What attracts people on the Internet. How to attract people to network marketing

Hello guys! Sanya Borisov is in touch with you! How to make money on the Internet? If you are looking for an answer to this question, you are new to the world of online earnings, then you are very lucky that you came across this article, because now you will find out that on the Internet there is an 80% chance that you will never earn money, all your attempts making money will turn out to be a failure for you, all your efforts will go down the drain and in the end you will spit on all this earnings on the Internet and will live in peace, live, as they say, and make good money like most people on earth...

Before reading the article further, I DEFINITELY recommend that you sign up for a live online webinar, which we will conduct with my colleague Ruslan Bely and tell you what methods of earning money exist today and which ones are relevant for you at the moment, regardless of your age, gender and status.

At the webinar we will tell you how you can normally earn from 30-50 rubles in 9-12 months. per month thanks to your website or blog. We’ll explain everything to you in simple terms, ONE, TWO, THREE... Even a teapot will understand... Don’t miss this chance to attend such an event...

We hold such events only once a year...

I’m not the one who wants to sell you something now, deceive you, hang noodles on your ears, offer to make money, etc. I am the person who makes money on the Internet and knows how hard it is earned. I know that a 14-year-old guy or girl, a student, a middle-aged person, a pensioner, etc., who just went into a search engine today and typed the phrase “how to make money on the Internet” in the search bar will never be able to make money online if he doesn’t even know how to do it and what you need to know, be able to do and have in order to earn money.

There is simply a mountain of information today, but not many people know where to start, where to go, what to study and in what direction to move in order to make money on the Internet. Of these few who know, only a few earn money anyway, the rest play with electronic virtual money, which will never end up in their bank account with subsequent withdrawal...

Briefly speaking! Read what I write and you will be happy. I will write the whole truth, I’m tired of this lie at every step. “Earn here, earn here, quickly, easily, in 2 weeks $1000, a million, two, three, automatically, without doing anything........,” etc. In general, one lie...

From this article you will learn all the ways to really make money on the Internet, as well as what you need to learn and how many hours a day you need to work hard and ruin your health in front of the monitor screen in order to earn at least 20-30 thousand rubles a month!!!

I remember myself when I started to master the Internet in March 2009. At that time, before I started exploring the possibilities of making money on the Internet, I first needed to learn the rules for using a computer, since I didn’t know many buttons on it. “Start - programs - standard - games - solitaire solitaire.” If you know more, then you are already luckier than me. You will go faster if you are not lazy.

More than 2 years have passed now. What I knew then and what I know today about the topic of making money on the Internet is heaven and earth. Now I remember myself 2 years ago and it’s funny, I made such unrealistic plans, I wanted to earn a lot there and here and here and here... Ahhh... In short, it’s like something similar to what happened...

By the way, because of this syndrome, most people will never be able to make money on the Internet. This passion for big money, which they think they can soon earn, will destroy them. Naivety, not a sober view, not deliberate actions and not a correct assessment of real opportunities

- all this is what ultimately makes zombies out of people who go in the wrong direction, they go, they go, and when they stop, look around and see where they find themselves and that they have achieved nothing, they give up, spit on everything and send to damn all these earnings, financial independence, success and so on... =)

OK. Well, let's get down to business. If you really want to know how to make money online, then read on. All the hard stuff is yet to come.

So! First, you must clearly understand and grasp for yourself the 3 simple laws of making money on the Internet. This is very, very important if you don’t want to be among those who not only don’t make money on the Internet, having wasted a lot of their time and health on the computer, but also among those who donate a lot of money to all sorts of scammers, swindlers and swindlers and will remain with the nose.

First - “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap”
Second - “If the work is simple, you won’t earn much money from it”
Third - “If you want to get something, be prepared to give something.”

Regarding the first one. If you are called somewhere, do something for free, for free, etc. and make money - I’m 99% sure you’ll be deceived. Example - Monelik and Unlimus. No comments.

Second. If somewhere you are offered to earn money without really straining yourself, easily and without risks - I am 99% sure that you will either be deceived, or if they are not deceived, then you will not earn much money in this matter. Good money is not earned easily or simply. You need to get this on your toes!

Third - If you want to get some tangible result from some business in making money on the Internet, then no matter how you look at it, you will have to sacrifice something, either your precious time or investing money. This is a fact, I don’t think anyone will argue with it.

Here! Three golden laws of making money on the Internet; anyone who wants to add any other laws, please write in the comments.

Well, okay, the most interesting and saddest is yet to come.

Let's look at the main ways to make money on the Internet, from which you can make good money, and what kind of work will need to be done by an ordinary person who, as they say, is not booming in making money on the Internet, but who would like to improve his financial situation with an additional 20-30 -40-50 t.r. per month.

I list the most profitable ways to earn money:

1. Earn money on your website or blog
2. Earning money from affiliate programs
3. Earning money on file hosting services
4. Earning money from network companies
5. Earn money from your project on the Internet
6. Earning money as a freelancer
7. Earn money from your information products

Here are 7 ways to make money on the Internet that people actually make money from. All other methods, such as, for example, earning money from clicks, from surveys, from forums, from viewing advertisements, from reading articles, etc. - these are those ways of earning money from which you will not earn a lot of money, although...

Maybe you will earn money, but, pardon the expression, you will die at the computer... =) And also, “a lot” is an elastic concept. For some, maybe 1000 rubles. a month is a lot, but for some $3000 is not enough =)

So. Newbies, I am writing for you.

Method number 1 - Earn money on your website or blog.

Do you have a website or blog? If not, then you will have to create one. Creating a website today is not a problem; there are plenty of educational video courses on the Internet. Buy, download, learn and go ahead. Learn how to create websites and blogs, etc.

There is one BUT! Almost all video courses will give you only basic information on creating a website or blog, everything else (how to do this on a website, how to do this, this, and also how to install this plugin on a blog, how, how, how...) you will have to STUDY YOURSELF!!!

Search in google or yandex, ask experienced webmasters, experiment, freak out when something doesn’t work out and rejoice, jumping with happiness when everything is a bitch...

In short... Honestly. This is complete brutality... It’s very difficult, but there’s no other way...

After you make yourself a website or blog, you will need to promote it (increase traffic and quality indicators). If the blog is zero, then, as Artemy Lebedev said, you can only earn enough for a sandwich from it. =)

Promotion is a matter that is several times more difficult than creating a website or blog. You will also need to study various information, you will need to sit at the computer for days and search, read, absorb various information. By the way, there is a way out. You can do everything much simpler, order website promotion from some guys or offices, they will promote your brainchild for you, only they will take the money, mom, don’t worry...

It is very, very difficult for a beginner to promote a resource on his own. I know it from myself. Starting from scratch, when you don’t have anything in your head, when you don’t even know how to install a counter on a website, this is fucked up... So I want to tell you right away, dear newbie.

If you want to create a website or blog for yourself and live in hopes of making money from them, get ready to work like hell. Your back will ache while sitting on a chair at the computer, the blood vessels in your eyes will sometimes burst from tension, you may begin to hunch your back, etc... I feel sorry for you...

But I want to make you happy, if you go to the end and don’t fall halfway or even earlier, then it will be much easier for you later. You'll hit your hand and trample...

When your website or blog becomes mega cool and popular, then you will be able to earn good money from it, but while it is of zero or mediocre quality, then I will repeat the words of Artemy Lebedev, you will earn enough for a sandwich.

There are many different resources on the Internet that make money, but to be honest, 60-70 percent (in my opinion) only pretend to make money, but in fact it is a simple cycle. Earned $100 - spent on advertising, hosting, buying links, working for freelancers, etc... Not a plus, in short...

And one more small moment. For example, if you run a blog, then you need to write articles in it. What should I write? Here you go... To write, you need to write something, you need to have some experience in some area. If you don’t have any experience, it’s very bad. It will be hard to write...

And now to making money on a website or blog. How to make money on them:

I won’t describe it in detail, but you can read it here:

How much you can earn depends on your website or blog and on you, of course, the more experienced and competent you are, the better.

Method number 2. Earning money from affiliate programs.

I included it as a separate income, because in affiliate programs you can earn money without having anything at all, no website, no blog, no initial capital, etc.

It seems cool, BUT... =) To make good money in affiliate programs, you again need to study a bunch of different information, look for profitable affiliate programs, constantly be among the first to promote a product or service, etc. . I gave you a link to the article above, read it.

The whole truth of making money on affiliate programs is that those guys who have a huge subscriber base really make money from them. I wrote about this in my article - “”. Be sure to read it. If you don’t have a subscriber base, and, in principle, your own website, then making money on affiliate programs is difficult, very difficult...

If you have a well-traveled website or blog, then profit from affiliate programs is a great way to make money!

Method number 3. Earning money on file hosting services.

The essence of making money. Let’s go, for example, to the file hosting service depositfiles.com and upload a file; if it is downloaded 1000 times, you get $5-7. Without your help, no one will know about this file, so you need to talk about it on your website, which you should have.

Tell us about the file. Like, here’s a program, download it, use it... People download it, money flows to you.

The whole truth about making money on file hosting services is that - in order for you to earn at least $1000 per month, you need to have about 1000, or better yet 5000, or better yet 10,000 downloaded files and site traffic of about 20,000 -30,000 visitors per day . =) Then everything will be fine! In the meantime, there are no such indicators, then excuse me...

Method number 4. Earning money in network companies.

Everything here is generally very tough. You can't even imagine how. Read here:

Method No. 5. Earn money from your project on the Internet.

I have a good friend who keeps telling me this. Sanya, you shouldn’t suffer through bullshit, blogging, affiliate programs, advertising, etc., but open your project on a network like smartresponder, exchanges Rotapost, Blogun, Sape, Linkum, Seopult, etc. Only, he says, we need to come up with something new. =) That's where all the money is.

Damn, great idea! Especially when you don’t understand this whole topic... =) In principle, it’s not bad to give a lot of money, amounting to hundreds of thousands of rubles, to programmers and they will make you some kind of exchange or service like Seopult, Smartresponder, etc. or something else something. What then?

What to do with competitors? How to organize the work of your project, how to find real smart guys who will work professionally and move the project forward? Not everything is as simple as it seems. Everything starts small.

First, you need to become a pro in some area, understand your business inside and out, establish connections with the guys who are moving in this topic, and then you can already think about your project. Just as a car mechanic won’t open his own dental clinic, so a simple person, FROM ZERO, WITHOUT A LOT OF MOUNTAIN AND KNOWLEDGE, won’t launch his project online... 000.1% out of 100.

Method number 6. Earning money as a freelancer.

Well, I think everything is clear here. A freelancer is a person who does some specific work for money. This could be website promotion services, some design work, the development of some programs, scripts, website development, copyright, rewriting, etc. etc. In order to make money here you must be able to do something.

There are various services for this on the network, please register on a website for example free-lance.ru and offer your services. What can you do?

The whole truth is that... why explain, if you want to earn a lot of money, you must be a pro, you must have great experience in the business you are doing, a portfolio. You should have good reviews, people who have already used your services should recommend you to others...

I think everything is clear. Do your job better than others and you will get more...

Method No. 7. Earn money from your information products.

This way of earning money is very profitable. But in order to earn a lot of money in it, you need to be a professional in some field. I know several such professionals online - Evgeny Popov, Azamat Ushanov, Yusuf Gubaidullin, Evgeny Smirnov...

These guys have put in years of work to become who they are today. Years of study, years of creating a huge subscription base, years of fruitful and serious work...

The whole truth is that in order to make money here, you need a lot, just a lot of experience and free time, creating information products is not an easy task, I know from myself. It’s one thing to make a product, another thing to sell it, you know how in Russia people try to get this or that material - we go to Google and type in “download ..................... for free " =)

Let's sum it up! Is it possible to make money on the Internet? Yes! Can. BUT! It takes a lot of work! Work, work and work again!!! If you decide to make money on the Internet from scratch, then get ready to devote at least several hours a day to this (I’ve been working for almost 8-10 hours, or even more, lately).

First of all, you need to study. Study, absorb information, think, and not rush forward headlong, analyze the situation, etc.

Make a plan for your actions, set goals, what you want to learn on the Internet, what skills to master, how much to earn, etc. and follow the plan. Don't cook porridge in your head, don't fill your head with a lot of information.

If you are a beginner at all, then I advise you to start by learning the basics of website building. My video course “” will help you, after which you can start a blog and write in it. What to write and on what topic? Whatever, I don’t believe that you have nothing to blog about.

Well, if you are unique and you really have nothing to write about, then learn something and write about it. I once heard about a blogger who started a blog and started writing on it from scratch. From the very beginning, from the first article, he told his readers that throughout the year, every day he would learn something new and write about it.

On the first day he learned how to make a salad in French, he wrote a blog, on the second day he learned how to make animals out of balloons - he wrote it on the blog, on the third day he learned how to take a screenshot using the Snagit program - he wrote it on the blog, etc. Over the course of a year, he published 365 articles and all the readers of his blog were simply blown away by this guy... Here's an example for you!!! Respect!!!

As soon as your blog gains momentum, put a Google Adsense ad on it, for example, and that’s your first penny. More to come... Study, learn, act... The more you know and can do, the more experience you have, the more you are worth...

Well, that's all for now. I think I conveyed to you the idea of ​​the article - making money on the Internet is VERY HARD!!! I made money everywhere, and made websites to order, and did computer help at home, and worked in a taxi, and sawed boards at a sawmill for 12 hours a day, and collected berries for change, and I can safely say - all this is easy compared to what what efforts need to be made in order to make money on the Internet.

Why don't many guys make money online? I know the answer to this question. Because many do not understand that in order for good income from business on the Internet to come, time must pass... There is no quick money on the Internet, and until people who just went to the Internet and want to earn money understand this, they will be on the Internet pyramids, scams, scams, etc...

I wish you success and big earnings on the Internet.

By the way, can anyone write in the comments that they easily and simply make money on the Internet? Did he start making money so easily or did he work very hard? Thank you! This will help beginners who will read this article when they type into Google - “The whole truth about making money on the Internet”...

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

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1. Positive

“I don’t know why I’m here, but what the hell is it?” A wonderful start.

Another hit is “I don’t believe in online dating at all.” But you came here and for some reason decided to use this very phrase to tell the world about yourself. To stand out and get attention, feel like a journalist and the hero of your own story.

The beginning should catch, intrigue, arouse interest. Think about what aspect of your life is especially interesting - maybe it’s your job or hobby. Make a bold statement, one that you want to argue with. Write a phrase that guides you through life. You never know what else. Show your imagination!

2. Speak in your own words

For the love of God, don’t use these endless adjectives - “I’m kind, caring, without bad habits”...

I remember for a long time the text on one girl’s page, which right off the bat said: “Put everything aside and listen here: I’m the one your mommy dreamed of!” Be bright, be yourself.

If it’s difficult to write about yourself, try telling it. Take your cell phone and write down a short story about yourself on it as if you have already met the person you are looking for and are happy to tell him everything he doesn’t know about you yet. You can start with some funny incident from your childhood, or even with an anecdote. Then listen to everything again and write it down on paper. Cut down what is unnecessary.

3. My name is Greek God

4. Ask a friend

For some reason, such a simple technique does not often come to mind. Ask a friend, or better yet three, and preferably male: “Do you think my text and my photograph can attract attention?”, “Am I like in real life?”, “Would you like to be with me?” meet if you read it?

The way we see ourselves is sometimes not the same as the way others see us. It often happens that we choose rather strange photographs in which we think ourselves beautiful, and leave aside really bright photographs.

5. Honesty is also a way to attract attention.

If you are 52, do not write that you are 48. Moreover, the difference is small, no matter how you look at it.

Either you are terribly old for 20-year-olds, or you are already in the prime of your life for “insiders”. Don't write that eternal phrase: "They tell me that I look much younger than my age." Be proud of who you are and the place you occupy.

6. Don't be rude

Being honest about who you're looking for is one thing, being rude is another, and the line that separates one from the other is pretty clear.

One of the best phrases in quotation marks that I read looked like this: “Pass by if you ...” And then followed a list of characteristics of those unfortunate women who were denied access to the owner of the page.

Between us, middle-aged people, how many of us have come close enough to the ideal over the years to write something like this?

7. Understatement

Let us remind you that dating on the Internet is not a school “outspoken” conversation, not LiveJournal, and not a speech in Alcoholics Anonymous. Something must remain unsaid.

You will tell your chosen one everything when you are alone with him. In the meantime, don't hang all your skeletons out of the closet for everyone to see, find them a more suitable place.

8. Check your spelling

Some typos are cute, but there are also people who will think you're lazy or careless. In any case, it is now quite possible to check spelling, and in personal correspondence, if you pressed the wrong key by mistake, write back the correct version of the word - this is a simple show of respect for your interlocutor.

And it’s so nice to immediately set such a leisurely manner and respectful tone to your future acquaintance.

9. Expect the unexpected

If you find that you consistently attract the same type of men, you may want to change your search parameters. Pay attention not only to the fact that you both like to cook or listen to the same artists. Do not refuse those whose appearance is not so brilliant at first glance.

You are here to search, and therefore to experiment. As Oscar Wilde said, “expect the unexpected.” And as Winston Churchill said - never, never, never give up!

Every year the number of remote workers increases. has proven its convenience and benefits. But not everyone has yet learned to distinguish “correct” vacancies from scam advertisements. Rjob found out what kind of “scam” you can find on the Internet, how to recognize it, who dropshippers are and how to find a decent job at a distance.

The Internet doesn't sleep. He is ready around the clock to offer freebie lovers new ways to honestly take money. Moreover, the process of transferring money is disguised as income. And to put it simply: not every vacancy that you can find on the Internet implies an honest employer, specific tasks, and Most of them are a virtual scam in which, at best, you will leave your time, and more often, also money.

What vacancies for “working on the Internet” can you find on the Internet and why should you not apply for them?


This type is more often considered as a part-time job rather than a job. The ease of employment attracts, and “instant” bonuses lull vigilance. Indeed, is it difficult for you to watch the video and answer a couple of questions? Or fill out a form for which 30-50 rubles will be credited to your personal account?

What do they offer online?

Take surveys and answer questions. And also – actively attract new users. They offer several hundred rubles for one virtual soul.

What's the catch?

Option 1. You have come to a real site that makes money by conducting surveys (you can determine it by reviews: type the site address and “reviews” into a search engine and look at a couple of links). In 10-20 minutes you will be credited with 30-40 virtual rubles. The catch is that a minimum amount is set for withdrawal, for example, 500 rubles. How long will it take to “scrape them up”? By the way, the terms and conditions may indicate that if you have not visited the site for a certain time, your virtual account will be reset to zero.

Option 2. You have reached the site (we check again by reviews). At best, you won't be able to output anything. At worst, your data is sold to spammers.

If the survey is conducted by a well-known marketing agency whose website is trustworthy. That is, a feedback form is active on it, addresses, telephone numbers and other legal data are indicated.

Online store administrator

Shopping online won’t surprise anyone anymore, that’s why it’s considered ordinary. However, there may be a catch here too.

What do they offer online?

Responsibilities usually include: placing and processing orders, providing feedback to customers, placing advertisements, creating banners, filling out product cards, increasing store turnover.

It’s one thing when you get a job in an existing store, and quite another if you are offered to open your own. Agree that this sounds tempting. Moreover, you can not work directly with suppliers, but become a dropshipper.

Dropshipping is translated from English as “direct delivery”. You become an intermediary between the wholesaler and the buyer. You do the same administrative work, but in your store. The advantage is that you do not need to buy the product in advance. Only when the buyer ordered it.

What's the catch?

    It is not the manufacturer or your intermediary who will be responsible for the pig in the poke, but you personally to the buyer. No, you, of course, can return the goods further down the chain... But how long will it take, will the funds be returned to you?

    You cannot influence delivery times. It depends on your partners.

    Since you will have to work with finances, you will need to open an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes.

When should you accept a job?

If you are confident in the quality of the product you plan to sell, in the reliability of the supplier and you have an insurance amount in case of force majeure and payment of taxes.

Information Manager

In real companies (real ones - with an office, charter, staff, lunches, etc.), the information manager deals with issues related to the transfer, storage and use of information. In Russia, these responsibilities are often delegated to programmers.

What do they offer online?

Employment 2-3 hours a day, salary - from 15-20 thousand rubles and ad infinitum. Responsibilities: advertising and information consulting (processing letters, answering questions, communicating with clients by correspondence). Sometimes the vacancy is even called “HR manager.”

What's the catch?

It’s easy to hide a marketing pyramid under a beautiful job title. Yes, you really don't have to sell anything. But you will have to attract new users. In fact, employers (if you can call them that in relation to the pyramid) do not deceive, because further distribution of the network occurs by posting advertisements on job boards, explaining by mail about how much money can be earned in the system, answering questions, persuasion, encouragement and so on.

The catch is that you will not be offered a specific salary for such employment. Income will depend on the number of unfortunate people involved and their activity.

When should you accept a job?

If you are confident in the reputability of the company, you have been given specific tasks, you have seen the contract and they offer you a fixed payment for the work.

Own business

An option for the ambitious, for those who don’t want to “waste their time” and work “for someone else,” for those who “want to secure their future.” Well, you get the idea. Everyone wants to build their own financial empire, take the position of the Diamond-Diamond Super-Mega-King in it and laugh from the height of their pedestal at those who missed such a valuable offer.

What do they offer online?

“Additional income. Legal, safe, stable." They ask you not to ban, but to consider an employment option in which you can earn a “decent amount” in 2-3 hours. They put pressure on the fact that this is a business, that you are building your own system, which “will generate constant income without your participation.”

What's the catch?

In fact, it turns out that this is all the same network marketing: you were attracted by one person, you must attract another 5-10, for each person referred you will receive a certain amount. But, most likely, the money will come in the form of a percentage of sales of the product around which the network is built.

The MMM system has proven its effectiveness. Unfortunately.

When should you accept a job?

If you personally like the product or company that you will need to sell. You will have the opportunity to shop at a good discount. It's also worth going if you are persuasive and like selling.

What should you be wary of in a vacancy?

1. Advance payment by the employee

About 15-20 years ago, the work of collecting pens was popular. The simplicity of the tasks was captivating: screw on the caps and send parcels with new batches. And it didn’t even bother me that the first batch had to be bought back. It seemed logical: they are sending you valuable cargo, customers must be sure that you are not a fraudster and will return the pens to them assembled. Unfortunately, everything was limited to the first translation. No one sent raw materials, no one was in a hurry to pay wages.

Now, instead of pens, they offer to undergo paid training, purchase a book, install a license, download a new browser, or do something else - for money. You must be sure that you understand the tasks correctly.

You can go through several stages of selection, look at the wallpaper behind your potential boss during the interview, visit a virtual office and get to know your colleagues. But as soon as you are offered to pay for something, close the site, delete your contacts and look for work elsewhere.

2. Lack of contacts

The minimum you should obtain from a potential employer is their legal address and company name. Ideally, you should see the office on an online map, be able to call by phone (and know these numbers), look at and friend the bosses on social networks.

If on the website of the future customer only a mobile phone is indicated, and the e-mail is set up on free mail servers like Mail.ru or Yandex, you should not be surprised if at the end of the month you receive a blocking instead of a salary.

3. Personal information

Instead of money, they ask you for too much personal information: a passport with registration pages, tax identification number, home address and spouse’s phone number. Yes, this information is usually needed to conclude a contract (except for the mobile phone number). But are you sure that they will conclude it with you? If you have no complaints about the previous point, your test task has been accepted, you know exactly the legal name and address of the future employer, and you can completely trust it.

But if this data needs to be sent before you know all the working conditions... Don’t be surprised when in a month you get a loan that you didn’t take out. So think again.

The identification number can also be created by email address. And the data... - they can be sold, for example, to the same companies that distribute goods through catalogs. And your mailbox will be filled with “Best Products of the Year” and “Talisman of Wealth”.

The Internet can already reveal such personal information about everyone that even the tax inspector will be surprised. So you shouldn’t help spread facts that scammers can take advantage of.

How to find a decent job online

The average salary of a freelancer according to a study by the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) in 2013 was 38,000 rubles (p. 181), while the average salary in Russia in the same year was 29,792 rubles. This proves that there is money for freelancers, they are willingly paid.

Here are some tips on how to recognize a worthy vacancy:

    According to the laws of the market, unskilled work cannot be paid highly. A whole army of people with low demands are competing for it, ready to work for pennies or even be deceived. Such vacancies include work on joining groups, filling out surveys, and so on.

    There are vacancies that do not involve payment, and this is still a mutually beneficial cooperation. For example, this could be work while studying to become a social network administrator, when a person learns a new specialty on a real project. The student gains experience. And if, moreover, he does his job well, then he will get a line in the portfolio or even a permanent paying customer upon completion of training.

    The best way to get honest and well-paid jobs is to make sure that not you are looking, but they are looking for you. Improve your skills, specialize, publish your cases not only among industry professionals, but also among potential customers.

For example, if you specialize in promoting yoga studios, actively participate in discussions on forums for yoga professionals, demonstrate your cases, and openly tell them what needs to be done in order to get more clients. This way, you will create an image for yourself as an expert, and customers will want you, and even give you an advance payment. And prepayment is the best insurance against fraud.

When using materials from the site, an indication of the author and an active link to the site are required!

How to attract the people you need? 10 psychological techniques.

1. Response to kindness, or the Benjamin Franklin effect

The story goes that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win over a man who didn't love him. This man was looking for a rare book that Franklin had. Benjamin found out about this and lent him this rare book, and when it returned to the owner, Benjamin simply thanked him. As a result of this, they became best friends.

As Franklin said: “He to whom you have once done good is ready to return you with good much greater than yours...”

2. Ask for more than you want

This effect is very simple and akin to trading on the market. The effect almost always works. You are obliged to increase your demands if a person needs you. At first you will most likely receive a refusal. Don't resist, but give it time. In 95% of cases, the person interested in you will respond again and offer a little less than you requested, but at the same time guaranteed higher than what you initially expected.

3. An imposed desire to help

The reception is very similar to the previous one. In order to awaken in a person an independent desire to help you, ask him once for something that he definitely will not agree to. Having received a refusal, you have created for yourself a person who considers himself obligated to you. Most likely, he will turn to you more than once on his own with a desire to help, because inside he will have a feeling of guilt.

3. A person's name is like a magic sound

Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, believes that using someone's name when speaking is an incredibly powerful argument. A person's name is the most pleasant sound for him. By saying his name in a positive context, you grow significantly in his eyes.

4. Flattery is everywhere

She is everywhere and always. To begin with, it is important to understand that flattery must appear natural, otherwise it can do more harm than good.

If you flatter someone who has high self-esteem, then you have a greater chance of success. Such people love themselves and love flattery, but they do not notice it. And those who have low self-esteem see any positive assessment as a catch and deception.

5. Mirror

If you want to please a person, copy him. People with such a skill are considered chameleons in society; from the outside it is noticeable how they constantly change and adapt to each individual. However, this skill must be at least slightly developed in order to attract the people you need.

The work of parody actors is based on this principle. All the celebrities who have been parodied on TV are often good friends of these actors.

6. Ask for mercy from the tired

When someone is tired, they are more receptive to all requests. The reason for this is that a tired person becomes tired not only physically, but also mentally. If the boss is tired, then it is easy for him to allow you to finish it tomorrow, but you must finish it without fail and with high quality. This will give you a little respect in the eyes of your boss. After all, you kept your word.

7. Start asking for small things

It's simple, ask a little at the beginning, and they will give you a credit of trust. According to this principle, people become dependent on social movements. For example, at first you are asked to support an action against deforestation, you support it, then again and again. It’s a small thing, but you are ready to give more. Are you ready to support an action against deforestation in distant Tanzania or join the Green Party and make contributions.

8. Don't correct people when they're wrong.

Carnegie also wrote in his famous book that you should not poke your nose at a person’s obvious mistake immediately after you have found it. If you want to change a person’s point of view, then approach this carefully. Even if in front of you is a loser who blames anyone but himself for his troubles, you should not shout in your face. Agree with him at the moment and gradually try to change his point of view. Otherwise, you risk becoming enemy number one.

9. Repeat phrases and expressions of the right people

This principle is akin to the “chameleon” principle, when a person, with facial expressions and gestures, repeats the person with whom he is interested in communicating. Words can be soothing to the ear if they sound like an echo. It is necessary to pronounce what a person has already said, what he heard inside his head.

10. Nod of the head

Scientists have found that when people nod while listening to someone, they are more likely to agree with them. They also discovered that when someone nods in front of them, the person parrots them back. Thus, the nod stimulates the listener's agreement. Everything is based on our favorite principle of imitation...

1. Stay busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

2. Act as if you are already happy and you will actually become happier.

3. Don't criticize, don't judge, don't complain.

4. If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings.

5. Remember that your interlocutor may be completely wrong. But he doesn't think so. Don't judge him.

6. Know how to take the position of another person and understand what HE needs, not you. The whole world will be with the one who can do this.

7. If a person tries to use you for his own purposes, cross him out from among your acquaintances.

8. If fate gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it.

9. Never try to settle scores with your enemies, because by doing so you will do yourself much more harm than them.

10. Act like General Eisenhower: never think for a minute about people who are unpleasant to you.

There are texts, but they are not read. A familiar problem, right? At least I've heard about it more than one hundred times. And most often they talk about this on some SEO optimizer forums or analyzer services.

« Here we have created the text. They wrote directly from the universal technical specifications. We filed down a dozen keys and filled in five pictures. But they don’t read it. There is no conversion, and not much visitors either. What are we doing wrong? We probably need to add a dozen more keys, right?»

The standard reasoning of a person who keeps only robots in his head. I have already talked about why this is dangerous in . I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material and change your worldview before it’s too late.

Forget about robots, think about what attracts visitors to the site.

Before diving into the topic, I suggest you do a simple exercise:

  • close all analyzers. Seriously, even though I, completely forget about their existence. They are useful, but can easily harm a person who does not understand quality content;
  • present a product, service or idea that we will sell to the user. You need to understand what exactly promotes content. What function does it perform and why does it exist in principle;
  • imagine the average reader. Think about your target audience. Who will read the text and why. Their education, experience, interests - all influence the style, dynamics and ideas proposed.

Now you are ready to dive into the world of exciting content and understand what attracts people to text advertising on the Internet. Yes, I didn't make a mistake. Any material posted on the site is text advertising. Part of a marketing strategy. Part of a very important system that influences conversion.

Useful information is the key to success

Remember the first and most important thing about how the text for a website should be – useful. If in it there is no reader benefit, it will 100% remain somewhere on the outskirts of the top 100. And guess what? It serves him right!

Learning to create useful content is no more difficult than learning to ride a bike. To do this you need:

  • take the place of a representative of the target audience. Sit down and think about why you would like to get to this page. You can start your work from the semantic core, working through each key phrase according to the principle “why? When? Why? For what?". As a result, you will have the necessary array of reader requests on hand;
  • collect as much useful information as possible. Read all the useful articles about your product or service. Look at what others are writing about and take away only the most important information. You must collect as much data as possible. Become a real expert. Then choose the sweet spot that helps readers make a choice. And make text around it, getting rid of the rest of the water;
  • add numbers. What does everyone love? Numbers! Even if they say they don’t love you, that’s actually not the case. More than 80% of users leave a site after 10 seconds of browsing if they don’t find numbers there. Agree, it sounded cooler than “ many users look at the site for a minimum of time if there are no numbers there" That's it. Digital specifics are captivating and immediately add a couple of credibility points.

Therefore, even if you write, you must not forget about the benefits and numbers. These are some of the first factors influencing the number of bounces and viewing depth.

Interesting - don't let the reader fall asleep

« The washing machine, invented hundreds of years ago, made it possible to significantly simplify human economic life. With its help I was able to wash my clothes better. It made it easy to remove stains, including very strong ones.
A washing machine is a necessary item in any home. It allows you to remove stains from clothes, including dirt and paint...

Do you feel what I'm getting at? ? You can just fall asleep from this text. A great bedtime story. But a good half of the Internet is filled with precisely such materials.

You can even break your hands creating ideal technical specifications, but you won’t get high-quality material. Because you set the wrong goal for the author and pay for absolutely the wrong thing.

Search engines are constantly improving. They strive for only one thing - to provide people with materials relevant to their requests. That is, under " buy a washing machine"there will be exclusively shops under " washing machine reviewX» only reviews and interesting articles. And your content will remain somewhere among low-quality information sites or even end up on the margins of search results.

Try to give only interesting and relevant information. Are you writing about a specific model? Just talk about her and that's it. About the manufacturer - the same. Do you give a historical excursion? Well, here you can spill your thoughts on the tree. But not much.

Remember, website texts that are interesting to read are less likely to be closed. The refusal rate is falling, behavioral factors are growing. Search engines will appreciate this.

Correct style - don't overwhelm the reader

« In the conditions of constant production of means of production using means of production, we are increasing the capabilities of our enterprise, placing at key points the capacities necessary to meet the needs of customers of any level, including dynamically added load during seasonal work, taking into account the correlation of temporary customer needs».

Yes, I started with an example again. Such offers are also not uncommon on sites. It seems like cheap copywriters are in a real race to find the longest sentence. Sometimes it expanded to large paragraph size.

Is this necessary? No. At least if you plan to sell a product, and not just break the reader’s brain.

People love dynamic style. It revitalizes the brain, activates it, makes it read. We break habitual behavior patterns. And this gives an additional marketing effect.

Notice how I write and blog. Long sentences occur and sometimes reach impressive lengths. But I don't let them take up entire paragraphs. Do you see? A long sentence is divided into a short one. This creates the desired dynamics.

Achieving this style in cheap text is a challenge. Novice copywriters simply don’t know how to write like that. They are accustomed to long sentences. Want quality? Then get ready to spend some money.

Summing up

It's easy to create interesting text for a website. Total only a couple of years of experience, studying specialized literature and a lot of constant practice. That's the whole secret.

Are you ready to fill your site with just such articles? Then you should contact Lemur the copywriter. I'm waiting for your applications!