Fast email. Temporary mail and disposable email addresses without registration, as well as free anonymous mailboxes

Have you ever thought about why disposable tableware has become almost as widespread as reusable tableware - ceramic, silver, aluminum, etc.? Because it is indispensable in solving certain everyday problems: lunch in the office, impromptu party, picnic, etc.

What about email for 10 minutes? Also a very useful tool in some cases. Temporary addresses are indispensable when necessary:

  • hide your real mailbox when registering on any website or forum;
  • send an anonymous message by e-mail;
  • organize temporary forwarding to your current e-mail;
  • quickly (without registration) and free of charge receive a fictitious (temporary) mailbox address.

So, let's take a closer look at the most popular services on the Internet that provide email for certain periods of time.

When you open the main page, it automatically displays an e-mail for 10 minutes (its “life” timer is displayed above the address).

To transfer an email domain name to another site, click the “Copy…” button and then move the cursor to the place (field, form) where you want to paste the email and press the “Ctrl+V” key combination.

All correspondence that comes to the ten-minute mail will be displayed in the “Inbox” section. In approximately the same format as in other email services: indicating the addressee, the title of the letter and the time of receipt.

At any time, you can extend the existence of the newly created e-mail for another 10 minutes or destroy it and create a new mailbox. If no action is taken by the user, after ten minutes the mail is destroyed automatically.

Advice! After the mailbox is destroyed, it can be returned using the “Recovery...” option under the message “... was destroyed.”

The online service has a minimalistic design. The panel contains only two control buttons:

  • "copy address"- transfer the generated email to the clipboard for pasting on a third-party resource;
  • "reset timer"- extend the validity period of the box, set the timer again to 10 minutes.

Plus, 10MinuteMail supports a multilingual interface. To select a language, open the drop-down menu in the site header.

The service with the original name “crazy mail” differs favorably from its analogues in that it allows you not only to receive incoming letters, but also to send messages to any e-mail. To enter the corresponding section of correspondence, just click “Inbox” or “Outbox”.

You can delete received messages. Also in the control panel you will find the “Refresh” button; after clicking it, the page reloads, saving the received data.

To extend the operation of the mailbox on Crazymailing, in the vertical panel on the left, under the inscription “Need more time,” click the “+10 min.” button as necessary. or “+30 min.”

If you want to organize the forwarding of letters to a real (with password) mailbox from a temporary one or quickly change ten-minute emails, register for the service. Authorized users are provided with more advanced functionality.

Russian-language service with a user-friendly interface. The generated address is displayed immediately after the page is loaded in the header.

Mail management is carried out using the side menu:

  • “Copy” - copies the e-mail address to the clipboard;
  • “Refresh” - refreshing the page;
  • “Change” - creating an e-mail with the desired address. In the form that opens, the user sets a login and selects a domain name from the drop-down list;
  • “Delete” - destroys the box.

They also have convenient plugins for Google Chrome and Opera, an application for Android and iOS.

Positioned as a powerful anti-spam tool. Performs temporary forwarding from a temporary mailbox to a permanent mail account.

In the “Email address:” field, enter your current email address. In “Life span”, set the validity period of temporary mail (1 hour, 1 month). And then click the “Create your disposable...” button.

You can indicate the address received on the server in the registration forms. Messages through it will be sent to your email within the specified time. This way you will get rid of receiving advertising mailings and messages from the services where you registered. After the expiration date, the temporary mailbox will be destroyed, and forwarding to a permanent email will no longer be performed.

Use temporary E-mails! With them it is much more convenient and safer to relax and work on the Internet!

Temporary email today is required by a huge number of Internet users, but not all of the offered options are convenient and simple, and many are often “stupid” so that it is not always possible to receive mail to a temporary address in a timely manner. From the abundance of options available for online services for temporary email addresses, we are interested in those that are, at a minimum, Russian-language - for ease of use, and, at a maximum, reliable, simple and intuitive to use.

Below I have made a short description of three Russian-language such email services. These are the easiest to use and very reliable options. The sites are extremely convenient because they are intuitive, which makes me happy - you don’t have to rack your brains. In a couple of seconds, you can create and receive temporary mail for yourself without registration. Correspondence received on the online temporary mail services described below arrives instantly after it is sent.

Receive temporary mail at . This service is convenient because to create a temporary email address, you just need to reload the page in your browser. The second undeniable advantage is this. That you are given an email account not for 10 minutes, as on many similar online services, but for the entire time you have the page open in your browser.

Letters are received instantly, there is no need to register on the service, you can receive letters with attachments (pictures, files). The number of one-time temporary boxes is not limited - just reload the page.

Receive temporary mail at . This temporary email address service is, in principle, no worse than the first one, with the only difference being that initially the temporary address is given for 10 minutes. But this is not a problem at all, since you can easily extend the validity period of the box an unlimited number of times, just timely click on the bookmark image at the top left + 10 min. And if you do this several times, you can add quite a long lifetime to your one-time mailbox, for example, one hour or more.

The second serious advantage of this online service is that here you have the opportunity not only to receive correspondence, but also to send it, which is also often in demand. This service also works without registration.

Temporary email on the service

Receive temporary mail at . This option for the temporary email address service has something similar to the first option. For example, here you cannot send correspondence, and mail created for you once will always be yours until you forcefully delete it yourself, as in the first service.

A valid email address is required when creating various accounts and registering on certain sites.

But it is not always advisable or possible to indicate your real email, and in such cases, temporary one-time email without registration may be required.

The essence of the service

What exactly is temporary mail and how is it provided?

Temporary mail services generate random emails located on their server.

These boxes, depending on the “scope” of the service, can range from several tens to several thousand.

When starting to use the service, the user receives an email address on the server and login credentials.

Access is provided for different periods of time, depending on the conditions, from a single opening of a letter to several months.

After this, the passwords for the provided mailbox are reset, stop working, and the mailbox can be provided to another user with different credentials.

The functionality of such a service may differ depending on the format of work.

It can work only to receive incoming messages, or it can assume the ability to send correspondence and receive incoming messages over a short period of time.

Why is it needed?

Why can’t you indicate your real email when registering, since almost every user has one?

In what cases might a temporary dummy mailbox be needed?

There may be a number of reasons for this:

  • The user has already registered on the site with his real email, but now cannot remember any backup data of his account for recovery;
  • The user has been blocked from the site, for example, for violating its Rules or for some other reason, and can no longer re-register with the real address;
  • An account registered to a real address on this site already exists, but another one is needed;
  • After registration, many sites begin to send unnecessary information to your mailbox - account login information, message notifications, etc., and disabling this in the account settings is long and difficult, so it’s easier to create temporary mail;
  • Other purposes are a prank, a surprise, confidential distribution of any information when the sender’s email address should not be recognized.

Of course, you can simply create a different mail each time on standard servers (, etc.), but this is quite complicated and inconvenient.

The process takes a lot of time, and it is inappropriate to carry out it if the mail is needed “one time”.


The main advantages of using temporary mail services are described below:

  • Saving time on registration procedures;
  • There is no need to invent different credentials every time;
  • Getting rid of mailings, spam and other unnecessary letters on the main mail;
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality when necessary;
  • Ability to create multiple accounts at once.

Although using temporary mail can be associated with a number of difficulties, it is still more advisable than using a permanent mailbox.


However, using the service also has some disadvantages associated with the very principle of its operation, and which cannot be avoided.

These are phenomena such as:

  • Since email passwords no longer work, it is impossible to recover the password from the account that was registered to it;
  • Since addresses on some services are transferred from user to user when passwords are changed, when creating an account on a popular site, there is a possibility that the email you use has already been used there - in this case you will have to request an additional address;
  • You will not be able to receive important news about changes to the service.

Such shortcomings, in principle, are not too critical and are not always relevant, so the benefits of such services still outweigh.

As soon as you go through it, right on the Home page, at the top of the screen, you will find a randomly generated email address that you can use.

Above the address itself in this field is located, showing how much longer the mailbox will work.

The address obtained in this way remains valid for 10 minutes.

If there is not enough time, and you cannot accomplish everything you need in 10 minutes, find the section Need more time?

On the left side of the page and click on the +10 minutes button.

To use the adjacent +30 minutes button, immediately adding half an hour of time for using the box, you need to register on the site or log in to it using social networks.

On a blue background, just below the address field, the contents of the mailbox are located.

When you first enter the site, you see in your mail only one welcome letter from the service administration.

But if you register with this mailbox, another inbox will appear - to open it, just click on it.

The appearance of the letter is no different - it is the same as when using any other mailbox.

There are buttons at the top of the screen Mark as unread, Reply and Delete .

The service also functions normally for sending letters - on the start page, on the right, under the address field, there is a Write button.

When clicking on it, the user is redirected to the authorization form - only authorized users can send emails.

If you need to save an incoming or outgoing letter, then find the corresponding button Do you want to save the letter? on the left side of any page on the site.

After clicking on it, an input field for the real e-mail will open, to which a copy will be sent (this service is also available only to users authorized in the service).

When crossing it, to Home page you'll immediately find an email address ready to use.

Click on the address and copy it. Now it is ready for use during registration, but in order for it not to stop working, the site cannot be closed - while the site is open, the email is active, but as soon as you close it, another one will be generated.

Important! An additional advantage is that in the header of the site on a blue background you can find a button. When you click on it, you will automatically receive the appropriate code corresponding to your temporary email. There is no particular point in such a service, but sometimes it can be useful and even necessary.

The disadvantage of the service is that you cannot send letters from such temporary mail. It only works for receiving and viewing incoming messages.

A service with a name similar to the previous one, but completely different in functionality.

To use this service, follow the algorithm:

  • Find your temporary email address in the field at the very top of the start page and copy it - there is even a special button for this at the top of the page, on the left;

  • The main part of the page is occupied by the field where your inbox will be displayed;
  • The Refresh button in the menu on the left is needed to check the contents of the mailbox - there is no automatic update;
  • The Change button involves creating any desired temporary email address - click on it to open the corresponding field, enter all the necessary data in it and click Save;

  • You will be notified of a successful address change by a message on a green background that appears after clicking the Save button;

  • The Delete button is used to delete a mailbox after use so that others can use it.

The main disadvantage of this service is the same as in the previous version - it is impossible to create an outgoing letter.

Provides minimal but sufficient functionality and is easy to use.

The time it can be used is unlimited, but the page cannot be updated either - when updating, a different address is generated.

  • The address itself is located in the very top field on the start page;
  • By clicking on the button with the image of a tablet to the right of it, you can copy the data to paste on the site;

  • The orange I don’t like button is needed to generate another address - click on it and the data in the top field will be updated;
  • The field below is necessary to display inboxes - they appear automatically, there is no need to refresh the page;
  • A letter is opened by clicking on it, just like in any other mail.

This service is not suitable for sending letters and does not provide any additional services at all, but, nevertheless, it is quite convenient, simple and functional.

They say that the most permanent thing is temporary. Another confirmation of this is a temporary email. Yes, it is temporary, disposable mail that can become your constant help, if you understand how irreplaceable it can be and what advantages it offers over regular mail. Well, in order not to be unfounded, let’s get acquainted with fifteen good free “one-time mail” services and figure out how to use them.

How is a temporary email different from a regular one?

The first difference between a temporary mailbox and a permanent one is clear from the definition - it is issued for a period of time: days, hours, minutes, or only 1-3 times. After use, the box self-destructs, taking with it all the contents – the user’s personal data, messages and attachments – into oblivion. This leads to its second difference - maintaining anonymity. And the third is the ease of creation and use. On “temporary mail” services:

  • No registration required. Or it's optional.
  • No need to enter or save personal information.
  • There is no need to come up with a prefix (hostname) - it is generated automatically.

Just went in, picked it up and used it.

For what purposes is disposable mail intended?

Today, every “self-respecting” web resource (more precisely, its owner) sleeps and sees how all visitors press the registration button and willingly enter all the secret information about themselves. Among this information, of course, there will be a personal email, which will subsequently receive kilotons of spam.

Exaggeration? Perhaps, yes, but not about spam. Databases of email addresses are stolen even from respectable sites. Once your email gets into the spam mailing list, it’s impossible to get out of it.

Preventing spam from being sent to a permanent email address (the one we create on the Mail, Gmail, Yandex, etc. domains) is one of the main purposes of a temporary one.

What else will a disposable box be useful for:

  • To create multiple accounts on sites where this is not allowed.
  • To register on resources that you do not intend to use constantly (of course, if the email is needed only to create an account, and not to confirm other actions).
  • To hide personal data from respondents during one-time messaging.
  • To transfer confidential files that must be irretrievably destroyed.

Most of these services do not have the function of sending letters, but only work to receive (so that they are not used by spammers) and do not protect access to the mailbox in any way. But there are also exceptions.

Services for creating temporary mailboxes

The Russian-language resource offers free creation and use of temporary emails with a lifespan from 10 minutes to 10 days. When generating a box (which, by the way, you don’t even need to do, since this happens automatically the first time you visit the site), its saving period is set to 10 minutes. To extend this time, you need to press the “+ 10 min” button the desired number of times. And if you register for the service, you will have access to the function of extending the life of your email by 30 minutes.

Other features of

The service exists as a web version (accessible through a browser) and a plugin for Google Chrome and Firefox. The latter has a built-in notification about the number of new emails.

– a multilingual service for receiving disposable mail with expanded functionality. Unlike the previous one, the lifetime of the email created here can be unlimited - it will exist until you refresh the browser window. Registration is not required to use the site. The mailbox is created automatically the first time you visit the page.

Other features of

  • Creation of an unlimited number of additional mailboxes on six different domains (to choose from).
  • Unique addresses. An address once generated is never repeated.
  • Restoring previously used but deleted mailboxes after their expiration date. Unfortunately, no letters.
  • Creating extended addresses. It can be useful when registering on sites where the emails for this service are blacklisted.
  • Forwarding correspondence to the user's permanent email.
  • Receiving emails with attachments.
  • Push notifications and sound alerts about new emails.

The service also supports many languages, including Russian and Ukrainian, although the translation was not entirely accurate. Unlike its analogues, here it is possible to create a temporary mail with both a random name and one written in your own hand (custom).

By default, the box lifetime is 45 minutes. If this is not enough, the time can be extended. also allows you to delete an email along with all its contents without waiting for the expiration date. Its remaining functions are standard for all similar temporary mail services.

– ten-minute service. Simple as can be. The only information field displays only the automatically generated name and the count of seconds until the mailbox is deleted. It also contains buttons for copying the address to the clipboard and resetting the timer. All. To generate a new prefix, just refresh the page.

The service supports Russian, Ukrainian and many other languages.

The temporary email account offers 13 different domains to choose from. The hostname is also determined by the user himself. However, if you don’t want to use your imagination, you can use the address that was generated when you opened the page.

The mailbox has an unlimited lifespan, but incoming messages are stored in it for up to 60 minutes unless manually deleted. Buttons for deleting, updating the list of messages, changing mail and copying an address to the clipboard are located in the left panel of the page.

The site interface and all reference information are in Russian. is another extremely simple temporary email web resource. The extremely simple design, which consists of a field with an automatically generated address and two buttons, will definitely not allow you to misunderstand or confuse anything. The first of the two buttons deletes the current email, and the second one copies it to the clipboard.

The lifespan of the box is 1 day. The only additional things on the site are a short “explanatory note” and a non-functional feedback form.

The service is no more complex than the previous one. True, there are a couple more buttons here. Clicking “Get temporary mailbox” generates a unique email. After this, a page opens with a field for reading letters and buttons “Change address,” “Copy to clipboard” (email) and “Delete” (letters).

Incoming correspondence is stored for up to 24 hours, after which it is automatically destroyed.

The site interface is multilingual, but reference materials are only in English.

Positions itself as “Spam Mail”. There are 3 different domains to choose from; the user comes up with the host name himself.

Correspondence on the service is stored for an unlimited time. The oldest letters (exactly how much is not explained) are deleted automatically. The interface supports 4 languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

Mail also pleases with its simplicity. Unlike its analogues, there is a captcha (before using the service, confirm that you are a human). One of the unique features is the ability to restore a deleted mailbox if its token (identifier) ​​is preserved. Otherwise, “everything is like everyone else.” Messages are stored as long as the browser window is open. When you close or refresh the page, all data is deleted.

The web service interface is in Russian, reference materials are partially in Russian and English. is the simplest one-page resource in English. Three-button. "Go!" button creates a temporary address, “Delete” deletes letters, “Reload” checks new incoming ones. Mail is stored for a maximum of 31 days, the mailbox capacity is 30 letters.

The main difference from many similar Internet services is the function of forwarding incoming letters from temporary to real (permanent) email with adjustable frequency (from 1 hour to 4 weeks). Unfortunately, no investment. If there are files attached to the letter, they are deleted.

The rest of the features are standard. Among them:

  • Creating a mailbox with a random (Random) and custom (Custom) prefix.
  • Individual setting of the box lifetime.
  • Extending the life time by pressing a button (adds 30 minutes).

The interface is entirely in English. is one of the few “temporary mail” web services with the ability to send letters. Another unique feature is the creation of accounts on your own domain (if the user has one). Moreover, you can make your own domain not only personal, but also public.

Other features of

  • Random and custom prefixes.
  • Generating messages in text and HTML formats.
  • Delivery of file attachments.
  • Lots of available domains (new ones added weekly).
  • Forwarding incoming letters to permanent mail.
  • Printing and saving letters in EML format.
  • Notification of new messages via RSS and ATOM channels.
  • Password protection of your mailbox (only for domains with the PW extension).
  • Formation of blacklists of unwanted respondents.
  • Supports seven languages, including Russian.
  • Reference information in Russian and English.

The interface has been translated into Russian. The mailbox lifespan is 30 days.

The service is not as functional as the previous one, but it has everything you need. What’s unique is that it has a built-in chat, which allows you to exchange messages with other users of the site in real time (an alternative to the function of sending letters), and browser extensions. As in, along with the standard ones, you can use your own email domains here.

Other options:

  • Random and custom addresses.
  • 12 permanent domains.
  • Forwarding incoming messages to the user's regular mail.
  • Manual and automatic deletion of letters.

The shelf life of the box is 8 days. The site interface has been translated into Russian and Ukrainian.

There is a web version and a mobile application for Android. It is intended for both receiving and sending letters from a temporary address. And with attached files. The maximum weight of an attachment is 150 Mb, and the storage time on the server is 24 hours. also has a unique feature - a built-in password generator with the ability to store and restore them using a master code.

The rest is standard. The mailbox's lifetime is 1 hour. The site has been partially translated into Russian.

The last service in today's review works in two modes - simple and advanced. Simple mode supports only basic functions, that is, it does the most basic thing that all similar resources do - it ensures the receipt and forwarding of letters to real email addresses. Advanced provides a number of additional features:

  • sending letters from several temporary emails;
  • masking the names of the addresses from which you send letters;
  • generation of one-time addresses using control words (these words are included in the prefix in one way or another);
  • protecting your temporary emails by adding an additional prefix (in case there are concerns that someone else may be using your mailboxes).

Using the service in simple mode is available without registration. If you need an advanced one, you will have to create an account. mailboxes are deleted after a certain number of messages received, but not more than twenty. This number is determined by the user himself.

The site interface is multilingual. Among the languages ​​there is Russian.

A valid email address is required when creating various accounts and registering on certain sites.

But it is not always advisable or possible to indicate your real email, and in such cases, temporary one-time email without registration may be required.

The essence of the service

What exactly is temporary mail and how is it provided?

Temporary mail services generate random mailboxes located on their server.

These boxes, depending on the “scope” of the service, can range from several tens to several thousand.

When starting to use the service, the user receives an email address on the server and login credentials.

Access is provided for different periods of time, depending on the conditions, from a single opening of a letter to several months.

After this, the passwords for the provided mailbox are reset, stop working, and the mailbox can be provided to another user with different credentials.

The functionality of such a service may differ depending on the format of work.

It can work only to receive incoming messages, or it can assume the ability to send correspondence and receive incoming messages over a short period of time.

Why is it needed?

Why can’t you indicate your real email when registering, since almost every user has one?

In what cases might a temporary dummy mailbox be needed?

There may be a number of reasons for this:

  • The user has already registered on the site with his real email, but now cannot remember any backup data of his account for recovery;
  • The user has been blocked from the site, for example, for violating its Rules or for some other reason, and can no longer re-register with the real address;
  • An account registered to a real address on this site already exists, but another one is needed;
  • After registration, many sites begin to send unnecessary information to your mailbox - account login information, message notifications, etc., and disabling this in the account settings is long and difficult, so it’s easier to create temporary mail;
  • Other purposes are a prank, a surprise, confidential distribution of any information when the sender’s email address should not be recognized.

Of course, you can simply create a different email each time on standard servers (gmail, mail, rambler, yandex, etc.), but this is quite complicated and inconvenient.

The process takes a lot of time, and it is inappropriate to carry out it if the mail is needed “one time”.


The main advantages of using temporary mail services are described below:

  • Saving time on registration procedures;
  • There is no need to invent different credentials every time;
  • Getting rid of mailings, spam and other unnecessary letters on the main mail;
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality when necessary;
  • Ability to create multiple accounts at once.

Although using temporary mail can be associated with a number of difficulties, it is still more advisable than using a permanent mailbox.


However, using the service also has some disadvantages associated with the very principle of its operation, and which cannot be avoided.

These are phenomena such as:

  • Since email passwords no longer work, it is impossible to recover the password from the account that was registered to it;
  • Since addresses on some services are transferred from user to user when passwords are changed, when creating an account on a popular site, there is a possibility that the email you use has already been used there - in this case you will have to request an additional address;
  • You will not be able to receive important news about changes to the service.

Such shortcomings, in principle, are not too critical and are not always relevant, so the benefits of such services still outweigh.

As soon as you go through it, right on the Home page, at the top of the screen, you will find a randomly generated email address that you can use.

Above the address itself in this field there is a countdown timer showing how much longer the mailbox will work.

The address obtained in this way remains valid for 10 minutes.

If there is not enough time, and you cannot accomplish everything you need in 10 minutes, find the section Need more time?

On the left side of the page and click on the +10 minutes button.

To use the adjacent +30 minutes button, immediately adding half an hour of time for using the box, you need to register on the site or log in to it using social networks.

To do this, in the upper left corner of the start page, find the social network buttons under the service logo. Click on the desired button and log in to the service with your social network data (Google, Twitter, Vkontakte).

On a blue background, just below the address field, the contents of the mailbox are located.

When you first enter the site, you see in your mail only one welcome letter from the service administration.

But if you register with this mailbox, another inbox will appear - to open it, just click on it.

The appearance of the letter is no different - it is the same as when using any other mailbox.

At the top of the screen are the Mark as Unread, Reply, and Delete buttons.

The service also functions normally for sending letters - on the start page, on the right, under the address field, there is a Write button.

When clicking on it, the user is redirected to the authorization form - only authorized users can send emails.

If you need to save an incoming or outgoing letter, then find the corresponding button. Do you want to save the letter? on the left side of any page on the site.

After clicking on it, an input field for the real e-mail will open, to which a copy will be sent (this service is also available only to users authorized in the service).

When crossing it, to Home page you'll immediately find an email address ready to use.

Click on the address and copy it. Now it is ready for use during registration, but in order for it not to stop working, the site cannot be closed - while the site is open, the email is active, but as soon as you close it, another one will be generated.

Important! An additional advantage is that in the site header on a blue background you can find a QR code button. When you click on it, you will automatically receive the appropriate code corresponding to your temporary email. There is no particular point in such a service, but sometimes it can be useful and even necessary.

The disadvantage of the service is that you cannot send letters from such temporary mail. It only works for receiving and viewing incoming messages.

A service with a name similar to the previous one, but completely different in functionality.

To use this service, follow the algorithm:

  • Find your temporary email address in the field at the very top of the start page and copy it - there is even a special button for this at the top of the page, on the left;
  • The main part of the page is occupied by the field where your inbox will be displayed;
  • The Refresh button in the menu on the left is needed to check the contents of the mailbox - there is no automatic update;
  • The Change button involves creating any desired temporary email address - click on it to open the corresponding field, enter all the necessary data in it and click Save;
  • You will be notified of a successful address change by a message on a green background that appears after clicking the Save button;
  • The Delete button is used to delete a mailbox after use so that others can use it.

The main disadvantage of this service is the same as in the previous version - it is impossible to create an outgoing letter.

A simple service for generating temporary mailboxes, located at

Provides minimal but sufficient functionality and is easy to use.

The time it can be used is unlimited, but the page cannot be updated either - when updating, a different address is generated.

  • The address itself is located in the very top field on the start page;
  • By clicking on the button with the image of a tablet to the right of it, you can copy the data to paste on the site;
  • The orange I don’t like button is needed to generate another address - click on it and the data in the top field will be updated;
  • The field below is necessary to display inboxes - they appear automatically, there is no need to refresh the page;
  • A letter is opened by clicking on it, just like in any other mail.

This service is not suitable for sending letters and does not provide any additional services at all, but, nevertheless, it is quite convenient, simple and functional.

A simple and functional service is located at

  • In the field Your temporary mailbox, the actual address is displayed, which can be easily copied by clicking on the image of the tablets to the right of it;
  • In the Incoming mail block, which is updated automatically, all incoming correspondence will be displayed, which can be opened by clicking on it;
  • There is no time limit for using the generated combination, but you cannot refresh the page or restart the site, as this will lead to the automatic generation of another email;
  • Click on the Additional mailbox button and another address will be automatically generated for you, and if you click on the arrow next to this button, you can also select the desired domain for it;
  • To the right are buttons for setting up audio and visual notifications about receiving a new letter (disabling or enabling both types).

You can contact support by clicking the Having problems?

The site is convenient and multifunctional, but like many, it does not allow sending outgoing messages.

A simple service with some unique functions is located at

Its distinctive feature– creating a unique mailbox address.

To do this, find the input field in the upper left part of the page and enter the desired combination, then click on the Check mail button.

If the address is not busy, then the mail page will open for you.

On the left there is a list of incoming correspondence; the main field contains the contents of letters, which are opened by clicking on them.

At the top there is a Write button that allows you to send messages. Click on it and generate text.

This site does not provide the function of copying incoming and outgoing messages to a real mailbox.


All such services provide approximately the same functionality, with the exception of a number of features.

For example, a not very convenient characteristic is the limited time of using the service, as in the first case.

If you need to send a letter from a temporary address, then you need to be more careful when choosing a service, since not all sites provide this opportunity, as well as copying correspondence to a real mailbox.