A program where art is made. Collection of the best computer programs for drawing art

Hello everyone, in this tutorial I will tell you how to make such art

What is needed:
1) Adobe Photoshop cs6, you can download
2) Straight arms
3) Photo with which we will work
Let's start:
Step one: photo selection. The photo must be in a minimum resolution of 800x600 so that it can be processed efficiently. I will use this photo

Step two: create a new transparent layer Shift+Ctrl+N
Step three: Let's start outlining the face. Select a regular brush: size 1, hardness 100%, color black.
We put a dot in the place from which we begin to trace.

Hold SHIFT and place a second point; a straight line will be drawn between these points, so make sure that the line runs along the contour of the place that we are tracing. It should look like this:

Step four: Let's start filling.
Select the FILL tool, select the desired part of the photo, press ALT, the eyedropper appears, then fill the selected area. It should look like this:

Decide for yourself whether to outline background objects or not, I did not do this.
Step five: Here comes the most difficult choice, how you will draw the face; if you want to be as close as possible to the real photo, then go back to step 3 and outline the lips and nose.
Or you can make parts of the face using simple lines, this is what I will do. It should look like this: (I changed the skin color because I didn’t like it).

Now the choice is yours, you can leave the black lines, or you can paint them over and emphasize the chin with a darker skin color.
Our art is ready, save the picture and show it off to your friends.
I didn’t try too hard because I was tired.
I hope the article was useful;D

Perhaps you have long wanted to learn how to draw beautifully on your computer. Today there are a lot of programs on the Internet for this. Some are better suited for children, where there are several brushes and a lot of paints, others are better suited for professional photo processing, and others are for creating 3D characters. Which program to choose for drawing art on your PC? In this article I will describe the best software for you.

The ArtRage program was created specifically for creating realistic art drawings using a brush on a computer. Various tools for creating a drawing lie on the palette and are available with a click of the mouse. Among them: watercolor (Watercolor), oil (Oil), palette knife (Palette Knife), roller (Paint Roller), pencil (Pencil), pen (Ink Pen), airbrush (Airbrush), this is very convenient. Based on which instrument is selected, its settings are available to you (dryness, pressure, etc.). You can also observe all the properties of the selected tool in front of you and select, for example, the size of the stroke that needs to be applied.

The editor is perfect for those who want to learn how to paint in watercolors, oils, pastels and other artistic techniques. Users are provided with 2 versions of the editor: Studio and Studio Pro.

The "Pro" version has many additional and advanced features. It offers a Photoshop-compatible filter, scripted recording of a painting, locking changes in the transparency of enhancements and layers, etc. Versions of the ArtRage editor are available at https://www.artrage.com/artrage-4/. When creating pictures in this program, the final image is so high quality that it seems like it was created in a special art studio.

Pixia is a simple raster graphics utility for drawing art on a computer.

Despite its small size, Pixia is designed for drawing art on a computer and does it very well. This is because it is endowed with many functions that are not available in other programs at this level. The editor is considered a lightweight version of a full-fledged graphics editor. Each brush can be customized as you wish, and you can use various graphic objects as a brush.

You can download the Pixia editor from the link http://www.ne.jp/asahi/mighty/knight/download.html. It is distributed free of charge, created by Japanese programmer Isao Maruoka.

Its special feature is plugins that can be found on the Internet. Thus, its functionality can be expanded by adding some filters from Photoshop. The program is easy to learn and has a nice and intuitive interface. Here you can create any graphic file of 10240 x 10240 pixels. The developer claims that Pixia can process as many layers as your RAM can accommodate.

Inkspace - a program for creating artistic illustrations

Inkspace is a free and open source vector editor. It was specially created for editing SVG graphics. The program is equipped with a large arsenal of tools, has great functionality and is one of the most popular programs for drawing and editing vector graphics. Many web developers underestimate vector graphics, although its advantages lie on the surface:

To download the editor, follow the link https://inkscape.org/ru/download/windows/. If you want to learn how to work with graphics in the Inkspace photo editor, then you should use more practice. The program allows the user to convert all raster images into vector ones. Can work with layers, contours, text. Allows you to use various geometric shapes, edit and rotate them.

Artweaver - editor with filters and effects on Windows

If you decide to find a program to draw art on your computer, then Artweaver was created especially for you. This editor is aimed specifically at professionals and amateurs who have access to software like Photoshop, Corel Painter. For an artist there are all the necessary tools - brush, pencil, chalk, various paints, airbrush. You can complete each project in an artistic style, adding different filters, noise, blur. Every unfinished drawing in Photoshop can be finished in Artweaver. If you are interested in this editor, then you can try it by downloading from the link https://www.artweaver.de/de/download.

Advantages over other programs:


  • The editor was developed by German specialists, so the default language is German, you can change it to English. To install Russian, you must install the file yourself.
  • There is no support for layers for formats - PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP.
  • After the first version, the program becomes shareware.

Paint is a multifunctional and simple program to draw colorful art

The very popular graphic editor Paint has survived many versions of the Windows operating system with which it was bundled. The photo editor was included in the latest version of the OS, but remained virtually unchanged. It has all the same familiar tools - pencil, fill, palette, magnifying glass, eraser and various brushes. The most important advantage of the application is its simplicity. The program has 9 different brushes and a KZS color model for the artist to choose from, which is quite enough to create a full-fledged painting. The size of each tool when drawing art can be reduced or increased. Does not support working with layers and transparency.

Using a pencil in Microsoft - Paint

Gimp - a photo editor that will help you illustrate art images

Gimp is my favorite editor, which is in the same “weight category” with such a graphics giant as Adobe Photoshop. But unlike it, it is significantly smaller in size. Gimp is designed to work with raster images and partially supports vector graphics.

Gimp is a multi-purpose program that is used not only for drawing beautiful art on the computer, but also for fully editing photographs. Filters and tools will help improve saturation, color balance, remove various image distortions, change perspective, edit a blocked horizon, crop, remove defects, “revive” blurred detail and much more.

Download the editor on the Russian-language website - http://gimp.ru/download/gimp/.

When you launch the graphic editor, you will see three separate windows, each of them can be resized, they can be stretched or reduced. The editor for drawing art images can be customized to your liking. The artist has many different types of brushes to choose from, and each of them can be edited. Choose the one that suits you best and start working in Gimp.

Graphic editors nowadays are capable of a lot. Using them, you can change a photo by removing anything from it or adding anyone you want. Using a graphic editor, you can make art from an ordinary photograph, and this article will talk about how to make art from a photo in Photoshop.

First, you need to download the program from the link above and install it, which this article will help you with.

Preparing the photo

After installation, you need to open the photo you need. To do this, you need to open the “File” submenu and click on the “Open” button, after which, in the window that appears, you need to select the photo you need.

After this you need to get rid of the background. To do this, create a duplicate layer by dragging the main background onto the “Create a new layer” icon, and fill the main background with white using the “Fill” tool.

Now erase the background using the Eraser tool and apply a layer mask by right-clicking on the mask.


Once the image is ready, it’s time to apply the correction, but before that, create a duplicate of the finished layer by dragging it onto the “Create New Layer” icon. Make the new layer invisible by clicking on the eye next to it.

Now select the visible layer and go to “Image-Adjustments-Threshold”. In the window that appears, set the black and white ratio that best suits the image.

Now remove the invisibility from the copy, and set the opacity to 60%.

Now go back to “Image-Adjustments-Threshold” and add shadows.

Next, you need to merge the layers by selecting them and pressing the “Ctrl+E” key combination. Then we paint the background in the color of the shadow (we roughly match it). And after that we combine the background and the remaining layer. You can also use an eraser to erase unnecessary parts or add black to the parts of the image you need.

Now you need to add color to the image. To do this, you need to open the gradient map, which is located in the drop-down list of the button for creating a new adjustment layer.

By clicking on the color strip, we open the color selection window and select a three-color set there. Afterwards, for each square we select a color.

That’s it, your pop art portrait is ready, you can save it in the format you need by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+S”.

Everyone knows that Adobe Photoshop allows you to create anything you want with photographs and images. Most users resort to using Photoshop only when there is a need to do retouching, correct the skin and face. However, you can also create very interesting and unusual effects for photos. There are many effects and it is impossible to talk about each one. In this article we will figure out how to make art from a photo in Photoshop. Let's get started. Go!

Interesting effects in action

For example, let's take a photograph of a famous actor

The first step is to choose the photo you will work with. Next, create a duplicate layer. Please note that it is always better to work with the duplicate rather than the image itself. Now go to the “Filter” menu and in the list that appears, click “Blur”. Select "Smart blur". In the window that opens, you need to set the desired parameters. In the "Quality" section, select "High" and in the "Mode" section, select "Edge Only". Move the Radius and Threshold sliders to get the desired result. Choose values ​​closer to 8 for Radius and 48 for Threshold.

We set the parameters close to what is shown in the example

The next step is to invert the resulting image. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+I. Now you can turn off the current layer. Create a new one above the layer with the original photo and fill it with white.

Next, create horizontal lines in a separate document. Use the Shift+Ctrl+Alt key combination by pressing the right arrow to copy the line. Copy about 20 or more of them. Combine all the lines together, and then rotate them at an angle of 45 degrees.

The next step is to select a square 100x100 pixels in size and cut out a fragment with lines so that the result is a square completely filled with lines.

Now you need to exactly repeat the last two steps only with the lines inclined in the opposite direction.

Go back to the main document and duplicate the layer, then place it above the white layer. Open the “Image” menu, click “Adjustments” in the pop-up window. Then select Threshold. In the corresponding box, set the level value. It should be close to 118. In principle, you can stop at this step, but let's go further and use the prepared blanks with lines.

Isohelium image correction

Go to the layer style and check the box for “Pattern Overlay”. In the “Blend Mode” section, set it to “Lighteen”. Next, select the striped pattern you created earlier.

The main effect is achieved precisely by the combination of inclined lines

Now we need to convert the layer into a smart object. Right-click on the layer and select “Convert to smart Object”. Set the layer's blending mode to "Multiply".

Create a new duplicate of the original layer, moving it to the top. Apply isohelium to it, overlay the layer and convert it to a smart object similar to the previous steps, only now set the isohelium level to 100 instead of 118, and use a reverse stripe pattern when overlaying the layer. Turn on the layer that you turned off at the very beginning. Ready.

After this you can add some texture. Apply it to the resulting image by overlay, selecting the “Multiply” mode. Adjust the transparency level and your art is ready.

Now let's look at how to make pop art in Photoshop. This is a fairly popular effect that is often used by social network users.

Original photo for pop art

After selecting the photo you want, make a duplicate layer. Open the Filter menu, then go to Artistic and select Cutout. In the parameters window, move the sliders “Number of Levels”, “Edge Simplicity”, “Edge Fidelity” so as to get the desired result.

Move the sliders as desired

The next step is to create another duplicate layer, but this time the one to which you applied the filter. Go to the Filter Gallery, this can be done through the “Filter” menu. Then open the "Sketch" section. There you will find the “Halftone Pattern”, which is exactly what you need. On the right, in the settings block, set “Dot” in the “Pattern Type” item and move the sliders to get the desired look.

Dot size and contrast may vary

Next, set the blending mode to “Overlay”. You can stop at this stage if you are satisfied with the resulting photo. You can also select the original layer, duplicate it and place it above all the others, and then adjust the transparency value based on your own preferences. Ready.

Simple manipulations - new pop art is ready