How to disconnect strangers from your Wi-Fi network. Automatically disable Wi-Fi when connected to an Ethernet network

How do I turn off my router or Wi-Fi connection? - this is a question that interests many; in fact, after reading this material, you can easily disable the router yourself in safe mode, you can also turn off the Wi-Fi network.

1) Shutdown Wi-Fi networks. 2) Disabling the router. (the example shows a router manufactured by ASUS)

This article will cover the following topics:

  • Setting up a connection so that the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but continues to work via the network cable for all devices connected through it.
  • A quick way to disable/enable a Wi-Fi network using a button on the router or through the admin panel (router control panel) with personal computer, tablet or mobile device.
  • Disabling routers made by ASUS, D-Link, TP-Link, ZyXEL. If you are using a router from another manufacturer, we still recommend that you read the following instructions, since all settings are almost identical for all companies that produce routers.

In general, by default, it is important to monitor electrical appliances installed and connected in the house. So, it is necessary to completely disconnect the router from the power supply in the event of a thunderstorm or due to a long trip.

Important: in bad weather conditions accompanied by a thunderstorm, it is recommended that in addition to unplugging the power adapter from the outlet, network cable from the router in order to avoid intra-network surges and damage to the router. More detailed information this issue is described in this article: stopped working after a thunderstormWi-Fi router.

Disabling the router with the button

Almost all modern routers have a power on/off button, which is indicated by the English caption “Power ON/OFF”. The method of turning off the router in this way is very simple, just press this button and make sure that all the indicators go off. If there is no power off button, simply unplug the power cable from the router, a complete shutdown will occur.

How to disable a Wi-Fi network from a button or remotely (control panel)

Most manufacturers equip routers with a shutdown button. wireless wifi network, which is called “Wi-Fi On/Off”. Even if there is no such designation, finding it will be simple and intuitive. To turn off Wi-Fi from the button, you need to press it (in some cases you need to hold it pressed for up to 4 seconds). If the wireless network is successfully disconnected, the Wi-Fi indicator will be inactive, and Internet operation will only be possible via a direct connection of the router-computer/laptop network cable.

As mentioned earlier, not all router models have the ability to quick shutdown Wi-Fi wireless network via a button, so there is another way, the so-called remote control(via the administration panel) which can be accessed using available devices (smartphone, tablet).

ATTENTION: Under no circumstances should you turning off Wi-Fi network through the admin center if all devices are connected wirelessly, and direct connection There is no network cable. If you turn off the network, you won’t be able to turn it on again because, no matter how trivial it may sound, to manage the router settings via Wi-Fi, you need a wireless connection.

Disabling Wi-Fi networks on ASUS routers

ASUS, a global manufacturer of high-quality electronics, is gradually conquering the router markets and, if most models have a shutdown Wi-Fi button not provided, but open ample opportunities by going to the control panel. Instructions for logging into the control panel router will help those who do not know how to do this. Next, in side menu We look for the item “Wireless network - Professional” and change the switch opposite “Enable radio module” to the “No” position. After changing the settings, you need to save them.

Interesting features ASUS routers is that the control panel settings allow you to turn on and off the wireless Wi-Fi network automatically according to a schedule. Relevant material has been prepared on this occasion: schedule Wi-Fi work on an ASUS router.

Disabling Wi-Fi networks on TP-LINK routers

These are one of the most popular Internet devices in Russia and most models are installed by the manufacturer additional button disabling the wireless network, which is called “Wi-Fi On/Off” or “Wireless On/Off”. You can turn off Wi-Fi simply by pressing this very button and, if necessary, hold it pressed for up to 4 seconds.

To turn on the Wi-Fi network, you need to press the same button and hold it for a few seconds if necessary. On routers of the following models: TP-Link TL-WR740N, TL-WR841ND, TL-WR840N, which are characterized as budget, this button is missing.

Can go to the router settings TP-Link and in the “Wireless Mode - Settings” section wireless mode"(Wireless), uncheck the checkbox opposite the inscription "Enable wireless broadcasting" (Enable Wireless Router Radio), after changing the settings you need to save.

Disabling Wi-Fi networks on D-LINK routers

To disable the wireless network, you need to log in to the administration panel ( detailed instructions Here ). Select the “Wi-Fi” section in the side menu, select “Basic settings” from the drop-down list and uncheck the box next to “Broadcast wireless network”. After changes made saving settings is required. For turn on Wi-Fi network, do the opposite by checking the box for broadcasting a wireless network.

Disabling Wi-Fi networks on ZyXEL routers

Routers manufactured by ZyXEL have almost always been more advanced than their counterparts from other manufacturers, so you can easily find a button on the case with Wi-Fi icon, which you need to press and hold for a few seconds to turn off the wireless Wi-Fi network. It is easy to determine the success of the operation; the Wi-Fi indicator will go out. You can also turn the wireless network back on by clicking this button.

Through the panel ZyXEL control You can disable Wi-Fi in the “Access Points” section by unchecking the “Enable access point” line. More detailed information is described in the material: how to disable Wi-Fi on the ZyXEL Keenetic router.

It’s hard to imagine a modern cafe without Wi-Fi technology, educational institution or an ordinary house. These waves are so intertwined in our lives that sometimes there are too many of them, and then there is a desire to make the network inactive. Below we will talk about how to disable Wi-Fi on a router and why to do it.

Why do you need to stop the distribution?

For most people, the Wi-Fi router has not been turned off since purchase. This isn't a big deal if you actually use the connection all the time. And if not? In order not to tempt your neighbor programmer to train in the art of attacks, it is better not to broadcast your network. In general, disabled Wi-Fi on the router, as it is logical to assume, - the best remedy protection from any intrusion.

Often people turn off the distribution as a punishment for children. Of course, almost every child has his own personal smartphone, and it will serve good lesson. And some are convinced that Wi-Fi waves are a harmful type of radiation for humans and one should be under its influence as little as possible. The reasons for turning off Wi-Fi can be very varied and probably depend on your personal beliefs.


Oddly enough, the question: “Is it possible to turn off Wi-Fi on the router?” - quite common. Although the procedure itself is extremely simple, the action policy differs on different routers, but in general the methods are very similar. Here are some of them:

  • The easiest option to stop broadcasting is through the custom settings menu.
  • Click on the WAN button on the router.
  • Some routers are not able to work without external antennas, or the coverage area without this element is significantly reduced.
  • Well, the most reliable way protect your Wi-Fi connection - throw away the router and start using a wired connection.

The easiest way is to use the first method, so let's find out how to disable Wi-Fi on the router using manipulations in the control panel.

To get in custom panel It is possible both through a wired connection and via Wi-Fi. Without setting up the equipment, any client connected to the network is able to break the connection in just a few simple steps. Keep in mind that this method can either turn off Wi-Fi on the router or block Internet access for everyone WI-FI devices.

We work with Ethernet routers

Ethernet is the most common type of router. Use connection via RJ-45 connector. The technology is in many ways superior to signal transmission over telephone lines and is different in many ways. Are there any differences in how Wi-Fi is turned off on Ethernet routers? The answer is no, the procedure on such routers is absolutely identical and looks like this:

  1. Open the browser and enter the gateway address - in address bar.
  2. Next, log in to personal account. For authorization, the subscriber's password and login are required. Typically, this data is indicated on the router case or on a sticker directly on the board. Although most often by default, data in the admin/admin format is used for login and password, respectively. Enter them and proceed to the next step.
  3. We are looking for WIFI/Wireless/WLAN items or something similar.
  4. Uncheck the box “Enable Wi-Fi”.
  5. Be sure to apply the settings.

Once the settings are approved, the page will reload and the wireless network connection will disappear. It is worth noting that there are different versions firmware even for routers of the same model, so some steps may differ.

Disabling distribution on DSL modems

DSL technology is based on data transmission via telephone line. DSL modems are no longer as common a device as Ethernet routers. They were actively used during the era landlines, and are now gradually losing their popularity and are nevertheless still used where there are no normal connections.

D-Link and ZTE

There is also a custom settings menu, which can be accessed by entering the address of the modem's default gateway into the address bar of the browser.

Several years ago Rostelecom used D-Link DIR 300 as Wi-Fi routers. You can disable distribution on these devices in the following way:

  1. Open any browser, enter, then authentication data.
  2. In the window that opens, go to “Manually configure”, then to the “WIFI” tab.
  3. Uncheck "Enable" wireless connection».
  4. Apply the settings.

If you have a different router, browser, or menu language, then you may have to look for the necessary tabs yourself.

In addition to vintage "D-Links", the ZTE H108L is still actively used to this day. The modem is unremarkable and does not even have external antenna, but suitable for office tasks And homework. In the control panel you can disable Wi-Fi, as on Rostelecom routers of other models:

  1. Enter in search bar browser, then enter your username and password.
  2. Go to the Network tab and then to the WLAN section.
  3. Uncheck the Enabled Wireless RF checkbox.
  4. Click on the Submit button.

To return the distribution, you must reactivate the Enabled Wireless RF item. If for some reason you were unable to connect to the router after turning off the wireless network, you may need to reset custom settings.

If you only use a laptop, then most likely you have never connected it to the network wired way, or maybe you’ve already forgotten where the router itself is located. How to disable Wi-Fi on the ZTE H108L router if there is no cable? As mentioned above, the presence of a cable is not at all necessary and it is only important to have full access to a wireless network.

It is worth noting that you can work with the router menu through any device: phone, tablet, laptop, computer and even smart watch.


You can turn off Wi-Fi not only for everyone existing devices, and for certain group or, conversely, allow only yourself to use the connection. To do this, there are various types of filtering based on MAC, URL and IP addresses. This will be useful if:

  • Only you want to use Wi-Fi.
  • It is inconvenient to turn off Wi-Fi through the router control panel several times a day.

To enable filtering, open a command prompt Windows string and enter the command "getmac". It will give you your physical MAC address, which must be entered into the allowed MAC addresses in the filter. You can do the same with IP addresses if you know them.


Summing up, we can come to specific conclusions:

  1. For all equipment, the procedure looks approximately the same and only slightly differs in the names of the tabs and sections.
  2. You can stop distribution on any router.
  3. You can enter the router menu from any device that supports a network connection, and it is not necessary to use a twisted pair cable.

Based on all of the above, the question is: “How to disable Wi-Fi on the router?” - can be considered closed.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine life without the Internet. And one of its main components is the Wi-Fi wireless network. Previously, everyone thought that an Internet connection via a network cable was reliable, fast and inexpensive. Now this opinion has not changed, but the competitor in the form of Wi-Fi has gained many more fans.

It is easier for people to connect to the Internet through WiFi connection, rather than looking for a wire, then inserting it into special connectors and only then doing what you intended. Take the same laptop or phone. These devices have built-in modems that allow you to connect to the Internet in the blink of an eye, just know the selected network.

Behind last years a stereotype has appeared that there is no point in turning off Wi-Fi, because you may need it at the most unexpected time. There is no point in arguing with this, but if you want to turn off Wi-Fi on the same laptop, we will tell you how to do it correctly.


Every laptop has a combination, after pressing which all network connections are interrupted. But you only denied the laptop access to Wi-Fi, and did not turn it off. In order to completely turn off Wi-Fi on a laptop, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the Network and Sharing Center;
  • after entering there, find the inscription “ Change adapter settings» and click on it with the left mouse button;
  • we will see a list of everyone available connections. Among them you need to find the one marked as “ Wireless" By clicking on it right click mouse and selecting " Disable", it is usually located first in the window that opens, you turn off Wi-Fi on your laptop.

To check if it is valid, pay attention to the network connections icon that is located in the tray. There you should see a network icon crossed out with a red cross.

To enable wireless connection follow all the same steps, only instead of " Disable» click « Turn on».

In this article we will talk about how disable WiFi network on the router. Completely or automatically according to schedule. When asked about this topic, I immediately ask a leading question - what is the goal of of this action? If we want to turn off WiFi due to the imaginary “harmfulness of radiation,” then that’s one thing. If we don't want anyone to use the wireless signal, then it's a little different.

Disable completely WiFi network on the router there are two ways:

  • Physically with a button on the case, if available on the router model
  • Remotely from the admin panel - also completely, or according to a schedule.

With the first option, everything is clear - we press the button on the case and WiFi turns off. Press again and it turns on. This is what this button looks like on the Tenda AC6 router

Also, many models have separate setting to turn off wireless signal Wi-Fi. It performs the same function, but to save money, the manufacturer did not attach a physical button to it.

Disabling WiFi in the router remotely according to a schedule at night

Opportunity wifi shutdown signal remotely according to a schedule is provided in many routers. For example, for the time when you are not using it, or at night.

I have already written about, but many users still think that some kind of harm comes from it.

But constantly turning off wifi manually using a button on the router or remotely from the control panel is not very practical. But setting up wifi to turn off automatically and even setting a schedule for its operation is very convenient. For example, turn off the router at night.

How to disable scheduled WiFi on a TP-Link router?

On a TP-Link router in new version panel, disabling wifi occurs in the “ Additional settings— Wireless mode — Wireless mode settings.” Here you just need to uncheck the “Enable wireless broadcasting” option in each of the bands - 2.4 and 5 GHz.

To remotely activate timed operation, go to the “Wireless Broadcast Schedule” subsection in the same section and activate it with a toggle switch. Next, click on the link “Edit schedule”

and on a visual calendar we mark on what days and hours the wifi relay will work

In the old admin panel, to turn off the signal, you need to go to the “Select operating frequency” menu and also uncheck

To turn off wifi according to a schedule, go to the “Access Control - Schedule” menu and click on “Add”

We come up with a name for the schedule and assign a time - either by setting the time period and days through drop-down lists, or manually on the calendar

How to turn off Wi-Fi on an Asus router according to a schedule?

Switch off wifi module on an Asus router, you can from the “Wireless Network” section on the “Professional” tab. There is a function here like complete shutdown radio module, and creating a schedule for network operation - separately for week days and for weekends.

How to disable WiFi on a Tenda router?

In order to set a schedule for when to turn on and when to turn off WiFi on the Tenda router, go to the “ WiFi Settings— WiFi schedule"

We activate the scheduled operation mode and assign days and times to turn off WiFi.

We save the settings and wait until the router reboots, after which the schedule will take effect.

Disabling the WiFi network according to a schedule on the Zyxel Keenetic router

U Zyxel Keenetic completely disabling Wi-Fi is quite simple - go to the “Wi-Fi network” settings and uncheck the “Enable access point” checkbox

If you need to turn off WiFi only in certain time, then the “Schedule” section will come to the rescue - it’s also quite flexible settings by time and day of the week, and you can also assign multiple schedules for individual devices.

In the latest version of Keenetic software, this setting is located directly in the configurator " Home network»

That's all - now you know how to automatically turn off wifi on a schedule or completely disable the signal on your router. As I get more models, I'll be adding instructions here on how to set them up, so stay tuned!

Video instructions for turning off Wi-Fi

Not everyone can turn off Wi-Fi completely, and some don’t even think about it. However, it may be useful. For example, you are not connected via a wired connection, and you don’t need Wi-Fi at all. Or if it is powered by a battery, then the included adapter will constantly search for and connect to wireless networks, and therefore the battery will drain additionally.

You can try to turn it off using , but it’s not that it’s wrong, it’s just superficial or something...

We follow the following path: Control Panel -> All Control Panel Elements -> Network and Sharing Center

Or right-click on the network icon and select Network and Sharing Center

On the left side select Change adapter settings

We find Wireless network connection , right-click on it and select Disable

All. Now Wi-Fi is turned off correctly and completely. It will also be disabled upon reboot.

If you need to enable it, do the same, but select Turn on

For Windows 8, click LMB on the “Network” icon and in the side window that appears, simply click to disable/enable “Wireless Network”.