Wordpress page navigation. WordPress Page Navigation Without Plugin! WP Page Navi – Page List Templates

Flexor 5


This is one of the most famous and popular plugins for WordPress. It allows you to easily and simply display page-by-page navigation on your site. The need for page navigation is beyond doubt - firstly, it is much more convenient for users than with incomprehensible "Before" and "Later" links, and secondly, page navigation helps in terms of SEO - search engines index pages much better if links to they are on home page site. There are several similar plugins, but this one is considered the best. Actually, page navigation in WordPress and plugin PageNavi These are now practically inseparable concepts.

1 Unpack the archive.

2 Copy the folder to /wp-content/plugins/.

3 Go to the blog admin panel on the "tab" Plugins" and activate the plugin.

The plugin is completely translated into Russian. Moreover, the translator overdid it, even translating the name of the plugin (this is contrary to common sense - who translates proper names?). Therefore, when activating a plugin, look among the downloaded plugins not , but List of pages. It's the same story with the settings - you will find them in " Settings\List of pages".

The first part of the plugin settings concerns the panel itself and its values:

These are the default values. They give something like this to the panel:

If you do not fill in any field, it will not be displayed in the panel. Therefore, you can reduce the panel to a more compact version like:

The second part of the settings concerns the plugin itself:

Here I must make a few clarifications. Option " Use pagenavi-css.css style" causes the plugin to apply css styles from a file to the panel pagenavi-css.css, which is in the plugin folder. If your template already contains styles for the plugin (and this happens often, since it is very popular), then you need to uncheck this option. After all, as a rule, the styles specified in the topic are better styles default plugin.

I advise you to disable ranges (they are enabled by default) by setting the value “0” everywhere. Because personally I don’t like this navigation:

But, of course, it's up to you to decide.

We're done with the settings - how to display the plugin panel in the template? You need to look in the template files for code similar to:

And replace it with the code:

It is at this stage that many users have problems. Because this code may be different in each template. Even the files in which you need to look for this code are very different from template to template. Therefore, I advise you to download the Notepad++ editor (you need it in any case, since the files must be saved strictly in the encoding UTF8 without BOM) and search it for function files and .

This is how you will find exactly where in your template its author hid the functions for displaying navigation links, and you can replace them with the code for calling the plugin panel. If you couldn’t find it yourself, write in the comments, I’ll help.

Now let's talk about panel design styles. Don't like the default panel look? Do you want a panel like the one in the screenshot at the beginning of this article? Then open this file and copy its contents to the file pagenavi-css.css, which is in your plugin folder.

There is an even easier way to style your panel. To do this you need to install a plugin in which you can select built-in styles like these:

Don't want to install an additional plugin? Okay, in that case you can use my selection of styles for:

WordPress is a very versatile blogging platform, and with the help of plugins it can be made even more user-friendly.

This also applies to page navigation (pagination) of pages, which is initially absent in WordPress. But this can easily be corrected by choosing one of the 10 for your website best plugins.


One of the most popular and frequently used plugins. Using the built-in function wp_pagenavi() usual links ← Back | Next → will change to attractive pagination.

2. WP Smart Pagination

Another useful plugin, which has a very convenient function. You can go to the desired page by entering its number in the additional window.

3. Simple Pagination

One of the best and most simple plugins, which allows you to set additional pagination for posts and comments, making navigation on your WordPress site much easier.

4. Alphabetic Pagination

Using this plugin, you can filter posts and pages alphabetically. It is not only easy to install, but also to use.

5. jPages pagination for WordPress

This is one of the best plugins for creating pagination for gallery pages, comments, etc. With its help, galleries turn into a gallery with pagination.


This plugin allows you to create page pagination as per your requirements. You can increase the numbering on one page, select the number of units to display. By default there can be 10.

7. Easy Pagination for WordPress

Make long posts and pages more attractive with sliders: Horizontal Slider, Vertical Slider or Fade. Horizontal and vertical sliders can be combined with 32 jQuery effects.

8. Next Post Fly Box For WordPress

One of the best plugins that creates navigation between the next and previous post in the form of a pop-up box on the left or right side of the window. When the user scrolls the page, a pop-up box appears where you can select the next or previous entry.

9. JQuery Paginator Plugin

The plugin allows you to choose between 3 types of pagination if you set required parameter. This is one of the most attractive pagination plugins.

10. Smart Pagination

Great plugin that offers 11 different options pagination.

Bonus. CSS styles for WP-PageNavi plugin

An excellent collection of CSS styles for popular WordPress plugins - WP-PageNavi and WP-Paginate. Includes HTML pages with a demonstration of styles, and each style contains a separate CSS file.

Almost any blogger who runs a blog on the WordPress engine is familiar with the WP-PageNavi plugin, which displays page navigation like this:

But not everyone knows (including me until recently) that WordPress has a built-in function (since version 2.1) that implements almost the same functionality. Those. There is no need to use a plugin.

For some time I used another similar solution, for which many thanks to its author Timur.

The function I offer you is quite small in size:

function wp_corenavi() ( global $wp_query; $pages = ""; $max = $wp_query->max_num_pages; if (!$current = get_query_var("paged")) $current = 1; $a["base"] = str_replace(999999999, "%#%", get_pagenum_link(999999999)); $a["total"] = $max; $a["current"] = $current; $total = 1; //1 - display text " Page N of N", 0 - do not display $a["mid_size"] = 3; //how many links to show to the left and right of the current one $a["end_size"] = 1; //how many links to show at the beginning and at the end $a["prev_text"] = """; //link text "Previous page" $a["next_text"] = """; //link text " Next page" if ($max > 1) echo "

"; }

This code must be placed in a file functions.php your template. There are only five options in the function, they are separated by line breaks. I wrote the comments, I think everything is clear here.

To display navigation in in the right place, insert the following code into the template:

The HTML code that results from the function's output looks like this:

As you can see, all the necessary CSS classes are present that can be used to design any navigation element (for example, the current page, links to the previous and next pages).

Checked this function on WordPress versions starting from 2.3.3, and also tested options with CNC enabled and disabled. Everything works as expected.

Use it.

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Today's post will be about how to create page-by-page navigation for a WordPress site using the WP-PageNavi plugin.

So, you already have a sufficient number of posts that do not fit on one blog page. WordPress automatically splits the blog into pages when the number of published posts exceeds the number specified in the settings (Options - Reading - Display no more than *number* of posts on blog pages). Default large number WordPress themes display page switching like this:

It seems to me that this is not very convenient, because the page WordPress navigation much more functional.

So, to make page navigation for a WordPress blog, we will install the WP-PageNavi plugin. You can download it from the official website, but we will find it through a search.

Go to the “Plugins - Add new” section, enter the name “WP-PageNavi” into the search and click “Search for plugins”.

The WordPress page navigation plugin we need will be the first in the search results, click “Install”, then “Activate plugin”.

Now we have a “List of Pages” section in the parameters; we’ll go into it a little later, but for now we’ll display a new page navigation instead of the standard one.

Let's go to " Appearance- Editor” and open the file code that is responsible for navigation between pages. In most cases, this is the index.php file. We find in it the section responsible for the navigation output. It should look something like this:

We need to remove these lines and insert the following code instead:

We save the changes, go to our blog and see how the page navigation is now displayed. In my case it became like this:

Agree, this looks better than two “Back” and “Forward” buttons.

Now you can go to the settings of the WP-PageNavi plugin and see what you can change in it:

  • template for a general list of pages (you can replace the text “Page 1 of 12” with your own if you don’t like the standard one);
  • element " Current page"(no need to change);
  • element "Page" (no need to change);
  • the “First Page” element (you can replace it with “Back to Top” or another phrase that you like);
  • element " Last page"(similar to the previous paragraph, for example, "To the end");
  • “Previous page” element (you can replace the standard “ with another symbol, for example, a left arrow);
  • element “Next page” (similarly with the previous paragraph, you can replace “ with a right arrow);
  • element “Previous” (ellipsis near the transition to previous page);
  • element “Next” (ellipses near the transition to the next page).
  • use pagenavi-css.css style (standard will be used css plugin);
  • page list style (you can choose regular list or drop-down);
  • always show a list of pages (enable or disable page navigation, even if there are no pages with posts);
  • number of pages to display (number of pages displayed in the list);
  • range of pages to display (if you have a lot of pages on the site);
  • coefficient for page ranges (if it is 5, then page navigation will look like this: 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.).

If you understand css, you can customize WP-PageNavi yourself the way you want.

Now you know how to create page navigation using the WP-PageNavi plugin. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, and in order not to miss new articles, subscribe to blog updates.

Page navigation is something that every blogger should pay special attention to. It consists of displaying WordPress Posts on a page-by-page basis. Typically, posts are displayed in a hierarchical order, and while you have selection options such as Old Posts and New Posts, you don't have the option to display posts on a page-by-page basis with numbered pages.

Using page navigation, the user can go straight to page 6 or 8 without having to navigate from page to page. This navigation is also useful for SEO; search engines prefer this navigation; it allows bots to easily navigate through posts on site pages. By using free plugins WordPress, given in this article, you can install pagination navigation on your website.

1 – WP Page Navi

WP Page Navipopular plugin, which will allow your site visitors to easily move from page to page. It will replace the Old Posts/New Posts option with a paginated navigation. The plugin does not require large resources and does not affect page loading speed.

This plugin is compatible with most existing themes.

  • Requires few resources.
  • SEO friendly.
  • Very popular.
2 – WP Paginate

This plugin is a good way to add pagination navigation to your WordPress site, with it you can add number pagination to display numbers home page, middle page and end page.

With it, you can even add navigation through comments to posts, this will make the page load easier.

Key points and features:

  • Uses simple page navigation.
  • SEO friendly.
  • User friendly.
3 – Simple Pagination
Simple Pagination is a plugin that will allow you to have navigation through both your posts and comments. As the name suggests, this plugin is very easy to use. You can even style your navigation to match your blog's theme by using style sheets.

There are 6 style sheets to suit your site and dual language support.

Key points and features:

  • Uses simple page navigation.
  • Uses comment navigation.
  • There are style sheets for different types display.
  • There are 6 types of styles.
4 – Page Links Plus

Page Links Plus– a plugin that performs the function of adding navigation to a post. There are times when your recording becomes so large that you need to split it into parts. In such cases it will help you Page plugin Links Plus, which will break your post into pages, showing the connections between them, allowing you to view the entire post.

The plugin comes with a variety of settings to help you get the results you want for your post.

Key points and features:

  • Allows you to number posts and pages.
  • There is an option to view the entire recording.
  • There are many settings.
  • There is a Pro version available.
5 – Alphabetic Pagination

Alphabetic Pagination will number the posts and pages of your site in alphabetical order. If you are selling products on your WordPress site, then this plugin will work wonders, it will number all your products in alphabetical order.

It can be used anywhere on your site using a shortcode.

Key points and features:

  • There is alphabetical navigation.
  • Trading support is available.
  • Can be placed anywhere using a shortcode.
  • Can show a list of users in alphabetical order.
6 – Gallery Pagination for WordPress

Gallery Pagination plugin for WordPress will help you navigate through the image galleries of your WordPress site. It will display all the images in the gallery which will help the user to go directly to any image without having to scroll through the images one by one.

CDN support helps you make your image galleries SEO friendly. There is also caching to increase page loading speed, as well as Ajax to make changes without having to reload the page.

Key points and features:

  • There is navigation through image galleries.
  • CDN support is available.
  • SEO friendly.
  • Caching is available.
7 – Advanced Post Pagination
Advanced Post Pagination Plugin will navigate through your entries. If your post is too large, you can use this plugin to split it into multiple pages. In order not to get confused by the usual digital buttons, using this plugin you can place text and pictures on the buttons. You can use the shortcode to paginate your post any way you like.

Ajax will help you navigate to a section without having to reload the entire page.

Key points and features:

  • Splitting a single record.
  • Using text and images on buttons.
  • Using shortcodes.
  • Using Ajax.
8 – WP Smart Pagination
WP Smart Pagination- This convenient way display of posts divided into pages, along with a field in which you can enter the page number, allowing you to instantly get to desired page. This is very useful if you have a lot of posts on your site, making it difficult for users to navigate to a page that is very far away. If you have 4000 pages of posts, and the user wants to see page 2555, this plugin can provide you with an invaluable service.

Key points and features:

  • Uses simple page navigation.
  • There is a field for direct navigation to the desired page.
  • Matching themes.
  • There is a modification of styles.
9 – jPages Pagination For WordPress
This jQuery plugin, inspired by jPages, which makes it easy to paginate your image galleries and comments. This is a fully responsive plugin that will provide content navigation for all types of devices with various sizes screen. jPages Pagination For WordPress is a small plugin that allows you to easily integrate navigation with jQuery.

All major browsers support this plugin, so your site visitors will have no problem viewing content when using this plugin for navigation.

Key points and features:

  • jQuery is used.
  • Responsive plugin.
  • Supported by major browsers.
  • Easy integration.
This article provides a list of the best free WordPress plugins for pagination navigation, which can help you paginate your site in the most in the best possible way. All plugins have different features, so choose the one that best suits your site.