Extend traffic on Beeline 1 GB. All possible ways to extend traffic and Internet speed on Beeline

In our time Mobile Internet is gaining more and more popularity and becoming more accessible, being used on all types of mobile devices. Users activate unlimited access on their tariff plans or connect large traffic packages for longer Internet surfing. But what should Beeline subscribers do, for example, if the connected options were not enough and the Internet speed dropped to the minimum, and how can this same speed be extended?

If you use Beeline mobile Internet on a phone, modem, router or other device on a tariff plan where, when a certain Internet traffic quota is exhausted, the network access speed drops to 64 Kbps and you want to temporarily remove this limitation. Well, on this moment the operator can offer you two solutions to extend the speed, which you can apply to your tariff.

2 ways to extend Internet speed on Beeline

  1. Connect to the service “Extend the speed of 1 GB”. This option will allow the subscriber to receive an additional volume of traffic in the amount of 1GB without speed restrictions for a symbolic 100 rubles. You can activate the option using a simple USSD combination *115*121# or call 0674093221. You can control the consumption of this Internet package by number or personal account on the operator’s website or through the My Beeline mobile application.
  1. You can also extend your Internet speed on Beeline by connecting to a more capacious service. “Extend 3 GB speed”, which will give the user 3GB of traffic for just 200 rubles at a time. Traffic, of course, is provided without speed restrictions. In order to connect this option You can dial USSD command *115*122# or call the number. You can always find out the remaining traffic in your personal account or through the mobile application.

In both cases, subscribers have access to high speed internet depending on the presence in a particular region of the client’s location: GPRS/EDGE, no more than 236 Kbit/s, in the 3G network (using UMTS/HSDPA technology) up to 21.6 Mbit/s, using 3G technology (UMTS/HSDPA) no more than 3 .6 Mbit/sec.

Thus, based on all of the above, I would like to note that it is very easy to extend the Internet speed on Beeline and if you use it very often, then you just need to write down just two combinations for yourself or memorize them and you will always remain at high speed!

It’s no secret that neither Beeline nor other operators have truly unlimited mobile Internet (without restrictions on speed and traffic) cellular communication. And if the main traffic package on your tariff ends prematurely, the operator immediately limits the speed to a minimum of 64 kbit/sec. It is almost impossible to continue using the Internet at such a speed, so the question immediately arises of how to extend the Beeline Internet speed.

Fortunately, this problem is easily solved with the help of Beeline’s “Extend speed”, “Auto-renew speed” and “Internet for a day” services. Based on your needs and your tariff, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself on how to extend Beeline Internet.

Let's look at the main parameters and cost of each of these services in more detail.

"Extend speed" service Beeline

Regardless of what device you use Beeline mobile Internet on - a phone, tablet, iPad or modem, the “Extend Speed” service is exactly what you need when you need to return the previous Internet speed and restore access to the Network.

The “Extend Speed” option interacts with most tariff plans (including the popular tariffs of the “Everything” and “All Inclusive” lines) and the family of Internet options.

In different cities and regions of Russia, the parameters and cost of the “Extend Speed” service may vary greatly. In some places, 1 GB and 4 GB of additional traffic are available for connection, and in others you can extend the Beeline Internet speed by 2 GB or 5 GB. Therefore, before activating the “Extend speed” options, check the information about the service in your region. This review will indicate prices and methods of connecting to the “Extend Speed” service for Moscow and the region.

Service “Extend speed 1 GB”

Extend speed on Beeline by 1 GB You can use the USSD command ✶ 115 ✶ 121 # or call 0674-093-221.

Cost of connecting the service - 250 rubles.

Service “Extend speed 4 GB”

To extend traffic on Beeline by 4 GB, use the key combination ✶ 115 ✶ 122 # or call service number 0674-093-222 .

4 GB of additional traffic will cost you 500 rubles.

Internet packages for the services “Extend speed 1 GB” and “Extend speed 4 GB” are valid until the activation of the main Internet package (included in your tariff or Internet option), but no more than 30 days from the moment of connection. Unspent volume additional Internet traffic does not carry over to the next month and cannot be combined with traffic from the main Internet package.

The “Extend speed” service is not valid in international roaming. As for roaming in Russia, the effect of the “Extend speed” option is determined by the parameters of your main Internet package. If it operates throughout the entire country, then additional traffic You can spend it not only at home, but also while traveling around Russia.

"Auto speed renewal" service on Beeline

If you don’t like or constantly forget to monitor the remaining Internet traffic, which is why you are constantly left without access to the Internet, then perhaps the “Auto-speed renewal” option is just what you need.

The essence of the service is that it automatically purchases additional small traffic packages as soon as the main Internet package ends.

The “Auto speed renewal” option has no quantity limit additional packages Internet - they will be activated until the phone balance runs out of money or the main Internet package begins to operate.

Volume of purchased traffic - 70 MB, and the cost of one Internet package is 20 rubles(for Moscow and Moscow Region).

On many tariff plans and Internet options, the “Automatic speed renewal” service is already activated by default. But if you don't have it, then enable the “Auto speed renewal” option You can use the command ✶ 115 ✶ 23 # or call 067-471-778.

Disable “Auto-speed renewal” on Beeline You can use the combination ✶ 115 ✶ 230 # or by calling the service number 067-471-7780.

“Internet for a day” service Beeline

This service suitable for those subscribers who only occasionally access the Internet from their mobile phone and do not use Internet packages. It provides traffic packages of 100 and 500 megabytes for a period of one day.

Service cost:
“Internet per day 100 MB” - 19 rubles per day;
“Internet per day 500 MB” - 29 rubles per day.

You can activate the “Internet for a day” option only on tariff plans with per-megabyte payment: “Zero doubts”, “Per-second” and others. It is incompatible with the tariffs of the “All”, “All Inclusive” and family tariff options"Highway."

Enable the option “Internet per day 100 MB” You can use the command ✶ 115 ✶ 111 # or call 0674-093-111.

To connect to the “Internet per day 500 MB” service dial USSD command ✶ 115 ✶ 112 # or call 0674-093-112.

The “Internet for a day” service is renewed automatically every 24 hours from the moment of connection. Don't forget to turn it off when you no longer need it!

Disable “Internet per day 100 MB” The key combination ✶ 115 ✶ 010 # or call 0674-071-700 will help.

To disable “Internet per day 500 MB” dial command ✶ 115 ✶ 020 # or call 0674-717-010.

As you can see, you can extend Beeline Internet speed different ways. I hope that one of them will definitely be useful to you and you can easily restore the Internet speed on your phone, modem or iPad by purchasing additional traffic. Good luck!

Currently, the question is quite relevant: “How to extend the speed on Beeline?” This is exactly what we will touch on in our article. It seems that all Internet users are familiar with the situation when the speed drops to a minimum, and the need to use the Internet at this moment becomes most urgent. What do you need to know in order to protect yourself from such problems?

Remember: a decrease in speed is associated with the consumption of traffic, and therefore there is no point in expecting it to increase in inactivity. Moreover, when you urgently need to go online, you need to act!

First steps

To quickly and reliably extend the speed on Beeline, you can use a USB modem, as well as a regular mobile phone. You just need to know how to do it correctly - everything is in your hands!

First of all, ask what the rest of the traffic is. To do this, dial *102# from your mobile phone. Next, you can begin the procedure for extending Internet traffic. Depending on its cost and volume, you can choose best option, in order to extend the speed on Beeline. These options are selected according to your needs. The company offers several possible solutions, each of which takes into account certain user capabilities.

It should be especially emphasized that when connecting to Highway, traffic extension is possible until the main traffic is activated. However, outside the Russian Federation, the use of the connected package is limited.

Speed ​​1 GB

How to extend the speed of 1 GB? To do this, you need to dial a combination of the following symbols and numbers: *115*121# and press the call button. You can also get an additional 1 GB by dialing 067-409-32-31 from your mobile phone. For activation of the option, an amount of about 100 rubles will be debited from your account balance. Tariffing for the service may vary depending on the package and location of the subscriber.

Speed ​​3 GB

What should you do if you need to extend the speed on Beeline to 3 GB? To activate this option, dial *115*22# from your phone and press the call button or number 067-409-32-22. After connecting the option, an amount of about 200 rubles will be debited from your phone. After these manipulations, the speed will increase in accordance with the received request. More accurate information can be found in the subscriber’s personal account on the “Extend speed” page, photo this application see below.

The speed after renewal depends on your zone, which can range from 236 Kbps (for 2G) to 73 Mbps (4G). However, for a 3G network it varies from 14.4 Mbit/s.

Auto speed renewal

Perhaps this service is rightly considered one of the most useful options Beeline, since the Internet speed drops, as a rule, at inopportune moments! To forget about this problem forever, users can use the “Extend Speed” service and calmly do what they love online, be it business, communicating with friends or a remote (distance) learning system. After connecting this option, the system will connect itself for 15 rubles. packages of 150 MB automatically, immediately after the main traffic is used up.

To plug automatic service, in order to extend the speed on Beeline, it’s quite simple. You just need to dial *115*23#. After this, you will receive an SMS notification that the service has been activated. You can also dial 067471778 to activate the speed extension option, provided you have the required amount of money on your phone account.

Users who have already activated this service have been able to appreciate its benefits and recommend that those involved in distance education or developing own business on the Internet. The possibilities of the Beeline company are indeed limitless, and you need to use the services and options of the provider competently, quickly and rationally.

Attention: to disable “Automatic speed renewal” and eliminate additional, unclaimed traffic, use the command *115*230# or dial 0674717780 from your mobile phone, after which you will not pay for unspent megabytes.

Convenient, right? Good luck to you and I hope our tips on how to extend the speed on Beeline will be very useful.


If you use up a certain traffic limit provided to you by Beeline, the connection speed will immediately noticeably decrease. In this case, your best bet is to simply request an additional traffic package. Some subscribers simply do not know that such a service even exists.

The Internet renewal service is provided to all Internet users. You can send a request from your mobile device or from a computer connected to the Internet via a USB modem. This is very convenient service For active users Internet.

Ways to extend the use of Internet traffic from Beeline

You can always check whether you need to connect additional traffic packages. To do this, simply send a USSD request *102# . You can find out more detailed information regarding how you use the Internet and how much traffic you have left, in any subscriber service center of the company or simply by calling technical support.

If you feel that the remaining Internet traffic will not be enough for you for a long time, then you should use one of the options offered by the company to all users.

Option “Extend Speed” Beeline

The difference between different offers and variations of packages lies in the scope of services provided and their cost. You will always be able to use the Internet at the highest possible speed according to technical specifications local network.

Available to all subscribers different variants purchasing additional Internet traffic packages.

“Extend Speed ​​– 1GB.” To connect this service, you can use USSD command *115*121# or simply contact a specialist at 0674093221. This service paid and worth it 250 rubles. It will be connected instantly after funds are debited from the balance.

“Extend Speed ​​– 4GB.” This service is activated when sending a USSD request *115*22# or by calling the number 0674093222. This service costs 500 rubles, funds must be available on the balance to pay for the package activation. Additional Internet traffic becomes available immediately after the funds are debited.

Attention! These tariffs and activation recommendations are valid for Moscow. To manage these packages in other regions, please contact regional center Beeline customer support or just go to the company’s official website.

The connection speed will always be the maximum possible. Depending on the technical limitations of the local network, speeds will vary from 236Kbps to 75Mbps. The approximate connection speed can be determined by the icon on your mobile device. Nowadays, in some areas of the capital, a 4G connection is available; in most regions of Russia, you can use 3G.

You can also connect to the Highway Internet traffic package. Current Package provided monthly. You should choose the most optimal package traffic and be ready to pay for it every month.

Attention! This package can only be used on site Russian Federation. Abroad use high speed internet becomes impossible.

Option "Automatic speed extension"

If internet connection is an important part for you mobile services, then we recommend that you activate the “automatic speed renewal” service to avoid unexpected speed drops.

The cost of 70MB of Internet traffic is 20 rubles, and the package itself is connected automatically if the main traffic package is exhausted. To connect this service, you need to send a USSD code *115*23# or just call 067471778 – these service management methods are available only to subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Often, Beeline subscribers who use mobile Internet experience situations where traffic runs out. This happens as a result various reasons, there may have been downloading files or watching videos online. If the provided traffic is used up, the speed drops to the minimum level, and using the network becomes very inconvenient. To restore access, you need to extend the speed on Beeline, and the article will describe methods on how to do this.

Auto speed renewal

Today there are several convenient methods on how to extend the Internet speed on Beeline. One of available options serves automatic renewal traffic. Many have this option. tariff offers from the operator, and, as a rule, it is a basic option. With such a service, the client will not need to think about traffic, because after using up the main package, the client will have automatic mode 200 MB will be credited for Internet access. The cost of such a connection is low due to the small amount of traffic and amounts to 20 rubles.

If there is no such option on your tariff, then don’t be upset, because it is very easy and quick to connect. To do this, just use one of the methods:

  1. On your mobile device, enter the request *115*23# and after entering, make a call to send it.
  2. Activation is also carried out by dialing the phone number 067471778. When making a call, charging does not work, which means that no funds will be debited from the balance.
  3. You can also connect to the service in personal account or in mobile application, which serves as an analogue of an office.

The connection is completed in a matter of minutes, and if the service is no longer needed, it can also be quickly disabled. Disabling is carried out by dialing the command *115*230# or by calling 0674717780.

Extend speed 1 GB

You can extend the speed on Beeline by 1 GB of traffic using special service“Extend the speed.” This option allows users to receive 1 GB of Internet, which will work at maximum speeds within the limits of the provided traffic. The cost of activating the service is 100 rubles, and they are written off one-time at the time of activation. The service operates for a month, but if the traffic is spent earlier, the service is automatically deactivated.

To extend the speed on Beeline by 1 GB, you need to use one of the methods for enabling the service:

  1. Call 0674093221. The number is toll-free, so subscribers don’t have to worry about being charged.
  2. Quickly connect additional internet possible via request *151*121#. After entering, you need to make a call and wait for a confirmation SMS.

It is not possible to use this service while roaming. It should also be noted that the cost of using the service may vary depending on the region.

"Extend the speed"

The service “Extend the speed of Beeline 3 GB” is an option similar to that described above. The service is suitable for more active people who go online more often and who need more internet. After activating the service, the client will be credited with traffic in the amount of 3 GB. It is provided on maximum speed, and after it is used up, the access speed drops to a minimum. The option works for a month if the traffic is not spent before this time. The activation cost is 200 rubles.

You can extend the speed on Beeline to a volume of 3 GB using the following methods:

  1. You need to send the code *115*122# on your mobile device. After dialing, the call button is pressed to send the command.
  2. Connection is also possible via toll free number 0674093222.

After connecting, the operator sends incoming message with data on successful activation and traffic accrual. You can quickly connect additional traffic, because the procedure takes only a few minutes. As for this offer, not only the cost, but also the amount of traffic provided may differ in different regions.


As you can see, there are different options that will allow you to extend the speed on Beeline and remain constantly online. You can use the described services not only on mobile phones, the service is available for connection on tablets, modems or routers.