How to set up dlna on a home media server. How to set up DLNA and how is this technology useful for you? Working with HMS: nuances

In this article, I want to once again talk about how to create on a computer (laptop, netbook) DLNA server. This will allow you to watch movies and photos on your TV, as well as listen to music that is on your computer.

You just need to connect the TV to your computer via a network cable, or just to one network, run it on DLNA computer server and start watching a movie or photo.

But, as it turned out in the end, with the application Smart Share many problems arise. Either it doesn’t start, then it displays various errors, or closes on its own. You can read about this in the comments that visitors left on the article, the link to which is above.

There is a very good and absolutely free program “Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)”, which is an excellent analogue of Smart Share from LG, or for example AllShare from Samsung.

“Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” is something like this universal program, with which you can launch a DLNA server and connect to it from almost any TV that supports DLNA technology (and if your TV has Wi-Fi or a network connector, then it most likely supports this technology). In principle, a DLNA client can be not only a TV, but for example a game console.

This manual is suitable for TVs different manufacturers: LG, Samsung, Toshiba, Sony, etc. Compared to proprietary applications such as Smart Share, “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” has big amount settings.

We will not delve into all the nuances, but will only consider how to open general access to the required folders or drives. How to create a server and how to start watching a movie on DLNA technologies on TV.

Connecting a TV to use DLNA technology

Before we start setting up the program, we need to connect the TV to a computer or laptop. If you already have everything connected, for example through a router, then you can move on to the next step.

We need to connect the laptop and TV to the network. If you have a router installed at home, then just connect your computer to this router, via cable or via Wi-Fi, it doesn’t matter. And you need to connect the TV to the same router. You can connect your TV the same way, or via Wi-Fi (see connection instructions ) .

Our task is to ensure that the TV and computer (in my case laptop), were connected to the same router. I have a TV connected to my router via Wi-Fi LG 32LN575U and laptop Asus K56CM. This instruction will be based on their example.

What to do if you don't have a router?

In this case, you can connect the computer to the TV via network cable, directly. Just take the required length of network cable (it can be crimped in almost any computer store) , and connect the TV to the computer.

It looks something like this:

Connecting this way should work fine. But my TV refused to see the server created on the laptop. But, in the “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” program, the TV was displayed and I could start viewing photos from the laptop itself, and the photo appeared on the TV.

She also has an idea on how to connect them without a cable and without a router. But I’m not sure what will work and this method is only suitable for TVs that have the ability to connect to Wi-Fi.

You can try to create a computer-to-computer connection on a laptop, which I wrote about in the article ““. Then, connect the TV to the created access point and try to access files on the computer.

I think we have sorted out the connection. Let's move on to setting up the server.

Setting up the “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” program

First, we need to download and install the program itself. I recommend downloading from the official website: . There's always a new version and it's safer that way.

Save the archive to your computer. To install, simply run the setup.exe file, which is located in the archive. I will not describe the entire installation process, it is simple. Follow the instructions.

After installation, launch the program with a shortcut on the desktop.

Let's go straight to the program settings. We won't do anything special there. We'll just point out local disks, flash drives, external HDD and, or folders, the contents of which we want to see on the TV. For example, you can open only a few folders with movies, photos and music.

A settings window will open. In the first category, Media resources, we need to indicate which drives or folders we want to see on the TV. By default, there are open standard folders with photos, videos and music.

The program is trying to sort everything. And in order not to get confused in all these folders on the TV, I advise you to open shared access to local drives. By default, if I'm not mistaken, access to them is already open. Check if the checkbox next to Local disks.

If installed, this means that you can open any file on your TV that is stored on these local drives (drives C, D, E, etc.).

You can also specify separate folders, or for example external hard disk. To do this, click on the button on the right Add, and select the desired folder, flash drive, or hard drive in Explorer.

We can see which folders and drives we have opened access to. We can delete selected folders. These are the basic settings, if you look, there are a lot of settings there, I won’t go through them all. To save, click on the button Ok, and agree to scan media resources.

We wait while the program scans the folders and disk. Next, you can start the DLNA server itself. To do this, simply click on the “ Launch“.

We see a message stating that the server is running.

Now, just turn on the TV. If everything is connected correctly, it should appear in the “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” program. To do this, go to the tab Playback devices (DMR), and on the right, click the button Update.

If our TV appears, then everything is fine. You can try to start viewing photos directly from the program.

If the TV does not appear in the program, and the server we created is also not visible on the TV, then first of all, check the connection. Is the TV connected to the network and is the laptop connected.

Then, completely disable antiviruses and firewalls. They can block access to the server.

To do this, in the main program window (above), select one of the tabs: movies, music, or photos.

In the left window, media content will appear that is located in those folders and drives to which we have opened access. Click right click mouse, for example on a photo, and select “Play on“, then select our TV.

The photo should immediately appear on the TV screen.

In the same way, you can start playing video and music. This means that we can start playback on the TV screen from the “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” program.

But this is not always convenient. It's much better to go through the TV and open necessary files. To do this, leave the server running. You can hide the “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” program. Click on the red cross (close the program), and it will hide in the notification panel.

At the same time, the server will work and you will be able to access your computer from the TV.

We start viewing files via DLNA from the TV

This means the server is running on the computer, files are open for viewing.

Now, on the TV, we need to go into the program that is responsible for working with DLNA technology. For example, in LG, this is Smart Share. On other TVs, this application may be called differently.

For example, to launch Smart Share in LG, go to Smart TV (blue button on the remote control) and select Smart Share. If your TV does not have Smart TV, but does have DLNA, the process may be different.

Open the folder My computer, and we see our local drives there, and other folders to which we have opened access.


“Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” is actually very cool program, with a lot of settings. We only considered opening file sharing and starting the server. When I started watching the movie through Smart program Share, the laptop went into sleep mode and playback was interrupted. “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” has a lock that prevents the computer from going to sleep when it is being used as a server.

I hope everything worked out for you and you are now watching your favorite movies on big screen TV using DLNA technology.

If something doesn’t work out, write in the comments, we’ll try to figure it out.

Also on the site:

We configure the DLNA server using the “Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)” program. View files from your computer on your TV updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

This is possible when connecting the TV and computer to the same network, or when connecting directly. After that, all that remains is to launch DLNA and watch the desired movie or photo. This is quite convenient, because it is much more pleasant to show a large company photos, videos, or make a presentation on the big screen.

There are a lot different programs, allowing this to happen. Among them, it is often recommended. And indeed this application has shown itself well in practice. Therefore, in today's article, we will show an example using this particular program.

This home media server is quite versatile and is capable of running a DLNA server that is compatible with any TV (and indeed with many devices, for example, game consoles), capable of working with this technology. If the TV is capable of connecting via wireless network, or it has a connector for connecting a network cable, then there is a high probability that it supports DLNA. In general, the program itself has a lot different settings, That's why standard applications, for TVs, are very much inferior to it.

Today’s article itself will be useful to owners of TVs from almost any manufacturer. After all, as already noted, a home media server is a third-party program that has great functionality and wide possibilities, which allows her to work with any equipment. And it's also free.

Today we will look in detail only at ways to give TV access to the necessary folders on a computer, instructions on how to create a server and watch movies using it.

For reference, the TV used in this example is an LG 32LN575U, ASUS router RT-N13U and ASUS laptop R56CM.

Establishing a connection between the TV and computer

As you already understood, in order to be able to watch video from a computer through a TV, you need to establish a connection between these two devices. If you have them already connected to each other, then you can skip this step and proceed to the next one.

Well, if your TV is not yet connected to your PC, then you can do this through a router. Thus, without unnecessary hassles, you can connect the TV itself to your computer via Wi-Fi. Another TV can be connected using a router. The most important thing is that both devices work with the same router.

In case there is no home Wi-Fi

When you don’t have a router, and therefore don’t have a wireless network at home, you can connect your TV to your laptop using a network cable directly.

It will look like this:

This connection method is quite reliable, so here special problems should not occur. The downside is the presence of a cable that connects these two devices. Even if the TV does not see such a connection, you can still play multimedia files through the Home Media Server program.

It is quite possible that it is possible to actually connect a TV to a computer. But we have not yet begun to check this and look for ways to implement such an idea. Most likely, you can do this using your laptop as a router.

Having connected the computer to the TV, we proceed to the settings for the DLNA server.

Setting up “Home Media Server”

Of course, first of all, we need the program itself. You can download it from official resource and then install. On the developers website, click on the download button.

After this, save the archive with the program to your PC. After which, it must be unpacked. There will be a “setup” file, run it and follow the instructions to install the application. When the program is installed, a shortcut will appear on your desktop. Start Home Media Server.

Now we will specify in the settings all types of multimedia files and folders that will be available for viewing on the TV. We go into settings, at the top of the program window there is a corresponding button.

In the settings window, go to the media resources tab. Several standard folders with music, pictures and videos will already be indicated there. Here we can add our own and edit the type of files that will be displayed on the TV.

In order not to rummage through folders too much in search of the desired video or photo, it is better to open access to local drives. Check the box next to the appropriate item (or make sure it is there).

Activating this option will provide the ability to access from the TV any files that are on all local drives.

In order to add separate directories with files or, for example external HDD, on the right click on the “Add” button. Then find the folder you need, or external device and choose it.

The plate in the center displays all the folders that are accessible to the TV. This shows the type of files that can be viewed in these directories. In general, this is the main setting necessary for us, but there are many others in the program, useful parameters, which can be customized.

After you're done, you'll need to save these settings. Click on the “OK” button and agree to scan the directories.

The program will scan the selected directories for some time. After this, you can start starting the DLNA server. On top menu click on the start button. A message indicating that the server started successfully should appear.

We turn on our TV and open, on the computer, in the program, the tab with playback devices. In the right corner, click on the “Update” button. After this, the TV should appear in the list.

If this does not happen and the Home Media Server does not find anything and the connected devices are not shown on the TV itself, then you need to check the connection itself. Make sure your TV and PC are connected.

In some cases, the media server may be blocked antivirus programs and firewalls. In this case, add this application to the exceptions and try again.

If everything is successfully detected, you can start viewing media files. We'll start with photos. From the top menu select desired type files in in this case this photo.

Next, in the central part of the window, you can select the desired directory and find suitable files in it. When the desired photo is selected, simply right-click on it and move the cursor to the “Play to” line and then select your TV.

This photo will instantly appear on the TV screen.

In the same way, you can launch and play videos and music. This is just one way to play files by running them from a media server. But this method is not very comfortable. In many cases, it is much more convenient to search for the necessary files on the TV itself and then launch them.

By the way, if the window running program close, it will be hidden in the notification panel.

But the server itself will not stop and will continue to work.

Opening files via TV

After the server is started, we return to our TV.

Typically, TVs have a special program that allows you to work with a DLNA server. In our case, this is Smart Share. But perhaps, in other examples, it could be a completely different program.

If you have a TV like in our case (LG), then you need to go to the Smart TV menu (press the blue button on the remote control) and then find and launch Smart Share. True, if it supports DLNA technology, then everything may be completely different.

Open the tab for connected devices. The server running on the computer should be displayed there.

In this article we will set up a media server (DLNA) on a computer for a Philips TV. After setup, you will be able to watch movies, photos, and listen to music on your TV that is on your computer (laptop). All this using DLNA technology. This means that the TV can be connected to a computer via Wi-Fi. More precisely, the computer and TV must be connected to one Wi-Fi router. Via network cable or wireless network.

I'll explain in more detail. Do you have a Philips TV (In this article, we'll talk specifically about these TVs), with the support (if you have a Smart TV, then there is definitely DLNA support). Your TV is connected to the Wi-Fi router (via Wi-Fi or cable). Also, a computer is connected to this router. We launch the DLNA server on the computer, open required folders with video, photos, or music, and just start watching on the TV. Everything is over the air, without wires. It’s very convenient; you don’t have to write movies to a flash drive all the time. We simply access the computer, select the desired movie and watch.

Using the method described below, you can run a DLNA server on Windows 7, Windows 8, and even Windows 10. To launch and manage the server, we will use the free, simple great program"Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)." I recently showed how, where we launched a server using a proprietary program. Since Philips does not have such a program, we will use the “Home Media Server”. The program is really very simple and cool.

We will need:

  • Philips TV with DLNA support. There must be a TV, or. I will show the example of Philips 43PUS7150/12 with Smart TV (Android TV).
  • A computer that is connected to the same router as the TV. It can also be connected via Wi-Fi networks, or via LAN.
  • The program "Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)" for setting up a DLNA server.

You can do without third party programs, and set everything up standard means Windows. I wrote about how to do this in the article.

In fact, a server launched in this way will be able to see absolutely any TV: Philips, Sony, LG, Samsung, etc. Sony, by the way, already has models on Android TV. So, the instructions for them should also be suitable. Unless access may differ before viewing the contents of the DLNA server on the TV itself.

Setting up a DLNA server for a TV using the Home Media Server program

First, download and install the program "Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)". I recommend downloading it from the official website: Click on the button Download opposite the EXE version. The file size is approximately 35 MB.

Save the file, then run it and follow the instructions to install the program.

Launch the program using a shortcut on your desktop or from the Start menu. First of all, we need to configure access to files on the computer. We can open for TV only specific folders, all local drives, or even removable media.

In the program window, click on the button at the top Settings. We are interested in the first tab, Media Resources. There will already be three folders open there. These are standard. To open access to all local drives on your computer, check the box next to Local disks. To open access to removable drives, check the box next to Removable drives.

If you want to open, for example, only one local drive or folder, then do not check these boxes, but click on the button Add. And in Explorer, select the drive or folder that you want to open for viewing on your TV. The folder will appear in the list. You can delete a folder by simply highlighting it and pressing the button Delete.

I think the meaning is clear. You can open only one folder, which contains, for example, your movies. And you can open all disks. I recommend checking the box next to Local disks. Then, the My Computer folder will be displayed on the TV, in which you can view all files.

At this point, the setup can be completed by pressing the button Ok. If you want, you can also go to the tab on the side Server, and change the name of your DLNA server. It will be displayed on the TV.

Click the button Ok to exit the settings.

To start the DLNA server, click the button Launch.

If your TV is turned on and connected to the router, then in the program window, open the tab Playback devices (DMR), you will see your TV. This means everything is fine. If the TV does not appear, then check the connection, and see the tips at the end of this article.

The program can be minimized. You can proceed to setting up DLNA on your TV.

Watch DLNA movies on your Philips TV from your computer

Press on the remote control remote control button SOURCES.

On the menu Sources choose Network (media). Or run the program Media With Android menu TV.

Select the server running on your computer from the list.

If you have opened all local drives, then you will have a My Computer folder. Select it, all the disks will be there. You can open the desired folders and start watching movies, photos, or playing music from them. If you open one of the standard folders: Movies, Photos, or Music, then everything will be there accessible content, sorted into different categories. To view content by folder, select Media Resource Catalogs.

Select the folder with your movies and simply start watching the desired file.

That's all the setup. We got it from TV full access to videos, photos and music that are on your computer. The program "Home Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)" will prevent your computer from falling asleep and interrupting movie playback. You can also control viewing from the program itself on your computer. There are a lot of settings and possibilities there, I think you’ll figure it out.

Why is the DLNA server (files) not displayed on the TV?

The most common problem when setting up such a scheme is the lack running server on TV. When files are from a computer, they simply do not appear.

In such situations, the first thing you should always do is check the connection of the TV and laptop to Wi-Fi, or the connection via cable. Perhaps one of the devices simply turned off. Turn off and on the TV. You can also restart your computer and start the server again. You can also try disabling the antivirus, which may be blocking the TV connection.

If a DLNA movie plays with delays, it's glitchy

In such cases, you most likely started watching a very difficult movie. And the router cannot cope with transmitting information. Typically, this problem appears on cheap routers and when connected via Wi-Fi. Big films in high quality who do not want to play via DLNA, it is better to watch from a USB drive or hard drive.

If, when opening a video, the TV says "Format not supported"

There are times when the TV does not want to play a video file. More likely, standard player It just doesn't support the format, there's no codec. In this case, if you have an Android TV, then from Google Play Store You can install VLC player. It can also play files from local network. And most likely, it will play videos that were not opened by the standard player.

In this article, you will learn how to set up the Home Media Server program, as well as how to access movies, music and photos located on your computer from your smart TV. If your TV supports network connection via Wi-Fi or LAN and supports real-time media content transmission via DLNA technology, then you should definitely take advantage of this.

Of course, you can play music and videos from a flash drive, but before that you need to transfer all the information to it. In our case, you just need to give the TV access to any folder on your computer in which media content is stored.

There are proprietary applications from TV manufacturers, for example, LG has Smart Share, and Samsung has AllShare. Often, applications from manufacturers leave much to be desired and do not provide the necessary functionality, which cannot be said about the wonderful Home Media Server program. By the way, you can connect to the created media server not only from a TV, but also from any other DLNA client, for example, from a game console.

Before you start setting up your home media server, you need to connect your TV using the connection method available to you, usually LAN and Wi-Fi. It is most convenient to connect the TV to a router, but in extreme cases you can connect directly to a computer or laptop.

Setting up a media server.

If you still do not have Home Media Server installed, you can always download it from our catalog.

After installing the program, open it and go to the menu "Settings".

In the left part of the window that opens, select a category "Media resources", on the tab "Directory List" you must specify which drives (local, network, removable) and folders with media content will be available on the TV. By default, standard folders with photos, videos and music are already open.

To add required folders and disks use the button "Add". In the Explorer window that opens, you just have to select the folders or drives to which you want to give access and click "OK".

When adding or deleting folders or drives, it is necessary to scan media resource directories; usually the program itself requests permission to scan. This will contain a list available files up to date.

You can also set up automatic directory scanning. On the tab "Scanning" you need to check the two checkboxes shown in the screenshot below. Please note that checking the box opposite "Automatic scanning of directories when they change while the server is running" may slow down the speed of navigating through directories on the TV.

Here we recommend checking the box before "Always use file name as media resource name", then in the list you will always see files with their own names, otherwise the TV will name the file based on its tags.

In category "Devices" in the dropdown menu "Default device type" you need to choose the device that best matches yours. Depending on the selected device, the list of formats supported by the device will change.

If you know that your TV supports more formats than are presented in the proposed list, then you can open the settings window by clicking on the corresponding button, and in the extensions fields "Movies", "Music" And "Photo" Specify the required formats separated by commas.

In category "Additionally" you can ask automatic start programs and automatically start the server when you turn on the computer. To do this, you need to check certain boxes indicated in the screenshot. It is also recommended to check the box opposite "Installation Windows services Home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)", in this case the media server will run as a service.

That's it for the setup home media server finished.

Now you need to launch it by clicking on the button "Launch".

Now you can turn on the TV. If everything is connected correctly, the TV icon should appear at the bottom of the program window on the tab "Playback Devices (DMR)".

If the TV does not appear, click on the button on the right side of the window "Update". If the TV icon still does not appear, it means you have not connected the TV to the computer correctly or home network. Most often, in more than 90% of cases, the problem occurs due to incorrect setting antiviruses and firewalls. Disable them, if the TV icon appears, then you need to configure them correctly.

Viewing media resources.

After setting up your home media server, you can start viewing shared content in two ways.

The first, naturally, starts playing content from the TV, following the instructions for your device.

Second, start playback directly from the Home Media Server itself. To begin, in the main program window you need to select the type of content to be played by clicking on the tab icons "Movies", "Music" or "Photo". Next, on the movie we need, for example, right-click and select "Play on" and select TV. At the same moment, the movie should start playing on the TV.

Home Media Server program Media Server) actually provides great amount various settings and offers playback of not only video, music and photos, but also Internet radio, as well as IPTV. In turn, we only looked at setting up a home media server to open access to files stored on the computer for playback on the TV.

IN modern world it's hard to imagine our life without using high technology. So, probably, many have heard about such a thing as UPnP. We’ll try to figure out what UPnP and DLNA support are. Plus, there will be some basic tips for setting up equipment, since this is not always done completely automatically.

UPnP. What is UPnP?

From the point of view of modern computer, mobile and media systems, UPnP represents the universal connection of multiple devices when combined into one system. This is the so-called Universal Plug&Play standard. In other words, such technology can be called universal connection device with its automatic initialization.

In fact, it is this approach that allows you to create a single home UPnP server based on an existing one. In this case, information stored on one of the connected devices will be available on any other. Most often, the source is computers, laptops, mobile devices, video or music players, and media content is played on the TV. But! In most cases, such devices should support the DLNA standard.

What is DLNA?

DLNA is a universal set of standards used when connecting equipment to transmit media data. A regular home local network is used as a data transmission medium based on the automatic assignment of IP addresses to connected devices.

In this case, the external user address does not change. IP is assigned exclusively within one local network. The main component that uses DLNA (UPnP media server) is the router, which is responsible for automating the assignment of appropriate IP addresses to devices. Most often this is a (A)DSL modem or router, although gradually obsolete connections using

Device connection options

Let's start with the fact that in this case the main step is to create a connection between the router and the TV. Today you can find three main options:

  • connection using cables (Ethernet);
  • connection using an internal or external Wi-Fi adapter;
  • connection via the electrical network without any use of cables at all.

However, here you need to clearly understand that automatically combining devices into a single whole will not get by. You need to create a virtual UPnP DLNA-server (if one already exists, say, in a TV like Smart TV, that’s generally great). The corresponding software, which will be discussed a little later.

Benefits of a Home Media Server

If we consider the list of basic capabilities using transceiver UPnP technologies(DLNA), they are quite diverse, although they are used only for working with media content.

For example, when creating a home media server, you can easily view photos and videos on your computer or laptop, smartphone or tablet on a large TV screen. But the matter is not limited to this.

Few untrained users know that with the help of such technologies it is possible to broadcast online television or watch videos on the same YouTube hosting not on a computer (if you have the appropriate software or a regular Internet browser), but on television panel. And this, in turn, makes universal remedy for watching programs, clips or films, listening to music, etc.

Now a few words about the main points regarding setting up a home media server. Understanding UPnP technologies alone is not enough here. What is UPnP, we have already figured out a little. Let's see how such knowledge can be applied in practice.

First, you will initially need to enable the use of these protocols on your router and TV (or, if you have one, set-top box cable or satellite TV). On a router, as a rule, such settings are enabled by default, but to be completely sure, you should go to the appropriate section and make sure that the UPnP parameter is in the Enable state.

But that is not all. In the OS, if this service is not enabled, it also needs to be activated. To do this, you need to go to the Programs and Features section in the Control Panel (in older systems, the Add/Remove Programs menu), where you can view the installed and used Windows components.

IN network services you need to connect the client discovery (management) service, and also use UPnP. What is a PNP client in this case? Universal bridge, capable of automatically recognizing any media devices, even without installing the appropriate drivers. To make it clearer, in a local wireless network when connecting a smartphone or any other mobile gadget they are simply not needed.

Programs used

On at this stage Let's move directly to the software that allows you to create, use and manage a home media server. Today you can find quite a lot of such packages. But they may have completely different capabilities.

For example, if you install a server based on Samsung apps All Share, on the TV you can only select music, videos or photos stored in the devices’ shared folders. There is no talk of any broadcasting of TV programs from a computer here.

It is much more convenient to install a more serious package like Plex Media Server, which has such an impressive list of features that few programs can compare with it. In addition, the software itself is released in Russian and is distributed completely free of charge.

Concerning mobile systems, for example Android, for such devices it is appropriate to use a small applet called MediaHouse or Bubble UPnP. Both applications can be easily found in the service Play Market and install it on your device absolutely free. The advantage of such programs is that when you install the appropriate computer client DLNA setup won't be needed here at all. It is enough that the smartphone, tablet and computer (laptop) are connected to the same private virtual network. After launching the application from the computer terminal, a list of all available devices. To be sure in computer version you can “expand” the necessary folders (create shared access). That's all.


I would like to hope that this brief information It will give many novice users an idea of ​​UPnP/DLNA technologies. In general, even when setting up a home media server, there shouldn’t be any particular difficulties, except perhaps enabling UPnP support on the router, TV and in the operating system itself. But, as practice shows, for everyone modern devices and in the latest Windows versions all these services are enabled by default. The only thing left to the user is to solve the problem by choosing the software that best suits his requirements.