The best time to post on VKontakte. Best Time to Post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

The main goal pursued by companies that own social media accounts is to attract maximum quantity users to your page. The successful timing of publication determines how many followers will see the information offered. Therefore, it is important to choose the best time to publish posts, when the majority of the audience is active, but at the same time the social network is not oversaturated with other publications.

The analytical agency Popsters conducted research on the dependence of the time of day and day of the week on user behavior on social networks. Based on the data from this study, we can draw conclusions about what time the effectiveness of publications will be highest. Studies only provide averages: to determine the best time to post specific page, it is necessary to experiment with the period of news posting and monitor the activity of subscribers.

Lifehack: to automate the process of posting publications at the right time, use .

The Instagram social network reaches a predominantly female audience aged 25 to 45 years. The range of interests of this audience: beauty, fashion, cinema, celebrity life, active and healthy image life. Most often, users access Instagram from their mobile devices.

The optimal time to post depends largely on target audience: young people and students visit Instagram throughout the day, working users most often go to check the news during their lunch break or at the end of the working day. According to the schedule, the greatest activity occurs at 9 a.m., at lunchtime from 3 to 5 p.m., and in the evening from 7 to 9 p.m.. It is also worth noting that between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m., the activity of Instagram users drops slightly.

Latergramme experts say that it is best to post content between 17.00 and 21.00, when most people leave work and go home. The smartphone is always at hand, so you can read the latest news.

Experts point out that in the evening the number of publications is significantly reduced, which increases the chances of reaching a larger audience.

Analyzing the activity of followers by day of the week, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • photos can be posted daily at 12, 15, 17-18 or 21 hours. If it is not possible to post every day, then choose Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • video publish after 20.00 on any day or on weekends when subscribers have more free time (instructions:);
  • Live broadcasts are best done at the end of the week or in the evening. If this is not possible, it is necessary to warn users in advance about the broadcast time;
  • If your page is popular all over the world, then when choosing a posting time, do not forget about time zones.

The active audience of users of the VKontakte social network are young people, schoolchildren, students and freelancers aged 13 to 34 years. VK users communicate, listen to music, post photos and read news in various communities.

Peak activity of VKontakte users occurs at lunchtime from 11 am to 1 pm and in the evening from 5 pm to 11 pm.

During the first time period, users are preparing for their lunch break. Having put aside work matters, they scroll through the news feed, waiting for the long-awaited rest. During lunch, most people continue to “sit” on social networks.

In the second period of time, users have already returned from work and continue to monitor VK news, often moving to the computer.

Analyzing audience activity by day of the week, we can conclude that better days for posting - this is the weekend.

Recommendations for posting content on the VKontakte social network:

  • morning is the time for entertainment news, users wake up and start getting ready for work or school, they are not yet ready to perceive information;
  • lunch is time for serious content that can contain numbers and analytics. People have already tuned in to the working rhythm and are ready for useful information. Until the evening, post as often as possible, alternate informative posts with entertaining ones;
  • In the evening, it is recommended not to slow down the frequency of publications in order to reach the maximum audience. Leave the most interesting and important news for the evening. End the day nice wishes for your subscribers.

To more accurately determine the best time to publish posts on VK, taking into account the specifics of the audience, you need to:

  1. Conduct an analysis: what groups are your users subscribed to, at what time are they most active (likes and comments);
  2. Determine the rest time for users; during this time you should post only short entertainment news and funny pictures.
  3. Publish posts at non-standard times: at 12.20, 13.45, etc. During regular hours of peak activity it is placed large number publications, which increases the risk of your news getting lost.

Facebook users are predominantly entrepreneurs, top managers, public figures, programmers and people of creative professions aged 25 to 50 years. They are interested in business, political and cultural news. This social network concentrates most of the professional audience that establishes business contacts.

Best time for publications this is the period from 14:00 to 15:00. Facebook is dominated by working users who, after their lunch break, want to read interesting news and comment on friends' updates. Posts published at 13-14 hours collect a large number of reposts; if you need clicks, post the news after 15.00.

User activity increases on Monday and Friday, because... on Monday, users are not yet ready for the work week and spend time on social networks, and on Friday they are already preparing for the weekend.

According to research from HubSpot and Microsoft, the optimal time to post is Thursday and Friday from 1 to 3 p.m.

  • Pay attention to the specifics of your target audience (housewives can view the news at any time, and business people only during their free hours).
  • Study the statistics of visits to competitors' pages depending on the time of day and day of the week.
  • Publish news during periods most active users.
  • Experiment with posting times to find best option, try publishing information during periods of less active audience activity. Perhaps the amount of information is dwindling at this time, but your audience is still online.
  • Post your news at the same time so that your subscribers get used to the regularity of your posts.
  • Experiment with posting days if you post several times a week.

The target audience of the Odnoklassniki social network is similar to the VKontakte audience, but older. Odnoklassniki is visited mainly by women who communicate and look for something interesting. Users do not like to read long posts: they are more interested in entertaining and humorous content, as well as short videos.

The largest number of users log into social network in the morning from 9 to 11, when they get to work or places of study, in the afternoon from 15 to 17, when students and schoolchildren return home, and in the evening from 19 to 20, when working people come home. During periods of greatest audience activity, it is recommended to post at least twice a day.

Similar to the social network Vkontakte, most people are on Odnoklassniki on weekends.Recommendations for posting on Odnoklassniki are similar to those given for the VKontakte social network.

When is the best time to post videos on YouTube?

The majority of YouTube users are people aged 18 to 54 years, 10% of the audience are children and teenagers from 12 to 17 years old. Most often, video clips are viewed by men aged 18 to 24 who are interested in cars, electronics, sports and computer games. Most active users young people aged 25 to 34 are considered.

According to data from the Frederator Networks site, the maximum number of users gathers on YouTube from 14 to 16 hours from Monday to Wednesday, from 12 to 15 hours from Thursday to Friday and from 9 to 11 on weekends. This is the best time to post videos on your channel. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the days on which videos are collected greatest number views and likes.

  • determine the average age of your target audience. Schoolchildren are free in the afternoon, and working users watch videos most often in the evening;
  • take into account the difference in time zones if you want to reach the maximum audience around the world;
  • post videos regularly at the same time, so subscribers will know when to come to the channel for a new video clip;
  • Monitor the video view statistics to adjust the time if necessary. Statistics can be viewed in the Creative Studio - YouTube analytics.

No one can say for sure what time is the best time to post on VKontakte. Periodic analysis activities, coverage and advertising response made it possible to calculate two main time periods when the effectiveness of posted posts will be the highest.

The first period is from 12 noon to 3 pm, that is, the lunch break and the hours adjacent to it. The surge in activity in this period is due to the fact that on the eve of lunch, many employees begin to kill time on social networks, sitting in their favorite groups; they prefer to combine the meal process with monitoring news feed, and the time after lunch is spent getting into the mood for work, again disappearing among the vastness of social networks.

The second period is from 21 to 23. This is the best time for posting, and it is in the evening that maximum coverage is achieved. Returning from work, people monitor the news feed from their devices on the go, and when they get home they often switch to computers, or just collapse into a comfortable chair with their phone, continuing to explore the expanses of social networks in search of new posted content.

But all this is only average data, which depends on the age of subscribers, their place of residence, hobbies and other factors. Any community has a different audience, different attendance and activity. Therefore, in each individual case, it is advisable to carry out the analysis yourself in order to always know when it is better to display this or that information.

Important! Post on VKontakte not at regular hours, but a couple of minutes later. For example, it is good to display a recording not at 20:00, but at 20:02, not at 12:00, but at 12:01, etc. by analogy. This is necessary for the reason that posts in most communities are published at the same time, which forces you to compete for coverage in an unequal fight with hundreds and thousands of other, larger publics. If you post a post a couple of minutes later, then the peak of posting will pass, and you will find yourself in the feed above the overwhelming majority of other communities.

There is also an opinion that it is better to post commercial posts on weekdays rather than on weekends, since on Saturday and Sunday people devote more time to family and leisure, preferring to put social networks in the background.

We distribute posting correctly - a 6-point system

Knowing the most effective hours is not enough to properly build a publishing system. You need to properly distribute content throughout the day. For most communities, with average frequency 10-20 posts per day, the following system is suitable:

  1. morning (6:00-7:00) begins with positive, simple publications;
  2. from morning until lunch, posts of average quality occur at infrequent intervals, sometimes alternating with strong content;
  3. during lunch hours the quality of publications is slightly enhanced and high-quality materials are used;
  4. from lunch to evening, average posts again alternate with strong ones, gradually increasing the frequency of publications;
  5. in evening prime time, it is necessary to use the strongest content and increase the frequency of its posting in order to reach the maximum audience that at the moment actively scrolls through your news feed;
  6. The day ends with simple fasts closer to midnight (23:00-1:00).

Scheduling delayed posting

Wherever you are and no matter what happens, posts should always be posted. One or two days of downtime in publishing may well cover the entire previous one. long work, therefore, such a situation should not be allowed under any circumstances, and this is where a postponed post will come in handy.

To help set up a competent publishing process in the community and on the page, there is a timer that allows you to create delayed publications. Thanks to this functionality, you can prepare content in advance, arranging it for the best time, and it will appear on the wall on the right day and at the specified hours, maintaining the interest and activity of subscribers.

With the help of auto-posting, you can provide the community with material for a long period of time, while focusing on other important areas of project development.

A little parting word

The functionality of the VKontakte social network is quite extensive, and if used correctly, you can make the work of maintaining a community easier by automating part of the work process as much as possible. Develop a content strategy, prepare templates, ideas and templates for publication, decide on the target audience and the right time for posting, set the content on a timer and get started. And remember: the main thing is the quality of the content, because without it, even the most productive hours will become just time gone by.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

It is known that a lot depends on the proper placement of posts. It doesn’t matter if you are posting a promotional post or an entertainment post, you are interested in the number of people who will see this content. In addition, it is important not only the number of views, but also the right time, so that people are in an environment that would allow them to perceive the information from this post.

Choosing the right timing for posting

What time is the most favorable for posting? It’s worth emphasizing right away that a lot depends on the target audience, as well as the topic of the group. Therefore there is no standard frames for every community. In one group, the morning may be the best time for posting, in another group it may be the evening.

How to make a better schedule

Some large communities post every hour. However, such a schedule may not be entirely suitable for small publics. Therefore, before choosing which is the best time for you, you need to think about some points:

  1. Try to analyze your target audience. Determine who your subscribers or clients are. For example, if these are residents of Moscow, then most high activity subscribers from this city from 13 00 - 15 00 - break time, as well as from 20 00 - 22 00 - the time when people take a break from a difficult school or work day. For example, if your target audience is schoolchildren, then you need to understand that they study in the first half of the day, and it makes no sense to post at this time. It has also been noticed that good activity among school-aged users is observed in the morning from 7:00 to 9:00 am, not only among schoolchildren, but among all users, since many, as soon as they wake up, immediately go to their favorite social network to check email and number of likes under your new avatar;
  2. When placing an advertising post, you also need to consider who your potential client. If this is a working person, then it is better to publish the post in the evening. If these are housewives, then you can post during the day. However, it has been noticed that in the evening the news feed is overloaded, as users are bombarded with big flow posts, therefore there is a high probability that your post may simply get lost among others, and the user may not even see it. Also, due to such a flow, when posting a post, for example, at 19:00, it can only reach 19:30 in subscribers’ feeds.
  3. If the group statistics graphs don’t tell you anything, then you can check the time of greatest activity in your community by temporarily observing how many views and likes posts get. Post to different times, until you determine exactly those hours when the highest activity in your group;
  4. There are still some nuances in posting that apply to almost all groups. On weekends and holidays statistics will differ from everyday life. Moreover, it seems that on a weekend, on the contrary, many are at home, and there should be more activity, but this is not the case. Many people these days simply spend time with friends, or devote it to playing their favorite game. Be that as it may, on weekends and holidays there will be less activity, and choosing the right time for posting on these days is difficult, since it all depends on how subscribers plan their day;

How often to post

Finally, the amount of time between posts is important. It’s good if the interval is approximately equal, for example, every three hours. Although some people post every hour to be sure of the timing of publications, this is not entirely the right tactic. It’s better to publish fewer, but high-quality, posts than many, but uninteresting ones. One catchy post can attract more attention and be statistically better than several uninteresting ones. Moreover, some users are annoyed by too many posts from one group.

One could answer that the best time to post is when the people you want to show the content to are online.

This would be a simple but not useful answer.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a definite answer. For different areas business it can be different days and times of day. It all depends on the platform you are using, how your target audience interacts with that platform, the region, the type of content (entertainment or serious), and your goals (clicks or shares).

Take this data into account and it will help you determine your ideal time to publish content.

Best time to post on Facebook

People access Facebook from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home. How is social media used? the network is entirely dependent on the characteristics of the audience.

Facebook- it's 15.00 on Wednesday. Also, the optimal time includes 12.00-13.00 on Saturday and Sunday, and 13.00-16.00 on Thursday and Friday.

From 13:00 to 16:00 on weekdays the best click-through rate is observed, and towards the end of the week, on Thursdays and Fridays, the engagement rate is the highest.

On Fridays, Facebook traffic increases by 10%. Since people feel happier on Friday, experts advise posting upbeat, upbeat content to match the audience's mood.

The worst time to post on Facebook is on weekends between before 8am and after 8pm.

Post frequency

It is recommended to post at least once a day. Although, again, this depends on the type of content and characteristics of the target audience. In addition, it is worth regularly monitoring the reaction of your audience and promptly responding to questions and comments posted on your page.

Best time to post on Twitter

Like Facebook, people access Twitter from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home. And also its use depends entirely on the audience. However, people generally think of Twitter as an RSS feed, something they can read during breaks at work or on their way to work.

Best time to post onTwitter- these are weekdays from 12.00 to 15.00 and at 17.00.

For B2B companies, the most successful days for publications can be considered all weekdays, especially Wednesdays, when the CTR is the highest. For B2C organizations in addition to the environment better days It's still the weekend. According to the study marketing company CoSchedule, B2B content, performs 16% better during business hours, while B2C content performs 17% better on weekends.

It’s worth repeating that the best time to post varies depending on the area of ​​your business. There are cases where content was successful when published at 2 am, 6 am and 10 pm. Experiment and find the perfect time for you!

Post frequency

The lifespan of a tweet on the visible part of the news feed is quite short, lasting approximately 8 hours. In this regard, in order to consolidate your presence on the feed, it is recommended to post at least 4 times a day. You can even retweet your previous posts if they are still relevant.

Best time to post on Instagram

From the very beginning, Instagram developers assumed that the application would be used on mobile devices. But despite the fact that today people use the Internet anytime and anywhere, they become truly engaged during non-work hours.

The best time to post onInstagramMonday and Thursday can be considered at any time except from 15.00 to 16.00.

As for video, according to research from the marketing company TrackMaven, it is most popular at night on any day of the week from 21.00 to 8.00. Some business areas successfully publish videos on Wednesdays at 19.00, as well as on any day at 2.00. It's worth experimenting with this time.

Post frequency

Analytics company Union Metrics recommends publishing posts as often as possible. According to her research, on average, companies post content on Instagram 1.5 times per day. But there are companies that post every hour throughout the day and are very popular with users.

Best time to post on VKontakte

Similar to Facebook and Twitter, people access VKontakte from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home.

The largest number of VKontakte visitors is reached at 21.00. Therefore, the best time to post is from 17.30 to 22.00 every weekday. Also, the optimal time can be considered 13.00-15.00, this is the time of breaks at work, so quite a lot of people are online.

Post frequency

Experts recommend publishing posts at intervals of approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the time of day and the characteristics of your business. You should post more often in the evening than in the morning. But remember that quantity does not always mean quality. Victory will still be rare unique content with high quality images.
