The time is lost on Windows 7. The time on the computer is lost

At any time, computer or laptop users may encounter a situation wheredate and time are not displayed correctly. What does this mean? Incorrectly set date and time can cause a number of problems related to computer operation. This could be a failure to launch programs, the inability to visit certain sites, and much more.

There are 5 main reasons for this situation, which we will discuss in this article.

1 reason. Motherboard battery wear

If the time and year on the watch do not correspond to reality, that is, it constantly shows a couple of years ago, then most likely Motherboard battery is dead. Why is it needed? On the motherboards of any computer equipment, be it a laptop or a computer, there is a battery (“tablet”), the function of which is to save the BIOS data, respectively, the date and time, after the device is turned off.

A sign that it’s time to change the battery may also be the appearance of a black screen “CMOS checksum error – Default loaded” before Windows boots, asking you to press the F1 or F2 key to enter the necessary settings.

This problem is resolved by replacing the damaged battery with a new one. This is much easier to do on a desktop computer than on a laptop. To change the battery on a computer You need to remove the side cover of the system unit, find the battery on the motherboard and replace it. Important! Three types of batteries are used to power the motherboard, so before buying a new one, remove the dead one, show it to the seller and purchase a similar one.

Each laptop has its own design features, therefore, without special skills and equipment, even replacing the battery can be problematic. If The time on the laptop keeps getting lost, then it’s better to contact the service center instead of trying to fix the problem yourself, so that the incorrectly displayed date does not add to the breakdown of the case, or worse, you don’t have to do it later.

Reason 2. Incorrect time zone selected

Another reason why the date and time is displayed incorrectly may be incorrect time zone, which does not correspond to the actual geographical location. In this case, after each start of the computer, it will synchronize the time with the set time zone and accordingly set the time with a certain difference.

To fix the problem, just click on the clock panel and make the appropriate changes to the time zone. If the actions taken did not lead to the desired result, there are several other reasons why the date may be off.

Reason 3. Activator programs

Activator programs are intended to reset the use of the test period of paid applications. They make changes to the date and time, thus extending the trial (free) period of using the software.

If you have such software installed on your computer or laptop, try uninstalling it. If after removing the activator nothing has changed, the date is still displayed incorrectly, reinstall the operating system.

4th reason. Viruses

Viruses can cause a lot of problems for computer equipment owners. They can make changes to various system files, in particular those responsible for displaying the date and time.

To save yourself from such trouble scan your operating system antivirus software, or better yet several at once, not just the one already installed on the PC. After identifying malicious code, clean it up.

5th reason. Motherboard failure

If the above steps still fail to display the correct date and time, the problem may be with the motherboard. Static discharges, various motherboard defects may lead to a BIOS reset. Service center specialists will help diagnose and fix this problem.

In most cases, it is these factors that lead to incorrect date and time output. If you carefully re-read the article and did everything correctly, then there should be no problems with the date and time on your laptop or computer being lost.

Hi all! In this article I will talk in detail about why the time on the computer is constantly lost. At first glance, it may seem that constant time failures on the computer clock are completely unimportant. But, in fact, everything is quite serious. After all, data such as time and date are necessary not only for the user, but also for the computer itself.

For example, antivirus and operating system updates are targeted at a specific date and time. If you try to set a date that has not yet arrived, and try to update your antivirus, you are unlikely to succeed.

Only one thing follows from this: modern computers, just like people, must navigate time and know the exact time, otherwise failures in programs and settings cannot be avoided.

There are only a few reasons that can cause a constant time and date failure on a computer. And you can be sure that it won’t take much effort to fix this problem.

It's all about the battery

The most common reason why the time on a computer gets lost is a problem related to the need to replace the BIOS battery on the motherboard.

It is worth noting that in this case, not only the time will be lost, but also the date. Moreover, there is an interesting pattern: this happens every time after the power to the system unit is turned off.

You can get rid of the problem by replacing the battery. This procedure is quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to turn off and unplug the computer;
  • After this, open the unit cover;
  • Finding the treasured battery is not difficult: it is round, silver, about the size of a 5-kopeck coin;
  • After the latch is released, you need to carefully remove it;
  • Having familiarized yourself with its labeling, buy exactly the same one, first taking it with you when going to a specialized store;
  • Having already installed a new battery, you can immediately turn on the computer, and then set the correct date and time.

Things are more complicated when replacing batteries in laptops. If you do not have experience and a suitable tool for disassembling such devices, it is better to entrust this task to the service center specialists. At the same time, it would also be useful to use the laptop cleaning service, since if the battery in it has become unusable, most likely the case has accumulated a large amount of dust, which must be removed.

Invalid time zone

The time may also be lost due to an incorrectly set time zone in the system clock. In this case, during the process of time synchronization, the computer receives information that does not correspond to the region in which you are located. The result is incorrect clock adjustment.

In order to fix it, you should move the cursor to the clock panel at the bottom right of the screen and click on the left mouse button, and then click on the link highlighted in the screenshot:

Now all that remains is to make adjustments to the date and time settings and set the required time zone. If desired, additional instructions can be obtained by clicking on the link marked with the number 3:

It is not recommended to synchronize the computer clock with the Network clock, although such an option is available in the presented program. The thing is that in our country time is no longer converted from summer to winter and vice versa, but all over the world they continue to do this. Similar translation occurs on the Internet.

Therefore, by synchronizing the time of your computer with the time of the Internet, if the clock hands of the whole world are translated, they will be translated on the computer as well. This means that the time will be displayed incorrectly - completely different from what is customary in our country.

Why the time on the computer is constantly lost - other reasons

Quite rarely, failure can be caused by other reasons. For example, activator utilities reset the test period for paid programs in order to use them for free. They are able to make adjustments in time, thus prolonging the operation of such programs.

It is better not to use these programs. Otherwise, while ensuring the functioning of some programs, you can ruin the work of other, sometimes quite significant programs. As a result, you can get viruses due to a failure to update programs that perform the anti-virus function.

Sometimes the cause of a failure may lie directly in viruses that managed to infiltrate system files. If you suspect an infection, you should scan it with an antivirus program. Although in such a situation, conventional “treatment” may not be enough, and a comprehensive reinstallation of the system will be required.

A little about floating causes of failure in date and time

Some users encounter so-called “floating” crash problems. For example, sometimes the time can be lost if the computer is turned off and then turned on, and sometimes not. Or only the date may be wrong, but the time remains correct. Moreover, the date can “go” both into the past (for example, 2001 is displayed) and into the distant future (for example, 2100).

  • As for the time, it can be reset to zero when the computer is turned on, or it can be saved at the time it was last turned on, as if it had stopped at yesterday’s value.
  • It is worth noting that floating problems are no less insidious than constant failures in displaying time and date.

Half "live" BIOS

Floating problems, lack of rhythmic repetition of the failure may be due to the fact that the battery is still a little “alive”.

For example, if yesterday you worked on the computer a little longer than usual, and today you turned it on earlier than usual, the battery charge may well be enough for this period. In this way, the date is remembered and stored, and the time is faithfully “counted down.” At first glance, everything is fine.

However, if you just turn off the computer a little earlier than usual and turn it on a little later the next day, a failure has already occurred because the battery life was not enough to shut down the computer for a longer period of time.

Staying off for a long time

No matter how strange it may sound, the cause of floating problems can be a long-term computer shutdown - for example, for a month or even a longer period of time. This, in turn, indicates that the battery is already half dead and cannot withstand a long period of the computer being turned off.

Floating problems: summary

Floating problems must be resolved before they become permanent. Moreover, they should be solved, guided by the same rules that were described earlier - those that are valid for persistent problems regarding date and time violations:

  1. Changing the battery;
  2. Refusal to use software that independently regulates the time on the computer;
  3. Checking for the presence of viruses and getting rid of them;
  4. As a last resort, reinstall the entire system.

To summarize, it should be noted that the correct date and time is the key and a key sign of the normal functioning of your computer. I hope now you know why the time on your computer is constantly lost.

Today we will deal with the problem: why the date and time settings may get lost when loading the operating system. Don’t worry, nothing bad happened to your computer and the issue can be resolved on your own.

Time Zones

The first reason could be an incorrectly selected time zone. Therefore, when you load the operating system, the time is synchronized with the server and, accordingly, is set incorrectly.

To view which time zone is selected for you, you need to right-click on the clock located in the tray and select the item from the context menu "Setting the date and time".

In the next window, look at the set time zone. If it is selected incorrectly, click on the button "Change time zone..." and set the desired value. Then click on the “Apply” and “OK” button.

Change to another time

The second reason is the automatic transition to summer/winter time. As is known, this transition has been canceled in Russia since 2014. That is why the clock on your computer can either lag or rush by 1 hour.

To solve this problem, you simply need to update the installed operating system. If, for known reasons, you cannot do this, then we will consider other methods.

To do this, right-click on the clock in the tray again and select from the context menu "Setting the date and time". In the next window go to the tab "Time on the Internet". Here we click on the button "Change settings". Now you need to uncheck the box “Synchronize with Internet time server” and click "OK". Then click “Apply” and “OK”. Then simply set the correct time.

You can also try changing the time zone. For example, you had UTC+03.00 set, change it to UTC+02.00.

The battery on the motherboard is dead

The third reason, why the time and date on the computer are lost, it could be a dead battery on the motherboard. Moreover, they get lost every time you turn off the power to the system unit.

The thing is that when the computer is disconnected from the mains power, the system time and BIOS settings are not lost only due to the power received from the battery. Therefore, when it sits down, when loading the operating system, a window may appear where you, and then the time and date are incorrect.

In this case, you need to disconnect the system unit from the network, turn it with the back cover towards you, and unscrew the screws that secure the side covers. Then remove the side cover and locate the small battery on the motherboard. It is shaped like a tablet, provides a voltage of 3 volts and is usually called CR2016, CR2025, CR2032. Carefully take it out, it is secured there with a latch, and buy the same one in the store - they are not expensive. Then install the battery and put the parts of the system unit back together.

Now turn on the computer and immediately. This can be done by pressing F2 or Del when loading the operating system. We set the correct date and time there. Then we exit the BIOS and wait for the system to finish loading. Then simply set the correct date and time on your computer.


The fourth reason can be called computer viruses. At the same time, they are embedded in system files and because of this, date and time settings can be lost.

Check your computer with an antivirus program. Moreover, it is better to do this not only with the one installed on the computer, but also with a couple of others. If something is wrong, remove any viruses found. If you are still in doubt, check non-system drives for viruses, format the system drive on your computer. You can read more about this in a separate article.

I hope that one of the methods discussed above will help you. And when loading the operating system, you will no longer be bothered by incorrect date and time settings on your computer.

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Sooner or later, time starts to go wrong on any computer. Along with the system time, the BIOS settings are also reset. This behavior of the computer creates a lot of inconveniences, so it is very important to know how to solve this problem. In this material you will learn why the time on your computer gets lost and how you can fix it.

This problem occurs due to the battery on the motherboard. This battery is responsible for storing BIOS settings and operating the system clock. Over time, the battery uses up its resource and eventually stops working. And with a faulty battery, the computer will show the standard date every time the power is turned off.

How to find out if your motherboard battery is dead:

  • Every time the power is turned off, the time on the computer is lost. At the same time, the date also changes. As a rule, the date rolls back several years.
  • Every time you turn off the power, the BIOS settings are lost.
  • Every time you turn on the computer you are asked to press F1 or F2.
  • Also, due to setting an out-of-date date, there will be problems with launching the software, the antivirus will report that the license has expired, and the browser will refuse to open some sites due to out-of-date certificates.
  • It should be noted that if you experience a time lag of only a few hours, then most likely you have a problem not with the battery, but with the operating system settings. Set the correct time zone or disable time synchronization via the Internet.

How to solve the problem with the time on the computer going astray

In order to solve this problem on the motherboard. This battery is called CR 2032 and can be found in computer stores. But, it is not at all necessary to remember this name. Moreover, not all sellers and consultants know what a “CR 2032 battery” is. So you can simply walk into a store and ask if they have “motherboard batteries”. You can also remove the old battery and show it to the store clerk.

In order to replace the battery on the motherboard you need:

Step No. 1. Completely disconnect the computer. Disconnect the power cable from the system unit to be completely sure that the computer is de-energized.

Step No. 2. Remove the left side cover of the system unit. Unscrew the two fixing screws on the rear panel of the system unit and remove the left side cover of the system unit.

Step #3: Locate and remove the battery from the motherboard. In order to remove the battery you will have to press a small spring with a screwdriver.

Step #4: Install a new battery. To install a new battery, simply insert it in place of the old battery. You should hear a slight click when installing.

Step No. 5. Close the system unit and turn on the computer.

Step #6: Test the new battery. Set the date, turn off your computer, and completely unplug it. After this procedure, the date should remain unchanged.

The correct time and date on the computer are needed not only so that users can see what time it is at any time. If the date and time are wrong, then some programs begin to work incorrectly, so the problem that has arisen must be resolved urgently. Usually the cause of the failure is a dead CMOS battery, but there may be other reasons.

Setting the time in the system

If only the time is off, strictly an hour back or forward, but the date remains correct, disable automatic time zone changes. For example, in Russia the transition from summer to winter time has been canceled; no one changes the clocks anymore. But if the laptop is running Windows 7, Vista or XP, then the time continues to change automatically. To fix this:

After disabling the option, all you have to do is specify the correct time and save the changes. The clock will no longer jump forward or backward an hour. If this does not help and the time is still lost, disable internet synchronization.

The time will no longer sync automatically. To keep your watch from falling behind or in a hurry, set it manually. Use the Yandex.Time service to accurately adjust the clock on your laptop.

Replacing the battery

If the time and date are constantly lost after turning off the laptop, then disabling synchronization and automatic transition will not help. Why is this happening? Most often, the cause is a dead battery, which provides energy to store a certain amount of data after the laptop is turned off. In particular, it is this memory that contains information about the system time, so if the battery does not work, the clock is constantly lost.

But before replacing the battery, you need to get to it and make sure that it is really dead. This is more difficult to do in a laptop than in a system unit, because the laptop will actually have to be completely disassembled. If you have never done this before, contact a service center to prevent more serious problems from occurring due to your own mistakes. If you still decide to take a risk and disassemble the laptop yourself, find instructions for disassembling your model.

You can diagnose whether the battery is to blame for the fact that the time is constantly lost, using a voltmeter. Connect the black probe to “ground” and the red one to “+” of the battery. If the voltage is below 2.75V, then the problem is definitely in the battery. Why this particular value? It was derived as a result of practical experiments. When the voltage is below 2.75V, the time and date are not saved.

The battery cannot be repaired; only replacing the battery will help eliminate the failure. On a computer system unit this operation takes about 15 minutes, but on a laptop you will have to spend more time. In a laptop, replacing the CMOS battery requires access to the motherboard, which can often only be obtained after removing the RAM modules, hard drive and numerous cables.

It is not known why, but some laptop manufacturers decided not to place the battery in a special socket, but soldered it to the motherboard or connected it using wires. Replacing such a battery becomes even more difficult. Therefore, it is imperative to use a parsing scheme. The general order of parsing is as follows:

  1. Unplug the laptop and remove the battery.
  2. Remove the cover. Carefully pull out the hard drive, under which the CMOS battery is usually located.
  3. Replace the battery and reassemble the laptop in reverse order.

Important: even if you use a disassembly manual for a specific laptop model, take photographs of which elements are located where. Pay attention to the length of the screws. If you screw in a long screw where there should be a short one, you can cause a short circuit when you turn on the laptop.

If the battery is connected to the motherboard using wires, then you cannot solder them directly, as there is a high risk of explosion. Buy a battery with wires right away or secure the wires with tape and heat-shrink tubing.

Other reasons for failure

If even after replacing the CMOS battery the time continues to go wrong, then the problem is definitely not in the battery itself. Below are a few other things to consider if you are experiencing problems with your system time:

  1. It is possible that the laptop's motherboard has failed during use. Not completely, since the laptop turns on and works. Problems could only arise in the south bridge, where the Real Time Clock is located - the clock responsible for the correct display of the system time.
  2. Static discharges can also cause CMOS malfunctions. Dust, faulty components, and moving elements create static voltage that affects the battery.
  3. An outdated BIOS version is another unlikely, but still possible reason. It is noteworthy that sometimes it is not even necessary to update the BIOS (there may not be a new version). It is enough to reinstall the version that already exists for the problem to disappear.

These are quite rare reasons, but they do occur, so you need to be prepared for them, because there is no point in buying a new battery if, for example, the contacts on the motherboard have oxidized or there are some problems with the BIOS.