How to open a file with the docx extension. How to open Docx

Appeared on the market software relatively recent office suite Microsoft Office 2007 divided users into two groups: those who the new kind liked the program, and those who still can’t stand it. However, regardless of different opinions, new office is an excellent tool for working with documents and databases, which can significantly reduce organizational costs and optimize working time.

But many users are particularly concerned new format docx. How to open this strange file and what are its advantages? Our article will answer these questions. However, it would be unfair not to spend a little time on other features of the new software package. In this office you can create professionally designed booklets, make mailings or publish on personal blogs.

By organizing properties into groups on the menu ribbon, finding the changes you need is much easier. Taking into account the dynamic viewing function, you will be able to see the results of your work with your own eyes even before real application changes. In short, this is not only a program that opens docx files, but a powerful and functional assistant for any user whose work involves creating and editing huge number all kinds of documents.

Microsoft has also undergone major changes. Office Outlook 2007, in which the developers included a completely redesigned and powerful Contact Manager. Tight integration with other Office programs allows you to manage all its functions and work with your employees from one place.

Formats Microsoft files Office 2007

The standard formats: From now on, they all store information as parts of a file, which are packed in a special zip-compatible format. This innovation is due to the desire of the creators to preserve the contents of the document as reliably as possible in the event of damage.

If you remember, then in previous versions In “Office”, a violation of file integrity automatically meant a complete loss of information. In the case of new formats, there is always a chance of at least partial restoration of the document contents. docx is no exception. How to open it, you already understood: using MS Office 2007. In addition, Open Office and Libre Office cope with it no worse.

However, you should also remember that many applications have also received new formats. For example, a Word document containing a macro will be saved under the .docm extension, and if we are talking about spreadsheet, also saved with a macro, it will have the extension .xlsm. Important feature All files of the new format are small in size, making them convenient to use internally and send via e-mail.

By the way, about mail. If it happens that a new type of document sent to you reaches a user on whose computer the old Office is installed, who cannot open it, do not panic. So, if you want, you can open docx in Word 2003 by installing the Microsoft plugin offered along with the official update packages.

However, the greatest interest for corporate users is still the extended protection functionality together created documents. So, from now on it is possible to block modification, reading or deletion of a file you created. Previously, such functions were available exclusively to system users electronic document management, the price of which did not allow the use of such programs in small companies. The docx format fixed all these problems at once. How to open it in the absence office suite on your computer? Well, in that case it will help you Google service Docs, which has been reading for a long time without any problems office files any formats.

We hope that you are no longer intimidated by documents with doc extension x. You already know how to open them.

Senior Technology Writer

Someone emailed you a DOCX file and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you found a DOCX file on your computer and were wondering what it was? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or in the worst case, you may encounter a corresponding error message associated with the DOCX file.

Before you can open a DOCX file, you need to find out what kind of file the DOCX file extension is.

Tip: Incorrect DOCX file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. These invalid entries can also produce associated symptoms such as slow Windows startups, computer freezes, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you scan your Windows registry for invalid file associations and other issues related to a fragmented registry.


DOCX files are Text files, which is primarily associated with Word Microsoft Office Open XML Format Document (Microsoft Corporation).

Additional types of files may also use the DOCX file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the DOCX file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your DOCX file:

The fastest and easy way Opening your DOCX file means double-clicking on it. IN in this case Windows will choose the necessary program to open your DOCX file.

In case your DOCX file does not open, it is very likely that the necessary software is not installed on your PC. application program to view or edit files with DOCX extensions.

If your PC opens a DOCX file but in the wrong program, you will need to change the file association settings in your Windows registry. In other words, Windows associates DOCX file extensions with the wrong program.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | | | |

DOCX Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME):

  • mime application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

DOCX File Analysis Tool™

Not sure what type your DOCX file is? Do you want to get precise information about a file, its creator and how it can be opened?

Now you can instantly get all necessary information about the DOCX file!

Revolutionary DOCX File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the DOCX file. Our patent-pending algorithm quickly analyzes the file and provides detailed information within seconds in a clear, easy-to-read format.†

In just a few seconds, you'll know exactly what type of DOCX file you have, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's protection status, and other useful information.

To begin your free file analysis, simply drag and drop your DOCX file inside the dotted line below, or click "Browse My Computer" and select your file. The DOCX file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Drag the DOCX file here to start analysis

View my computer »

Please also check my file for viruses

Your file is being analyzed... please wait.

In the process of working with documents, we often have to work with various types of document formats. In this short note we will analyze known formats, as well as how and with what tools the user can open them.

doc format

Files with the doc extension are short for the English document. Microsoft used this format for text files Word processor up to version 2003 inclusive. Today, doc can be opened with either a modern word processor Word or outdated versions. You can also open doc with a word processor from free package office programs Open Office, or online services for working with text files such as Office Online and Google Docs.

docx format

The doc format was in many ways inconvenient to work with due to its instability, especially in terms of compatibility with different versions Word. In 2007, with the release of Office 2007, Microsoft made it the main working format for its word processor. Word format docx, or Open Office XML.

The docx format is a native format for the Word word processor starting from version 2007, respectively, you can open docx in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013. In fact, you can open docx in the old 2000 - 2003 Word versions However, to do this you will have to install a special add-on from the Microsoft website - compatibility pack.

The compatibility pack allows you to open not only docx files in versions of Word lower than 2007, but also xlsx spreadsheet files in outdated ones table processor Excel (2000 - 2003), as well as pptx format in outdated PowerPoint.

rtf format

This so-called "rich text format" is a cross-platform text storage format, but unlike txt format, allows you to store drawings in a document. The question “How to open rtf?” should not occur, because Almost any word processor can work with it. For example, in Windows systems free WordPad will do the job perfectly opening rtf format.

txt format

The simplest format for saving text. It is often associated with Notepad in Windows, however, text files can even be viewed file manager. In text txt file There cannot be any drawings or other elements in principle.

PDF format

Portable Document Format or simply pdf is a cross-platform format for electronic documents. Open for reading pdf there may be countless programs, probably the most popular is Adobe Reader. Starting with the 2013 version of Word, you can not only save files in pdf format, but open them for editing. Feature of this format is that the printed text will be exactly as it appears in the pdf file. Learn more about working with pdf files V .

Many when downloading or saving test documents created using the application Microsoft Office, are faced with concepts such as doc and docx format. At first glance, the difference is one additional character, but if established service can only support a certain type of file, often causing a lot of inconvenience.

Most often today you can find files with the docx extension, but the previously popular .doc files are no less relevant. True, they are gradually used less and less. And the office is more modern models is able to open both types of files, which cannot be said about more outdated versions of the software product.

Defining two file types

Before you start talking about the differences between formats such as .doc and .docx, you should understand the designation of each of them.

By doc we understand a certain type of electronic documents that are generated when working with Microsoft Word. At first it was just an extension for a group of files, but later it began to denote a series of individual formats Microsoft,

Docx is an abbreviation that stands for Office Open XML. This expansion text documents used to create electronic documents using a software package from Microsoft.

Key differences between the two file types

First of all, the difference between files with these formats is manifested in the possibility of their use in different versions of packages from Microsoft. Software products released earlier than 2003 (including the product of the specified year) will not be able to open and allow you to work with the docx format. Using files with this resolution is only possible in Office versions from 2007. At the same time, a package of any year can recognize files with the doc extension.

But it is worth remembering that starting from Microsoft Word 2007, there are many more possibilities when creating text documents. Therefore, when opening the old .doc format in a more modern editor, the message “Mode limited functionality”, which will not allow you to use all the features of the editor, because you won’t be able to save them in doc anyway. In order to work with a document fully, you should save it in an advanced form. docx format.

To solve the issue of opening a docx file, a special converter has been created, which, when used, unpacks the required file with the further possibility of adjustment if necessary. After all, in essence, docx files are special zip archives that contain the actual document in XML form, as well as all the graphs, drawings, tables and diagrams. There are also files that define the structure and parameters of the document’s content. Version 2003 and earlier cannot handle the unpacking process itself.

It is this compression that is considered one of the main differences between the two types. office documents. True, thanks to it the file size becomes significantly smaller. The difference is especially noticeable in files that contain big number pictures or graphs. Docx is much more convenient for storing because it takes up little space on your hard drive.

It is also worth paying attention to the compatibility of files with other word processors. The docx format is partially supported in them, but doc opens very poorly. There is one software–, which can easily open a file with a docx extension.

Also, the docx format cannot be used with fonts that are drawn from right to left. And this type of Files only supports native Microsoft formats without paying attention to established standards.

The main differences between doc and docx formats

From the information received, the following can be highlighted:

  1. A text document in docx format can be opened exclusively by Microsoft products since 2007, while doc - different versions Word.
  2. The docx file uses a zip container that contains the document in XML form.
  3. Doc does not assume a compression function at all.
  4. Third-party programs are not (or very poorly) compatible with the doc extension.

Knowing distinctive features such files, it is now easy to navigate the advisability of using each of them.

It is clear that the easiest way is to use modern Microsoft Office, there it is Word program. For example, Word 2010 (however, in Word 2007 it is also possible to open a file with the docx extension). However, not everyone has access to a modern office. In addition, a number of users (including us) simply do not want to switch to a new office. Firstly, you need to buy it (well, or get it somewhere, but we won’t talk about that; because we ourselves try to use either free ones, or self-written ones, or licensed programs).

Secondly, it is necessary to rebuild, because there are still some things done differently; this takes effort, time, and also introduces an element of destabilization into the process of working on a computer. Why, if you are COMPLETELY happy with the old office, except for the inability to open docx files?

Thirdly, some macros, as well as programs written to automate routine operations in VBA (and we need this like air, because the flow of orders for diplomas, term papers, dissertations and similar works is very large and therefore doing routine operations on texts manually is a completely unacceptable waste of time), may not earn money, i.e. you will need to rewrite them for the new office. Which will lead to loss of effort and time, which, undoubtedly, would be better spent on more useful things, for example, speeding up the completion of work for our customers.

Fourthly, the office needs to be installed (which, again, will take time, albeit a little).

Thus, if there is no special need to use the new office (for example, to gain access to new VBA functions that were missing in the old office, if these functions were urgently needed), switching to it only to try out the “new” is far from the best best practice. Agree, something new should somehow improve life, and not, on the contrary, introduce complexity and imbalance into it. This is why, by the way, we are in no hurry to use the LINUX system professionally (without any doubt an excellent operating system, but still unfinished, take at least , even Fedora or even Linux XP).

So what should you do if you need to open Word file type docx, but the existing office does not allow this (or does not open at all, or performs an unacceptable operation and closes abnormally)?

As Word alternatives there is, of course, the well-known OpenOffice, aimed at OS LINUX. True, this method has disadvantages. Note that, of course, you can open a file with the extension docx, for example, in Linux (by running it in virtual machine, if your main system is Windows or something other than LINUX) and then transfer the text into Word of the version that is installed on your computer. However, this, firstly, is not very convenient, because, at a minimum, it requires unnecessary actions. Secondly, not all text elements will be transferred correctly in this case (and in a number of Linux systems, work will also be required to configure the clipboard; we repeat, these systems are unfinished - each in its own way, so to speak). In addition, we have observed cases when, after opening a Word file in Linux system(using the appropriate editor) the latter stopped opening correctly in Word.

However, you can install OpenOffice under Windows (by at least, in Windows 7 it installs and works without problems). If installed enough latest version, files with the .docx extension will open without problems. True, working directly in OpenOffice is somewhat less convenient than in Word. In addition, compared to the latter, OpenOffice lacks a number of special features. Therefore, if, after opening a file, you save it in the old Word format (in .doc or .rtf format), then in the future this file can be opened in Word. However, when saving in this way, some of the capabilities may be lost, so the resulting file should be carefully reviewed. In principle, this method is one of the simplest. The only thing is that you need to install OpenOffice on your computer.

docx to doc converter

By the way, this file converter docx works great not only in Word 2003, but even in Word97 (which, oddly enough, is not guaranteed even by the manufacturer itself). Volume of the converter installation file from docx in doc is 37.1 MB ( as of June 10, 2015).

Although, oddly enough, this converter works... better in Word97. Because it can even open files with the .docx extension that, for example, cannot be opened in Word2003, causing an error.

Installing the converter is simple. After making sure that Microsoft Office of one version or another is already installed on the computer, run the converter installation file FileFormatConverters.exe.

We agree to the license agreement - and after a short time the converter will be installed on your computer. docx Next, if there is a need to open a file with the extension , proceed as usual: double-click on it with the mouse (or press the Enter key). After the file opens after conversion, you can save it in. For example, you can save it as a regular Word document. To do this, select save as, specify the file type: word document, and click save. In this case, the file will be saved with the same name and doc extension - in the format of exactly that Microsoft versions Word, which is installed on your computer. By the way, after installing the converter it will appear reverse possibility

- save a doc or rtf file in docx format. docx By clicking on the Browse button, we look for a file on our computer with the extension , which needs to be converted into a doc form, then click the Send button. True, if the file is large, then the conversion will take

certain time

. Big time. Google Docs, Office Web Apps Google Docs and docx Microsoft Web Apps are able to work with a file in the format.

After uploading the file to Google Docs or Office Web Apps, you will be able to work with it on the Internet. At the same time, you can edit it and save it in other formats you need. True, for this you need to have accounts with Google or Microsoft Live ID, having previously registered there. But it’s not difficult and won’t take much time. However, the problem is also that the speed docx.

outgoing traffic (i.e. file upload) is usually much lower than the download speed. Therefore, sending the file may take longer. In addition, the time of the conversion itself will also have an impact. In connection with this online services may be suitable for opening only small format files docx So, the conclusion. In our opinion, overwhelmingly in most cases, when working with old Word, the most convenient way open file - this is to say a converter program from Microsoft and install it on your computer. Unless, of course, the volume it occupies of 37.1 MB is not critical. Although, with modern containers hard drives

, equal, at the very minimum, 500 GB, or even more, this is probably not so significant. By the way, this converter will give you the opportunity to save the file not only in the native format of your Word, but also as Word document.

2007, including macro support. True, we do not know whether macros written under