How to set up a wireless router. How to set up a NETGEAR JWNR2000 Wi-Fi router with a PPPoE connection

Plug the internet cable into WAN port(or Internet) of your router (aka router).

Connect the router to the computer: one end network wire insert into any of the LAN ports of the router, and the second into the connector network card PC. You can use a wireless connection instead of a cable, but it is better not to do this at the setup stage.

Connect the router to a power outlet. If your device has a power button, press it. Then wait a minute or two to allow the router to boot up.

2. Check the Internet

If your router was pre-configured by your provider or received settings automatically, then the Internet can start working a few seconds after connecting the router to the PC.

To check, launch your browser and try opening several sites. If there are no problems with accessing web resources, you can skip the fourth paragraph of the article.

In your browser's address bar, enter or and press Enter. One of these IP addresses should lead to the router's settings menu. If both options do not work, find the required IP address in the documentation for your router model and try entering it.

When the settings login page appears in the browser window, the system may request a login and password. Most often, when connecting for the first time, one word is suitable for both fields - admin. Less often as standard password router manufacturers use a combination 1234 .

If necessary, you can find the login information in the instructions for the router or on the provider's website. Well, or try an alternative.

4. Set up an Internet connection

If the Internet still does not work, the router needs special settings. Exactly what parameters you need depends on specific model device and internet service provider. Universal configuration does not exist. To obtain the necessary instructions, check the provider's website or request it from support.

Once you have obtained the manual for setting up your model, follow its prompts. If in the process you set up both an Internet connection and home network Wi-Fi, you can skip the fifth point of the article.

For Wi-Fi, it is important to select correct parameters security.

In the settings menu, find the section responsible for the wireless network (see the documentation for your router model). Be sure to ask here strong password(you will need it to connect your devices to the router via Wi-Fi) and select WPA2-PSK as a means of protection.

6. Change the password to enter the router settings

Just in case, it is better to limit the access of strangers to the router settings menu. If the router is still protected by the default password, replace it with your own.

Find the settings section that is responsible for the security (see the documentation for your router model) of the device, and enter a new strong password here. Save your changes.

If your computer has Wi-Fi module, after setting is complete network cable You can remove it from your PC and connect to your router via a wireless connection.

7. Install the router in the optimal location

Ideally, the router is in the center of the area in which you use Wi-Fi. This way the signal will be equally available to all connected devices.

The fewer walls, furniture, and other obstacles between the receiving device and the router, the better the wireless network works.

Wireless Internet is gaining more and more popularity and this process can no longer be stopped. To be at home wireless Internet, or point Wi-Fi access. I tried to describe the connection process in detail Wi-Fi router and with photographs and videos.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, but you will need a little care and, perhaps, the phone number of your Internet provider. The whole process can be divided into three stages: physical connection, setting up a router and setting up a computer or laptop.

Connecting the router to the computer

After you have taken the router out of the box, you need to connect it to your computer. By default, I will mean that you have a regular wired Internet.

Enter the router settings

After turning on the router, it needs time to boot and get itself in order. At this time, the lights on the front panel may light up and go out, wait 1 minute. We need to go to the administrative interface of the router and configure it. This can be done through any browser, for example Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Opera. To log into the “admin panel” of the router you need to write in the address bar:

login: admin

password: admin

A small note: the address is used in most routers. If you receive a “Page not found” or “Page cannot open” error, then try using a different address, for example:

If there is an ambush here, then we need to find out correct address, for example from a sticker on back side devices:

If it’s not there, then you need to look at the instructions, which may be on the included disk, or search the Internet from your phone. The same applies to the login (username) and password (password), i.e. not everyone has admin/admin. If the device is used, then maybe someone changed the default settings. In this case it is necessary. To do this, you need to find the “Reset” hole on the router and press the button inside with a match.

Network cable is not connected

Let’s say the login address and login/password are known, but you still can’t log into the admin panel due to a network error. Then you need to check the network card settings in Windows 7/10. Let's go “Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center shared access» . There on the left we find “Change adapter settings”. Connection "Connect via local network» Should NOT be in the status “Network cable not connected”:

If this is so, then most likely this is the problem, i.e. The cable is not connected, is connected in the wrong place or is faulty.

Also, the status should not be “Disabled”. If this is the case, then right-click on the icon and select “Enable”.

Incorrect TCP/IP settings

If you still can’t log into the admin panel, then right-click on the connection icon and select “Properties”, and there we find “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)” and double-click on it. In the protocol properties, you need to check that the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” checkboxes are checked. Click “OK” twice. Now wait 10 seconds and you can check.

I hope this was sorted out and I was able to log in to the admin panel of the router without any problems.

Quickly setting up a Wi-Fi connection on a router

It's more complicated here, because... All routers are different and the interface may vary greatly. Yes, and Internet settings among providers can also differ dramatically. If you have a TP-Link router or another with the ability quick setup, then you are in luck, everything can end very quickly. Find the “Quick Setup” item in the menu on the left or top and follow the instructions of the wizard:

On the first screen just click “Next”

I have a 3G router, so I'm asked to choose preferred type connections: 3G or cable. I don't have a 3G modem so I select "WAN only"

If you don't know what to choose, then try auto mode. The router itself will try to determine the type of connection. If he succeeds, the wizard will move on to the next configuration step. But you may need to enter your login and password (in case of PPPoE connection)

or network settings (in case of “Static IP” connection type)

The provider should have given you all this information; look carefully in the contract. If the technician is unable to determine the connection automatically, then he will have to call the provider and ask, or try at random, there seem to be not many options

At the next step, the wizard prompts us to enable the Wi-Fi module:

  • “Wireless Radio” - this is Wi-Fi, must be in the “Enabled” position
  • In the “Wireless Network Name” field, enter any name of the point on English language
  • Parameters: “Channel”, “Mode”, “Channel Width”, “Max Tx Rate” set as in the screenshot or leave it as default.
  • , safety. Don't leave Wi-Fi without a password! Not only will everyone around you use your Internet and download the channel, it will be such a huge, huge hole in your security! In fact, anyone will be able to access all of your personal data. Set the switch to WPA/WPA2 and enter a complex password.

A small digression: when everything works, if it turns out that the Internet is too slow or if there are problems, then try selecting “Channel” not “Auto”, but some number from 1 to 13 and saving the settings. You can go through all the numbers to find the right one. The fact is that now there is a lot of wifi equipment around, and each device needs its own channel to work. As a result, devices operating on the same channel interfere with each other.

It’s good if you don’t have the cheapest router and it can operate at a frequency of 5 MHz. In this case, there will be a corresponding option to select a frequency of 2.4 or 5 MHz. There are much fewer devices operating at this frequency, and therefore the likelihood that someone will interfere is reduced significantly.

Manual setting

Well, what if automatic settings it didn’t happen, then you’ll have to go through the points manually. We find a section something like “Network” and there is an item with the word “WAN”:

There should be similar settings items. Here everything is the same as for automatic setup, only we ourselves must select the type of Internet connection and enter the login/password.

  • “Secondary Connection” leave “Disabled” or “Dynamic IP”, this is only needed to access internal network provider.
  • “Connection Mode” set to “Connect Automatically” so that the router connects to the Internet automatically after each reboot.

If the provider requires you to specify the IP address and DNS server, then this can be done in the Advanced settings, but usually this is not necessary:

But, for example, I have a provider with problematic DNS servers and I register the Google server: , which always works! How does a problematic DNS server manifest itself? This is when not a single site or website, but Skype or torrents work without problems! However, if you install the server on Google, then the internal sites of some providers may not open, for example, such as account replenishment and statistics.

It is here, in the manual settings, that you can specify the connection type - VPN, if you have one. To do this, select “L2TP”, enter the name/password and VPN server address (provided by the provider). If an IP address, mask, gateway and DNS are provided, then select “Static IP” and enter all the data. Don't forget to check the automatic connection box at the bottom.

That’s it, save the settings and look for the “Wireless Settings” menu section:

All settings have been described above. For Wi-Fi to work, the checkbox must be checked. "Enable Wireless Router Radio".

Next point, here we enable encryption, that is, we set up security as already mentioned above:

The router setup is complete! I advise you to save all parameters from the menu "System Tools -> Backup & Restore". Button “Backup” - saves, “Restore” - restores from a saved file. This will be useful in case everything suddenly goes to hell and all settings are lost. You can easily restore them from a file

Oh yes, I almost forgot, change the default password for logging into the admin area. This is done in the section “System tools -> Password”.

How to connect a laptop to WiFi

In Windows 8/10, you need to click on the icon at the bottom of the screen:

A panel will appear on the right where you need to select the desired wireless network. Remember when we gave the name of the network in English? This is where you need to find it. If this is a public institution and you don’t know which network to connect to, then choose any one with a higher signal level. When you hover over a network, a hint appears whether a password is required or not. If, when you hover, you see something like WPA/WPA2, this means that you need a password to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

You can leave the “Connect automatically” checkbox. Next, the system will connect to the router and ask Wi-Fi password, which we installed earlier. If your device supports QSS technology, then you don’t have to enter a password, but simply press the button on the router labeled “QSS”. In this case, the password will be filled in without our participation!

When the system asks about file sharing, I advise you to select “No, do not enable sharing” if you do not know why it is needed:

I made a short video tutorial on how to do this:

In Windows 7, everything is the same, only the icon and the window with found networks look “Semerovsky”

Also find here required connection, click on it and voila.

No Wi-Fi icon or not connecting

First check if the module is turned on wireless communication using the switch on the laptop body. Many Asus models, Toshiba, Sony and Acer have this switch. On some laptop wifi can be activated using hot buttons, for example “Fn+F2” (look for the antenna icon on the F1-F12 buttons). In any case, the method works through the “Network and Sharing Center”, the same way when we “turned on” network interface to connect to the router via wire.

In more severe cases, please study.

I hope everything worked out for you! Most likely, questions will arise regarding setting up the router, because... The interface and parameter names are different for everyone. To get an answer in the comments, immediately send a link to a screenshot of the window.

A couple of decades ago, a small number of people knew about the existence of the Internet. Now the entire civilized world knows about it, and what’s more, everyone uses it. The first Internet connected users through a network of wires, which continues today. But technology does not stand still, and was developed. In this article we will learn how to set up WiFi on a laptop with Windows any versions.

Why configure and what is it?

If you are reading this article, then you have an understanding of how wireless networks work. However, some users do not quite understand why cloud transmission technology is used.

Wi-Fi was first tested in 1998. It was primitive technology that did not provide adequate protection, and the signal did not extend beyond one small room.

On this moment wireless technology used in all homes, offices, educational institutions and so on. It allows users to connect to one access point, while the wires remain in only one place. To do this you need to know how to configure WiFi distribution. Can handle this regular user, what we will help him with.

Act one. Turning on the router

Before you start working with a wireless network and setting it up, you need to make sure that the router is connected to shared network, connected system wires To do this, go to the modem and follow the following algorithm:

  1. See if the indicators are on; if not, then they need to be turned on.
  2. Usually there is a power button on the back panel.
  3. Click on it once.

If the modem is working, the lights will start to light in some color set by the manufacturer (usually green). If for some reason the indicators do not turn on, check the connection of the router to the outlet. Then turn on the device again.

Act two. Checking Wi-Fi on a laptop

As you know, new laptop models have a built-in receiver wireless signals. You can purchase a similar device for your computer; it is inexpensive. How to set up a Wi-Fi network? This is different for each laptop.

For Lenovo models function button, which will turn on Wi-Fi, no. As practice shows, the switch is located on the front panel of the laptop. Company ASUS failed the test for the Fn+F2 keys, and Acer - Fn+F3. You can see the rest of the hotkeys on the website of the manufacturer of your device.

You can tell if the adapter is turned on by the glow indicator light. It is usually located on the left side of the laptop. But don't be upset if you don't have it. IN operating system In Windows 10, the activation of the adapter is checked through the panel, where sound, language and other parameters are displayed.

“My adapter doesn’t turn on, what should I do?”

If you have asked this question, do not worry, the problem most often lies in the lack of necessary software or virus software. The Windows system is imperfect, and there are glitches in it, which causes incorrect operation network adapter.

Follow these tips:

  • Install antivirus programs. For example, Doctor Web or Avast.
  • Restart your laptop by going to the Start menu and selecting Restart.
  • If all else fails, take the laptop to a service center.

But don't rush to give away your device, maybe the next step will help you.

Act three. Installing drivers

They provide normal work all programs and the Windows operating system. And it is quite obvious that without them we will not be able to find out how to set up the Internet via WiFi.

They are downloaded on the manufacturer’s official website or automatically when the device is connected. It is highly recommended not to use programs that download necessary drivers. Although they are convenient, they can harm your system.

To force call automatic installation drivers, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Click on "All Programs".
  3. And click on the item " Command line", be sure to run it as an administrator.

And sequentially enter (one after another) the commands:

  • sc config Wlansvc start= auto;
  • net start Wlansvc.

After this, your Wi-Fi adapter will recognize the access points and connect to them.

How to set up WiFi in a Tp-Link router?

This is one of the most popular brands of devices among users, so we will analyze the setting using its example. The manufacturer has reached maximum optimization prices and quality. However, this is not enough for us, because the modem still needs to be configured, and below we describe how to do this:

  1. Connect the router to electrical network.
  2. Install the cable into the WAN connector.
  3. Insert the wires into the appropriate connectors on the computer.

Then the setup comes into play:

  1. Use a needle or other similar object to press the Reset button located on the modem.
  2. Hold this for 10 seconds.

The router will restart and return to default settings. Then dial any of the following addresses:

  • "",
  • ""

And follow this algorithm:

  1. In the "Username" column, type admin.
  2. Click on "Submit".
  3. A new window with the Wi-Fi interface will open. Before proceeding with other steps, update the modem firmware version.
  4. Then enter System Tool.
  5. Register in the system by writing admin in the first two paragraphs.

Direct setup

Now we will learn how to set up WiFi in a Tp-Link router, for this read the instructions below:

  1. Click on Network.
  2. Click on WAN.
  3. Specify the type of network, it is specified in the contract.
  4. Save your data.
  5. Click on MAC Clone.
  6. Click on Clone MAC Address.
  7. Click on Save.

Now let's look at the distribution:

  1. Open the Wireless section and go to WirelessSettings.
  2. Fill out all the fields and come up with a name for your Wi-Fi.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. Next, log into Wireless (Wi-Fi) Security.
  5. Set the parameters as shown in the screenshot.

Then you should restart the modem, go to System Tools and then to Reboot, where click on Reboot. Once you click, you will be prompted to agree to the restart, click on “Ok”. After this, it is recommended to turn off and turn on your computer.

Setup for Windows 7, 8 and 10

The algorithm is almost the same, and there is no point in somehow differentiating the description. How to set up WiFi? Description - below:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Enter the "Control Center" tab.
  3. Then click on "Networks and Internet".
  4. And go to "Network and Sharing Center".
  5. Then click on “Change adapter settings”.
  6. Open the Properties tab wireless connection" and set the necessary parameters.
  7. Return to Act 4.
  8. Click on "Connect to a network".
  9. Select an available connection and click "Connect".

This setting, as noted, varies slightly. However, the algorithm for most actions is similar, and there is no need to describe individual connection principles.

How to set up WiFi on your phone?

It is not necessary to do this mobile device connects directly to existing network. And we only have to enter the Wi-Fi password or turn on the search to find the wireless connection.

There is nothing complicated here, you have previously set the password, use it. You just need to turn on the modem and configure it correctly, and for laymen, mobile technologies There are instructions for connecting, which are presented below:

  1. Open the Settings menu.
  2. Go to Wi-Fi.
  3. Select yours from the list of networks.
  4. Enter your password and click "OK".

Now you know how to set up WiFi on your phone. And as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it. It is worth noting that modern smartphone not only receives the signal, but also distributes it.

Connecting Windows XP

Yes, yes, someone else is still on the old operating system, and they also want to know how to set up WiFi. And this is extremely easy to do; the algorithm of actions is similar to the settings in new versions.

  1. Launch the Start menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Select "Network Connections" and look for " Wireless connection".
  3. Right-click on it and open "Properties".
  4. In the "General" item and in the "Components" column, click on "TCP/IPv4 Protocol" and select "Properties".
  5. Install required parameters, they depend on your modem.
  6. Go to "Wireless Networks".
  7. In the "tab" Available networks" select "Wireless Networks".
  8. Update the list.
  9. Set the desired network and click on “Connect”.

No other actions are needed, you are now connected to World Wide Web. If you have password protected the network, you will need to enter the key and confirm the actions. In general, update your system to the newer Windows 10. It makes working with Wi-Fi settings several times easier.

Setting up a WiFi connection in Windows 7 is not difficult at all. In the tray, on the "Network" icon, click on left button

mouse and then, in the menu, select one of the WiFi access points, click on it, and then click the “Connect” button:

Enter the password, click "OK" and if the password is correct, then in half a minute or a minute the connection will be established. The network icon in the tray will change its appearance, and if you click on it, the one you connected to will be highlighted in the list of networks:

In this case, all other parameters, except the password, for the new Windows connections 7 will install automatically.

But there is another way to create wifi connection to the Internet is a little more complicated, but it allows you to manually specify some parameters for a new connection. On the same network icon, in the tray, you need to click right button mouse and then select “Network and Sharing Center” from the menu:

Then, in the dialog box, select manual setting:

In the next window, enter the access point name, security and encryption type, and password:

After this, the created connection will be available through the network icon in the tray.

If you need to change the settings of a connection that has already been created, then to do this you need to press the left button on the network icon, and then the right button on the connection you want to change and select “Properties” from the menu:

In the dialog box you can change connection parameters:

How to use wifi

Using wifi is very easy. Once you have created a connection, you can turn it on and off through the network icon in the tray.

However, you need to understand that the ability to use wifi is highly dependent on external factors. Because the radio signal is affected by the external environment. Various obstacles such as walls, ceilings, floors weaken both the signal of the access point and the signal of the client device. Windows shows the signal strength from the access point in “sticks”. The pictures at the beginning of the article show the signal level of one or two short sticks. This is very weak signal. With such a signal, you most likely will not be able to use the Internet.

There are programs that show the signal level in numbers - dBm, for example 60 dBm or 40 dBm. The higher the number, the weaker the signal - a good signal is a number less than 50 dBm. However, you need to understand that the accuracy of such numbers varies depending on the adapter and the driver of this adapter. Under the same conditions, one adapter may show, for example, 71 dBm, and another adapter 82 dBm.

In addition to passive barriers, the quality of wifi signal transmission can be negatively affected by sources of electromagnetic radiation.

So, even if you have the best wifi adapter installed on your laptop, this does not mean that you will always be able to use the Internet via wifi. In a situation with Using an adapter with an external antenna may help. For example USB wifi TP-Link adapter TL-WN722N/C is equipped with an external antenna. Moreover, it is removable and, if necessary, can be replaced with another one with a higher gain.

What does presence give external antenna? Continuing the same example - under equal conditions - the same access point, the same time and place of connection, the presence of passive barriers between the access point and the client - as a result, a weak signal in both directions:

  • The internal “native” wifi adapter of the laptop connects to the access point, but practically does not allow using the Internet due to low speed and frequent interruptions.
  • TP-Link TL-WN722NC with its own antenna provides a stable Internet connection at a good speed.

If wifi doesn't work

If your computer does not have a "Wireless Network Connection" the reason may be the following:

  • There is no wifi adapter on your computer at all. You can find this out through Device Manager. There should be a wireless network card in the list of devices.
  • On your computer wifi There is an adapter but it is disabled. For example, many laptops have buttons to turn off the wifi adapter. This can be a separate button or one of the F buttons in combination with the Fn button. If the wifi adapter is built into motherboard, it can be disabled in the BIOS.
  • There is an adapter, but the drivers for it are not installed, in this case it will be in the list of devices as an unidentified device.
  • There is an adapter, but it is disabled by software.

If "Wireless network connection" is present, it shows list of networks but can't connect to the desired network, then the reason could be that:

  • The signal between your adapter and the access point is too weak. Long distance, thick walls, etc. Moreover, the signal level of the access point may be decent, but the signal from your adapter does not reach the access point. Because the adapter signal is generally weaker than the access point signal. Especially if the adapter is built-in, such as in a laptop.
  • You entered wrong password. This is especially true for Windws XP because the password characters cannot be seen there.

If the connection to the access point is established, but the Internet does not work, then the reasons may be:

  • Wifi router (access point) is not connected to the Internet. For example, a technical failure at the provider, or a lack of funds in your account with the provider.
  • The technical error at work DNS servers at the provider.

Home WiFi networks

WiFi Security

Since when using wifi all information is transmitted via radio waves, which makes wifi networks much more vulnerable compared to wired networks. The fact is that radio signals sent by the access point (wifi router) and devices that are connected to the access point are available for interception by any similar device that is within the “hearing” radius of the access point or from the client of this access point. That is, interception network traffic becomes very simple, accessible and invisible. And intercepting network traffic allows you to collect the information necessary to attack a wifi network. As there are more and more access points, wifi increases and so does the number of people who want to “hack” the wifi network.

The most common motivation for hacking points wifi access This internet connection via wifi is free. A fairly common picture today is that you have a wifi router installed in your apartment and not only your devices are connected to it, but also the computer of one of your neighbors. You pay for the Internet, and your tech-savvy neighbor gets the Internet for free.

But "theft" The Internet is not the only reason why it is "hacked" wifi networks. The fact is that if an attacker gains access to your access point, through it he can gain access to all devices that are connected to your wifi router. And this gives him the opportunity to steal your personal data. For example, passwords to mail, to online banking, your documents - in one word, to everything you own.

Therefore, you need to use wifi with caution. Here are a few rules to follow.

Do not connect to open public wifi networks through the laptop on which you store valuable information. And if you need access to the Internet via open networks wifi, then use a firewall and antivirus on your laptop. It’s even better if you install two operating systems on your laptop. One main one, in which all your valuable information will be stored. And the other is empty, only for accessing the Internet through open wifi networks.

If you are using wifi router at home or in the office, you must correctly perform wifi setup router:

  • Use WPA2 security type.
  • The password for protection should be long - preferably 50 - 60 characters, and should consist of an arbitrary set of characters. Password marina1234 very bad - it will be hacked in a few minutes. Password