What does it mean to enter a username. Your username and password


Create a unique username and password for yourself

To identify yourself on the Internet, you must have a so-called login (or nickname, from the English “nickname”) and a password.

The login is in Latin letters and should not be repeated with other participants of the web resource. This is a rather creative process that requires a lot of effort, because... most of the names are already taken. A simple solution would be to add the parts of your name with your date of birth, and perhaps the resulting word combination will be free. For example, your name is Karasev Ivan Viktorovich and you were born on October 12, 1976. In this case, in order not to forget your future login, you can try the following options:

  • KarasevIV1976

  • IvanViktorovich1976

  • Karasev12101976

And probably some of the above will be free.

The password can be any combination of numbers and Latin letters. Remember your password, or better yet, write it down somewhere and don’t show it to anyone.

Register a new username

In order to visit today's popular sites (for example, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki) and many others, you need to go through the registration procedure. At first glance, the process may seem complicated, but in fact it is quite trivial.

Find a link on the site with the text “Registration” and follow it. Fill out all fields in the forms provided. Difficulties may arise with the “Electronic” (or “Email”) field. If you do not have mail, then you will need to create it (using the same username and password) on one of the free mail services, for example, Gmail or Mail.ru.

After filling out all the fields, click the confirm button and follow the site instructions to complete the registration.

Log in to the site using the username and password you created.

To do this, find two fields on the site where you need to enter what you created earlier.


On some sites, you need to enter an email address instead of a login.

Helpful advice

The process may seem complicated the first time, but after a few days of using the Internet, you will be teaching your friends the basics of registering new users.


  • how to make up names for yourself

Name current user computer is the name of the account under which the work is being performed. It gives various rights to perform certain actions. To find a name user on Windows XP, you need to go to the Application Data folder.

You will need

  • - computer


Since the Application Data folder is hidden in the Windows XP operating system, first enable the display of hidden system directories. To do this, launch the Control Panel, find “Folder Options,” or, alternatively, look for this item in the properties of any selected folder in the context menu. Then select the “Show hidden folders and files” option and check the box next to it. In the Folder Options window, click the Apply button, then click OK.

To find a name user, keep in mind that the Application Data folder has any account (user) that is created in the operating system. Because operating system programs are usually unpacked onto logical drive C, the desired folder will be located along the path C:/Documents and Settings/user/Application Data, where user is the desired name user or the so-called account, for example, “Alexander”.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It seems like a simple question, but it still often arises for novice Internet users when they need a login and password.

It would be better if I immediately warn you and try to explain the importance of your usernames and passwords, because on the Internet they break everything, and not just where something is located.

What is “my login” and how does it differ from a username?

So, login is your individual identifier (must be unique for the service where you register). Now many services allow you to use names or nicknames written in Russian letters as your logins, but previously everyone was required to use exclusively Latin characters and numbers when writing them.

This is apparently due to the fact that the data received during user registration (login and password) is stored in the database. Therefore, when entering my login, I use the same rule that is acceptable to use in - ,,,[_],[-]. This spelling is suitable when registering for any service.

You still have to figure it out what is login, and what is a username. Very often one is different from the other. This confusion is growing from the same above-mentioned rule of using only Latin characters when registering, while on the forum, website, blog and social network where you register, it would be appropriate to use usernames (real or nicknames) written in Russian language.

That’s why you often have to fill out two fields in the registration form: login (only in Latin) and name (possibly in Russian). True, there is now a general trend on the Internet towards simplification, and there are fewer and fewer sites where you are confused by incomprehensible fields with two similar concepts.

Now often use as their login just your mailbox address or the mobile phone number specified during registration. Moreover, you can use any of these identifiers (login, phone or E-mail). It is clear that I am not talking about forums, but about sites like or.

It’s also worth coming up with your login wisely, because your personal data (full name) indicated in it can help attackers apply social engineering methods to you if you inadvertently become an object of interest for such individuals (this is how wallets in electronic payment systems, postal and social accounts, as well as much more).

In our digital age, we need to learn to be vigilant and overcome our innate gullibility. Don't think that no one needs you. They are needed, but not you specifically, but together with thousands more careless users like you. Accounts are stolen online, and then sold in bulk to spammers and other bad people.

In addition, please note that on most services, the the login cannot be changed later, except perhaps only by registering a new account. Therefore, try to think through in advance all the awkward moments that may arise in this regard (for example, having registered in Miralinks under the nickname of one well-known character in the world of SEO, I received questions from the administration several times about the ownership of certain sites added to this system).

A complex password is what will allow you to sleep peacefully

Well, now let’s talk about the second part of personal data, which you will need so much when logging into any service on the Internet. I'm talking about password. What it is? Ideally, this is a very difficult to select and difficult to predict set of characters, which are not always letters or numbers.

The more complex my password is, the more difficult it will be for attackers to hack my mailbox, account on a forum, website or social network by simply searching through dictionaries. An example of bad options would be your name typed in the Latin layout, qwerty options, 123456 and thousands of others, lists of which are available to any hacker lying around.

It is clear that you are insured in case you forget the password you came up with or lose the piece of paper on which you wrote it down. But anything that helps you recover it will help the attacker figure it out. The good old saying still applies: if you put it further away, you will take it closer.

Personally, I realized the need using a secure manager to store my passwords and logins only after the theft of funds from my WebMoney wallet and after almost all of my sites were infected with viruses. In both cases, there was a banal theft of passwords (in the first case, it seems that my mailbox with a password equal to qwertyqwerty was hacked using a brute force method, and in the second case, my passwords for accessing sites via FTP, stored in clear text in filezil, were taken out).

Carelessness is always punishable, especially on the Internet, where the situation is similar to the dashing nineties in Russia. When choosing a password manager, I was guided by reviews on the Internet, and also by the fact that it was free and open source(any understanding programmer will be able to identify developer loopholes if they exist).

The latter is important, because trusting all your data to one single program is quite fraught. But if there are no “bookmarks” in the code, then opening the database without entering the master password or specifying a key file will be almost impossible, because cracking a complex database encryption key with passwords by brute force can take years even on a supercomputer.

The program is again free and open source - time-tested reliability. In general, be vigilant and do not trust even yourself in matters of security.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Very often we don’t know how to come up with a login for Skype or email. We are looking for appropriate programs or trying to come up with a login ourselves. So, what kind of login can you come up with? First of all, let's figure out what the concept of “login” actually means. Login is a concept that means your name in some system, for example, in an email box, on a website or on a social network. In another way, a login is called a nickname or username; there may be such an option as a “fictitious name”. Quite often, the user uses the same login in the games in which he registers, in mailboxes and in other services.

How to come up with a login for mail

First, of course, you should determine what goals your given mailbox for which you need to come up with a login will serve. If this is a work mailbox, then for convenience it is advisable to use your last name and first name, or combine them in a certain way with the name of the organization, if it has not previously appeared in the name of the email server. For work email, we also recommend that you provide accurate information and data about your first and last name when registering. Examples: ,

If you want to create a mailbox for your personal use, then you can choose, for example, an option such as a nickname generator. A nickname generator is a special program that creates nicknames and names for social networks according to user criteria. A person only needs to indicate the desired length of the nickname and the characters with which it should begin and end. The program will do the rest itself, and the person will not have to rack his brains to create a name. An example of such a program would be a server such as: Nickname generator.

How to come up with a username for Skype

On Skype, simple and uncomplicated nicknames and logins are most often used. The most common option is, of course, the first or last name in English and the year of birth.

If you want a more unique login, you can use the following tips:

  • Close your eyes, place your fingers on the keyboard, and type the combination of the required length. The resulting word or phrase will become your new nickname. (hjhlkjk).
  • Think about your hobbies and favorite things, perhaps these are the things that will give you a wave of imagination. (foot_ball).
  • You can use the mirror method. Write your first and last name backwards. A very creative option. (ariavonavi).
  • You can also use some abstract concept or dog name as a nickname. (l_o_v_e).

Now you know what kind of login you can come up with. Good luck to you in your business!

The Internet is a wide network that unites hundreds of thousands of resources, sites, services and forums.

Every day many users come there, each of whom needs to be identified and designated for ease of interaction.

Even at the time of the birth of the World Wide Web, special questionnaires were used for this - profiles.

For them, each user, in addition to his personal data, selected a login and password.

Thanks to this information, he made his page unique and thus identified himself with it.

What it is?

Relatively speaking, Login is your unique identifier by which the system and users recognize you.

In most forums, your login is also your nickname - a nickname that is displayed as a display of the author of the message or post. This part of the profile should be unique for each visitor.

A password is a code phrase that, if entered correctly, the system will recognize you and transfer you to your forum or website profile.

Everyone has their own password, but they can be the same or similar to each other.

What is it for?

This data gives you full access to your profile - a page on a website or forum where information about you is listed and with which you can comfortably conduct a dialogue.

Having a login and password ensures that no one other than the account owner will be able to access and use it.

This is especially true for payment systems whose profiles store personal important information on wallets and cards.

In them, a login and password are simply required - otherwise this data will in fact be freely available.

In other words, account login information is needed to prevent its use by attackers.

How to create a login and password correctly

Since the capabilities of many sites have now increased significantly, users have to leave more and more information about themselves.

To prevent it from falling into third hands, it is very important to set the data correctly - come up with a unique name and, what is much more important, create a complex password that cannot be guessed.

All this happens during the registration process, where in the special Login and Password columns you will be required to write the necessary information.

The last thing you need to think about is the username - set what you want.

The most important thing is that it does not overlap with other users - in which case the system itself will say that the name is taken.

With a password, things are a little more complicated.

Here are some tips that can help you create code words:

  1. In addition to the obvious Latin alphabet, try to use letters of different case, as well as numbers. This will significantly complicate the password, making the spread of characters wider and more difficult to crack.
  2. It is even better if different characters in the code word do not appear in a row. Try to use as few identical letters and symbols as possible to make the password more difficult to guess.
  3. Try to keep the number of characters from 6-8. This is the optimal amount that cannot be hacked or picked up without using special programs.
  4. Do not use standard combinations of letters and numbers - type qwerty1234 or 1234qwerty. Despite the fact that these are complex combinations in appearance, they are among the first to be tested. Ideally, the password should be a phrase or word without repeated letters, several capitals, and several numbers.
  5. For better memorization, you can use the names of your favorite books, groups or authors as keywords. If you also add numbers, it will be very difficult to hack.

It is worth saying that most modern sites are equipped with a password complexity diagnostic function.

What does it mean? In a special window you will be shown its complexity and given recommendations if the keyword turns out to be too simple.

Most often, registration will simply not complete if it is not of sufficient complexity - and therefore you will have to add capital letters and numbers.

How to protect yourself from data theft

Of course, it’s not enough to just come up with a complex username and password. There are a lot of ways to steal data from your computer - so it’s worth thinking about some kind of security precautions.

These rules are simple and must be followed, especially if you are dealing with social networks and accounts from virtual wallets and mobile banks:

  1. Never give your information to anyone. Even if the person who asks for them introduces himself as the forum administrator. To solve most problems, the administrator does not require any data, so it is highly likely that you are dealing with a scammer.
  2. By analogy with the previous point, do not enter data anywhere other than the forum to which it belongs.
  3. Keep a close eye on what gets into and runs on your computer. Download files only from trusted places, and if the antivirus shows the presence of malware in the archive or distribution, it is better to delete it. Since passwords are most often stolen through hidden programs, install licensed games and software purchased or downloaded from reliable sources.
  4. Try not to enter your data on other computers, and if this happens, be sure to exit from there as soon as you finish the session. In this way, you will protect not only your social networks from the humor of your friends, but also the theft of data from . Try not to log into important profiles anywhere other than your own home.
  5. Enable the additional authentication feature. On many forums, to log into your profile from a new device you now need to enter a code that is sent to your mobile phone. If you enable this function, your account will always be safe, since to enter it, attackers will have to steal your mobile phone and enter a code.

Examples of complex and simple passwords

Below are the code words, and a little explanation of why they are considered complex or simple:

A codeword Simple/complex
Qwerty1234 Even though it has everything you need for a complex code, it is a simple password. It consists of the first letters on the keyboard and the first four numbers. It is very common, and the first thing they check when hacking accounts is this combination.
TheCure12 This is a complex combination because it does not have identical symbols, and also has enough letters and numbers to make the hack take a long time.
123454321 A simple password that is easy to guess even without using special programs. Most likely, the system inside the forum will not even let it through.
Swallow22 Oddly enough, this is also a simple cipher. It has many repeating symbols, which makes it easy for a special program to match.
ForAllMankind Even though this version of the passphrase does not have numbers, it is a complex option. The password is a whole phrase with only two repeated letters. It will be very difficult and time-consuming to find; the only way to find it is to use programs that read keystrokes or the browser cache.
helping This is a simple password because it has only one case of letters, a simple word, and there are no numbers. Most likely, it will not even be missed during registration. We need to make it more complex.

We hope that with these examples and tips, you have a better understanding of how important it is to come up with a good username and strong password.

The most important thing to remember is that the security of personal data on the Internet comes first!

Login is a unique account name that is issued automatically when registering on any website or is created by the user independently. This term only applies to the Internet.

For example, you decide to register on the Odnoklassniki social network. On the registration page you will be asked to enter your phone number and confirm it.

Now, the login for this site will be a phone number. It is unique and no one except you will enter your personal account.

The login can be:

  1. Phone number
  2. Email
  3. Unique name (in Latin letters)

A login will be required on sites that require mandatory registration. For example:

  • In contact with
  • Instagram
  • Public services
  • Mail
  • Skype

Sberbank online also requires a login and password. Without this data, you will not be able to log into your personal account.

How to create a login and password

I already said above that it can be invented or obtained automatically. This will depend on the specific site.

For example, Sberbank will issue a login at a bank branch. On social networks, this is usually a phone number. On websites for making money, this is your name in Latin letters or email.

To obtain a login (account name), in any case, you will first have to register on the site.

Let's look at a specific example of how to register an email and get a login and password from it. Let's go to the mail from Yandex and fill out the fields. Please provide your real details.

I entered my first and last name, and Yandex offered me an option from the list. If you don’t want to waste time choosing a beautiful name, then you can choose a ready-made option.

Next, create a password. The password should not be simple. Use letters and symbols as shown in the screenshot above. Please provide your phone number. You will need it in case you lose or forget your data.

After registration will be created from the mail. To enter it, you will need to enter your username and password. After this, you will be able to use Yandex services for free. So, you need to do this with all the sites you want to use.

Unique name generator

If you have difficulty coming up with a name for your account, then use login generators. With their help you can generate unique English and Russian names.

You shouldn’t devote a lot of time to this; beautiful names are needed for email and computer games. In other cases, it is needed to enter your personal account.

wrong login or password

To avoid losing passwords, write them down on paper. If you do lose it, try to restore it.

Step #1.

Go to the site from which the data was lost.

Step #2.

Find the “Login” button and click on it.

Step #3.

Under the input lines, find a link with approximately the following content: “Forgot your password or login?” or “Recover password?”

Step #4.

Click on it and follow the instructions. Each site has its own recovery rules.

How to change login