How to check how much RAM is available. How to find out the amount of RAM: the concept of RAM, maximum, minimum and used memory, ways to view the amount of memory and step-by-step instructions

A short guide that will help you find out the actual amount of memory on your Android device and see what services and applications it is used by.

As a rule, the characteristics of a smartphone indicate two types of memory: RAM and built-in. However, the numbers on paper usually do not match the volume that is actually provided to the user. You can find out exactly how much free memory you have at your disposal in the device settings.

How to find out the amount of RAM?

How to see the amount of free RAM:

1. Go to the settings menu.

2. Open the “Memory” section.

The amount of used and free memory is displayed here (and you can view data for 3, 6, 12 hours or per day), the total amount of available memory, and its average use as a percentage.

3. To find out what and how much RAM is used for, click on “Memory usage by applications”. Here you can also view information for different periods of time.

1. To do this, go to the settings menu.

2. Select the “Applications” section.

3. Find an unused application and open its page.

4. Click on the “Stop” button.

How to find out the amount of internal memory on Android?

Permanent memory, unlike RAM, does not require power to store data, so even after the phone is turned off, all information recorded on it is retained. Part of this memory is occupied by the operating system; it can only be changed with (or superuser) rights. The second part is the internal memory, it is used to install applications, settings and store files.

Usually the actual amount of this memory does not coincide with what is indicated in the specifications, since part of it is used for the system and pre-installed applications. Sometimes the manufacturer installs programs on the smartphone such as a file manager, antivirus or music player that may be useful to the user. In other cases, these turn out to be games or advertising applications that can be removed as unnecessary.

How to find out the actual amount of internal memory:

1. Go to settings.

2. Open the “Storage and USB drives” item.

The example device has a total storage capacity of 8 GB. As we can see, only 3.71 GB of them are free for the user. Currently 3.32 GB is in use. By clicking on the “Internal storage” section, you can find out what exactly this amount of memory is occupied by.

This item also displays information about the removable storage device or memory card. The user can independently choose where new files will be saved: to the internal memory or microSD card.

We hope that our short instructions will help you not only find out the actual amount of memory on your mobile device, but also optimize its use.

Users' questions about how to find out how much memory is on their computer or free it up to improve system performance seem completely natural. This may be due to many factors, including checking that the configuration meets the system requirements of some installed software or regarding speeding up Windows. There are several main ways to do this, which are discussed in as much detail as possible. But first, we should dwell a little on what kind of memory we are talking about.

How to find out how much memory is on your computer: hard drive and RAM

The main elements that correspond to the category of storage devices are hard drives, removable media and RAM (including dedicated memory for graphics adapters). Sometimes you can also include cache memory and virtual memory here, but they are mostly associated with hard drives, since the space allocated for their needs is reserved on the hard drive.

If we talk about available disk space, you can find out such information directly through the system’s built-in file manager, called “Explorer”. You can open it in different ways, but the easiest way is to use the computer icon (only in Windows 7 and below), and also launch the program by quickly calling it by simultaneously pressing the Win + E keys, which are found on any modern keyboard.

Just in the “My Computer” or “This Computer” section, which opens by default, you can see the total size of all available logical partition disks, the amount of occupied and free space. Apparently everyone knows this.

If we are talking about how to find out how much RAM is on the computer, the simplest solution is to use RMB on the computer icon and select “Properties”.

After specifying the operating system type and processor model, you will be given brief information about the total and available amount of RAM.

Also, brief information about the RAM strips can be found in the DirectX dialog, which is launched from the program applet execution console (Win + R) with the dxdiag command, corresponding to the name of the executable file without specifying the extension. But on the monitor tab you can also view the amount of memory of the video adapter, which may be useful to owners of integrated chips.

If we talk about how to find out how much RAM is on the computer in a more advanced version, adding here the possibly used virtual memory (unless the use of the paging file is disabled), this can be done through a special section of system information, which can also be called from "Run" menu, using the abbreviation msinfo32.

Similar information, however, already displaying RAM load in real time, can be obtained through the “Task Manager” on the performance tab or through a special system monitor, which tracks all currently active processes, indicating the RAM usage for each of them .

The use of third-party narrowly targeted information utilities like AIDA64, CPU-Z, Speccy and many others is not excluded.

How to free up disk space?

Now a few words about how to free up memory on a computer in relation to hard drives. Probably, many users clearly understand that to do this they need to delete something from the hard drive, and from the Recycle Bin too, since space on the hard drive is also reserved for it. The largest files are considered to be image, video and music files. Therefore, they can either be deleted, or transferred to removable media, or placed in some cloud service, or simply get rid of duplicates, of which there can be a lot.

How to free up memory on your computer using other methods?

You can use disk cleaning tools, or uninstall large, unnecessary or rarely used programs through a standard partition, or perform similar actions using optimizer applications, which can also clean the system registry. Along the way, the removal list can include temporary browser files, cached operating system update packages, components of older versions of Windows, and even backup copies.

How to free up RAM on a computer: the simplest course of action

Now let's move on to the main issues related to reducing the load on RAM. You can’t just remove unnecessary components from it. But how to free up memory on a computer with Windows 7 or any other system for that matter?

The most primitive action is considered to be ending unnecessary active processes in the Task Manager. But here many difficulties arise, since not all background processes can be stopped painlessly for the system (it may stop working altogether). In addition, after a reboot, the enabled services will still be started again. Therefore, some of them will have to get rid of.

Autoload operations

Now let's see how to free up memory on a computer with Windows 10 and below by disabling unnecessary applets that start with the system. There is a startup section for this.

In the seventh modification and below it is located in the configuration (msconfig), and in the eighth and tenth modifications it is placed directly in the “Task Manager”. You can deactivate almost everything (this is especially true for various types of updaters who monitor the release of updates for installed programs). You can only leave the antivirus components, and in Windows 7 and below, the ctfmon service, which is responsible for displaying the language icon and the language change panel.

To disable more processes, you can use the corresponding section in the registry or automated optimizer programs, which is much preferable.

Disabling unnecessary operating system components

When talking about how to free up memory on your computer, we should not forget about some background services provided in the system as Windows components.

For example, you can easily deactivate the Hyper-V module, which is only needed when using virtual machines, or disable the print service if the user does not have a printer. You can even get rid of the Internet Explorer browser, the service of which, despite using a different default browser, is still active.

Stopping services

And a few more words about how to free up memory on your computer, but by disabling the services themselves. Of course, you can perform such actions in group policies, in the registry, and in the Task Scheduler. But not all applets may be presented there.

Therefore, you should enter the services section (services.msc), select the component to deactivate, double-click to edit parameters and - ATTENTION! - first stop the process, and only then set the startup type to disabled and save the changes. So, for example, you can easily turn off geolocation, the same printing service and a huge number of unnecessary processes, including even automatic search and installation of updates for the system itself. But without special knowledge, it’s better not to do such things yourself if you don’t want the system to stop working altogether.

Real-time RAM maintenance utilities to reduce load

Finally, in order to simplify your actions and not cause irreparable damage to the system, it is best to use optimizers or special utilities to unload resource-intensive components from RAM.

You can activate the corresponding module, and the RAM will be cleared automatically and in real time, which will free up some memory for the needs of other user tasks.

RAM is used to store data that programs are currently working with. Performance directly depends on the amount of RAM, so it is not surprising that when upgrading, users are faced with the question of how to determine the RAM on a computer.

Determine RAM

Why determine what RAM is installed on the computer? This is usually necessary in order to add more RAM or change to a larger one, which can help optimize a PC or laptop.

Physical examination

All the necessary information is usually indicated on the RAM stick itself: manufacturer, model, volume, type. The problem is that this information (except for the volume - it is indicated in gigabytes) is presented in encrypted form. For example, DDR 3 type is designated as PC 3 (DDR 2 –PC 2, etc.).

In principle, there is nothing complicated here, given that users usually have enough information about the amount of RAM and its type. The rest of the information can be found from the same Wikipedia, where the articles on types of RAM provide standard specifications.

If you are only interested in the question of how to find out how much RAM is on your computer, then it is better not to go into the system unit and use software methods.

System Information

Windows has a convenient tool for viewing technical information called System Information. You can run it through the “Run” menu (called - Win + R) with the “msinfo32” command.

Another way to find out how much RAM is on your PC is to open the computer properties:

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Look at the value of the "Installed memory" line.

The built-in Windows tools do not provide any more information. The question arises - how can I find out what kind of RAM I have and get acquainted with all its main characteristics?

Third party software

To see all the significant characteristics of the RAM, you need to resort to special utilities. To get started, you can try downloading the free HWiNFO program.

  1. Launch the utility.
  2. Go to the "Memory" section.
  3. Check the parameters of the installed RAM.

Answering the user question “how to find out how much RAM I have,” we could not ignore the utility. In the start window of this program, in the menu on the left there is a section “RAM”. Go into it - after a short wait while the program collects data, a complete list of characteristics of the detected random access memory devices will appear on the right.

Now you know how to find out how much RAM is on a PC or laptop, and you can also view the full specification of the bracket if necessary. Armed with this information, you can increase your computer's performance, so don't neglect this useful information.

RAM plays an important role in any PC, be it a computer or a laptop. Its performance depends on how much RAM your device has. But not every user knows how much memory his computer can use. In today's article we will tell you how to find out the answer to this question.

To find out how much RAM is on your device, you can use both additional software and standard Windows tools. We will look at various options.

Method 1: AIDA64

One of the most famous programs that allows you to view and diagnose all equipment connected to your computer is. This is a great solution for those who want to know as much as possible about their PC. You can also use this product to find out information about the operating system, installed software, network and third-party connected devices.

Method 2: Piriform Speccy

Another popular, but already free program for viewing information about all hardware and software components of a PC is. It has a fairly simple interface, but at the same time powerful functionality, which has earned the sympathy of users. Using this product, you can also find out the amount of installed RAM, its type, operating speed and much more: just run the program and go to the tab with the appropriate name. The page that opens will provide detailed information about the available memory.

Method 3: View via BIOS

Not the most convenient way, but it also has a place - this is viewing the characteristics through the device BIOS. For each laptop and computer, the methods for entering the specified menu may differ, but the most common are the keystroke options F2 And Delete while the PC is booting. On our website there is a section dedicated to methods of entering the BIOS for various devices:

Then all that remains is to find the item called "System Memory", "Memory Information" or another option containing the word Memory. There you will find out the amount of available memory and its other characteristics.

Method 4: System Properties

One of the simplest options: look at the system properties, because it describes the main characteristics of your computer, including RAM.

Method 5: Command Line

You can also use Command line and find out more detailed information about RAM. To do this, launch the console via Search(or any other method) and enter the following command there:

wmic MEMORYCHIP get BankLabel,DeviceLocator,Capacity,Speed

Now let's look at each parameter in more detail:

  • BankLabel— here are the connectors to which the corresponding RAM sticks are connected;
  • Capacity— this is the amount of memory for the specified bracket;
  • DeviceLocator— slots;
  • Speed— performance of the corresponding module.

Method 6: "Task Manager"

Finally, even in "Task Manager" The amount of installed memory is indicated.

As you can see, all of the methods discussed are quite simple and quite feasible for the average PC user. We hope we have helped you deal with this issue. Otherwise, write your questions in the comments and we will definitely answer as soon as possible.

It is one of the most important components in any computer system. Having bought a computer or laptop, the user begins to wonder how to find out what RAM I have in the system. There are several ways to obtain such information, but they all differ in terms of information content.

How to find out what RAM I have: the simplest solution for desktop PCs

For desktop PCs, as opposed to laptops, in the simplest case, you can use a visual inspection of the brackets installed in the motherboard slots. To do this, just remove the side panel of the system unit and take out the strips, then look at the markings.

This option is not suitable for a laptop, because if the device is still under warranty, it is not recommended to disassemble it. However, you shouldn’t do this after the warranty period either, since disassembling a laptop is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. How then can I solve the problem of how to find out what kind of RAM I have? In such a situation, you will have to use special software. But for starters, you can use the simplest tools of Windows systems.

Using configuration information

In Windows, the most popular solution for obtaining such information is considered to be access to the system configuration section, which is called up through the properties bar, which is located in the right-click menu on the computer icon on the Desktop (in Windows 10 there is no such icon, and the menu is called from Explorer » by clicking on the link “This computer”).

The disadvantage of this technique is obvious: here you can only get information about the total volume and the currently available size (minus the memory used by background system services and processes). It is not possible to find out at what frequency the RAM operates and what type it is. But there is a way out here too.

To obtain additional characteristics, you can use the standard “Task Manager”, where in the performance tab there are some RAM parameters of interest to the user (both in terms of general information and in terms of using RAM in real time). This option is not suitable for other indicators.

Using memory compatibility tables with processors

Without talking about additional system tools for now, we can advise you to search on the Internet for special compatibility tables of processors and supported types or amount of RAM.

For example, if a user has Intel Core iX processors with a “K” at the end of the full marking, this automatically means that the RAM operates at 1866 or 2400 MHz.

Owners of stationary PCs, when examining the markings of memory sticks, should pay attention to the presence of the designations PC2, PC3, etc., which corresponds to the types DDR2, DDR3, etc. There is also another indicator that allows you to solve the problem of how to find out what frequency RAM is provided for its operation. To do this, it must be divided by 8. For example, the designation PC3-12800 corresponds to an operating memory frequency of 1600 MHz (12800/8=1600).

How can I find out what RAM is on my computer using system information?

Now let's get back to Windows tools. on the computer? Again, you can use the system details section to get basic specifications.

Obtaining information through the DirectX dialog

Brief characteristics of RAM, indicating the total, used and available volume, can also be seen in a special dialog box of the DirectX universal platform.

The dialog itself is called up from the “Run” menu via the dxdiag line. The main (general) tab displays the necessary information. Despite the fact that the information here is minimal, this tool allows you to find out the memory size of the video adapter (even integrated), which is impossible to do by other means of the system.

Most popular third-party utilities

Finally, let's look at the most powerful tools that provide the most information. How can I find out what kind of RAM I have?

You need to use programs like AIDA64 (formerly Everest utility), CPU-Z or a special test application Memtest86+. Without talking about the intricacies of their use, we can only note that they contain much more information about RAM, including some specific indicators that the average user in most cases does not even need.

But the universally recognized Memetest86+ utility differs favorably from other informative programs in that it is capable of not only providing the necessary information, but also testing RAM for problems and malfunctions, which is very often used when troubleshooting problems related to this component (often it is due to incorrect operation of the RAM that so-called blue screens appear). The program itself looks somewhat unusual, since it uses something like an outdated DOS mode as an interface. But the method of testing memory and issuing results for all parameters is excellent.

Instead of a total

As can be seen from the above, issues related to obtaining information regarding the characteristics of RAM are resolved quite simply. When choosing a tool with which to obtain information, you need to proceed only from what indicators interest the user. In the simplest case, when you only need to know the amount of RAM, the built-in Windows and DirectX tools are suitable. If you need to test or install additional levels, in order to avoid conflicts, it is better to use third-party programs that contain much more information. In particular, the Memtest86+ utility is best suited for RAM. This is recognized by all specialists and experts.