Behind-the-scenes struggle. Simple and effective ways to clean carpets


The brightness of the monitor screen is one of the most important details when working at a computer, which affects eye fatigue. The fact is that on a sunny day, usually the picture on the monitor is faded and it is difficult to distinguish it unless you turn up the brightness. As a result, if low brightness monitor - you have to strain your eyesight and your eyes get tired quickly (which is not good...).

In this article I want to focus on adjusting the brightness of a laptop monitor. This can be done in several ways, let's look at each of them.

Important point! The brightness of a laptop screen greatly affects the amount of energy consumed. If your laptop is running on battery

- then by increasing the brightness, the battery will discharge a little faster. Article on how to increase laptop battery life:

How to increase laptop screen brightness

1) Function keys The simplest and quick way change monitor brightness - this is to use function keys on keyboard. Typically, you need to press function button Fn+arrow

(or range F1-F12, depending on which button has the brightness icon - “sun” on it, see Fig. 1). One small note

  1. . These buttons do not always work; the reasons for this are most often: Not installed drivers
  2. (for example, if you installed Windows 7, 8, 10, then by default drivers are installed on almost all devices that will be recognized by the OS. But these drivers work “wrong”, including often the function keys do not work!). An article on how to update drivers in auto mode:

these keys can be disabled in the BIOS (though not all devices support this option, but it is possible). To enable them, enter the BIOS and change the appropriate settings (article on how to enter the BIOS:). 2) Panel

Windows management

You can also change brightness settings through the Windows Control Panel (the recommendations below are relevant for Windows 7, 8, 10). 1. First you need to go to control Panel and open the section " Equipment and sound

"(as in Fig. 2). Next, open the “Power Options” section. Setting up the power plan«.

3) Adjusting brightness and contrast settings in drivers

You can adjust brightness, saturation, contrast and other parameters in the settings of your video card drivers (if, of course, they were installed 🙂).

Most often, the icon needed to enter their settings is located next to the clock (in the lower right corner, as in Fig. 4). Just open them and go to display settings.

By the way, there is another way to enter the settings graphic characteristics. Just click anywhere on your desktop Windows desktop right click mouse and in the appeared context menu there will be a link to the required parameters (as in Fig. 5). By the way, it doesn’t matter what video card you have: ATI, NVidia or Intel.

Rice. 6. Graphics settings.

That's all for me. Good job And quick change"problematic" parameters. Good Luck :)

Unfortunately, bright clothes, even the most expensive and high-quality ones, lose their color over time due to washing. Once such bright red, blue, pink, green colors become faded and dull. As a result of washing, almost all clothes fade, and even white fabric can turn yellow. Many people do not know how to restore the color of clothes, and yet it's very easy to do. Chemical and folk remedies will help restore the color and brightness of your things.

Long faded in the sun White color You can make it snow-white again, and the burnt and faded black will again become like coal.

Items made from ordinary fabric

Colored clothing loses its brightness over time

They will help restore color to clothes made from simple fabrics such as cotton, linen and some others. dry cleaning and stain removers, and home remedies, which every housewife has at hand.


In general, dry cleaning is the fastest and reliable way restore the brightness of the colors of any faded item from absolutely any fabric. Modern dry cleaners are equipped with equipment and have strong chemicals in their arsenal that can restore the newness and brightness of the colors of even a heavily faded, far from new item. But dry cleaning services are quite expensive, and therefore many housewives prefer to use other methods.

Today you can see on store shelves great amount stain removers and laundry detergents, the labels of which promise to return the former brightness of colors and color to clothes in just one application.

If you decide to buy such a product, then read the label carefully– the composition can be intended only for white or vice versa - only for black clothes, for colored items, woolen or silk.

To avoid damaging your item with chemicals, follow the instructions carefully. Incorrect use or overdose of the drug can lead to permanent damage to clothing. But such drugs can effectively restore the brightness of colors, especially white and black clothes.

Available means

If you don't trust chemicals and are afraid of ruining the item, try home remedies that will help restore the color of the fabric.

Magic solution

A simple way to return color to things is to prepare a solution that is very effective in its composition. Dissolve a large spoonful of the following in a bowl of cool water:

  • regular table salt,
  • potato starch,
  • citric acid
  • laundry, white soap. It is better to cut the soap with a knife.

Dip faded clothes into the solution and leave for 12 hours. After this, things need to be washed in the usual way– they will become bright again.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to restore fabric color

Peroxide can also be used to restore color. You need to dilute half the bottle in cool water with washing powder. Damaged items should be kept in this solution. three hours, and then wash in the usual way.


This method will help make faded black color bright again. The method is very simple - before washing, the item must be placed in a basin of cool water, to which two tablespoons of vinegar have been added. Keep clothes in vinegar for no more than 20 minutes. After this, the item is washed, and after washing, rinsed again in a vinegar solution.

How to restore color to wool items?

Items made from natural wool require special care. Woolen clothing can also fade, become dull, and become unevenly colored.


Stain removers can be used to restore color. For white wool, use a product marked "white", for colored clothing there must be a mark on the composition "color".

It is best to use oxygen bleach for white wool and silk items, as it is more gentle and effective. For wool, you do not need to use products that contain chlorine.

Home Remedies


But there are also home remedies that will help restore the brightness of the color of wool and silk. For example, dark clothes can be refreshed with tobacco solution. To do this, take tobacco from 3 cigarettes and infuse it in half a liter of water. The item is washed, dried, and then thoroughly

Onion peels are a time-tested remedy!

wipe with a towel soaked in tobacco solution.

Onion peel

If you notice that when washing dark-colored woolen clothing, the water begins to stain, it means your items are fading. The color is washed out of the fibers and loses saturation with each wash. A decoction of onion peels is an old folk recipe. Prepare a very strong decoction and immerse the item in it. For wool of light brown shades, you need to prepare a weaker decoction.

To consolidate the result after such home dyeing, you should add a little vinegar to the rinse water.


If you add a little baking soda to the basin when washing, silk and wool will not lose their colors. Add soda at the rate of a tablespoon per liter of water. After washing, the item should be rinsed in large quantities water.

Black items may turn gray after a few washes.

How to refresh coat fabrics?

We wear a coat for at least two seasons, and during this time the fabric on the coat has time to fade and lose its brightness. How can you refresh coat fabrics?


If you can wash and dry your coat yourself, try rinsing it in a special balm to restore the brightness of the colors. If you can’t wash your coat yourself, then the only option is dry cleaning.

Folk remedies

If your coat is dark in color, then the shell will help refresh the colors of the coat fabric walnut. 30 grams of shells should be boiled in a liter of water for 15-20 minutes, then poured into a basin and immersed in the coat solution for 30 minutes. The colors will “come to life” after the first rinse.

Tea brewing will also help refresh coat fabric. Prepare a strong brew, dilute it with cool water and immerse the coat in the solution. The stronger the tea leaves, the more noticeable the coloring effect will be.

How to properly wash multi-colored items?

But, if you take care of your colored things, they will delight you for a long time

Colored items should be washed in cold water

brightness and richness of tones. How to properly wash such clothes?

  • Read labels carefully - never wash clothes in high temperature water.
  • White and dark things, and even black ones, must be washed separately.
  • Cheaper items made from synthetic fabrics always shed more. Natural fabrics are safer.
  • At all new clothes must be washed separately from the old one. This way you will maintain its newness longer.
  • To fix the paint, you should soak the clothes in a solution of table salt before washing - this will prevent the item from fading.

Often users of the Windows 7 operating system encounter a problem screen brightness settings. To fix this problem, we will take everything apart available methods display brightness settings in Windows 7. Adjusting the screen backlight is quite simple process, which even a novice user can handle. After familiarizing yourself with the material, you will be able adjust the brightness yourself laptop or desktop computer.

Adjusting brightness using standard Windows 7 tools

To set the brightness of a laptop or all-in-one PC standard means sevens, the first thing you should do is go to Control panels. You can go to the Control Panel through the menu " Start"or type in the program " Execute» control command

After launch Control panels you need to go to the "" section.

You can now increase or decrease the screen backlight. To do this, set the slider " Screen brightness» to a position that matches your monitor backlight preferences.

You can also go to settings power plan and exhibit brightness, with which laptop will run on battery or mains power.

Changing screen lighting settings using the video card driver

One more in an interesting way The display illumination change is adjustable using video card drivers. For our example, we will consider a driver from the company Nvidia. To open the video card driver settings, you need to right-click on an empty space on the Desktop. A context menu should appear.

In this menu, select the item “ Panel NVIDIA management "(this may be different for another video card), after which the video card driver settings panel will open.

Now in this panel you need to go to the menu “ Video\Adjust color settings for video».

In the color adjustment menu, go to the “ 2. How to make color adjustments" and set the switch " WITH NVIDIA settings " By selecting these parameters, you will be able to adjust four properties, including display brightness. To increase or decrease the brightness of the display, drag the slider towards plus or minus and you will see how the screen backlight changes.

Video card manufacturers also have such programs that regulate screen lighting using the video adapter driver. Intel And AMD.

Also on the Internet you can find many programs that adjust the display backlight. All such programs work by accessing the video adapter driver. That is, in essence, they do what you can do in the control panel of the video card (in our case Nvidia). The most interesting of all such programs is F.lux. Her main feature is automatic adjustment display backlight, which depends on the time of day.

An example of adjusting the laptop backlight using the Fn key

For example, we will use a Lenovo s110 netbook with operating Windows system 7.

It uses the Fn modifier key in combination with the ← and → cursor keys to adjust the backlight. To increase the backlight Lenovo laptop s110, you must use the key combination Fn + → . To lower the backlight you need to use the combination Fn + ←.

As you raise or lower the backlight, you will see how the value of the graphic indicator changes. The program is responsible for this indicator Hotkey Features.

As you can see, increase or decrease the laptop screen lighting settings using the " Fn", quite simply. You can use this example on other laptops, since the principles of using modifier keys are the same.

Particularly on laptops SAMSUNG NP350 keyboard shortcuts:

  • to increase brightness - Fn + F3;
  • to decrease - Fn + F2.

Manually adjusting the monitor backlight

For users desktop computers Screen lighting settings can be adjusted on the display itself. For example, we will use a monitor LG Flatron W1943SS. To adjust the lighting, you need to go to its menu. To do this, press the MENU key on the monitor control panel.

After this, press the AUTO/SET key. A brightness adjustment window should open where you can change it.

I would also like to note that the monitor settings do not depend on what OS or driver is installed. They are regulated exclusively in the monitor. Each monitor from different manufacturer has its own manual settings. You can find out the details of adjusting the screen lighting parameters of a particular monitor in the manual, which is included with the sale or can be downloaded from in electronic format on the manufacturer's website.

Let's sum it up

IN this material it can be seen that even a novice PC user can increase and decrease the brightness of the display in Windows 7. And we hope that our material will help you learn how to change the brightness of your computer monitor.

Video on the topic

It all started with a broken vacuum cleaner. For three weeks I was deprived of the joy of cleaning carpets with its help. And in the end, despite all my efforts, they acquired an extremely pale appearance. In the most literal sense of the word, they have become dull and gray. If it were winter, this problem would be solved quite simply - take it outside. I rolled it out in the snow, knocked it out properly, and then please. But winter is far away. Dry cleaning is expensive. In addition, there is carpet in the bedroom, which you simply cannot remove from the house.

I had to worry about finding ways to tidy up carpets and rugs. There are, admittedly, a lot of them

Clean out the dirt

..with salt.

Sprinkle the carpet with fine salt overnight (like “Extra”, and then sweep everything with a broom or brush dipped in warm water. Some additionally rub the salt into the surface of the carpet. This can be repeated several times. Then vacuum the carpet. You can leave the salt overnight. Same role can take on sawdust or large bran.

...using tea leaves

Sprinkle the carpet with quick brew. Wait until the tea leaves have absorbed all the dust and dirt. Then sweep the carpet with a broom or brush.

But this method is only good for dark carpets. Light hair from tea leaves may become stained.

using semolina

Fill the carpet with semolina and brush it with a brush. Then vacuum thoroughly.

...with sauerkraut

At first glance, the method, of course, is extremely exotic, but nevertheless, some claim that it works. True, the cabbage should be without adding vinegar. Squeeze it out of the brine and scatter it on the carpet. To remove odor, you can pre-rinse it. Give the cabbage time to absorb the dirt and sweep it out with a brush. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Then let the carpet dry and vacuum.

Cabbage may not remove old stains, but they say it copes well with dirt deposits.

Remove stains...

...from coffee or tea

Blot with a dry cloth. Mix a spoonful of glycerin in a liter of water. Rub the solution onto the stain and leave overnight. In the morning, wipe with a brush and soap solution.

If coffee or tea has managed to penetrate deeply into the pile, then the stain will have to be treated several times.

Finally, wipe the pile with cold water, but only so as not to wet the base.

Stains from coffee and cocoa can also be easily removed with ammonia, half diluted with water. To complete the effect, it is recommended to first wipe the stain with gasoline.

...from salads, fruits, chocolate, etc.

Mix one teaspoon of grated laundry soap with 1 teaspoon. wine vinegar and add a liter of warm water. Wipe the stain with this solution.

from ice cream, milk and other dairy products

Mix in equal parts glycerin, ammonia and warm water. Treat the stain with the solution, then rinse with warm water and dry, placing something under the carpet so that it does not come into contact with the floor.

...from wax

Apply ice wrapped in a plastic bag to the stain. Field of that. Once the wax hardens, it will be easy to simply remove it from the carpet pile.

You can cover it with an absorbent cloth and iron it with a not very hot iron.

... from chewing gum.

Use ice in the same way as with wax. You can also soak a cotton swab in ammonia and wipe the stain. The gum will harden and fall off.

...from plasticine

You can try scrubbing with pure alcohol.

Well, it’s better to again resort to using ice or some product frozen in the freezer. Apply an ice pack to the stain for 5-10 minutes. Cooled plasticine will harden. Comb it out with a thick-toothed comb and try to scrape it off with a knife or spatula. Apply new ice periodically, since as it heats up, the plasticine will soften again.

After you scrape off the plasticine itself, rub the remaining stain with a sponge soaked in a solution of acetone or white spirit (used to thin the paint). You can use an aerosol to clean car covers.

Then dilute any carpet or dishwashing detergent in water, dip a sponge and wipe the carpet with soapy water. . and cool, because over time it becomes soft again.

Finally, vacuum.

from glue

If the glue has just been spilled, then you need to blot the stain almost dry with a napkin, and then wash it with a soapy solution - 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent per 2 cups of warm water.

If this does not help, then mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia with 2 glasses of cool water and treat the stain with this mixture. Then rinse the carpet with clean water and dry.

An old glue stain must first be lubricated with petroleum jelly, then apply hand disinfection gel, cover with a stack of paper napkins or towels soaked in water and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water and dry.

...from wine

Mix equal parts of water and gasoline, and dissolve laundry soap in the resulting mixture at a rate of 1 to 10. If the consistency is too thick, dilute with water. Rub the mixture onto the stain. And then rinse with soapy water, then rinse with soapy water.

You can mix baking soda with washing powder and apply the resulting mixture liberally to the stain. It is better to pour such a solution into a spray bottle. Finally, wipe the carpet with a damp cloth.

...from juice

Rub the stain with ammonia dissolved in water. This must be done until the stain completely disappears. The room must be ventilated afterwards.

...from fat

Try wiping the stain with either pure gasoline or a mixture of ammonia and water.

Fine greasy spots removes purified gasoline mixed with starch. Apply this mixture and leave on the carpet until completely dry. Then straighten the pile with a brush and use a vacuum cleaner to remove the remaining mixture.

Still very good way- cover the stain with salt and leave for several hours. Then wipe with any dishwashing detergent. And rinse with clean water. Just again, so as not to wet the carpet itself.

...from the grass

Grass stains can be removed with regular vodka or a solution of table salt and warm water - 1 teaspoon of salt per half glass of water.

from animals

If your pet is not very friendly with the litter box, then the problem of cleaning the carpet will, of course, arise regularly.

First blot the puddle left by your four-legged friend with a rag or sponge, from the edges to the center - almost dry.

Then dilute table vinegar in water (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water) and wipe the stain.

Leave for 2-3 hours to dry. Then sprinkle thickly baking soda and use a spray bottle to apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon onto the baking soda. detergent(can be used for washing dishes) and a third of a glass of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution.

Rub the stain with a brush and leave until completely dry. Then vacuum the carpet

Restore brightness to carpet

...using saline solution

Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water. Add a few drops of lemon juice (or 2 tsp citric acid). Using a brush, apply and clean the carpet with the solution. Keep in mind that you must move the brush strictly in the direction of the pile,

...using a vinegar solution

You can try a vinegar solution. Clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. Then go over it with a brush. Soaked in a weak solution of vinegar (20 ml of 6-9% vinegar per 1000 ml of water). But the truth is that after such a procedure the room will need to be ventilated.

...using ammonia

A solution of ammonia works well to restore the brightness of colors. Dissolve in a liter of water either 2 teaspoons of 5 percent ammonia, or 2 tablespoons of washing powder and one ammonia.

Wipe the carpet with a soft brush or cloth soaked in this solution. Just be careful not to wet the base of the carpet. Then wipe it dry. wipe dry.

...using potatoes

You can refresh the color of the carpet with potato broth or grated fresh potatoes diluted with water. The starch contained in potatoes will return the carpet to its former freshness.

Basic rules for carpet care

1. Before basic cleaning and removing stains, the carpet must be free of dust.

2. Carpets do not like hot water; too hard brushes; brushing against the grain;... dampness

3. Vanish type carpet cleaners are not suitable for natural fiber carpets. Only for artificial.

4. Carefully clean carpets made from artificial materials with acetone, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and citric acid, gasoline, kerosene. First, be sure to check how these substances act in some small, inconspicuous area. .

5. Carpet cannot be treated with alcohol, gasoline, acetone or other solvents, but only with warm soapy water.

6. Colored carpets should not be cleaned with products containing bleach, as the colors will discolor.

7. After any stain removal procedure, it is advisable to clean the carpet with a soap solution.

Detergents last generations They can wash off almost any stain, but they definitely cannot return the color of the original shade to faded items. First of all, let's look at the cause of fading (burnout). It's simple - pigments (coloring) under the influence of the rays of our luminary are simply destroyed, which leads to the unsightly appearance of things. It is clear that it will not be possible to restore what is destroyed, but you can slow down the process and slightly (by half a tone) increase the brightness using traditional methods or simply dye the fabric.

To restore color, you can use chemicals, for example - “Color Restorer” Dr. Beckmann

or “The Magic of Color” (Caress, Balm)

There are other manufacturers, the choice of such products is quite large, you can choose according to the type of fabric or price range. It is clear that advertising pictures exaggerate, but still there may well be benefits from such chemicals.

If you categorically do not trust store-bought “chemicals” or want to save money, then you can try traditional methods, for example - make a solution by adding baking soda in the amount of 1 tablespoon (heaped, tablespoon) per 1 liter of clean water, rinse and see the result. For blue-orange-red material, you can use a solution of food vinegar - only 4-5 tablespoons per bucket (8-10 liters) of water. Pink shade fabrics or lilac, can be improved with ammonia solution - a liter of water and a teaspoon (teaspoon) of ammonia. Well, don’t forget about one more small life hack - iron only the back of the item, you should not iron the front part.

For home painting use:

  • onion peel. 400-600 grams (depending on the intensity of its shade) of the husk are boiled in a bucket of water for about 30-50 minutes (depending on the desired saturation of the solution), then add table salt, 60-70 grams and place clothes in the container for a day. When you take out the dyed clothes, you will need to rinse them in a vinegar solution, this way you can enhance the effect. This coloring is suitable for brown, marsh green and orange shades, depending on the color of the husk itself - it also ranges from yellowish to dark purple;
  • for beige or, for example, sand-colored fabrics, tea leaves are suitable - place in it for at least 5 minutes (the longer, the more saturated it will be). Special durability should not be expected;
  • You can try updating black fabrics with a now exotic plant - tobacco; you need to take leaf shag in an amount of about 10-15 grams and pour 1 liter of boiling water over it. Let it sit until it becomes warm, then place the item in it for half an hour, and then rinse it in water (cold and slightly salty).