How to disable sticky keys in different operating systems. Solving the problem with stuck keys on a laptop

If particles of dust, food or some other contaminants have accumulated in the keyboard of your laptop, then you should not be surprised that at one point you will experience discomfort when using the device, because suddenly the button on the laptop is stuck. Such symptoms of malfunction are common, which leads to equipment owners contacting a service center. Regardless of the reasons, the technician will need to partially or completely disassemble the keyboard without damaging other components of the system. By entrusting such a task to a professional, you are guaranteed to receive a fully functional device.

Reasons why laptop keys stick

The source of problems can be both software and hardware. For example, if a key does not return to its original state after pressing, we can conclude that dirt has accumulated under it, which is why this element simply sticks to the base. There are common cases when a key on the keyboard gets stuck while playing games. For example, similar behavior is typical of the “W” button held down by a gamer for a long time. A similar problem appears when the corresponding mode is activated in the operating system settings. If it's all about the settings, then it's easy to fix. To exit stuck mode, you need to perform a series of actions by going to the accessibility center and adjusting the appropriate settings. Sometimes the keys on a laptop get stuck due to overheating, which can be eliminated by dismantling the laptop and cleaning the working elements of the cooling system (radiator, cooler, etc.) and then applying thermal paste in the most critical areas.

Mechanical damage and contact with moisture

Buttons on a laptop can also become jammed due to mechanical damage to the device. For example, equipment may fall from a height, or the user may spill sweet tea, cola or coffee onto the surface of the keyboard. In each of these cases, the keys can become sticky or jammed as a result of a violation of the original geometry of the device. While the keyboard of a regular desktop can be disassembled without problems (including by the user himself, although this is not recommended), disassembling a laptop has its own nuances. It is important to have practical skills and have special knowledge and tools. All this is typical only for professionals working in a specialized service center. The technician will carefully remove the problematic keys, make sure the spring elements are working, and clean them. Next (after complete drying), the dismantled parts are installed in place.

When is it necessary to remove the entire keyboard?

If the buttons begin to stick not because of accidentally dripping liquid, but because of an overturned cup of sweet coffee (tea, beer, cola, lemonade), then the entire keyboard will have to be disassembled. Moreover, if you do not hurry, irreparable damage will be caused to the conductive paths. Over time, the keyboard may completely fail (sometimes this is limited to this, provided that the liquid has not penetrated further to the motherboard).

The design of most laptop models provides for fixing the keyboard with special latches, and therefore removing it does not cause any particular difficulties. That is, complete dismantling of the computer is not necessary. The technician will first pry up the outer latch with a tool, and then disconnect the other fasteners. Next, the cable that connects the keyboard to the motherboard is removed from the slot, and the keyboard itself is removed. This is followed by disassembling the data input device, from which all buttons, elevators and backing are removed, and then cleaned. At the final stage of restoration measures, the above steps are performed in reverse order.

How high are the chances of success?

If there was only a small amount of liquid, and it got on the laptop keyboard relatively recently, then the chance of restoring the device without any significant financial losses is quite high. However, most often the opposite happens, i.e. spilled drinks fall on the contacts, thereby triggering corrosion processes. As a result, the internal elements of the data input device are destroyed, which leads to its complete failure and, accordingly, to the need for replacement. Thus, the sooner you contact the workshop, the better.

Often, sticking keys on a laptop are a consequence of their contamination after tea, jam has been spilled on the front panel, crumbs and other debris have gotten inside. Next, we’ll look at what other reasons may cause this unusual behavior of the laptop’s input device, and we’ll also describe in detail how to fix the above problems without the help of specialists.

Identifying the cause of sticky buttons

The keys on a laptop may not work properly due to various reasons, which can be either software or mechanical. The main ones are the following:

  1. If the button, under the action of the spring-loaded element, cannot immediately return to its original state after pressing, this often indicates that debris or sticky liquid has gotten under it.
  2. Overheating of the device in gaming applications is often the cause of strange behavior of keys held down for a long time on a laptop, for example, “W”.
  3. A similar problem appears if this mode for people with disabilities is activated in the OS itself. In this case, sticking can be disabled in the appropriate settings.

These are the most common causes of the problem described, with the exception, perhaps, of a physical breakdown of the input device - damage to the board tracks, button lift, etc.

Disabling Sticky Buttons in Windows

Before you start disassembling your laptop for cleaning, you need to make sure that sticky buttons is not activated on your system at the software level, otherwise it needs to be disabled. This should be done according to the following scheme:

Note that the given algorithm, which allows you to disable this mode of operation of the laptop, is almost the same for all versions of Windows, starting from the seventh.

How to properly clean a laptop keyboard

If one or just a few buttons stick after crumbs or, for example, a drop of jam gets in, then it will be enough to simply “snap them off” and wipe the landing area with a cotton swab dipped in water. They are detached very simply - the keyboard itself is not dismantled for this:

You will still have to turn off the laptop and then disassemble it if the sticking is not the result of an accidentally falling drop of liquid, but, for example, a glass of sweet tea or lemonade spilled on the device. In this case, the conductive tracks on the polyethylene board will rot after some time, after which the input device will become unusable.

How to disassemble the keyboard for thorough cleaning

This procedure is not so complicated that you need to contact specialists. On most mobile computers, the keyboard is snapped on and removed first, so there is no need to do a complete disassembly. It is important not to forget to turn off the laptop and remove the battery before doing this. Disassembly is carried out as follows:

Once the input device has been completely removed, you can begin direct disassembly:

  1. Using the previously described method, click off all the elements from it. Don't forget to take a picture of them beforehand so that there are no problems with assembly in the future.
  2. Next, you need to carefully remove all the plastic elevators to which the button pads are attached.
  3. Peel off the aluminum backing, after which you can proceed directly to cleaning.

This should be done with a damp soft cloth swab, or you can use a soap solution. You should not resort to using solvents or alcohol, since along with the contaminants, using these products you can accidentally “wash off” the conductive paths themselves, after which you will have to buy a new input device. Once cleaning is complete, reassemble the mobile computer in reverse order.

It happens that cleaning does not help get rid of the problem, and individual keys in games continue to stick. The most common cause is overheating of the laptop due to debris in its cooling system. This problem is solved by disassembling the mobile computer, cleaning the radiator, cooler, and other components of the device from dust. After this, new thermal paste is applied to the processor and graphics chip.

A laptop is a fragile thing and must be handled with care. However, no one is immune from such cases as, for example, an accidental fall. After this, the computer may completely fail or appear

The reason for buttons sticking is a change in the position of the pad on which it is located. It happens that the button may simply be pressed in and not press back. In any case, the keyboard will need to be disassembled. Taking into account the fact that it seems to be a rather thin element of the computer, if you do not have confidence in your own abilities, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional.

Before disassembling the keyboard, it is advisable to take a photo of it. This will be useful for reassembling the keyboard in the same order as it was before disassembly. Then, the stuck key must be pryed off using tweezers, a screwdriver or a paper clip. This does not require much effort; as a rule, the button is easily detached from the platform on which it is installed.

After this, the button needs to be installed back. If the sticking does not disappear, then there is a problem with the spring mechanism. The platform itself is attached using latches to the elevator, which has several moving elements. It is also easy to remove. You need to look at the elevator mounts; if they are not working properly, you can remove it and install it on another key. If this does not bring results, then a new elevator will be required. You can find it in any computer store, and it is relatively inexpensive.

If the cause of keys sticking is spilled liquid (tea, coffee, juice), then the procedure remains the same. It is only important to immediately disconnect the computer from the network, as liquid may have leaked under the keyboard. In this case, it may be necessary. After turning off the system, you need to wipe each button with alcohol. However, if liquid gets on the laptop, alcohol alone will not solve the problem. In this case, professional help may be required. In addition, wet keyboard keys must be dried for at least 24 hours. This way, you can avoid problems with further sticking.

It should be noted that problems with sticking keys caused by mechanical damage can be solved by anyone. If there are more serious defects, such as cracks, then the entire keyboard will need to be replaced. You won't be able to replace it yourself; you'll have to go to a computer workshop.

It happens that while working at the computer, you press a certain button several times and then suffer from not the most pleasant sounds. Or you come across a system window that asks you to enable Sticky Keys. You can simply click no and continue working, but better let’s figure out why this mode is turned on, what it is for, and how we can completely disable it.

What is this mode for?

This mode, which can be activated by pressing the Shift key five times, is necessary for people with disabilities. As you can easily guess from the description, it creates some delay after pressing the keys. This is necessary so that, not being able to press several buttons at the same time, the disabled person can activate them one by one and the keys entered in succession will be recognized by the computer as their simultaneous combination.

For example, calling the task manager with the combination Ctrl+Alt+Del or even simply changing the language by pressing Alt+Shift may not be the easiest task for people with disabilities. But sticky keys will allow them to simply press the required buttons one by one.

However, most users do not need this feature. But since Sticky Keys is enabled in the system by default, from time to time you will accidentally encounter the annoying Sticky Keys launch window, or even accidentally turn it on. Therefore, let’s figure out how to disable sticky keys in the system.

Why Sticky Keys Trigger Involuntarily During Games

The fact is that games sometimes require us to press the same button several times in a row. And if it turns out to be a button that, when pressed again, is used to enable Sticky Keys, it ends up with the game being minimized and the corresponding window appearing. Of course, this is very unpleasant and because of this, you may lose your game progress (if the game did not pause when minimizing).

How to disable sticky keys on your keyboard in Windows

How to remove on Windows XP

In this far from the most modern operating system, disabling sticky keys is quite simple. We do the following:

How to turn it off on Windows 7

Disabling Sticky Keys will be a little more difficult on this operating system. We do the following:

  1. In the control panel, we find a section that contains special features that make working with the computer easier. In the same section, conditions for working at a computer for people with disabilities are configured. Let's open it.
  2. We find the item that will allow you to configure the keyboard parameters and open it.
  3. Next, uncheck all the boxes in the “Make typing easier” section.
  4. Then, go to the settings section on the same screen.
  5. Make sure that the “Enable Sticky Keys” option is disabled. If this is not the case, then you should uncheck the box next to it. And you can also turn off the beep when you press keys to get rid of annoying sounds.
  6. After all the settings are completed, reboot the computer.

On Windows 8 and its versions

The method for disabling sticky keys in Windows 8 and all its versions completely repeats the method that we used in Windows 7. However, in this operating system there is another method that may seem easier and more convenient to you. So, we take the following steps:

How to disable Sticky Keys on Windows 10

So we got to the newest operating system. Changes in disabling sticky keys are minimal here, but they are still there. We do the following:

After following these instructions, Sticky Keys in Windows 10 will be disabled.

Video: Disabling Sticky Keys

Now you know what the sticky keys feature on your computer is used for, and how to disable it. This feature, which is useless for most users, will no longer distract you and the utility designed to enable sticky will not bother you while working or having fun.

Laptops are in wide demand today due to their compact size and wide range of capabilities. However, laptop computers have one significant drawback - if the keyboard fails, you will have to look for a replacement not in any computer hardware store, but order it from consumable parts suppliers. To avoid buying a new keyboard in China, you should try to solve the problem yourself. If it sticks, you can understand what to do by deciding on the root cause.

Causes of failure

As a rule, users of portable equipment often store it in close proximity to upholstered furniture. Everyone is touched when the cat lies down on the keyboard and falls asleep. However, all this leads to contamination of the keyboard. If you have a furry pet at home or a laptop on the sofa, then it is not surprising that contamination has occurred and now a key on the laptop keyboard is stuck. In this case, you don’t need to do anything special, just clean and remove all dust, wool and dirt.

The second common reason is spilled tea, coffee, wine or any other drink. This is a more serious problem. The fact is that in addition to sticking keys on a laptop, this can lead to burnt out contacts. In this case, it will be impossible to do without replacing the keyboard. In some situations, it is possible to “reanimate” burnt out contacts. However, to do this, at a minimum, you will need to take the laptop to a service center to carry out diagnostics.

Having determined why the key on the laptop sticks, you can move on to practical actions.

Dry cleaning

If the keyboard is clogged with dust, food particles, and more, this can cause the keys to stick or, conversely, make it difficult to press. To clean, you must first try to remove any dirt from the surface of the keyboard. A soft furniture brush is suitable for this.

If the problem does not disappear after surface treatment, you should use a regular household or car vacuum cleaner. However, even in this case, the problem may remain - the key on the laptop gets stuck. What to do in such a situation? It is best to purchase a can of compressed air, which can be found at any hardware store. If you treat your keyboard with it, you can remove a huge amount of dirt from it.

If even compressed air did not help, then you will have to disassemble the keyboard and remove all the dirt from the inside. To do this, you need to turn off the power to the laptop and remove each key individually. Usually they are held on by so-called elevators, which snap off quite simply. To do this, you need to quietly pull the button towards you by the upper part. After that it should come off. However, everything depends on the laptop model, so before performing any manipulations, it is better to clarify exactly how to remove the keys on a particular laptop.

If liquid is spilled on the keyboard

There are many reasons why what if the breakdown was caused by spilled sweet tea? In this case, it all depends on when the “accident” occurred. If tea has just been spilled, you need to quickly blot the keyboard with a dry cloth and turn it over with the buttons facing down. As a rule, after this it is better not to touch the laptop for several days.

If the tea was sweet or, worse, wine was spilled on the keyboard, then the sugar will very quickly corrode the contacts. In this case, it is necessary to remove the keyboard and disassemble it. It consists of several layers, each of which must be separated. When contact lines appear before your eyes, you need to look where they were broken. If this happens, you can try to “reanimate” the nodes using conductive “putty”, but you shouldn’t have high hopes that this will help.

The most unpleasant thing is that spilled drinks are not a warranty case, so the service center will not repair such a machine for free. All that remains is to order a new keyboard and save on installing it yourself.

What other problems could there be?

This often happens to gamers - a key on a laptop gets stuck. What to do if the buttons “do not obey” during the decisive battle with the orcs? First of all, you need to check whether the laptop has overheated. If during the game its temperature reaches the maximum level, then this may well cause such a problem. To fix everything, you will have to completely disassemble the laptop and change the thermal paste in it. This procedure is not the easiest, since you will have to remove the motherboard, take out the processor and video card. In addition, old paste usually dries out a lot, so it must be removed very carefully without damaging important elements.

The best solution in this situation would be to contact specialists. Some people decide to simply replace the cooler. Yes, this will help temporarily solve overheating problems, but the “burnt” thermal paste will not go away.

System problems

There are also more trivial reasons why a key on a laptop gets stuck. How to fix the problem of stuck buttons if there is no dust on them and the thermal paste has not yet dried? Just try rebooting the laptop. If the laptop works for several days without a break, the system begins to act up.

In addition, the problem may lie in the keyboard drivers. Of course, in this case it is not mechanical sticking of the keys. The buttons are pressed, but at the same time they type the same letters on the screen. It is recommended to download drivers from the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

Sticking can also occur due to poor contact between the cable and the keyboard. To solve this problem, you need to partially disassemble the laptop and make sure that the latches that connect the keyboard and the motherboard are securely fixed.

If all else fails

Sometimes the keyboard stops working for no apparent reason. In this case, all that remains is to replace it. But what to do if you still have to wait a long time for a new spare part, but you need to work on your laptop right now. The only way out of this situation is to buy a regular USB keyboard. By connecting it to the appropriate port, you can fully use the laptop.