Domain mailbox. How to create a mailbox with your own domain

Agree to have Mailbox on your domain is much more interesting than on well-known email services. It looks “expensive” and original. However, the mail management tools that the hosting panel provides you are not very convenient and do not have a beautiful design.

You can order corporate email, but it will cost you money. Therefore, I suggest you connect your domain to Yandex.Mail and manage your correspondence through the Yandex service. This is quite simple to do, and if a website is hosted on the connecting domain, then this will not affect its operation in any way.

When I was asked to help connect Yandex.Mail for a domain, users thought that all DNS servers needed to be changed for the domain, as a result of which the site would no longer work - this is not true, especially since there is no need to make any changes to the DNS.

Connecting Yandex mail for the domain

Go to the service page Yandex.Mail for domain and log in to your account – if you don’t have one, you should create one. I would advise you to create one account on Yandex and link all your domains to it (if there are many of them) so that you can manage the settings from one place.

On the “Connect Domain” tab, you will have a special field that you need to fill out, namely, indicate the name of your domain and click the “Add Domain” button.

I will use the first method, so I create Text Document(notepad) with the required content, and then I rename “New text document.txt” to “b02e6004b0e6.html” and upload this file to the directory of my site. After completing any of the methods, click the “Check domain ownership” button.

After successful confirmation, the first step will disappear from the page; if not, the reasons for the rejection will be indicated and you need to correct them.

The second step is setting up MX records. This process will be slightly different depending on the type of control panel on your hosting. Since I have cPanel, based on it I will demonstrate the process of connecting a domain.

And so, go to our panel and look for the section on email management, and in this section click on the “MX Record” item.

Next on the page we need to select the domain we need from the list, which will open a menu with additional settings.

In the first section, select “Remote Mail Exchanger”; on other panels it may also be called “Remote Mail Exchanger” - this is the same thing, just not translated into Russian. Then immediately click “Change”.

Next you need to add a new MX record. To do this, in the “Importance” field we write “10”, and in the “Recipient” - “” we press the “Add” button.

As you can see from the screenshot (a couple of paragraphs below), the recipient value has a dot at the end, but it is not always needed - I don’t know why this is connected, but everything works fine without it, especially since my panel does not accept a value with a dot at the end .

After adding new entry at the bottom of the page you can view all MX that are used for the domain.

As you can see, there is one extra entry here, or rather it has become redundant (not relevant), so you need to delete it.

Now you need to wait until the server updates the MX record information. This may take up to 2 days, but as usual the update occurs within a couple of hours, and in my case it took 25 minutes.

After successfully checking the MX records, the second step will disappear, and the message “Domain connected” will appear in its place.

Now you need to create the mailbox itself - indicate the desired login and password and click “Add”.

After creating the first mailbox, you can start creating additional ones for your friends, colleagues or users of your site.

To log into your mailbox, go to Yandex.Mail, where as a login we write the full address of your mailbox, in my example it is admin[a]site, and password.

When you first log in, you will be asked to provide your details to complete registration.

First of all, we send ourselves to new box a letter from another e-mail to make sure the service is working. Everything works fine for me and the letter arrived instantly after it was sent.

Now you can customize the design of the web client, connect email clients on your smartphone, etc.

ATTENTION: It is possible that when you try to access your website (the domain of which was connected to Yandex.Mail), it will give an error and will not work at all. But such an error will only be shown to you, and the site will continue to work for all other users. On your part, you will need to clear your browser cache and wait a little. This happens, but rarely.

And put corporate mail on it. But it has its own interface and its own fans. Many people like mail from Yandex, so you shouldn’t bypass it. And when organizing corporate mail, you can think about which one is better to do. Maybe someone will want to use a separate script.

Today I want to tell you about how to set up mail from Yandex on your domain.

Yandex.Mail for domain- This free solution from Yandex.
Key Features Yandex.Mail service:

  • 1000 email accounts (more is possible)
  • no restrictions on mailbox size
  • you can upload your logo for the mail web interface

Of course, these are not all the features of the service. Yandex.Mail for domain. Basically, the service is identical to the Yandex.Mail service and has the same features.

Domain connection

In order to learn more about the service and evaluate its advantages, you need to go to the following address: The same address is needed to start working with the service. Yandex.Mail for domain.
If you are authorized in Yandex, then you will need to click on the link "Connect domain", or you can go to If you are not authorized, then by visiting the first link, you will be automatically redirected to the domain connection page.
There is a signature field here "Enter the domain name for your email." Where you actually need to enter the name of your domain. And a sign «@» tells you that your mailboxes will look like [email protected] (from this link you should enter After you have entered your domain, you need to click on the button "Connect domain".

After you click on the button, the following window will open in which you will need to confirm domain ownership and enter additional settings.

Yandex delegation and DNS hosting

Also, in this window you can delegate some of the rights to Yandex to manage the domain. To do this you will need to change the NS server of your domain. To do this, you need to contact your domain registrar or hosting provider. It often happens that you do not have access to settings for changing this particular data. Therefore, ask the registrar to change your NS servers to Yandex NS servers:
Primary DNS server:
Secondary DNS server:

Exactly in the form in which Yandex offers them to us.
Of course, this procedure is not at all necessary. But if you do this you will get convenient DNS editor and you don't have to write separate settings for the domain. Because when delegating, all the settings for DNS records necessary for full work Mail and Jabber from Yandex on your domain will be generated automatically. And Yandex and its servers will be responsible for the performance of your domain. The rest of the information can be obtained from the corresponding Yandex help.

Domain delegation is the transfer of part of the rights over a domain zone to another party.

The domain delegation process may take some time.

Step 1: Verify domain ownership

In the first step to connect a domain, you need to confirm domain management rights. And there are several ways:

  • Upload a file with a special name and code to root directory your site
  • For the subdomain on which you mean to use Yandex.Mail, you need to change the CNAME record to
  • Specify the email address offered by Yandex as the contact email address for your domain. This can be done through your domain name registrar.

The simplest one, in my opinion, is to create a recommended file with special text.
To do this, you need to go to the site control panel, or if you have access via FTP, you can use or and upload the file offered by Yandex to the root of the site. After you download it? it is advisable to check its presence on the hosting in the root of the site by easy transition via the link ( is the name of your domain, filename.html is the file name suggested by Yandex).
Just below the first STEP there is information about whether these actions have been completed or not. Yandex will automatically log into your domain at the specified time and check whether you have done at least one of the methods to confirm your rights to manage the domain.

The next inscription just tells you when Yandex will come to you for verification.
Next check will be: 06/28/2013 08:45
After about this time, you can update and check if STEP 1 was completed.

If STEP 1 has been completed, it will become crossed out and this will mean that you have confirmed the rights to the domain, and now you can proceed further.

Step 2. Set up MX records

After rights to manage the domain have been confirmed, you need to make changes to the MX records. If you did the delegation procedure, then you can skip this step.
In order to enter the appropriate MX records, you need to go to your hosting panel and there find something like “DNS Configuration” or “DNS Editor”. And in this section, delete all inline MX records and inline CNAME records, A records. In my editor, one entry “Built in TXT records” was also deleted.
After these steps, you need to create a new MX record like this:
Subdomain name - @
Record type - MX
Data -
Priority - 10

If you want to access your mail through your subdomain (, then you need to add a CNAME record with the following settings:
Subdomain name: mail
Record type: CNAME

Moreover, “domain” is here Not needs to be replaced with something else. It needs to be entered as it is.
While you are waiting to add MX records, you can already add the mailboxes you need, simple input login and password. Login is what will appear before the “ @ » in your mailboxes. For example in the address [email protected], yourname is your login.

When delegating a domain, be prepared for the fact that your domain may be down for several hours to several days. This is due to the fact that DNS records must be updated on many third-party resources.

After the MX records have been confirmed, a window for managing your mail will open, and here you can:

  • to add a mail box
  • Set up domain
  • Launch DNS Editor

To add a mail box:

Everything is simple here, you can add your mailbox, and here you need to enter your login and password, the latter twice.

Set up domain:

Here you can choose Default address(on specified address letters will arrive from mailboxes that do not exist in this domain), Add alias, Turn on, turn off Chat for domain, Turn on, turn off General list of contacts.

DNS Editor

A DNS record editor is provided here. During my work, I had a problem with the site’s accessibility, so I had to enter all the A-records manually. Perhaps you won't have such a problem.

Let me remind you once again that the distribution process DNS settings does not go away immediately, and may take some time - from several hours to two or three days. And if you didn’t encounter any errors during setup, then accept my congratulations!) If someone in your company uses mail clients, then the Yandex.Mail service does not exclude this possibility. I checked the functionality of the mail on . Everything works perfectly.
Good luck and enjoy your work with mail using Yandex.Mail service for a domain.

I was prompted to write this note by an article by Peter Aleksandrov (aka WPnew), in which he tells how you can make beautiful mail with the name of your domain (site) and redirect letters from existing mailboxes to it Gmail mailboxes(Google) and Yandex. I'm offering a little Alternative option, which will involve your hosting and mail account in the service from Google.

And now about my option for connecting mail, like [email protected], Where: name- any name (for example admin), the name of your domain (for example, a website).

After clicking on the gear, we will have the following menu, where we click “Mail Settings”:

Having completed the previous operation, the settings menu will open in front of us, where we should select the “Accounts and Import” tab (underlined with a red line):

In this tab we are interested in “Add your other email address”, which is indicated by the red arrow. Left-click on these words. We will need what is underlined by the green line at the very end, so we skip it for now.

By clicking on “Add your other email address,” a new window will open in front of us in which we can enter our name or nickname (who is good at what). But under the number 1 we enter our email address with the name of the site (which we created on the hosting). This way we tell Gmail that we will write from their account in the future, but people will receive letters with the name we require. You need to enter your already registered email on the hosting.

After filling out point 1, click the “Next stage” button (number 2) and the following opens before us (click to enlarge):

Here I advise you not to touch anything, just press " Next action" (number 1). Here we will see:

In this window, make sure that the address we need is indicated and click “Send confirmation”. After this the following will happen:

Hello everyone!

Probably, every website owner wants to have an email like [email protected] (or a slightly different one) and you are no exception, since you are here. Indeed, mail with its own domain brings some kind of prestige to the site owner and increases the trust of visitors. Agree, the ending postal address like,, does not inspire any confidence. I am still amazed at sites where, instead of a normal postal address with a domain, a regular email address is indicated.

If you subscribe to my blog mailing list, then you know that my email address looks like this: info@site. I created it using hosting (cool hosting, I recommend it). There are other, more common, ways to create mail for a domain.

As you all know, both Yandex and Google have their own email services:

  • Google has Gmail;
  • Yandex has Yandex.Mail.

But we will only work with Yandex, since Google usage corporate mail of the form [email protected] has become paid. Let's go!

Setting up Yandex.Mail for a domain

If you are not yet registered in Yandex, then register quickly, it will not take you much time, maximum 5 minutes. Well, for those who have an account in Yandex, let’s continue.

  1. Go to the following address:
  2. Enter the domain of your website (I will indicate the address of another blog of mine) and click on the “Add domain” button: Next, the domain connection will be checked, which may take long time, but usually this happens instantly;
  3. Then you need to verify your domain ownership. There are three ways to do this, but the first one is much preferable: using an html file:
    You will need to create an HTML file with the name specified in the instructions and enter the text there, which is also indicated here. For this purpose you can use with a simple notepad or other editors. I'm using Sublime Text 3 (love the black background with different colored tags). It turned out like this:
  4. The newly created file must be uploaded to the root of the site (where all the files and folders of the site are located) via an FTP client, or via file manager hosting;
  5. Then you need to make sure that you did everything correctly. To do this, click on the “Check domain ownership” button:
  6. If everything is done correctly, then you will only have step No. 2, which will require changing the MX record. This is done where you registered the domain, for me it is, but in order to create a new MX record with the specified parameters you will need to host your site on their hosting. However, is hosted by, so you will need to create an MX record there. It is created through DNS zone management;
  7. As soon as the procedure for creating an MX record is completed, you can safely proceed to creating mail for the domain. Enter your login and password:
  8. That's all, now the mail setup for the Yandex domain is complete. All that remains is to enter it:
    Next you need to log in:
  9. And finally, we complete the registration procedure by filling out a simple form:

Great! Now setting up mail for the domain on Yandex Mail is complete. Use it!

Hi all! Today we will examine a topic such as “ Mail for a domain: Yandex and Google mail with your own domain" "What is this?" - you ask. The point is this: I finally made my mail for the domain, that is, now my main mailbox will look like petr@site.

Why do I need this?

If for some reason you also want to create your own mail with your own domain, then read the lesson further and you will learn how to create the same mail.

I showed mail for a domain using the example of two services: Yandex (at the beginning) and Google (in the middle of the lesson). Choose which email service is more convenient for you and start using it.

Mail for a domain: Yandex will do everything for you!

I first created mail for my domain through Yandex. I don’t know why, but I don’t really like Gmail and Facebook, but prefer Yandex and VKontakte. The first ones seem terribly inconvenient to me. But the fact that gmail is the best email service in the world, and even the fact that many applications are integrated specifically for gmail, “forced” me to choose mail from Google. I have long wanted to switch to this mail, but now I will have to get used to the new postal service for me.

So, first, let's look at the example with Yandex (let me remind you, I created it for myself on Google, the method of which is described below).

  1. We log in to Yandex (that is, we log in with our username and password).
  2. First, go to the page
  3. There you “drive in” the address of your domain:
  4. Click on the “Connect domain” button (located next to it).
  5. And you wait. Please note that “Verifying domain connectivity may take a long time.” For some reason this process in my Google Chrome takes a very long time, I solved the problem using Mozilla Firefox(the domain “connects” instantly, no need to wait 3 hours).
  6. Next in create new document and paste there the text that Yandex gives us (I chose the first item to confirm domain ownership):
  7. Click on the “Save” button and save the file under the name Yandex tells us:
  8. Next, upload the saved file to the root of the site (where the wp-admin, wp-config, etc. folders are located):
  9. Next, click on the “Check Now” button:
  10. Wait a few minutes (Yandex rechecks the presence of the file approximately every 10 minutes). Although you don’t even have to sit and wait, you can safely follow “Step 2. Set up MX records.”
  11. If you are like me, then follow the steps below (even if you did not buy there, the steps will be similar, just go to the control panel of your domain registrar). Go to the control panel -> Domains -> My domains:
  12. There, left-click on the domain for which you are creating mail:
  13. In the next window, select “Manage DNS zone”:
  14. On the page where you confirmed your rights to manage the domain, fill out the following information:
  15. And fill them in “DNS Zone Management”:
  16. Click “Add”. Now Yandex has probably checked the rights to access the domain, but now you will need to wait while it checks the MX records (again you will need to wait about 10 minutes). It says “Next check will be at XX:XX:XX”. Just refresh the page when the “cherished moment” comes.
  17. Now come up with a login for your mailbox, that is, what will appear in front of For example: “admin”, “my”, “your_name”, etc., then click on the “Add” button:
  18. Mail has been created! Then go to the Yandex main page and type in new address email and password:
  19. Next, fill in the required information and click on the “Complete registration” button:
  20. Next, you need to specify a different e-mail that you used before in order to automatically redirect letters from another mailbox to a new one. To do this, click on the “Add your mailbox” button:
  21. There you click on the “Connect mailbox” button:
  22. There, enter the login and password for the old mailbox, check the box to save originals in that mailbox or not, and click “Connect”:
  23. That's all! Now you are the owner of a very beautiful email box. Still, mail for domain- cool stuff! Is it true?

If you prefer Google, then mail for domain This service will come in handy. Connecting Google mail is also not difficult (unfortunately, Google’s innovation: this service became paid):

  1. Let's go to .
  2. Enter your domain name:
  3. Click on the “Get Started” button.
  4. Next, fill in the required information and click on the “Next” button:
  5. Next, enter your username and password. The username can be “admin”, your name (for example, “petr”), that is, this will be the word that will be in your email address before the “@” sign:

  6. Enter the word from the picture and click on the “I Accept” button. Continue setting up.”
  7. Next, if you were already logged in to Gmail, in the next window click on “Log in to another account”:
  8. Next, click on the “Install quickly” button:
  9. Next, go to the “Domain Ownership Confirmation” tab:
  10. Click on the “Next” button:
  11. Click on the link “this HTML confirmation file” to download the required file:
  12. Then place this downloaded file via FTP in the root of the blog (where wp-config, wp-admin, etc. are located):
  13. Next, click on the link that confirms the successful completion of the download:
  14. And then click on the “Confirm” button.
  15. Now you should see a notification that everything was completed successfully, in that window you need to click on “Continue”:
  16. In the next window, since I will be working alone with the mail of this domain, the question “Will other domain users work with Google services Apps with you? I answer “No, just me.” (Skip information for multiple users.).” Then I click on the “Next” button:
  17. Then in the next window I will leave a checkmark next to Gmail only and click on the “Next” button:
  18. In the next window, click “Next”:
  19. Then click on the “Next” button again:
  20. Next in “ Gmail Settings for a domain” to the question “Where do you want to redirect your mail?” you answer “ Google Servers”, and then click on the “Next” button:
  21. In the next “Select a service provider” window, select “Other”:
  22. Next, follow steps No. 11-13 to create a domain mail on Yandex (see above). And we take the data that Google gives us for domain mail:
  23. We enter this data into “DNS Zone Management”:
  24. Now in the window creation of Google mail for the domain, click on the “Next” button:
  25. You will be redirected to a new window where you need to log in with a new login:
  26. Congratulations! That's all! Now your mailbox has a very cool address. You don’t have to go through the rest of the steps; you can click on the “Do it later” buttons. In order for letters from the old mailbox to automatically go to our new one, you need to go to "Mail Settings" (right top corner) -> Accounts -> Collecting mail from other accounts -> Add your mail account. And just type it in old address email(in my case [email protected]) and enter a password. And letters will be automatically sent from the old mailbox :).

How to make access to mail in the form

Now I will tell you how to make access to mail in the form (in my case). We go again to the “DNS Zone Management” of the domain registrar (see No. 11-13 about the Yandex mailbox) and add another entry there. Namely:

  • Subdomain name – mail
  • Record type – CNAME
  • Data (IP, CNAME...) -

Now go to and in the lower right corner you will find the “Manage Domain” link:

Go there, go to the “Settings” tab:

There, click on the “Change URL” button:

And already there, put a “dot” on the second line and enter the word “mail” into the field:

In the next window, click on the “I completed these steps” button:

That's all! Now when I go to the address I get to my mailbox. Very comfortably!


Ugh…. The lesson turned out to be difficult, I really hope that you got the hang of it. After halfway through writing the article, I began to regret that I had not recorded a video tutorial; I didn’t know that I would need so many graphics (illustrations, etc.). If everything worked out for you, please unsubscribe, I’m afraid maybe I missed some step... If it didn’t work out, also write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together.

Now I'm wondering how I can move the RSS, Google Analytics and other services to this account, so as not to re-authorize 50 times. If you have any tips, please leave them in the comments.

See you soon friends!