Gray screen when turning on the Windows 8 laptop. Why does a black screen and mouse cursor appear? Reasons and their solution

Despite the fact that Windows 8 is the most stable and constantly updated version of the operating system, a fairly common problem is when Windows 8 boots up to a black screen after an update. However, you cannot press anything or do anything. What to do in this case? The solution is quite simple and does not require much time.

Why does a black screen appear after an update?

Typically, the error is that the activation files were affected during the update process. That is, the key was updated. Because of this, a conflict occurs, and the operating system simply cannot launch Explorer ( Windows Explorer). In other words, the service responsible for the desktop, shortcuts, toolbar, and so on does not start.

How to fix the error? There are two options for further action:

  • Try to start Explorer manually.
  • Delete the file responsible for activation.

Both methods involve launching Task Manager. This is done by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+Alt+Delete.

How to cancel Windows 8 update: Video

How to start Explorer manually

So, after launching the “Task Manager”, you should go to the “Processes” tab. All processes that are running and running will be displayed here. this moment. We need to find "Explorer". If it is running, then select it and cancel the task, as it is not working correctly.

After that, click the “File” button in the upper left corner of the task manager and select “New task”. Next, the Run dialog box will open.

Your task is to write the following command: explorer.exe. Click OK. After this, the desktop should appear. If nothing has changed, then try to find and open Explorer manually. To do this, call the “Run” dialog box again. Only now we don’t register the right command, and click on the “Browse” button. The file manager will open.

Here just go to system disk(the partition of the hard drive on which the “eight” is installed) and open Windows folder. Here at the very bottom, find a file called Explorer. Open it. The file location path will appear in the dialog box. Click OK. After this, the desktop should launch.

How to disable automatic updates in Windows 8: Video

Deleting an activation file

If the above method did not help you, and then Windows installations 8 black screen, then you need to do the following. Open the “Task Manager” again. Click “File” and select “New task”. In the window that appears, click “Browse”. Will start file explorer. IN address bar write the following address – C:Windows Activation Technologies. We need to delete this folder. If you cannot find the folder, then try to find the wat.exe file. Delete the folder in which it is located.

Then all that remains is to launch the command line and execute two simple commands. To begin, open “New Task” again. In the dialog box we write the following command - powershell. Click “Ok”. Will open. First we write the following command in it - sfc /scannow. After writing, press the Enter key. Next you need to restart your computer. To do this also do special team– shutdown -t 0 -r -f. After this, Windows 8 will boot in normal mode.

It is worth noting that in some cases you will need to re-enter the license key. If you are using an officially purchased version of the operating system, then this will not be a problem. If you are using a pirated copy, you will need to go through the activation procedure again.

Windows 8 updates won't install: Video

I made myself some tea, turned on the computer, got ready to work efficiently, but that was not the case: after a few seconds Windows boot A black screen appeared out of nowhere. Just like in a children's horror story. But this is hardly a laughing matter, something needs to be done about it, it’s not for nothing that the tea took so long to brew! Well, what’s said is done, because the solution to the problem lies on the surface. Don't believe me? Let's check it out!

Step #1: Start the system in safe mode

The very first thing to start with if a black screen appears after loading Windows is to try. To do this, depending on the OS version, you can use various methods. The easiest way, of course, is to turn off the PC and starting Windows use hotkeys (such as F8, Del, or Shift+F8) and then select one of the options for:

This method is perfect for XP and Windows 7, but for 8 you may need other methods (). If after booting the computer starts normally in safe mode, most likely the issue is a failure of the system settings (registry, drivers, updates, etc.). In this case, you can solve the problem by reading the information described in step No. 1.1. – 1.7.

However, if none of the methods failed to start Windows in safe mode, you can try putting the computer to sleep (step No. 2) or using special boot disks.

Step No. 1.1: Activate the operating system

In 50% of cases the cause of the failure is Windows work associated with the unexpected appearance of a black screen when booting the computer is the use of an unlicensed copy of the operating system, or rather, its recent update. This happens because, having updated, the system did not pass the authenticity check and, in fact, handed you over to the Windows developers.

It’s easy to verify this: just boot the OS in safe mode. If the problem is related to this, on the desktop instead of the usual background image a black screen will be displayed, and at the bottom there will be a corresponding message about the use of a non-genuine Windows versions. On XP it will look like this:

How to get rid of the problem? Activate your beloved Windows, no matter which one - 7, XP or 8. How to do this? Purchase an activation key or, as a last resort, crack it with a special program (for example, RemoveWAT21). Last option, however, will protect you from a black screen for a short time: with the next system update, it is likely that the problem will reoccur. Well, maybe you'll get lucky, who knows?

If a black screen appears after loading Windows precisely because of a failure in the update unlicensed version By activating it, you can sleep peacefully.

Step No. 1.2: Reinstalling video card drivers

Often a black screen appears in Windows OS versions XP, 7, 8 after the computer boots and when for some reason the video card drivers are damaged or simply lost. In this case, the only right solution is to download and install them on your computer. You can download drivers from the manufacturers’ official website, and completely free of charge.

However, you need to take into account that to eliminate the black screen during Windows boot, you will only need those video card drivers that are fully suitable for your PC. Note that they differ by manufacturer (NVidia and AMD), OS type (32- or 64-bit), release (Mac, Linux, Windows) and version (for example, Windows XP, 8, Vista, 7).

If you don’t know what drivers you need, but Windows XP or 7 still managed to load (for example, in safe mode), you can press R on the keyboard at the same time and set the dxdiag parameter for the Run utility:

After that, in the window that opens, select the “Screen” tab and read the information about the video card drivers. Using this data, we download necessary updates, install and configure them on your PC. If the problem was with them, after rebooting the OS the black screen will no longer appear.

Step #1.3: Debug using Registry Editor settings

When Windows 7 and XP boot, a black screen often appears when data in the registry is damaged by viruses. It is clear that the solution to such a problem must be sought in restoring its full operation. How to do it? To get started, run the key combination Ctrl, Esc and Shift. After that, open the “Application” tab in it and click the “New task” button at the bottom of the window:

As a result, Windows will prompt you to create a new task. Enter regedit in the free field and click on the OK button:

As a result, the “Registry Editor” window will appear on the screen. You need to find the same branch and file in it:

After that, double-click on the Shell file, delete all entries in the window that opens, enter the explorer.exe parameter into the empty field and save the settings:

The final step is to restart the PC. If all the steps were performed correctly and the cause of the black screen after booting the computer with Windows 7 (XP) was corruption of the registry data, debugging them will solve the problem. If this does not happen, it is very likely that the cause of the problem was incorrectly identified and therefore another solution is required.

Step No. 1.4: Restoring the system using the AVZ program

You can also customize the operation of explorer.exe and, accordingly, get rid of the black screen that appeared as a result of a system failure when loading Windows 7 (XP, 8) using the AVZ utility. If the browser does not open on its own and there is nowhere else to download it, we use this solution: call the R combination and the “Run” program, enter the iexplore.exe task for it and press Enter (OK):

You can also perform this task through the task manager, if it is running. In this case, press Shift, Esc and Ctrl simultaneously on the keyboard, select “File” in the window that appears, and select “New task” in it. Next, in the “Create task” utility, enter the command iexplore.exe and click OK:

After it opens Internet Explorer, drive into search bar, and then download and install on your PC AVZ utility. In it, open the “File” menu and select “System Restore”:

In the new window, mark items 8 and 16 and click the “Run…” button:

After the program has completed the tasks assigned to it, we send the computer to restart. As a result, when new download Windows, no matter what version it is 7, XP, Vista or 8, the black screen should no longer appear.

Step No. 1.5: Eliminate conflict with antivirus

A black screen at the very beginning of loading Windows 7 / XP / 8 can also appear if there is a conflict between the system and the antivirus, primarily with Avast. In this case, cope with such rudeness antivirus program which has partially blocked system files, you can delete processes associated with the antivirus in the task manager. Let's open it by simultaneously pressing Ctrl, Alt and Esc:

Please note that this is a temporary solution. To finally get rid of the black screen that appears simultaneously with Windows 7 (8, XP) loading, open the antivirus and enter exceptions for it from step 6. Using Avast as an example, it will look like this:

Then, to start the explorer.exe process, enter this task from the “Application” tab using the “New task” button:

After reboot Windows XP/8/7 black screen problems should disappear.

Step #1.6: Restoring the system from a restore point

This method will be effective in cases where neither the registry, nor the task manager, nor the Run utility opens on the computer. True, you can use it to solve the problem with the appearance of a black screen when the system boots up only on a PC with OS Windows 7 and 8. However, the process is not different versions The OS will be different:

Hold continuously for several seconds Shift button on the keyboard or press it 5 times until the following window appears:

In this window, click on the item “Go to...” and enter the Center special features enter the word “dis” in the search field:

As a result, Windows 7 will open the “Control Panel”, in which you need to select the “System” section, and in the next window – the “System Protection” tab:

After that, in the new window we find and click the “Restore” button:

In the “System Restore” window that appears, click on the “Next” button, and then select the appropriate restore point:

As a result, it will happen, which will restore the old settings for the system and, accordingly, get rid of the cause of the black screen when the computer starts.

After this, we perform the following steps one by one:

As a result, having chosen, we will start the process of resuming old ones system parameters, which will prevent the black screen from popping up again after the system boots.

Step No. 1.7: Fixing the problem after upgrading to Windows 8.1

From the name it is clear that this method should be used if the problem with a black screen appeared immediately after Windows updates 8 to Windows 8.1. First you need to find and delete it on your computer. hidden folder C:\Windows Activation Technologies. If the removal was unsuccessful on the first attempt, we access it using the UnLocker program.

As a result, the program will start checking and correcting errors in Windows system. Note that this function can be used not only in Windows 8, but also on 7 and XP:

After this, launch the explorer.exe process as indicated in step 1.5 and reboot the computer. As a result, a black screen with a new one loading Windows should no longer appear. Note that you can fix the result in Windows 8 by enabling fast system startup:

Step #2: Use sleep mode

Let’s say right away that if starting the computer in safe mode doesn’t work, there’s not much point in hoping that hibernation mode will help. However, what the hell is not joking. How to put Windows to sleep? If you are working on a laptop/netbook and the power button is set to boot the system into sleep mode, press it.

If there is no such function or you are used to working with a desktop PC, you will have to tinker a little. Just a little bit:

Press the button on the keyboard and thus open the Start menu. In it, click “Shutdown”, then press Shift and select “Sleep Mode”:

We go to “Start”, open the “Shutdown” menu and select “Sleep” in it:

Windows 8:

Go to “Options”, press Shift and at the same time select “Shutdown” on the screen. In the menu that opens, click “Sleep mode”:

After the system has slept for a few minutes, turn on the computer again. If the black screen disappears, then the problem has resolved itself. What to do if the problem persists? Try again, what if it works?

What if a miracle did not happen, and none of the methods described above helped? In this case, all that remains is to restore Windows using installation disk or image or basically reinstall operating system. But that, as they say, is a completely different story.

The Windows8 operating system was released on October 26, 2012. This year Microsoft released an update called Windows8.1.

But many users have encountered an unpleasant problem updating Windows to version 8.1. When loading the OS, a black screen with a mouse cursor appeared (sometimes just a black screen). The same problem occurs among those users who have not updated their system.


The reason for the black screen when loading Windows 8 is a startup failure graphical shell operating system. The “explorer.exe” process is responsible for launching the graphical shell. Prevents startup this process Avast antivirus. The antivirus simply blocks the process.

Also, the problem of a black screen in Windows 8 OS can be a virus software. Then it is necessary to take steps to neutralize the threat.

Black screen and cursor when loading Windows 8

Some operating system users often experience the following situation: the system starts to boot into normal mode, then requires the user to enter a password, followed by a black screen and a cursor.

After update

Many users have encountered the problem of a black screen when logging into account, after updating the operating system to version 8.1.

The solution to this problem is as follows:

Important! After the completed actions, activation disappears. The activation procedure will need to be completed again.

  1. first you need to press the desired key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Delete”, thereby calling up the task manager;

  2. then you need to start a new task. To do this, in the upper left corner of the task manager, click on the “File” tab, then select “Run a new task” in the drop-down list;

    Photo: task manager - launching a task

  3. then the “Create task” window will appear;
  4. V empty line you need to register “explorer.exe”;

  5. Next you need to configure the display of hidden folders and system files. To do this, you need to go to Windows Explorer (This PC) and go to the “View” tab, then you need to check the “Hidden items” checkbox;

  6. then you need to find the “WindowsActivationTechnologies” folder on the system disk and delete it;
  7. then you need to run “sfc /scannow” with powershell. You can launch it through the task manager. “File” -> “Run a new task” and enter the command “powershell” in an empty line;

  8. then run the command “sfc /scannow” in the “powershell” window, and then the system scan will begin, which will take several minutes;

  9. After scanning, you need to reboot the system directly from the “powershell” window. To do this, you need to run the command “shutdown -r”.

When Avast is installed

The black screen problem is also observed among those users who use Avast antivirus

You can solve the problem as follows:

Possible virus

One of the problems with the black screen in Windows 8 can be viruses that change the values ​​of the “explorer.exe” file.

If the OS is attacked by a virus and a black screen appears upon login, you can do the following:

Editing the registry:

  1. in the registry editor window that appears, select the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” section in the left column;

  2. then you need to go to the “SOFTWARE” section;

  3. then find and select the “Microsoft” section;

  4. then select the “WindowsNT” partition;

  5. after that, go to the “Current Version” section, and then to the “Winlogon” section;

  6. then in the left column “Name” you need to find the “Shell” parameter opposite which the “explorer.exe” process is located;

  7. if a different value is set instead of the “explorer.exe” parameter, you need to change it. To do this, click on the “Shell” line and in the window that appears, “Change string parameter» enter the required value;

Important! To be on the safe side, it would be a good idea to check the “Userinit” parameter, which is responsible for launching system processes such as, launch Windows shell. Meaning this parameter should be "C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe". If the value is different, you need to change it.

What to do in these cases

What to do if a black screen appears when loading Windows - this is the question most users ask. You must use the following method:

Once the system has booted into safe mode, you should try to perform a system restore:

System recovery is performed as follows:

Method two:

If a black screen appears when loading Windows 8 in safe mode, many users who have encountered this problem in Windows 8 recommend turning off the Internet before booting the system.

Preventing the problem

You can prevent the black screen problem in Windows 8 by following these tips:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate a software conflict. When it comes to antivirus software, first of all, you need to install an antivirus that is compatible with Windows 8 and 8.1;
  2. Also, the black screen problem can occur due to a video driver conflict. It is recommended to always check for updated drivers and install them promptly.
This article discussed the black screen problem in Windows 8 and how to solve it.

Very often, after upgrading the system from Windows 8 to 8.1, users experience a problem such as a black screen at startup. The system boots, but there is nothing on the Desktop except a cursor that reacts to all actions. However, this error can also occur due to virus infection or critical damage to system files. What to do in this case?

A black screen appears when loading Windows due to a process startup error "explorer.exe", which is responsible for loading the graphical shell. An antivirus that simply blocks it can prevent the process from starting. In addition, the problem can be caused by some virus software or damage to any system files.

Options for solving the black screen problem

There are several ways to solve this problem - it all depends on what caused the error. We will look at the safest and most painless options that will get the system working correctly again.

Method 1: Rollback if update fails

The simplest and safe way To fix the error - do a system rollback. This is exactly what the Microsoft development team, which is responsible for releasing patches to eliminate the black screen, recommends doing. Therefore, if you have created a restore point or have a bootable flash drive, then feel free to make a backup. You will find below how to restore your Windows 8 system.

I updated/downloaded some drivers and rebooted the computer. After the reboot, everything was as usual, but instead of entering the password/boot screen, a black screen appeared with a white mouse cursor, plus the Internet icon sometimes appears at the bottom. Nothing other than this starts or appears. Ctrl + Alt + Del does not work, Shift + F8 (F8) does not work either. In general, nothing else starts, the screen is stupidly black and I can move the cursor. Help please. Thanks in advance.

Mikhail | 22 June 2016, 04:48
Reset BIOS. The above tips will not help.

IVAN | 8 February 2016, 12:33
A big THANK YOU, removing KV3000850 helped!!!

robert | 18 August 2015, 12:07
spasiba iuri pravda padeistvovala tvaia versia ia udalil 3000850 i vsio wiptop vsio klasna srabotala prosta mnie lubapitna kakk ti uzna:) vopshem iesli takoi prabliema ukavonibud vazniknit zdelaite tochna tak kak iuri abisnil i vsio vstanit na svaio mesta .!!! isho ras spasiba:)

atcha | 7 August 2015, 05:25
Faster through F8 - Safe Mode - Control Panel - Programs and Features - Installed Updates - Remove KV 3000850.

Raila | 26 June 2015, 17:21
I have the same problem with my laptop. And the combinations don't work at all. What to do?

Yuri | 7 May 2015, 03:15
We press Ctrl + Alt + Del a couple of times, the Task Manager appears in a minimized form, expand it by clicking on the “Details” button. Next – File – Run a new task, in the task creation window click – Browse, in the left part of the “Browse” window, right-click on “This computer” (or “Computer”, depending on your choice), in the menu that opens select “Properties” ", in the "System" window in the lower left corner, click "Windows Update", then in the lower left corner on "Installed updates". There we look for KaBeha 3000850 and delete it without hesitation to hell. Well, of course we reboot. Then, when she comes again with updates (and she will definitely come), right click mouse over it and hide it. She will never come again (unless Microsoft comes up with something again). True, I thought that this was only on Asus, since I deleted this crap on two latest computers this particular manufacturer, but apparently these are just the latest update versions. I wish everyone good luck!

Igor | 30 April 2015, 18:21
Why do you update and download any drivers? Did the system work poorly before this? Roll back your system from the Windows installation disc. Well, or from a recovery disk (which should have been created earlier).

Nikolay | 30 April 2015, 18:17
Did you use the search here? There are a lot of similar topics with "black screens" here. And in your case, roll back the system. If you don’t know how and have never looked at Windows Help (on your PC), then use Search on this site. You will find information about system rollback. The system can be rolled back without starting Windows.

This is a question from the archives. Adding replies is disabled.

Black screen when loading Windows 8 is a common problem among users of this operating system. It seems that the computer boots in normal mode, but instead of the desktop or welcome screen, a mouse cursor is displayed on a black background. Naturally, it is not possible to carry out any operations in such cases. Today we will look at the reasons for this problem and methods for solving them.

The factor due to which a cursor appears on a black background instead of the welcome screen is a problem with launching the Windows 8 graphical shell. The file explorer.exe is responsible for its functioning. This mainly happens after updating to Windows 8.1, in case of damage to the previously mentioned file, or due to a virus infection of the computer.

Launch Explorer

The way out is to use the capabilities of the task manager. Since the mouse and cursor will not help us in this situation, we will use the keyboard.

  • Press “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” to call the dispatcher.
  • Next, create a new task.
  • Call the “File” menu and select the item corresponding to the solution to our problem.
  • In the “Create task” window, enter the string parameter “explorer.exe”.

If the cursor appears on a black screen after Windows updates 8, then we perform the following operations.

  • First we activate the option to visualize hidden and system directories and files.
  • Open the Explorer window, and in the “View” tab, check the box next to the “Hidden Elements” option.

  • Go to the system drive, find the “WindowsActivationTechnologies” directory and delete it using administrator privileges.
  • Checking the integrity of the file system.
  • Via "Task Manager", Start search bar or command interpreter, launched from administrator rights, enter the command “powershell”.
  • In the window that opens, reminiscent of the command line, enter “sfc /scannow” to troubleshoot file system boot partition with operating system files.

  • Restart the computer after completing the troubleshooting process via Powershell.
  • To do this, enter the PC shutdown command “shutdown -r” with the “-r” parameter, which is responsible for rebooting.

Changing the Explorer value in the registry

Some malware are able to change the registry parameter responsible for the functioning of the graphical shell launched through the explorer.exe file. The algorithm of actions in case of such a development of events is as follows: we check the value of the “shell” key in the registry, if it is incorrect, change it to the correct one, launch Explorer and scan the system for viruses.

  • When the cursor appears on a black background, launch the task manager.
  • As before, we create a new task through the corresponding “File” menu item.
  • As a string parameter for the new task, enter the command to launch the registry editor: “regedit”.
  • Go to the “Software” section, located in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”.

Expanding registry branches is carried out using the left key when the cursor is hovering over its name or icon, or using the keyboard.

  • In the “Microsoft” section we look for “Windows NT”.

  • In its first section, go to “Current version”, then to “Winlogon”, which is responsible for user login to the system.
  • We look for the above key named “Shell” and check its value.
  • The line should say "explorer.exe". If otherwise, double-click with the left button on the key and enter the required one.

  • Restart the operating system.
  • We scan your computer for viruses or malicious code using standard antivirus or download the domestic AVZ application, which effectively copes with this task.

Avast Antivirus

The situation when a cursor pops up in a dark background while loading Windows 8 is often encountered by users who use a set of tools to protect their PC from viruses and network threats from Avast (no similar problem has been noticed with other antiviruses).

  • If the cursor appears on dark background While loading the operating system, launch the task manager.
  • Go to the “Processes” tab and find the process called “Avast.exe”.
  • Call up its context menu by right-clicking, move the cursor to “Open file save location” and press the left key.
  • Let's launch executable file"AvastUI.exe".

  • After opening the program window, expand the “Antivirus” tab and go to the last menu item: “Behavior Screen”.

  • Here we enter full path to a reliable file, as in the screenshot.

Good evening friends. You are on the pages of Denis Chernyatinsky's blog. How is the weather outside your window? It's been raining for the second day. Today I encountered a problem that prevents me from using my computer. In this article I decided to write about it. The problem was that when booting a computer with the Windows 8.1 operating system, a black screen with a mouse cursor appeared.

Black screen problem

The mouse cursor moves, the keyboard responds to presses, but I can’t see where to press. In my case, it was necessary to enter a 4-digit access code for authorization. On the black screen, I used the mouse to find the input field, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t enter. Only later did I realize that the system did not want a PIN code, but a full password for the account.

In order to disable the Windows 8 black screen after booting, we first need to log into this very Windows. Below I will describe the process of logging into the operating system, even if you do not have a reaction to the Ctrl+alt+Del key combination. This method will work in all cases. All you need to do is turn on the sound in the operating system itself, speakers or headphones.

How to turn off black screen in Windows 8

I see you are already starting to guess what we'll talk further. Not everyone knows that the operating system has a voice assistant, the so-called screen reader. To call it, press the key combination “Windows + Enter”. It will start telling you all the movements you make using the directional arrows on the keyboard, as well as the Tab button.

This way you can get to the functions and buttons you need. As a rule, the problem with a black screen is solved by selecting sleep mode. After leaving it, everything falls into place. First of all, you need to find and press the button called “Sleep Mode” by touch.

Thus, we have done half the battle, we have learned how to enable voice prompts from Windows Screen Narrator. You may think: everything has finally worked out, but so that you don’t have the same problem in the future, you need to eliminate it completely. This, in turn, will save you from any manipulation with voice prompts.

Preventing the black screen from loading again

So, let's start prevention, let's learn how to prevent such a problem. Follow all the steps I described exactly, and you will never again see a black Windows 8 screen the next time you boot your computer.

I saw a lot of information on the Internet solving a similar issue. Starting with the fact that it was proposed to manipulate the command line, with the task manager and delete through it specific folders, as well as with the launch and manipulations in it. But the method described below helped me, read and implement.

Open the control panel. Open “My Computer”, and at the top of the window click the “Open Control Panel” button, select the “Hardware and Sound” section, then the “Power Options” section. In the “Power Options” section in the left menu, click “Request a password on wakeup”, then click on the link “Change settings that are currently unavailable.”

At the very bottom, uncheck the box responsible for helping to speed up the computer startup after shutdown; it’s called “Enable fast startup (recommended).” At the end of all the steps taken, click on the “Save changes” button.

Let's sum it up

From this moment on, everything should start and work correctly and without the above-described black screen problems. I think the information was useful for you, you learned how to disable the black screen of Windows 8 when you boot your computer, thereby improving your PC skills.

Write in the comments below about your experience of getting out of such situations, I wonder how you dealt with them. I wish you to always start up accompanied by a bright Windows welcome screen, see you again on the pages of my blog, bye!

Follow the news

I recently updated the OS on my laptop. Before this I had Windows 8, so now, as you understand, I have Windows 8.1. However, in this article I will not talk about all the delights of the OS, but will tell you about the problem I had to face. And the problem is this: as soon as the update process came to an end, everything worked well, but the next time the laptop was turned on, I had to look at black screen and cursor.

Black screen when starting Windows 8: what does it mean?

In Windows 8, a black screen after booting is, quite frankly, an indication that the system is dying.

It is worth noting that first of all you should try to open the explorer manually. And only if this option does not help, move on to the next point.

Windows 8 won't wake up: Video

How to start Explorer manually

So, we have a black screen and a mouse cursor. First, we need to launch the task manager. This is done by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete. After starting the service, go to the “Processes” tab. Next, if all processes are not displayed for you, and there is not even such a tab, then in the lower left corner click the “Details” button.

Windows8 updated toWindows 8.1

Quite an unexpected step by the developers... But I was looking for viruses, updating drivers...

What to do if after updating windows 8 to Windows 8.1 gives a black screen + mouse arrow


1 step.

Delete the Windows Activation Technologies folder. It may be located at: C:\Windows Activation Technologies but maybe here: C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Activation Technologies. This folder with files serves to confront pirate activations. But no matter how hard Microsoft tries, piracy was, is and will continue to be at least until a reasonable price-quality ratio of the product is established and the system becomes available to the average user.

Possible virus

One of the problems with the black screen in Windows 8 can be viruses that change the values ​​of the “explorer.exe” file.

If the OS is attacked by a virus and a black screen appears upon login, you can do the following:

Editing the registry:

If you can hear the sound of a laptop running and the indicators are blinking, but the display is black, then first of all you need to rule out a problem with the matrix and cable. To do this, you need to connect your laptop to an external monitor. If the image does not appear on the monitor, then most likely the problem is in the video card or motherboard. It is unlikely that this situation will be corrected, so you need to take the laptop to a service center.

Start your computer in safe mode and perform a system restore

    Perform one of the following actions.

    • If your computer has only one operating system installed, press and hold the F8 key while your computer restarts. The F8 key must be pressed before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, try again: wait until the Windows login screen appears, and then restart your computer again.

      If you have multiple operating systems installed on your computer, use the arrow keys to highlight the operating system you want to boot into Safe Mode, and then press F8.

    On the More boot options screen, use the arrow keys to highlight the Safe Mode option, and then press Enter.

    Log on to your computer as a user with administrator rights. When your computer is in Safe Mode, Safe Mode will appear in the corner of the screen.

    Select a restore point from when your computer was working properly, click Next, and then click Finish.

    Restart your computer normally.

After this, we perform the following steps one by one:

As a result, having selected a restore point for Windows 8, we will start the process of resuming old ones, which will get rid of the black screen popping up again after the system boots.

Step No. 1.7: Fixing the problem after upgrading to Windows 8.1

From the name it is clear that this method should be used if the problem with a black screen appeared immediately after updating Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. First you need to find and delete the hidden folder C:\Windows Activation Technologies on your computer. If the removal was unsuccessful on the first attempt, we access it using the UnLocker program.

As a result, a program will start to check and fix errors in the Windows system. Note that this function can be used not only in Windows 8, but also on 7 and XP:

when he finishes

  • YouTube Standard License

I recently updated the OS on my laptop. Before this I had Windows 8, so now, as you understand, I have Windows 8.1. However, in this article I will not talk about all the delights of the OS, but will tell you about the problem I had to face.

And the problem is this: as soon as the update process came to an end, everything worked well, but the next time the laptop was turned on, I had to look at black screen and cursor.

At first I thought I had to wait, maybe it hadn’t loaded yet, but no. No matter how much I waited, no matter how much I moved the cursor around the screen, nothing changed. I immediately began to look for a solution to this problem. And, as you already understood, I found it!


Here I will try to clearly explain step by step all my actions.

Removing the black screen

First way

To begin with, the question arises: “How can you do anything if there is nothing on the screen?” I got out of this situation in an interesting way. I put the laptop to sleep. Oddly enough, when waking up, everything was fine, there was no black screen. Since when I press the shutdown button, my default setting is to put me to sleep, so for this it was enough to press it.

If for some reason you cannot do this, or it does not work out, you will have to use an alternative method.

Second way

You will have to run a program on your computer that, when closed, displays dialog boxes, such as “save” (paint, word, excel, etc.). After you have launched the program, turn off the computer (not from the outlet). As a result, you will be given a warning that something is not saved. Just at this moment the screen should work.

Third way

On one forum, I read that if you turn on the computer when the Internet is turned off, then everything will go with a bang! I haven’t tried this method myself, so it’s up to you to test it. Maybe someone will find it useful :).

Preventing the problem

When you were able to get rid of the black screen, you will need to make sure that the next time you start the computer, it will not be there. So, let's begin.

  1. Let's go to Control Panel.(Settings > Control Panel)

  2. Next, select the item "Equipment and Sound".
  3. In the menu that opens, select "Power supply".
  4. On the left select the item "Wake up password prompt"
  5. Click on the inscription "Change settings that are currently unavailable"
  6. Then uncheck the box "Turn on quick start(recommended)".
  7. After this, click on the button "Save changes."

After these steps, everything should work fine. I hope I was able to help you. If something was not clear, write in the comments. And that's all.