Everything you need to know about the Essay niche to maximize your income.

Dmitry Petrenko: “Complex topics in SEO and features of Essay- niches»

Illustration: Natalia Soroka

Valeria Oskalenko

Junior editor at Serpstat

What are difficult topics? What is the difference between gray and white themes? What are the features of the Essay niche?

Today we will talk about complex topics in the SEO and Essay niche with Dmitry Petrenko, Head of SEO Edu-cash.com.

What are difficult topics?

I would classify them as two options:

  • Where high competition and “on white” it’s difficult to reach the top. For example, topic household appliances, electronics and other niches of high demand and supply.
  • Gray themes- where, in addition to obvious signs of competition, non-obvious factors are included that are difficult to identify through a single analysis of the top. This includes hiding backlinks, unfair competition, and attempts by competitors to knock you out of the top, periodically pushing the site under various filters.

    And believe me, we are not talking about exile sanctions. More cunning methods are already used there, which force the entire domain under a filter, which in the most successful case is removed in 3-4-5 weeks, or it may not be removed at all in a year.

I will talk about one of these cases at the Baltic Digital Days 2018 conference on August 9-11 in Kaliningrad in the report “How to put a site under a filter without PF and reference. Competition in complex niches and methods of protection.”

Examples of competitive gray niches: casinos, pharma, microcredit, everything related to weight loss (not only medicines, but also clinics), medical services (such as dentistry, plastic surgery), auto insurance, Essay niche and many others.

When can an SEO specialist move into complex topics?

At any moment, however, he must think carefully and, first of all, set a goal for himself, and also prescribe the path by which he will achieve this goal.

The fact is that even in complex topics, goals can be completely different, their ways of achieving and implementing. If a person has enough resources (and I’m not talking about money now, but primarily about knowledge) to achieve his goal - why not? You always have to try.

Another question is what to do if resources (i.e. knowledge and money) are insufficient. Here I would suggest, first of all, to learn to work in a team, to work with a mentor who can at least partially teach, tell and show what needs to be done. However, even in order to get into such a team, you need to be able to do something.

If you have such a desire, you can go to the website of our company Brighta.biz and get acquainted with current vacancies or you can write to me personally on Facebook.

What is the difference between gray and white themes?

I will name five main differences:

Income. It is significantly higher in gray topics.

The rate of change in search results. In many white topics, the search results do not change for months. In gray niches you need to always be on alert and react with lightning speed.

Quality of sites. The relevance of sites to the search query will be very high up to the tenth page of the search results.

External optimization methods. The struggle for the top is going on at the level of “magic” and the top market players are keeping their mouths shut. Everyone has their own methodology and everyone comes to success in their own way, but real topics, as a rule, are not even discussed on the sidelines, because this is very serious money.

Unfair competition. You must always be prepared for the fact that the site may be “crashed.” Therefore, in addition to the tasks of internal and external optimization, a third party is involved here - the protection side.

You should be warned against any ban options. If you missed the slightest detail, rest assured that if not one, then another competitor will take advantage of this to remove your site from their path.

Tell us about the features of the Essay niche. What types of markets are there, what is its volume, what are the advantages?

The Essay niche has those nuances for which I loved it - it’s “amazingly” huge semantic core and such an amount of highly convertible traffic that it reminds me of oil deposits in the Emirates or coal in Ukraine.

This niche can be “pumped up” for a very long time and, believe me, there will still be more and more new types of semantics that still have traffic and there are still prices in the tops!

That is, you understand what level of output there is, that there is simply no one to compete with. Of course, I’m not talking now about such requests as “buy essay online” or “do my essay”, but if you think a little, you can find a whole Klondike of non-competitive search results with a huge amount traffic that brings real orders.

Today I have collected about 10 million keywords in this niche and, according to my conservative estimates, this is only about 7-8% of the real market volume. In other words, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I'm not digging deeper yet. We would have to sort out this volume for now, but I know exactly where I and my team will be moving in the next 2-3-4 years.

What are the features of search results analysis in Essay?

When analyzing search results in the Essay niche, in addition to text factors, there is such important point, How "fat reference mass» . For sites that are in the top 30-40, we can often see quite a large number of links, but this should not scare you. In my strategy, I rely more on the quality of links than on their quantity.

Analyzing sites from the top results search queries, you can notice a deep structure, which greatly improves the relevance of the site as a whole. But if you are just planning to start in the Essay niche, I highly recommend that you start with low and mid-volume keywords.

There you will be able to cover the whole complex keys, which in total can give you no less, and sometimes even more traffic, and relatively in a very short period.

What gives maximum efficiency in SEO for Essay?

I can’t name one thing, but without one thing it definitely won’t work - it’s without references. In this regard, it is very difficult to start SEO alone in difficult niches. It is advisable for this to be a team of three people. Therefore, you have two options - either join an already existing team, or create it yourself.

There is also a third option - not to do SEO, but, for example, to bring traffic from PPC - but that’s a completely different story.

  • Grocery White Label(contains maximum semantics). To such sites I include everything related to a deep structure, written texts for people, beautiful design, order forms, etc. In general, everything that resembles a grocery website for pouring traffic into orders.
  • Review sites. A very common method of getting traffic among affiliates. Since before placing an order, students often do research on the name of the site and look for reviews. If you compare and analyze the behavioral indicators of users on the site, how they use these resources, you can get one of the non-competitive types of traffic in sufficient quantities.
  • Sites with promotional codes. Students who order essays for the first time know that the quality of work on all sites is approximately the same. In this regard, they are trying to find the most low price and resort to searching for promotional codes. In fact, they don’t care where to order - their task is to find biggest discount and get the lowest price for the proposed task.
  • A satellite/dorm designed for all types of work in only one subject (lesson). This is one of my favorite methods, because this is where it starts interesting job. Analyze the top of one of the types of work and it will become clear to you that a website tailored for each type of work is a common occurrence that brings good results.
  • Satellite/dor, straightaway tailored for several types of semantics (close to White Label). Most often, such sites are used in the format of link donors. But you can follow the strategy of covering medium and low frequency queries and receive a small amount of traffic without much effort.
  • Satellite/door for one type of work. The scheme is similar to that for one subject (lesson), but now we can make a website for one type of work, for example, a course paper. And create pages listing all the lessons for which you can write a coursework.

    This scheme will allow you, on the one hand, to get maximum amount relevance, which will allow you to reach the top much easier; on the other hand, this will increase your expertise, which can significantly increase the conversion to orders among applicants.

Thanks for the answers, Dmitry :)

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The crisis has seriously hit consumer demand in RuNet and many webmasters have become look towards the bourgeoisie, considering it as potential, because purchasing power there is still at the level.

True, they will have to not only learn to create websites taking into account the realities that exist there (SEO in the bourgeois internet is different from what we have in the RuNet), but also deal with the ways of making money available there, which can cause even greater difficulties.

Therefore, today I want to offer you a kind of transitional option. In this case, traffic will need to be obtained from the Burzhunet (attracting English-speaking users), but it will be possible to monetize it in an affiliate program created by representatives of the RuNet, where they can advise you in Russian and help you successfully start in a new field.

How often and where can I withdraw funds from Essay Profit?

Regarding the withdrawal of funds earned in the affiliate program. Payments are accrued to you upon payment by the client for the work he ordered. On average, it takes a couple of weeks to complete work on a paid site, so it is after this time that the money will drop into your account. Or it won’t drop if the client who placed an order for writing suddenly changes his mind and doesn’t pay for it. Although, according to data in Essay Profit, this (cancellation of an order or “refunds”) occurs no more often than in five percent of cases.

Payments are made once a month (approximately in the middle). Some kind of minimum amount There is no acceptable conclusion - how many orders from the clients you attracted were paid for during this time, that much will be transferred to you. The question arises - where will they be transferred?

Well, Essay Profit supports a ton of withdrawal options, including a little less as well. I think that there is no need to tell you about either Palok or Skril (you can read the details from the links provided). If this does not suit you, then you can also withdraw your earned funds to Payoneer or Swift, which I am not personally familiar with.

Registration and admin of the Essay Profit affiliate program

The interface of the Essay Profit website is bilingual - you can switch from English to Russian at the bottom of any page. First you will need to register:

To activate your account, as usual, you will need to follow the link from the email you received. After which you will be immediately authorized and transferred to the admin area. There will be English. and Russian version of the site for your ease of use.

I won’t talk about the entire admin panel, but I’ll just focus on the tab "Referral Domains" and Promo, where you can find all the affiliate kit you need, which I previously announced just above.

  1. IN Referral Domains you will find affiliate links(they have a unique ending, which will be used to link the client who clicked through them to your account in Essay Profit). There are seven of them in total, according to the number of “payers” cooperating with the affiliate program ( large services custom writing).

  2. In the tab Promo banner You can download banners of the most popular sizes. They can be used to place on thematic resources. Some affiliate programs offer you a banner code with a referral link already embedded in them, but here you will need to attach it to the banner yourself.

    *clicking on the picture will open it in full size in a new window
  3. Promo-WP themes new themes for WordPress on which you can create your own store. I think that regarding the nuances of this process, it makes sense to consult with technical support (by the way, for the test I asked them about registration - they answered quickly and thoroughly).

    *click on the picture to open it full size in a new window
  4. Well, on the Tips tab you can find interesting recommendations and a set of keywords.
  5. In my opinion, this could be the first step for many RuNet users into the world of making money in the bourgeois internet. It is clear that you need to know the language and nuances of promotion in their existing conditions, but many points can be gleaned from communication with the support of this affiliate (Russian-speaking), who will be happy to share their experience, because they are directly interested in your maximum earnings. IMHO.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Affiliate program about we'll talk in the article, is quite well known and has been working for several years, and also has many positive feedback. We recommend working with them.

Today's post from the affiliate program will be useful to those who want to understand the Western educational niche. A niche has its own characteristics, without understanding which a novice webmaster can go down the wrong path. And if you’re not lazy and figure out what’s what, you can earn an income of $2,000 a month. The essay niche is quite competitive, but not as competitive as pharma or gambling, and less skill is required than in the mentioned niches

Preparing a sleigh in the summer:

Niche feature- pronounced seasonality. There are two seasons: spring - with peaks in April-May and autumn - with peaks in October-November. Now the autumn season is just gaining momentum and it’s time to start.

Seasonality is dictated by the demand for academic writing services. In the summer, students relax and there is a lull in the alcove. This does not mean that the receipt of orders stops altogether, but the number of visitors, envelope, average bill etc. Moreover, if the number of visitors decreases by only ~2 times, then the envelope drops ~4-6 times. As a rule, this is due to the fact that in summer the traffic is not targeted, For example:

  • other webmasters and SEO specialists preparing for the new season and monitoring the niche;
  • writers are looking for Additional income, entering the same queries as the potential target audience;
  • students come to look at samples, read about writing essays in order to improve their studies during the summer holidays, and not to order, etc.

Is the USA ahead of the rest?

Edu-Profit offers- This foreign services on writing various types of academic papers. Accordingly, services for writing papers such as essays, term papers, dissertations, and others are used mainly by students from the US, as well as UK, CA, AU. It should be noted that among students in Western universities there are many wealthy students from CN, HK, AE and SA who are willing to pay more and more often.

To summarize, solvent countries convert well, and the US is far ahead of the rest. Therefore, India will not convert, although there is always a lot of traffic from this country. As a rule, these are Indian writers in search of income.

Is there demand?

This fall, more than 20 million students are studying at US universities alone - proof. This is an unplowed field, given that most of them are not even aware of the existence of services for writing academic papers.

Clients can be roughly divided into two categories with their own characteristics, which require a different approach to achieve the best conversion: Native Speakers and ESL. The first are those who were born and raised in an English-speaking environment. The second are those whose native English is not native. Native Speakers has high demands on writers, as well as on the security and “legitimacy” of the service due to strict penalties in universities (including expulsion with a ban on entering other universities for a certain period). ESL - as a rule, visiting students do not bother so much about “legitimacy”, are more often satisfied with the result, and are more generous themselves.

Today we will look at 4 affiliate programs in which I had the opportunity to work. Anyone who registers using my links can request from me keywords. To do this, write to admin@site

So the first and my favorite - Education(Formerly SpeedyPaper). Semi-private affiliate program. Offers you 50% for your first order and 15% for all subsequent rebills. And also in the system no Refunds.

There is 1 landing page, and referral fees are 5%. It was on this affiliate program that my traffic showed the best results. User-friendly interface helps to track which key the order came from


So the most interesting thing: earnings from 1000 uniques.


It turned out to be about $27 per kilo of traffic. Register.

The next affiliate program we will look at is edu-affiliates.com

The system has 2 landing pages - EssayBox.org and BookwormLab.com. The main feature of this affiliate program is high price orders, hence large deductions for Lead. The affiliate program offers 50% from the first order and 20% from rebills. There are also quite convenient statistics here and throughout the entire time I have not had a single refund. There are also very encouraging rebills here, which can reach $200

Some statistics:


The total is $20 per 1000 uniques. Register.

The next affiliate program that we will consider is edu-revenue.com Affiliate program offers up to 75% for the first order and up to 35% for rebills.

The system contains as many as 4 landing pages and a large number of promotional materials, such as banners, Wordperess templates, signatures for forums. There are also quite convenient statistics where you can track the amount of traffic for each site. Unfortunately, I didn’t work that much with this software, but overall the results were comparable to educassion.

Some statistics:


It turns out $29 for 1000 uniques. Register.

Well, a clear outsider this list programs is Edu-profit.

The system contains a huge number of promotional materials and as many as 7 landing pages. However, this software did not show its best side, namely, it receives a prize for lowest earnings per 1000 uniques And greatest number refunds. (Note that in other PPs it was equal to 0). I even had a small conflict with the support, as a result of which I said a lot of nasty things and my conscience tormented me, but let’s not talk about that. Affiliate program It’s worth doing less with all sorts of unnecessary bullshit like promotional materials and working more on improving the envelope and approval.

Some statistics:


In total we have $16 from 1000 uniques. Perhaps, of course, everything has changed, but I won’t check... Register.

So the conclusions:

Oscars today:

Education And Edu-revenue for the highest earnings per 1000 uniques.

Edu-affiliate receives the audience award for the most expensive rebills and deductions from the order.

Edu-profit receives a golden raspberry for the lowest envelope.