How to create a Windows Live ID on desktop and mobile systems? Register a new account. Creating a Windows Live ID for a smartphone

Product overview

Most websites and applications that use Windows Live ID are Microsoft products such as Hotmail, MSNBC, MSN, Xbox 360"s Xbox Live, the .NET Messenger Service, Zune or MSN subscriptions, but there are also a number of other Microsoft affiliated companies that use it, such as Hoyts. Hotmail or MSN users automatically receive a Windows Live ID that matches their accounts. More recently, information provided by the user to Microsoft began to be used for targeting Microsoft AdCenter ads. automatic registration V Windows service Live ID at the time the user logs into the system. For Windows 7, this option is also available when using the "software assistant". Windows login Live ID"

Web authentication using Windows Live ID

On August 15, 2007, Microsoft released the package Windows Live ID Web Authentication SDK, allowing web developers to integrate Windows live ID to your websites. The following technologies are supported: ASP.NET(), Java, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby.

Windows CardSpace support

Windows Live ID users can use Windows CardSpace (a component of the .NET Framework since version 3.0) to access their account. This method of user identification eliminates the need to enter a password, using the CardSpace ID instead.

OpenID support

On October 27, 2008, Microsoft announced support for the OpenID framework. This would allow users to use their Windows Live ID to log into any sites that support OpenID authentication. However, some time after the release of CTP, the program was discontinued.

Mechanism of operation

A user, when logging into a target server that requires Windows Live ID authentication, in the event that they cannot provide a valid GLOBALAUTH-cookie, will be redirected to the nearest authentication server, which requests a username and password over an SSL-secure connection. Once authorized, the user, firstly, has an encrypted temporary GLOBALAUTH-cookie on his computer, and, secondly, receives a triple DES encrypted identification tag, previously agreed upon between the authentication server and the target server. This tag is then sent to the target server, which in turn places an encrypted temporary LOCALAUTH cookie on the user's computer. Providing these LOCALAUTH- and GLOBALAUTH-cookies to the server makes user authentication optional for the duration of the cookie. When you sign out of Windows Live ID, these cookies will be deleted.

Security issues

On June 17, 2007, 19-year-old Dutch web developer Eric Duindam discovered a flaw in the system. Windows protection Live ID. It allowed anyone to register their Windows Live ID to someone else's or non-existent one Mailbox, and thus communicate on behalf of another person. The hacking mechanism was simple: first you had to register a new account Live ID, indicating your mailbox. Upon receipt of the mailbox activation code, it was possible to change the address of your postal address(for example, on [email protected], as Eric did). By clicking on the mailbox activation link you received, you confirmed the changed mailbox. On June 19, the breach was closed by Microsoft.


Windows Live ID authentication is possible in several ways:

  • Username and Password
  • Information Windows maps Cardspace
  • Federated Identity Authorities (WS-Trust)
  • Password/PIN combinations
  • Smart cards
  • RADIUS (for authentication from mobile phones and XBoxes)

Most users use the least secure, first method. Therefore, account security depends directly on the complexity of the password. Passwords up to 16 characters long are supported. There is a system automatic check password strength.


Microsoft Passport, the predecessor to Windows Live ID, was originally positioned as a single ID for all sites. Microsoft Passport has been heavily criticized. One well-known critic was Kim Cameron, author of the Laws of Identity. He believed that Microsoft Passport violated these laws. He has since become Microsoft's chief identity architect and helped solve these problems by creating the Windows Live ID metasystem. As a result, Windows Live ID is no longer considered one system identification for all sites, but as one of many identification systems. In December 1999, Microsoft did not pay the annual $35 for Domain name"". This caused Hotmail to stop working on Christmas Eve because it was using for authentication. Linux specialist, Michael Chaney, paid for the extension the next day (Christmas Day), hoping it would solve the problem. The next morning after payment the site started working. In the fall of 2003, another Good Samaritan helped Microsoft when it paid for another missed payment for "" In 2001, Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Deborah Pierce criticized Microsoft Passport as a potential threat to privacy: the corporation could use user data at its discretion. . The user agreement was subsequently updated to allay customer fears. In 2003, Faisal Danka, a British IT security specialist, exposed a serious flaw in Microsoft Passport, through which any account associated with Microsoft Passport or Hotmail could be easily hacked using a regular browser. Microsoft has also tried to promote this technology for use on third-party sites. Windows Live ID was used on eBay and But in 2004 these agreements were canceled. In August 2009, Expedia also abandoned Microsoft support Passport or Windows Live ID.

Account registration

When creating an account Windows entries Live ID can be used for any existing address Email any email service provider. These credentials can then be used to sign in to any Windows Live ID website. If you don't want to use your email account to access Windows Live ID, you can sign up for a limited account.

Account recovery

There are several ways to recover your Windows Live ID account. Firstly, if you can’t log into your account, you can reply to a previously saved message to recover. Secret Question, also using your location. If the account has previously been associated with a number mobile phone, you can use it. If none of the above methods did not work, you can use “manual” verification of the owner. This process takes some time (up to 48-72 hours). To restore you need to provide key information about the account. The criteria are very strict, so you need to provide as much detail as possible on each question. You may need to contact contacts from address book account to provide information such as email headers and contact email addresses. There is no guarantee that support agents will be able to verify the owner's identity and assist in account recovery.


see also


Wikimedia Foundation.


- An example of a Windows Live ID sign in page Type Single sign on … Wikipedia The concept of Windows Live ID should be understood primarily as the email address and password that will be used to log into various services. For example, using this ID, the user can log in to: Xbox LIVE, Zune, Hotmail, MSN, Messenger, search for a phone, or OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive). Thus, it turns out that a Windows Live ID account is needed for synchronization various information : contacts, downloading games and applications, surfing the Internet, etc. If the user does not have a Windows Live ID, then he is unlikely to be able to download anything using special Microsoft applications , restore your notebook

on a new mobile device, etc. To create a Windows Live ID account, a user will need to either with Internet access, or a mobile phone running OS Windows (this will also require a network connection). The procedure for creating a Windows Live ID takes a few minutes, after which you will be able to use absolutely all Microsoft services and the capabilities of the Windows operating system.

Create a Windows Live ID on your computer

In order to create a Windows Live ID account, you should go to the official Microsoft website. After you log in to the site, you will have to fill out absolutely all the fields available on the site. You can fill them out as you wish, but you need to keep in mind that if you indicate an age of less than 18 years, then you will not be able to download anything from the Microsoft store. You can specify any existing mailbox. Next you will need to provide your mobile phone number. Of course, you can specify any other one, but then you will not be able to recover your password if you forget it. You also need to specify the region and postcode. After you fill out all the fields, click on the “Create account” button. At this point, the procedure for registering a Windows Live ID account can be considered complete.

Create a Windows Live ID via a mobile device

Owner mobile device based on the Windows operating system, can create a Windows Live ID when you initially set up your phone. To do this, just follow the instructions of the phone, after starting it for the first time, until you reach the “Windows Live ID” item. Next, you can click on the “Login” button if you already have a Windows Live ID, or on the “Create” button and follow all the instructions. Here you will need to indicate your: full name, mobile phone number, email address, password, country of residence and mail ID. Once you create a Windows Live ID account, you can link it to services on your mobile

Windows Phone 7 went on sale not long ago and in order to help those who ordered it to Russia understand it in the first days after purchase, we will cover various topics by setting it up. Today we’ll focus on email – this is one of the first things you’ll set up when purchasing a WP7 smartphone.

Setting up a Windows Live ID account

At Windows startup Phone for the first time you will be prompted to set up Windows account Live ID. At this point, you can decide whether to use your Windows Live ID on your phone or stop using it and its associated services. If you don't have a Windows Live ID but need one, you can create one on your phone.

Be careful when specifying your Windows Live ID, as you won't be able to delete it after you've finished setting up your phone. Among other things, Live ID will give you the opportunity to use XBOX Live and Zune on your phone. If you don't use XBOX Live and Zune, you can sign in with your Windows Live ID and use it for email only.

If you don't know whether you need a Windows Live ID or which one to use for your phone, you can skip this setup step the first time you start your phone. You always have the option to add a Windows Live ID to your phone later. You can also add multiple Windows Live IDs, but only the first one will display information about your XBOX Live and Zune accounts.

If you did not set up Windows Live ID when you first started, you can set it up later by going through these steps:

  1. Click "Add Account" and select "Windows Live"
  2. Enter your Windows Live ID in the field provided
  3. Enter your account password
  4. Click "Login"

If you entered the data correctly, then mail, contacts, photos, calendar will be synchronized with the phone. Your data is also synchronized in XBOX Live and Zune if you use these services.

Create additional email accounts

Email can be automatically configured for the following services: Windows Live, Outlook/Exchange, Yahoo and Gmail. For them, you just need to enter your email address and password, the phone will automatically select the appropriate settings for the server.

If you have an email account on a custom domain or with an ISP, you can set up standard IMAP and POP servers for email record data. Advanced settings are also available for those who have unique server settings or problems with the process automatic configuration. Setup recommendations various types email accounts see below.

Setting up email accounts for services that have presets

Most people use Gmail, Yahoo, or Exchange as their primary email account. Windows Phone is designed with this in mind and offers a set of pre-configured email services. All you need is your username and password, the phone will do the rest. Follow these steps to set up such accounts:

  1. While on home screen Swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Click "Add Account" and select the appropriate service (Google, Exchange, Yahoo, Windows Live, etc.)
  3. Enter your account password
  4. Click "Login"

Your Windows Phone will contact the selected service, receive server settings and synchronize the content. What exactly will be synchronized depends on the selected service, so Google will synchronize email, contacts and calendar (only the main calendar, not secondary ones), Yahoo will synchronize only email. You can have multiple accounts for each service.

In some cases, the phone will not be able to automatically set up your email, in which case you will have to set up your account manually using the method described below in the “What to do if nothing works” section.

Setting up POP and IMAP for email accounts

Many people use not only Google and Yahoo services for mail; they have mail on a personal domain or with a provider. For these accounts, you must manually configure the server settings by following these steps:

  1. From the home screen, swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Click "Add Account" and select "Other"
  3. Enter your account username in the mailbox address box
  4. Enter your account password
  5. Click "Login"

The phone will automatically try to determine POP and IMAP servers, if it doesn’t work, then you need to do it manually.

What to do if nothing works

Sometimes the phone will not be able to determine the necessary parameters itself, then you will have to manually specify the servers for receiving and sending messages:

  • Account type (POP or IMAP)
  • Incoming email server address
  • Outgoing server (SMTP) email
  • Server Authentication Settings
  • SSL requirements for incoming mail and outgoing email
  • Domain (for accounts Exchange records)

Usually this information can be found on the website of the service you use, and for settings work record Exchange needs to contact your network administrator. You can make these settings by following these steps:

  1. From the home screen, swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Click "Add Account" and select " Advanced setup»
  3. Enter your account username in the mailbox address box
  4. Enter your account password
  5. Click Next
  6. Select Exchange ActiveSync if you are setting up an Exchange account, or select an online email address if you are setting up personal or provider-provided email
  7. Fill in text fields information received previously. For Exchange accounts, you can select items to sync, including email, contacts, and calendar
  8. Click "Login" to save your settings

Options for email accounts

After setup technical parameters account, you can proceed to setting up additional ones by following these steps:

  1. From the home screen, swipe left to go to the application list. Go to Settings and then select Email & Accounts
  2. Select your configured email account
  3. In this section you can change:
    • account name
    • download frequency (as received, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.)
    • period for downloading old messages (last 3 days, 7 days before, etc.)
    • select items to sync, such as email, contacts or calendar
    • username, password or email server settings
  4. Once you've finished configuring your settings, click the "Edit" button

Notifications, one more important aspect email, are configured in the “Ringtones and sound settings" Unfortunately, Windows Phone 7 isn't as flexible as BlackBerry in customizing account ringtones. You can only assign one notification to all email accounts.

Articles and Lifehacks

Creation of Windows Live ID may seem like a rather complicated and incomprehensible procedure if the user is encountering this issue for the first time. But you don't need to know for this.

What is it and how to create it? A Windows Live ID is a personal account for your mobile device. It is necessary to download programs and games from the Marketplace virtual store, as well as to synchronize contacts. Device owners can use it on Windows based Phone.

In other words, having such an account is extremely important. In its absence, the user will not be able to restore the notebook, Unlock the device, or solve many other important tasks.

You can create a Windows Live ID in one of two ways: via the Internet from a computer, or when you turn on your mobile device for the first time.

How to create a Windows Live ID via PC with registration using an existing e-mail?

Creating a Windows Live ID from a computer or laptop will require Internet access.

The user goes to the Microsoft website and fills out all the necessary fields for registration. You can enter the data as you wish - the main thing is that the age of 18 years or older is indicated. In this case, an account is created, that is, in fact, an account. Registration is carried out using an existing email address.

It is also very important not to forget to include your phone number. It is recommended to indicate exactly valid number– in case you need to recover your password. The region must be registered as “Russia”; The default postal code is 196000.

Finally, it is important to enter the verification code correctly, double-checking it several times. After this, click the “I Accept” option.

If registration was completed correctly, the last page. Now you can add an account to your phone (menu “Settings” → “Mail and Accounts” → “Add account”).

All you have to do is add your Windows Live ID, and registration is complete. This account can now be used for users to download applications, games and any programs from the Marketplace.

How to create a Windows Live ID via PC with registration to a new e-mail?

Creating a Windows Live ID with registration on new address The email starts exactly the same as described above. First, all the necessary fields are filled in on the official website, taking into account the region, age, postal code, current mobile phone number, etc.

When registering, be sure to click the “Or get a new email address” option, and then select a domain (for example, In addition, it is important to double-check the code several times and then click the “I Accept” option.

The last page will confirm the successful completion of the registration procedure. Order further actions identical to what was already described above: the “Settings” menu in the phone → “Mail and Accounts” → “Add account”.

Now the owner of a mobile device can use the Marketplace application, download games, shows, movies, programs, podcasts, etc. They can be viewed or purchased (on the website or from your phone).

If a user is looking for videos, podcasts and music files, he is recommended to use the Zune Marketplace application, which can be found on his computer at Zune program(the user does not need to know to use the program).

In the virtual store it is easy to choose a game or program from thousands of applications. Some of them are purchased for money, but you can test them before doing so. Other programs are completely free.

The user can count on the maximum number of functions in Zune app after subscribing to Xbox Music. Such a subscription is a certain paid subscription. Subscribers are offered regular and streaming downloads of an unlimited amount of music to their PC or phone.

Hello! Once you get to this page, then you are also interested in the question - how to create a microsoft account. It's easy and quick to create.

But first, let's figure out why it is needed. The thing is that the largest software company, Microsoft, has collected a lot of useful services and services. And to access them, you need to register once. This procedure free.

Your Microsoft account is the email address and password you use to sign in to Windows. When you're signed in to your computer or other device with a Microsoft account, you can download apps from Windows Store, back up all your important data using free cloud storage in the OneDrive service, as well as update and synchronize everything you need - devices, contacts, media files, etc. You will also have access to such services as, Messenger, Skype, Windows Phone, Xbox.

Create a Microsoft account

Go to the official Microsoft website using this link and register. Fill in all fields of the form.

In the “Username” box, enter your email address. Also come up with strong password. To improve your account security, enter your phone number, then enter the captcha. Next, click “Create an account.” To the specified email You will receive an email from Microsoft asking you to confirm your email address. By doing this, a new account will be created.

For the convenience of users, Microsoft in one of the latest versions of the operating system allowed the creation of two types of accounts. Now everyone who installs Windows 8 on their computer can create both a Local account and Microsoft entry. Best during initial installation systems create a local account, and then create one for Microsoft. However, by default, the operating system initially prompts you to create an entry for Microsoft. One way or another, it is better to have both types of records in the operating system for greater security.

Create an account for Microsoft

In this account you must enter a password, as well as an email address in order to log into Windows. For this operation, it is better to use a mailbox that you definitely will not forget. This can be either the primary address used on permanent basis, and an additional one, which is used only for registrations on various resources. When you use a Microsoft account to access the operating system, your PC can easily find people you know here and communicate with them. This account also allows access to files stored on the computer and equipment connected to it. If you don't have a mailbox. Microsoft will be happy to provide it to you absolutely free.

Advantages of connecting cloud access through a corporate account:

  1. You are provided with an automatically updated list of contacts from all connected social networks.
  2. Possibility to share various files, including photos and videos on Internet resources.
  3. The account will synchronize all devices that are controlled by the Windows 8 operating system. Your favorite wallpapers, themes, language and other settings will be saved.
  4. The company store for Windows 8 will make a purchase required applications very simple, and will also allow you to run them on a PC (you may need to install additional parameters and hardware configurations).

Confident movement of the mouse cursor from the right top corner screen and pull down, click on the Settings menu, then select Change PC settings. If your gadget is controlled without a mouse, and therefore has touch screen, just swipe your finger from right to left and select the same menu items.

Then the program prompts you to enter data to create an account for a new user. There are only two options for how to do this:

1. Specify the address of your existing Microsoft account.
2. Create a new entry. To do this, you need to enter a valid email address.

In order to register a new Live email address, you need to select the appropriate section, which has the same name, and enter the account information in the window that opens.

After all the manipulations have been completed, a letter will be sent to your email address confirming the creation of a new account from the corporation.

Create a local account

Using this type of account, you can log in to the system from only one computer. If you have several devices on the operating system Windows system 8, for example: a computer, laptop, phone or tablet - for each of them you will have to create your own separate local recording. There is no possibility here cloud connection, and also not available convenient function as "Device Sync". In order to access the application store, you will have to use a Microsoft account.

Procedure for creating a local account:

We perform the first three steps in the same way as when creating a Microsoft account.

Select “Local Account”.

It is possible to log in using a password. To install it, select the appropriate item, create a password, enter it and confirm. Also, just in case, it’s better to provide a password hint in case you forget it.
If your computer is joined to a domain, its security settings may be missed final stage creating a record. You can simply click the “Next” button. Over time, users will be able to create their own passwords.
Select the “Done” option.
This completes the process of creating two important accounts for the computer and its owner.

There are many benefits to signing into Windows 10 with a Microsoft account. It allows you to synchronize parameters between various devices, purchasing applications, music, movies and games from the store. Allows you to associate a Windows 10 license with the account itself, which will open access to services like onedrive (cloud storage), Outlook (mail), contact synchronization and many convenient and cool tools.

An avid user of operating systems Windows family The concept of an account is familiar. This administration attribute in new versions takes on new and relevant meaning. And if earlier, for example, back on XP, its essence boiled down to delimiting local access zones to services, services and OS programs, but now everything is much more complicated.

Windows Profile Advantage

With the development of an extensive structure of Internet services and web applications, it becomes inconvenient for users to manage operational access to their accounts. The developers took into account the growing problem over time and proposed universal solution– single profile Windows user. Now you can work with Skype from any device (PC, laptop, tablet) with just one user account. All that remains is to read the instructions on how to create a Microsoft account on Windows 10.

Creating a profile in Windows 10

You can create a Microsoft profile:

  1. Using standard dialog forms in windows via the control panel + settings (accounts).
  2. Using the command line – “Run”, located in the main system start menu.

In the first case, you need:

Advice! Similarly, you can enter the record creation system via the command line using the command: control userpasswords2

You will be asked to go through a similar procedure.

Register on the Microsoft website

Users of multiple devices and Microsoft services It is proposed to create a single universal profile. Go to the address

Creation is done in two ways:

The sequence of transition commands is as follows: “Settings” → “Mail + accounts” → “Add service” → “Microsoft account” → “Create”.

Creation single profile on all devices with Windows OS without exception, useful for every advanced user. If you have a question about Windows 10, . Together we will try to find the answer.