Snipping tool screenshot Windows 7. Analysis of the functionality of Windows screen snipping tools - snipping tool review

Scissors program in windows7

Scissors program for windows 7 ( Snipping Tool allows you to take an instant snapshot of your entire screen (screenshot), any object on your desktop, a photo, or a section of a website in your browser. It also allows you to take notes, explain the photo, send it by email, insert it into a document, or simply save it on your computer.

All this is much faster than taking screenshots in Windows using the PrtScn key.

In the windows7 scissors program, you can take pictures of the following desktop objects (Figure 1):

Fig.1 Scissors program for windows7

Arbitrary object shape. In this case, you will need to outline the outline of the figure you want to photograph. This is done with the mouse. Moreover, the contour does not have to be closed. True, if you did not connect the starting and ending points, then scissors program will connect them itself, but along the shortest straight line. The photo will be taken as soon as you release the mouse button.

Rectangular shape. An object is selected by dragging the cursor. You need to place the cursor at the top point of the fragment, hold down the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the cursor diagonally to the bottom point. The photo is taken automatically as soon as you release the mouse button.

Window. This is a screenshot of a window on the desktop. If there are several windows open on the desktop, and you want to take a picture of a window that is inactive at that time, you need to first activate it so that it becomes the top one. Otherwise, a photo will be taken along the contour of the selected window and part of the upper overlapping one. The picture is taken by clicking inside the desired window.

Whole screen. Captures the entire monitor screen. The photo is taken instantly as soon as you select the option Whole screen.

Menu. You can take a photo of any drop-down menu (context menu, Start menu, etc.).

Snapshot menu it's done like this:

1.Open the windows 7 scissors program

2. Click the Esc key

3. Open the menu that you will need to capture

4. Press the key combination CTRL+PRINT SCREEN (PrtSc)

5. Click the triangle next to the Create tab (Fig. 1), and in the drop-down menu select the desired option for highlighting

6. Select the previously opened menu. The photo will be taken immediately.

The captured monitor screen object is automatically copied to the clipboard and the markup window of the scissors program (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Layout window of the Scissors program ( Snipping Tool) windows7

In the markup window, you can add explanations to the image, make some underlines, highlights, etc. with a marker, save it to a file, or send it by email.

Photos are saved as HTML, PNG, GIF or JPEG files.

From the clipboard, you can paste a picture into a document or graphic editor for further work.

Where is the scissors program located in windows 7

Where are the scissors in windows 7? Since the scissors program is a standard add-on for Windows7, finding it is quite easy: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Scissors.

The scissors program file itself is SnippingTool.exe - located in the System32 folder:

Computer – Disk C – Windows – System32 - Snipping Tool.exe

To make it easier to find scissors and for the convenience of working with the program, you can place its shortcut on the taskbar, start menu, desktop, or assign a “hot key” for quick access.

How to assign a hotkey for scissors

The hotkey for the scissors program is assigned as follows:

1. open Properties

2. place the cursor in the field Quick call(by default there is No)

3. Press on the keyboard the key that you want to assign as a hot key (to quickly call up scissors).

If you assign a regular hot key, including a numeric one, you can launch the scissors by pressing the key combination:

Ctrl + Alt + Assigned hotkey.

If you assign a functional hotkey for scissors ( F1 –F12), then the launch is carried out by pressing one assigned key.

Availability of the Scissors program for Windows 7 OS

The snipping program is available for the following versions of the Windows operating system: Home Advanced, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate.

For version windows 7 home basic The scissors program is not available.

Is it possible to download scissors for windows7?

The scissors application is installed along with the windows7 operating system. If for some reason the program stops working or was accidentally deleted, you will not be able to download it officially from the Microsoft website. But you can download scissors from the windows7 installation disk. Or upon request “scissors program for windows7 download” find download sites. There are such sites, but here you will download scissors at your own peril and risk.

In this case, it is better to download the scissors program from the Internet, test it on Windows 7. And only then install it on the main operating system.

Scissors for Windows 7 and Scissors for Windows 8 are software scissors that allow any user to select the desired part on the screen and then photograph this part, that is, take a screenshot for it.

But before we move on to Snipping Tool, we can’t help but mention one universal charm on your keyboard for taking screenshots.

Despite the fact that today there are a huge variety of different programs available for creating screenshots, there are often times, for example, when you are at a stranger’s computer and you urgently need to take a screenshot of what is happening on the monitor screen.

This is easy to do by pressing the Print Screen key on your keyboard and pasting the contents from the clipboard into a standard Windows program such as the Paint graphics editor. Here you can edit the image by adding some marks and making the necessary selections, more about this.

The wonderful button on the Print Screen keyboard always allows you to take screenshots in any Windows operating system (XP, Vista, 7, 8).

But in the Windows 7 operating system, Microsoft has implemented a much more convenient tool for instantly creating screenshots - this is the standard “Scissors” mini-application, which was inherited by Windows 8 and its adjusted edition of Windows 8.1.

is a program built into Windows that does not require additional downloading and installation. It is available in such categories as Home Advanced, Professional, Maximum, Corporate. Unfortunately, there is no Snipping Tool in the Basic version of Windows 7. You can read about how to find out the version of your operating system.

The Snipping Tool program is available not only in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It also “migrated” to Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows R.T 8.1.

So, “Scissors” is a minimalistic, simplest standard tool in Windows 7 and 8, which nevertheless has some options for capturing the monitor screen in various forms and with a built-in mini-editor for the created screenshots.

Where is Snipping Tool in Windows 7?

You can find “Scissors”

  • in the Start menu,
  • then “All programs”,
  • further “Standard” (number 1 in Fig. 1),
  • further, in fact, “Scissors” (number 2 in Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Looking for Scissors for Windows 7:
Start button – All Programs – Accessories – Snipping Tool

The second way to find “Scissors” for Windows 7 is to enter the word “scissors” in the search bar (number 3 in Fig. 1) without quotes, and the operating system itself will quickly find this program.

To avoid searching for Scissors, you can keep this program “at hand” as follows. Right-clicking the mouse in the “Start” menu on “Scissors” (number 2 in Fig. 1) opens a context menu in which you can:

  • click on the “Pin to taskbar” option to keep Snipping Tool on the Windows taskbar or
  • Click on another option - “Pin to Start Menu”, which will allow you to see the Snipping Tool shortcut when you open the Start menu.

Where is Snipping Tool in Windows 8?

Snipping Tools for Windows 8 can be found:

  1. in “Applications” – “Accessories – Windows”,
  2. or through "Search".

Let's consider the first option. Users who have not returned the “Start” button to Windows 8 and 8.1 using third-party software (additionally installed programs) will be able to find “Scissors” through the “Applications” section. To do this, you need to switch to the Start screen and click the down arrow located in the lower left corner.

Rice. 2 “All apps” button for Windows 8

A list of all installed applications and programs will appear, with “Scissors” displayed at the end of the list.

Rice. 3 Scissors among other Standard Windows 8 applications

Looking for “Scissors” for Windows 8 via “Search”

If you have a touch screen, then quickly swipe from the right edge of the screen and tap the Search button.

If you are using a mouse, then move the cursor to the lower right corner of the screen, and then move it up and click on the “Search” button.

All that remains is to enter “Scissors” into the search bar without quotes, and then select the found element “Scissors”.

Rice. 4 Ioem Scissors via Search in Windows 8

Scissors functionality

Getting acquainted with the functionality of “Scissors” is quite simple; it is the same for Windows 7 and 8. Everything is quite obvious from the start of launching this mini-application.

Taking a screenshot

In the button " Create“After clicking on the small triangle to the right of the word “Create”, a drop-down list appears (number 1 in Fig. 5), in which you can select one of the possible forms of screenshots:

  • free
  • rectangle,
  • active window,
  • the entire screen (indicated by numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Fig. 6).

We click on the “Create” button (Fig. 5), and thereby we start photographing the screen. Moreover, after clicking the “Create” button, all objects on the screen will be darkened. You need to drag your pointer across the screen while holding down the left mouse button to highlight the objects you want to capture in the screenshot. After you release the mouse button, a new window with a screenshot will appear.

If you don't like the screenshot you took, you can try again. To do this, just click on the “Create” button in the “Scissors” again and re-select the desired object.
Now you can edit the screenshot and then be sure to save it.

Rice. 5 The Scissors application is open, Click on the triangle with the number 1, select the area to highlight the screenshot.
Click on the Create button to create a screenshot

Editing the screenshot

After creating a photo, the latter immediately opens in a separate simple “Scissors” editor. The capabilities of this editor are limited when compared with the same Paint, but you can still make certain marks on a screenshot using a pen line and a marker of different colors (indicated by numbers 4 and 5 in Fig. 6).

The drawn lines are erased with an eraser (number 6 in Fig. 6).

For the pen and marker, you can customize the line type and thickness using the “Customize” option, indicated by number 11 in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6 Scissor Editor

Using the “Copy” button (number 2 in Fig. 6) of the “Scissors” editor, the taken screenshot will go to the clipboard, from where it can then be pasted into any other program - a text editor, photo editor, etc. To do this, in this program you need to click on the “Paste” option, or press the hot keys Ctrl + V.

Saving the screenshot is the most important thing!

You can also click on the “File” option in the top menu, and in the window that opens, click on the “Save As” command. Here everything is the same as when you click on the floppy disk icon (number 1 in Fig. 6).

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Screenshots are a convenient means of demonstrating what is happening on the screen. They can be used to explain how computer programs work, cut out portions of web pages, save frames from movies, and much more. In the latest versions of Windows, in addition to the PrtScrn key, which allows you to take a screenshot of the entire screen, there is a built-in Snipping tool with a small set of useful functions. For those who want even more functionality when working with screenshots, there is a set of products that not only take a screenshot, but also have extensive post-processing capabilities.

Where to find free Snipping Tools for Windows

We will briefly describe two free tools, the functionality of which is sufficient for office and home needs.

Windows Scissors

They are included in the standard OS distribution, are easy to use, although they provide little functionality - the ability to take a picture of an arbitrary area, window, screen and rectangle, draw/write with several types of pens, erase what has been written, save files to disk in three formats: JPG, PNG and GIF .

You can find Windows Snipping Tool like this: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Snipping Tool.

After launching Scissors, you need to select one of the screenshot types (drop-down menu next to the button "Create"): "Full screen", "Window", "Rectangle" or "Free form".

To create a free-form screenshot, you need to draw a border with the mouse while pressing the left button, after which a window with a screenshot will appear.

In most cases, you will need to capture either a rectangular area or a window - Scissors do an excellent job of this task.

After creating a photo, the user has several options: save it to disk (1), copy it to the clipboard (2), send it by mail (3), write/draw something with a pen (4) or pencil (5) and erase what was written (6).

Working with all functions is intuitive and does not differ from the standards established in Windows, so taking a screenshot should not raise any questions for an average user. The only difficulty may arise with handwriting or drawing - for this it is better to use a special tablet rather than a mouse.

Screen scissors

Domestic developer program. It can take screenshots of the selected area, provides the ability to draw/write on the screenshot by hand, and erase what is written. Saves the photo to your computer or to the developer’s website (stored for 72 hours). The screenshot is saved only in JPG format.

Screen scissors provide minimal functionality, but do not require installation - the program can be launched from a flash drive. There is no interface as such, since switching between editing and erasing is done from the keyboard.

The program can be recommended, perhaps, only to advanced users, since editing is done using the mouse and keyboard simultaneously, in addition, you may have to change the default settings and read the manual.

WITH download Screen Scissors from the official website


Windows Scissors is a fairly powerful tool for creating screenshots of both an arbitrary area and the entire screen. In addition, Scissors includes basic tools for editing graphic content.

If you're comfortable with a keyboard-mouse combination, value minimalism, and need a quick tool to take screenshots of part of your screen, the third-party Screen Snips program can help.

Convenient program for receiving screenshot(screenshot) and saving it as a graphic file first appeared as part of Windows Vista and was transferred unchanged to Windows 7. Application Scissors(Snipping Tool) significantly speeds up the process of taking snapshots of any area of ​​the screen, and all its functions are intuitive.

The program is launched from the menu Start(Start) (group Standard(Accessories) and by default suggests selecting a certain area of ​​the screen for saving. You can cancel the operation immediately by pressing the Esc key and check the settings or select others. To control the program, there are only three buttons in its window. Button Options(Options) allows you to select program operating modes.

A new operation starts after pressing the button Create(New). The program allows you to take four types of images:

  • Free form(Free-form Snip);
  • Rectangle(Rectangular Snip) (this option is offered by default);
  • Window(Window Snip);
  • Whole screen(Full-screen Snip).

In the first two cases, you need to use the cursor to outline the part of the screen to be photographed.

After pressing the button Create(New) the image on the screen becomes matte, and all windows or the desktop are visible through it. A special cursor appears, with which (while holding the left mouse button) you need to specify the required area of ​​​​the screen - this area is displayed with normal brightness during the selection process.

After releasing the mouse button, a window of a simple graphic editor appears, in which the selected fragment of the screen is visible (it is immediately copied to the clipboard). When saving the image, any extra white background will be removed. Using a pen or marker, you can make marks or highlights on the resulting image; There is also an eraser for erasing signatures (it does not affect the main image!). (If the picture has changed, then to transfer it to other programs you need to copy it again to the clipboard.)

The resulting image can be saved as a file or immediately inserted into an open document; If you try to close the program window without performing these actions, it will remind you to save the information. It is easy to copy the image from the clipboard to the window of any graphics editor for further processing.

Scissors are not supplied with Windows 7 home and cannot be downloaded and installed separately.

A free analogue of the HyperSnap “scissors” (in the free version, program marks remain on the image)

Screen Scissors is a small program that is included by default in the standard Windows OS. Despite this, there are now more advanced and even portable versions of it. You can download Scissors for free and start using it immediately after installation. The utility works with the system tray and clipboard; Thus, finished files can be sent directly over the network without saving them to disk. Its unique feature is low resource consumption; the selected part of the screen is saved in just a second. In the parameters you can adjust the original quality and select the format: jpeg or bmp. These files weigh very little, and the image quality is high.

If there is no program in the standard set, then Windows Scissors can be downloaded separately (replace the current version or update it to the latest; in any case, current and stable operation will be guaranteed). How convenient is the functionality? Externally, the working environment of Scissors is no different from standard applications, which makes it easier to get acquainted with them. First, of course, you need to download or launch Scissors from the system. Next, use the mouse cursor to stretch the area needed to save. Now you can highlight the necessary information with a frame, print text, etc. An already selected area can be edited, i.e. it can be shifted, aligned and stretched at will.

When everything is ready, the current environment can be saved to your computer as a finished screenshot, or you can send it via the network (the clipboard will help with this) or upload a photo to the server. Now the received link can be shared without restrictions. This makes sending such formats much easier, because each participant does not need to re-upload the same photo. It is much more convenient to download the Scissors program than to waste time and system resources on other analogues. The interface has been translated into Russian, has only the necessary buttons and a logical structure, which makes it easier to use. The application is compatible with all versions of the system and does not require installation of additional software.

The main features of the Scissors include:

  • simple design and functionality;
  • instant snapshot saving;
  • ability to edit an area;
  • popular graphics formats;
  • platform compatibility;
  • sharing screenshots via link.