What function does a computer mouse perform? Navigating back and forth in the browser

Sometimes, for greater convenience when working, there is a need to configure the mouse buttons or, conversely, disable some of them.

Often, accidentally pressing the wheel can interfere or confuse you when working with a document, and sometimes problems even arise. All this can be solved by reconfiguring your gadget.

If your device has a standard set of keys, then its settings can be adjusted thanks to "Control Panels", and if there are additional buttons on it, then it will be easier to do this using special program X-Mouse Button Control.

Now in more detail about both options.


Standard setting

To begin, open the Start menu and go to "Toolbar", which allows you to change parameters and functionality Your computer.

Going to the section, select the item “Mouse”.

A window with gadget properties will open. It will be possible to change the assignment of the buttons - this function is intended for those who have a left-dominant hand.

It is worth noting that it is better for left-handers to purchase ones whose shape is symmetrical, then the exchange will be convenient.

It is also possible to adjust the execution speed using a special scale. double click, which is sometimes displayed in a completely unusual way.

Button properties and selection

If you go to the following tabs, you can familiarize yourself with other functions. So in “Indicators” you can change appearance“arrows” and completely customize it for yourself.

Some of the options even have animation, and in addition, you can remove or, on the contrary, enable the shadow from the cursor.

They will allow you to debug the speed of movement of the “arrow”, and will also provide several additional features: Show the pointer trail, hide it while typing, and indicate it when you click on Ctrl key.

Index Options tab

In the “Wheel” tab, it is easy to understand the scrolling of pages so that it corresponds to the user’s desires.

Vertical is familiar to everyone, and it will help you work more comfortably with text documents or will increase the convenience of spending time playing games.

In its turn, horizontal scrolling, as a rule, is not present for everyone.

Most often used when viewing, the size of which is not always comparable to the expansion of the user’s screen.

Wheel tab

“Equipment” shows all available information about connected gadgets.

The section includes a report on their status, the drivers they use, and some background information.

In addition to this method of making your own adjustments to the operation of the gadget, there is also another, which also starts with going to "Control Panel".

In it we select, and then the item "Change mouse settings".

Chapter Special abilities

IN open window we see a set of the most optimal settings, among which corrections relating to the color, size and shade of the cursor are highlighted in a separate block.

It is also possible to enable pointer control from and activate the window when you hover over it with the cursor.

Tab Make it easier to use the mouse

This information will help if the manipulator does not fit additional buttons, its settings in this case are provided by the service center.

But if your gadget is significantly different from others, then simple analysis properties are indispensable.

The keyboard and mouse have long become such familiar attributes of computers in our lives that it seems impossible to find some little secret. However, let's try together to understand some of the functions of a computer mouse in more detail.

1. How to quickly and easily highlight part of the text.

We all know that to select text you need to hold down left button mouse and move the cursor over the desired section of text. But this is not always convenient if, for example, you need to select text on long page, that is, with scrolling. IN in this case It’s more convenient to use the following combination: click the mouse at the beginning of the desired location, then go to the end of the required selection and click again, but while holding down the keyboard button = Shift. All space between the two clicks will be highlighted.

2. Select several fragments in the text.

Your text is long. In it you need to copy or cut only the fragments that interest you. To do this, it is not at all necessary to select each fragment and copy it. You can hold down the CTRL key and select the right words, sentences, paragraphs, whole paragraphs. Then copy it all at once to Right place.

3. Selection by double and triple click of the mouse.

Everyone knows that to highlight a word you just need to quickly click on it with the mouse twice. But if you triple-click, you can select an entire paragraph of text at once. Try it, it’s much more convenient than dragging the cursor to highlight until the end of the paragraph.

4. How to zoom in or out on text or images.

Change the display scale of the open text page or an image, you can simply turn the scroll (mouse wheel) while simultaneously holding down the = CTRL button on the keyboard. This method also works in most programs that display images and photographs.

5. Drag and drop photos, images and more right click mice.

A well-known technique for moving files in Windows. We use the -drag’n’drop method, that is, we take an element, drag it to the desired location and drop it there. But you can do the same with the right mouse button. By clicking on it we will see context menu, which allows you not only to move, but also to copy a file, as well as create a shortcut in the desired location.

6. Navigating back and forth in the browser.

In the browser, in particular in Opera, if you have many windows open. To go to the previous or next page It is not at all necessary to click on the corresponding buttons on the program toolbar. You can simply hold down =Shift and roll the mouse wheel forward or backward.

7. Opening links in a new tab

Many users have long been accustomed to it, and many, unfortunately, did not know that to open a link in a new tab, you can press the middle mouse button. On some mice you just need to press the wheel until it clicks. But, if suddenly this function does not work, then it is useful to remember that a regular click with the =CTRL button held down leads to the same result.

8. Quickly move down the page text.

This is a continuation previous paragraph. Just press the middle button or the wheel and your text will start moving down. Click again where you need to stop it.

Thank you for your attention. Until the next lesson!!!

The keyboard and mouse are already so familiar things in our life, it seems that no surprises can await us here. However, it happens that completely familiar products have not entirely obvious properties and functions. Today we want to introduce you, and just remind some of you, about several hidden ways using a computer mouse.

1. Selecting part of the text

We all know that to select text, you need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor over the desired section of the text. However, if we need to highlight text on a long page, that is, with scrolling, this is not always convenient. Therefore, use the following combination: click the mouse at the beginning of the desired location, then go to the end of the desired selection and click again, but while holding down Shift. All the space between the two clicks will be highlighted.

2. Navigating back and forth in the browser

In a browser, to go to the previous or next page, it is not at all necessary to click on the corresponding buttons on the program toolbar. You can simply hold Shift and roll the mouse wheel forward or backward.

3. Zooming in and out

You can change the display scale open page simply by scrolling while holding down the CTRL button on the keyboard. This method works in large quantities programs, including many image viewers.

4. Double and triple click

Everyone knows that to highlight a word you just need to quickly click on it with the mouse twice. But if you triple-click, you can select an entire paragraph of text at once. Try it, it’s much more convenient than dragging the cursor to the end of the paragraph.

5. Right-click dragging

In order to move files in Windows, we use the drag’n’drop method, that is, we take an element, drag it to the desired location and drop it there. But you can do the same with the right button and then we will see a context menu that allows you not only to move, but also to copy the file, as well as create a shortcut in the desired location.

6. Selecting multiple fragments of text

If you are working with long text, in which you need to cut out only the fragments that interest you, then it is not at all necessary to do this individually. You can hold down the CTRL key and select the necessary words, sentences, paragraphs. Then copy it all in one fell swoop to the desired location.

7. Opening links in a new tab

Many users have long been accustomed to the fact that you can press the middle mouse button to open a link in a new tab. However, if the wheel is broken and does not click, then it is useful to remember that a regular click while holding down the CTRL button leads to the same result.

Do you also want to talk about the keyboard? Then you.

A computer mouse is an integral part of the computer itself. And many of us are accustomed to connecting a mouse to our laptop. Do we all know about the functions of this gadget?

How often do you use the mouse roller? Do you use triple click on the button?

In this issue I will tell you about 7 hidden functions computer mouse, which are very useful when working on a computer. Perhaps you are already using some of the functions, or maybe not.

Everyone knows that to highlight a word you just need to quickly click on it twice. But if you triple-click, you can select an entire paragraph of text at once.

Try it, it’s much more convenient than dragging the cursor to the end of the paragraph.

If you are working with a long text in which you need to cut out only the fragments that interest you, then it is not at all necessary to do this individually. You can hold down the key CTRL and highlight the necessary words, sentences, paragraphs.

Then copy it all in one fell swoop to the desired location.

Note! This selection only works in Microsoft Word. I tried to highlight text on the website and in notepad in the same way, but it doesn’t work there.

Selecting part of text

We all know that to select text, you need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor over the desired section of the text. However, if we need to highlight text on a long page, that is, with scrolling, this is not always convenient.

So use the following combination: click at the beginning of the desired location, then go to the end of the desired selection and click again, but while holding down Shift. All the space between the two clicks will be highlighted.

Zooming in and out

You can change the display scale of the open page simply by scrolling while holding down the CTRL button on the keyboard.

This method works in a large number of programs, including many image viewers.

Right-click drag

To move files on Windows we use drag'n'drop method, that is, we take an element, drag it to the desired location and drop it there.

But you can do the same with the right button and then we will see a context menu that allows you not only to move, but also to copy the file, as well as create a shortcut in the desired location.

A computer mouse is indispensable assistant while working at the computer. Every person whose life is connected with computers will agree with this statement. Using this device we open and close windows, work with text, look for information, make Skype calls

Due to its convenience, it still cannot be replaced by any touchpads or sensors, forcing owners of laptops and netbooks to purchase a separate mouse. After all, only with the help of this device does working at the computer become as comfortable and convenient as possible

Computer mouse functions

1. Window scale is a very useful, and sometimes simply irreplaceable, function that greatly simplifies working with small or large objects. In order to zoom in or out on a document, drawing or window in a browser, you just need to hold down the Ctrl button and scroll the mouse wheel.

2. Selecting text fragments - this function of a computer mouse will be appreciated by those people who have to work a lot with text information, copying, moving, cutting out fragments. To optimize this process as much as possible, you should use a few simple rules.

To select a sentence, paragraph or continuous passage of text, place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the required fragment, hold down Shift key and click after the last character of the text you need. This will select a continuous range of text.

To highlight individual fragments of text (for example, the first sentences in each paragraph), another technique will help you. Having selected the first fragment, hold down the Ctrl key and select the following words, sentences or paragraphs. This way you will save yourself from having to select the necessary fragments separately.

3. Selecting words and sentences is also very easy to do using a computer mouse. To select a word, you only need to click on it 2 times. And in order to highlight a sentence, you need to click on any word of this sentence 3 times.

4. Opening a link in a new tab - this action is also part of the functions of a computer mouse. To perform this function, move the cursor to the required link, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the link once. As a result, it will open in a new browser tab.

5. Moving elements is a very important and useful function of a computer mouse, which cannot be compared with any keyboard shortcuts. However, this can be done not only with the left mouse button. By performing the same operation with the right mouse button, you will expand your capabilities by gaining the right to choose. A context menu will open in front of you, which will offer several options for actions (move the element, copy or create a shortcut in the desired location).