Bulleted list in word. Creating a list in Word: bulleted, numbered, multi-level

Under list understand a sequence of lines containing data of the same type. Lists make text easier to read and understand. Word allows you to put paragraphs in list form, with each paragraph marked with a specific bullet or number. Bulleted lists list items related to one topic. Numbered lists list items that follow each other in a specific order. Each list item is a separate paragraph and has its own bullet or number.

Create a bulleted or numbered list as follows:

    the cursor is placed at the place where the list will begin;

    choose a team List(Bullets and Numbering) in the menu Format(Format) or in the context menu that appears after clicking right button mice;

    in the command window open a tab Marked(Bulleted) or Numbered (Numbered) and select the marker type or number format

    enter list elements by pressing the Enter key after each element; on next line a new marker appears. In a numbered list, each paragraph is preceded by a number. If you add/remove an item in the list, the numbering of all subsequent items will change automatically.

To quickly create a bulleted list, you can use the buttons Numbering (Numbering) And Markers(Bullets) on the toolbar Formatting. These same buttons are used to finish entering text in list form.

To end a numbered or bulleted list and return to normal paragraph format, press Enter twice.

You can create a list a little differently: enter list elements using the Enter key, highlight the entered text and arrange it as a list using the panel buttons Formatting or commands List menu Format.

If necessary, the type of markers in the list or the numbering method can be changed using the button Change dialogue List. For example , You can take any character from the available character sets as a marker.

Creating and designing tables

Inclusion in text document tabular information is very important point. Tabular information is very common and allows you to structure text material in a readable form. The Word editor provides a wide range of options for creating and designing tabular information. To perform basic operations in the menu, enter special element Table. In addition, you can use some of the new buttons on the panels Standard And Formatting or use a special additional toolbar Tables and borders(team Toolbars menu View).

To add tables to a document, you can use one of the following methods:

    Select from menu Table team Add table, in dialogue Inserting a table set the number of rows and columns or use the button Autoformat to select one of the standard tables from the offered set

    Click the button Add table in the panel Standard, and use the mouse to indicate the size of the table, highlighting the required squares while holding down the left mouse button

You can add and delete rows and columns in the inserted table. To do this you need:

    Select rows or columns with the mouse (rows are highlighted to the left of the text in the selection bar, and columns are highlighted along the top border of the table when the mouse cursor changes to a small vertical bold arrow)

    Select from menu Table the appropriate command Add/ Delete lines/ columns; when adding to the table, as many new rows or columns will be inserted as were selected in the first step

Entering and formatting text in a table is practically no different from usual. In this case, you can apply different formatting to different fragments of the table. To do this, you need to select the required fragment of the table (a cell, a group of adjacent cells, a group of rows or columns) and apply standard design tools.

When entering information into table cells, the row height automatically changes if the text does not fit in a given cell. In addition, the dimensions can be changed manually:

    place the mouse cursor on the dividing line in the table

    "catch" the moment the cursor turns into a vertical or horizontal bidirectional arrow

    press left button mouse and without releasing move the dividing line to a new position

To move through the cells of the table, you can either use the mouse, or the Tab keys (right and down) or Shift+Tab (in the opposite direction). If the input marker is in the lower right cell, then pressing the Alt key causes a new row to be added to the table.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to combine adjacent cells in a table into a single whole. To do this, select the cells to be merged and select from the menu Table team Merge cells.

Lists- These are interconnected sentences starting with a marker or number. Lists help structure information on a WEB page. Lists can be bulleted, numbered, or list of definitions. They differ in the way they are designed.

Bulleted list. A bulleted list is a group of items. Each element of such a list is marked with a special marker, usually in the form of a black circle. A bulleted list is formed using a pair of tags. And each list element is placed inside tags

  • And
  • . Here's an example:

    • First element

    • Second element

    • Third element

    Here is the result of the example above:

    • First element
    • Second element
    • Third element

    Closing tag optional, but I advise you to always add it to clearly separate list elements. Closing tag required. You can place links, paragraphs, images, other lists, line breaks, etc. inside a list element.

    List markers can be of three types: filled circle, circle, and square. The marker type is set using the tag type parameter

      . The type parameter can take the following values: disc , circle and square .

      Below are markers in the form of a circle and a square.

      • First element

      • Second element

      • Third element

      • First element

      • Second element

      • Third element

      And here's what it looks like:

      • First element
      • Second element
      • Third element
      • First element
      • Second element
      • Third element

      Numbered list. A numbered list is also a group of items, but the items are labeled with numbers or letters. A numbered list is formed using a pair of tags and each element of the list is placed inside the tags

    • And
    • . For example:

      1. First element

      2. Second element

      3. Third element

      And it looks like this:

      1. First element
      2. Second element
      3. Third element

      The marker type is also specified using the tag's type parameter

        .The following can serve as marking elements:

        • Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) - type="1" ;
        • Roman numerals in uppercase(I, II, III, ...) - type="I" ;
        • lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...) - type="i" ;
        • capitals latin letters(A, B, C, ...) - type="A" ;
        • lowercase Latin letters (a, b, c, ...) - type="a" ;

        Using the start tag parameter

          can be set starting value marker. Below is an example list using Roman numerals starting with 8.

          1. First element

          2. Second element

          3. Third element

          This looks like:

          1. First element
          2. Second element
          3. Third element

          List of definitions. The definition list consists of terms and their definitions. Such a list is specified using tags

          . Terms in such a list are specified by the tag
          , and its definition
          . Below is the structure of the list of definitions.

          First element

          Description of the first element

          Second element

          Description of the second element

          Third element

          Description of the third element

          And it looks like this:

          First element Description of the first element Second element Description of the second element Third element Description of the third element

          List in Word are a great way to organize data in a document and also allow readers to understand key points. IN Microsoft Word There's a tool that can help you make simple numbered and bulleted lists, and you can customize those lists to suit your needs. In particular, create multi-level lists. In this article we will look at, To How to make a numbered list in Word , bulleted list , And how to make a multi-level list .

          How to make a bulleted list

          1. Highlight the text you want make as a list.
          How to Make a List in Word - Selecting text to create a bulleted list
          1. On the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow next to the Markers command. A menu of bullet styles appears.

          How to Make a List in Word - Bullets
          1. Hover your mouse over various styles markers. Will appear in the document preview. Select the marker style you want to use.

          How to Make a List in Word - Create a Bulleted List
          1. The text will be formatted as bulleted list.

          How to Make a List in Word - Bulleted List

          How to make a numbered list

          If you need make a numbered list in Word , then you can use several numbering options: a list with numbers, letters or Roman numerals.

          1. Select the text you want to format as list.
          How to Make a List in Word - Selecting text to convert it into a list
          1. On the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow next to the Numbering command. The Numbering Library menu appears.

          How to make a list in Word - Numbering
          1. Hover your mouse over any numbering style. A preview of what it will look like appears in the document. numbered list in Word. Select the numbering style you want to use.

          How to Make a List in Word - Create a Numbered List
          1. The text will be converted as numbered list.

          How to Make a List in Word - Numbered List

          How to make a multi-level list

          Multi-level lists allow you to create a structure with several levels. Any bulleted or numbered list in Word can be converted into multilevel list using the Tab key. In order to make a multi-level list in Word, do the following:

          1. Select the text you want to represent as multi-level list :

          How to Make a List in Word - Selecting text that you want to present as a multi-level list
          1. On the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow next to the command Multi-level list " The List Library menu appears.

          1. Select the multi-level list style you want to use.

          How to Make a List in Word - Creating a Multi-Level List
          1. After this, the text will look like normal numbered list.

          How to make a list in Word - List
          1. Next, place the cursor at the beginning of the line of the item that you want to change to a lower level.

          How to make a list in Word - Cursor at the place where the level changes
          1. Click Tab key to change the level. Now this item belongs to the second level and is numbered 1.1.

          How to Make a List in Word - Changing Level

          If you need to change to several levels, for example, make the list 1.1 or 1.2, then press the Tab key until the desired level is reached. And to go back one level higher, press the Backspace key.

          Note: You can also increase or decrease text levels using the commands " Increase indent" or " Decrease indent" on the "Home" tab.

          How to make a list in Word - Increase, decrease indent
          1. After all the level changes, we got the following multi-level list in Word :

          How to Make a List in Word - Multi-Level List

          Now you know how to make a list in Word for every taste and color: numbered list , bulleted list or multilevel list .


          Deputy Director of UR Munkenova K.K.

          Subject: Computer Science

          Date: 02/03/17

          Class: 6 "A"

          Lesson: 20

          Lesson topic: "Numbered and bulleted lists."

          Lesson objectives: Learn to use correctly numbered and bulleted lists.

          Lesson objectives:

            Educational: master basic techniques for creating lists in text Word processor. Strengthen your skills in working with numbered and bulleted lists. Strengthen your ability to work with text in text editor in MS Word.

            Developmental: develop the ability to rationally organize your activities.

            Educational: cultivate respect for one’s own and other people’s work, instill interest in the subject being studied.

          Students should know:

            list concepts, types of lists (numbered, bulleted, multi-level);

            easy ways to create numbered and bulleted lists;

            ways to convert text into a list;

            list formatting operations;

            a way to create a multi-level list.

          Students should be able to:

            create a numbered and bulleted list in the easiest way;

            convert text into a list in various ways;

            format the number (marker) and text of the list;

            create and format multi-level lists.

          Lesson type: learning new material.

          Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

          Lesson plan:

          І Updating knowledge. (2 min)

          II. Examination homework. (10 min)

          III. Theoretical part. (12 min)

          IV. Practical part (12 min)

          V. D/z (2 min)

          VI. Lesson reinforcement(3 min)

          VII. Analysis and reflection. (2 min)

          VIIІ. Lesson summary. (2 min)

          Lesson progress:

          І Updating knowledge.

            Organizational moment.

          Greeting, checking those present. Explanation of the lesson.

          ІІ Checking homework.

          Frontal survey.

            What is the formatting ruler for?

            What is formatting?

            How do I open the paragraph formatting dialog?

            What types of text alignment in a paragraph do you know?

            How to change the fill color inside a paragraph?

            How to frame selected text?

            How to change the space between lines?

          Lesson Plan

          Progress of the lesson

          Use of didactic and visual material



          I. Org. Part

          Theme, goal setting, motive

          3 min

          II. Repetition of covered material.

          Slides with questions.

          Answers orally to questions posed.

          10 min

          III. Main part

          1. Updating knowledge

          Practical work#1 in new topic(cm.Appendix 1.doc )

            Setting up to work in groups.

            Practical work in group No. 1 Creating a numbered or bulleted list. Consultant briefing.

            Checking practical work by a consultant.

          12 min

          2. Presentation of new material

          1. Step-by-step interactive educational system “Microsoft Word Self-Teacher for Children.”
          2. Supporting notes. (cm.Appendix 2.doc ).

          Work in groups No. 2 and No. 3:

            The concept of a multi-level list. Working with the “Edit multi-level list” window.

            Setting level parameters.

            Formatting the number (marker) and text.

            Distribution of list elements by levels.

            Recording of supporting notes by group No. 2 and No. 3.

          3. Consolidation
          in group No. 2 and No. 3

          Practical work No. 2 on the topic being studied.
          (cm.Appendix 3.doc , Appendix 4.doc ).
          Appendix 5.doc ).

            Statement of the problem.

            Doing practical work.

            Review of results by consultant and teacher.

            Survey of group No. 1 using testing.

          12 min

          4. Reflection.

          Analysis by students of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

          3 min

          5. Assignment for homework

          Basic summary.

          1. Repetition.
          2. (additionally for students who have a computer.) Make a numbered, marked, multi-level list, save it on a floppy disk, and submit it for testing before the next lesson.

          3 min

          6. Summary

          Score sheet (see.Appendix 6.doc ).

          Evaluate students' work.

          2 min

          Appendix 1


          Format multi-level list:

            Level 1 – numbering in Arabic numerals, size 18, bold, blue, ants animation, number position 0 cm, text position – indent 0.8 cm.

            Level 2 – numbering in Arabic numerals, size 16, italics, green, number position 0.8 cm, text position – indent 2.1 cm.

            Level 3 – numbering with marker v from the Wingdings set, size 14, brown-green, marker position 2.1 cm, text position – indent 3.5 cm.

            Text (including title) – size 15, regular style, purple, underlined with orange dotted line.

          Source text in the file "Appendix 1" on the desktop

          Appendix 2

          Working with Lists(background summary)

          IN Word program There are 3 types of lists possible:


            Foreign language

            Physical training





            Foreign language

            Physical training






            • "Craftswoman";


              "In the world of computers":

              1. 3rd grade;

                5th grade;

                8th grade.


            • "Football";



          The easiest way to create a numbered (bulleted) list:

            We start the first paragraph included in the list with number (1) by pressing or for a bulleted list – .

            At the end of the paragraph, clickEnter . Word will automatically move to the next item.

            To end the list, press twiceEnter .

          Convert text to list:

            Select text. Click the button on the toolbar
            - numbering or - markers

            To change the list format, you must use the commandFormat - List . It has 3 tabs: Numbered, Labeled and Multi-level. Select the desired tab and change the format using the “Change” button.

            When creating a multi-level list, use the buttons on the toolbar:
            - increase the indentation (orTab ) to translate to more low level(from 1st to 2nd, from 2nd to 3rd, etc.) and - reduce the indentation (orShift+Tab ) to translate to more high level(from 2nd to 1st, etc.)

          V. Homework.

          Learn the lecture materials.

          Task: Write the person's first and last name using a numbered and bulleted list.

          VI . Lesson reinforcement:

            How do you understand what a list is?

            List the types of lists. Which of these species were you previously familiar with?

            How to change the type of bullet in a bulleted list?

            Is it possible to customize a numbered list?

            What should I do if I need to use a picture as a list marker?

            What other type of list (numbered and bulleted) exists in word processor?

          V ІІ. Analysis and reflection.

          Provide answers to the following questions:

            What new did we learn in class?

            What practical significance does the acquired knowledge have?

            What did you manage to do in the lesson?

            Were you successful during the lesson?

          VII І . Lesson summary. Grading.

          When creating a numbered or bulleted list, each paragraph counts separate element list and it is assigned its serial number or label. Numbered lists are used for data of the same type that can be ordered and numbered. Bulleted lists are used for related but unordered data.

          Create a numbered or bulleted list

          To create a list based on existing text:

          1. select the paragraphs that will be included in the list;

          2. in the menu Format select team List;

          3. in the dialog box that opens List depending on the type of list you want to create, open the tab Numbered or Marked .

          4. Select the one you want style list;

          5. Click the button OK .

          To create a numbered or bulleted list as you type:

          1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the list. If necessary, press the key Enter to start new paragraph.

          2. in the menu Format select team List List;

          3. Depending on the type of list we want to create, open the tab Numbered or Marked ;

          4. Select a list style by clicking on the icon with its image;

          5. Click the button OK ;

          6. Enter list items by pressing the key Enter at the end of each paragraph. Each new paragraph automatically becomes an item in a numbered or bulleted list;

          7. At the end of the last paragraph, click Enter twice.

          v Bullet list styles in the Bulleted tab

          To quickly create a numbered or bulleted list in the default style, click the button Numbering or Markers on the toolbar Formatting before you enter text or after you select text for the list.

          Using Multi-Level Lists

          A multi-level list contains two or more levels of bulleted or numbered lists within one overall list. For example, a numbered list may include parts labeled with letters below each numbered item, or each level may be numbered individually, as in Document Outline View.

          To create a multi-level list:

          1. In the menu Format select team List to open a dialog box List .

          2. Click on the spine of the tab Multi-level to view types of multi-level lists;

          3. Click on the icon the desired list and then on the button OK ;

          4. Dial a list by pressing Enter after each of its elements;

          5. After pressing the key Enter press the key Tab to move to a new nested level or key combination Shiit+ Tab to move up one level.

          6. Typing last element list, press the key Enter , and then click the button Numbered list formatting bar to complete the list.

          You can convert plain text or a single-level numbered or bulleted list to a multi-level list. You can also change the style of an existing multi-level list:

          1. Highlight all the paragraphs you want to include in new list, or change their formatting;

          2. in the menu Format select team List Multi-level ;

          3. Select the one you want style list, then click the button OK ;

          4. Place the cursor on the list position whose level you want to change;

          5. Click the button Decrease indent or Increase indent on the Formatting toolbar to change the list item level;

          6. Repeat steps. 4 and 5 if you need to change the levels of other list elements.

          Using a tab Multi-level dialog box List to create a multi-level list

          Convert a numbered or bulleted list to plain text

          To remove numbers or marks from a list, thereby converting the list text into regular paragraphs:

          1. Select the paragraphs you want to convert. This could be the entire list or just part of it. The corresponding button on the formatting panel ( Numbering or Markers ) will be pressed.

          2. Click on the pressed formatting bar button.

          Change the format of a numbered or bulleted list

          You can change the format of an existing numbered or bulleted list by changing the style of numbers or labels accordingly:

          1. Select the paragraphs in which you want to change the list labels. This can be either the entire list or part of it.

          2. in the menu Format select team List , and then click on the spine of the tab Multi-level ;

          3. If you have a bulleted list, open the tab Marked and select desired style. To remove marks, click in the field No .

          4. For a numbered list, open the tab Numbered and select a style for this list, or click in the None field to remove numbering from the list.

          5. Click the button OK .

          Add items to a numbered or bulleted list

          To add new items to a numbered or bulleted list:

          1. Place the cursor at the list position where you want to enter new element;

          2. Press the key Enter to start a new paragraph. Word will automatically insert a new label or number and renumber the entire list if necessary.

          3. Enter new text.

          4. If this is a multi-level list, click the button DecreaseIndent or Increase indent on the toolbar Formatting , if you need to change the level of the entered position.

          5. Repeat all previous steps for each new position.


          Working with tables

          Table allows you to organize your data into rows and columns. Each element of the table, which is called cell , does not depend on other elements. You can build a table with an arbitrary number of rows and columns. Plus, you can always change the size and formatting of each cell. A table cell can contain text, a picture, and basically anything that a Word document can contain.

          Adding a table

          To insert a new, empty table anywhere in your document:

          1. Place the cursor at the place in the document where you want to insert the table.

          2. in the menu Table select line Insert and in its menu the command Table . A dialog box will appear Inserting a table ;

          3. B text fields Number of columns: And number of lines : By clicking on the double arrows or typing on the keyboard, enter the number of rows and columns future table;

          4. In the area Auto-fit column widths You can choose one of three options:

          constant: - width from the left to the right margin of the page, with columns of equal width

          By content

          By width windows

          In the text field you can select the required width column.

          5. To apply one of the types auto-formatting Word tables to your table, click on the button Autoformat , select required formatting, and then click the button OK .

          6. Click the button OK . An empty table will appear in the document, with the cursor in the first cell.

          Working in a table

          When the cursor is in a table cell, you can enter and edit text just as you would in a regular document. Text entered into a cell is automatically broken into lines when it exceeds the width of the column. You can move the cursor to any table cell by clicking on it with the mouse. You can move around the table using the following key combinations.

          If the cursor is in a cell, you can use the arrow keys to move around the table. To insert a tab character into a table, press the keys Ctrl+ Tab .

          Selecting a table and its elements

          To highlight

          Cell- Click the left edge of the cell.

          String- click the document to the left of the row.

          Column- Click the grid line at the top of the column.

          Some Cells, Rows, or Columns—Move the mouse cursor while holding down the mouse button across cells, rows, or columns.

          To highlight several elements (regardless of their order) - select the first cell, row or column, click CTRL key, and while holding it, select the remaining cells, rows or columns.

          Text in next cell- press the TAB key.

          Text in previous cell- press SHIFT+TAB keys.

          Entire table- click the table move marker.

          You can also select rows, columns, or an entire table using the command Select in the menu Table .

          Inserting and deleting table columns, rows, and cells

          For inserting a row or column to the table do the following.

          1. Place the cursor in the cell next to which you want to paste new column or a new line.

          2. In the menu Table hover over the line Insert Inserts one column and one row at a time.

          In order to insert more than one row or more than one column into a table:

          1. Select as many cells as there are rows or columns you want to insert.

          2. In the menu Table hover over the line Insert and in its menu select the right command: Columns on the left, Columns on the right, Rows above, Rows below.

          For example, to insert three new rows between the second and third row, select cells in rows 3, 4, and 5 (in any column). On the menu Table hover over the line Insert and in its menu select the command Lines above .

          To delete cell contents , select it and press the key Delete .

          For delete table, row, column or cells tables:

          1. Place the cursor in any cell of the row or column that you want to delete.

          2. In the menu Table select team Delete and in its menu click on the required line (Table, Columns, Rows, Cells ). Click the button OK . The row or column will be deleted. Columns that were to the right of the deleted ones and rows that were below the deleted ones will automatically take their place.

          When deleting a cell, a dialog box will appear Removing cells.

          Moving and copying rows and columns

          To copy or move an entire row or entire column from one location in a table to another, do the following.

          1. Select a column or row by dragging the cursor across cells in the row or column, or by clicking in the row or column and then selecting Table - Select Row or Table - Select Column .

          2. To copy, press<Ctrl+ C > or click the Copy button on the standard toolbar. Press keys to move<Ctrl+ X > or click the Cut button on the standard toolbar.

          3. Place the cursor in new position column or row. The column or row will be inserted to the left or above the cursor position.

          4. Press the keys<Ctrl+ V > or click the Insert button on the standard toolbar.

          Changing Column Width

          · To set the exact width of a column, click one of the cells in that column. On the menu Table select team Table properties, and then on the tab Column select the options you want.

          · For automatic change table column widths click table, select from menu Table team Auto-selection , and then the command By content .

          Changing line height

          To set the exact height of a row, click one of the cells in that row. On the menu Table select team Table properties and then on the tab Line select the options you want.

          To display exact values height of each row, click any table cell and drag the handles on the vertical ruler while holding down the key ALT .

          Merging multiple table cells into one

          Two or more cells in the same row or column can be merged into one. For example, you can combine multiple cells in one row to create a table header that is shared across multiple columns.

          1. Select the cells you want to merge.

          On the menu Table select team Merge cells .

          Table frames

          By default, Word's table border is a single, thin line around each table cell. You can change the borders and even remove them. The way you work with table borders is basically the same as when you frame regular text.

          1. Select the table cells whose borders you want to change.

          2. Select from the menu Format team Borders and Shading to open a dialog box Borders and Shading . If necessary, click on the tab Border .

          3. Choose one view the border you need using area Sample to view your table with the selected options.

          4. Click the button OK .

          You can also use the button Borders on the toolbar Formatting.

          Automatic table formatting

          Word offers many pre-built table formats that make it easy to change appearance your table.

          1. Place the cursor in any table cell.

          2. Select from the menu Table team Autoformat . In the dialog box Autoformat tables in the list Formats presented different formats tables. You can scroll through this list, with the highlighted format appearing in the Sample .

          4. Click on the format names until you select the one you want.

          5. Click the button OK . The selected format will be applied to the table.

          Inserting text before a table

          To insert text before a table that begins on the first line of the first page of the document, click in the left top cell in the first row of the table, and then press the key ENTER . If there is text in the top left table cell, place the cursor in front of the text. Enter the desired text.

          Building charts

          1. Select the block of cells on which the diagram is built.

          2. Menu Insert-Figure-Diagram .

          3. Then it happens automatic login into chart editing mode.

          4. Format the required data in the chart.

          5. Exit the diagram editing mode.

          Formatting data in a chart

          We correct the data table, for this purpose in top line We enter values ​​along the X axis, and in the first column - along the Y axis. When you change the data in the table, the diagram also changes.

          Chart type: Menu Chart – Chart Type - Standard and choose desired type diagrams.

          Grouping data: Specify how the data should be grouped. Menu item Data-Series form columns/rows.

          Chart options: Menu Chart – Chart Type, then select the desired tab.

          Tab Headings required to enter the chart title and axis titles.

          Tab Legend is necessary to change the location of the legend or display/remove it.

          Tab Data Signatures necessary for adding/removing labels near elements/points of the diagram.

          Tab Data tables adds/removes a table to the graph area.

          Formatting a chart's axes: By using context menu called on the corresponding axis, you can change the axis scale, size, location (rotation) of the axis label.