How to download a fragment of a Yandex map. How to save a map or satellite image from Google Map? How to save an image from google maps? Saving a map from Yandex or Google services to a file with a specified size

As I once wrote, I periodically participate in urban orienteering competitions as part of one or the other team. One of the main points in preparing for the next stage is finding maps of the places where the competition will take place. During urban orienteering, you first need a map, not an atlas, so that you can immediately see where the checkpoints (checkpoints) are located.

It is often difficult to find a detailed map of the competition area in a store (and sometimes just lazy), in this case the mapping services Yandex.Maps and Google Maps usually help out. But these services do not make it possible to save a large map and then print it, for example, in A0 format, where, on the one hand, all the houses would be visible, and on the other, the map would cover the entire competition area. In principle, this can all be solved by taking screenshots of small sections of the map and then “gluing” them together into one map with a higher resolution.

You can do all this manually, but it’s tedious, even using Photoshop or similar programs (I’ll give you a hint: look towards creating panoramas), but, fortunately, there are quite a lot of programs that themselves create maps of the required size with the required scale.

This time I want to talk about one such program, which is one of the most powerful of its kind, this is the SAS.Planet program. It, unlike many other programs, supports a fairly large number of map services, in particular: Google Maps, Yandex.Maps, Kosmosnimki, Yahoo! Maps, Maps of the General Staff (!) and others, including historical and maps of Mars with the Moon. In this case, you can choose the type of maps: data from a satellite, in the form of a map or a mixed display.

Another interesting feature of the program is its smart cache management. The program caches everything to the maximum, so that later you can take all the data from the cache offline.

Just like Google Earth, SAS.Planet can work with layers. Thanks to this, for example, you can overlay data from Wikimapia or Panoramio onto Yandex.Maps.

Or, for example, you can overlay traffic data from Yandex on Google Map

But I started with the fact that SAS.Planet allows you to save maps with higher resolution. I’ll show you how this is done using the example of the Map of Krasnogorsk, which I made for the previous stage of Formula-OT.

We select Yandex.Maps (in my opinion, when printed, house numbers are visible here better than on Google maps), find the desired area using the search (you can search by name or coordinates)

We select the scale so as to completely cover the area of ​​interest to us and select a rectangular area.

A window will appear where you will first need to load the data into the cache (the “Load” tab) at a larger scale (usually larger than the scale at which we selected the area)

We select, for example, scale 17, and start loading data.

While working, the following information window will appear.

After completing the operation, close this window and press Ctrl+B to select the same area again. After that, select the “Glue” tab, select the scale in which we loaded the data, and we will see the size of the image in pixels that will be obtained as a result.

Here it is possible to split one large file into several parts, then print each part on a separate A4 sheet on a regular printer, and then glue them together into one large card. Or you can leave one large file and split it into A4 sheets using the printer driver (if possible). I prefer the second way.

As a result of all these operations, we will receive a map file (or several files) with a higher resolution. After this, we print the picture(s), glue it together and get a good detailed map.

The program has many more interesting features, but they are worth talking about separately.

SAS.Planet is a free program for Windows and is updated quite often.

Surely everyone has used Google maps and even printed out a fragment of the map for themselves. Probably everyone used the Print Screen key and a simple graphic editor. Printing a fragment is easy, but very inconvenient when your picture depends on the size of the monitor.

I use one method in which you can download Google maps, or rather a very large fragment (for example, a complete map of a small city). The resulting image can be downloaded to a phone or tablet, for example, and used as a full-fledged Google map, but without an Internet connection. This is especially true if you are in another region, or the Internet is not connected to your gadget.

To work, you will need a small program called URL2BMP (you can download it from the official website - link). Be sure to unzip the folder from the archive, as the maps will be saved to the program folder. There is no need to install the program, it starts like this. Here's your action sequence:

1.Open the Google maps website. Find the cent of the area you need and zoom in to the required level.

3. Launch the downloaded program. It is a mini browser. Paste the link into the line at the top. The same map is loaded in your program.

4. Set the necessary settings on the socket. For example, set view size and image size to 5000, set time (wait) to 30. It is better to choose the settings experimentally.

5.Press the GO button and when you see 100% at the top of the panel, then press the Copy button. The entire process is displayed at the top in the blue panel of the program.

6. The downloaded map will be saved in the same directory as the program.

7. If you need to change the size of the map, then change the file name in the program panel so that the new saved map does not replace the previous one.

As a sample, here is a map of a small town, saved with the specified parameters (download). As you can see, it’s quite a decent picture, which can be enlarged while maintaining good clarity.

Please note that although the program is not large, loading the map will consume a lot of RAM, so close unnecessary programs (if your computer is not the most powerful).


We will work on a specific example. Let's say we need to find a certain house and save this piece of the map. To the search bar enter the request we need. For example, let's take the address St. Petersburg, Lunacharsky Avenue, 54.
The Google system shows us the house we are looking for with a red droplet and displays a window with information about the object. In this case, this is Address: prosp. Lunacharskogo, 54, St. Petersburg, 194356. Below are the links - “Routes”, “Search nearby”, “Save”, “more”, which also has several sub-items.

There are several options for saving the map. Here's one of them. Expand the “more” item and click on the “Submit” link. In the window that appears on top of the map, select “send by email”. Enter your email address in the “to” column and click the “Send” button.
The letter arrives immediately. It will contain an image of the area of ​​the map that you have chosen. To save it to your computer, right-click on the image and select “Save Image As.” Select the directory (folder) where you want to save the image and click the “Save” button.

If you want to avoid all this hassle right away, click on the print link in the upper right corner of the card. A new browser window will open with a ready-made version of the piece of map you need. Next, “File” – “Print” (or instead a simple keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P) and click “OK”.

And the most commonly used method. With the browser window open, on the tab with the map section you need, press the Print Screen button on your keyboard (on many PrtSc or Prt Scrn laptops). This button takes a screenshot from your monitor.
Now open “Start” – “All Programs” – “Accessories” – “Paint” (or “Start” – “Run” – “mspaint” and press the “OK” button). The program window opens.
Next, “Edit” – “Paste” (or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V). The screenshot you took appears in the program window. Select the “selection” tool and circle the piece of the image that we need, then press the key combination Ctrl+C (which means “copy”).
We find the lower right corner of the entire screenshot, hover the mouse cursor over it and, using the “arrow” tool that appears (which the cursor will turn into), “pull” the screenshot to the upper left corner. Now press the key combination Ctrl+V (which means “paste”) and get a full-fledged drawing.
Now all that remains is to save it to your computer; to do this, click “File” – “Save As”. Select the desired directory (folder), enter the File Name or leave it the same, select the File Type (recommended in this case, JPG).

By saving a map area on your device, you can use it even without an Internet connection, for example, where mobile communications are expensive or the connection speed is low.

Note. This feature is not available in some regions due to technical limitations, address formats, lack of support for certain languages, etc.

Step 1. Download the map

Note. Downloaded maps can be stored in the device memory or on an SD card. If you decide to change the storage location, you will have to download the map again.

How to Save Offline Maps to SD Card

Step 2: Save battery and data (optional)

When working with offline maps, you may use applications that require an Internet connection.


  • Without an Internet connection, only one type of route is available - automobile.
  • However, you will not be able to find alternative travel options, view traffic data, or select a lane.

Using offline maps

Downloaded maps can be used in the same way as usual, that is, when the device is connected to the Internet.

If you are not connected to the network or the data transfer speed is too slow, then offline maps will be used for navigation.


How to manage offline cards

How to update an offline map

The offline card must be updated before it expires. When there are 15 days or less left until this date, the app will try to update the offline map automatically if the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.


Formulation of the problem:
- Realize the map of which particular place you need, and decide what quality it should be. For example, we need a map of the city of Ekibastuz in the Republic of Kazakhstan, of such quality that street names and house numbers can be read on the map.

- Download the SASPlanet program from here (select the current version of the program).
- Unpack the archive (no program installation required) to any directory.

- Run the program (SASPlanet.exe file).
- Select “Internet and cache” as the map source.

Working with the program
- Enter the name of the place whose map you are looking for. In our case, this is the city of Ekibastuz.

Select a graphic or satellite map of the location you are looking for.

We connect the layers that we will need to see on the map.

Using the tools provided by the program, we select the area that we want to see as a result. In our case, a rectangular area is selected (here you can “play around” and draw almost any shape, or select an area based on the size of the screen).

Downloading the map. Once you have selected an area, a dialog box appears. Choose a scale. The larger the scale you choose, the better the final image will be.

After clicking the "Start" button, the process of downloading map pieces will begin (the time depends on the selected scale). After the map is downloaded (there will be 100% completion), click "Exit".

Select the second tab (glue) in the dialog box that appears and configure:
1. Resulting format (jpg, bmp, png, etc.).
2. Where to save (path where the gluing result will be saved).
3. Map type (yandex, google, kosmosnimki, etc.).
4. Scale (remember which one you chose in step 9, but you can choose another one).
5. What layers to apply.

Click "Start".

Take the finished card!

Mobile Yandex.Maps is a mobile phone application that displays a map, traffic jams and your location on the screen. The last option only works if your mobile has built-in GPS.

You will need

  • - configured Internet access on your mobile phone


Enter the link into the address bar of your phone browser for Beeline subscribers, for Megafon subscribers, for MTS subscribers. In any case, you can dial Then your phone model will be automatically detected, and after your confirmation the file will begin downloading and installing. You can usually launch the Yandex.Maps application from the "Games and Java Applications" menu folder.

Instead of typing the link to the download page manually, you can receive it via SMS message. To receive SMS, you need to go to the Yandex main page on your computer, to the “Traffic” service, then click “Mobile cards”. Or you can directly go to the following link: phone number. An SMS will be sent to your phone with a link to the Yandex.Maps download page. Follow the link and then proceed as in the previous option.

Video on the topic


  • Mobile Yandex.maps: questions and answers in 2019

Geographic maps are becoming an increasingly popular element of interior styling, both in office space, the manager's office, and in living quarters, bedrooms and offices. In addition, maps are extremely popular among tourists. In an unfamiliar country, in an unfamiliar city, a well-printed map will help you avoid many troubles, save time, nerves and money.


If you want to have a world map for your study or a large office map, you will have to contact a good printing house. Choose a printing house, place an order and clearly explain to the manufacturers exactly what kind of card you need. For your office card, choose high-strength banner fabric that is resistant to corrosion and UV rays.

If you want to order a geographical map for a children's room, choose high-quality large-format printing on photo paper. Children's cards should be colorful and rich.

In addition, some printing houses offer printing wall images of satellite maps from Google servers. Such maps are of high quality and detail. You choose the scale and size of the map yourself. Find out what equipment your chosen printing house is equipped with, look at the catalog of completed orders. Discuss all the terms of payment and delivery of the card in advance. A high-quality printed card will be useful and will give you aesthetic pleasure.

Video on the topic


Children's maps and atlases help our children explore the world, teach them communication, and teach them geography.

There are also star maps, maps of famous battles, fantasy maps of imaginary worlds, world maps, countries, cities, military and topographic maps.

Today, a telephone is not only a means of communication, but also a multifunctional gadget. Many people use their phone as a navigator to quickly find the desired address. Often a mobile phone is an alternative to a GPS navigator for a car.


Set up a GPRS Internet connection on your phone. Go to the Yandex.Maps mobile website and download the application in accordance with the operating system installed on your cell phone.

Download the map of the desired city and save it. Check the cost of services for downloading maps to your phone, since for some operators this service may be paid. Some subscribers will need to activate free access to cards. Your mobile operator will be able to provide advice on this issue.

Use mobile cards from Mail. They are not downloaded from the Internet and do not consume traffic. It is worth noting that correct operation of all regional maps is possible only with the Windows Mobile or Symbain operating system installed on the phone. The exception is the maps of St. Petersburg, Moscow and Eurasia.

Go to the Google Maps website, where you can send maps directly to your phone. Or enter the appropriate address in your cell phone browser and download the maps. Remember that Google provides this service for free, however, mobile operators may charge you for using it.

Download the latest versions of digital maps from the Navitel website. The cost of maps differs depending on the area maps included in the application (Russia, Russia and Finland, Russia and Eastern Europe, etc.). Maps do an excellent job of GPS navigation.