already have full access to his information, photos, and there is no need for them to activate the “Invisible” profile. Also, it will not be possible to access the user profile of people included in the “Black List”, and a dark mask will not help here.

Subtleties of the "Invisible" mode

During the paid period for connecting to the service, the user independently decides whether to turn on the invisible mode or use the site, remaining open to the eyes of users. When choosing the “Invisible” status in Odnoklassniki for yourself, you should not forget about one very important point. By leaving a comment, message or rating a photo you like, the user automatically declassifies himself. And then the invisible person in Odnoklassniki becomes visible to everyone.

We hope that you have found all the answers to your questions.