Where is the on-screen keyboard located on a laptop? Enable the on-screen keyboard on different versions of Windows

Instead of using a regular keyboard, you can use the on-screen keyboard to type and enter data. In this tutorial we will learn how to enable the virtual (on-screen) keyboard in Windows 7.

The on-screen keyboard appears on the computer screen with all the standard keys. The only thing missing is an additional number pad. To enable the virtual keyboard, follow these steps.

Step 1. “Standard” group

Press the button Start. In the menu that appears, expand the list All programs. In this list we find the group Standard and expand it:

Step 2: Accessibility

In Group Standard need to find the folder Special abilities and open it:

Step 3: On-Screen Keyboard

Now in the folder Special abilities find the component Screen keyboard and run it:

Screen keyboard

This is what the on-screen keyboard looks like in Windows 7.

Step 4: Numpad

By default, the on-screen keyboard does not have a number pad (numeric keypad). To turn it on, you need to press the button on the keyboard itself Options. In the settings window that appears, you need to check the box next to the item Enable numeric keypad:

After this, a number pad (numeric keypad) will appear on our keyboard:

Virtual keyboard or “correctly”: “On-screen keyboard” is intended for entering characters into a request field, for example, the address bar of a window, a text document, etc.

There are rare cases when you urgently need to type something, but the keyboard is broken or does not exist at all. A virtual keyboard will help us solve this problem.

By the way, such a keyboard is necessary not only because there is no main “manual” keyboard, it is sometimes necessary for security purposes (there are malicious programs “keyloggers” on the Internet that are designed to track actions on the computer and transfer this data to a third party).

: Learn to find and open the On-Screen Keyboard program ( virtual keyboard).

: Windows system installed.

Options for enabling the virtual keyboard

In this lesson, we will look at several options for enabling the built-in keyboard using Windows 7 as an example, and you can choose for yourself which option is more convenient or faster.

Start and quick search

This is the fastest option, other than assigning a key combination (this method is described below, the most recent).

To quickly find a program " Screen keyboard", go to "Start" and enter the word "display" in the quick search bar:

Rice. 1. Search for the on-screen keyboard through “Start”

A moment later, at the top we will see the search results, there we find the entry “ Screen keyboard"and left-click on it:

Rice. 2. Launch the On-Screen Keyboard program

Start and search for a program

This option is the most accurate and correct, but the longest. First, go to “Start” and left-click on the “All Programs” element:

Rice. 3. “All programs” button

After this, a menu with all programs will open, scroll the list of programs to the very bottom (if it is large) and click on the “Standard” element (folder icon) with the left mouse button:

Rice. 4. Click the “Standard” button

After this, the composition of this folder will open to us, in it we look for a folder called “Special Features” and left-click on it:

Rice. 5. Click the “Special Features” button

This folder will also open and in this list we find the program “ Screen keyboard" and click on it with the left mouse button:

Rice. 6. Location of the On-Screen Keyboard program

After we click on the program icon, the main window of the “On-Screen Keyboard” program or the so-called virtual keyboard:

Rice. 7. Main window of the On-Screen Keyboard program in Windows 7

For those who often use the virtual keyboard

If you need to use the virtual keyboard frequently, then constantly logging in through “Start” will be too time-consuming and inconvenient.

To quickly call up the virtual keyboard, you can assign so-called “hot keys” or a combination of them. Those. we will launch the virtual keyboard by pressing just a few keys 1 time.

In order to assign a key combination to call the on-screen keyboard, we need to go to the properties of this program (or shortcut).

To configure, click the “Start” button and enter the word “display” in the quick search bar:

Rice. 8. Search for the on-screen keyboard via Start

At the very top, usually the first position, a result will appear with the name " Screen keyboard" Find this result and right-click on it and select “Properties”:

Rice. 9. Program “Properties” button

After this, the “Properties: On-Screen Keyboard” window will open. In it we are now interested in the “Quick call” field:

Rice. 10. On-Screen Keyboard Properties window

If the program does not already have hotkeys assigned, the “Shortcut” field will be “None”. Now the most interesting part: we need to come up with and remember/write down a future key combination, by pressing which we want our virtual keyboard to open. Many key combinations are reserved in the system, so try to check if “Your combination” is free.

To check whether a key combination is free in the simplest way, you need to minimize all open windows and, while on the desktop, press the planned combination. If nothing happens after pressing a key combination, it means it is free.

For example, I will use the keyboard shortcut: " Ctrl + Alt + K" This entry means that to call the virtual keyboard we will press these 3 keys at the same time. "K" was chosen because it is the first letter in the English translation of the word "keyboard".

In order to assign this key combination to the program, left-click in the “Shortcut” field and press the required key combination. After which our combination should automatically appear in this field:

Rice. 11. Field for entering the desired key combination

Rice. 12. Saving the required key combination

Being, say, on the desktop, press the reserved key combination “ Ctrl + Alt + K"and after a while our virtual keyboard will open:

Rice. 13. Windows 7 On-Screen Keyboard

All that remains is the simplest thing - choose the most convenient one from these three options and use the virtual keyboard. I recommend you check out other lessons on our website, choose what interests you and enjoy.

No one thinks about how to enable a virtual keyboard on a computer (laptop) on Windows 7 (Windows 8) until problems arise with the real one - the physical one.

There is a reason for this, because the real one on a “full scale” (touch screens are not meant) can never replace the real one.

I first decided to enable virtual on my laptop when, for some unknown reason, the “Esc” () button stopped working.

The inclusion field immediately saw how many shortcomings it had compared to the physical one. The main thing was “slowness” and inconvenience - however, there was no other way out, I had to “suffer” for some time.

In general, if a real keyboard starts to malfunction, you can use a virtual one for a while, and then you shouldn’t even repair the old one, but immediately buy a new one.

They are not expensive, starting at $10. There is no need to download a virtual keyboard, unless you are satisfied with the standard one that comes with Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Enabling the virtual keyboard on your computer, method one

The first method is the longest and at the same time the most stable. Why? The other two require a working real keyboard, and it may not work for you.

Immediately after this you will see a picture like the screenshot below. Click on the virtual keyboard and it will immediately turn on.

This is the fastest way, you just need two working keys (if they don’t currently work for you, I’m very sorry, especially if it’s a laptop).

Enabling the virtual keyboard - method three

To use the third method, to enable the virtual keyboard on a computer or laptop, in addition to pressing keys, you will need to enter a command.

It is suitable for both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Press the Fn+R keys. A window for entering commands will appear. Paste two words there (without quotes): “osk.exe” and click “OK”.

There is another way: click the “ ” button and enter the word osk.exe in the search bar below.

After this, an icon for launching an on-screen or virtual keyboard will appear at the very top, it’s the same thing.

That's all. I think one of the three described ways to enable a virtual keyboard on a PC will definitely suit you.

Just don’t forget that there is not a “parameters” option (in the bottom row). Using it, you will make your work much easier. Good luck.

Category: Uncategorized

A virtual keyboard, also called an on-screen keyboard, was created to enter information by clicking on the symbols with the cursor.

This is a great option for those who have original keyboard broke or you are simply afraid of keyloggers, i.e. keyloggers.

Keylogging was extremely popular among cybercriminals 10–15 years ago.

Such software could read the data you entered, after which the attackers used the victim’s credit cards and hacked it mail and not only.

The on-screen version of the keyboard can partially replace the “full-fledged analogue” one, but the keyboard shortcuts do not work here, since you can only press 1 button at a time.

Search for an application

First, let's find the program on the PC. Download the on-screen keyboard for windows 7 It will only be required if the OS build you have was created in a homemade environment.

In other cases, it is already preinstalled in the system. All that remains is to get there. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Quick search;
  2. Standard search.

Method 1

The quick search process is extraordinary. Click “Start”, after which in the line “find programs and files” we write either the full phrase or simply the word “screen”.

2 results will be displayed. Select the one that is highlighted and activate the program.

Method 2

In the case of standard search, we do almost the same. Click “Start” and click on “all programs”.

A ton of folders will be displayed. We are looking for the one called “standard”.

Scroll down the mouse slider until you find the “accessibility” folder.

We open it and find the desired keyboard. Click on the icon to launch the application.

If you use the program systematically, despite the working standard keyboard, then the activation process can be simplified. Again, there are 2 methods available:

1) shortcut on the desktop;

2) keyboard shortcut.

Method 1

We do all the same manipulations as in the second search method, but right-click on the desired shortcut. A context menu will appear.

We do the same as in the screenshot.

Now you have a shortcut that will allow you to launch the software much faster.

Method 2

We need program properties. We perform the same operations as in the second search method, and again click with the right button instead of the left.

Properties are displayed. We are interested in the selected fragment. Instead of a combination, it should say “No”.

To assign launch keys, simply press any button on your keyboard. Ctrl+Alt will be substituted automatically.

Note! Let's say you selected Ctrl+Alt+B. We save the changes, and then simultaneously press this combination of buttons. If everything is done correctly, the on-screen keyboard will be activated.

Launch and settings

Now you need to enable the on-screen keyboard Windows 7. The procedure is described above. A standard set of buttons will appear, as on a material “analog”.

Some noticed that it is small and there is also no number pad. All this can be changed in the parameters.

Here you can do the following:

1) sound notification of pressing;

2) activation of the digital block;

3) button pressing method.

You can independently adjust the sounds when pressed. If you are annoyed by the characteristic click, uncheck the box.

Advice! If you don't want to press a button with your mouse, switch to scanning. Use the slider to select the speed at which the program will read the position of the mouse cursor on the on-screen buttons. Point the arrow at a letter or number, wait from 0.5 to 2 seconds (depending on the settings) and move on to the next letter.

Switching the language on the on-screen keyboard is as easy as on a regular keyboard. The only difference is the order in which the buttons are pressed.

If on a mechanical device you had to press Shift while holding Ctlr or Alt, then there is a different algorithm.

Let's say that in the settings the Alt+Shift combination is responsible for switching. Activate the virtual assistant and click first on Alt and then on Shift. They should turn white.

Then press Shift again. The buttons will change color to black, but the layout will become either English or Russian.

Hotkeys on the Windows 7 on-screen keyboard are activated using the same principle.

To, for example, use the Ctrl+Z combination (cancel action), press Ctrl and then Z. Just don’t forget to turn on the English layout.

Turning off the Windows 7 on-screen keyboard is very easy. Click the “cross” in the upper right corner and that’s the end of it.

The virtual assistant for the on-screen keyboard is no different from the standard one. The buttons and other attributes here are the same as on a regular keyboard.

On the one hand, screen projection will not replace a full-fledged keyboard, since writing speed is reduced by several orders of magnitude, and the algorithm for activating keyboard shortcuts leaves much to be desired.

Changing the layout is also implemented as on a standard device, although the developers could easily add a separate button, as on mobile devices.

On the other hand, if you are not inclined to have your data systematically fall into the hands of attackers or often spend time in Internet cafes, then it is more advisable to use a virtual keyboard instead of a regular one, since its actions are not tracked.

And of course, this is a good alternative way of working if you have broken your main keyboard and don’t yet have enough money to buy a new one.

You have to use what you have.

Of course, you can’t play games, but the basic functionality is quite passable and suitable for performing most tasks.

On-screen keyboard in Windows 7

Enter data without using a keyboard. If your keyboard suddenly stops working, you can always use the on-screen keyboard.

Windows 7 on-screen keyboard: launch, setup, shutdown

Today, there is probably no person who does not use the Internet, does not go to social networks, or does not have a mailbox where information that is important to him is stored. However, all logins and passwords, as well as entering bank card numbers that allow you to pay for a particular product in online stores, are not safe using a regular keyboard that is connected to a computer via USB.

In order to protect your data from spyware, through which it falls into the hands of attackers, you need to use a virtual keyboard.

What is a virtual keyboard?

The virtual keyboard is a standard component of Windows operating systems. Its use is possible not only when entering confidential information, it will also become a convenient tool for people with disabilities and in cases where, for some reason, a regular keyboard has failed, and something urgently needs to be done on the computer.

Photo: on-screen keyboard on a computer

The main purpose of the virtual keyboard is to protect confidential information from intruders. Users who work on their computer using the following web browsers are under reliable protection:

  • Mozilla Firefox 15.x – 17.x;
  • Internet Explorer 8 – 10;
  • GoogleChrome 9.x – 12.x.

In the case when personal data is entered through a virtual keyboard when the site is hacked, the information will not be protected, since it directly goes to the scammers.

Switching methods

You can open the virtual keyboard in several ways:

Almost everyone knows how to enable the virtual keyboard from the keyboard. To do this, press the following keys simultaneously: CTRL + Alt + Shift + P.

Enabling the virtual keyboard through a web browser window is as follows: you need to open the browser window and click on the button in the toolbar with the mouse.

You can enable the virtual keyboard directly through the context menu of the program icon by right-clicking on the program icon and selecting “Virtual Keyboard” in the context menu.

Photo: context menu of the program sign

You can launch the virtual keyboard in Windows 7 as follows:

Review of virtual programs - keyboards Of all the virtual keyboards existing today, the most popular are:

  • ComfortOn-ScreenKeyboard 5040 (interface Russification is present, volume – 3.63 MB, OS – Windows 2000 and higher);
  • FlorenceVirtualKeyboard 0.5.0 (no Russification of the interface, volume – 1.89 MB, OS – Linux);
  • GreatisVirtualKeyboard 1.1 (Russian interface available, volume – 560 KB, OS – Windows 98/ME/XP);
  • JitbitVirtualKeyboard 2.22 (Russian interface, volume – 539 KB, OS – Windows 2000 and higher);
  • KeymanDesktop 8.0.3 (there is no Russification of the interface, volume – 7.65 MB, OS – Windows 2000 and higher);
  • Klava 4.0 (there is no Russification of the interface, volume – 22 KB, OS – Windows 2000 and higher);
  • Mountfocus 3.2 (there is no Russification of the interface, volume – 5.67 MB, OS – Windows 2000 and higher);
  • VirtualKeyboard 32.1.56 (there is no Russification of the interface, volume – 440 KB, OS – Windows 2000 and higher).

How to turn on your computer using the keyboard

It happens that the system unit from the computer is located in a hard-to-reach place, for example, hiding it from small children or simply freeing up space in this way. And then many people ask the question “how to turn it on via a computer keyboard?”

In order to start the computer without pressing the “Power” button located on the front case of the system unit, you need to make special settings in the BIOS that will allow you to turn on the PC via the keyboard.

To do this, you must continuously press the Del key when you turn on the computer. If suddenly this method does not help you enter the BIOS, then you can try pressing the Esc, F2 or F10 button. As a result, the BIOS interface will appear on your monitor screen, the menu of which must be navigated using the up/down, right/left arrows, and the Enter key is used to edit or select parameters.

So, in order to make settings in the BIOS, you need:

After the manipulations have been completed, the computer should reboot. That's all, now your computer will turn on using the key combination that you selected in the BIOS settings. To turn off your PC using the keyboard:

There is another option to turn off the PC using the keyboard: the Alt + F4 key combination. Next, a window will appear in which you need to select the “shutdown” item and press the “Enter” key.

Well, if your keyboard is broken and your PC gives an error when you turn it on, then you will probably have the question “how to turn on the computer without a keyboard.” If you have the opportunity to borrow a keyboard from someone, then you need to go into the BIOS, find the “Set UP-ehalt” section and replace the value “on errors” with “no errors”. Thus, turning on the PC will occur without a keyboard.

The keyboard allows you not only to turn on/off the computer, but also to turn on/off the sound and adjust its volume.

How to turn on sound on a computer using the keyboard? Everything is very simple. To do this, press the F10 key and use the F11 and F12 keys to adjust the volume.

On-screen keyboard in operating systems

The on-screen keyboard in Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems looks different and some functions may only be available in certain operating systems.

Therefore, when downloading and installing the on-screen keyboard, you need to pay attention to the “supported OS” sub-item.

This is necessary not only in order for the on-screen keyboard to be successfully installed on the PC, but also in order to “fully” use its functions.

What to do - the keyboard does not work If the keyboard does not work, you need to determine the cause of its failure.

  • The reasons why a keyboard may break are divided into two types:
  • software;


If the cause of the breakdown is the hardware of the keyboard, it will be very problematic to correct the current situation without certain knowledge and skills. It's easier to replace the old keyboard with a new one. But first, check the cable through which the keyboard is connected to the PC. It may have come loose or become damaged. If the cable is intact and does not come out, try restarting the computer. Perhaps there was a malfunction during its operation. If restarting your PC was unsuccessful and the keyboard still does not work, try launching the Start panel with the mouse and going to Control Panel, and then to Hardware and Sound.

If there are problems with the keyboard, it will be marked in the system with a yellow color and an exclamation mark.

Next, open the “Hardware and Sound” window again and select “Add a device.” After the OS search, the keyboard will be found and installed.