How to recover deleted passwords in Yandex browser. How to view saved passwords in Yandex Browser: detailed instructions

Hi all. In this article, I will explain how to view saved passwords in the Yandex browser, on a computer and an Android phone.

All modern browsers, including Yandex, can save passwords from any sites, naturally, with the user’s permission.

This happens when you first visit the site, after authorization (entering your login and password). Yandex browser offers to save a password for this site.

This is done in order to simplify the use of the browser. Since when you visit again of this resource, login and password will not be required.

If for some reason you need to view your saved passwords, you need to do the following.

How to view saved passwords in Yandex browser on a computer

2. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page, then click on the “Show additional settings” button.

3. B additional settings Find the “Passwords and Forms” section, then click on the “Manage Passwords” button.

4. Now we see a window in which sites with saved passwords are located. The first column is the name of sites with saved passwords, the second column is logins from sites without encryption, and the third column is passwords, they are in encrypted form.

5. In order to view the password for a specific site, click on the password field (bold dots), after which the “Show” button will appear, click on it and the password will open in front of you.

Setting passwords in Yandex browser on an Android phone

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to view passwords saved in the Yandex browser on your phone, since this is not provided in the mobile browser settings.

However, it is possible to cancel saving passwords. To do this, go to settings mobile Yandex browser, find the “Privacy” section and uncheck the box next to “Save passwords”.

Every time you register on a website, your browser prompts you to remember your username and password. If you use the same web browser all the time, this feature is very convenient because you won't have to enter your data every time you log in. However, along with comfort, one cannot fail to note the resulting disadvantages. So, by storing all your data on the Internet, you risk being hacked by intruders. Therefore, additionally protect important documents and files on your computer, e.g.

In addition, not having to enter your password every time can lead to you simply forgetting it. And if you suddenly need to visit the desired site outside of your home, from another browser, from a tablet, etc., then you will not be able to remember it. Therefore, we recommend that you write down the passwords for the most frequently visited sites in your . But let's not talk about sad things, let's imagine that you want to change your password, but you have no idea where to look for it and how to do it. Therefore, in this article I propose to figure out together how to view saved passwords in the Yandex browser, if the need arises, and how to edit them.

Where to find saved passwords in Yandex browser

To view all the passwords you have saved in the Yandex browser, you need to do a number of manipulations. First, go to the settings, I remind you that to do this you need to click on the button located with right side from address bar, in the form of three parallel stripes. So, go to “Settings”, go down to the very bottom, click “Show additional settings”. There you will see the “Passwords and AutoFill” column, which includes two buttons: “AutoFill Settings” and “Password Management”, click on the second one.

After this, a window opens in which passwords associated with a specific site are indicated. In total, three columns will be displayed in front of you: the site itself, logins and passwords. By the way, the latter are hidden by asterisks, but if you click on any of them, the “Show” button will appear next to it.

Changing settings

The password window allows you to make adjustments to them. So, you can change the password to any other one, you can delete it. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do the same with your login: it cannot be edited.

As you can see, working with passwords couldn’t be easier, and at any time you can go to the settings and adjust the already saved passwords in your Yandex browser. Moreover, this will not require any special knowledge, skills or abilities from you, and the process itself will take no more than one minute, of course, if New Password was previously invented.

Video to help:

Over the years of use, hundreds and thousands of user passwords accumulate on the computer. different servers. How to organize their storage and how to get rid of unnecessary ones? A question of no small importance that concerns every active Internet user.

Where are passwords entered in any Internet browser stored?

A password is also data entered by a person. It doesn't matter whether they are encrypted or not - they must be stored somewhere on the user's computer.

As a rule, all passwords are written in service files history created in the folder where the browser itself was installed. It also doesn’t matter whether it’s a regular version of the browser or a portable one (launched without installation). For example, for Mozilla Firefox this is the folder C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ - not only passwords are recorded in one of the subfolders of the Mozilla Firefox folder itself, but also their logins, and the history of the sites on which these passwords were entered. In the case of the portable version, this may be another location on the computer disk, or removable media (not necessary system partition

hard drive) where you copied Firefox - for example, the G:\MyPrograms\FirefoxPortable\ folder. Everything is clear with disk storage. Passwords are stored there in encrypted form, making it more difficult for viruses to read them and send them to the attacker’s server. Passwords are displayed in normal form directly from the browser itself - as you entered them, they remain so. If the portable version of your browser, located not on the “system” drive, but on another drive, has not been changed, then passwords can be stored indefinitely - at least 10, at least 15 years, as long as your PC is in good working order. To get to your passwords, in each of the browsers - Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome

, Opera or in Yandex.Browser - there is a corresponding control element called “Privacy” (or “Data Protection”).

If passwords are not saved

  • Reasons for not saving passwords:
  • auto-filling of logins and passwords in the browser settings by the user is disabled; browser settings have been changed and Windows systems
  • "Trojans";
  • Service files are damaged or accidentally deleted from the browser folder and Windows recovery point databases.

How computer viruses can change passwords

Managing passwords from different browsers

Let's look at actions with passwords in popular browsers.

Managing Passwords with Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox and give the command “Tools” - “Settings”.
  2. On the left, select “Protection.”
  3. Click on “Saved Logins” (previously called “Saved Passwords”) - a list of sites and passwords that you have previously entered will be displayed.
  4. To delete all passwords, press the “Delete All” button. The list will be cleared completely.
  5. Removing passwords is impossible without confirming the request - there are many cases where the deletion of such information was automatic and people lost important data. The Mozilla developers took this into account in their very earlier versions Firefox.
  6. To view passwords, click on “Show passwords”.
  7. The function is useful if you access the same site from another device and have forgotten the password. Please confirm this message prompting you to display passwords: Firefox displays this message for user safety if you accidentally click it.
  8. To import logins and passwords from another browser, Mozilla Firefox allows you to transfer them from Internet Explorer, which is discussed below.
  9. This will launch Firefox's built-in data importer.
  10. Select what you want to transfer to Firefox.
  11. The Internet Settings option will allow you to transfer all your data to Firefox.
  12. To copy a password - when accessing the same site from another browser in which you did not enter this password - click in settings Firefox passwords to the “Copy password” item.
  13. To search for login and password by site name, enter in search bar this site. The required passwords are also searched by login.
  14. To transfer passwords to another computer, tablet or smartphone, the latter requires installed browser Mozilla Firefox. This function also serves to save backups in the Mozilla cloud. You need a registered account on the server.

Storing and transferring passwords in Google Chrome

There are far fewer options for managing passwords in Google Chrome than in Firefox.

  1. Launch Google Chrome and go to Settings.
  2. Go to personal settings and select "Manage saved passwords".
  3. Unlike Firefox, Google Chrome does not display all passwords at once. This was done for security reasons by Google developers. In order to view the password for a specific site, you need to click on it and click the “Show” button that appears. Just like in Firefox, search works here the required password by login and site name.
  4. Passwords can be exported to backups. Their import by other browsers is supported. To start synchronization, you need a registered Google account. After logging into Google, the built-in Chrome master export passwords - the file will be encrypted and you can only open it in Google Chrome. Passwords can be used when auto-filling logins on sites you have previously visited.
  5. Passwords that are outdated and no longer needed can be deleted.

Managing passwords with Opera

  1. Launch the Opera browser and give the command “Menu” - “Settings”.
  2. Open Security Settings and find the “Manage Saved Passwords” button.
  3. To display your saved passwords, select required login and click on “Show”.
  4. To find a password by login or site name, enter keyword in the search bar.
  5. Saved passwords can be deleted one by one. Unfortunately, there is no button to delete all passwords at once in Opera, as in Google Chrome.
  6. To transfer and copy the database of your account passwords, history, bookmarks, etc., use the synchronization panel. Backup will be available only to authorized users.

Working with passwords in Yandex.Browser

  1. Launch the Yandex.Browser program and go to the Browser Settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the advanced settings key.
  3. Scroll further to the login key to the Yandex Browser password master.
  4. The password management panel will open. If you used passwords to register on sites, all your accounts will be displayed here. You can either export them to backup copy, or clear unnecessary passwords.
  5. Yandex.Browser records passwords in a backup copy - like all modern browsers. To do this, you need an account on the Yandex portal. Scroll down to Sync on the Settings page and click Show Options.
  6. Check your password export settings. After authorization in Yandex.Browser, password synchronization will be enabled automatically.

Working with passwords in Internet Explorer

Unlike its competitors, Microsoft Internet Explorer has encrypted passwords in all its versions, including 9.0. The IE PassView utility was required to extract passwords.

She was an indispensable tool for those who did not want to use the above third party browsers. But starting with version 10.0, Internet Explorer shows passwords correctly.

  1. Launch Internet Explorer and go to browser settings.
  2. Go to the “Content” settings tab and click on the “Options” button.
  3. Set up recording of logins and passwords. Saving passwords should work. Go to the password management menu.
  4. Passwords can be saved separately. Unnecessary - clear. Like website accounts, they can be protected by local authorization on the PC.
  5. New releases of Windows (8, 10) may require backup using an account on a Microsoft server.

Is it possible to find out what passwords were entered in the browser?

Exist different methods see what passwords a person used on his computer:

  • online synchronization and backup. Each browser has its own official service, where a person opens an account. In the privacy, security or Web content settings, the browser immediately prompts you to create an account and make a backup copy. So, for Google Chrome this rules itself Google company- using Google address Mail, you can immediately access everything. Yandex and Rambler have a similar system. Firefox also suggests creating an account on the server. Other browsers, such as Opera, as well as Amigo from Mail.Ru, also follow the beaten path. Flaw this method- you need to know the main password for your account;
  • through the settings of the browser itself. The developers of Opera and Firefox have advanced the furthest in this direction, as software products that have proven themselves over the course of a number of years. Go to the security and privacy settings and use the above-described function of showing passwords;
  • The “pirate” method is keyloggers. These are interceptors of everything that the owner of the computer or his guests typed from the keyboard - be it the text of an article, a message in a chat, or a password on a website. The disadvantage is to configure the antivirus so that it does not erase the keylogger program from the PC, because it is considered antivirus applications like a kind of “Trojan”.

Summing up

Copying and transferring passwords - useful feature. Often along with reinstallation Windows people they lose passwords from their previous accounts and cannot recover them later. Backup, which in years past was a long and painful task, has now been simplified to the limit. It is only important to promptly remove passwords from sites that no longer exist - or from those to which the user was denied access for one reason or another.

Video: how to extract saved passwords from browser history

Now you know how and where to manage your passwords, collected over many years of Internet surfing. The only thing left to do is organize them secure storage and timely cleaning of the password database from outdated entries. It's simple. You will get over it very quickly.

Before you write step by step actions, how you can find out and view your saved passwords in popular browsers such as Yandex browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. I would still like to remind those who do not yet know that saving passwords in browsers is not recommended, it is not safe.

Remember your passwords in your head or use password managers, now there are quite a lot of them for every taste and color, but I recommend KeePass (free, there is Portable version, which allows you to store all the data on a flash drive without fear that the computer will break down and the data will be lost).

How to view your saved passwords in Yandex browser

1. In the right corner of the browser, click on the “Yandex Browser Settings” tab.
When you click on it, a drop-down list will open, select “Settings”.

2. After clicking “Settings”, a tab opens with all browser settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Show advanced settings” button and click it.

3. Scroll the page to the “Passwords and Forms” item and see the “Password Management” button, click it and see the sites on which you saved the password. Select the site we need and click show.

To display the password, you may need to enter the password from account Computer (do not confuse it, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer).

View your saved passwords in the Google Chrome browser

Viewing saved passwords in Google Chrome is practically no different from the Yandex browser.

All the same actions:

1. In the right corner of the browser, click the “Settings” tab

3. In the additional settings that open, look for the “Passwords and forms” item.

On the line “Offer to save passwords for sites” there is a “Customize” link, click on it and a window with our sites and passwords will open.

Select the desired site and click show password.

To view, the browser may ask you to enter the password for your Computer user account. (don’t get confused, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer).

Find out your saved passwords in the Mozilla Firefox browser

Viewing passwords in the Mozilla Firefox browser is not much different from the browsers above, except for the names of some buttons and paths :)

The actions are the same:

1. In the right corner of the browser, click “Open menu”.
In the drop-down list, click “Settings”.

2. On the right side of the menu, click the “Protection” item and see the “Saved Passwords” button, click it and see the sites and saved passwords for them.

If you set your password for the “Master Password”, then before displaying the password, you will need to enter the master password.

View your passwords in the Opera browser

The steps with the Opera browser are similar:

1. In the left corner of the browser, click “Menu” and in the drop-down list click “Settings”.
2. Click the “Security” item.

3. On the settings page we see the “Passwords” item and the “Manage saved passwords” button, click on it and a window with our sites and passwords will open, select the desired site and click show password.

To view, you will need to enter the password for your Computer user account. (Don’t get confused, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer)

It's simple.

Well, the last view of passwords will be in the Microsoft Edge browser, also known as Internet Explorer

In these browsers, the paths where our passwords are saved are slightly different.

1. In the right corner, click “Service, also known as Settings”.
Select “Internet Options” from the drop-down list. A tab will open where we need to switch to the contents tab.

2. In the “Autofill” item there is a “Options” button, click on it and another window will appear where we need to click the treasured “Password Management” button.

3. After clicking on the button, the “Internet Credential Manager” will open, where our sites and passwords will be, next to the password there will be a link to show the password, we click on it to view.

To view the password, you will need to enter the password for your Computer account. (Do not confuse it not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer)

Is everything much easier than expected? 🙂