What is send push technology? What are Push notifications in Sberbank Online: how to disable and delete

An unfamiliar name for a familiar phenomenon - Push messages- what is it? Even without knowing their name, most likely you have already encountered them, when suddenly a message from a site that was not active at that time () popped up in the right corner of the screen.

Even when an operator informs us about the balance on a mobile account or some application sends its notification, they also use push technology.

They are everywhere

On a smartphone, push messages may look like SMS, but their technological essence is somewhat different. Although we most often receive text messages, this type of message can be much more varied than just text.

Depending on the settings, push messages can be easily embedded dialog boxes, information banners, active buttons. Therefore, such a message looks more attractive and informative than a regular SMS.

All more services and programs use this particular method of notification. Surely even the bank whose services you currently use now uses this type of notification to their clients, instead of SMS.

On your computer and even on a regular mobile phone

Push messages are now used not only in the phone, but also in the browser. Websites that want to get more attention from their visitors use them to bring the user back to a page when it is open but remains inactive.

Current updates from the site will be delivered to the user the fastest in this way, and it will be difficult to ignore it. By the way, do you have your own website? .

The convenience of push messages compared to SMS can be appreciated even without having a smartphone or the like. They are delivered to a regular mobile phone via wap.

The advantage of this method of notification and dissemination of information is its ease of use. The recipient does not need to go to the browser or look for another application; the information is opened or downloaded with a single click.

Should I turn it off?

If you don’t want to receive notifications in this form, you can easily find an option in the message settings to turn them off. In smartphones, such settings are individual for each person. separate application. Therefore, you should look for the option to block messages from one of them in the “applications” tab, selecting the one you need.

In smartphones on the Android platform, the range of applications of push informers is very diverse. Through them, control is implemented in most applications, including those for work and financial management.

If push message delivery is disabled, the application will not be able to send notifications in a timely manner. For example, this way you can skip a message about illegal debits from bank card, if suddenly attackers get hold of information about it.

It's easy to master the technology

If you already have your own website and you want its visitors to instantly receive relevant messages directly in their browser, this is easy to do with the service from Sendpulse.com . Integration is as simple as possible; you don’t have to make fundamental changes to the site settings.

It is enough to add just one line of code and the service will work immediately. In addition, push notifications of this service work stably in all popular browsers. You don’t have to worry about maximizing your visitor coverage. Now the visitor will definitely not miss messages from your site.

For application developers, sendpulse also has ready-made solution, integration of push messages will be just as simple.

The user can view push messages not only at the moment they appear on the screen. The smartphone has a notification log that stores all messages received on the device over the past lately. You can easily find any of them there.

To use it, you need to move the settings icon to the desktop from the widgets menu, and then select “notification log” for it.

Sometimes push messages don't arrive on time or stop coming at all. This does not always depend on the smartphone settings, but may well mean that the problem is with the server with which the application works. Also, failure of push messages occurs due to data transmission problems with the mobile operator.

Push notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen mobile phone or regular computer and report important events and updates. At effective use these short informative messages are powerful marketing tool. The main purpose of push notifications is to inform users about updates to websites or applications, the addition of new content, or any other news.
Initially, Push notifications appeared precisely as a way of interaction mobile applications with mobile device users, but recently the technology of browser push notifications or web push has also become very popular.

Let's start by focusing on a new trend, namely browser push notifications.

If we talk about browser push notifications or web push, then these are messages from sites that appear in the form of pop-up windows on the user’s desktop if the latter has given permission to receive them. When clicking on such a notification, the user will be redirected to specific page the site from which the notification came.
This is what an invitation to subscribe to a notification from a site looks like.

To make it easier to understand how browser push notifications work, you can take a look at this diagram.

The push notification itself consists of a title, an image, short text and a link to the sender’s website. This is what it roughly looks like when it appears on your desktop.

How can browser push notifications be of interest to online marketers and business owners?

First of all, because it is - alternative method forming your own subscriber base compared to email newsletters. If we compare email newsletters and push notifications, then push notifications have their advantages, namely:

  1. Easy to subscribe. To subscribe to push notifications, simply click on one button in the pop-up browser window - and the subscription is completed.
  2. High percentage of delivery and conversions. According to some estimates, the percentage of delivery of push notifications is up to 90%, and the percentage of transitions to websites via push notifications reaches up to 50%.
  3. Just connect. In order to enable sending push notifications on your website, you only need to install a few lines of code on it.
  4. Convenient to send. You can customize automatic series or sending via RSS.

Web push notifications can be used by Internet marketers for various purposes. Here are just some of the options:

  • Trigger notifications
  • Sales
  • News/new products
  • Reminders
  • Congratulations
  • Events

Sendpulse offers one of the most popular push notification services. Among its main advantages are ease of use, the ability to segment an audience, as well as the ability to integrate SMS, email and webpush mailings. In addition, at the moment the push notification service from Send Pulse is absolutely free.

Options for using mobile push notifications.

Let's now touch on mobile push notifications. How do they work and how can they benefit your business? Four main areas were identified in using these notifications to improve business.

The bulk of mobile push notifications (41%) are used to announce the release of new applications or the availability of new versions of existing ones. The second, no less important, application (24%) is mailing special offers or links to specific landing pages. 14% of push notifications are used to inform users about new content available in the application, and 12% are used to send referral or advertising links. The remaining 9% is used for other types of information.

New marketing channels.

The concept of Push Notifications has made its way into the marketing space very quickly. But there is a fine line between cooperation and being overly intrusive. Push notifications should provide the user with valuable information and promote long-term cooperation. Therefore, messages must be timely and contain relevant content. For example, if a children's app developer sells space for push notifications to a coffee company, such messages will be considered spam. This will not help build relationships - the application will lose its popularity. Some marketers use GPS technology to send mobile push notifications when the user is close to them retail outlets. This type of user interaction looks more preferable. The key is to provide information that users want in a timely manner.

Also, an effective use of push notifications is to inform the user about the activities of his friends. For example, Facebook uses browser push notifications to notify users of new comments on their posts.

If you're going to use mobile or browser push notifications as part of your marketing plan, make sure you follow these simple rules:

  • Content must be relevant, relevant
  • Content must be linked to social networks for discussion
  • Providing the opportunity to unsubscribe from the mailing list
  • Don't exaggerate with the number of notifications - more than six messages a day will irritate most users.

First of all, remember that it's all about practice. Your first push notification campaign may not be perfect, but the experience will provide the impetus for further improvements.

Lately, Push notifications have become increasingly popular, so I decided to write this article in which I will analyze in detail what they are, as well as how to set up, disable, and even how to make money from Push notifications.

To quickly jump to the section of the article you are interested in, use the table of contents:

What are Push Notifications:

Push notifications- This new look advertising mailing. Something between email and SMS mailings.

How does this work?
When you visit a website, you may see this message:

If you click "Allow notifications", you will subscribe to this site's Push newsletter, after which the site will be able to send you notifications at any time directly to your browser.

These notifications look like this:

A small picture and a couple of lines of text. By clicking on this notification you will be redirected to the website page that is advertised in this push notification.

To receive push notifications you need:
1) Allow the site to send you notifications.
2) Connect to the Internet.
3) Open the Internet browser through which you subscribed to Push notifications.

In general, if you have subscribed to notifications from a site, then when you open your browser you will immediately see if this site has sent you something.

You can also watch the video, which explains in detail what Push Notifications are:

How to disable Push Notifications:

It often happens that you accidentally subscribed to notifications from a site and do not want to receive anything from it. What to do then?

It's very simple - you can unsubscribe from any website in just a few clicks. This is done in the browser settings.

Let's look at how to disable push notifications on Google example Chrome:

1) Go to Google settings Chrome:

2) In the settings, scroll to the very bottom and open the "Advanced" tab:

3) Then open the "Content Settings" tab:

4) Then open the Notifications tab:

5) Scroll to the very bottom and you will see a list called “Allow” - there will be all the sites that you have allowed to send you Push Notifications:

6) Click on the ellipsis to the right of the desired site and a list of actions will open in front of you - select “Block”, after which the selected site will no longer be able to send you notifications:

Done - push notifications are disabled!

For mobile devices everything is approximately the same (even a little simpler):
Go to your browser settings -> Site settings -> Notifications -> Turn off the necessary notifications.

Push notifications SberBank paid or free:

As I already wrote at the very beginning, push notifications are a new feature and many large sites (such as Sberbank or other banks) are just starting to use it, so not all users are familiar with push notifications and do not fully understand - is it paid or free?

I will answer - Push notifications are absolutely free! Not only for you, but also for the site itself that sends them, which is why more and more sites are using Push notifications.

Notification changed from SMS to Push:

Another question that many users of large sites have is why was I transferred from SMS notifications to Push notifications and what has changed because of this?

I answer - practically nothing has changed for you, you will also receive all notifications on your phone, the only difference is that An internet connection is required to receive Push Notifications. So if the Internet is turned off on your phone, then you will not be able to receive notifications, but don’t worry - as soon as you connect to the Internet, you will immediately receive all notifications.

Why do they switch from SMS to Push notifications?
As I already wrote above, everything is very simple - Push notifications can be sent for free, unlike SMS. Therefore, many large sites are now switching from SMS to push notifications.

How to enable Push notifications:

If you are the owner of a website and want to enable push notifications, then this is very easy to do - just register on one of the services that deals with push mailings and install special code to your website, after which you can track the number of subscribers and send them push notifications.

2) In your account on the service, go to the "Push" section and click "Add site":

3) You will then receive instructions on how to install the code on your site:

4) Install the code according to the instructions - after this, an offer to subscribe to your Push newsletter will be displayed on your website and you will be able to send Push notifications to your subscribers.

More detailed instructions You can watch the video to install the code:

Earnings from Push Notifications:

And as I promised, at the end of this article I would like to tell you how you can make money from Push notifications. In the previous paragraph of the article, I already mentioned that there is one service - PushProfit, which allows you to make money from Push notifications.

How does this work?
It’s very simple - register with PushProfit, install their code on your website and start collecting subscribers.

After this, the service will send Push mailings with various advertisements to your subscribers every day, and you will receive money for each click on the advertising mailing.

Also, if you already have a collected base of Push subscribers, then you can connect it via the API to the PushProfit service and immediately start earning money by sending advertising messages to the already collected subscribers.

If you are interested this method earnings, you can find out more about it in my review of the PushProft service - read the review on PushProfit.

That's all I wanted to tell you about Push subscriptions, I hope you found the answer to your question, but if not, then feel free to ask questions in the comments below, I will try to answer everyone.

The push service website supports five browsers on desktop platforms (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Yandex) and four on Android platform(Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Yandex). This diversity allows us to reach more than 85% of the entire audience of Internet users.

The simple procedure and the absence of the need to provide personal information (and many users are in no hurry to share “personal” information) become the first step towards creating a positive interaction with the subscriber. Often the user agrees to subscribe in the native browser window impulsively. If in the future the push notifications he receives are interesting and relevant, he will not refuse to subscribe.

Push notification structure:

  • Heading (main subject of the message) - up to 65 characters;
  • Message text – up to 240 characters;
  • Link to the web resource page specified by the sender;
  • Picture.

The push notification structure may vary depending on the browser. Let's take a closer look.

What do push notifications look like in a browser?

Each browser and device type may display the push message differently. In addition to basic structural elements push, additional functions are also available for push service clients:

  • Large images – 360x240 pixels, instead of the standard 192x192;
  • Buttons to go to different pages, or to select an action in one message.

Push notifications in Windows 10

Below are options for displaying push messages on the subscriber's desktop when using the Chrome browser on a Windows operating system.

Regular push notification:

Push with a long title:

Push message with long body (text):

Push notification with long title and body:

“Push” with a big picture:

Push message with buttons:

Push notification with a large image and buttons:

This variability opens up a lot of opportunities for conveying information to the client. Large pictures are used for image campaigns, because graphic information attracts attention faster than text. Buttons are used to segment subscribers, most often to go to different pages of the site (for example, to a page for selling cases for smartphones or iPhones, separately). Buttons are also suitable for distributing visitors according to various criteria.

For example, for segmentation by interests, the first button will go to a page with men's products, and the second will go to a page with women's products. It is important to diversify messages for recipients, use different reasons for mailings and forms of notifications. This way, push notifications will not become boring and will make communication interactive and interesting.

Push in other browsers

Similar opportunities are available for mailings via the Yandex browser.

  • Simple push:

  • Push notification with buttons:

  • Push message with buttons and a large image:

Opera browsers provide fewer options today:

However, even with limited variability, it is necessary to create different images and text for each new mailing. According to statistics from real case news site, just by changing pictures and headlines for each notification, the click-through rate (CTR) increased from 3-4% to 12-18%.

Indicators at identical images and titles:

CTR growth after strategy change:

Push notifications on mobile devices

Below are examples of push notifications in Android OS for different browsers: Chrome, Opera, Yandex, Firefox.

Push notifications in Chrome on Android:

  • Simple

  • With a big picture

  • With a large picture and buttons

"Push" in Opera:

Push message in Yandex browser (Android):

Push message to Firefox browser(Android):

As can be seen from the above examples, mobile push notifications have no less capabilities than push notifications sent to a PC. In addition, the company website offers implementation latest technology For quick access to the site via mobile devices – .

How push mailings work: principle of operation

We've covered the basic concepts of push notifications. Let’s take a closer look at the principles of building communication between a website and users using push technology.

Collecting the base

The first stage is collecting a subscriber base. Due to the simplicity of subscription (one click), collection usually occurs very quickly. For comparison, push notifications become subscribers three times more often than email newsletters. Visitors subscribe to push messages much more willingly, because the technology does not require the collection of personal data ( postal address, phone number, full name, etc.).

It should also be noted that subscription to push notifications is voluntary. Therefore, when using this tool, there is no uncontrolled imposition of goods and services. Sending spam is not possible here, because such actions will result in immediate unsubscription from the site’s push notifications. And you can unsubscribe at any time if messages have become irrelevant, intrusive, or frequent.


The second stage is planning mailings. It is important to constantly maintain the client’s interest in the site’s information. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • Mailing frequency;
  • Time and duration of sending notifications;
  • The time the message is displayed on the recipient's screen;
  • Relevance of the topic.

At the planning stage, campaign goals are set, on which the format will largely depend. appearance, duration of mailing, etc. So, the goal may be to segment subscribers (notifications with buttons), inform about new service, payment reminder, congratulations, invitation, etc.

To calculate what is convenient for the client, it is important to take into account the specifics of the business area when planning. For example, for a website for accounting services best time sending notifications is on weekdays during business hours, and for reminders about utility bills, the best period is weekends or evening hours on weekdays. The logic here is simple - you need to select the time period during which the user is ready to receive (is on the Internet) and perceive information.

You also need to think carefully about the choice and duration of sending notifications (TTL). The frequency must be supported by an informational reason. That is, it would hardly be justified to send out five notifications with the same offers (for example, “20% discount on jeans”) within a week. It is important to follow the interests of the subscriber and not overload him with an excessive number of similar messages.

Send duration (TTL) allows you to set the time period during which one message will be delivered to the recipient. For example, when sending a push notification about a webinar on the day of its holding (assuming the sending time is 10 am, and the webinar starts at 20.00), optimal value TTL will be 10 hours. That is, from 10.00 to 20.00, the “push” will be sent until it reaches the recipient’s device. After 20.00, sending it will no longer be relevant.

The time at which a message is displayed on the screen is currently regulated by the browsers themselves and operating systems. So, for example, if a push notification arrives through , then it is displayed on the device screen for 5 seconds. If the recipient has not clicked on the push during this time, the notification is transferred to the Windows Notification Center, where it can be viewed later.

The relevance of the topic when sending push notifications is determined using website and service tools unique to the market. We'll talk about them in more detail below. But the main thing that these tools provide is the ability to analyze the behavior of subscribers. This analysis allows you to draw conclusions about the interests and preferences of your loyal audience and create a newsletter according to the data received for each target group.


The third stage – mailingpush-notifications and subsequent analysis of results. At this stage, it is important to evaluate the reaction of subscribers to the message received. It is the results of the campaign (extended statistics available to the sender) that will show how correct the preliminary calculation was. In addition, the data obtained will become a springboard for future mailings. Each new campaign provides invaluable insights and experience that can be used to improve conversions in the future.

Features of sending push notifications to PCs and mobile devices in the website service

The company's success is ensured by:

  • Easy to connect to the service (10 minutes);
  • Supports all major browsers;
  • Constant improvement of the service;
  • Competent support and support of marketing campaigns;
  • Security for clients;
  • Openness, including for large companies ().

Functional developments from the site:

  • Additional notification elements – buttons with different url and utm tags; big pictures(360x240 px);
  • Welcome message is the first message that the user receives after subscribing;
  • Advanced statistics;
  • Ability to work via ;
  • Segmentation by tags, personal identifiers (alias), filtering by metadata;
  • Logical operators for working with tags.

Statistics are available in the user control panel after . In the form of graphs, changes in the number of subscribers by day, the history of mailings over the entire period of operation, and reports for each campaign are displayed.

Segmentation is the distribution of subscribers into groups. Unique Feature The service site here is an unlimited number of tags to assign to users. Depending on the given tag, the site visitor will be assigned to one category or another. Groups can be determined by topic, visitor actions on the site, etc.

Thanks to the segmentation tool from the website service, push notification technology has become more effective and accessible. Unique features analysis of customer requests and expectations help make push mailing the most convenient and profitable marketing channel, forming a budget-friendly and at the same time successful strategy.

How to connect a push service to a website: 5 steps

Connecting the push notification service to a web resource will take no more than ten minutes.

  • The first step is registration on the website.

  • Second step - activate account through email(follow the link from the received letter).
  • The third step is to add a site profile (http or https) in the control panel.

  • The fourth step is integration with the site. We add system-generated code to the resource pages. For sites with the http protocol, installation ends at this stage. WITH at this moment visitors will begin to receive offers to subscribe to push notifications.
  • The fifth step is only relevant for https sites. You need to download the SDK files and unpack them into root folder your site.

This completes the integration of push notifications. If you have questions about installation, see.

Conclusions: push messages as a success factor

  • push notifications are easy to install on the website,
  • It's very easy to subscribe to them,
  • the appearance of notifications does not repel recipients,
  • the message sending strategy can be quickly adjusted (change time, duration, etc.),
  • design development does not require intensive preparation (as is the case with banners for contextual advertising),
  • the results of push mailings are objectively assessed using statistical data,
  • Each subsequent mailing is planned based on the experience of previous ones.

All of these factors make push notifications an indispensable tool marketing strategy, both when used multichannel (together with others) and separately. In every area of ​​business, push notifications find their application and become reliable support for long-term and reliable contact with the client.

What are push notifications: how they work and what they look like

4 (80%) based on 3

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You can return the user to the site in at least 3 ways: email newsletter, SMS newsletter and retargeting. You are familiar with all these methods and probably use them yourself. What have you heard about push notifications?

For example, some consider push notifications useful tool, while others completely think that no one needs this development. Let's figure out what it is, how it works and who might find it useful. So let's begin:

Push notifications are pop-up windows on the device screen that inform you about important events. They are divided into two types:

  • browser-based;
  • mobile.

But today we’ll talk about browser push notifications. If you think that you have never come across them, then you are mistaken. Most sites have them already configured. It all works like this:

You visit the site for the first time and on the left top corner The following window immediately pops up:

The system gives you a choice whether to allow the notification or block it. If you prohibit, then the window will no longer appear when you go to this resource, and if you give the go-ahead, you will automatically subscribe to notifications.

When a company holds promotions, sales, or, for example, publishes new articles, you will receive a notification on your desktop.

The clear advantage of this method is fast one-click subscription and high viewability. A push notification appears immediately before your eyes, unlike e-mail newsletters and SMS messages that still need to be opened.

To determine how users react to your notifications and track effectiveness, use utm tags or analytics within the service you use. For information on how to place tags, see.

Of course, all this is good, but it is important not to overdo it. Therefore, remember two main rules:

  • Don't send alerts too often. Otherwise, the only thing you will achieve with your actions is unsubscribing from your push mailing.
  • Don't make subscription obsessive. This can only cause negativity and most users will simply leave the resource.

We've talked about this wonderful tool, and now a little about the services that make it possible to send push notifications:

If you notify your subscribers about new promotion, and it has time restrictions, it is best to select the correct date in the settings. Otherwise, it may happen that the user will receive a notification about the promotion when it has already ended.

Gradual Send Option- service specialists recommend sending the newsletter in parts if you have a large subscriber base. But since we don’t have many of them yet, we send them all at once.

Utm tags parameter- are configured automatically, you just need to click the checkbox.

Additionally, A/B testing is available, but only if you already have 100 subscribers. You can test headlines, text, images. You can also select the test group size.

  • Statistics and results

    If you think that these statistics are not enough, you can also look at the results in Yandex.Metrica (Reports → Standard reports → Sources → UTM tags).

    This is what the label will look like:

  • Conclusion

    Push notifications are the most quick way collect subscribers, which requires virtually no labor costs. But such notifications will only be effective if the right approach. If you don’t have time to closely engage in such mailings, then it is better not to install this tool on your website at all.