Speedfan how to increase cooler speed. How to increase the rotation speed of a computer cooler

For users personal computers and laptops, sooner or later a situation arises when overheating occurs at the moment of starting a game or begins to occur unnecessary noise. If the computer is relatively new and powerful, then the first thing you need to do is clean it of dust, but if this does not help, then you should pay attention to other points.

How to increase the rotation speed of the cooler?

In order to increase the rotation speed of the cooler, there are two ways.

The first way is to increase the speed of the cooler through the BIOS. To do this, it is necessary after switching on, at the moment Windows boot press the “Delete” or “F1”, “F2” key and so on, every computer and laptop has different keys, depending on the model (you need to find yours).

The screen will display BIOS menu. Next you need to select the “Power” section, or “ Hardware Monitor" Then find the inscription “CPU Fan Speed” and select it. In this tab, you select the rotation speed of the fan in the cooler. You can select the maximum fan speed and then the cooler will operate at maximum power, regardless of the temperature itself, or you can set the optimal - average speed.

Also in some versions of BIOS you can select the fan speed in automatic mode, that is, the fan will spin faster and cool the central processor more if the temperature of the working processor crystal increases. When the load on the processor decreases, the cooler will be quieter, and the temperature on the chip will be lower.

The second way to increase the speed of the cooler concerns the video card. In order to increase the speed of the cooler on your video card, you can use special programs, for example, such as RivaTuner. This program is ideal for NVIDIA video cards. It is completely Russified, has a clear interface and the user will not have any problems when using it.

By default, laptop coolers operate in automatic mode. But cases may arise when you have to intervene in the process and regulate the speed of their rotation. For example, the cooler began to spin too quickly, without apparent reason, or, conversely, with obvious overheating, the cooling efficiency has dropped.

Increased noise may indicate wear and tear on the plastic parts from which the fan is made. If the sound changes gradually, increasing over time, most likely the cooler will have to be replaced.

Sometimes removing dust with a vacuum cleaner helps. The nozzle that sucks up dust should be brought to the ventilation holes of the laptop; if the dust has not yet had time to “fix” itself in the case and there is not very much of it, then there is a chance of transferring debris inside the dust collector.

Important! In other cases, you will have to open the case. This is best done in service workshops. If the laptop is not under warranty, then you can open the case yourself, but at your own peril and risk.

In cases where there is no dust, but for some reason the speed still needs to be increased, you will have to use software methods.

Most laptops have the ability to produce various settings in the program BIOS Setup. To enter the BIOS initial setup program, you should:

Important! In BIOS Setup, you can set a password, without which an unauthorized person will not be able to make changes to the settings.

Video - Setting the cooler speed in the BIOS

Changing cooler speed using programs


A small program for Windows, distributed free of charge. Needed to monitor the temperature of the internal components of the PC and the speed settings of the coolers (if there are several of them).

The latest version of the program is Speedfan 4.52. Compared to previous versions, device support has been improved, bugs have been fixed, and the list of supported systems has been expanded.

  1. Download the program from a reliable site by following the link: http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php.

  2. Click on the program name in the text.

  3. Left click on the downloaded file.

  4. We accept the terms by clicking on the “I Agree” item.

  5. IN open window Click on the “Next” option.

  6. You can leave the path for storing the file or change it by clicking on the “Browse” button, then click on the “Install” button.

  7. After completion, click on the “Close” button.

  8. Right-click on the Speedfan shortcut and run as administrator.

How to install Russian language

Setting up the cooler using the Speedfan program

The program itself works simply:

  • the section indicating “Fan1”, “Fan2…Fan5” provides information about the fans available in the system and the actual speed of each of them. There is only one working cooler in the picture - “Fan1”, its speed is approximately 1762 rpm, units of measurement are revolutions per minute;

  • To the right of this section is information about the temperature of system components, e.g. hard drives and processors. Data is constantly updated;

  • to manually adjust parameters, the “Auto fan speed” option must be disabled, that is, the checkbox must be unchecked;

  • You can change the speed manually using the “Pwm1…Pwm3” section.

Important! Fans should not be turned off completely as this may cause overheating and damage to processors or other hardware components.

Video - Review of the Speedfan program for beginners

Amd Overdrive and Rivatuner

AMD has developed a program for its devices with which you can not only overclock the processor, but also monitor temperature conditions plat. The Amd Overdrive utility allows, in particular, to control the speed of system fans.

On the “Video” tab, you can change the fan speed of the integrated video card using the slider, but to activate manual mode, you should check the “Enable manual fan control” box, after which you will be able to set a value other than automatic parameter (20%).

Riva Tuner– a more universal utility that allows you to manage AMD devices and NVidia, created by Russian-speaking programmers.

Allows you to control the video card cooler by setting its rotation speed to a constant speed, or by setting it as a percentage, depending on the system load.

In addition, it is possible to create fan operation profiles that will be connected by the user based on specific situations.

In what cases can you not increase the cooler speed?

Many BIOS version will not allow you to manually change the cooler rotation speed settings. For clarification, you should read the documentation of your PC (laptop).

If in BIOS settings Setup in the “Speed ​​Fan” item is set to “Auto”, you need to try changing it to “Manual”, that is, manual, then press “F10” and save the settings.

It happens that some are offered in some laptops different options cooler settings:

Cooling a laptop should be treated very carefully, since several devices may fail at once, which will make repairs pointless, due to its high cost, as a result you will have to purchase a new computer.

Mechanical cleaning

If the PC still overheats and nothing helps, you will have to remove the bottom cover of the laptop and remove the dust manually.

Attention! If the laptop is not yet out of warranty, then any internal tampering will result in loss of warranty.

To open it you will need small screwdrivers, usually Phillips.

Important! Before disassembling, you need to remove the media (CD or DVD) from the drive, turn off the laptop and remove the battery.

Video - How to easily increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop

The operation of a personal computer depends on the state of all elements of the system and the load they experience. Some of them are used less intensively, while the processor or video card is constantly loaded and, as a result, overheats. To cool such system elements, a cooler and a radiator grille are used, which reduce operating temperature devices, creating comfortable conditions. There are situations when the computer does not work stably and its elements heat up above normal. In such a situation, increasing the cooler speed will help. We will discuss below how to increase the rotation speed of the processor cooler.

Before understanding the options for increasing cooler speed, you need to understand the reason why the processor or video card is heating up. There may be many of them, and not all of them will be helped by simply increasing the rotation speed of the processor cooler. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • The processor was purchased a long time ago and its working life is gradually coming to an end. In this case, increasing the speed of the cooler blade will help, but not for long and you may soon need to replace the old processor with a new model;
  • The thermal paste, which transfers excess heat from the processor to the cooler, has become unusable. Here simple magnification Cooler speed is also indispensable. A regular cooler will still not cope with excess heat energy, even if you increase the speed. A comprehensive solution will help here. The rotation speed of the cooler is temporarily increased, which is necessary to purchase thermal paste, after which the protective layer on the processor is renewed and the speed returns to normal. This is not difficult to do, and any user will update the protective layer independently, without the help of specialists. To do this, just read the instructions on the Internet and do everything carefully, without rushing;
  • The computer is used to solve complex tasks and the software used during operation overloads the system. In this case, a speed boost is ideal since the PC is functioning normally, it's just a little lacking in power;

Pay attention! By limiting yourself to simply increasing the cooler rotation speed without understanding the essence of the problem, you increase the chances of burning your computer. This will lead to large financial expenses, which we absolutely do not need.

After you are convinced that the system is working properly, you can move on to the options for overclocking the cooler. The most proven of them are the following possibilities:

  1. Increase the fan speed by setting the appropriate commands through the BIOS;
  2. Installation on a computer special applications, with which you will raise the number of cooler revolutions to the desired value;
  3. The speed is regulated not only programmatically. There is special equipment with which the cooler is accelerated to the required values;

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss separately.

Users asking questions about how to increase the speed of a cooler through the BIOS should be aware of the following:

  • To implement the method you need to have general idea O BIOS system and how to work with it. This is due to the great variety graphical interfaces BIOS, which have significant differences in terms of data location;
  • The option will not allow you to set any number of revolutions you want. The range of available values ​​is small;

The basic algorithm of actions, suitable for most BIOS interfaces, looks like this:

  1. We launch the BIOS by pressing the Del button or one of function keys F1 – F12. Activator button different versions different;
  2. After launch BIOS, go to Power section;
  3. In the window that appears, look for the phrase Hardware Monitor. If it could not be found, go to any tab containing the word Hardware;
  4. Now you need to decide which option for overclocking the cooler is preferable for you - overclock it to the maximum by on an ongoing basis, or increase rotation power only depending on the current processor temperature;
  5. To implement the first option, click on the CPU min Fan Speed ​​item and select the number of revolutions from the available values. This method is energy-consuming, but allows for maximum processor cooling;
  6. Another option is realized by clicking on the line CPU Smart Fan Target. With its help, the owner of a personal computer sets a certain temperature value, the achievement of which by the processor will trigger the accelerated operation of the cooler. This mode allows you to reduce power consumption, but this protection against overheating is worse, since the activation does not work immediately. Constant jumps in the number of revolutions can also cause discomfort for some users;
  7. To exit the BIOS and save the settings as specified, click the Save button

Exhibition maximum mode Cooler rotation is recommended only in extreme cases, since changing the fan speed reduces the operating life. If this method is not for you, pay attention to another solution to the problem - installing software to adjust the fan speed.

Cooler speed programs

There are many programs available on the Internet, the installation of which helps to accelerate the rotation of the cooler to the required values. Not all of them are safe for your computer and some can harm the system, causing it to fail. To prevent this from happening, use time-tested software products.

Citizens using AMD processors the app will do AMD One Drive. Advantages of the software product:

  • You don't have to pay money to access. The adjustment program is freely available;
  • Designed to interact with system components from AMD, allowing you to customize work taking into account all the nuances;

The cooler is configured this way:

  1. Download and launch the application;
  2. In the window that appears, select Performance Control;
  3. Go to the FAN Control subsection;
  4. We adjust the rotation speed of the blades to the desired value;

If you have a processor Intel, it is better to adjust the cooling using Speed ​​programs Fan. Pros of the application:

  • The product is completely Russified, which allows you to understand all the settings without much effort;
  • For use software product(PP) no funds are charged;
  • Not limited to working with one manufacturer and, if necessary, suitable for customizing any cooling system;

In addition to overclocking processor coolers, there are applications that allow you to work with video card cooling systems. An example is MSI Afterburner, by installing which you will have access to setting up the video card cooler. When installing any third-party software, keep in mind that all settings are performed at your own peril and risk. By setting the wrong value, you will quickly disable the entire system. If you are not sure about own strength, seek advice from specialists.

Adjusting the cooler speed using additional devices

You can control the processor cooling system using third-party equipment, which allows you to set the required speed through a control panel installed in the case system unit. Such equipment is used when assembling powerful personal computers and is installed instead of a DVD drive, or on free space underneath it.

Such devices are called reobass, and their installation allows you to achieve the following effect:

  1. Cooling is quieter than other methods;
  2. Coolers work without interruption;
  3. You can control the speed either manually, through a panel on the system unit case, or using programs, in automatic mode;

Some risky owners who want to save money collect homemade options devices according to the diagrams provided on the Internet. This approach is extremely risky and threatens the failure of all elements of the system unit. In this case, you will have to spend a lot more money than in the case of purchasing normal, licensed equipment.

  • Clean the inside of your PC regularly, paying special attention to the cooler blades;
  • Do not adjust the speed down unless necessary;
  • You should not rely on the programs to work 100%. Some of them do not work correctly with sensors inside the computer, which is why the displayed processor temperature differs from the current one. Monitor this by periodically checking the temperature by other means;

I think everyone would like to somehow reduce the noise made by coolers in the case or in the power supply.
There can be two reasons that lead to noise:

1) An old cooler is poorly lubricated, then it needs to be lubricated.


How to disassemble, lubricate and then reassemble a fan (Fan) if it starts to make more noise than usual.
The article is mainly devoted to preventive maintenance of fans assembled on plain bearings.

If one of the fans located in your system unit begins to make noise or rattle more than usual, then the reason, as a rule, is either bearing wear or lack of lubrication.

Fans used to cool the system unit (Case), processor (CPU), video card (Video card), hard drive (HDD) and memory (RAM) differ in size, design and type of bearings used.

Fans use only two types of bearings: plain bearings, including hydraulic bearings, and rolling bearings - ball bearings. There are, however, other options when, for example, the fan shaft is additionally supported magnetic field etc., but this circumstance does not in any way affect the preventive maintenance and repair of fans.

All fans used in PCs do not have a collector, but use an electronic winding switch. Therefore, the main parts subject to mechanical wear are bearings.

Fans with ball bearings.

In these fans, both the ball bearings themselves (two pieces) and the seats in which they are installed can be subject to wear, but the latter happens less often.

First of all, the ball bearing that is located on the impeller side wears out, as it experiences heavy loads.

Most fans use radial ball bearings, and the design of budget fans does not provide for the possibility of adjusting radial and axial play. This leads to premature wear of the ball bearings and increased noise of the entire fan.

Repairing a fan on ball bearings is advisable only in cases where it is not possible to find one suitable replacement. Such a fan, for example, could be a fan of an unusual design for a laptop or video card. In these cases, you can select a new fan of similar size and rearrange the ball bearings from it to replace the worn ones, if, of course, they fit there.

Fans on plain bearings.

The drawing shows a sectional view of a fan on a plain bearing.

1 – impeller,

2 – body,

3 – permanent magnet,

4 – PCB with controls,

5 – stator with windings,

6 – retaining ring,

8, 10 – oil recovery rings,

9 – bearing sleeve.

Here the motor shaft and bearing bushing are subject to wear. Moreover, in most fans, only one bushing is used, which covers the entire free length of the shaft. However, unlike miniature ball bearings, in plain bearings the load is distributed over a large area of ​​the bearing surface, which, in the presence of lubrication, makes these devices quite reliable in operation.

The reasons why fans assembled on sliding bearings that have not reached the end of their service life begin to make noise are the following: drying out of the lubricant, leakage of lubricant, use of low-quality lubricant and lack of lubricant (this also happens).

It is advisable to lubricate a regular budget fan that operates 12 or more hours a day at least once a year during the first inspection and after six months during each subsequent inspection. The more often such prevention is done, the less wear there is on the bearings and the corresponding fan noise.

Fans operating from a reduced supply voltage can be lubricated a little less frequently. Small high-speed fans should be lubricated twice as much as large case and processor fans.

Tools that may be needed when assembling, disassembling and cleaning the fan.
To disassemble the fan, first remove the original label. Then remove the rubber plug. (In small fans, this function can be performed by a label).

Next, use a sharp scalpel to expand the gap of the lock washer. Insert a thin screwdriver into the gap and push the ends of the washer apart in different directions.

Now you can remove the lock washer using the same screwdriver or tweezers. But, I strongly recommend before permanent removal lock washer, cover it together with the tool with a piece of cloth! This will prevent the puck from being lost.

Remove the rubber ring. Use a screwdriver or awl to push the shaft out of the bearing.

Remove the second rubber ring. In the picture on the right minimum set small parts, which must be used during subsequent assembly. These are two rubber oil rings and a lock washer (if you haven't lost it yet). Some fan models may additionally have one or two fluoroplastic washers.

Now you should use a brush to clean the fan housing and impeller from dust, and use a piece of cotton cloth to remove all traces of old grease from all bearing parts.

Old organic grease can be removed with gasoline, and silicone grease with acetone, but care must be taken, as such solvents can damage appearance plastic products of some fans. In this regard, the most harmless solvent is alcohol, but it does not dissolve fats well.

Apply a few drops of lubricant to the area of ​​the bearing and shaft, after putting on the first low-fail rubber ring. It is convenient to dose the amount of oil with a small screwdriver of the appropriate size. The wider the blade of the screwdriver, the larger the drop of oil.

We insert the shaft into the bearing. We place something like this ring in the picture on the right under the impeller so that it (the impeller) can be pressed inside the fan housing. This will help us when installing the lock washer.

Add a couple more drops of lubricant from the shaft extension side and put on the second oil sump ring.

We put the lock washer on the very end of the shaft and then push it further into the gap. In this case, you need to cover the tweezers and the washer with your fingers so that it has nowhere else to go except downward. This will prevent the puck from being lost.

Once the lock washer is installed, you can reinstall the plug and branding label.

Oil for lubrication of plain bearings.

Professor Preobrazhensky: “...and secondly, God knows what they threw in there. Can you tell me what comes to their mind?”

Dr. Bormenthal: “Anything!”

Never use food grade food to lubricate the fans. vegetable oil, thick lubricants and technical Vaseline!

You can use machine, spindle, silicone, synthetic, mineral, household and other oils sold in retail stores. If we know more about the oil than just its name, then we will use an oil intended for lubrication of high-speed plain bearings.

Lubricants differ in a bunch of different parameters, but we cannot test most of them.

However there is one important parameter, which is easy to determine by eye, is viscosity. Even by dangling bubbles with oils of different viscosities, you can determine which one is more viscous. Indirect confirmation can also be the size of the drop that is held on the working surface of the screwdriver.

Oil with low viscosity can leak from a bearing that does not have seals (most budget fans do not have them), and oil with very high viscosity can make it difficult for the motor rotor to rotate.

However, any lubrication is better than no lubrication.

2) A new branded cooler was selected with a higher speed than necessary.
The way out of this situation is simple - reduce the cooler speed.

So, we have found out that by reducing the number of revolutions of the cooler, we will reduce the noise it produces.
Of course, productivity will drop slightly, but let’s say that in some “nodes” of the computer this will not cause a significant deterioration in cooling. Thus, fans that are installed in cases and power supplies are high-speed, and the noise/performance ratio is not always at the optimal level.
There are several ways in which noise can be reduced while cooling remains at an acceptable level.
So to speak, find " Golden mean" in noise/performance ratio.

Let's start with the simplest and cheapest methods:

Spoiler: Method No. 1.

Enable a function in the BIOS that automatically regulates fan speed.
According to the principle than more load on the computer, the faster the fans rotate.
This function is supported by some motherboards: ASUS (Q-Fan control), Abit (Smart fan control), etc.
Let's look at the Q-Fan Control function, with the Silent/Optimal/Perfomans presets.

1) Go to the BIOS (Immediately before starting the boot, press the button repeatedly)
2) From Main section go to the Power section

3) Select the line Hardware Monitor

4) Change the value of the lines CPU Q-Fan Control and Chassis Q-Fan Control on Enabled

5) As a result, the CPU and Chassis Fan Profile lines will appear.
In these lines you can select three operating modes:
- Perfomans is a productive mode,
- Silent is the quietest mode,
- Optimal is an intermediate mode between productive and quiet.

6) Then save the settings via

Important! Automatic fan adjustment will be performed only on the CHA_FAN and CPU_FAN connectors.
And PWR_FAN is not regulated by the Q-Fan Control system.

Similar adjustment systems are also present on other motherboards from other manufacturers.
If your board does not support this function, then I recommend paying attention to other methods.

Spoiler: Method No. 2.

Reducing cooler speed by switching.

In order to reduce fan speed, you can switch the fan to a lower voltage.
The nominal voltage for the fan is 12 Volts. And the entire specification (speed, noise level, current consumption, etc.) is indicated for the rated voltage.

We can switch our fan to three other voltage ratings: +12 Volts, +7 Volts, +5 Volts.
This is done using a regular Molex connector, which is present in sufficient quantities in all modern power supplies.

In order to switch the case fan you need:
1) Turn off the computer, open the lid and disconnect the desired fan from the socket to which it is connected.
2) Release the required legs, using a needle or awl, from the 3-pin fan connector.
3) Simply cut off the power supply fan wires on the board itself (usually two red wires are “plus” and black are “minus”), bring them out to the outside of the power supply, and also connect them to a free Molex connector.

4) And connect it to the Molex connector at the voltage you need:

At 12 Volt:

At 7 Volts:

At 5 Volts:

Approximately the following speed values ​​will be at rated voltage values ​​for a fan with 2000 rpm and 3500 rpm:

Important! Never move the legs in the Molex connector itself. This may damage the equipment.
More than once I witnessed how a hard drive was connected to a Molex connector, in which the legs were rearranged not according to the standard. The result is that the hard drive is irreversibly damaged!!!

Spoiler: Method No. 3.

Adjusting fan speed using rheobass.

To be able to constantly adjust the fan, you can use a device called REOBAS.
Reobas is a device that allows you to smoothly regulate the voltage supplied to the fan. As a result, the fan speed is smoothly regulated.
You can make a reobas yourself using the diagram below:

The first circuit is similar to the FanMate regulator from Zalman, which is used on processor coolers:

The adjustment range is from +5 Volts to +12 Volts. But the microcircuit gets a little warm.

The second circuit is a little more complicated, but it has a wider range of adjustments: from +1.5 V to +11.8 V. It is also possible to set the threshold lower voltage, since the starting voltage for the fan is +3.5 V.

Advantages this method- cheap and accessible, you just need to try a little.
You can buy ready-made REOBAS from well-known companies in a 5.25" compartment.

Such reobass are produced by ZALMAN, SKYTHE, AeroCOOL, Akasa, etc.
Advantages: very beautiful and effortless. Disadvantage - expensive!

Which of the presented methods to choose is up to you.

Added after 2 minutes 51 seconds:


Proper computer cooling

It's no secret that when a computer is running, all of its electronic components are heating up. Some elements heat up quite noticeably. Processor, video card, northern and south bridges motherboard– the hottest elements of the system unit. Even with normal computer idle time, their temperature can reach 50-60 degrees Celsius. But if the system unit is not periodically cleaned of dust, then the heating of the main components of the computer becomes even greater. Increased heating leads to constant computer freezes, fans run at high speeds, which leads to annoying noise. Overheating is generally dangerous and leads to an emergency shutdown of the computer.

Therefore, the main problem of the entire electronic part computer technology– this is proper cooling and effective heat removal. The vast majority of computers, both industrial and home, use heat removal air cooling. It gained its popularity due to its simplicity and low cost. The principle of this type of cooling is as follows. All the heat from the heated elements is transferred to the surrounding air, and the hot air, in turn, is removed from the system unit case using fans. To improve heat transfer and cooling efficiency, the hottest components are supplied with copper or aluminum radiators with fans installed on them.

But the fact that heat removal occurs due to air movement does not mean at all that the more fans are installed, the better the cooling will be overall. Several incorrectly installed fans can do much more harm than solve the problem of overheating, when one correctly installed fan will solve this problem very effectively.

IN Selection of additional fans.

Before purchasing and installing additional fans, carefully examine your computer. Open the case cover, count and find out the dimensions of the installation spaces for additional case coolers. Look carefully at the motherboard to see what connectors it has for connecting additional fans.

You need to choose the fans yourself large size, which will suit you. For standard cases this size is 80x80mm. But quite often (especially recently) fans of sizes 92x92 and 120x120 mm can be installed in cases. With the same electrical characteristics a larger fan will be much quieter.

Try to buy fans from a large number blades - they are also quieter. Pay attention to the stickers - they indicate the noise level. If the motherboard has 4-pin connectors for powering coolers, then buy four-wire fans. They are very quiet and the range automatic adjustment Their revs are quite wide.

Between fans receiving power from the power supply via a Molex connector and those running from the motherboard, definitely choose the second option.

There are fans on sale with real ball bearings - these are best option in terms of durability.

Installation of additional fans.

Let's look at the main points correct installation case fans for most system units. Here we will provide tips specifically for standard cases, since non-standard cases have such a varied fan arrangement that it makes no sense to describe them - everything is individual. Moreover, in non-standard cases, fan sizes can reach 30cm in diameter. But still, some aspects of cooling non-standard PC cases are discussed in the following article on proper cooling computers.

There are no additional fans in the case.

This is the standard layout for almost all computers sold in stores. All the hot air rises to top part computer and, due to the fan in the power supply, goes outside.

The big disadvantage of this type of cooling is that all the heated air passes through the power supply, heating it even more. And therefore, it is the power supply of such computers that most often breaks down. Also, all the cold air is not sucked in in a controlled manner, but from all the cracks of the housing, which only reduces the efficiency of heat transfer. Another disadvantage is the thin air produced by this type of cooling, which leads to the accumulation of dust inside the case. But still, it's better than incorrect installation additional fans.

One fan on the back of the case.

This method is used more out of desperation, since the case has only one place to install an additional cooler - on the back wall under the power supply. In order to reduce the amount of hot air passing through the power supply, install one fan that works to “blow” out of the case.

The fan must be installed opposite the hard drives. It would be more correct to write that the hard drives should be placed opposite the fan. This way, the cold incoming air will immediately blow over them. This installation is much more effective than the previous one. A directed air flow is created. The vacuum inside the computer decreases - dust does not linger. When eating additional coolers from the motherboard, the overall noise is reduced as the fan speed is reduced.

Installing two fans in the case.

The most efficient method of installing fans for additional cooling system unit. A fan is installed on the front wall of the case for “blowing”, and on the rear wall – for “blowing”:

A powerful, constant air flow is created. The power supply operates without overheating, since heated air is removed by a fan installed under it. If a power supply with adjustable fan speed is installed, the overall noise will be noticeably reduced, and more importantly, the pressure inside the case will be equalized. Dust will not settle.

Incorrect installation of fans.

Below are examples of unacceptable installation of additional coolers in a PC case.

One rear fan is set to "injection".

A closed air ring is created between the power supply and the additional fan. Some of the hot air from the power supply is immediately sucked back inside. At the same time, there is no air movement in the lower part of the system unit, and therefore cooling is ineffective.

1 - “-” power supply
2 - “+” power supply

1 - “-” power supply
2 - “+” power supply
3 - speed sensor

1 - “-” power supply
2 - “+” power supply
3 - speed sensor
4 - speed control
I should have added it a long time ago, but I forgot

It's no secret that high-performance microprocessor devices heat up during operation: the heavier the load, the hotter it gets. For many elements modern computer Installing a conventional radiator on the “chip” is no longer enough – active heat removal is required. The easiest way to implement this is with the help of a fan (cooler): no one is surprised by system units with a total number of coolers of 8-10 pieces. Sometimes the motherboard does not have enough connectors for connecting additional fans, and the connection is made through a power splitter or rheobass.

A single cooler makes little noise and consumes little electricity. But if there are a dozen of them in the case, the noise becomes uncomfortable, and electricity consumption increases to quite noticeable values.

Most often, the need to change the fan speed is associated precisely with the excessive noise of the system unit. If the cooling efficiency of the system unit is high enough and overheating of any computer elements does not occur even at the most high loads, you can try reducing the rotation speed of some fans.

One way to reduce this is to use a rheobass - a multi-channel fan speed controller.

But this method is not the only one. Most modern motherboards are capable of adjusting the rotation speed of connected fans. In many cases, you won't even need to install any software - required function built into the BIOS.

To enter the BIOS, you must press a certain key (or key combination) when you boot the computer, most often Delete. If nothing happens when you press Delete when the computer boots, you should look at the bottom lines of the boot screen - there, when booting starts, a hint is usually displayed as to which keys should be pressed to enter the BIOS.
In the BIOS you should find a page with fan operation settings (Fan Speed, Fan Control, Fan Profile, etc.). CPU Fan settings relate to the processor cooler, Chassis Fan - to the case cooler (or coolers). The processor cooler settings should only be changed if you know exactly what you are doing and are confident in the correctness of your actions - overheating the processor can lead to its failure. The case cooler settings are not so critical, but you shouldn’t change them thoughtlessly either; It would be a good idea to write down all the old values ​​before changing.

To adjust the rotation speed, first make sure that this function is enabled: the Q-Fan Control (or Fan Speed ​​Control) parameter must be set to Enabled. This will make the options available fine tuning fan - some BIOS have a lot of them, others have less. Most often the most in a simple way To reduce noise (or, conversely, improve cooling) is to change the profile (Q-Fan Profile). To reduce noise, set it to Silent, to increase cooling - to Performance or Turbo.

After saving the settings and restarting the system, you should make sure that the configured cooler is spinning and that the system does not overheat; otherwise, you should return the old BIOS settings.

If required settings weren’t found in the BIOS, don’t be upset - most often the fans connected to the motherboard can be controlled using specialized software. The most popular of these programs (and absolutely free) is speed fan. When you start the program, the first tab will display all the found fans, their rotation speeds and the temperatures of the computer components - you should focus on them when setting up coolers. The configuration recommendations are the same - you should be careful when operating the CPU Fan (processor cooler) and GPU Fan (video card cooler) settings. When changing speeds (from 0 to 100%), the effect of these changes on temperature should be monitored. In the program you can also set critical temperatures for all elements and, indicating which cooler is responsible for which temperature, start the mode automatic regulation fan speeds.

If neither speed fan nor other similar programs “saw” the fans, or if the fans are not connected to the motherboard at all, then you will need a rheobass to adjust their rotation speed.

Before considering the characteristics of reobass, it is worth mentioning one more, very common reason Increased fan noise – the coolers become clogged with dust and/or the lubricant thickens in them. If it seems to you that the computer used to make less noise, you may not need any programs or devices to reduce noise - it will be enough to clean the cooler from dust and (if necessary) update the lubricant.

Characteristics of fan speed controllers.

Reobass type.

Main task power strip– provide power to additional fans for which there are no connectors on the motherboard. The splitter may not have the function of controlling the fan speed at all. If such a function exists, it will be implemented in software.

Speed ​​controller(reobass) – has greater functionality compared to a splitter. In addition to connecting additional fans, reobas also provides some additional features, which may include:
- control and display of the rotation speed of each connected fan;
- temperature control from your own temperature sensor (or several temperature sensors);
- automatic or manual adjustment of fan speeds;
- control and display of power consumed by connected fans

Control type rotation speed can be manual or automatic.

At manual control the rotation speed is set manually by the operator - using buttons, a regulator knob or touch screen. Despite the simplicity of this control method, it will be convenient only in cases where it is not necessary to change the fan speed while the computer is running. This method is still suitable for adjusting the rotation speed of case fans, but not so much for controlling the rotation speed of the processor cooler.

Auto type of control providing automatic change cooler rotation speed depending on the temperature sensor readings, is much more convenient to use and provides best conditions equipment operation. To control coolers of elements that greatly change the temperature depending on the load, you should use rheobass with automatic type management.
The number of connected fans determines which maximum quantity fans can be connected to the rheobass. It should be borne in mind that as the number of connected fans increases, the power consumed by the device also increases; The computer power supply must have sufficient power reserve.

Availability display with the ability to display temperature values ​​and fan speeds on it, in some cases it may be useful. The display can warn of impending overheating or fan failure and prevent crashes or data loss. For servers (often without their own monitor), such a display will be especially useful.

Temperature control carried out using the motherboard's thermal sensors or the rheobass' own thermal sensors. In the latter case, you should also find out the number of temperature measurement channels (in other words, the number of temperature sensors). For many reobass, temperature control is carried out using one temperature sensor. If processor/video card coolers are supposed to be connected to such a reobass, this can lead to problems (if you install a sensor near the processor, it may “not notice” overheating of the video card and vice versa). Reobass with several thermal sensors are more expensive, but in cases similar to the above, it is not worth saving on this.

Fan connectors can be 2-pin 3-pin and 4-pin.
2-pin and 3-pin connectors involve controlling the fan rotation speed by changing its supply voltage. This is the simplest method, so the rheobass and fans that implement it are inexpensive. The disadvantages of this method are the low accuracy of setting the rotation speed and a decrease in torque with a decrease in voltage. Fans with a 3-pin connector generally cannot spin slower than a certain threshold value - the torque becomes so small that it is not enough to turn the impeller. Such fans are suitable for case fans and hard drive fans, but it has long been customary to install fans connected with a 4-pin connector on processors.
4-pin connectors allow fan speed control using pulse width modulation(PWM). In this case, the fan is supplied with full power - 12 volts - but not constantly, but in pulses, changing the duration of which, you can very accurately set the fan speed. In addition, with this method there is no restriction on the minimum rotation speed - a fan controlled in this way can rotate even at a speed of 1 rpm. The only drawback of this method is that it is more difficult to implement and therefore more expensive.

The rheobass power connector can be 3-pin (in this case, the speed controller is connected to one of the free 3-pin connectors on the motherboard), 4-pin Molex (power is taken from one of the connectors of the power supply) and SATA (power is taken from the connector SATA motherboard boards).