Connecting free digital TV to your TV. How to set up digital television

In most apartments and even private houses within any even small city, there are now almost no problems with the quality of television signal reception, since cable television is installed almost everywhere. Most apartment buildings in cities with a population of over a million may have several cable TV operators, which gives residents a pretty good choice.

But as you move away from the city center, the availability of high-quality cable TV gradually disappears. And outside the city, as a rule, cable TV completely absent.

Therefore, most summer residents are content to watch at most a few channels of terrestrial television, which they can catch on. Moreover image quality often leaves much to be desired. Especially if the summer cottage is located far from the emitting terrestrial television station, then on the TV screen you can see a lot of interference from “snow” to “stripes” and black and white instead of color.

In most of Russia, terrestrial television is still transmitted to analog format. This method of signal transmission has one significant drawback: the signal-to-noise ratio drops significantly with distance from the emitter.

With distance from the television center, noise (interference) begins to dominate more and more over the main signal. This is precisely what manifests itself in the appearance of “snow” on the screen. If the cottage or village is very far from the transmitting station, then the noise will eventually interrupt the signal completely, and It becomes impossible to watch a TV channel at all.

Now the country is introducing the transmission of TV signals in digital format, and over time it is planned to completely abandon the transmission of television programs in analogue format.

What is the advantage of digital TV over analogue?

Transmission of a signal “digitally encoded” compared to direct transmission in analog format gives several advantages:

  • Increasing the noise immunity of transmission and recording paths of television signals.
  • Reducing transmitter power.
  • Significant increase in the number of TV programs transmitted in the same frequency range.
  • Improving image and sound quality in TV receivers.
  • Creation of TV systems with new standards of image decomposition (high-definition television).
  • Creation of interactive TV systems, when using which the viewer has the opportunity to influence the transmitted program (for example, video on demand).
  • Function "To the beginning of transmission".
  • Archive of TV programs and recording of TV programs.
  • Transmission of various additional information in a TV signal.
  • Select a language (more than the usual two) and subtitles.
  • Expanding the functionality of studio equipment.
  • Possibility of adding radio to multiplexes

But there are also some flaws:

  • Fading and scattering of the picture into “squares” when the level of the received signal is insufficient, the data is either received with 100% quality or restored, or is received poorly with the impossibility of restoration.
  • Almost complete signal fading during thunderstorms.
  • Even a transmitter with a power of 10 kW and a transmitting antenna height of 350 m provides reliable reception at a distance of 50 km, and as a result, the need for a larger number of transmitting centers than with analog TV (more frequent placement of transmitting antennas).

Since we are discussing from the point of view of an ordinary user mainly only image quality, then we can highlight only one main feature of digital terrestrial TV over outdated analogue:

Digital TV is very resistant to interference. To do this, the signal is encoded with some redundancy. A digital tuner will produce an ideal picture even in the presence of a lot of noise. And it will do this until the signal-to-noise ratio drops to a minimum, when the signal arrives at the very edge of the equipment’s capabilities.

That is, in analog broadcasting, as the signal level drops, you will see the picture worse and worse. In digital broadcasting, you won't notice the signal drop until the tuner is no longer able to recover the lost pieces of the image, and it "disintegrates into squares" and then disappears completely.

Types of digital television

Based on the transmission channel, digital TV can be divided into four types:

  • Cable (DVB-C)
  • Terrestrial (DVB-T2)
  • Satellite (DVB-S)
  • Internet TV (IP TV)

We will not consider cable TV and IP television in the country due to their great rarity. But satellite and terrestrial digital television broadcasting in the countryside is relevant.

Moreover, satellite DTV has been used by consumers for quite some time, and in particularly remote areas there are no alternatives to it at all. We will look at it in our separate article.

But on-air DTV began to enter the lives of gardeners and summer residents relatively recently. Let's talk about him in more detail today.

Terrestrial digital television in the country

The terrestrial digital television network in the Russian Federation is still in the process of construction and currently available mainly near large cities. But it already covers a significant part of the dacha areas. Therefore, the issue of connection has become very relevant lately.

How to connect to terrestrial DTV?

If you want to try connecting digital television to your dacha, first you need to determine does your site fall within the coverage area of ​​one of the DTV transmitting antennas?. The location of the site will determine how your TV receiver will pick up the digital signal.

The most reliable way to find out is to interview your neighbors in your summer cottage; perhaps some of them are already watching TV channels in digital form. Then you can be completely sure that “the signal is reaching you.”

If no one in the area has yet heard of digital TV, then you need to try to find out whether your site falls within the boundaries broadcasting radius of a local emitting DTV station.

Coverage area

The broadcast radius of a DTV station usually lies within 20-50 km, depending on the terrain and building density. On average about 30 km is reliable reception zone.

Each region has its own local organization - DTV operator, which is responsible for building and maintaining the network. On their website you can usually see the locations of broadcast stations and even coverage maps. Or you can get information from them by phone or written request.

The DTV network in the Russian Federation is being built by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

Each region has a division of this organization.

You can call and find out everything by phone numbers in your region from the page.

If you are lucky and you find out that your dacha is located in the digital broadcast zone, then it’s time to decide necessary equipment for DTV reception.


So, you already have a TV in your dacha, a plot in the DTV broadcast zone. Let's start installing digital television at the dacha. What else is needed to receive a signal? At a minimum you need an antenna.

Antenna for digital television reception

Universal HF/UHF antenna for digital TV reception

If a digital TV tower is nearby, then it is enough indoor antenna. I will say even more, I personally confidently caught a DTV signal in the city of Ufa on a meter-long piece of wire.

If the signal level is not so ideal, then you will need to install an antenna at your dacha to receive digital channels. Nowadays, most antennas on sale are well suited for this, since they support reception of signals in the decimeter range (UHF/UHF).

For example, you can install the antenna “GAL”, “Locus”, “Zenith”, “Meridian”, “Ether”, etc. I bought my antenna in Auchan for 1000 rubles.

If you know the exact location of the DTV tower, then everything is simple: point the antenna on her and that's it. Usually this is enough to catch a signal and watch digital TV without problems.

If the exact direction is not known, then you need to gradually rotate the antenna until you find the best position. Most digital set-top boxes have signal level and quality indicator, which is displayed on the TV screen and from which you can find the best antenna position. This is usually done by two people: one person rotates the antenna, the second monitors the signal level.

When you have found the maximum possible signal level and the antenna is installed in the desired direction, you need to search for channels on the set-top box.

Setting up digital television at the dacha

The easiest way is to find the “Auto search for channels” item in the set-top box menu, and then the set-top box will do everything itself: it will find all available digital channels and number them in order.

List of digital terrestrial television channels

Now the interesting part: what channels does digital television show for free??

Since my dacha is in the suburbs of Ufa, and I am writing from my own experience, it means that I am considering digital terrestrial television in Ufa. But as far as I understand, list of channels throughout Russia will be the same with rare exceptions, so the information will be useful to everyone, and not just residents of Bashkortostan.

At our dacha the DTV shows 20 channels: 10 at each multiplex.

List of digital television channels

Here full list of channels in Ufa:

1 "First channel"
2 "Russia 1"
3 "Match TV"
4 "NTV"
5 "Petersburg-5 channel"
6 "Russia K"
7 "Russia 24"
8 "Carousel"
9 "Public Television of Russia"
10 "TV Center - Moscow"
11 "REN TV"
12 "SAVED"
13 "The first entertainment STS"
14 "Home"
15 "TV-3"
16 Friday
17 "STAR"
18 "WORLD"
19 "TNT"
20 "Muz TV"

I hope I helped you understand all the nuances of digital TV. If you have any questions, write, I will definitely try to help you.

All of Europe, America and Japan have switched to digital television. Russia is also rapidly developing the progress of terrestrial digital TV. Many people purchased this receiver, some hired specialists to connect and configure it, and others connected and configured it themselves, so in this article we will tell you how to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. And that’s right, we wrote about this earlier.

With the advent of digital television, even in the most distant corners of our country, digital channels are broadcast, which are also broadcast in central Russia. That is, the channels that are broadcast in Moscow, the same channels will be broadcast in Chukotka. The quality has certainly changed for the better compared to analogue broadcasting. There are TVs that support DVB-T2 digital broadcasting. It’s very convenient, we connected the television cable to the TV and that’s it, no more wires, and the digital TV set-top box shows in perfect quality. But if you have a TV that does not support digital television, then do not despair, you can simply purchase a digital receiver.

This is what it looks like, which opens the door to the world of terrestrial digital television.

This is what all the connectors of the digital set-top box look like, from the reverse side.

And here are the TV connectors. The digital receiver is easy to connect to your TV.

And so, let's start, after you have purchased a digital television set-top box, come home. Having unpacked it, install it next to the TV, insert batteries into the remote control, then connect the power supply to the set-top box at 220V. Next, we’ll look at what cords we’ll use to connect it; of course, it’s correct to connect it with an HDMI cable, the image will be much cleaner and better. But if suddenly, for some reason, there is no such output on the TV or in the receiver, do not be upset. “Comb” or “tulips” also work well. “Tulips” - there’s nowhere easier to connect, you insert three plugs into the set-top box, and from the other end you also insert three plugs into the TV, insert everything according to color. “Comb” - here the connection is even simpler, you just need to insert the “comb” into the TV and set-top box at both ends.

It also happens that there are no “tulips” on the TV and no “comb” on the set-top box, or vice versa, but there is also a cord that has a “comb” on one side and “tulips” on the other, and it won’t be too difficult to connect either. We've dealt with this point, let's move on. After connecting the receiver to the TV, insert the antenna plug into the antenna socket of the set-top box. Then we turn on the TV and use the remote control to switch it to AV/TV.

On LCD TVs or plasma panels, when you press the AV button, a small menu appears, with the words AV, SCART, HDMI, etc. Select the inscription that you connected to the TV, for example, if you connected “tulips” then select AV, if you connected a “comb”, then select the SCART line, and if you connected it with an HDMI cable, then select the appropriate item.

Considering that in Russia broadcasting in the digital standard has been carried out since 2012, the article is belated. But taking into account the time I spent on the roofs of my neighbors in the country, the material is quite relevant, since most consumers understand the essence of the matter superficially, believing that it is enough to acquire a digital TV receiver (tuner) of the DVB-T2 standard and an antenna for digital TV.
As usual, it's not that simple!

Landmark Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 985

On December 3, 2009, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 985, the federal target program (FTP) “Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009–2015” was approved, which determined the stages and timing of the country’s transition to digital technologies in television broadcasting.

Read in detail.

Now let's see what I have. I have a Delta N311A.02 antenna.

“Delta N311A.02” is essentially two antennas combined into one design, consisting of a meter-wave antenna made in the form of two vibrators (whiskers) and a log-periodic antenna of the decimeter range. The antenna has a built-in amplifier. That is, in principle, there is everything we need to receive DVB-T2. But the soul of a radio amateur will not rest until all the juices are squeezed out of the device.

Break off the horns of "Delta"!

It seems that there is nothing to squeeze out. The antenna is self-sufficient. But, let's think... Without delving into the jungle, we can assume that the amplifier works on both ranges at the same time, and accordingly, along with the signal, it also pulls out noise from both ranges. In the “Delta” antenna range, there are antennas with an amplifier only for UHF. I think the receiver still has a more difficult time with a wider signal.

Therefore, I decided to try to make life easier for the antenna amplifier and receiver - to break off the horns of the Delta! I unscrew the meter range vibrators.
This is the “tamed Delta” now...

Let's try. Yes, the result has improved by 5-7%. In addition, the antenna has become more narrowly directed.

A couple of weeks later my antenna friend called and informed me that he had brought what he had promised. I come to him and am surprised! He hands me practically my hornless Delta. The geometry is one to one, only the amplifier is located at the place where the signal is picked up. Well, let's try it, maybe there will be a better amplifier here. I tried it. No, it didn't get any better. Even a little worse. So I left my Delta.

You'll be chasing two multiplexes...

No, I haven't calmed down yet. After all the upgrades, I decided to turn my attention again to the second multiplex of commercial channels. One is good, but two is better! I deployed the antenna, tried to tune in, a signal appeared, it twitches, but it’s there.
We start searching for channels - we found something that wasn’t there before.
Saved the settings. However, the picture still disappears periodically.

OK, let's turn around and watch the first multiplex for now. For now, because I decided to make my own antenna with the best gain. I hope that, coupled with my own, higher gain and signal amplifier, I can still catch two birds with one stone - the first and second multiplexes. If the experiment is successful, I will definitely let you know.

Methodology for setting up DVB-T2 outside the city

Now, for the most patient, a brief point-by-point adjustment method that I have developed over all this time. It assumes that you have a set of equipment and everything is connected correctly.

1. Collection of information. We go to, look at the location of the nearest broadcasting stations and on which channels are broadcast.
2. Determine the azimuth of the station (see below).
3. Direct the antenna.
4. On the set-top box, in a manual search, we install the broadcast channel known to us. If after two or three seconds you see a signal on the power and quality scales, then you are on the right track. At this stage, you can also try to adjust the direction of the antenna for more reliable reception.
5. Start searching for channels.
6. Save. We watch digital TV and enjoy.

So how can we, comrade surveyors, determine the azimuth of the station? What is azimuth anyway? And this is just the angle between the direction north and the direction towards any given object. Azimuth is usually measured in the direction of apparent movement of the celestial sphere (clockwise on maps) and is measured in degrees.

There are several ways to determine azimuth.
1) As I already said, I used a satellite navigator.

Everything in one bottle - compass and map, modern and fast.

2) You can do it the old fashioned way. We take a paper map, place a north-oriented compass on it, and set the azimuth.

3) And one more method - virtual, advanced. You need a computer and internet. Azimuth and distances can be determined using Google Earth. Download and install the program "". Let's launch. We find ourselves on the map and the location of the broadcasting station.

With the widespread use of modern television, there has been a stir and, accordingly, many questions. how to set up digital television. The reason for its popularity is the variety of channels in terms of direction, quality, language, type of content, etc. Due to the lack of information on setting up digital TV, companies have appeared like mushrooms after rain, charging fees for these manipulations. You don’t have to pay at all, you can actually achieve the goal on your own.

How to set up digital television on a TV - general provisions

Mostly all methods for setting up digital television reception use approximately the same scheme, but due to the variety of manufacturers, the actions may be slightly different, but their logic is similar. In order not to get confused in all the sequences, it is worth applying the algorithm directly to each TV model. Thanks to logic and intuition, you can correctly configure the settings on almost every TV model using the instructions provided.

  1. Take the remote control and expand the menu;
  2. Proceed to the “Options” item;

  1. Next, you need to activate “Auto Configuration”. With this action, a window appears containing information about the signal sources; it can be a cable or antenna signal. In our case, we need to select a cable;
  2. At the end of the operation, information about the quality of signal reception should appear in a new window, here you should select “Digital”, then click “Start”;
  3. The final setting point is “Search mode” and select the method for detecting channels. The proposed fields must be filled in with information. The frequency is 314 MHz, the speed is 6875 kS/s, and the modulation is 256 QAM.

More advanced TV models allow you to perform a network search, which will independently perform all the necessary actions. When the desired method for detecting TV channels is selected, you need to click on “Search”.

If this instruction is not effective, you should use a detailed algorithm for LG TVs. The technique is relevant for almost all models of the manufacturer.

  1. From the remote control go to the Menu;
  2. Click on “Options”;
  3. In the “Country” category, change the checkbox to Finland or Sweden;

  1. Then go to the “Settings” category and launch “Autosearch”;
  2. In the fields you need to enter a search method, usually a fairly fast type, frequency - 298 MHz, modulation - 256 QAM, characters - 6952, ID - auto;
  3. If everything is done correctly, then during the search a number of TV channels will be displayed;
  4. The manufacturer LG integrates an automatic system for searching and updating TV channels into the system. This function can be inconvenient as the prepared list will be reset regularly. To prevent this phenomenon, be sure to go to the settings for connecting via cable and turn off “Auto channel update”;

  1. For convenient sorting, you need to remove the check mark from auto-numbering in the “Cable” section in “Autosearch”.

Now let’s look at the Samsung method, because the manufacturer is one of the most popular in the industry. The actions are like:

  1. Press Menu on the remote control;
  2. Next, go to the “Channel” category (there is a satellite dish on the icon);
  3. On the right you need to select the “Antenna” option, and in the type field - “Cable”;

  1. Now in the “Country” section you need to set “Other”, now you will need to enter a PIN code, by default 0000;

  1. Go to the “Auto-configuration” menu and specify the source of the signal – “Cable”;

  1. You need to specify the parameters, they correspond to the data in the first, general example of the article, and click “Search”;
  2. Now the TV will find all TV channels.

How to set up digital television on Smart TV

Let's look at digital television and how to set up channels on a TV with the Smart function using Samsung as an example. The action is performed fairly standardly, but there are some differences.

  1. Go to the “Channel” section in the Menu;

  1. Click on “Country”, you may now need to enter a PIN code, by default 0000, 1111 or 1234;
  2. Follow the "Other" section;
  3. Then, step back, select “Cable search options”;
  4. Standard parameters are now being introduced;

  1. Again you need to go to “Auto Configuration”, here select the “Cable” source mode;
  2. You need to activate the “Digital” section;
  3. Using the search mode, you should select “Network” and activate the setting.

All methods allow you to create a high-quality connection to digital TV channels and find the maximum available number of interesting programs. Despite the lack of data on devices from Toshiba, Philips and others, the connection method is no different.

If you still have questions on the topic “Detailed instructions for setting up digital television,” you can ask them in the comments

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When digital TV first appeared, there was a lot of talk around it, and a certain excitement arose. This is not surprising, because the signal quality of such TV is much better and, moreover, it is accessible to everyone. It can be connected to both modern TVs and older models using certain devices. Today, of course, there are both cable and satellite television, but digital TV remains no less popular among the residents of our country. It does not require special expenses and at the same time provides broadcasting of the main 20 channels. In this regard, you can find many different companies that offer their services for connecting and setting it up.

If you want to watch over-the-air TV channels, then you don’t have to pay anyone money to set them up; you can set them up yourself. Today we will look at how to set it up on a particular model.

What is digital television?

Before setting it up at home, let's understand what it is and how it works.

The essence of such TV is that the television image, as well as sound, is transmitted to a particular device using digitally encoded audio and video signals through certain channels. With this encoding, the signal is transmitted with minimal losses and has much better quality than an analog signal, which is susceptible to external influences.

On the other hand, it should be said that with digital television the TV channel will either work well or not work at all. This TV has no interference or average condition. The only thing is that if the signal is bad, then one or another of the 20 channels will turn off or slow down from time to time. To fix this, you will need to turn the TV antenna, either directly to the TV, raise it higher, or replace it with another one.

General setup instructions

To begin with, you can consider how digital TV is configured on TVs with a built-in receiver in general. The differences usually lie only in the sequence of some actions and the names of the items.

To connect terrestrial digital television, you should:

  1. Connect an antenna to the TV;
  2. Press the “Menu” button on the remote control;
  3. Go to "Options" and select automatic setup;
  4. After this, a window will appear on your screen in which you will need to determine the signal source. Check "Cable" and click "Start";
  5. Next, another window will appear. Here, from the proposed signal sources, select “Digital” and again click on “Start”;
  6. After this, another window will appear in which you need to go to “Search Mode” and select “Full”.
  7. You will see columns that you will need to fill in with the following data and click the “Search” button:

Some models have a network search feature. If it is, then you do not need to enter data. It will be enough just to select the search mode and run it. After this, your TV will start displaying 20 free channels.

Setting up LG TVs

The menu and firmware on LG TVs with a built-in receiver may be different. It mainly depends on how modern the model you have. If the TV is old, then you will have to buy a special device that will receive a digital signal. However, despite this, the menu of each TV has similar items and characteristics.

In order to connect 20 channels of digital terrestrial television you will need:

  • Connect the TV antenna;
  • Go to “Options” through the menu;
  • Next you will see a list of parameters that can be changed;
  • In the “Country” item, select Finland or Germany;
  • Next, go to settings and select “Auto search”;
  • Next, you will need to select a connection method. From the proposed options, select “Cable”;
  • Next, a window will appear in front of you in which you need to go to the setup mode and enter the data indicated in the table above. After that, click "Start".

If you do everything correctly, your TV will begin to display 20 over-the-air channels, as well as some radio stations that it can detect.

It is worth saying that LG TVs have auto-updates. This means that from time to time the TV itself will reset all found channels and search for them again. If you do not want this, then simply disable this feature. To do this, you will need to go to “Digital Cable Settings” and turn off the auto-update function.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that setting up a TV is quite simple.

Digital TV on Samsung

Setting up 20 TV channels on brand TVsSamsung with built-in receiver looks like this:

  • Connect the antenna;
  • Enter the menu using the special button on the remote control;
  • Go to the “Channel” section, which has a satellite dish icon;
  • On the side you will see a list of tabs, among which you should go to the “Antenna” tab and select “Cable” as the connection;
  • After this, open the “Country” tab and select “Other”;
  • As a result of these actions, a PIN code request will appear on your screen. The initial pin code is 0000;
  • After you enter the PIN code, a window will appear in which you should select “Cable” as the signal source through the auto-tuning menu;
  • Next, you should select quick search mode, automatic network selection, as well as data from our table and click on “Search”.

Once everything is completed, your device will begin to display all available 20 channels.

Philips setup

The actions for, in fact, do not differ from the actions described above. To do this, you should also connect the antenna, enter the menu, and then perform the following steps:

  • Go through the menu to the “Configuration” section;
  • In the window that opens, select “Install”;
  • After this, an additional menu will appear. In it you must select the “Channel Settings” item;
  • Next, another auxiliary menu will pop up. Here you will need the “Automatic installation” tab;
  • After you get to it, a window will appear in front of you warning that the list of channels will be updated;
  • Click the “Start” button and in the new window select “Reinstall channels”;
  • Next you need to click on the “Country” item and set Germany or Finland;
  • After this, you will need to decide on the connection method. This is the “Cable” item;
  • Next you should make some more changes. To do this, click the “Settings” button;
  • In the window that appears, click “Baud Rate” and select 314.00;
  • Only after this should you click on the “Start” button and your TV will independently find and configure 20 over-the-air channels.