What comes first is the appendix or the bibliography. How to prepare applications in coursework according to GOST: several important rules

At the end of the work there is a list of references (“bibliography”, “bibliography”) used when working on the topic. The list is written on a new page under the appropriate heading and should contain from 20 to 40 sources (Appendix 4).

The list of references includes scientific sources, regulations, educational and methodological and educational literature that the author used when studying the topic and writing the course work.

Options for placing literature in the list:


By document type.

Alphabetical arrangement sources means that a strict verbal alphabet of headings of the bibliographic description (authors or titles) is maintained; an alphabetical series is built separately in Cyrillic (Russian, Bulgarian, etc.) and a series in languages ​​with Latin letters (English, French, German, etc.). P.)

When located by document type the material in the bibliography is arranged first by type of publication: books, articles, official documents, standards, etc., and within the section - alphabetically (author or title).

Bibliographic references must contain bibliographic information about another document (its component part or group of documents) cited, considered or mentioned in the text of a document, necessary and sufficient for its identification, search and general characteristics. Based on their location in the document, bibliographic references are distinguished:

Intratextual, placed in the text of the document;

Interlinear, taken from the text down the page of the document (in a footnote);

Extra-textual, placed behind the text of the document or part of it (in a balloon).

Intratextual bibliographic references are enclosed in parentheses. Example of a reference: (Melnikov V.P., Kleimenov S.A., Petrakov A.M. Information security and information protection: textbook. M., 2006. P. 56).

[i] Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America: textbook. for universities. – 2nd ed. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. – P. 305 – 412.

A general list of reference books on terminology, covering the time no later than the middle of the 20th century, is given by the work of bibliographer I.M. Kaufman.

Applications may contain: text documents, samples of methods, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, maps, tables, calculations. They serve to illustrate or prove certain provisions of the problem under study. Appendices are placed after the list of references and numbered in order of mention in the text in Arabic numerals with continuous numbering (Appendix 1, Appendix 2...).

Applications must carry an important semantic load in the course work. All applications included in the work must be indicated in the text of the course work.


Do you want to know how to pass your coursework without problems? It is enough to complete the correct design of the application in the course work.

If you have already read all the necessary materials on our telegram channel and decided to complete it yourself, we will give you some tips on what the correct design of coursework drawings, tables, graphs and other documents included in the application should look like.

Design of an application in course work

The rules for preparing coursework and dissertation work are largely the same. For example, you will have to follow the same GOST recommendations.

Rules for designing multiple applications

If you plan to make several applications (graphs, drawings, tables, graphic images), then place each of them on a separate sheet.

Moreover, the order in which appendices are presented in the work must be consistent: each new sheet with an appendix appears in the order in which it is referenced in the main text of the work.

Heading rules

Each new sheet with an application has its own title. At the top center of the page, write the word “Appendix”, and then its numbering (according to the order of use in the text).

Application numbering rules

Applications are numbered not in Arabic numerals, but in capital letters of the Russian alphabet (for example, APPENDIX A). You can also use the Latin alphabet in application names.

In this case, the letters I are not allowed to be used. Any letters of the Russian alphabet can be used as numbering, except: Ё, З, И, О, ​​Ш, ь, ы, Ъ.

If there are so many applications that all the letters of the alphabet (Russian or Latin) have already been used, the numbering can be continued using Arabic numerals.

By the way! If numbering and numbers have not been going well for a long time, our readers now have a 10% discount on any type of work

Rules for designing one and several application sheets

If the application includes only 1 document (sheet), it is designated as follows: Appendix A.

If in one application they plan to divide information into blocks, then the component parts of the document can be divided. This occurs by adding index No. to the name (for example, Appendix A No. 1, etc.).

If there are several applications in the course work, each page will have its own numbering (end-to-end).

Always pay attention to the guidelines. They indicate the design features of applications specifically for your university. For example, some higher education institutions recommend formatting applications as follows: Appendix 1, Appendix 2...Appendix 7.

Rules for formatting links to applications in coursework

When writing the main text at the end of the phrase for which an application is being made, it is necessary to make a sign indicating where to look for an explanation of the above. For example:

Or like this:

Now you know how to submit an application in your coursework. In general, if you don’t want to sort through a sea of ​​information, contact a professional student service. And if not, then just follow the above rules - and you will be happy.

List of used literature and applications

The approximate volume of chapter 3 is 18-25 pages.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3, devoted to the results of the study and their discussion, provides experimental material. It is more appropriate to present it in a logical sequence in separate paragraphs. In this chapter, the student uses the obtained research results to solve the assigned problems.

The measurement results are compiled in the form of protocols, which are included in the appendix; in the text, the author operates only with average indicators obtained as a result of statistical processing of experimental data. The results of statistical data processing are presented as an appendix (tables), and graphs, drawings, charts, and diagrams based on them are placed in the text. It is mandatory to indicate the reliability of the research results obtained. After the description of the obtained material, its analysis and discussion follows - comparison with data from other studies, and one’s own judgment is expressed on the merits of the results obtained.

Analysis, generalization, interpretation of research results is the most important stage of scientific work, characterizing the student’s creative abilities, his independence, and knowledge of the problem. This stage of the work involves discussing the results of the experimental study. To do this you need:

– highlight the main provisions for analysis;

– determine the logical sequence of the issues discussed;

– compare the facts obtained in the experiment with the results of other authors (they may coincide, not coincide, or contradict);

– assess the reasons causing discrepancies in results (different conditions, different ages, heterogeneous population, insufficiently long experiment, etc.);

– determine from the position of which scientific theory or concept can explain the results obtained;

– give a conclusion on confirmation (or refutation) of the working hypothesis.

Chapter 3 is followed by conclusions, which must correspond to the tasks set in the work. Conclusions should be brief, specific and follow from the results of the actual research material. The conclusions indicate the main results obtained during the study, which confirm or refute the hypothesis put forward and the reliability of the results obtained.

Conclusions should reflect the essence of the work in accordance with the chosen topic, the relevance of the problem, the working hypothesis, the purpose and objectives of the study. They are presented in a concise form and answer the objectives posed in the study. The conclusions apply only to the areas of activity, population and age groups considered in the study.

The number of conclusions may exceed the number of objectives if several indicators or assessment methods were used to achieve one objective.

After the conclusions are drawn up practical recommendations according to the results of the study. Practical recommendations indicate the practical significance of the research results, specify the effectiveness and efficiency of the classes conducted, and also indicate the possibility of using the proposed methodology, a set of exercises used in the research, in practice.

List of used literature compiled in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description of the source in accordance with GOST. The list includes only those literature to which references were made in the main text. Literary sources of domestic authors are placed first, then foreign authors and then Internet sources. In the main text, a reference to the source is given as a serial number in square brackets.

Applications represent a part of the text that has additional meaning, but is necessary for a more complete coverage of the topic and is located at the end of the WRC.

The appendices include examination cards, protocols of pedagogical observations, testing, functional tests, sample questionnaires, etc. The application also contains sets of exercises, notes of classes, lessons conducted during the study. Scenarios of events, photo albums, videos and other illustrated material can be presented as an appendix. The application may also include regulatory documents, instructions and rules, programs, questionnaires, etc.

The form of attachments can be as follows: text, tables, drawings, diagrams, etc. Appendices should not include materials that are not directly related to the content of the work. Each document is assigned a serial number (in Arabic, less often in Roman numerals). The application number (without the No. sign) is placed in the upper right corner above the title. The text of the WRC must contain references to the material presented in the appendix.


The final qualifying work must have a title page, contents, introduction, chapters of text with illustrative material, conclusions, practical recommendations (if any), list of references, and appendices. The final qualifying work is submitted in bound form. Rules for the design of the title page are presented in Appendix 1.

The text of the WRC must meet the following requirements:

– correspondence to the problem being studied, completeness of presentation of experimental material, accuracy of word usage;

– consistency and clear construction of parts of the work, subordination of each part to the presentation of the main goal of the work, expansion of subtopics, logical transition from one position to another;

– compliance with the basic norms of the Russian language (spelling, punctuation, lexical, grammatical, stylistic), correct word order in a sentence, highlighting paragraphs;

– compliance with the scientific style of presentation.

The student is responsible for the quality of the written text, therefore, before submitting the work to the supervisor, it is necessary to carefully proofread the text using computer programs; check the last names, initials, and year of publication of the cited authors. Works that do not meet these requirements are returned to the author for revision and correction of comments.

The VKR must be printed on one side of a white standard A4 sheet (210x297 mm). Page parameters are set as follows. Margins: top and bottom – 20 mm; right 10 mm; left – 30 mm; lower 25 mm. The text of the VRC is typed at 1.5 intervals.

Hyphenations in the text are not allowed.

Each line should contain no more than 60-65 characters, including spaces between words.

Font - Regular Times New Roman. Font size – 14. Font spacing – normal, without offset.

Align body text to width.

Rubrication is a system of interrelated headings, including the names of chapters, paragraphs and subparagraphs. Each section of the WRC begins on a new page (Table of Contents, List of Abbreviations, Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Conclusion, Conclusions, Practical Recommendations, References, Appendices).

The stages of rubrication are indicated in font; chapters, paragraphs and subparagraphs are numbered in Arabic numerals, respectively: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1. The title of the chapter is printed in uppercase (capital) letters with a 14-point font, paragraphs - with 14-point bold font, and subparagraphs - with 14 bold italics. Underlining is not recommended. Each chapter, introduction, bibliography begins on a new page, paragraphs and subparagraphs - on the same page where the previous one ends. Introduction, bibliography, conclusions, practical recommendations and applications are not indicated by numbers.

The headings of sections and subsections are written in the center, separating them from the main text by two intervals (1.0 x 2). There are no periods at the end of headings and subheadings.

The text should be divided into paragraphs, which highlight parts that are relatively separate in meaning. Each paragraph begins with a red line, indentation is 125 mm (tabulation is 125 mm).

Each page of the submission must be numbered with the exception of the title page and contents.

Page numbering is at the top center. The first is the title page, the second is the content, without digital designation. Further from the third, all pages, including illustrations and appendices, are numbered in order from the title page without gaps or repetitions.

In the text of the WRC it is possible to use the following terms and phrases:

1. The use of uniform terms must be maintained throughout the entire work. You should not write “motor qualities” in one case, and “physical qualities” in another, although these concepts are identical.

2. It is not recommended to present the results of personal research on your own behalf (I affirm, by me openly, etc.) It is better to use the expressions: “As the analysis has shown...”, “the basis of the proposed methodology...”, “relevance problems and its insufficient study made it possible to formulate...", "revealed...", "established...", "the above allows us to consider...", etc.

3. Do not overuse introductory phrases at the beginning of a phrase: “should be emphasized,” “needs to be noted,” “is of interest,” “in addition,” “moreover,” etc.

4. You should not use words with the same root (school, schoolchildren, school program) in one sentence. It is better to replace them with synonyms (schoolchildren: students, children studying) or rearrange the phrase.

In the text of the VKR, the following abbreviations of words are allowed: i.e., etc., etc., etc., etc. It is unacceptable to abbreviate complex conjunctions and phrases like: since, so-called, thus, because that, so, including.

In the scientific and methodological literature, such abbreviated words as heart rate, general physical fitness, AFC, DOU, cerebral palsy, etc. are often used, which are called abbreviations. References to previous pages of text are written abbreviated in parentheses. For example...(p. 8).

The list of abbreviations used in the work must be indicated before introduction. The use of abbreviations in the topic of the work, content and introduction is not allowed.

Idea projects for the development of Baikalsk

Appendix 2 . Map of local values ​​as the basis of innovative social technology

Appendix 3 . Map of local values ​​(web format)

Appendix 4 . Presentation of energy saving projects of the RMO program in Buryatia

Appendix 5 . Consolidated budget competition materials

Appendix 6 . Business projects

Appendix 7 . Materials of the seminar on GIS for administration

Appendix 8 . Social contract

Appendix 9 . Matrix of synergistic effect from a set of projects

Appendix 10 . Regulations on reinvestment of energy saving funds

Appendix 11. Presentation of the results of the Biogarden project

Appendix 12 . Waste-based thermal power plant (concept)

Appendix 13 . Concept of the Fund for Future Generations of Russian Citizens

Appendix 14 . Examples of problem annihilation

Appendix 15 . Results of social project competitions for the consolidated budget


    Armand A.D. et al. Ecosystems in critical states. Science, 1989.

    Bauens M. Russia and the next long wave, or why rural areas are so important, 2009.

    Law of Ukraine No. 601-V. On alternative energy sources, 2008.

    Pleshakov S.A. Accompanying the village. Model of rural development. - Khabarovsk: Publishing House of the Pacific State University, 2008. - 343 p.

    Pokrovsky N.E.. Russian North: what's in the future?, 2008.

    Trushkin V.V., Shaphaev S.G. Methodological manual for assessing the social effectiveness of investment projects, Ulan-Ude, 2003.

    Hanturgaeva N.Ts. Cultural heritage as a factor in the development of municipalities // Cultural potential of the Baikal region. Proceedings of the interregional scientific and practical conference July 3, 2009. Volume 1. - Ulan-Ude: editor's office. RCST department, 2009 - 480 p. (p.460-465)

    Schwartz E. A. et al., The relationship between the efficiency of use of natural capital and the competitiveness of Russia. Social sciences and modernity, 2009.

The bibliographic apparatus (list of references used) of the course work not only gives an idea of ​​the sources that the student used when writing the work. Based on the bibliographic apparatus, one can judge the degree of awareness of the student in the available approaches to the problem being studied, as well as the scientific ethics and culture of the student’s scientific work.

title And bibliographic description.

The bibliographic record includes title bibliographic record and bibliographic description.

Heading- this is an element of a bibliographic record located before the bibliographic description and intended for organizing and searching bibliographic records.

Bibliographic description– a set of bibliographic information about a document, its component part or a group of documents, given according to certain rules establishing the content and order of areas and elements, and intended for general characteristics and identification of the document.

A bibliographic description of a document consists of fragments (description areas) given in a certain sequence, containing information about a specific feature of a publication, article, patent, or electronic resource. Elements of a bibliographic description are divided into mandatory(present in any bibliographic description and providing identification of the document) and optional, given at the choice of the relevant bibliographic department or institution. The existing GOST regulates the structure of a bibliographic description, a set of elements, their sequence, method of arrangement, and introduces a system of conventional dividing marks.

According to the rules, the following elements of bibliographic description are provided:


Information related to the title (information that clarifies the main title of the book; reveals the topic, type, genre, etc.);

Information about the publication (information about the repetition of the publication, its revision, etc.);

Imprint information (place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication);

Quantitative characteristics (number of pages).

The source of information for the bibliographic description is the title page or other parts of the document that replace it.

The title of the book is given as it appears on the title page without quotation marks. There is a period after the name.

A dash is placed before the name of the place of publication. The name of the place of publication is written in full, in the nominative case. Abbreviations for the names of cities are allowed: Moscow (M.) and St. Petersburg (SPb.), Minsk (Mn.) and Rostov-on-Don (Rostov n/Donu). A colon is placed after the name of the city.

The publisher is indicated in the nominative case without quotation marks. A comma is placed after the name of the publisher.

The year of publication is written without indicating the word “year” or “y”. After the year of publication there is a dot, then a dash and the number of pages.

Information about an article from a periodical must include: the surname and initials of the author (authors), title of the article, name of the magazine (newspaper), year of issue, magazine number (for a newspaper - date of issue), pages on which the article is placed. After the title of the article there is no period, but a question mark and an exclamation mark are placed, followed by a double slash; after the name of the magazine (newspaper), year of issue, magazine number (date of publication of the newspaper) - a dot and a dash.

Structurally, the list of used literature and sources of information is completed in the following order:

Legislative and regulatory materials - in accordance with the hierarchy of legislative and regulatory documents (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Codes, Federal Laws, Government Decrees, etc.);

Monographs, textbooks, conference materials, articles from collections and periodicals in Russian;

Electronic resources;

Judicial practice (for law faculty)

The bibliographic list includes only those sources that are referenced in the main text of the course work and that were actually used by the student in its preparation.

Examples of bibliographic descriptions of various types of literary sources:

In this case, the author is written (last name and initials), then the title, through a “colon” ​​(if there is data on the title page) the type of publication (textbook, study guide, etc.) is indicated, through a “dot” and “dash” publishing house with the year of publication and again through a “dot” and “dash” the total number of pages of the book is indicated.

Gurevich K.M. Professional suitability of a lawyer: scientific and practical guide / K.M. Gurevich. – M: Yurait, 2008. - 272 p.

Biryukov P. N. International law: textbook / P. N. Biryukov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurist, 2000. - 416 p.

When there is a parallel title (in Russian and a foreign language), they are separated from each other by the sign = .

Sheveleva S.A. English on Economics = English for economists: a textbook for universities in economics. specialties / S. A. Sheveleva. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005. - 415 p.

If a book has been translated from a language, this is indicated in the continuation of the title and separated by a colon. If there is a surname of the translator, it is indicated in the information about responsibility.

Vance D. Blue World: trans. from English / D. Vance. - M.: VLADOS, 2004. - 698 p.

Asherwood B. The ABC of Communication / B. Asherwood; lane from English I. Yu. Bagrova, R. Z. Panova; scientific ed. L. M. Inkova. - M.: Liberia, 1995. - 173 p.

First name is indicated first author, and behind the slash they are listed both authors with initials before surname, then everything is the same as in the first example. If the book is written three authors, then after the title followed by a slash ( / ) in the area of ​​responsibility 3 are indicated author,

Gusov K.N. Features of an employment contract: textbook/K.N. Gusov, I.S. Tsypkina. – M.: Prospekt, 2011. – 176 p.

The description begins with the title, after which the editor, compiler, etc. must be indicated via “flash”, then as in the first example.

Theory of state and law: textbook/comp. N.V. Shatuev. – Ulan-Ude, BSU, 2011. – 256 p.

Electronic resources

Local access electronic resource:

Tsvetkov, V.Ya. Computer graphics [Electronic resource]: working program / V. Ya. Tsvetkov. - Electron. Dan. and prog. - M.: MIIGAiK, 2002. - 1 floppy disk. - Cap. from the screen.

Internet step by step [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. and prog. - St. Petersburg. : PiterKom, 2000. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). - Cap. from the screen.

Example description of an article from the collection

Aleksandrova T. N. Basics of the nomination of historicisms of our time / T. N. Aleksandrova // Philological readings of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. - Vologda, 2001. - Issue. 3. - pp. 3-4.

Article from periodicals

Kazantseva A. Some issues of building a legal state // State and law. - 2003. - No. 6 (32). - P. 32-35.

Magazine article

Ivanova E. Yu. On the verge of elite and mass culture. Towards understanding the “playing space” of the Russian avant-garde / E. Yu. Ivanova // Social sciences and modernity. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 162-174.

Shpak V. Yu. Analysis of the axioms of politics, power and legal consciousness / V. Yu. Shpak, V. V. Makeev, A. A. Parshina // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Episode 8, History. - 2000. - No. 2. - P. 28-32.

Newspaper article

Sheremetyevsky N. The bank is stronger than both the governor and the prosecutor / N. Sheremetyevsky // Parliamentary newspaper. - 2001. - November 13.

Description of the review

Moryakov, V.I. [Review] // Questions of history. - 2001. - No. 3. - P. 160-162. - Rec. on the book: Man of the Enlightenment: collection. Art. / answer ed. G. S. Kucherenko. - M.: Nauka, 1999. - 224 p.

Researching literature and compiling a bibliography is an important part of the process of writing a scientific paper.

When compiling a bibliographic record, individual words and phrases can be abbreviated in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

 The number of sources in the bibliography depends on the degree of development of the topic and its reflection in documentary streams. The approximate number of sources for a coursework is at least 15, a thesis is at least 30.

 The list must have continuous sequential numbering of the documents included in it.

 Information about sources is numbered in Arabic numerals and printed in paragraph indentation (red line).

 The most common way to group sources is alphabetical a method in which descriptions of books and articles are arranged in the general alphabet of authors' surnames or titles (if there are more than three authors).

 It is recommended to place official and regulatory documents (Federal laws, Presidential Decrees, resolutions, regulations, orders, etc.) at the beginning of the list. Within a group of documents of the same type, descriptions can be arranged either alphabetically or chronologically.

 Information about regulatory documents and articles from periodicals is provided with the obligatory indication of the source of publication.

 If you used an electronic document from the Internet in your work, indicate the server or database address in the publication source.

 When preparing a list for a scientific work, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules for the bibliographic description of documents, established by GOSTs.

Registration of bibliographic references

Bibliographical references– one of the indicators of the scientific nature of educational and research work. Bibliographical references are given in the notes (in the text, interlinear, beyond the text). To connect the text of the work with notes, references in the form of numbers (ordinal numbers) are used. The second part of the bibliographic apparatus is bibliographic references. Bibliographic reference - a set of bibliographic information about a source (its part) quoted, considered or mentioned in the text of a course work, necessary for its general characteristics and search.

Another way to connect the main text of the course work with a description of the source is footnote links placed at the end of each page and marked with footnotes in the form of an asterisk or number. If there are more than four footnotes per page, then it is not advisable to use asterisks.

On January 1, 2009, a new GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference” was introduced. General requirements and rules of compilation”, which establishes the main types, structure, composition, location of bibliographic references in documents.

Objects compilation of bibliographic references are all types of published and unpublished documents on any media, as well as component parts of documents.

By location The document contains bibliographic references:

1) intratextual, placed in the text of the document, i.e. being part of the main text;

2) interlinear, i.e., strips of the document moved down from the text (in a footnote, at the bottom of the page); A subscript reference is formatted as an automatic footnote.

3) behind-the-text, i.e. placed outside the text of the document or part of it (in a callout).

When repeating links bibliographic references to the same object are distinguished:

- primary, in which bibliographic information is presented for the first time in this document;

- repeated, in which the previously specified bibliographic information is repeated in an abbreviated form. Repeated links can be intratextual, interlinear, or extratextual.

If there are several reference objects, then they are combined into one comprehensive bibliographic reference. Complex Links can be in-text, sublinear and beyond-text. These may include both primary and secondary links.

A bibliographic reference, intended to characterize, identify and search a document, is compiled according to all the rules of a bibliographic description of a document. In a bibliographic reference intended only for searching a document, the use of a short description form is allowed.

Students should use one referencing method throughout their work for consistency.

Footnotes (footnotes) are printed on the red line. Arabic numerals without brackets, placed on the top line of the font, are used as a footnote sign. Footnotes are separated from the main text by a solid line, the length of which is about 1/4 of the width of the text line.

If the note refers to a single word, the footnote mark should appear immediately after that word; if it refers to a sentence (group of sentences) as a whole, then the sign is placed at the end of this sentence (sentences). The footnote mark is placed before punctuation marks (with the exception of question marks, exclamation marks and ellipses).

References are numbered in sequential order throughout the entire work or one page. On each subsequent page, the numbering must begin with one. Transferring notes to another page, as well as combining sequentially numbered links into a general list at the end of the work, is not allowed.

2. the full title of the work and all relevant data;

3. year of publication;

4. used pages.

Borisova E. A. Appeal in civil and arbitration processes. M.: Gorodets, 1997. P. 5-19.

Tagantsev N. S. Russian criminal law: Lectures. General part: In 2 volumes. M.: Nauka, 1994. T. 1. P. 90.

Enforcement proceedings: Textbook. M.: Legal. lit., 1997. P. 15.

Right there. P. 20.

Borisova E. A. Decree. op. S. 25,

2. title of the work;

3. used pages.

Treushnikov M.K. Judicial evidence. P. 34.

Mendelson G. A. Bailment of persons who have committed crimes... P. 12-14.

Economics and life. 1997. No. 13. P. 23.

Real estate tax // Economics and life. 1996. No. 4. P. 3.

The first link to a published document provides the full title of the document and full information about the edition in which the document was published. The following indicate the name of the publication, information about it and the corresponding pages.

Collective farms according to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture as of December 1, 1920 // V. V. Kabanov. Peasant farming under the conditions of "war communism". M.: Nauka, 1988. pp. 244-245.


Kabanov V.V. Peasant farming... P. 244-245.

When referring to documents and materials used in the literature, the link that is in the work used is reproduced, and the note is made: “Quoted from:” further information about the work is given in accordance with the rules for the design of interlinear references.

Quoted from: Chernilovsky Z. M. Introduction to the book by M. Bartoszek “Roman Law (concepts, terms, definitions)”. M., 1989. P. 11.

If information about the materials used is indicated in the text itself, then the reference provides information about the work from which these materials were taken. If the author’s idea is not given verbatim, then before the reference to the source they put “See:”.

See: Novitsky I. B. Roman law. M., 1993. P. 33.

If footnotes include the author's text commenting on a quote from the source used, then information about this source must be enclosed in parentheses. References to several works (documents) given in one note are separated from each other by a semicolon.

Khvostov V. M. History of Roman law. M., 1919. P. 149; Shulin F. Textbook of the history of Roman law. M., 1893. P. 33.

Filippo T. Di. Mitchell Franklin and Roman Law // Telos. St. Louis, 1986/1987. No. 70. P.14.

Here is a clear example of the design of links to individual publications:

· for serial publications (Proceedings. Scientific notes. News. Review information, etc.) Example:

Sociology and psychological readings. M.: Book, 1979. P. 231 (Tr. / State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin, T. 15).

· for a yearbook: after the title, the year for which materials are included in this yearbook is indicated (this year often does not coincide with the year the yearbook was published).

Literary-theoretical. research: 1993. M., 1996. P. 394.

Pshenichnaya I.K. Russian technical book, 1975-1980: Dis. (or Auth.) Ph.D. ist. Sciences: 05.25.04. M.: Moscow. state Institute of Culture. 2004.

· for magazines and newspapers:

Tsipkin Yu.N. Far Eastern Republic: was there an alternative? (some questions of history) // Domestic history. 1993. No. 3. P. 15.

· on the code of laws of the Russian Federation.

Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 9, 1998 No. 1-P in the case of verifying the constitutionality of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation // SZ RF. 1998. No. 3. Art. 529.

on the Internet.

Calculated from: http://bd.fom.ru/report/map/tb011813 (access date 01/20/2014)

In the text:

Professor E.A. Klimov states: “Inconsistencies in the subjective picture of a professional life path... can be expressed in more or less severe crisis situations...” 1

In a footnote:


1 Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination. M., 1996. P.427.

It is permissible not to use square brackets for information not taken from a prescribed source of information;

Abbreviations of individual words and phrases are used for all elements of a bibliographic record, with the exception of the title proper of the document. Words and phrases are abbreviated according to GOST 7.11 and GOST 7.12;

In the physical characteristics area, they indicate either the total volume of the document or information about the location of the reference object in the document:

If the text is cited not from the original source, but from another document, then at the beginning of the link the words are given: “ Quote By:" (quoted from:), " Given according to:", indicating source of borrowing:

*Quoted by: Florensky P. A. At the watersheds of thought. M., 1990. T. 2. P. 27.

To link interlinear bibliographic references with the text of the document, use footnote sign; to link extra-text bibliographic references with the text of the document, use callout sign or reference, which are given in the form numbers (ordinal numbers), letters, asterisks or other signs. References in the text of the document include: square brackets. If necessary, references may contain certain identifying information: name of the author (authors), title of the document, year of publication, designation and volume number, page indication.

Intratextual a bibliographic reference contains information about the reference object that is not included in the text of the document. In-text references are used when the text mentions the title of the work or its author(s). An in-text bibliographic reference may contain the following: elements:


Information about the publication;



An in-text bibliographic reference is included in round brackets. Prescribed sign dot and dash, separating the areas of the bibliographic description, in an in-text bibliographic reference, as a rule, replace dot:

(Arens V. Zh. ABC of a researcher. M.: Intermet Engineering, 2006)

(Potemkin V.K. Social partnership: formation, assessment, regulation. St. Petersburg, 2002. 202 p.)

(Melnikov V.P. Information security and information protection: textbook. M., 2006)

(Concise economic dictionary / A. N. Azrilyan [et al.]. 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. M.: Institute of New Economics, 2002. 1087 pp.)

(Socis. 2006. No. 3. P. 8-18)

(Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia. Chelyabinsk, 2002. 1 electronic optical disk (CD-ROM))

(Collected works. M.: Economics, 2006. T.1. P. 24-56)

(Ryazan: Veche, 2006. P. 67)

(Selected lectures. St. Petersburg, 2005. pp. 110-116)

(SPb., 1819-1827. Parts 1-3)


According to S. I. Semiletov, with whom we agree, “a file as an electronic document is a separate statistical pseudo-material object with individual specific attributes” (Semiletov, S. I. Electronic document and documentation ... // Informatics and Communications. 2002. No. 2. P. 64).


The main title of the document;

General designation of the material;

Title information;

Information about responsibility;

Information about the publication;

Imprint (place of publication, publisher, date of publication);

Information about the series;

Designation and serial number of the volume or issue (for references to publications in multi-part or serial documents);


International standard number.

When numbering interlinear bibliographic references apply a uniform order throughout this document: continuous numbering throughout the text, within each chapter, section, part, etc., or for a given page of the document.

1 Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America. M., 2006. pp. 305-412.

3 Kutepov V.I. Art of the Middle Ages. Rostov n/d, 2006. pp. 144-251.

or in more detail:

1 Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America: textbook. manual for universities. – 2nd ed. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. – P. 305-412.

3 Kutepov V.I. Art of the Middle Ages / edited by. ed. V. I. Romanova. - Rostov n/d, 2006. - P. 144-251.


A linguistic formula means a stable phrase, a phrase that expresses the type, nature of a particular managerial, production or simply professional function 2 .

The speech tactics used here can be called “exaggeration”*.


2 Veselov, P.V. Modern business writing in industry. M., 1990. P. 36.

* Vasilyeva, A. N. Fundamentals of speech culture. M., 1990. P. 12.

If the text contains elements of a bibliographic description, then the link looks like:

“...Happiness - it was won by long-term communication with the novel,” writes L. Pogozheva in the article “Return to Stendhal” 3.



1 Librarian's Handbook. St. Petersburg, 2006. P. 15

2 Ibid. P. 82.

3 Ibid. P. 126.

For analytical records, it is allowed, if there is bibliographic information about the component in the text, to indicate only information about the identifying document in the sublinear reference:

2 Adorno T.V. Towards the logic of social sciences // Questions of Philosophy. – 1992. - No. 10. – P. 76-86.

or, if this article is referred to in the text of the document:

2 Questions of philosophy. 1992. No. 10. P. 76-86.

Do not indicate the main title of the article or other component part of the document, but be sure to indicate the pages on which it is published.


1 Poleva T. // Smena. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 134-139.


1 Poleva T. And in Ryazan we have mushrooms with eyes! // Change. – 2006. – No. 4.

For entries on electronic resources It is allowed, if the text contains bibliographic information identifying an electronic remote access resource, to indicate only its email address in a subscript reference (the abbreviation “ is used to denote an email address URL" (uniform resource locator):

2 Official periodicals: electronic. guide / Russian national b-ka, Center for Legal Information. [SPb.], 2005-2007// URL: http://www.nlr.ru/lawcenter/izd/index.html

or, if this publication is referred to in the text of the document:

URL: http://www.nlr.ru/lawcenter/izd/index.html

The set of extra-text bibliographic references is formatted as list of bibliographic records, placed after the text of the document or its component part.

A non-text reference is presented in square brackets, for example, which means: the third number from the list of references used, page 5 of this publication. There are several ways to connect the main text of a term paper with a description of the source. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the serial number of the source indicated in the bibliographic list. When referring to the source page in the main text, it is also placed in square brackets. For example, when referring to page 176 of the eleventh source in the bibliographic list, you should write in the main text: .

A set of extra-text bibliographic references is not a bibliography or an index, as a rule, also placed after the text of the document and having independent significance as a bibliographic aid. Beyond-text links may be named " List of off-text links».

Appendices are located at the end of the work, after the list of references and without indicating page numbering.


Requirements for the preparation of a list of used literature and bibliographic references

The bibliographic apparatus of the course work includes a bibliographic list (list of references) and bibliographic references, which are prepared in accordance with GOST. A bibliographic list is an integral part of the bibliographic apparatus, containing a bibliographic description of the used literary sources. Such a list will appear at the end of the work and constitutes an essential part of it, which reflects the student’s creative independent work. That is why the bibliography allows one to judge the degree of fundamentality of the research conducted. The bibliographic apparatus of a scientific work includes a bibliographic list and bibliographic references. The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description: general requirements and rules of compilation.” When compiling a bibliographic record, individual words and phrases can be abbreviated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.11-78 (2003) and GOST R 7.0.12-2011 “Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules”, “List of special cases of abbreviation of words and phrases in bibliographic records”, contained in the “Russian Rules of Cataloging” (2008). Bibliographic references are issued in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation."

List of documents (sources) used:

It is an organic part of any research work and is placed after the main text of the work;

Characterizes the degree of study of a specific problem by the author;

It is of independent value as a reference tool for other researchers.