How to read and delete unread VKontakte messages. How to read VK messages so they remain unread: instructions

One of the main functions of any social network - fast exchange messages between users. Using VKontakte you can exchange with other users of this social network text messages, graphic means to express emotions (emoticons and stickers), audio and video recordings, pictures and documents. In this article we'll talk about how to read messages on VKontakte and what dialogues are.


When you access the site using your login, your personal page. In the menu on the right you can see the "My Messages" item. If you open this tab, a list of dialogs will appear in front of you. All correspondence with any user or group of users in one conversation is saved on the VKontakte servers. First you see the avatar of the user with whom you entered into a conversation, then his name and the time when he last time was online, and then you see the last message sent or received from that user. If you click on it, the entire conversation with this user will open in front of you. By scrolling your mouse wheel up, you can scroll through your conversation back to the very first message ever sent or received from that user.

Unread messages

How to find out if you have unread messages and how to view them? Very simple. If you are online when a user sends you a message, you will receive a notification in a pop-up window in the lower left corner, accompanied by the corresponding sound signal. If you click on this notification, a dialogue with this user will open in front of you, in which you can write a response to him.

If you are offline when you receive a message, then the next time you visit your page in the menu on the left, next to the “My Messages” button, you will see a number. This number indicates how many new unread messages you have received.

All unread messages in conversations are marked gray. This way you can distinguish both those messages that you have not yet read, and those that your interlocutor has not read.

Reading other people's messages

Most of the programs offered by various sites on the Internet are fraudulent. When installing them, at best, you will lose access to your page, and at worst, you will lose your entire mobile phone balance. But you can gain access to someone else’s page if you have access to the computer from which you enter your login and password to access your profile. To do this you need:

  1. Download the Punto Switcher program.
  2. Install and run it.
  3. Check the box "Run when Windows startup" on the General tab.
  4. On the "Diary" tab, check the boxes "Keep a Diary", "Automatically save contents...", and also remove the checkmark from the "Do not save entries less than... words" field.

After completing these steps, you can find the VKontakte password in the file where the data will be recorded if the user enters it every time and does not log in through the browser’s auto-login.

Very often mms are received on the phone from strangers, opening such a message on your phone is risky, since a virus may be encoded in the message. Sometimes the mms service is simply not connected to the phone, and instead of a multimedia message you receive a notification about it.

You will need


As a rule, if you do not have the mms service connected, the operator sends an SMS notification that a multimedia message has been received. The text of the message must contain a link to the multimedia message, which you can view on website your operator cellular communications. Open this link in your wap browser, "options" - "open url". This method can be risky, as many phone scammers Disguising themselves as cellular operators, they send out SMS messages with links to their malicious website. By clicking on such a link, you risk infecting your phone with viruses or losing a certain amount of your phone.

It is safest to open such links on your home computer. Manually type the link sent to you into address bar your browser and press Enter. In the web page that opens, you will see the multimedia message intended for you. Some operators mobile communications instead of a direct link to the multimedia message itself, they send a link to the catalog of multimedia messages and, in addition to it, a login and password, so that you can log in to website operator, were able to view the message intended for you personally.

If you are often sent mms, then to save time and personal convenience Set up viewing of multimedia messages directly on your .Contact your cellular operator. Get settings for receiving multimedia messages from him. Then, in the message menu, specify the received settings. “Menu” – “messages” - “ MMS" - "message settings" - "profile" - "edit (change) profile." Save the settings. Now you can special effort browse multimedia messages right on your phone, as well as send them.

Have you encountered a situation where too much information accumulates in VK? a large number of incoming messages, but don’t have the time or desire to read them? At such a moment, you want to have a tool that allows you to read everything at once. And such tools really exist. Today I will tell you how to read all messages on VKontakte at once, describe several services and methods, and also tell you how to cancel sending a DM to your interlocutor.

Subtleties of reading messages in VK

First, let's talk a little about basic things. How to understand whether a message in a VK dialogue has been read? Unread incoming and outgoing messages are marked differently.



  • On the desktop version of the site, unread dialogues are highlighted and have a mark with the number of new messages.
  • IN mobile application there will be only a number.

When you open a conversation with new messages, they will be marked as read.

Many VK users read their messages this way, manually. But few people know that there are services that can mark all unread messages as read. And then I will tell you about them.

How to read everything at once?

So, the first way to read all messages on VK at once is to use the ViKey Zen browser extension. This extension adds additional functionality, including the ability to read all unread messages with one click.

How to do it:

The more unread dialogues you have, the longer it will take to complete the task.

Ready! You will be able to access the extension and use its tools again in the future.

The second way to read all messages on VKontakte at once is to use the AutoVK program. This is a smart bot that performs most routine and similar tasks in VK in automatic mode. You just need to give it a command and specify the settings (if any are required). To use the service, you must complete the following steps:

Ready! The program will notify you as soon as it completes the operation.

And finally, the third way is how to read all the dialogues at once. Unlike the two above, this one is designed for mobile app users.

Every time you receive a new message on VK, your smartphone notifies you about it. For operating room users Android systems using official application VK, there is a great opportunity to mark new PMs as read without reading them. To do this you need:

Ready! The only disadvantage of this method is this operation you need to do this with each dialogue separately.

How to cancel sending a PM?

Many users wonder whether it is possible to cancel an already sent message in VK? I’ll say right away that there is such a way. Only this is not exactly a cancellation, but a deletion.

The VKontakte functionality allows you to delete messages sent by you from all chat participants. This procedure can be done before your interlocutor has time to read what you have written, and then he will have no way of knowing what you sent him.

In addition, there will not even be any identifying signs that you have deleted the drug (unlike the same edit, when the “(ed.)” mark appears next to it).

To delete a message.

There are several tricks that allow the user to read messages received on VK and make them appear unread. This is an ideal opportunity to see the sent text, and the person who sent it will not understand that the message was viewed. By solving the question of how to read messages on VK so that they remain unread, it becomes possible not to respond immediately, which is important when time is limited.

To study a received message and at the same time leave it visually unopened, you will need to activate the function associated with receiving alerts. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Logging in to the resource.
  2. You need to go into settings.
  3. The transition to “Alerts” is made.
  4. All tabs associated with dialogs should have checkboxes.

After this, you need to wait until the social network visitor contacts you. If notifications are enabled, you can find out about your arrival without any problems. After receiving a notification, you should not read it immediately. Initially, you need to look at the corner at the bottom of the screen, where a special notification will appear with the person’s avatar and his name. The text is written in fine detail at this point. There is no need to activate it and there is no need to close it, it will look like it has been read. Just close the browser tab and log in again. The notification will disappear without any problems.

An easy way to read notifications incognito

There is also a simpler method of reading a message so that the sender does not guess that it has been read. To leave a message completely unopened, you will need to go to the “Messages” menu. After receiving the message, the number 1 will be automatically added next to the corresponding item. You will need to click on it.

Thanks to this, the message will be at the top and will remain in gray.

You can simply study the text that is visible on the screen without activating it.

It will remain visually unread. The method of how to read VK messages so that they remain unread is suitable for small messages that cannot be read in full and will have to be left for later.

Summing up

To leave messages unread, you can use special applications, designed for phones. They allow you to launch VK invisible mode, you can see everything you need and leave no traces. In AppStore or Google Play proposed great amount similar applications, you can choose the most suitable one in terms of functionality.

If you are one of the users full version VK, it is possible to resort to several methods at once. However, they are not all mutually exclusive.

Method 1: ViKey Zen

The extension for the Internet browser considered in this method, unlike most others, is primarily aimed at increasing the number of opportunities for multiple execution of certain operations. That is, thanks to it, all correspondence can be deleted or simply marked as read.

Note: This extension is officially supported only by .

  1. Open home page extensions in the Google Chrome online store and click on the button "Install".
  2. Confirm the action via the web browser pop-up window.
  3. You will receive a notification if the download is successful, and the taskbar should show new icon. Click on this icon to open the login page.
  4. Here, in the only block presented, click the button "To come in".
  5. If your browser does not have active authorization, perform it through the VK safe zone.
  6. The extension requires additional permissions.
  7. Now the main page with expansion options should open, which can also be accessed by clicking on the icon on the toolbar.

Subsequent actions do not require visiting the VKontakte website.

Method 2: AutoVK

The program in question is intended for operating room users Windows systems and can be used by you if the previous method for some reason does not suit you personally. At the same time trust to a third party developer your account data or not – you must also decide for yourself.

To work with messages, you do not need to purchase the program.

  1. Double-click on the signature icon "Messages".
  2. At the top of the window that opens, find the block "Filters" and set the values ​​at your discretion.
  3. Based on the topic of the article, you mandatory you will need to select an item from the list we provide "Unread" and press the button next to it "Download".
  4. After loading the data in the block "List Options" click on the button "Select all" or select necessary correspondence on one's own.
  5. WITH right side on the list "Options with marked" click the button "Mark as read". The same can be done via lower menu programs.
  6. At the end of the work, AutoVK Single will provide a notification, and all VK letters will be read.

If you have any problems with any of the described tools, please contact us in the comments.

Method 3: Standard means

The capabilities of the VKontakte site allow you to read messages, but only one dialogue at a time. Thus, actions from this method you will need to repeat exactly as many times as there are unread dialogues accumulated.

Open the page through the main menu "Messages" and in the general list, open the necessary correspondences one by one. If you have a lot of unread conversations shown mixed in with the regular ones, you can sort by switching to the tab "Unread" through the menu on the right side of the page.

The main advantage this method is the ability to independently select the dialogues that you want to read. In this case, their integrity will not be compromised in any way, unlike the actions from the next section.

Method 4: Uninstall

In this case, you need to refer to one of our articles and, guided by multiple deletion methods, get rid of all unread dialogues. The relevance of this method is dictated by the fact that often the need to read all messages arises only in the case of those that are unnecessary.

If some of the unread dialogues are of value to you, then deletion can be configured selectively.

Mobile app

Unlike the website, the application does not provide a special section for quick access To unread letters. Therefore, if you prefer to use only the official application, the only option is to select letters yourself.

Anyway, this is the only one possible variant, available in standard application to date. At the same time, the previously discussed ViKey Zen extension can also be installed as separate application on mobile devices, But the necessary capabilities temporarily absent there.