The HP (Hewlett Packard) printer or multifunction printer does not print in black, although the cartridge is new and there is ink. HP printer does not print in black - what to do

This article will focus on HP Deskjet Ink Advantage devices: 3525, 3520, 4615, 4625, 5525, 6525, 3625; HP PhotoSmart: 5510, 3070a, 5515, 6510, B110, B109, B210, B210, B209, HP PhotoSmart: D5463, C6380, CN245C, B109C, C5383, CN255C, B8550, B8553, D5460, D7560, 309A, C5380, C6375, C6383, CD035C, CN216C, CN503C, CQ521C, Q8444C, HP OfficeJet: 7000, 6000, 7500, 6500, HP PhotoSmart: D5463, C6380, CN245C, B109C, C5383, CN255C, B8550, B8553 , D5460, D7560, C309A, C5380, C6375, C6383, CD035C, CN216C, CN503C, CQ521C, Q8444C, similar not the ones shown in the pictures:

A4 format:

A3 format:

These printers and MFPs use 4 or 5 cartridges of this type:

A special feature of these printers is that the black cartridges use pigment ink. This ink produces very rich, black text and lines. However, they are thicker than water ones. Therefore, they clog the print head and the cleaning pump, which is located in the printer. Sometimes this ink becomes so thick that it turns into small pebbles that interfere with the movement of the cleaning mechanism, disable the pump and damage the print head.

As a result of drying ink, your printer may print with gaps or streaks, or print blank sheet, or the black color is completely absent when printing.

In this case, you think that you have run out of ink and buy new cartridges. Do not do this!

  • First of all, nothing good will come of this. If a plug has formed in the cleaning system, then new cartridge this won't help. The pump is not working. Everything is screwed! Stop! Tprruu! No need to force the printer. This can only further damage the pump, since it consists of flexible tubes and ink stones can rupture these tubes (analogy with kidney stones).
  • Secondly, these cartridges are perfectly refillable both in a service center and at home. To do this, they only need to be modified or modified. . This approach is cheaper and simpler.

At the aMAX service center you can have your printer repaired in as soon as possible. After the work has been completed, you will be able to continue to use the printer as before.

A very important detail - print on your printer more often. They love it. In this case, the ink does not have time to dry in the tubes and the colors do not disappear.

If you have any questions, we will help you sort out all the complexities of using printing equipment.

Users quite often encounter this problem when an HP printer stops printing in black. Many people immediately panic. But you shouldn’t do this ahead of time. Perhaps, almost any user who has a printer faces similar problems. So why does this happen? What to do in this case? Let's try to understand this issue.

Print head damage

Quite often you can find the first option, when the problem is caused by damage to the device’s print head. With such damage, even a new cartridge will not correct the situation. Diagnosing a problem like this is quite difficult. What should I do if my HP 3525 printer stops printing in black? Maybe it's time to take your printing device to service center? Be sure to notify the specialists if you suspect a print head malfunction. If this diagnosis is confirmed, you will be offered several options for the development of events to choose from.

The first option involves replacing the broken element. The second option involves purchasing a new printer. Don't panic ahead of time. After all, damage to the print head is a fairly common problem. And it’s not a fact that your printer stopped printing in black for this reason. If to begin with you want to exclude more simple reasons, then postpone your visit to the service center for a while.


Another reason why a printer may stop printing in black is clogging. If suddenly the HP 5525 printer stops printing in black, and you don’t know what to do, but you don’t want to take the device to a service center, then you can try to check what happened yourself. Try printing a test document. Suppose we execute this action It didn’t work for you, although the settings indicate that there is still black ink in the printer. Try using a special printer cleaning solution.

You need to drop this solution onto the print head and wait a little. When the cleanup occurs, try again. If this works, you won't have to worry about why your printer won't print black anymore. The problem was found and fixed. But what to do if washing the print head does not bring results? You can try to find the reason for this behavior elsewhere. Let's try to figure out what else this phenomenon could be connected with.

Out of ink

The most common reason why a printer may stop printing in black is when the printer simply runs out of ink. The computer may not inform the user about this problem. In this case, the HP 5525 printer stops printing in black. What to do in this case? This, by the way, applies not only to the models listed above, but also to all other printing equipment. If the device runs out of ink, you will have to install a new cartridge into the device or refill the old one.

Execute this procedure You can either do it yourself or at a service center. Also, some printer models require direct refilling of the cartridge using ink and a syringe. This procedure is most often carried out at home. After the cartridge is refilled, shake it a little and check. If the printer still won't print black, then the problem was not with the ink. If the problem disappears after refilling, then you need to carefully monitor the remaining amount of ink in the future.

Poor quality filling

In some cases, printers may refuse to print because the ink was not poured into them properly. This can be associated with a lot of problems. Quite often the cause of the problem is a poorly performed refueling. What is it about? You might have poorly sealed the cartridge or not fully insert it into the equipment. Make sure the cartridge is in place.

As a rule, this is indicated by a slight click. If the ink was poured into already inserted equipment, then you will have to take adhesive tape and stick it tightly to the “injection” site. This way you can fix the problem. After completing the procedures described above, you should try again to check the functionality of the equipment. Perhaps for a while, problems with printing documents will no longer bother you. However, this does not always happen.

HP3525 still not printing in black? And you don't know what else you can do? It would be advisable to check a few more interesting options for the development of events. Only after this can any conclusion be made.


If you don't use your printer often and it suddenly stops working, your nozzles may be clogged. Quite often the reason for this behavior lies in the drying of the paint on the this element. In this case, the printer stops printing in black. Don't be afraid. To clean the nozzles you will need a cotton pad and alcohol. Wipe the nozzles and let them dry. After this, start testing the printer. Many users say that they have to regularly clean the nozzles of their printing equipment, otherwise it refuses to work.

What else?

Printing problems may occur when using low-quality printing materials. This applies to cartridges, ink and paper. Sometimes the HP printer does not print in black due to incorrect media selection. To similar problems did not arise, it is enough to simply purchase high-quality materials that will be identical to the components inserted into this equipment. If you suspect that you have selected the wrong consumables, take the printer to a service center for diagnostics. Experts will be able to quickly confirm or refute your guesses. So don’t panic ahead of time if the printer doesn’t print in black.


Another reason why the HP 5510 printer may not print in black is a problem with your PC. In particular, this applies to drivers. It's better to try reinstalling them. You can reinstall drivers when the first problems with the printer appear. After you complete this step, try the printing hardware test again. Print test page, it will be clear whether the printer prints in black or not. In some cases, reinstalling drivers is actually effective. Especially if you are using a new printer.

Breakdowns and malfunctions

If, even after all the manipulations performed, the equipment still does not start printing in black, then most likely the problem is a breakdown. You will have to take the printer to a service center or store for inspection. If the equipment is still under warranty, take it to a service center. Specialists will diagnose the breakdown and offer you Alternative option. One piece of advice for the future is to regularly clean the printer from dirt and dust. It is also necessary to monitor the amount of ink. This will help you avoid unpleasant situations when the printer suddenly stops printing in black.

22:01:52 - 07.03.2018

-Suddenly the black color disappeared

I cleaned the head, but the printer still does not print in black

The printer does not print after changing cartridges

If you have models: HP5510, HP3070, HP6510, HP3525, HP5525, HP4625 or others running on cartridges 178, 920, 655 - That way. As a rule, this happens after a slight downtime of the device (about a month or more). The printer stops printing in black at all or prints the first sheet, and gaps begin in the middle, and by the end almost nothing is visible. In this case, the device could always work only on original cartridges, without refilling ink or using non-original cartridges. Repeatedly cleaning the print head from the driver does nothing, and sometimes even worsens the result. You removed the print head, washed it, the liquid passes freely through the print head nozzles, but the printer prints the first page again and starts streaking the text. You have encountered an error by HP engineers (or malicious intent) in these models. The cause of this problem is the thickening of black ink in the tubes of the ink pumping system: cap / pump / diaper. The tray is where the print head is parked for self-pumping of ink. It is divided into 2 groups (like the print head): a platform for color ink and a platform for black ink. Pump – a pump that creates a slight pressure in the pipes of the system. Colored ink is pumped through its tube when the pump shaft rotates in one direction, and black ink moves through the other tube when the shaft rotates in the opposite direction. “Pampers” is a special compartment on the right side of the case for storing waste ink, which is used to clean and maintain the most important and capricious device in an inkjet printer - the print head. The symptoms described above are characteristic of a blockage. service system pumping ink in a silicone tube for black ink. It should be immediately noted that in a tube for colored (water-soluble dye-based) ink, no problems ever arise. The cause of the problem lies in the peculiarities of the pigment dye used in black (text) cartridges: 920, 178, 655 and the attachment of this tube to the “diaper”. When the device and, accordingly, the pump are idle, circumstances may develop in such a way that at the tip of the tube in contact with the surface of the “diaper” (essentially absorbent material) there will be not an air bubble, but the remnants of pigmented black ink from the last pumping. This will cause blockage of the “pigment” tube, followed by thickening and blockage of this tube throughout the ink pumping system, including the pump itself. This is a feature of pigment ink - fairly rapid thickening to a plasticine-like mass, followed by hardening. Cleaning the silicone tube located throughout the ink pumping system, including the pump itself, which is absolutely not advisable to disassemble, narrow connecting nodes, is not a simple matter.

If you are faced with a similar situation and do not want to disassemble the printer yourself, find out where the pump and tube for pigment ink are located, and you are not at all tempted by the prospect of getting a jet of a mixture of washing liquid and black ink in your face, which has happened to our specialists more than once at the stage of developing a method for safely flushing the entire system without the need to disassemble the pump - just bring your printer to us. Call the number 8-926-953-74-18, If you can’t get through, just text this number WATER PUMP and they will definitely call you back.

It is unpleasant when the device with which text or text is printed on paper graphic information, stops working fully. For example, a situation often occurs when the machine refuses to print with black ink. A person who does not know much about how a printer works will immediately begin to panic. There can be several reasons for a device failure, and it is better to entrust the solution to the problem to specialists.

What will we talk about:

List of main factors

People who use printers often contact service centers asking why the printer does not print in black. Any device fails sooner or later. There are different ways to explain why black ink is not visible on paper. True, it is not always possible to eliminate the problem on your own. Experts recommend: if the printer starts producing blank sheets, you must take the device to a service center.

For what reasons does the device not print in black? A breakdown occurs if:

  1. In an inkjet printer, the print head nozzles dry out.
  2. On the nozzles ink cartridge After purchase or refilling there is a protective film.
  3. On the new laser cartridge(HP, Canon) there is a coating, thanks to which the toner does not fall on the magnetic roller.
  4. There is a problem with the printer driver.
  5. The device prints without using black ink according to a given program.
  6. The contents of the cartridge are completely used up.
  7. The cartridge is broken. At the same time, work inkjet printer is blocked, and the laser prints without black color.
  8. Something is wrong with the printer itself.

If your HP device doesn't work

It will be useful for users to know why the HP printer does not print in black. It's all about:

  • print head malfunction;
  • clogging;
  • lack of black paint;
  • poorly executed cartridge refilling;
  • use of low quality materials;
  • driver malfunction;
  • HP 3525 printer failure.

When HP doesn't print because the print head is broken, you can replace it. The second option is to purchase a new device.

Clogging can be dealt with using a special washing solution. Many users regularly clean their HP printer nozzles. If cleaning does not help and the device produces blank sheets, then there is another reason.

Your HP printer won't print black because the ink is completely used up? You'll have to go buy a new cartridge or take the old one to a gas station. If you have some skills, the procedure without special problems performed at home.

You should always select high-quality materials for work, and then the HP 3525 will print normally with black ink.

The problem with drivers can be solved by reinstalling them. After the procedure, you need to check whether the page is white or not. Reinstallation will be especially effective if the HP printer is new.

It's possible that your HP device isn't printing black because it's broken. It is worth showing the printer to the service center employees.

The Canon device is malfunctioning

When Canon printer does not print with black ink, the reason lies in the following points:

  1. Use of low-quality materials. A white page most often occurs when poor quality ink, cartridges and paper are purchased for a Canon device.
  2. There is not enough black ink in the cartridge. As a result, Canon produces either faded prints or a white page.
  3. The print head is dirty.
  4. Damage to the ventilation holes of the Canon device.

Problems can be easily prevented if you buy the right one consumables, timely refill ink and regularly clean the print head.

Features of the Epson device

Many Epson printers have a separate print head. Upon command, ink from the cartridges located in the front part flows into the printer and onto the paper. Often people come to the service center because Epson printer Doesn't print with black ink. To correct the malfunction, first carry out Epson diagnostics, which will help determine why it does not print with black ink.

Troubleshooting and troubleshooting effective elimination Can be done by qualified craftsmen. Although if Epson does not print as expected, the user can fix the problem on his own.

Why is my device printing incorrectly? The absence of black color is a consequence of:

  1. Using ink that is too thick or thin. As a result, the nozzles become clogged.
  2. Installing incorrectly selected cartridges. If you mix cartridges from different sets, Epson will print inaccurately.
  3. There is a lack of coloring matter in the cartridge, which is why the black color on the paper will either not appear, or it will turn out to be inexpressive.
  4. The print head is dirty. This happens quite often if the device is used for a long period.
  5. Incorrect device settings.

It is advisable to entrust cleaning to professionals from the service center.

Most of the factors that cause the black color to appear on paper during printing can be avoided. If you can’t fix the problem or have doubts about self-elimination malfunction, the services of a qualified technician should be sought.