What are page meta tags? What are meta tags? The most important thing is meta tags

From the author: competent layout of the template usually improves the chances of any site to move up in the search results. And all thanks correct use tags Today we will look at html tags for search engines, as well as how to use them.

The most important thing is meta tags

Of course, meta tags play the biggest role in search promotion. Their enormous role has long been proven. Without filling them out, you should not expect serious upward mobility. Since they are so important, let’s consider them in detail.

The most important tag is the title. This is a paired container within which the page title is placed. As you know, the title is practically the most important attribute of any normal article. Correctly filling out the title is already a serious step on the way to the top. What does correct mean?

Firstly, the length of the title should be optimal, about 40-60 characters. Secondly, if possible, you need to insert into it the main key phrase under which the page is promoted. The phrase may be an exact occurrence, or it may be an inexact occurrence. Here significant difference no, you need to see how it will look more beautiful and natural.

Third, avoid title spam. Don't write it as if it's just a concentration of keywords separated by commas. Also, do not try to insert completely crooked keywords into the title. You must understand that between optimization and naturalness there must be golden mean. Even if you promote with a crooked headline, many people may simply not want to click on it and would prefer to look at something else from the search results.

Okay, the title is more or less clear. The second most important is the description, which is also shown in the search results. This is a description meta tag, it is written like this:

< meta name = "description" content = "Тут описание" >

It is in the content attribute that the description is written. The optimal length for it is 120-160 characters. Many also try to insert some additional key phrases here. Again, be smart and don't put in 5 keys. One is enough. In some articles, I did not insert obvious keywords in the description at all, and still the page was then highly ranked in searches.

As you can see, in in this case The target audience is people who are in one way or another connected with programming. Of course, most of them will be extremely interested in clicking and seeing what kind of services are there.

In addition, you can dance from negativity: Guys, yesterday I learned about 15 things that you should never do when promoting websites. Read, don't repeat the mistakes of others!

I don't want to upset you, but you are wasting half of your precious time. Why is this and what should I do? Today I will tell you about it.

Practice shows that negative information works better on people. Besides, you can use a lot of other methods. For example, it is very effective to challenge target audience, challenging some statement, etc.

In general, we are already getting distracted from the topic, because this concerns copywriting, not html and tags for promotion. Let's get back to the topic.

Previously, they were all actively filled out. Now the influence of keywords has decreased to zero. The fact that this field has disappeared from the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress says a lot. We conclude - keywords may not be filled out. For example, I don’t fill it out.

We write all these tags to understand how it looks and works in html. If you work with one of the well-known engines, which is most likely, then you will be able to fill in meta tags just by installing required extension, or even such a possibility will be built in in advance. For example, in WordPress it is usually necessary to fill out meta fields and general optimization the site is used popular plugin All in one SEO Pack.


There is a lot of debate about whether headlines have any impact on rankings. In any case, it would be reasonable to say that there is some benefit from them if they are used correctly. Firstly, it allows you to break the text into subsections, improves it appearance, promotes better reading and assimilation.

Headings in html are created with h1-h6 tags, where h1 is the most important, and then in descending order. In particular, I would like to list a few rules and tips on how you can use headings correctly.

The h1 heading should be one on the page - at the very beginning. It is clear that this is the title of the article itself. Please do not confuse it with title. The title is displayed in search results, and h1 is displayed directly on the site page. If you break this rule and there are several h1s, then... I don’t know what will happen, but why take the risk? A webmaster I know used to display the names of widgets in sidebars via h1 due to an unoptimized template. Naturally, this is no good, although it did not receive a significant drop in search results.

But still, several h1s on the page are considered bad form. If you know a little about code (in particular, php), then check your template files yourself. In WordPress these are: sidebar.php, header.php, footer.php, single.php. In a good way, h1 should be displayed only once in single.php and nowhere else.

Great. I recommend that you use headings h2-h3 in the article itself when it needs to be divided into subsections. For example, you decided to write about how you learned to do pull-ups, push-ups, and squats with a barbell. Okay, it’s better to have a separate subheading for each exercise so that readers can better navigate your text. These are h2 headings.

H3 can be used, for example, like this - you write about how you learned to do pull-ups and list the exercises that helped you succeed. Each exercise that ultimately led you to the main exercise can be written down with its own headings - h3. This turns out to be a section of a section.

Headings h4-h6 are used extremely rarely in regular articles. I don’t think you are capable of thinking through the structure so deeply, and there’s no point in doing so, we’re not writing a book. In general, I personally almost never use such headings.

Another question regarding headers is whether to use them in the sidebar or not (i.e. widget titles)? I think it would be most optimal for widgets to use simple div. The whole point is that h1-h6 are created specifically in order to structure CONTENT. And the side column usually does not relate to the main content; it contains information of a different kind.

Other useful tags

Another extremely useful tag for search engines is robots. It allows you to give commands to search robots for each specific page. Well, that is, you can do this through robots.txt, but in most cases it is more convenient to use a meta tag:

< meta name = "robots" content = "index, nofollow" >

The first parameter is index or noindex – whether to index the text on the page or not. The second is followed or nofollow - allow the robot to follow the links or not.

Setting up meta tags correctly is very important for SEO. Work on filling out, writing, and adjusting meta tags is always carried out when starting a project, immediately after it is collected semantic core. And they continue as necessary throughout the entire period of website promotion. Sometimes it's enough just small changes in meta tags so that the site reaches the TOP10. This is especially true for low frequency queries, as well as in cases where the site is already located quite high in this request(for example, 11-15th position in search results), and it takes very little to push it to the TOP.

What are meta tags

To be extremely precise, meta tags should be understood as (X)HTML tags, with which you can specify official information about the page. Such information is placed inside the container... and is not displayed on the screen. They serve to structure and present metadata about a hypertext resource (web page) to search engines.

Meta tags include:

  • title — page title;
  • description - description of the web page;
  • keywords - keywords;
  • http-equiv - type of document being sent and encoding (charset);
  • generator - website CMS;
  • author - author;
  • copyright - copyrights;
  • robots - page indexing rules for robots;
  • viewport - data about setting up the viewing area;
  • and others.
What are meta tags for?

Meta tags on the page can be entered manually. Built-in tools can generate them automatically. But it's better to do this work yourself, so that they exactly match the theme of the web page, indicating:

  • authorship;
  • sources of information;
  • summary of the content.

This will increase compliance with the user’s expectations, which means it will extend the time he spends on the page, which will have a positive effect on its promotion.

Meta tags are classified into four groups, each of which has certain functions and is accompanied by one of four attributes:

  • content - not assigned by default;
  • http-equiv - designed to translate a meta tag into an HTTP header;
  • name — the name of the meta tag, which indirectly establishes its purpose;
  • charset - specifies the document encoding.

Of these, only content is required. The rest are optional.

Meta tags are needed for transmission necessary information about the page:

  • search robots (keywords, title, description);
  • browsers (page codes, auto-refresh intervals, cookies);
  • services (indication of copies of addresses and other information).

Watch how and for what purpose you fill out meta tags.

Meta title tag

This is the most main tag, which more than others influences website promotion by keywords. In most cases, this is the text used in the snippet title:

This is what the title looks like in the site page code:

Optimizing the title meta tag for SEO
  • The title must be unique on all pages of the site;
  • The title should reflect the essence of the page, should be informative and concise;
  • There must be queries for which this page is promoted, the most important ones are placed at the beginning of the tag, the title must necessarily contain 1-3 keywords;
  • Don't include too many keywords in the Title;
  • Do not use special characters (= / \ + _), punctuation marks and stop characters (period, colon, exclamation point and question mark) - remember, these are signs that break up passages in the Title, which reduces the relationship of keys according to different sides from a stop sign;
  • Compose the Title tag for people according to all the rules of the Russian language; if possible, the title should be made catchy and attractive;
  • The optimal Title length is from 30 to 65 characters. Google focuses on the length in pixels, the recommended length is from 200 to 571 pixels. If the Title is longer, an ellipsis appears in the snippet, which also takes up additional space in the title. It can appear either at the end of the snippet title or at the beginning. A short title is also bad, since few keys fit into it.
Examples of correct filling of title tags
  • Buy sunglasses in Moscow at low prices
  • Installation wooden windows inexpensive in Moscow
  • Site page meta tags | Meta tags Title and Description
Errors and bad examples of meta title tags
  • Installing windows, removing viruses, repairing computers, selling components (a simple list of keywords)
  • Home – AvtoRemont LLC – automatic transmission repair in Moscow (the most important keywords should come first)
  • Auto repair (Title too short)
  • LLC Websites: website development, large office, company news. (words for which the site will not be promoted)
Meta Description Tag

It is also one of the main meta tags for promoting a page using keywords. The description can be used in a snippet:

Sometimes the search engine takes the description from the page text, because... finds it more suitable

Meta Description tag for SEO
  • Should reflect the essence of the page, written in the form of consistent text. There may be several offers.
  • It must be unique for all pages of the site, and not duplicate similar tags on other sites (for this we use the company name in the text of the meta tag).
  • The tag needs to use queries that are used to promote this page, but this must be done in such a way that they are used naturally, in the desired morphology. Also, don't just list queries separated by commas.
  • The content of the tag should not repeat the Title.
  • The length of description should be at least 70 and no more than 150-200 characters. Google defines the length in pixels, with recommended lengths ranging from 400 to 930 pixels.
  • It is advisable to reflect the main advantages of the company, product, service in the description.
  • Most important information and phrases are best placed at the beginning of the meta description.
  • The more attractive the Description is, the more often people will click on the snippet.
Examples of correct filling of Description meta tags
Errors and unsuccessful examples of Description meta tags
  • (short, few keywords)
  • (automatically generated or the beginning of the content on the page is simply cut out).
  • (listing keywords separated by commas, unnatural meta description).
Meta Tag Keywords

In my opinion meta tag Keywords It hasn't worked for a long time and it's not worth wasting time on it.

Meta tags are not the key to success. They help rank your website better. But if the content is of poor quality, no one will stay on your site.

In this article we will discuss with you last group meta tags in HTML intended for search engines. They are of great importance and should be used on every page. Without using meta tags for search engines, optimization will be difficult.

First, let's look at how meta tags for search engines are inserted into HTML. Like all meta tags, they are inserted inside the tag as follows:

As you can see, the insertion process is absolutely identical to the process of inserting meta tags for a page, so everything is just as simple here. Now I will list the main meta tags for search engines that will need to be used:

  • description - this meta tag contains a description of the page. In fact, in this meta tag it is necessary to briefly formulate what is on this page. Contrary to the misconception of most, this meta tag affects search engine results, so insert it on every page.
  • keywords - meta tag containing keywords for this page. Here you can use the set different words, which you most often encounter on this page. Just like "description", "keywords" must be included on every page.
  • robots - this meta tag is used if you need to prevent the page from being indexed by search engines. This can be very useful and is used very often. We'll talk about the possible meanings of this meta tag below.

Now let's give an example of using meta tags for search engines in HTML:

Everything is transparent here, so I’ll just focus on the “robots” meta tag. There are 4 meanings here:

  • index,follow - this value means that this page you need to index it and also go through all the links on this page.
  • noindex,follow - this value tells the search robot that the page does not need to be indexed, but it is worth following the links on this page.
  • index,nofollow - the page needs to be indexed, but the links on it should not be followed.
  • noindex,nofollow - this value tells the robot that the page cannot be indexed or links on this page can be followed.

If the search robot needs to index the page and follow all the links (in most cases this is the case), then specifying the "robots" meta tag is not necessary. But if you need to prohibit indexing, then the easiest way to do this is to use the “robots” meta tag.


The New Year is already very close. There are only about two days left. And this means that it’s time to take stock of the year that has almost passed, which is what I’ll do tomorrow. Well, now I’ll tell you about what meta tags are and how to correctly write them on a page and something else.

Let's start by defining meta tags:

Meta tags are HTML tags or XMTL, designed to convey structured data about web pages to search robots and browsers.

These same tags are needed only by browsers and search robots. Perform the following functions:

  • Transmit information about the web page to search engines and browsers;
  • Contain control commands for the search robot and browser;
  • Provide information about the web page and the author.

But today we will only look at tags that perform the first two functions in the list above. They are the most necessary from an SEO point of view.

Meta tags Description, Keywords and Title tag

So, the meta tags Description, Keywords and the Title tag convey information to the search robot and browsers about the web page. Filling them out correctly improves page indexing, so special attention should be paid to filling them out. But first, let's look at each of the tags.

  • Description meta tag - indicates a description of the web page, which is usually used by search engines in snippets;
  • Meta tag Keywords - here the keywords that correspond to the content on the page are indicated;
  • Title tag - the title of the page, which you can see in the results search results and in the browser tab. This tag is not a meta tag, but it performs similar functions to those listed above.

Previously, about 20 years ago, using only these tags, you could easily move to the TOP for any keyword, the main thing is to fill them out correctly and that’s it. But nowadays the situation has changed dramatically: due to the fact that webmasters abused this, search engines stopped taking these meta tags into account as a ranking factor. Now, simply by filling them out correctly, it is impossible to advance to the TOP.

Perhaps a question has arisen in your head: why are they needed then? And here is the answer: meta tags, as mentioned above, have a positive effect on page indexing. In addition, the information contained therein is the most important factor internal optimization. And this, believe me, is important!

Robots meta tag
  • Index — enable indexing;
  • Noindex - disable indexing;
  • Follow - allow indexing of links;
  • Nofollow - disable indexing of links;
  • All — allow indexing of the page and links
  • None—disable indexing of the page and links.

In some cases, this meta tag is really needed. You need to handle it very carefully, otherwise you may inadvertently block the necessary pages from indexing.

How to fill in meta tags?

All meta tags are written within tags, that is, at the very beginning of the code.

As you can see, the meta tag is written in the code with the “” element with the presence of the required attributes:

  • name — the meta tag itself is written;
  • content — the value of the tag is written.

See the example above.

How to fill the Title tag?

The Title tag contains the title of the page, which is displayed in the search results and browser tab. In fact, this is the most important tag in terms of attracting visitors from search. And this means only one thing: the more attractive for potential client there will be a headline, the more visits you will have (provided that you are in the TOP - 10, of course).

The title should contain the keyword by which the page is promoted.

What are meta tags and how to fill them out?

How to fill in the Description meta tag?

Description is also very important for attracting visitors, since PSs put in the snippet what is written in this tag. The number of characters is limited to 120-150 characters. Therefore, it is extremely important to create a description that is as informative as possible about the page.

Tips for filling:

  • Don't duplicate what is written in the Title tag;
  • Dilute key query thematic text;
  • Write only to the point!
  • How to fill the Keywords meta tag?

    This tag is intended only for PS and they do not take it into account, which means it is useless. That's why I'll tell you a little about him.

    Keywords must be listed separated by commas.

    From everything written, we can conclude: the most important tags are Title and Description. You need to pay special attention to filling them out!

    Well, that's all, dear friends!

    See you soon and Happy New Year!

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  • With answer
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  • Task 1 of 5

    1 . Number of points: 1

    Can browsers understand meta tags?

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  • Is the Title tag a meta tag?

    Task 3 of 5


  • Number of points: 1 What does the Description meta tag do? Meta tags are used to describe

    HTML properties

    document and must be located within the HEAD tag. If the document uses the TITLE tag, then it is recommended to insert meta tags into the document after it. Meta tags have a very broad functional focus, but much is not yet standardized or is under development. Meta tags can influence the mode

    HTML rendering

    documents, although they themselves are not displayed on the screen. Meta tags are divided into two groups: NAME and HTTP-EQUIV. Meta tags like NAME contain

    text information

    about the document, its author and some recommendations for search engines. For example: Robots, Description, Keywords, Author, Copyright.

    Meta tags like HTTP-EQUIV influence the formation of the document header and determine the mode of its processing. Group of information meta tags These tags are not reflected by browsers, but are processed by some

    search engines

    . Typically, there is no need to use these tags at the same time. In most cases, one information tag is sufficient to identify the author or ownership of the document.

    Additionally, information tags may contain a "Lang" attribute indicating the language in which the property value is written. Example: Meta Description tag Description meta tag - used for

    It is used by search engines for indexing and as a short annotation when linking in a query response. And it is by the content of this tag that the search engine user will evaluate whether your site meets his expectations or not.

    If the Description tag is missing, then search engines use the first line of text or an excerpt from the text with the found keyword as a description.

    It is advisable that the length of the description does not exceed 80 characters. Example:

    Meta tag Document-state

    Meta tag Document-state - designed to control indexing by search robots. Can have two meanings:

    Static - There is no need to index this page in the future.

    Dynamic - Index this page regularly (default).

    The "Static" mode is intended for pages that do not change in principle. If the content of your page changes periodically, then using this tag is not necessary. Example:

    Meta tag Generator

    The Generator meta tag is just one of a "glorious" family of tags widely used by HTML code generators for their purposes. As a rule, these tags do not carry any useful load for the site owner.

    Meta Tag Keywords

    The Keywords meta tag is used by search engines to assess relevance.

    When creating a list of keywords for meta Keywords tag you must use the words contained in the text of the document. Words not contained in the text can be used in very small quantities, two to three words. They must be inserted at the end of the list.

    Keywords should not be repeated in the Keywords tag, at most, no more than two times.

    It makes sense to use no more than 10 words in the Keywords meta tag, large quantity will not increase relevance.

    In most cases, search engines find keywords that are in the plural (cats), even if the search is specified in the singular (cat). Therefore, it is recommended to include English plural nouns in the Keywords tag.

    Some search engine robots do not go to new line when analyzing the Keywords meta tag, so it is not recommended to split it into several lines.

    If the document is written in several languages, you can use the additional lang attribute to select the encoding (see the description of the Content-Language meta tag).

    But it is more preferable to do individual pages, each in its own language with transitions from one to another using tags And .

    Meta tag Resource-type

    Meta tag Resource-type - describes the state of this document. If its value is other than “Document”, then search engines will not index it.

    Designed for use in major projects, with many documents of different types.

    Some possible values:

    Document — Accepted by default.
    Random text

    Meta tag Revisit

    Meta tag Revisit - tells the search robot how many days later it needs to return and re-index this document.

    Example (come once a week):

    Meta tag Robots

    Meta tag Robots - contains instructions for search engine robots that collect information about HTML documents online.

    The value of the Robots property can consist of the following directives, separated by commas:

    Index - this page should be indexed.

    Noindex - this page should not be indexed.

    All — = index, follow (default).

    None - = noindex, nofollow.

    The tag does not change anything in the robot's operation search engine, since "all" is the default.

    But if this page is created dynamically or is updated very often, then there is no point in indexing it, since the information about the page in the search engine and its true content will be different.

    When using a tag that does not allow hyperlink tracking

    part of the site may remain unindexed, since robots navigate through hyperlinks inside the site. And those pages to which navigation is blocked will not be indexed.

    The Robots meta tag takes precedence over control directives specified in the robots.txt file.

    Subject meta tag

    The Subject meta tag is used by search engines to determine the subject of a document. But until search engines agree on classification tables, the use of this tag is not always justified.

    Meta URL tag

    Meta URL tag - serves to exclude generated pages and mirrors from indexing. Having encountered this tag, the search engine robot must stop indexing the current document and follow the specified link. Example:

    Meta tag Content-Language

    The Content-Language meta tag is an indication of the document language. Used by search engines for indexing. Although most of them can distinguish the language from the text.

    Some possible values ​​(standard, ): de, el, en, en-GB, en-US, en-cockney, es, fr, it, i-navajo, ja, he, nl, ru, pt.

    IN HTML specifications 4.0 yes alternative possibility explicit indication of the language -

    Meta tag Content-Script-Type

    Meta tag Content-Script-Type - Definition of the scripting programming language.

    Some of the possible values ​​are: text/javascript, text/perlscript, text/tcl, text/vbscript.

    If the Content-Script-Type tag is not used, then a non-default scripting language type must be specified directly in each tag, example

    You can use multiple scripting languages ​​in a single document. Specifying a language in a tag has higher priority within the current tag.

    Meta tag Content-Style-Type

    Meta tag Content-Style-Type - indicates the language of the style sheet, the value "text/css" is accepted by default, if it suits you and you do not use and tags in this document, then using this tag is optional. Example:

    Browsers determine the language of style sheets using the following algorithm:

    If a META declaration specifies a style sheet language, specifies the last declaration in the character stream.

    If the style sheet language is specified in the STILE declaration, the style sheet language specifies the last header in the character stream.

    If a stylesheet language is not specified, the default language is "text/css".

    Meta tag Content-Type

    Meta tag Content-Type - Responsible for indicating the document type and character encoding.

    You should use the Content-Type meta tag only taking into account some nuances.

    First, the character encoding of the text must match the encoding specified in the tag.
    Secondly, the server should not change the text encoding when processing a browser request.
    Third, if the server changes the text encoding, it must adjust or remove the Content-Type meta tag.

    Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to the following: the web server will automatically detect the encoding of the client request and return the page to the web browser recoded. The browser, in turn, will read the document in accordance with the Content-Type meta tag. And if the encodings do not match, then it will be possible to read the document only after a series of intricate manipulations. This is especially true for older browsers IE 3.x - 4.x and Netscape 4.x.

    Attention! The Content-Type meta tag is very often inserted by HTML code generators.

    Some of the possible encoding types (standard): Windows-1251, KOI8-r, ISO-8859-1.

    Expires meta tag

    Meta tags Expires - controls caching. If the date specified in the tag has passed, the browser should make a second network request rather than using a copy from the cache. If you initially specify a past date, the document will not be cached.

    Some search robots may refuse to index a document with an outdated date.

    The date must be indicated in the standard.

    Meta tag PICS-Label

    The meta tag PICS-Label - (Platform-Independent Content rating Scheme Label)) determines the level of accessibility of the site (sex, violence), but can also be used for other purposes.

    Meta tag Pragma

    Pragma - Caching control. When set to “no-cache”, caching of this data is not recommended. Intended for documents obtained as a result of the script. Example:

    Meta tag Refresh

    Meta tag Refresh - defines a time delay in seconds after which the browser automatically refreshes the document. Additional featureautomatic download another document. Example:

    If you just need to update the document, you don't need to specify the URL.

    Meta tag Set-Cookie

    Set-Cookie - Setting up browser cookies.

    The EXPIRES, DOMAIN, PATH and SECURE attributes can be omitted if necessary.

    NAME — The name of the cookie, cannot contain newlines, spaces, semicolons (;), or tabs.

    EXPIRES — Cookie storage time. After the specified date (in the format "Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT") the cookie expires.

    DOMAIN — The domain for which the cookie value is being set. For domains COM, EDU, NET, ORG, GOV, MIL, INT value can be abbreviated as "MY.COM", it will also apply to the domain "WWW.MY.COM". For all others (including RU), the value must be specified in full "WWW.MY.RU".

    PATH - Sets the subset of documents that are affected by the cookie. If the value is "/doc", the cookie will be applied to all files and directories in this directory starting with "doc" (/doc/, /document/, /doc2/, docs.html, doc-test.htm).