Satellite Internet. Satellite Internet - reviews

Today it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. But sometimes, due to difficult terrain, lack of conditions and remoteness of the place of residence, it is difficult to connect to the World Wide Web. In this case, satellite Internet turns out to be indispensable. It’s quite easy to configure it with your own hands. If something doesn’t work out, you can always call a specialist.

Satellite Internet: what is it?

This type of Internet is access to the Internet via satellite. In this case, the signal from its terminal is fed to a special antenna, which has a built-in receiver, and only then to the computer. It moves across the network at a fairly high speed.

Equipment for setting up satellite Internet is not cheap, but the quality completely justifies all the costs. You can connect satellite Internet with your own hands; to do this, you just need to buy a set of equipment and follow the instructions.

All necessary programs are installed on the computer. And after installing the equipment, all that remains is to test the equipment, choose a provider, tariff and pay for the service.

Types of satellite connection

The Internet broadcast from a satellite is divided into two types: one-way and two-way. You can set up both satellite Internet yourself or call a specialist who will do it much faster.

In a one-way connection, the incoming signal comes from the satellite, and the outgoing signal comes through terrestrial telecommunications or via the mobile Internet. The speed of one-way (asymmetric) Internet is not as high as compared to two-way Internet, but the cost of tariff plans is affordable. This is due to the reduction in costs for return traffic.

In symmetrical Internet (two-way) or VSAT, the incoming and outgoing channels pass through the satellite. Communication is carried out through a modem-transmitter tuned to the signal. The satellite dish here plays the role of a teleport, transmitting information at a speed of 1 Mb/s. This kind of Internet is expensive, but the quality is excellent.

Due to the high cost, two-way is rarely used, mainly for organizations located far from large cities. The asymmetric option is more popular and available to ordinary subscribers.

Operating principle

If you connect satellite Internet with your own hands, the principle of its operation will be as follows. The user, using a proxy server or virtual VPN network, sends a signal to the provider, which redirects it to the satellite. The received stream is amplified several times and enters the satellite dish receiver. As a rule, each satellite covers a certain part of the globe, which is equal to an area of ​​​​several thousand square kilometers. In this case, the flow power increases towards the center, and weakens closer to the edge.

The receiving head or convector on a dish is connected to a DVB card located in the PCI slot of the computer. From here the converted signal reaches the user. A satellite may have several providers. Before connecting to the Internet, you must select a satellite and the appropriate Internet provider.

Equipment for one-way Internet

To connect one-way satellite Internet with your own hands, you need to purchase a set of equipment. It usually includes:

  1. PCI/USB DVB-S/S2 card. It is distinguished by the fastest possible stream transmission from the satellite. Decodes the signal and transmits it to a personal computer.
  2. Satellite antenna. Its choice depends on the provider and the satellite from which the signal is broadcast.
  3. Converter. It is located in the focus of the satellite dish and receives the signal. Redirects the received stream to a DVB card, where it undergoes further conversion. Ku-band converters with linear polarization are often used. In rare cases, a circularly polarized element is used.
  4. Coaxial cable. Connects the converter and the DVB card together. To do this, use special connectors with an F-connector.
  5. Modem or telephone. Used as an outgoing channel with one-way technology. This could be a USB modem with EDGE (GPRS), a fiber optic or ADSL telephone line, or a dial-up connection.

The finished set of equipment just needs to be installed according to the instructions. By the way, the device for transmitting the outgoing stream is purchased separately.

Equipment for two-way

When connecting VSAT, data reception and transmission occurs only via satellite channels, and there is no need for additional ground-based sources. If you install two-way satellite Internet with your own hands correctly, then its operation will not be affected by weather conditions. To install you need to purchase:

  1. Ku-band satellite dish. It receives and transmits signals. The standard diameter is 1.2-1.8 m.
  2. Blocks. The transmitting BUC signal and the receiving LNB stream, which are mounted on the satellite dish feed. They are universal and suitable for all types of antennas. They are not connected to a satellite terminal.
  3. A terminal responsible for receiving and transmitting satellite streams.

Two-way Internet allows you to develop high data transfer speeds. Operates independently of ground equipment. The only significant disadvantage is its high cost.


It is not difficult to install free satellite Internet with your own hands; just read the instructions that come with the equipment. The main advantages of this connection are:

  • low price of traffic compared to GPRS and DSL;
  • good speed even with poor performance of the land line;
  • the ability to reach higher speeds than land-based connections such as GPRS and DSL;
  • ability to connect to satellite TV;
  • connection to the Network anywhere within the satellite coverage area;
  • quick commissioning of equipment;
  • ease of use.

You can feel all the positive aspects of using satellite Internet only if you use this service yourself.

Negative sides

You can connect free satellite Internet with your own hands in a matter of hours. But this type of communication has its drawbacks:

  • the receiving antenna must be strictly oriented towards the satellite, otherwise the signal will stop;
  • due to the great distance from the earth (about 36 thousand km), a high ping is observed;
  • Terrestrial types of Internet are much cheaper than satellite, especially in big cities. The costs of maintaining a satellite are quite high, and part of them falls on the shoulders of subscribers;
  • Some satellite companies provide an IP address that does not correspond to your place of residence, which causes search engines to malfunction.

Despite the above disadvantages, satellite Internet remains in demand, and the equipment necessary for its transmission is constantly being improved, which creates a great future for it.

About satellite providers

It’s not difficult to set up satellite Internet and TV yourself, but at the first stage you should decide on the provider that will provide the service. The most popular are:

  • SatGate;
  • "Rainbow-Internet";
  • "Tricolor-Internet";
  • StarBlazer;
  • skyds;
  • Lansat;
  • "STV";
  • "Gazprom Space Systems";
  • Helios;
  • OpenSky;
  • Spectrumsat;
  • GxSat.

They all work on DVB-S or DVB-S2 satellite sources. This type of connection allows you to carry out the most popular operations - surfing, sending and receiving data, watching video files. For legal entities, there are individual connection schemes and IP addresses are allocated.

Basically, all providers turn in their work to such satellites as HorBird, Sirius 2, Astra 19.2, Eutelsat, Astra - 2C, Yamal-200-2, etc. There are a variety of tariffs in terms of speed and price. There are limited and unlimited. To choose the right provider, you need to determine what function the Internet should perform.

How to connect free satellite Internet with your own hands

Setting up satellite Internet with your own hands is carried out in several stages. First, attach the satellite dish to the wall or roof of the building. The antenna mirror is oriented towards the satellite. A compass will help you select the desired position, and the satellite coordinates are determined using the Satellite Antenna Alignment program.

The service is installed free of charge and in advance of equipment installation. The exact coordinates of your location and the location of the satellite are entered into the program. The service provides the angle, azimuth and other data necessary for the correct orientation of the antenna.

Subsequently, the DVB card is inserted into the PCI slot of the computer. It acts as a satellite modem, receiving, converting and transmitting the signal.

After the equipment is installed in the system unit, its debugging begins. This is a complex process that takes a lot of time. To do this, one person is in front of the computer and monitors the signal from the satellite, which the program will show when it is detected, and the other adjusts the position of the dish.

If the setup is carried out by one person, then in the program he can select the sound notification function, and he himself will adjust the antenna. Instead of a DVB card, an external card is installed in the laptop, connected via a USB connector. After installing all components, the equipment is tested.

To completely solve the question of how to make satellite Internet with your own hands, it takes a professional about two hours.

Free Internet via a satellite dish with your own hands: myth or reality?

You can set up free Internet via a satellite dish yourself if you have certain knowledge. But for these purposes you will need special equipment.

The satellite does not transmit a signal to any one device, but sends a stream to all devices capable of receiving it. Subscribers who pay for the service receive already filtered information that corresponds to the client’s request. Other people's traffic bypasses it.

Those who want to use satellite Internet for free should take into account that this type of connection will have a very specific format. There will be a lot of unsystematic traffic, working with which will cause certain difficulties. And although there are filters that can select the necessary files in this situation, this type of communication is unlikely to bring pleasure and allow you to enjoy all the possibilities of the Internet.

About tariffs

After you have connected the Internet via a satellite dish with your own hands, you should decide on the provider and tariffs. All tariffs are divided into the following types:

  • with payment for the amount of traffic used;
  • conditionally unlimited, which already includes a certain amount of traffic (exceeding the norm is paid additionally);
  • unlimited, with a fixed subscription rate;
  • for legal entities.

Internet at night is cheaper than during the day and can be unlimited. Each subscriber in his personal account is given the opportunity to independently manage services, increase speed, and switch to another tariff plan.

For one-way connection types, additional outgoing charges may apply. The cost of incoming traffic per 1 MB fluctuates around 0.5-1.5 rubles. The price for an unlimited tariff, depending on the speed (from 500 Kb/s to 4 Mb/s) varies from 500 to 1200 rubles.

Two-way satellite Internet will cost more, but the data transfer speed here is much higher and reaches 10 Mb/s. The monthly subscription fee ranges from 600 rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles.

Cost of equipment

You can also connect satellite Internet to a private house with your own hands. The price of equipment using asymmetric technology, together with a modem for the outgoing signal, will be about 5 thousand rubles. Ready-made kits are more expensive. The price of finished equipment for two-way reaches 30-70 thousand rubles. Each package contains a subscription to a specific provider.

Due to the large number of wireless networks, satellite Internet is losing its popularity. However, in those regions where it is not possible to use the services of ground operators, it remains the only alternative.

We are like your provider, we only work

Satellite Internet

The operation of a two-way satellite in synchronous mode provides data output and reception. Data from the user is transferred to him and then to the provider, after which there is a transfer to the server. The exchange is carried out at microwave frequencies in the Ku band. Such stations are also called VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal). Currently, they are widely used on ships, airplanes and cars. However, satellite Internet to a private home, the price of which will not fully correspond to the speed provided, raises questions. Our company is well versed in its business, and we insist that installing a wireless connection is a more rational option.

Strengths and weaknesses of this choice

Two-way satellite Internet, like everything in our world, has pros and cons. First, let's look at its disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • low signal level;
  • bad weather may increase delay times;
  • The total response time is 0.8 seconds - this is great for TV and radio, but not enough for games.

As you can see, for certain purposes this is a completely rational solution. But it also has advantages:

  • continuous communication;
  • does not depend on cable lines, which one way or another require maintenance and repair work;
  • no need for inter-satellite communication;
  • covering a large surface with just two satellites.

Alternative offer

With wireless Internet, you will not depend on the weather and overpay for not the highest speed. Installing the equipment and the entire kit will also not take much time. This process, like everything ingenious in this world, is simple. You are just a few simple steps away, in several stages:

  1. Leave a request on the website or your mobile number, we will call you back within a minute.
  2. A specialist communicates, advises, selects the tariffs and technologies you need.
  3. On the same day, an engineer and a group of craftsmen arrive at the site. A signal test is carried out, everything is installed, installation is done, and you are connected to the network.

Stages of work

1. Signal test Specialists come to you and measure the signal level.

2. Equipment installation Outside the house, without damaging the finish, an antenna is installed and directed to the tower, and a cable is laid into the house.

3. Network setup A router is installed in the house and WI-FI is set up.

Connect to the Internet with us quickly and inexpensively

We have been providing services for a long time in this segment. Over the years, we have acquired everything necessary to provide our customers with high-speed Internet at a reasonable price, which includes tricolor service and TV. Our team works for you. We value our reputation, so even a banal call center works around the clock. Polite staff will help you solve any problem within a couple of minutes. With us, you won’t have to call for weeks to restore access if it is lost. We use original equipment, highly qualified specialists on staff, and affordable prices. Join the leadership team too.

What guarantees do we provide?

  • Checking operation before installation Before installation, the engineer demonstrates to you how the Internet works at your address. You are not getting a “pig in a poke”.
  • Test week You are given a test period of 7 days: during this time you can check the work of the Internet, if you don’t like it, return the equipment and return the money.
  • Lifetime service The equipment warranty under the contract is 1 year. In the future, you can always use post-warranty service; we have the most inexpensive prices.
  • Flexibility of the solution If the service of one of the cellular operators at your address deteriorates, you can always replace it with another.

Variety of tariff packages

We don’t pose a fact like our competitors do. We have a convenient range of tariffs in our arsenal, where you can get the desired product at a reasonable price. Also, only with us:

  • connection in just a day;
  • test period, where you can get acquainted with the speed/quality for free (from the MTS operator);
  • excellent service;
  • high, uninterrupted speed.

We rightfully have the status of a leader in this area. If you were looking for an excellent two-way Internet service provider, your search has been crowned with success. As you can see, our line of packages is a profitable monetary investment.

Great coverage

Ordering our services opens up access to the network not only in Moscow, but also in the region and in sparsely populated areas. With us, satellite Internet for the dacha is a daily routine that we have been successfully performing for many years. Villages, dacha cooperatives, country houses - all this, and not only, is possible only with us. We do everything at a professional level, with a guarantee of quality and low prices. Leave a request on the website and place an order.

Personal access “to the world” from a personal computer, communication with company employees at any time during working hours, increasing the efficiency of their work due to the ability to quickly respond to the information provided – these are the factors that form the requirements for modern communication technologies.

Therefore, satellite Internet from the operator AltegroSky is more than just access to content - it is aimed at ensuring reliable work with IP services, including the transmission of voice, data, video, audio and video conferencing, allowing for the organization of operational management and interaction of specialists from remote departments of large companies.

Individual VSAT for private users is an ideal solution for modern and comfortable country life: satellite Internet will allow you to not interrupt communication, study and work, providing access to popular Internet services, social networks, games, news and entertainment content in a country house, country house, in a cottage - like in a city apartment!

Advantages of satellite Internet

  1. Independence from ground infrastructure.
  2. High speed characteristics.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Variability of satellite solutions.
  5. Wide range of tariffs, including unlimited access.

Scheme of organizing satellite Internet based on VSAT technologies

The principle of organizing the service is very simple. The user only needs electricity to operate. All processing of Internet traffic is performed at the NCC and depends on the VSAT platform used by the operator.

In our network, we use technologies that ensure correct processing of any IP protocols, which allows the user to work with the necessary Internet applications:

  • high-speed access to global Internet resources;
  • Email;
  • messaging services (ICQ);
  • voice and video communication applications (Skype);
  • electronic payment services for goods and services (hotels, taxis, air and railway tickets, etc.);
  • exchange on-line services;
  • banking on-line services;
  • remote access to corporate applications using a VPN.

Therefore, it is worth buying satellite Internet for anyone who would like to have maximum opportunities for online communication - regardless of their location both in Russia and abroad.


All tariffs

VSAT subscriber terminal for two-way Internet

Two-way satellite Internet operates through the VSAT terminal (Very Small Aperture Terminal) - a satellite ground station with a small (0.6 to 2.4 m) diameter antenna. In modern satellite networks, this size is quite enough to organize a symmetrical Internet. Assembling the terminal does not require special skills, and given its low weight, the solution ensures high mobility and ease of work on the network. To connect to bidirectional satellite internet, you will need a VSAT small satellite earth station.

The standard subscription kit consists of:

  1. Antennas;
  2. Modem (channel-forming equipment);
  3. Transceiver device (2 W);
  4. Rod for attaching the transceiver device;
  5. Radio frequency cable with connectors;
  6. Supports for mounting the antenna;
  7. Grounding cable.

The most popular kits for two-way satellite Internet are terminals with antennas of 0.74m, 0.98m and 1.2m.

VSAT kits

You can independently determine the parameters necessary to connect and configure satellite Internet by using the Satellite Finder.

With us - you choose reliable and affordable two-way satellite Internet! We will be glad to see you among our clients.

It is now possible to connect to the Internet via the Tricolor satellite dish.

In September 2016, the largest Russian digital television operator Tricolor TV, together with satellite Internet operator Eutelsat Networks, launched a two-way satellite Internet service.
All you need to do is purchase a special set of equipment and set up a satellite dish.
Satellite Internet will help where there is no or poorly developed terrestrial telecommunications infrastructure, for example, in a private country house, a remote cottage or dacha, a hotel, a roadside cafe, an office or a store.
“Satellite Internet” will allow you to keep abreast of the latest events, always stay in touch with friends or work remotely, and it can also be used for remote access to a video surveillance system.
Connecting satellite Internet via a Tricolor dish is now as easy as satellite TV. The possibility of installation is determined by the same conditions.

The service is available at any time in the coverage area of ​​the Express-AMU1 satellite (the European part of Russia, as well as the Urals and Western Siberia).

Coverage area of ​​the Express-AMU1 satellite

Satellite Internet speed:

Outgoing traffic up to 12 Mbit/s, incoming traffic up to 40 Mbit/s.

Tariffs for Satellite Internet Tricolor.

All Internet tariffs from Tricolor TV are published on the official website
For your convenience, these tariffs are also published on our website (see table below).
From this table you will find out how much Tricolor Internet will cost per month, as well as the amount of traffic included in the subscription fee and the price for overruns.

Prices for satellite Internet from Tricolor are much cheaper than similar offers from other companies.
The developed tariff schedule assumes night unlimited (from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m.) for all subscribers using the service.
Tariffs per month for Internet "Tricolor TV" are the same throughout Russia.

Conditions for using the “Internet Unlimited” tariff plan:

1. The “Unlimited Internet” tariff plan is available for connection to all individuals who have entered into an agreement for services providing access to the Internet in the period from April 1, 2017. to September 30, 2017

2. When connecting to the “Internet Unlimited” tariff plan, the subscriber is provided with two-way access to the Internet at speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s in the forward channel and up to 5 Mbit/s in the reverse channel without restrictions on traffic volume.

3. A subscriber who entered into an agreement with the Operator during the period from April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 under the terms of the “Unlimited Internet” tariff plan has the right to change the tariff plan to any of the current ones.

4.After September 30, 2017, the “Unlimited Internet” tariff plan will not be available for the initial connection, or when changing the tariff plan.

A set of equipment for satellite Internet.

To access the service, you must use a special set of equipment. You can buy this set from authorized Tricolor TV dealers.
Please note that Tricolor Internet requires a separate set of equipment. It will not be possible to receive the Internet through the Tricolor TV dish.

Below is the detailed contents of this kit.

The cost of the equipment set is

29900 rubles

At the moment, the price of a set of equipment for satellite Internet “Tricolor TV” has been reduced.
The original cost was 39,900 rubles.

The cost of installing the equipment is

from 6,000 rubles (standard installation).

The price for installing Tricolor Internet depends on the availability of the installation location of the dish and may differ slightly from the standard cost.



Contents of the equipment delivery kit for receiving satellite Internet services:

Antenna system with a reflector diameter of 0.76 m, including:
Support and adjustment bracket with clamps - 1 pc.;
Rear bracket - 1 pc.;
Rotating plate – 1 pc.;
Antenna reflector – 1 pc.;
Irradiator rod – 1 pc.;
Transceiver bracket – 1 pc.;
Grounding cable – 1.5 m;
Ka-band transceiver, including:
Transceiver model MA800230 or MA800231 – 1 pc.;
RF cable with installed external F-connectors – 30 m;
F-connector for indoor installation – 2 pcs.
Satellite router SkyEdgeII-c Gemini-i,
Power adapter for router – 1 pc.;
Ethernet cable (patch cord) – 1 m;
Bag with fasteners 1 pc.;
Open-end wrench 9/11mm – 1 pc.;
CD with Installation, installation and operation instructions, training video.
Quick user guide on paper.

Satellite Internet Tricolor is just beginning its development, but satellite television has already become firmly established in our lives.

>>>Unlimited Internet at good speed based on cellular networks -

Do you want to bring Internet to your cottage, but cable providers offer unfavorable conditions or completely refuse to work in the private sector, since it is easier and more convenient for them to service an apartment building? Switch to modern satellite Internet!

How to connect the Internet from Tricolor in a cottage?

  1. Choose a suitable tariff plan. If necessary, our specialists will advise you and tell you in detail about the conditions for the provision of communication services.
  2. Buy equipment. This can be done at our authorized dealers, at sales and service centers, at Tricolor branded stores in your city.
  3. Install the equipment. You can take care of the installation yourself, but we recommend entrusting it to professionals. Connecting and installing the kit is a rather complex task, and the quality of the signal often depends on how it is done.

  • Possibility of access to satellite wireless Internet even in remote locations. This advantage will mainly be appreciated by residents of the suburban private sector, city cottages, and remote settlements.
  • High speed. The data reception/transmission speed is up to 40/10 Mbit/s, depending on the selected tariff plan. You can easily view sites with a lot of content, movies, upload and download photos. At the same time, high speed Internet connections are available even to residents of cottages remote from the city.
  • Convenient personal account. Many operations can be performed through the subscriber's Personal Account: you do not have to go anywhere or contact intermediaries to pay for services.
  • Developed network. In many cities there are Tricolor branded showrooms, sales and service centers, and authorized dealers, so you can easily and quickly buy, connect equipment, or solve any technical problems if they arise.
  • High level of service. Our technical support specialists are ready to answer your questions at any time convenient for you.

Join Tricolor and enjoy high quality satellite Internet at an affordable price!

“Satellite Internet” is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services are provided to subscribers by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can read the terms of service

Internet in a country house

Until recently, the Internet was not available to residents of country houses and remote settlements with an insufficiently developed telecommunications infrastructure, because it was not profitable for cable providers to lay a network to provide communications to just a few buildings. Such expenses are considered unjustified, and the price of the service may be too high for a person with an average income. Fortunately, today, thanks to the widespread development of satellite communications, you can connect the Internet to a country house, even if your cottage or summer house is located a hundred kilometers from a big city.

How to connect satellite Internet from Tricolor?

First you need to choose the most profitable tariff plan. If you cannot decide on your own, consult our specialists; they will tell you which options are best for you depending on your needs. Then you need to purchase a relatively inexpensive set of equipment, which includes an antenna system, a transceiver and additional components. This can be done at sales and service centers, a Tricolor branded showroom or through an official dealer.

The next step is connection and installation. You can install the equipment yourself, following the instructions that come with the kit, or you can use the services of specialists. We do not recommend performing installation yourself if you do not have the appropriate experience, since the quality of communication depends, among other things, on the qualifications of specialists.

What is the advantage of satellite Internet from Tricolor?

The main advantage of satellite Internet is its availability even far from the city, in settlements where there are no cable providers. At the same time, we pay special attention to the cost and quality of services so that subscribers are satisfied with their cooperation with us. Tricolor also provides a high level of service, 24-hour technical support and a wide selection of tariffs depending on customer needs.

With Tricolor you can easily bring fast wireless and stable Internet to your country house!

Internet in a private house

Many residents of private houses encounter certain difficulties when connecting to the Internet: not every provider will agree to lay a cable not to a multi-apartment high-rise building, but to a building for one or two families. This is very expensive, and sometimes simply impossible, especially if the settlement is located far from the city. Satellite Internet in a private home is a simple, affordable and convenient way to solve the problem. Connect to Tricolor and evaluate this service for yourself!

Satellite Internet in a private house from Tricolor

Connecting Tricolor satellite Internet is quite simple: you need to purchase a special set of equipment, which is sold in sales offices, company stores or from Tricolor dealers.

Our advantages:

  1. Availability even in remote locations. Connecting to a satellite is possible even where no cable provider will agree to provide Internet. This is especially true for the private sector remote from the city center.
  2. Good connection quality. We offer stable, fast Internet, available at any time of the day or night. You can easily not only upload and download photos, browse social networks and read texts on websites, but also watch movies in online cinemas.
  3. Reliability. We justify the trust of our subscribers and prove that their needs and wishes are most important to us.
  4. High level of service. If you have any questions regarding the operation of satellite Internet and any other Tricolor service, you can at any time contact the specialists of our Customer Support Service by phone, Skype, email, social networks or in any other way convenient for you.
  5. Acceptable price. The cost of the service depends on the chosen tariff.

Find out about all the benefits of the offer at dealerships or by phone and join Tricolor!

“Satellite Internet” is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services are provided to subscribers by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of communication services by Eutelsat Networks LLC.

Internet outside the city

Connecting the Internet outside the city is always a difficult task, because providers usually refuse to work in the private sector, since it is unprofitable. But outside the city limits there are a large number of gardening communities, cottage settlements, villages, industrial facilities, and stable high-speed Internet is simply necessary there. If this sounds familiar to you, please contact Tricolor.

Our advantages

  • Various tariffs. You can choose the optimal tariff depending on your needs and budget.
  • High signal quality. Satellite Internet from Tricolor will allow you not only to view pages on social networks or purchase goods in online stores, but also to watch movies online.
  • Turnkey work. We will help you choose the optimal tariff plan, suggest the addresses of sales points, and our authorized dealers are always ready to install equipment and provide satellite Internet.
  • Wide geography. We provide the opportunity to use accessible Internet even to residents of Western Siberia. We connect cottages, country houses and are ready to work with clients who have been refused by cable operators.
  • Customer orientation. Our technical specialists will advise you on various issues at any time of the day. Choose a convenient method of communication: by phone, Skype, social networks, etc.

How to connect the Internet outside the city from Tricolor

  1. Check out the offered tariff plans and choose the one that suits you. If necessary, contact our specialists, they will advise you and describe the advantages of each tariff and connection features.
  2. Purchase a set of equipment. On our website you can find the addresses of your nearest branded showrooms, authorized dealers and Tricolor sales and service centers that sell equipment for satellite Internet connection.
  3. Install and connect the equipment set yourself or with the help of specialists. Attention: if you do not have the relevant experience, we recommend that you entrust the connection, installation and configuration of the equipment to professionals.

We will be glad to see you among our clients!

“Satellite Internet” is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services are provided to subscribers by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of communication services by Eutelsat Networks LLC.

Internet at the dacha

Satellite Internet at the dacha is not a whim, but rather a necessity, because in the modern world it is important to always stay in touch. But far from the city there are often no power lines, no base stations for mobile operators, and network coverage is uneven. If you are familiar with this problem, connect satellite Internet from Tricolor.

How to connect the Internet at the dacha?

The procedure for connecting to satellite Internet from Tricolor is the same for both owners of country cottages and dacha owners. First you need to choose a tariff: contact our specialists, they will suggest the best option based on your needs. The next step is purchasing a set of equipment. Choose your nearest branded showroom, sales and service center or authorized Tricolor dealership and make your purchase. The third stage is installation and connection of equipment. You can order this service from specialists or perform installation yourself using the instructions. Please note that in the absence of special skills and experience, it is not recommended to install the kit, since an illiterate connection can negatively affect the quality of the connection.

Advantages of satellite Internet from Tricolor

The main advantage is the ability to provide access to the network even far from the city where cellular operators do not operate. At the same time, satellite Internet is characterized by high speed of data reception and transmission - 40 Mbit/s and 10 Mbit/s, respectively. Tricolor also provides a high level of service: a 24-hour customer support service is ready to help and answer all questions at any time of the day or night, including on weekends.

Connect the available satellite Internet from Tricolor and follow the news, watch movies in online cinemas, scroll through your feed on social networks, easily communicate with colleagues and solve work issues even in the country! We are sure that you will definitely like the price and quality of our services!

“Satellite Internet” is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services are provided to subscribers by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of communication services by Eutelsat Networks LLC.