SEO in simple words. Selection of requests

But promotion for high-frequency queries seems problematic? Try differently. Use promotion for low-frequency queries, and low frequency traffic will greatly surprise you: it will come faster, it will be higher, and the competition will be lower. But “how is this so?” and “what’s the catch?” - I’ll tell you more now.

High and low frequency queries

Imagine a huge apple tree, at the top of which there are overgrown apples (high-frequency queries), and at the bottom everything is strewn with fallen smaller apples (low-frequency queries). At the top, the apples are large, beautiful, not always tasty, but they are in great demand. Many people climb to the top of the tree for the biggest apple and fight for it. At the same time, not the largest, but ripe and tasty apples grow at the foot in huge quantities, and no one fights for them. Your task: to get as much apple mass (entire SEO traffic) as possible.

What will you choose?

  1. Collect a full bag of smaller apples.
  2. Fight for the biggest apple.

The most interesting thing is that choosing the first point does not mean that you have given up and are not going to fight for the top of the tree and the biggest apples. You simply take time to prepare for the battle with competitors, and the more low-frequency queries you collect, the easier it will be for you to get a place in the TOP.

What queries are considered low frequency?

Low-frequency queries most often describe a specific need. Here examples of low frequency queries:

  1. buy a toyota rav4 2011 car in moscow
  2. children's center Moscow VDNKh wool felting
  3. kate upton carls junior commercial

Therefore, unlike high-frequency queries, low-frequency ones may convert better, since a page tailored for a low-frequency query is more likely to give the visitor a useful result.

Promotion for low-frequency queries

Low-frequency queries are unpretentious: they do not need to be enriched with external links, you need to simply and informatively give an answer to an accurate low-frequency search query. If the answer is useful, the site page dedicated to this low-frequency query will quickly appear in other search engines, receive it, and it can be transferred to other pages of the site that are more difficult to promote, for example, for mid-frequency queries.

There are practically no problems with how to promote low-frequency queries. Low frequency queries promote themselves and help promote the entire site as a whole, forming a solid foundation and the basis of the site’s semantics. Low-frequency queries allow you to reach widely and thereby attract more traffic to a larger number. Large keyword coverage- important, which can affect the promotion of all pages of the site in search by saturating the topic with keywords.

Selection of low-frequency queries

How to select low-frequency queries? Fully! All low frequency queries you can find, up to 1 impression per month. Why? Because the Internet is actively developing, and if now low-frequency queries are searched 10 times a month, then in six months they may start searching 100 times a month. Although the point is not even in impressions for low-frequency key queries, but in semantics, as I wrote above. And another thing is that every key request is a question, and if YOU don’t answer the question, YOUR COMPETITOR will answer.

How many low-frequency queries are there? The more requests you collect, the better. The more requests are reflected on the site, the more low-frequency traffic there will be and the faster the promotion of mid-range and high-frequency requests will go.

Advantages of website promotion for low frequency queries

Since the coverage of low frequency key queries occurs gradually, costs and results can be clearly assessed and planned. Moreover, the result of promotion for low frequency queries is the most stable among all promotion methods. Such sites are the hardest to compete with.

In order to promote a website for low-frequency queries, it is enough to regularly and methodically describe low-frequency queries on the website. How? Create, answer questions from the audience. In parallel with creating content, plan. Even a beginner can engage in website promotion with low frequency queries; this is the easiest way in “combat conditions” to understand how search engines work, without going broke and without losing what has already been accumulated.

Promotion of low-frequency queries is the biggest advantage of such promotion - the absence of regression. YES! Content is not purchased links; it will not disappear after you stop paying. It will stay with you and continue to drive traffic. In fact, low frequency promotion is a win-win option if the specifics of your work and subject matter allow you to work with low frequency requests.

What's the result?

  1. Low competition for targeted queries.
  2. High conversion to .
  3. Ease of advancement even for a beginner.
  4. Wide coverage of key queries and target audience.
  5. Stable growth of positions and traffic.
  6. Accurate planning of promotion expenses.
  7. High frequency of site indexing due to development.

Do you promote your website using low frequency queries?

Good afternoon, dear users of the Golden Surfer blog. In today's article I will try to describe what SEO and keywords are. SEO is an integral part of the website creation process. Now let's find out what SEO is.

What is SEO optimization and what is it used for?

SEO - (search engine optimization) is a set of measures to increase the site’s position in search engine results for certain user requests. SEO optimization is divided into two types: and External optimization. Typically, the better optimized a site is, the higher the position in search results, and the more interested visitors come to it from search engines. That is, SEO is optimization. But I prefer to call this event exactly: SEO optimization, and you will find out why by reading the article to the end.

Selection of keywords or one of the SEO optimization activities.

Keywords - these are words or phrases that users search for through search engines by typing them in the search bar. In SEO or search engine optimization, it is these words that search robots use to find the sites they need.

It is important to be able to correctly find and apply exactly those keywords (also called keywords) that are suitable for your site.
Keywords can be divided into three large groups:

  • High frequency (HF)
  • Midrange (MF)
  • Low frequency (LF)

Word frequency - this is an indicator of the number of requests for a given keyword per month. That is, the number of users who searched for a certain word or phrase.

Why do webmasters need keywords when performing SEO optimization?

Here, everything is very simple and clear, the Webmaster creates a page for site visitors to view, and to attract them to this page after moving from a search engine, he uses keywords. Moreover, he does not use the first words that come to his mind, but makes a special selection, otherwise his site will not be included in a search query. The activity of compiling and selecting keywords for all pages of the site is called compiling the semantic core of the site.

In addition to selecting special page keywords, you need to understand such a concept as keyword density (keyword ratio, keyword density, keyword weight) - an indicator that takes into account how many times a keyword appears in a certain amount of text on one page of the site. It is defined as the ratio of a given keyword (phrase) to the total number of indexed words in the document and is expressed as a percentage.
Compiling the semantic core of a website is a very long and painstaking process, but these activities must be carried out if you want your business on the website to grow and prosper.

Drawing up a semantic core.

For example, let's look at searching and selecting keywords for a page called .
To find the keywords for this topic, we will use a special service that the Yandex search engine provides us: Keyword Statistics ()

As you can see in the image in the field: Key words and phrases, I entered the phrase - CMS WordPress, entered the captcha and pressed the " Publish «.
As a result of these simple actions, we get the following query statistics result:

The result is quite deplorable: 4 analogues with the phrase..., naturally, such keywords are not suitable for us. Let's make a request for a broader topic that will have more keywords: WordPress

For this request, the service gave us 40 pages with 50 key phrases on each, there is plenty to choose from! But I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that you should not select the most popular key phrases - the competition for them is much higher than for other phrases.
Let's start with the selection. First, let's determine which of these are high-frequency (HF) requests, which are mid-frequency (MF), and which are low-frequency (LF). I do it this way: I look at the phrase with the maximum number of impressions per month: this is wordpress - 429,302 impressions (hundreds of thousands of impressions). If we count from hundreds of thousands to tens, we get six groups and divide these six groups into three request frequencies.
High frequency queries - in my case, this is hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands (with impressions from 429,302 to 10,000).
Mid-frequency queries - these are tens of thousands and thousands (with impressions from 10,000 to 1,000).
Low frequency queries - these are hundreds and tens (with impressions from 1000 to 1).
You probably ask which of the HF, MF, LF requests to choose? Yes, everything is very simple: half (in our example it’s three) of the high-frequency ones to concentrate the search engine on this particular topic, 3 more mid-frequency ones and about 3 - 4 low-frequency ones.
Only, there is one “BUT”, the wordstat service, when typing a key phrase, does not show the exact number of users who searched for this phrase, but the number of impressions of this phrase by a search engine per month. To determine the exact number of users who typed the phrase (for example, let it be - cms wordpress), you need to resort to the attributes “!” - exact occurrence of the phrase. This is done like this: “!cms!wordpress”

If these key phrases are not in your content, the search engine will not return the page in the first search lines, and may count it as spamming. So, if you do not use certain keywords from the query in context, it is better to skip them. And install 15 pieces that you have in the text.
And most importantly, in addition to key phrases from the context, be sure to use a territorial keyword, for example: Moscow or buy in Moscow. Your page with such a keyword will definitely appear in the first positions of the search engine if the user specifies where to look for the typed phrase geographically.

Good afternoon One of the important questions that worries many minds of humanity is what are articles for search queries? Or as they also ask: “How to write correctly?” I won’t reinvent the wheel, copy Wikipedia and other scientific treatises where you’ll “break your head” until you figure it out, but I’ll tell you in simple folk words. We are simple people, not proud!

All these questions come down to one thing - the correct placement of keywords in the text. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article. External links to the article, its announcements on social media. networks and blogs, anchors and other sweets - all this relates to general SEO optimization, our goal is keywords in the text!

Selection of keywords for SEO text

First of all, when you start writing SEO text, you need to choose these keywords correctly so that they are relevant to the article itself (corresponding to the topic and meaning of the text) and people type them in the Yandex and Google search engines. The first one is clear, but to check their popularity in search engines, go to Wordstat Yandex (a word selection service from Yandex).

I will tell you using my own examples, which are quite effective and have been developed through my long experiments. The role of the “test subject” will be an article from my blog - a database of trust sites 2014, which is already in the top 10 of Yandex and Google, thanks to competent SEO optimization.

In Wordstat, you can use various operators when selecting words (", +, ! and others"), but the best option is to enclose the phrase in quotation marks with exclamation marks before each word and preposition. This will show that it is precisely this word or phrase that users type in search engines unchanged and without additional words (see screenshot).

1. This is how we enter operators. As you can see, this request gets 77 users per month, a good LF (low-frequency request). Let me remind you, in my understanding: LF - up to 1000 impressions, MF - 1000-5000, HF - over 5000. If the site for it reaches the top 10, then divide 77 by 30 (the number of days in a month), approximately 2-3 people will visit your site using it per day, I looked at my Yandex.Metrica statistics - sometimes more than 7 people. Search engines have their own concepts of life, which are classified as “secret” and we will never understand them!

2. 524 impressions are indicated, here it is not the exactly typed phrase that is taken into account - the database of trust sites, but in various word forms, forms diluted with words, etc., when you click on ( 2 ) see ( 3 ). This also has a positive impact on SEO optimization and promotion for this modified query, which can bring even more visitors. The main thing is that in the first option ( 1 ) there have already been at least 50 impressions, and preferably 100 impressions, which will definitely ensure the arrival of visitors when the request hits the top 10.

The ideal option for promoting a keyword is its request of 100-2000 per month. This way it will be faster to promote it in search engines, at the same time, it is also advisable to take into account its competitiveness, that is, which sites for a given search query are in the top 10, cooler than your site or not, is it possible to leave them behind, you need to analyze and evaluate your possibilities.

Competent SEO text optimization

Now let's start distributing keywords throughout the SEO text. In the title of the article (H1) the key must be required, preferably in the exact occurrence, but the case can be changed, and it is undesirable to dilute with words and punctuation marks. It is better to make the title attractive to people.

They usually write on the Internet that there should be 3-7% of keywords in an article. Who needs it, who will count it? Almost nobody! Well, if you count and compare with the standard amount of their use by webmasters, the number agrees - it’s about 3-5 keywords per 2000 characters of text, excluding headings and meta tags. In this case, it is desirable to have 2 exact occurrences, the rest in morphological and diluted form.

Where exactly should I use keywords for SEO optimization of an article? I advise you to insert keys like I did, because after publication, some of my articles immediately broke into the top 30-50, and a few days later reached the top 10:

  • In headings H1, H2, and possibly in H3 if the article is long enough.
  • In the first and last paragraph. You can start an SEO text with a key, but it should not be at the beginning of the first sentence, but better in the middle or end; I also often insert it into the 2nd or 3rd sentence (it doesn’t matter where you insert it). You cannot put the key in the very last sentence of the article, preferably somewhere at the beginning of the last paragraph.
  • Strictly observe the uniform distribution of keywords in the text. Let them be at a distance from each other through several sentences (1-3), but not in a row.
  • At the beginning of the article or another place, you can highlight the keyword once in bold, the main thing is that it has an increased emphasis, it has the main meaning of the sentence. It will look natural in the eyes of the ubiquitous search engines. I don’t recommend highlighting it in bold more than twice; search engines don’t really like this, and lately webmasters have stopped highlighting keys altogether.

Use structured lists in your article; search robots love it and it’s good for SEO optimization. They can also successfully use a keyword.

Look at the screenshots of my article that I wrote about above. The keys are highlighted in red.

As you can see: 4 keys in an article for 2007 characters without spaces, excluding the title and meta tags. The main thing is not to overdo it with keywords, otherwise you can get filters for spam from our beloved search engines. SEO text should be natural and easy to read, that is, for people, not for robots.

Filling out meta tags for SEO optimization of an article

This is a mandatory process for effective SEO optimization, which helps search engines find your website pages faster and rank them higher in search results; in fact, meta tags are created specifically for robots. Keywords play a very important role here; after filling out the meta tags, search engines will see them, so it is also necessary to insert them correctly.

Many webmasters have the All in One SEO Pack plugin or a similar one, which creates fields for filling in meta tags: title, description, keywords:

  • Title is the title of the article; people will see it in search when typing the corresponding search query and, of course, scan it by robots. It is necessary to include the key in it, I advise - in the exact entry and especially without unnecessary water, only specifics.
  • Description - a short description of what the article is about. Here it is better to use the keyword in the first sentence or at the beginning of the 2nd.
  • Keywords - it’s better not to include many keys, 1-3 are enough, the main key and the corresponding ones from the article.
  • Alt - this meta tag is filled in images (pictures). The keyword needs to be written, I do this, only in Latin, but if it consists of several words, then between them put a choice of 2 characters: dash (-), subdivision (_), parentheses are not needed, of course. The title can be written in any way or left completely blank; this does not matter for SEO optimization.

Pay attention to the screenshots - the keyword is underlined in red.

This is how keywords are placed in SEO text. Don’t forget that the keys must be relevant to the article, which can be checked in various services, for example MegaIndex. SEO text optimization is the most important component of website promotion; if the keys are placed incorrectly, all your efforts will be doomed to failure! I hope this article will help you in the fight for the “gold” of the top. Good luck!

P.S. A case from my practice copywriter . Once, a customer gave me a technical specification (specifications) to write an article for the main page of a website (web studio for creating and promoting websites). Had to use it 25 keywords per 4000 characters of text and, at the same time, the keys consisted of almost the same words, the kind of spam the world has never seen!

I had to tinker for a long time to give the text a marketable appearance, but soon the article was ready. I was working at the stock exchange then. The customer accepted the article, but as I later found out, he gave it a low rating and explained that there was a lot of spam. I apologize, why the hell did you then indicate so many almost identical keys in the technical specification, because of which even the last asshole will understand that spam is guaranteed! So understand the logic of such people, sorry, asshole!

That is, you need to establish for yourself exactly how search queries are composed by those categories of people whom it is desirable to see as not just visitors, but future clients.

To help people who are just starting to master the difficult business of advertising understand this difficult issue, SEO specialists have conducted a lot of research and analyzed their results. As a result, they divided all search queries for specific types, and all existing types of advertising - according to their effectiveness - into classes and groups. In this analysis, they focused not only on people who in the future will look for something on the Internet, but also on the technology of search engines.

Since search engine robots, in order to fully find relevant data in response to a request, group and analyze search keywords in accordance with embedded programs, it is extremely important to determine the most optimal, “golden” keywords. Such golden words can be considered those that answer the request as fully as possible, which will make the site visited, that is, cost-effective and profitable.

SEO specialists classified search queries into groups (types):

  • Motive or purpose of search: Information requests; Navigation queries; Transactional requests (the most competitive, their goal is to perform a specific action on the site); Multimedia queries (video, audio, illustrations, diagrams).
    It was not possible to classify the remaining search queries in accordance with the above catalog, since they are practically addressless and the search need is not determined.
  • Search query frequency: Low frequency keywords (LF); Mid-frequency requests (MF); High frequency (HF).
    Each category has its own frequency of requests. Sometimes >300 is HF.
  • Precision of wording: Exact queries (clear); Imprecise queries (vague, verbose).
    If the search query is not well thought out, the robots respond with a set of sites with a topic that is not clearly defined, or with incorrect tags, or that are a thematic vinaigrette, and the person has to write the search query again, more specifically.
  • Competition of words: low-competition keywords (NK); Highly competitive (HC).
    Keywords that are in the top ten, that is, used by nine out of ten people when composing a search query, become a guarantee of demand, and therefore profitability, that is, high competitiveness of the site.
  • Price policy: Expensive clicks/impressions; Cheap impressions
    The cost of an impression (click) in the most popular contextual advertising systems Yandex and Google. In these search engines, the price for advertising clicks is high, but it guarantees good conversion, while the low price of RF, which is offered by other, less popular search engines, forces the SEO optimizer to correlate the implementation of advertising campaigns with the allocated financial capabilities.

In accordance with this, you have to adhere to a monthly budget:

  • High total budget per request per month;
  • Low total monthly budget.

So, when classifying keywords, 4 main groups are distinguished.

Programmers who solve the problem of creating SDL (sites for people) are required to know and take into account these main groups and their characteristics. This is especially important for those who make money through Google Adsence.

Classification by search query language and its characteristics:

  • English - seo optimization;
  • Russian - SEO optimization;
  • Related languages ​​– (Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.) - optimization;
  • Translit - seo optimizacija;
  • Slangs and jargons - SEO specialist, dora, etc.;
  • Grammatically correct and typographical errors;
  • Combination of languages ​​RU-EN.

Queries that combine the characteristics of the main classes are considered separately. This is extremely important when doing SEO on your own.

By geographic attributes (toponyms) or identifiers of geographic objects:

  • Key queries with toponyms;
  • Keywords without toponyms.

The list of types and classes of toponyms is quite extensive, so we will name the main ones:

  • Astyonyms - the presence of a name in the city request;
  • Urbanonym - the presence of a name in the request for an intracity object;
  • Godonym - the presence of a name in the street request;
  • Oikonym - the presence of a name in the query for populated places.

Geo-dependency of the search phrase: Geo-dependent (different results); Geo-independent (the output is the same for any region).

By request syntax: Standard requests; Searching for citations, checking for plagiarism, or using search operators and search engine syntax: the most expensive keywords.

When assessing traffic from search engines, it must be taken into account that it may at times be due to a sharply increased number of specific phrases.

Classification by stages of problem solving:

  • Awareness of the problem;
  • Finding a solution to the problem;
  • Selecting a product/solution/service and reviews about them.

Search queries by relevance or consistency: Constant – regardless of extraneous indicators, query statistics are stable; Seasonal – characterized by ups and downs of requests for certain topics in accordance with external characteristics, for example, by time of year.

Increases in interests in connection with some important, significant event: Predictable; Unpredictable.

Classification by number of words: Single-word queries; Multi-word queries consisting of several words or a phrase.

If you need to improve your selling qualities, create or promote a website, then contact us through the online application form, by phone - (495) 661-4026 or by e-mail - to(at)gonka(dot)ru.

Does Yandex show the real frequency of search queries?

A popular misconception: many optimizers themselves believe in this, many know that this is not so, but do not explain it to customers - and they are not eager to figure it out. It is believed that website promotion is a service similar to a taxi: if you pay, you take it. This is not true at all, the difference from the taxi analogy is that

A website is a continuation of client business communications on the Internet.

Although there is an interesting point in this analogy: it would be nice to make sure that the taxi driver understood exactly where to go. The same is true with the selection of queries.

So, the query selection service was originally created for the contextual advertising system, so it displays the number of impressions of an advertisement in the system. Of course, there is a connection with the search queries of Yandex visitors, but not at all in the form that most users imagine.

Let's consider an example, the request “effective website” in the subject of website promotion.

Based on the figure indicated on the right, most optimizers will classify it as a mid-frequency, good query. At the same time, by clicking on the “Help” button in the upper right corner of the wordstat system, we see an interesting thing that allows us to better understand the essence of how this service works:

Operator ""(quotes). Allows you to take into account impressions only for this word (phrase) and all its word forms in the calculation, and not take into account impressions for queries containing a phrase with a given word. For example, when requesting “fireplace”, impressions for the words “fireplace”, “fireplace”, etc. will be taken into account, but not for the phrase “fireplace grate”.

Operator "!". Allows you to take into account words in the query exactly in the specified spelling. Can be used to exclude unnecessary forms when calculating statistics (for example, cue -! cue or! cue).

Wow! It turns out that when we entered the query “effective site,” Yandex actually calculated for us the number of ad impressions in the contextual advertising system, and not at all the number of user search queries. But by adding the “quote” operator, you can get more real data from the service:

Those. The frequency of queries specifically for the specified phrase, with all its word forms, is much less than 1960, in fact only 42! But this is not the end, let's add one more operator "!" to find out how many times users request the exact phrase, in this form:

The service response is only 34. That is. per month, only 34 users write this request in Yandex, and they are in some way distributed across the entire search results, so we can confidently assume that no more than 5 people will visit a particular site in the entire month. You can do this with any search query and be surprised to find that its actual frequency is much lower than the numbers produced by the service upon direct request.

This means that the number of clicks to your site for a specific phrase will be much less than expected.

Is there deception all around? In fact, this cannot be considered a fraud on the part of optimizers, because according to a “high-frequency” or “mid-frequency” phrase (now, you and I already know that these terms have little in common with reality), much fewer visitors will actually come to the site than the promotion client wanted. However, in the process of promoting this phrase, much more derivative, low-frequency queries should rise to the TOP, which will attract the main traffic. A logical question may arise here:

Is it worth paying for “high-frequency” expensive words when in fact not many visitors will come to the site using them?

Which queries to choose?

At the query selection stage, most optimizers calculate the client’s advertising campaign based on their expected expenses and the difficulty of promoting a particular phrase. Most of the processes are automated, everything happens quite quickly, the client immediately receives a calculated commercial offer in the form of a plate with the frequency of requests and their prices. In the first part of the article we already understood that the frequency of requests is a kind of convention, now it's time to explain the mysteries of pricing.

As practice shows, the client at this stage understands little; the only parameter that is somewhat familiar and close to him is the price of the issue: the total cost of promotion or the cost of promoting a separate search query. But designing and creating an advertising campaign is like a foundation - somewhere, somewhere, but here it would be worth understanding it thoroughly, dedicating a day, two, if necessary, a week, but in no way leaving everything at the mercy of the optimizer: as has already been said, for the majority companies, the process of selecting requests is automated. It must be borne in mind that the client’s appropriate attitude towards the formation of an advertising company is an unambiguous forgiveness of all possible errors and failures of the optimizer.

So what was missing?

There are several fundamental points.
Optimizers do not delve enough into the specifics of the client’s business, so the process of selecting queries occurs superficially.
Without real communication with the client, an attempt to understand the specifics of the business, and identifying target audiences, the optimizer will not be able to correctly build an advertising campaign.
During the launch of the advertising campaign, he should become your subordinate, be aware of everything, and have an excellent understanding of all communications of your business in real life.
When ordering website promotion via the Internet or by phone, it is almost impossible to create an effective advertising company.

Looks too complicated?
There is one advantage to this: your competitors most likely did not go deeper either, they thought: come what may.

Requests must reflect the specifics of the business.

Optimizer approach: "The more difficult it is to get to the TOP, the more expensive it is" is actually far from what the client needs. From the side of the promotion customer, something else would be more correct: The more necessary, the more expensive.

Let's give an example, take the topic of “water meters” and four commercial search queries intended for promotion. Almost any SEO company, when calculating the cost of promotion, will indicate approximately the following pricing:

Keyword Frequency Price
Water meter 193858 5000
Installing a water meter 36620 3000
Production of water meters 405 200
Water meter wholesale 354 150

We have already discussed the frequency parameter in the first part of the article, passing through the mentioned filters of “quotes” and “exclamation mark”, we will get completely different numbers, but this is not even the main thing, although to consolidate the material of the first part of the article, we will present a plate with “true” frequency of the same search queries:

Search queries taking into account word forms (cases, endings):

Keyword Frequency Price
"water meter" 15545 5000
"installation of a water meter" 9204 3000
"production of water meters" 81 200
"water meter wholesale" 89 150

Exact search queries, exactly as specified:

I can't even believe it. It is worth noting that the frequency has changed, but the price of promotion remains the same. When calculating the cost, optimizers looked at completely different parameters.

Do I need to overpay for expensive requests?

Each business has its own nuances, search queries must necessarily reflect this - you need to understand that
the most important search query is not the one with the highest frequency, but the one that is ideally suited to the specifics of the business
and for such requests it is necessary to achieve the maximum possible positions.

Let's analyze the request table from this side:

  • “Water meters wholesale” and “production of water meters” - despite the low “frequency”, these are ideal queries for the website of a manufacturer whose advertising campaign is aimed at expanding the network of primary and secondary distributors.
  • Most deals will be concluded with these requests, if you provide them with decent positions. Request “installation of a water meter” - may be useful for a company doing only installation
  • . It will not bring customers to either the manufacturer or the seller; moreover, without the necessary materials on the site, it will be very difficult to promote it. The query “water meters” is quite general; when entering a similar query into search engines, people mean anything: installation, prices, regulations, models, etc. If funds for an advertising campaign are limited, there is no point in getting carried away with such general requests -

the efficiency of the invested funds will be much lower than expected.

However, promotion of a typical website provides equal priority for the promotion of these requests. Neither in contracts nor in oral communication, most optimizers do not ask clients for details; the stage of selecting requests is as simplified and automated as possible. The client is too lazy to delve into this process, the optimizer is too lazy to teach the client.

To summarize this example, selecting queries is a very deep and important process. As a rule, it even goes beyond the scope of promoting the company’s website and is getting closer to the topic of marketing - the correct selection of search queries requires specifying clear goals of the advertising campaign as a whole. In most cases, too little attention is paid to this, so the effectiveness of website promotion is limited in advance, even before the promotion begins. It's sad, but that's the way it is; the situation hasn't changed much over the years.

Oddly enough, all the described inaccuracies, simplifications and dubious aspects of promotion pricing are more likely to be the fault of the customer than the optimizer.

Some website promotion clients themselves don’t really understand why they need a website, what they want from it and in what time frame – what kind of effective promotion can we even talk about here? Popular wisdom says: what goes around comes around.

For those clients who really understand the importance of Internet marketing, or have a great desire to understand its basics and make their website work at full capacity, we recommend:

  • Choose optimizers with an individual approach: if the entire promotion process is discussed and starts over two or three phone calls, then there is no smell of good efficiency here, apparently the emphasis is on simplicity and speed.
  • Be sure to meet with optimizers in person, try to explain to them the specifics of the business in order to prioritize promotion as accurately as possible. If you are denied personal communication with a manager or project optimizer, then the process is probably completely automated, and there is no one to work on your site - this is not a good sign.
  • There is no need to be afraid that an in-depth individual approach to website promotion will be more expensive. Optimizers themselves are pleased if the client is not indifferent to the site, and he is ready to actively contribute to the process - such customers want to help in a purely human way and at the same time show all their professionalism.
  • Every optimizer has favorite and unloved clients, with all the ensuing consequences. The easiest way to become one of the favorites is to show that you care about the site: actively participate in the selection of search queries, prioritization of the advertising campaign, prepare thematic materials in the promotion process.

It is also worth considering that in fact a good optimizer is interested in the effectiveness of the client’s advertising campaign. If the promotion of some requests turns out to be problematic and does not meet the allotted deadline, but in general the advertising campaign is successful - the client remains loyal. As a rule, he renews the contract and pays for promotion services in full, despite formal reasons to pay less.