No ip does not work through the router. How to Set Up Remote Access via DDNS on a TP-Link Router – Static IP Address from Dynamic

Having a statistical or dynamic IP address, you can access your home server from anywhere in the world (if you have access to the Internet).

Why is this even necessary? It all depends on your needs. Perhaps you want to run your own website on your home machine or organize a game server?

To be clear, let’s imagine that the task is to organize video surveillance in an office (or country house) and make it accessible from the global network. The office receives a gray dynamic address from the provider (today it is, then there is a router that distributes the Internet over the office network. The video server will be a machine with the address (Fig. 1)

Home network diagram

I would like to note right away that, as a rule, a limited circle of people should have access to the http video surveillance server, so do not forget to password protect it after setup.

The first thing you need to do is change the port through which you will connect to your server. We set a non-standard value, for example 8090, and remember it.

Second. Since we have decided that the video server is a device with the address, ensure that this same address remains unchanged. This can be done in several ways, we will not dwell on this here.

Now you need to understand an important thing. An external network subscriber (for example, cannot see your server with the address Not at all. It only has access to the external address of your network, namely No matter how many computers there are on your network (behind the router), for the outside world they will have the address This needs to be understood once and for all. What's the solution?

The solution is quite simple. Since only the address is accessible to the outside world, this means that it is necessary to contact it. In order for the router to redirect the request specifically to our server, it needs to “explain” that the request on port 8090 is intended for a machine with the address Thus, a request to our http server from the outside will look like http:// Having received the request, the router will redirect it to our machine and we will receive what we need.

Now let's do this in practice. For example, I use the very popular TP Link VR741N router. In other router models, everything will be very similar. So, let's set up port forwarding. To do this, go to the web interface of the router, look for the “Forwarding” - “Virtual Servers” tab and click the “Add New” button (Fig. 2)

Setting up a TP Link router

We fill in the lines according to our tasks (port, server address) (Fig. 3)

You can select “All” protocols for now, or select the one you need if you know exactly which one. That's all! (Fig. 4)

Right now you can try to connect to your server from anywhere on the Internet by typing your address and port as in the example above (http://

Owners of white (statistical) addresses can stop here and use access. But a dynamic address can change at any time. What to do? You can, of course, write a script that will periodically check the external address and notify you of changes by email or phone. But the focus of our article is different. We will give our server a name, and a special service will “link” this name and the IP address of our router, no matter how it changes.

I will use the No-iP service. If you want to follow my instructions, go back to the router’s web interface and find the “Dynamic DNS” tab. Check the drop-down list to see if the firmware supports the No-iP service. If there is, as in Fig. 5

Now, as you understand, you need to register for the service at Go to the site and click “Sign Up” in the upper right corner of the page. Fill in the fields, check the “create a name later” checkbox (as in Fig. 6)

and click the “Free Sign Up” button. They say that the service does not like mailboxes, so I used another one to register.

Configuring a No-IP Host

If everything was done correctly, we get to your personal account (Fig. 7)

Now carefully fill in the fields (Fig. 9)

  1. Since we are accessing an http server, which by default has port 80, we set the “redirect port 80” switch
  2. Open the drop-down list and BELOW the line NO-iP Free Domains select any domain.
  3. We can come up with any name for our site. It must be unique.
  4. In this line, the service tries to automatically indicate your external address. Usually everything happens correctly, but you can double-check using other services.
  5. We indicate the port that we need. 8090 in this case.
  6. Click the “ADD Host” button at the very bottom. If everything is done without errors, we get the following picture (Fig. 10)

Linking the router to No-IP

The task is almost completed! All that remains is to “link” our router to the created account! To do this, go to the router’s web interface again to the “Dynamic DNS” tab and fill in the fields using your account data (Fig. 11)

  1. We have already chosen as a service provider. If not, choose. As the username, indicate the email that you used to register.
  2. Enter the password you used during registration.
  3. We indicate the domain name that we came up with such difficulty
  4. Check the “enable” box
  5. Click the “Login” button

That's all! Now everyone who types the address in the browser address bar:

will get to the NO-iP service, the service will instantly redirect the request to my router (port 8090), and the router to the web interface of my video surveillance system.

Let me remind you that not every server owner wants access from outsiders! Don't forget to take action!

  1. The ddns service will help you when you do not have an external permanent IP. Using this service you can connect your computer + ddns + Another service, it can be a video camera or video recorder. You can connect your server without an external IP, with your computer, or connect a domain and make an http server. The domain can be obtained in your account settings, no-ip. This video shows how to set up a domain and how to configure the program on the computer itself. If you do everything as in the video, the connection with your computer will be through this domain. You can register the settings in the router without installing the program on your PC, just enter the domain + login + password from no-ip. Actually, just as you configured and specified the authorization data, the same data will be required to configure the device with which you need to communicate without a permanent IP.
  2. Description of registration on the NO-IP service

  3. 1. Having entered the noip website, click one of the green “Sign Up” buttons, which allows you to proceed to the registration procedure.
  4. 2. Fill in the “Username”, “E-mail” and “Password” fields. Please note that when you enter a password on the right, its strength is automatically assessed. For the security of your account, achieve the maximum security level “Strongest”.
  5. 3. Check the “Create my hostname later” checkbox. If you do not want the newsletter to be sent to your e-mail, then uncheck the “Send me newsletters & special offers” checkbox. Here you can compare the capabilities of paid and free accounts (“Enhanced” and “Free”), and choose any of them as desired. In our example, a free account, select the “Sign Up” button.
  6. 4. After completing registration, click “Sign In” in the upper right corner. On the page that opens, fill in the fields with your registration data and click on the “Sign In” button.
  7. 5. Once in your personal account, use the “Add a Host” button to add a new host name for the computer device with which you want to communicate, if you did not add it during registration as in the video.
  8. 6. In the “Add Host” dialog that opens, select the “Host Type” – “Port 80 Redirect”. Next, fill in the “Hostname” field with a random combination of letters A-Z and numbers 0-9, and select any domain name from the “No-IP Free Domains” drop-down list. The “IP Address” field is automatically filled in with the address from which you accessed the site. In the “Port” field, enter an arbitrary value for the HTTP port other than 80. The same value for this port will need to be configured on the router (router), another device that you want to configure to connect to the service.
  9. 7. At the bottom of the page, click the “Add Host” button to complete the process of creating a new host.
  10. 8. You will be notified that the host has been created successfully, and the host will appear in the list of hosts sorted by domain. You do not need to make any additional settings on the site. If the HTTP port has already been reassigned in your router settings, then you can check the connection by connecting to the IP address indicated in the middle column. The connection should work successfully.
  11. In this simple way, you can find your router or computer on the Internet without having a permanent external IP. The video shows how to set up a computer or laptop by installing the program. Below I will show how to configure a router to connect to the no-ip service and constantly monitor it if the external IP address is changed. The example below using the TP-LinK AC-750 router, in fact, all routers have almost the same menu name, picture below:
  12. 1. Select the menu item "Dynamic DDNS" Dynamic DDNS.
  13. 2. Select the no-ip service from the drop-down list.
  14. 3. Enter your login as indicated on the no-ip service.
  15. 4. Enter the password that you also specified on the no-ip service.
  16. 5. Specify the domain name you chose on the no-ip service.
  17. 6. Click the save settings button.
  18. 7. On some routers, including this model, you can check the connection to see if you have entered the data correctly.
  19. Actually, everything is simple: if you watched the video and paid attention to the description, there should be no questions. This service will replace a paid external IP address, in its place your device does not matter that it can be found by domain name.

No-IP is a best-in-class application that is also capable of working with dynamic IP addresses. In fact, it doesn’t matter what kind of Internet connection you use and what your address is, as well as what subnet it is from. With this program, users can easily visit the server installed on your computer because... Instead of four sets of numbers, you can be found by an easy-to-remember domain name.

Get a name for your computer that is very easy to remember.

Typically, IP addresses that are assigned to a computer are very difficult to remember. You don’t type the address “” in your browser in order to get to the page of one of the most popular search engines, which is available for viewing at With this program, your computer will have a name, not just a numeric address. Using this software, you can have servers on your computer that will be as accessible as the largest sites on the Internet.

Make your location permanent

If every time you connect to the Internet your computer is assigned a dynamic IP address, then by installing this program you can solve this problem. But that's not all, regardless of where, when, to which provider and using what type of connection (Dial-up, DSL, high-speed cable connection or wireless connection) you connect, you will always have the same address in in the form of your chosen name.

Ability to shorten your favorite URLs

If you want, you can shorten and simplify links to your favorite Internet pages. For example, the link "" can be turned into a simpler version like "" for free.

Key Features and Functions

  • the ability to automatically configure the network, which makes the installation process much faster;
  • ease of use. The client downloads everything from the hosts that are associated with your account. Just check the ones you want to update;
  • ability to use encrypted data. When updating, requests are encrypted to ensure data integrity;
  • can work as an NT service. You do not need to launch the client every time you restart your computer.

Special Requirements

  • processor: 266 MHz or better;
  • RAM: 64 MB;
  • free hard disk space: 5 MB;
  • Internet connection.

Note: No-IP is free for personal use only. If you expect high traffic or commercial use, then check out the No-IP Enhanced or No-IP Plus programs.

Start of article:


Since providers often issue a gray IP address, there will simply be no access to our HTTP file server from the global Internet. But there are wonderful free services that will help make our gray IP address permanent (white). In this case, we will consider, in my opinion, the simplest and most reliable way to implement our idea, through the NO-IP service.

Registration on the NO-IP website and creating a host

By typing in the browser in the address bar we get to the main page.

Note. I use Yandex Browser based on Chromium with default settings and I have this button. If you don’t have it, try digging into your browser settings and setting it to offer translation of the page and words, or maybe something else related to automatic translation...

Move to the very top and click “Registration”.

In the window that appears, we need to come up with and fill in our unique, non-repeating name (as you will be represented on the NO-IP website), enter your Email, enter a password and confirm it. You don’t have to enter the name of your future host; we will enter it later.

After filling out the fields, you must check the “Create your host later” box. I apologize for the clumsy Google translation, but as you can see, this phrase was translated to us like this.

Note. Either my Opera browser is somehow not working correctly, or something else, but the checkbox in the “Create your host later” window did not appear after I clicked the mouse. Anyway, we put it there.

After entering the registration data and host name at the bottom of the page, click the “Free registration” button.

Open your mailbox and click on the appropriate link to confirm registration.

After this, a window will appear notifying you that your account has been successfully activated on NO-IP.

We have completed registration on the NO-IP server. It's time to create our host. Go to the NO-IP main page and click “Log in”.

In the window that appears, enter your username and password, and then click the “Log in” button.

So, click the “Add host” button.

Let's enter a unique host name (you need to come up with a host name yourself, so that the host is not already occupied by anyone) and its ending. In the example I chose the hostname failovi-server and its ending And in the future my address will be like this

Note. You must select any host ending you like from the free hosts below, after the expression “No-IP Free Domains”. As above, all hosts are paid.

After filling out the fields, click the “Add Host” button.

Congratulations, you have created your host.

Half the job is done. All that remains is to configure your “Experimental” router.

Setting up a router for the NO-IP service

Note. Since my main TP-Link TL-WDR4300 router connects to the Internet, I will make the DDNS settings on it (as in the figure below). But, it doesn’t fundamentally matter where you configure the DDNS service on the main router or on the “Experimental” router - everything will work. Or you can generally configure both the main and “Test” routers with different registered domain names. If you are setting up your only router on OpenWRT firmware, then for you a description of setting up the router for the DDNS service will be immediately after this figure...

To configure dynamic DNS on OpenWRT firmware, you need to install the following package


After refreshing the page, the “Services” tab will appear, and in it the “Dynamic DNS” tab. Let's fill in the required fields by entering our registration data.

Note. I have a Lan connection with the main router, which is why I specified it in the settings. If you are establishing a connection via Wan, then you need to specify the event interface Wan.

After filling out the fields, save the settings by clicking “Save and Apply”.

Checking access to a file server from the Internet

So, we checked access to our file server via the Lan network in the previous article, and we will check its functionality via the Internet. Let's enter our registered NO-IP address in the browser and indicate the port - this link worked at the time of writing this article, now there is no point in using it...
As we can see, everything works.

And they sing songs...

This completes the setup of the NO-IP service.

The development of the Internet has not bypassed video surveillance systems, and now remote control of objects is available from anywhere in the world. IP cameras connect directly to the network, video archives are recorded in cloud storage, and tariffs are available for all categories of users, for example, from Ivideon.

  1. Video broadcasts from cameras pass through third-party servers, and the archive is stored there. Despite all the assurances of maintaining confidentiality and encrypting data, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of unauthorized access, and for sensitive objects such an organization of surveillance is unacceptable. From a security point of view, it is better to connect to the equipment directly, through a secure VPN connection, without unnecessary intermediaries.
  2. Each camera or video recorder needs to be provided with its own Internet connection, which can be technically and financially expensive, especially if surveillance most of the time takes place within the local network of the object and remote access via the Internet is not a frequently required function. It’s easier to connect all devices via one Internet connection using a router and set up remote access using DDNS technology.

As an example, we useTP-Link TL-WR740N. This router, with a good price/quality ratio, is widely used among home users and small businesses, and is often offered by Internet service providers with their own firmware. We use an English-language interface to avoid confusion. DDNS settings and partition names are the same on equipment from any manufacturer, but the Russian translation is sometimes different.

DDNS or DynDNS technology will connect via the Internet to video cameras and DVRs located on the local network using a router and dynamic IP addresses.

This formulation is incomprehensible to most users, so we will analyze the network connection process in detail.

Each router contains an internal list of IP addresses, which are automatically assigned to each connected network device (computer, smartphone, IP video camera, DVR, etc.). With each new connection, the address is selected randomly - this is dynamic IP addresses :

In addition to dynamic ones, constant or static IP addresses, both for the router and for connected devices:

Internet providers also work according to the same scheme for distributing IP addresses. When a connection is established, the computer or router is connected to the provider’s global network and, through DHCP, the server receives a new dynamic IP address:

A static IP address is provided by providers for a fee, and it happens that it is impossible to obtain an address:

  1. Small providers work through larger ones and clients have access to a small range of their own static addresses;
  2. Mobile Internet for almost all providers works only through dynamic IP addresses.

DDNS services control changes in the router's dynamic address for permanent access to local network devices through a special static level 3 domain:

In more detail, the access scheme via DDNS is as follows:

  1. A local network device, such as an IP camera, receives a dynamic address from the router;
  2. We configure port forwarding on the router and gain access to the equipment according to the scheme “router address + port”;
  3. The provider assigns an external dynamic IP address to the connection;
  4. The DDNS service replaces the router’s IP with the address of our static 3rd level domain;
  5. Now we have access via the Internet using a domain name or “domain + router IP”;
  6. We watch video from the camera through the browser.

Port forwarding

Forwarding, or port redirection (Port Forwarding) is a prerequisite for access via the Internet to network devices connected through a router.

If port forwarding is not configured, a situation arises when by contacting the router address directly or through the DDNS service, only access to the admin section is available and nothing more.

Going to the local address of the camera, recorder or local server also does not give anything - only folders or a blank page are visible. Only assigning individual ports and setting up redirection in the router makes it possible to “reach” the desired camera or computer.

DDNS setup

Routers establish a connection to the Internet provider’s network using NAT technology, which uses two types of addresses:

  • external (WAN) assigned by the provider when establishing a connection;
  • internal (LAN), which the router gives to network devices;

For normal operation of WAN port forwarding, the address should not fall into the IP address zones starting with 10.0, 192.168. and 172.16.

If the external address is within the specified ranges, you will have to purchase a static “white” IP address or change the provider.

Local Address Reservation

Since with each connection, network devices are assigned a new dynamic IP, to access via DDNS we need to convert the current IP address to a “local static” one, otherwise we will not be able to get permanent access, because The router changes address when reconnecting or rebooting:

A unique MAC address must be specified in the documentation and network settings. We repeat this procedure for all devices that we plan to access via the Internet.

Setting up port forwarding

Go to the menu "Forwarding" => "Virtual Servers" and add a new port (“Add New...”):

  • Service Port – enter the device port for redirection;
  • IP Address – local IP that we have reserved for this MAC address;
  • Status And Common Service Port – leave unchanged.

Security Settings

Disable the router's firewall:

Port forwarding has been configured.

Automatic redirection

You can simplify the forwarding process by using the UPnP function. By default, it is activated in most routers and looks like this:

Here we see that the Skype and uTorrent ports are automatically forwarded. If your video equipment supports UPnP mode, then most of the ports will be forwarded without your participation.

Solving possible problems

  1. All settings are made correctly, but when accessing a network device, the router’s admin page continues to load. Try changing the value of http and media ports, forwarding and testing the connection from an external rather than local network.
  2. If nothing happens when you access the local device, check the following:
  • Antivirus tools and firewalls must be disabled or exceptions added to all forwarded ports;
  • The required ports can be opened by the provider only for static IP addresses;
  • Check that the NAT connection function with your provider is enabled;
  • When manually configuring network parameters, make sure that the gateway address of the device to which port forwarding is performed matches the IP address of the router;
  1. Connect an external open DMZ server. Now all external Internet requests are automatically redirected to the specified IP within the local network.
  2. Opening the required port on the device and router may not give the desired effect, even with a static IP, if it is closed by the provider. In such cases, you need to contact technical support with a request to open the required port.

Let's proceed to the next step and register on the free service On the main page, click “Sign UP”:

Enter your email, login and password. The name of the static domain (host) through which access will be provided can be specified during registration or selected later (“Create my hostname later” in the registration form). We choose a free tariff plan to get acquainted with the service. To confirm registration, follow the link sent by email.

Login to the created account and select « AddHost", enter the host name and select the domain zone from the section « Free DNS domain". We leave the remaining parameters unchanged.

Turn on the item "Port 80 Redirect" and specify the new port through which DDNS accesses the router.

The new management port is usually set to 8080. Settings in the admin area:

The No-IP account setup is complete, go back to the admin section of the router and select a service from the list of supported DDNS:

Enter your open account details and domain name. Turn on « EnableDDNS", click “Login” and after establishing a connection with the server, save the parameters.

Now, by accessing the website indicating the camera port, we get access to the video broadcast:

Network equipment may support proprietary services, for example, from D-Link and ASUS. Here's what the D-Link DDNS setup looks like:

An account only supports one host, which is sufficient for personal use and testing, but for larger systems, use paid packages such as those from

Setting up DDNS in IP cameras and DVRs

Cameras and DVRs support direct connection via a separate Internet connection without additional equipment. Setting up DDNS follows the same procedure as in routers: we create a DDNS domain and register its settings in the WEB interface of the device.

Example for IP camera RVi-IPC22DN:

and for Dahua HCVR4104C-W-S2 DVR:

As you can see, all parameters are standard and setup is not difficult. The only difference from a router is that via the DDNS domain it is possible to access only one device, since port separation is not used in this case.

A logical question arises: why such difficulties, if to establish a connection with the camera and access the video archive you just need to type the digital IP address in the browser?
Two arguments in favor of DDNS:

  • Remembering a domain name is easier than remembering a sequence of numbers;
  • Hacking passwords is simplified if the device's IP is known. Manufacturers assign addresses in their specially designated range, which is known to everyone and it will be easy for an attacker to understand that this IP relates specifically to video surveillance.
  • Make sure that on all cameras and recorders the gateway address matches the router, only the IP addresses should differ. Do not rely on automatic settings; check all parameters manually.
  • If the browser shows a blank page, make sure that the required plugins from the camera or recorder software are installed and working correctly. Most equipment works in modern browsers by default, but there are models with non-standard video encodings.
  • When purchasing a static IP address from mobile providers, there may be a situation where a “static” IP address is guaranteed only to legal entities, and for individuals it periodically “slightly” changes. This does not affect browsing the Internet in any way, but connecting to a router or IP camera is no longer possible without using DDNS.
  • Ports defined by UPnP are blocked at the provider level. In this case, try changing and forwarding the ports manually - devices usually reserve several ports through which they operate.
  • Check access and port forwarding only from a computer not connected to the local network. This is the only way to see possible configuration and connection problems.
  • Use HTTPS or a VPN connection to encrypt your video and protect it from hackers.