How to return the laptop screen to its previous position. How to maximize the screen on a laptop using the keyboard

After launching games or Accessibility Center, the desktop image may be upside down. And sometimes users themselves inadvertently press buttons on the keyboard. In any case, it is impossible to work at a computer in this mode. Windows 7 hotkeys will help you rotate the screen. This is the easiest way to fix the problem.

Hot for screen rotation

There is no need to spend a lot of time researching the settings and parameters of installed drivers. The Windows 7 hotkey will help you return the image to its original form. The screen rotation button (photo below) will start instantly.

Press Ctrl+Alt and one of the following arrow keys at the same time:

  • up - rotate 0° (normal view);
  • to the right - turn 90°;
  • down - turn 180°;
  • left - turn 270°.

This way you can choose the best option. The screen will go dark for a few seconds and then return to normal. If this hot combination is inconvenient for you, you can change it in the video card settings. Open device management via the desktop (for example, for Intel HD Graphics - “Graphics characteristics”). Go to the settings and specify the combination that is convenient for you. Now, if you need to change the screen rotation that you have assigned, the action will be performed in a few seconds. You can choose a combination that you rarely use. Then the problem with accidentally pressing buttons will disappear.

Rotation by means of the system

If you need to rotate the screen (Windows 7), hotkeys will become an indispensable assistant. However, they do not always work - it depends on the video card manufacturer. In this case, returning the desktop to its previous appearance is a little more difficult. In general, the procedure does not take much time, but “catching” the necessary icons when the image is upside down is very inconvenient.

Go to and open "Screen Resolution". A settings window will appear. The “Orientation” section offers four rotation options.

Here's how Windows will flip the image:

  • landscape - 0°;
  • portrait - 270°;
  • landscape (upside down) - 180°;
  • portrait (inverted) - 90°.

After selecting the image orientation, a window will open where you will be prompted by default to reject the changes. You are given 15 seconds to confirm your decision, and then the screen will return to its previous form. This function is provided in case the user changes the settings by mistake. But since you're starting the process on purpose, just save the changes.

Rotate through video card settings

When you need to fix screen rotation, Windows 7 hotkeys make it quick and easy. But if the video card does not allow you to use them, you will have to solve the problem through its settings.

In Control Panel, find the Screen Resolution item. To open the properties of the video card, you should go to additional parameters. In the window that appears, click on the “Control Panel” tab. Select the appropriate value from the Rotation drop-down menu. If you want to change other settings, go to the display settings. Here you can specify the resolution, scaling proportions, depth and color quality.

How to disable rotation via hotkeys

So, if an unnecessary screen rotation was made, Windows 7 hotkeys will return to normal. But what if the function is constantly triggered precisely because of these buttons? For example, the user is just learning quick combinations, or children like to play with the keyboard. Or maybe a cat sometimes basks on it. Then it's easier to disable this key combination.

Call the context menu on the desktop. Under Graphics Options, find Keyboard Shortcuts. Disable this feature. If there is no such item (depending on the video card model), perform a similar procedure in the driver settings. Go to the “Device Control Panel” and check the box next to the desired action. Now Windows 7 hotkeys will not be able to rotate the screen.


The easiest way to flip your computer desktop is through a hot combination. Of course, you can disable it if you frequently press keys by mistake. But imagine a situation where the screen is turned upside down for another reason (for example, because of a game), and the Windows 7 hotkey is disabled in the settings. The screen rotation buttons will not work, and you will have to get to the video card settings in an inconvenient way.

In a hurry, by accident or due to inexperience, when you press all the keys on the keyboard, whatever happens. For example, this is the most common option. But no less rarely, another situation occurs that can plunge a novice user into shock and even panic (which I myself have witnessed more than once). One of my friends, with concern in his voice, turned to me for help in urgently repairing his laptop. His screen broke. And to be more precise, - The screen on the computer turned over. Not a video! And no matter what he does (and this concept of his includes restarting Windows ;)) nothing comes of it. And since he had recently purchased the laptop, it was already at a “low start” to take it to a repair shop. Imagine his surprise, after just a few seconds before his eyes, using Windows 10 hotkeys, the monitor returned to its original position. In this article I will tell you several options. And since I started talking about it...

How to flip the screen on a computer. Key combination

CTRL+ALT+arrows (up, down, left and right) will turn the monitor screen upside down and in different directions. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. You just need to know! ;)

Why turn over at all? Personally, I only know two types of people. Designers and brokers often work in a vertical position. It’s just that in this position much more necessary information, graphs, drawings fits in... Therefore, they usually have several monitors on their desktop.

Well, we figured out the simplest option. I would like to introduce you to others for general development, so to speak.

How to flip the screen on your monitor via Control Panel

Go to the “Control Panel” of the computer, then “All Control Panel Elements” -> “Display” -> “Screen Resolution” or even easier, right-click on an empty space on the desktop.

And select the position we are interested in in the “Orientation” section.

Rotate desktop with video card driver support

For example, if you have a Radeon video card. We right-click on the desktop, call up the menu in which (usually at the very top) “Graphics Properties” is located. Let's move on to this one.

If you don't have one, install ATI CATALYST Control Center.

Then, in the left list, click on the section highlighted in the screenshot below.

The next step is to click only on the required rotation image and confirm the action.

We are doing a similar procedure with nVidia.

Again, on the desktop, call up the menu with the right mouse button, go to “Nvidia Control Panel”

To the entry “How to flip the screen on a computer in Windows 10” 9 comments

    Thank you, your article helped. I fell asleep with the laptop on, and when I woke up the screen was upside down. I was seized with mortal horror, no matter what I did (rebooted, poked keys in a row), nothing helped.

    Happy to help.

    Thank you for the help, but for some reason I didn’t usually use such a function on a laptop, I wiped the screen on one side on an Asus laptop with a cloth and somehow it was at the wrong time, I quickly found your article, thanks promptly

Very often, many laptop and netbook users encounter a problem when the image on the monitor screen is turned upside down by 90 or 180 degrees. At the same time, due to confusion, people begin to look for an answer to the question of how to turn the screen on a laptop to its initial state. As a rule, the image on the screen turns upside down, not due to a breakdown of the computer’s video card, as many users believe, but due to inaccurate pressing of hot keys on the keyboard. Perhaps a cat was walking on it, a child was playing and tapped on the keyboard, or the keyboard is faulty and the keys are triggering spontaneously. In general, the solution to the problem is quite simple and you and I will need to perform some actions to return the monitor image to its original form.

In order to flip the image on the monitor, there are special hot keys. Let's look at what combinations you need to press.

As a rule, to solve the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, pressing a keyboard shortcut helps Ctrl+Alt+Space Up Arrow, if this action does not return the screen orientation to the desired state, then we try all combinations.

Note! In order to completely disable hot keys, when pressed, the screen will turn over, you need to right-click on the desktop, select “Graphics Options” - “Hot Keys” and set the operation status to “Disable”

Disable screen rotation in Intel Graphics settings.

Sometimes it happens that the method described above does not allow you to answer the question of how to flip the screen on a laptop, since the key combinations differ from the system ones. In this case, most likely, the Intel graphics settings contain other hotkey combinations to control the video adapter settings. Therefore, we will turn them off now, so as not to fall into the trap of an upside-down screen in the future. To disable the settings, perform the following steps:

Advice! In order not to disable this function, you can set the correct key combinations that will be used to rotate the screen. To do this, enter the required button names in the appropriate fields, as indicated in the previous paragraph.

As you can see, all the settings in this paragraph come down to correctly setting up the hotkey combinations that are set in the Intel Graphics Control Panel or disabling this function.

Flip your monitor screen using Windows settings.

In the system settings of the Windows operating system, there is also a screen rotation function, so let's use these settings and try to solve our problem. In order to figure out how to flip the screen on a laptop using Windows. You and I need to do the following:

If the above methods do not help.

Sometimes there are cases when the above methods do not help or the user cannot understand how to perform them correctly, then you can try using the Windows System Restore function. Thus, we can roll back to those operating system settings when the monitor screen was not upside down.

In order to perform a system restore, you need to open “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Recovery” - “Run System Restore”.

After this, select the date on which you want to roll back the settings and start the recovery process. Once the system is restored, the screen position should return to the correct position.

The most extreme option, which will 100% solve the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, is to reinstall the operating system. But this is the very last option if others do not help.

Let's summarize.

As you can see, if you are faced with the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, then in many cases you can solve it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. In most cases, the problem lies in incorrectly pressed hotkeys. But if the problem lies deeper, then reinstalling the operating system will help.

Very often, when you work on a laptop, you are tempted to open it. And you need to know that this is not only possible, but also quite simple. The screen of laptop computers supports more formats than desktop monitors. Convenience during work depends on its location on the laptop.

You will need:

  • time
  • basic level of PC user knowledge
  • laptop
Show others

In some cases, it is advisable to expand the image on the monitor. To figure out how to flip the monitor screen, you need to know what OS operating system is installed on the laptop.

Instructions for turning

  1. If your laptop is running Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you need to right-click on the free space on your desktop and open the context menu. In the list that appears, select “Screen Resolution”. A dialog box will appear allowing you to change display settings.
  2. The screen rotation function is located in the list next to the “Orientation” inscription. After opening, you need to choose the optimal coup option from the four proposed ones. To flip the image on the screen, you now only need to confirm your choice by pressing the “ok” button.
  3. In these operating systems, you can flip the screen on your laptop in an even simpler way. To do this, just use the same menu, only the cursor should be placed over the inscription “Graphics options”. The word “Rotate” will appear in the list of sections that open. After clicking it, you will have access to options for changing the position of the image on the monitor. Make your choice and confirm it.
  4. If the Windows XP operating system is installed on a laptop computer, the image rotation algorithm depends on the type of video card. For example, if we are talking about an NVIDIA video card, then the “NVIDIA Control Panel” item will open in the context menu. After selecting it, you need to click “Rotate display” in the list of tasks located on the left. You will have access to four options for image placement. Near the one you are interested in, you need to check the box and close the window.
  5. There is another way to rotate the monitor screen in Windows XP. Find the video card icon in the desktop tray and right-click. There is a section in the menu called “Rotation Options”. When you hover your cursor, a list will open. Choose the optimal position.
  6. There is also a key combination to rotate the monitor screen:
    Alt + Ctrl(Strg) + Down Arrow – flip the image 180 degrees;
    Alt + Ctrl(Strg) + Up arrow – rotate the image to its original position.

Performing these simple operations will help make working at the computer more comfortable. Try it yourself.

Recently, a friend of mine had a similar incident: the image on the monitor screen on her laptop turned upside down. No matter how much I turned the laptop, I couldn’t understand what happened. I didn't find any additional keys; the laptop itself is new.

In this article, we will try to figure out why this problem with the monitor screen turning over on a laptop can actually arise, and we will also show possible ways to fix the problem.

What could be the reasons why the laptop screen suddenly turned over? For example, the user accidentally pressed some keys on the keyboard, causing the screen to rotate 90, 180 or 270 degrees.

So, let's move on to ways to solve the problem:
1) If certain hot keys were pressed, then everything is solved by pressing Ctrl+Alt+up arrow. If it doesn't help, move on.

2) Use System Restore. This option is a good helper when a personal computer or laptop malfunctions. We select a restore point to the moment when the incident of the laptop screen flipping occurred.

3) Trying to understand the video card settings. Usually the video card icon is placed in the tray (at the bottom next to the time). If there is no such icon, go to the Control Panel and look for the video card control panel. Settings and types of panels may be different for different video cards, but whoever looks for it will find it.

4) If the third method does not help, then this one will definitely do. Let's understand hotkeys. You can completely disable them on the video card so that they don’t interfere again. But first we turn it manually using the settings:
In the video card settings, find “Graphics options” (or right-click on the desktop) - “Rotate” - “Normal view” or “Normal position” (there may also be rotation options: 90, 180, 270 degrees, but we don’t need them now needed).
Now we are trying to remove the ability to use hot keys on the laptop’s video card. Go to “Graphics characteristics” of the video card settings. Here we look for hotkey settings. We find something like “shortcut key functions” or “use hot keys”, uncheck the box, and rejoice.

5) If all else fails, no matter how sad it may sound, reinstalling the operating system will help. This method should be used extremely rarely, because reinstallation is usually a long process, from half an hour to a whole day.

6) The last piece of advice is to take the laptop to a service center or workshop; I hope that this won’t be necessary, because I tried to outline the main ways to solve the problem above.