Public dns server Yandex. Registering addresses on the router

Yandex.DNS, what is it?

This is a service that allows you to block access to sites with dangerous content, and also blocks sites with content for persons over 18 years of age.

After a detailed study, we can highlight the following interesting features:

  1. the service regularly updates databases of sites with malicious content;
  2. thanks to this, your computer will be well protected from viruses when visiting sites on the Internet;
  3. additionally protects children from viewing sites with adult content;
  4. Quite simple connection. It consists of changing the DNS on a PC or other device that is connected to the Internet. And most importantly, there is no need to install additional applications.

For example, if all devices are connected via wireless access Wi-Fi hotspot, then in the settings on the router itself, you need to change the DNS addresses to those provided by the service. After this, all devices that connect to this point will be protected from any bad sites.

Well, if the Internet is connected directly to the computer, then all settings are changed directly on this PC. All these actions are performed quite simply and further, we will consider each option in detail.

First, you need to visit the website of this service, which is located at: Here we see three columns with DNS addresses, for different levels of filtering. We choose the one that suits us. If you select one of the three provided filters, the level of protection provided by the service will be shown at the top.

Another pretty one interesting feature, Yandex releases own firmware(update) for Wi-Fi router ov, where everything is already there necessary settings. IN this moment DNS from Yandex is preinstalled on D-Link routers DIR-615 / DIR-620 and ZyXEL Keenetic series. In the near future, firmware is expected for other models and manufacturers of routers. Although, it is most reliable to change the settings manually; it is not difficult, but it is much safer.

  • - simple DNS, without filtering, but at high speed.
  • - blocking access to sites with dangerous content and scam sites.
  • - in addition to dangerous resources, it also blocks sites with erotic content.

Setting up Yandex.DNS on your computer

When you have only one PC and it is connected to the Internet using a twisted pair (cable), or you want to protect only specific computer, you must specify new address DNS configured network connection. Take a look at the notification panel, there will be an Internet icon there. Click on it right click and open the section with the following name: “Control Center shared access and networks."

You need to open “Change adapter settings”.

Then look, depending on your connection type you need to do the following:

- you are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi - open properties wireless connections(right click on the shortcut and select “Properties”);

- the computer is connected to the Internet using twisted pair - go to the properties of local connections.

In these properties, you need to select the TCP/IPv4 protocol from the list and click on the properties button. Now check the box next to “Use the following DNS server addresses.” Enter the “Preferred DNS” field by typing the new address from Yandex.DNS and click the “OK” button, then “OK” again.

That's it, your computer is now protected from sites with dangerous content.

Setting up Yandex.DNS on a smartphone

Many mobile devices(especially those running Android OS) allow you to change and configure DNS settings. For example, let's look at how to do this on HTC One V, it has a mobile operating system installed Android system, version 4.0.

And so, we need to go to settings Wi-Fi connections. Find the access point there that works this device, press and hold it. A menu will open, in it you need to click “Change network”. There will be an item “Advanced options”, put a “checkbox” next to it and scroll down. Click on “DHCP”, then select “Static”.

Scroll down to the “DNS 1” item. Here we enter the DNS from Yandex that you need and then click “Save.

Ready! Your phone is protected.

Configuring Yandex.DNS on a wireless Wi-Fi adapter

There is nothing complicated. As an example, we will have TP-Link router TL-WR843N. In the browser, in the address bar, you need to type: You will be transferred to the admin panel of the Wi-Fi router. In case of an error that does not allow you to enter the settings, look at the address at the bottom of the router - yours may be different. Now you need to enter the data in the lines for login and password. If you haven’t changed it since you purchased the router, the default login information will be “admin” and “admin”. After authorization, open the “Network” - “WAN” tab.

Next to “Use These DNS Servers” we put a tick, and in the field next to “Primary DNS” we enter the desired DNS from Yandex. In the line below, next to “Secondary DNS,” you can specify an additional, second address from Yandex, or you can leave this field empty. It’s important that other DNS are already indicated there, so it’s best to write them down somewhere in case you want to return everything back.

The router setup is complete! It's better to reboot your Wi-Fi router now. But in principle, everything should work like that, right away.

In order to stop using Yandex.DNS, you need to go to the settings on the router itself and uncheck the box next to “Use These DNS Servers” (the “Network” - “WAN” tab), and erase the registered addresses from Yandex. If before this, other DNS were indicated there and you wrote them down, then you need to enter them again in the required fields.

The main feature of this setting is wireless point Wi-Fi access consists of the fact that blocking of unwanted sites will occur on all computers and other devices connected to the point.

Checking the operation of Yandex.DNS

You can check this quite simply. Try to visit some bad site, or if you have chosen a DNS that blocks sites with adult content, go to a site with an adult theme. If everything works, you will see a message like this instead of the site.

This feature is primarily intended to restrict access certain groups users to certain resources. Since such a tool is not provided in Yandex.Browser, disabling it causes some difficulties for users. In fact, turning off parental controls is quite simple if you use the DNS settings.

Turning off DNS settings

Caring parents, in order to protect their child from access to certain resources, often use this method, but, as you know, the coin has two sides. Since this function works using only a list of safe sites, you may lose access to some necessary resources that are not included in this list.

Essentially, DNS servers are a kind of filters through which everything passes search queries. If the site does not meet security requirements, access it information content will not work.

The DNS server can operate in two different modes. In the first case, access to resources that may be infected with virus software or to sites created for the purpose of fraud is limited. They have addresses: or In the second, content intended for adult users is blocked. Addresses: and

Despite the fact that the mode is often turned on parental controls can significantly speed up logging into some resources; you may lose access to certain sites you need if the filter deems them insufficiently protected.

In order to disable this tool, you will need to change the router settings or directly specify other connection settings in Windows.

Method 1: Disabling DNS in different Windows operating systems

First of all, you need to decide which version of Windows you are using. Depending on it, the transition to network settings will differ.

For Windows 10, the procedure is as follows:

In Windows 7, you can go to the required section by performing the following sequence of actions:

The further description will be identical regardless of the OS version used.

Disabling DNS in the router

Parental controls can also be set using the router. In this case, it will be much more difficult to disable it, since its settings also differ depending on the device model. After reading the operating instructions for the router, you will need to disable the mode "Safe" or "Family" to restore access to all sites.

Method 2: Change search parameters

If you previously had settings on your computer certain settings browser, you may not only lose the opportunity to access this or that resource, but also stop receiving information from search results Yandex. You can disable these options as follows:

By changing the search filter type, you can once again receive necessary information from search results. Don't forget to enable cookies saving mode if you don't want the changes to be returned to original state after restarting the browser.

Changing the hosts file instead of working with DNS settings

If all the changes made did not bring the desired results, and you still cannot get to the required resource, you will have to make changes to the hosts file. Filters for this system file have a significantly higher priority than any others, which means that if access to sites was blocked with its help, then no change in DNS will do anything.

In order to be able to edit this file, you will need to log in as an administrator, and then perform the following sequence of actions:

Having done these not complex actions, you will again be able to regain access to certain content in the Yandex browser. The most difficult thing when turning off parental controls is identifying how they were previously configured, after which solving the problem only takes a few minutes.

Good day. As you might guess from the title, today we will look at a fairly simple but effective protection against pornographic and fraudulent sites. Why DNS? Because it’s very simple, and if you have a router installed, you can extend its action to your entire home network at once. But first, let's figure out what kind of beast this is and how it works.

We find desired item in the menu and enter the following addresses, depending on the selected work profile:

  • Basic: and
  • Secure: and
  • Family: and

I will show an example at basic profile, but for most users I recommend using “Safe”, and if you have children at home, “Family”.

It's best to set this up on your router.

If you want to set up only one computer or you don’t yet have a router and home local network, then let's take a different path. In the tray, click on the “Network” icon right key and select “Network and Sharing Center”.

Click on main network adapter, this will open the page current state and statistics.

Opening properties

In my childhood, to prevent their children from falling into “bad company,” many parents left their children to sit at home. It was more reliable this way: on TV there were only “correct” films, and in the newspapers there was nothing superfluous. Now times have changed, most children cannot be kicked out into the street, everyone sits at home in front of their computers. But the current gatherings do not at all guarantee that children will not fall under the influence of “bad company.” After all, at home there is the Internet, which contains a lot of things that I, in particular, want to protect my children from.

How to protect children from unnecessary information

There are many options, for example, you can stand behind your back and see who is visiting which sites :-). But no matter how funny it may look, this method is completely impossible to implement when you are not at home. And I know of cases where mothers took computer power cords with them to work, in the hope that the child would not be able to use them. And in this regard, one question arises: why buy a computer for home if you don’t let your child use it? After all, it’s enough to configure it correctly and you won’t have anything to worry about.

Parental control

One option for filtering Internet content is to use the “parental control” functions that are built into many antivirus tools, for example Kaspersky Internet Security for all devices. Or, you can purchase a separate specialized software, which will limit visits to resources harmful to children.

Secure DNS servers

However, the simplest, free and effective solution would be to use special DNS servers, which simply will not allow your computer to connect to an unnecessary site. By default, your computer automatically receives your ISP's DNS servers or public DNS servers, which do not perform any filtering. Which, in principle, is correct, because they do their job - they provide information about the compliance of the domain name and real address server.
But since the DNS server is not only hardware, but also software, it is easy to reconfigure it so that the server does not issue IP addresses for “harmful” sites to your computer, as if these sites do not exist.
This task is for regular user is sometimes insoluble, and the problem of filtering the Internet in order to protect children from unnecessary information, is growing every day. Therefore, several companies opened a public free access to their DNS servers, which use child filters.

Secure DNS Yandex

Yandex.DNS is a Yandex company service for protection home network. This is a free DNS service that works in three modes:

  • Basic mode. When using this address, no resources are blocked (no filtering mode).
  • Safe mode. When using this address, websites that may be potentially dangerous for the User, such as infected ones, are blocked malicious code or distributing malicious files, as well as websites that have signs of being fraudulent (presumably created to extort money, steal passwords and other personal data, etc.).
  • Family mode. “Safe Mode” functionality + websites with pornographic and/or erotic content are blocked (including links to other resources of similar content or topics).

Yandex.DNS IP addresses

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS

Secure DNS Norton

Norton DNS is an Internet service from Symantec Corporation that provides public DNS servers for public use:

  • With blocking of malicious sites (Security (malware, phishing sites and scam sites))
  • With blocking of malicious sites and adult sites (Security + Pornography)
  • With blocking of malicious sites, sites for adults and sites that distribute files (Security + Pornography + Non-Family Friendly)

    Norton DNS IP addresses

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS
Security + Pornography
Security + Pornography + Non-Family Friendly

Secure DNS Comodo

Comodo Secure DNS is a service from Comodo, within which the Comodo Group provides DNS servers free of charge. This DNS solution is an alternative to DNS servers offered by your ISP. The idea is that all DNS requests will go through Comodo servers, where malicious sites will be filtered.
As a leading solution provider in the field computer security Comodo is acutely aware of the possible dangers on the Internet. SecureDNS checks in real time a blacklist of harmful sites (phishing sites, malicious sites, spy sites, and sites that contain excessive amounts of advertising, including pop-up messages, etc.), and will warn you when you try to access the site with potentially dangerous content.

IP addresses Comodo SecureDNS

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS

Secure SkyDNS

SkyDNS is a Russian cloud Internet service that provides content filtering services. The service operates both free and offers commercial products for individuals, organizations, educational institutions and telecom operators.
In free anonymous mode, the service blocks phishing sites and malicious sites with malware, viruses and Trojans. In the authorization mode, you are given the opportunity to independently manage and select categories of sites to which access is blocked.

SkyDNS IP addresses

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS

Whose DNS service is better?

I think there is no perfect service. But in order not to lose speed, you should choose those servers that are located closer to you. For residents of Russia, these are Yandex.DNS and SkyDNS.

The best way is to check the speed of DNS servers using the method described in this article -

How to set up DNS on your computer

in order to change DNS settings, or rather, to force the operating system (computer) to use secure DNS servers in Windows 7, you need to go to Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork Connections and select your network adapter.

In the next window, click the “Properties” button

Next, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” from the list and click the “Properties” button.

Write down the IP addresses of the desired DNS servers. And click "OK" in all windows.

In others Windows versions we do it by analogy.

How to find out and where to see the DNS servers used

To find out which DNS servers are used by the operating system, run the following commands in the console:

Ipconfig /all

Check that the values ​​match your settings.

Next, it is advisable to reset the cache DNS operating systems.

Ipconfig /flushdns

Setting up a home router

If there are several computers at home and they all connect to the Internet through a router, then there is no point in setting up each of them. Moreover, children can get rid of your “concern” by returning the DNS settings to default values. It is better to configure your home router to use secure DNS. Then all devices on your home network, be it a computer or a tablet, will automatically use secure DNS.
There are a great variety of router models. The settings for each of them are individual, and are given in the article detailed instructions for each of them is not possible. In general, you should configure the distribution of DNS server addresses to clients on your home network so that they receive secure DNS data.
In my router it looks like this:


May our children have a happy childhood.

To make the Internet more secure, the Yandex search engine constantly checks sites for viruses, phishing and other fraud. Today we will tell you how to protect your computer from Internet dangers using Yandex DNS servers.

Modern network technologies allow you to make browsing the Internet safe, without even resorting to installation specialized programs. By using special settings A network connection can create a safe Internet for children and the whole family, as well as protect your computer from the dangers that lie in wait for it on the Internet. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to use special Yandex DNS servers to visit sites. Let's talk about this today.

Browser every time you enter address bar The site's URL resolves it to an IP address using DNS servers. When using the Yandex.DNS service, the browser simply will not open dangerous sites; instead, it will show you only safe resources that have been verified by the same name. search engine. There are a number of servers with different levels security of access for the user.

  • Basic – the simplest from a security point of view
  • Safe - the name speaks for itself
  • Yandex Family DNS - the most secure server

Description of Yandex DNS servers

The first service from the list above is basic, its IP addresses are and U of this server The content (site) filtering function is completely disabled. However, this does not mean that it is useless for the user. Different servers Yandex are located in different regions of Russia, so using DNS data you can try to increase Internet speed (as written in).

The second service is safe, its server addresses are and Using DNS data, the user will be able to view only those sites that have been fully crawled antivirus scanner Yandex company. In addition, all sites that can be visited using these servers are checked for phishing and fraud by their owners. In other words, DNS data provides safe use Internet.

And finally, the third service is called “Family”, its addresses are and These servers not only have all the properties of the “Safe” service, but also perform the function of parental control and protect children from viewing inappropriate content(adult content).

All of the Yandex servers described above are available completely free of charge for use.

Setting up DNS Yandex. Browsing the Internet in Safe Mode

In order to use Yandex servers and protect your computer when visiting Internet sites, you need to configure operating system, or router, if used. Windows Settings 7, Vista and Windows 8 are practically no different, except by opening the “View Network Status” window. We have already written on our website how to configure the network to use the secure Internet in Windows 8. Therefore, today we will analyze this action using the example of seven.

So, click on the “Start” button and in the main window that opens Windows menu go to “Control Panel”.

In the newly opened dialog box, go to the connection properties by clicking on “Properties”. Next, in the list of components, find and highlight the line “Internet Protocol Version 4” and click on the “Properties” button again.

In the protocol properties, activate the radio button “Use the following DNS server addresses” and enter the addresses of one of the three services described above. In our example, we entered the addresses of the servers in the most secure mode, that is, family dns yandex. Check the “Confirm settings on exit” checkbox and click “Ok”.

Close everything open windows and restart your computer. That's all, now, when you log in and try to open any site that does not meet the Yandex security policy (contains viruses, adult content, fraudulent, etc.), you will not succeed. Use the Internet in safe mode!