Technologies in the modern world in English. Essay in English with translation

Although many people blame technology for destroying nature and causing pollution, and say that it is the worst evil in the world, I still believe that it has greatly changed our lives for the better as we hardly imagine what would happen if we went for a day without technology.

Technology is very popular in our daily life thanks to its advantages. As we know, firstly, technology in household helps people do the housework. For example, housewives do not need to wash manually, but they can use washing machine.

Another reason why I advocate the viewpoint that technology has made the world a better place to live is that it makes the world smaller. Nowadays people can travel faster and easier to other places by car, bus and air-plane, and see many new interesting things around the world. In addition, they communicate with people in different countries through the Internet and phones, which saves them lots of time and money.

But the most worthwhile benefit technology has brought to us is that it makes us healthier and happier. Clear progress in medicine, use new technologies to diagnose and combat diseases make therapy more effective. It allows us to cure serious diseases such as cancer and cardiopathy. Statistics show that life expectancy is getting longer. In Europe, for example, today's life expectancy has climbed past 80 and people are glad to be alive; the longer they live in good health, the happier they feel they are.

So, as we go forward into this ‘magical future’, will technology make the world a better place to live? Experts say it will!

Essay in English - Modern technologies with translation

Technologies in Our Life
People can hardly imagine their lives without modern technologies nowadays. It is almost impossible to go out without a mobile phone or an MP3 player, for example. These devices have become an important part of our life. Moreover, almost every day either a new technology is being invented or an old one is being improved. To stay up-to-date people keep buying newer items. Soon our houses and work places will look like electronic stores. Technology is all around us. First of all, we need it for work.

All modern offices are equipped with computers, scanners, printers, and other useful machines. One of the most important devices today is the wi-fi modem as it provides Internet. Secondly, technologies surround us at home, in cars and everywhere.

There are many people who are against new technologies. In my opinion, technological progress has made our lives more interesting and bright. Thanks to computers and Internet I find more educational resources. Such electronic items as vacuum-cleaner, washing machine, microwave, dish washer, blender and some others have made my mum’s life easier. So I’m sure that new technologies are for good. In conclusion, I’d like to say, that technological progress continues and it moves rather fast. Thus, I think that soon we will live in ‘smart’ houses with robots doing all housework instead of us.

Technologies in our lives
Nowadays, people find it difficult to imagine their lives without modern technology. It is almost impossible to leave home, for example, without a mobile phone or MP3 player. These devices have become an important part of our lives. In addition, almost every day new technologies are invented or existing ones are improved. To keep up with the times, people buy new products. Soon our homes and workplaces will look like electronics stores. Technology is all around us. First of all, they are needed for work.

All modern offices are equipped with computers, scanners, printers and other useful machines. One of the most important devices today is the Wi-Fi modem because it provides Internet access. Secondly, technology surrounds us at home, in cars and everywhere.

There are people who oppose new technologies. In my opinion, technical progress made our life more interesting and vibrant. Thanks to computers and the Internet, I find many additional educational resources. Electronics like vacuum cleaner, washing machine, microwave oven, dishwasher, blender and some other items made my mother's life easier. So I am sure that new technologies are for the better. In conclusion, I would like to say that technological progress continues and it moves quite quickly. Thus, I think that soon we will live in “smart” houses with robots that will do everything for us.

Yankina Arina. School No. 93, Saratov, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination My world.

Modern technologies

In recent years a lot of new gadgets have appeared in our world. For example: computers, mobile phones, portable computers. They make our life easier. Computers are used practically everywhere. Computers are very useful in science, especially in Maths and Physics, when it is necessary to count big numbers. Computers also help us in the studying process. You can find additional information for lessons and show presentations to the classmates. Designers and architects use computers to create new projects. Computers can store a lot of information of different kinds.

Another great human invention connected with computers is the Internet. Through the Internetyou can communicate with people from all over the world. With the help of the Internet you can listen to music and watch films, read books and write blogs. You can buy different things in on - line shops without going out.

I think that everyone has his own mobile phone nowadays. We can call person and talk to him wherever he is at every moment. Modern mobile phones have a lot of additional functions.

To make life easier people have invented robots. Modern robots are very smart; they can perform different kinds of work. They are used at plants and factories and can help people with housework.

Computers and robots are very useful but I think that we shouldn’t totally rely on them. These gadgets are just human inventions and can’t substitute real people.

In recent years, many new inventions have appeared in the world. For example: computers, mobile phones, laptop computers. They make our life easier. Computers are used almost everywhere. Computers are very useful in science, especially in mathematics and physics for counting large numbers. Computers also help us in our studies. You can find additional information for the lesson and show the presentation to your classmates. Designers and architects use computers to create new projects. Computers can store a large amount of different information.

Another great invention of mankind related to the computer is the Internet. Through the Internet you can communicate with people all over the world. Using the Internet, you can listen to music, watch movies, read books and write blogs. You can make purchases in online stores without leaving your home.

I think everyone has a cell phone these days. We can call a person and talk to him at any time, wherever he is. Modern mobile phones have many additional features.

To make life easier, people invented robots. Modern robots very smart, they can do various jobs. They are used in factories and factories and can help people with housework.

Computers and robots are very useful, but I don't think we should rely on them completely. These are just human inventions and cannot replace real people.

Do you agree that modern technology has made the world a better place? Bring specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Many aspects modern life have both positive and negative sides, which are constantly in the process of change. Such changes can usually be attributed to technological developments. While some people believe that technology has brought nothing but negativity, others believe that the benefits of technology outweigh the negative aspects. In my opinion, technology has made the world a better place. These are, first of all, improvements associated with an increase in the standard of living, with certain additional amenities and advances in medicine.

Firstly, technological advancements have made our lives more convenient and comfortable. In the hectic world of modern life, any additional convenience makes life easier. One of the achievements of the past, which was the result of the development of technology, is the telephone. Telephone lines or mobile communications allow people to contact others on long distance. Thanks to the telephone, clients can contact entrepreneurs, parents can keep in touch with children, etc. The home telephone is a landline. With the advent of cellular communications, people can make phone calls from anywhere in the world at any time, at home, on the bus, in the library or at school. Nowadays it has become possible to watch TV, surf the Internet, listen to music or play video games with cell phone. We all owe these conveniences to one single device.

Secondly, advances in technology in the medical sciences are allowing people to live longer and healthier lives. In the past, achievements such as kidney transplants or artificial hearts were considered mere science fiction and hardly anyone believed that such operations would become possible. However, today patients in medical institutions regularly undergo organ transplants and pacemakers, prolonging their lives, despite a large number of congenital heart defects and other diseases. Nowadays, there are technologies that allow a new heart or machine to regulate the heartbeat and allow people to live healthy, normal, fulfilling lives. This is just one example of thousands that are now possible through advances in medical science.

In conclusion, many people focus on the disadvantages and problems associated with the development of technology, but I believe that the benefits far outweigh the negative aspects. Technology has made the world a better place by bringing more convenience and opportunities for a healthy lifestyle to people through the advancement of science.

Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day.

I have the internet at home and enjoy looking for useful information for me.

Internet is very useful, because it is a huge base of data and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want from movies and music of interest to the vast number of books, newspapers and magazines.

Internet helps to learn lots (or a lot). (you can put it another way: Internet helps studying.)

To find more information, download the required essay, watch video about some books which you have already read, everything can be done through the Internet.

Email is one of the advantages of the Internet.

This online service is cheaper than regular mail, and it works much faster.

You never lose touch with loved ones, wherever they are using such meaning of communicatoin.

I have a personal e-mail and have an opportunity to chat with my friends from other cities and countries.

Nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives is also not difficult.

Today there are many different Internet - competitions for different subjects which give students the opportunity to participate even in international competitions.

On the other hand I think that the Internet becomes a way of a person’s life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling their selfves eyes. I don't mean that I am against the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.

Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day.
I have the Internet at home and I am happy to search for useful information for me.
The Internet is very useful because it is a huge database and knowledge where you can find any thing you want - from films and music that interests you, to a huge number of books, newspapers and magazines.
The Internet helps you learn a lot. (you can put it another way: the Internet helps you learn)
To get additional information, download the necessary essays, watch videos about some books that you have already read, all this can be done via the Internet.
Email is one of the advantages of the Internet.
This online service is cheaper than regular mail and it is much faster.
I have personal address email, so I have the opportunity to communicate with my friends from other cities and countries.

Nowadays, there are many different popular social networks where it is also not difficult to contact friends and relatives. Today, there are many different competitions and competitions on the Internet in various subjects, which give students the opportunity to take part even in international competitions.

On the other hand, I think that the Internet is becoming a way of human life, and this is very harmful to our health. Many teenagers spend a lot of time sitting in front of computers and damage their eyesight. I don't want to say that I am against the Internet, but its use should have reasonable limits.

Level B. Other

Modern technologies

I want to touch upon the problem of modern technologies. To my mind, people can’t live without them. TV, telephones, radio, the Internet, e-books, and many other devices are very useful and important things in our life.

So, firstly, modern technologies give us much information about the world. Sitting at home we can learn all news and all details about any event. The use of modern technologies is one of the best ways to explore the world.

Secondly, thanks to modern technologies we can communicate with people, to write letters, to find new friends. It is a real pleasure. When you miss your family, you can call and see the people who are dear to you using Skype.

Thirdly, with the help of modern technologies we can gain different knowledge. We can study various subjects. We can learn everything. It simplifies our life. Modern technologies have a lot of pros, but they have some cons too. You should mind that they may damage your health. But, to my mind, they still have more pros than cons.

Thanks to the Internet you can do almost everything. You can watch movies, play games, make various projects, buy many things, read books, and do many others. Modern technologies help us to relax, for example, when we watch entertainment programs on TV, listen to music...Modern technologies are great helpers in our life. They help us in many ways and simplify our life.

I want to touch on the problem of modern technologies. In my opinion people cannot live without them. TV, phones, radio, internet, e-books and much more - all these are very useful and important things in our lives.

Firstly, modern technologies give us information about the whole world. Sitting at home, we can find out all the news, all the details of any event. The use of modern technologies is one of the best ways knowledge of the world.

Secondly, we can communicate with people, write letters to them, find new friends. This is really cool. When you miss your family, you can call them and see the people who are dear to you using Skype.

Thirdly, thanks to modern technologies, we can obtain a variety of knowledge. We can study various subjects. Learn everything. This makes our life easier. Modern technologies have many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. You must object6 that they may be harmful to your health. But in my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons.

Thanks to the Internet, almost everything is possible. You can watch movies, play games, create various projects, shop, read books and much more. Modern technologies help us relax, for example, when we watch entertainment programs on TV, listen to music... Modern technologies are great helpers in our lives. They help us in many things and make our life easier