Female for english waiting for wifi network. What to do if Play Market says “Waiting for Wi-Fi network

Despite the fact that the fitness bracelet provides a whole package of functions, users face some problems when they do not know how to use all the functionality of this device. But even with the ability to distinguish sleep phases, the Mi Band 2 tracker for some reason does not offer a smart alarm clock.

Installing Smart Alarm (XSmart)

Third-party program developers can provide their own options to solve this problem. We offer you one of the options that will give you the opportunity to use a smart alarm in a tracker that can wake you up at the most appropriate time to wake up.

Attention! This method works for Android smartphones.

Click the Check button to make sure that everything was done correctly. If synchronization is successful, a message will pop up indicating that the bracelet has been found.

Setting up Smart Alarm (XSmart)

Add-on options will be offered under the MAC address. Here you set the required time and day of the week. Note that the “Smart Alarm Clock” type only works with the Mi Band 1 version, since it has it built-in. Therefore, to turn on the Mi 2 smart alarm clock, you need to use exclusively the XSmart slider.

The application settings involve activating functions such as:

  • pause between vibrations
  • number of vibrations
  • icon on the display of the second generation bracelet

There are also add-ons for audio, Bluetooth connectivity, and XSmart notifications.

Important! In order for the smart signal of this program to work, you must leave the connection between the mobile device and the bracelet via Bluetooth throughout the night. Otherwise, the app will take a little time to automatically connect Bluetooth to the phone, which may cause the smart function to respond incorrectly.

How the XSmart smart alarm clock works

After proper installation, configuration of the software and synchronization with the Mi Band 2 bracelet, the smartphone will connect with the tracker every minute, recognizing the phase of your sleep, a certain time before the set signal, which you configure yourself. As soon as it recognizes that you are in the light sleep phase, the bracelet on your wrist will begin to vibrate. If you are still in deep sleep, then the built-in alarm clock in Mi will work exactly at the scheduled time to wake up.

It is worth noting that XSmart may be affected by the power-saving mode in the smartphone, which prevents the software from working properly. You should add the application to exceptions or disable this mode.

How to turn off an alarm

This can be done in several ways: through the device itself or through programs installed on the phone.

In Mi Band 2

When your fitness bracelet vibrates, you need to press the tracker's touch button to turn off the signal.

In the Mi Fit app

You can turn it off like this: Notifications -> Alarm clock. Move the sliders of all available items to the inactive state (to the left).

In the XSmart app

Set the alarm activation sliders to the “disable” position:

Don't forget that if you are inactive after waking up, the tracker on your hand will consider this as a continuation of sleep, and after 10 minutes it will vibrate again. He understands that you have woken up, not just by your open eyes, but by your physical actions.

How to turn on a regular alarm clock in Mi Band 2

If you wake up without problems and get up exactly at the set time, then XSmart is of no use to you. You can also set the alarm time in Mi Fit on your smartphone.

In the updated version of the software, which slightly changed the appearance of the interface, you can turn on a regular alarm clock as follows: section Notifications -> Alarm Clock -> Click the Add button in the form of a plus at the bottom of the page -> select alarm settings -> OK

Unfortunately, no way. Only the Mi Band 1s version can use a smart alarm clock in a third-party iPhone application called Mi HR, but in the second generation model this program only allows you to continuously read your heart rate.

However, the developers promised to implement the function itself in Mi Fit, so that through it users of Android and iOS smartphones could use a smart signal with any version of the tracker.

In our instructions, we are not responsible for the correct and accurate operation of the XSmart program. If you have any questions regarding its accuracy or any errors, you should contact the developers. But in our comments you can describe your experience with this software.


I have long dreamed of a fitness tracker, and now my dream has come true: I won it on VKontakte for reposting (Yes, yes, yes, this happens!!!) My tracker turned out to be yellow.

Of course, it gets dirty quickly. It's not very visible in the photo. And on the light bracelet you can clearly see the small cracks that form when you take out and insert the capsule.

For the first couple of hours I was happy with the new device, but then... I updated MI Fit on Google Play (to version 2.1.9) and realized why, according to user reviews, the program has a rating of only 3.2.

As it turns out, the smart alarm function has been removed in new versions. It was a complete disappointment. Even your phone can count steps, but only a fitness tracker can accurately track your sleep phases and wake you up at a certain time to improve your well-being.

But these are not all the disadvantages of the updated MI Fit 2.1.9:

1.Counts steps incorrectly. Sometimes it shows that I walked 109 steps at night, although this is not visible on the graph, and there is no data on the sleep graph that I woke up

2. Sometimes it vibrates just like that, for no reason.

3. It tracks your sleep schedule very incorrectly. The time to fall asleep does not show at all. It feels like I immediately lie down and fall asleep. And one day I sat for an hour and a half watching a movie at 20 o’clock, and the bracelet decided that I had fallen asleep. Even though I then walked down the street for another 10 minutes, he didn’t even register it, and in the morning I saw a schedule of 14 hours of sleep without a single awakening))

4. The alarm clock works at random! Not only was the smart alarm clock removed, but the regular one was also ruined. Once I set the alarm for 6:30, on the weekend I changed it to 8:30. So what do you think? He woke me up like on weekdays at 6:30! At first I thought to myself that I forgot to change the time. But no, I went in and checked: the alarm time is clearly set at 8:30, and it wakes me up 2 hours earlier on a day off, ahaha. Then I turned off all the alarms, but he still wakes me up and wakes me up whenever he wants: from 6:30 to 8:30. Untying and re-linking the bracelet to the phone helped get rid of this.

5. Constantly requires you to turn on GPS. Why does he need this? And this will make your phone die faster.

How to return Mi Band to adequacy and smart alarm clock

Actually, it’s not the tracker itself that’s being naughty, but Mi Fit, which reads and processes data from the bracelet. In general, in order for the bracelet to stop playing around, you need to install the correct version of Mi Fit. After googling, it turned out that the most adequate one is MiFit1.7.521MS++. Reviews about it are the best, compared to other versions, and there is a smart alarm clock!

You can download the version of the Mi Fit program with a smart alarm clock here: [link]

Before installing this version, you need to remove the old one. And that’s it, the smart alarm clock is back with you. They write on the forums that this version most adequately monitors the phases of sleep. I was convinced of this myself: it shows the time how long I was just lying in bed, i.e. the time of falling asleep; The smart alarm clock works correctly. There is, however, a minus: there is no way to view the dynamics of sleep. It is possible only for today and yesterday.

Do not discharge Mi Band below 20%

Many people write, and even in the official VK group, it is stated that the tracker should not be completely discharged. Otherwise, it may turn off, and nothing will help turn it on. Although some write that freezing helped) You need to recharge when the bracelet charge is +-20%

Also, regarding the battery, on the updated version of MI Fit 2.1.9, it seems to me that the bracelet discharged faster. It wasn't enough for a month.


Mi Band is definitely a useful thing. Especially for those who move little and monitor the quality of their sleep. The incorrectness of its operation is explained by a bad update of the Mi Band program. By the way, I wrote my negative review to Xiaomi customer support, they responded and promised to fix everything in future updates. Let's hope)

In general, the bracelet looks quite nice on the hand, is comfortable and vibrates pleasantly during an incoming call and when waking up.

Thank you for reading my review. Have a good and healthy sleep with and without Mi Band!

All versions of Xiaomi Mi Band have a vibration motor, thanks to which the bracelet can work as an alarm clock. Previously, it was also possible to use a “smart” alarm clock, which wakes you up not at the exact time specified, but at a given interval, selecting the time for the easiest awakening. But this function was removed more than a year ago. However, it can still be used thanks to third-party applications. How to do this is described in our article.

How to turn on the alarm clock on Xiaomi Mi Band

To set up an alarm clock, you need to go to the Mi Fit application, go to the “Profile” tab and select your Mi Band. Next you need to open the “Alarm Clock” section. You can add a total of 10 alarms, which will be more than enough for most people. For convenience, each alarm clock shows the time after which it will go off.

  • Smart alarm clock on Mi Band - what is it and how to enable it
  • Set alarms can be temporarily disabled if necessary.

    What settings does the alarm clock have in Xiaomi MI Band?

    Setting the interval. You can set the alarm to go off once, every day, on weekdays, or set arbitrary days of the week (for example, weekends).

    Repeat mode. When you activate this switch, your alarm will not only go off at the set time, but will also go off every 10 minutes after that. To turn off such an alarm, you will need to long press the Mi Band touch button. Disabling the alarm is accompanied by a corresponding animation on the screen (in the case of Mi Band 2).

    Pay attention! When the alarm goes off, the bracelet vibrates for less than 10 seconds and also turns off with a single swing of the touch button, so I highly recommend using the repeat mode or setting several alarms at a short interval.

    If you have any questions, or write in the comments on this page, we will be happy to help you!

    Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog. Alexander Glebov is in touch with you. I was inspired to write this article by the company xiaomi with its bracelet - xiaomi mi band 1s pulse smart alarm clock. But the point is this: after the next program update, the smart alarm clock stopped working, I started to figure it out...

    !!!Important update!!!

    Since Xiaomi disabled the smart alarm clock at the bracelet firmware level, the method described below may not help you, so I wrote an article where I solved the problem with the firmware and the smart alarm clock works, read -


    The xiaomi mi band 1s pulse fitness bracelet is a device on a strap that fits on your wrists like a watch. Designed to track the number of steps you have taken, can measure your pulse, as well as track your sleep phases and wake you up at the right moment, when it is easiest to wake up. The cost of the bracelet if you order on Aliexpress will be about $13-15. Xiaomi has a special software called Mi Fit. In this program you can view all statistics. How long did you sleep, how long did you walk, etc. Previously, it was possible to enable the smart alarm function, but for some reason they removed this function from version 2.0.X. Now Mi Fit can simply wake you up at a given time. So I started looking for a way to return the smart alarm clock.

    Xiaomi mi band 1s pulse smart alarm clock - not working

    For a long time I “smoked” the 4pda forum, read the posts and came to the conclusion that now you can’t set up a smart alarm clock using the standard Mi Fit program, but the Xiaomi developers have kept a smart alarm clock in the mi band bracelet. To activate it, there is a wonderful program on Android Mi Band Notify & Fitness. You can download it on the play market (if you want me to post it on my blog, write about it in the comments). So, the program is shareware, but it is suitable for basic functions. Counts steps, smart alarm clock works. Previously, there were a lot of complaints about this program, saying that it was slow, took a long time to open and connect to the bracelet, etc. I've been using it for several days now. I didn't notice any problems. So, let's see how to set up a smart alarm clock in Mi Band Notify & Fitness

    Hello MIUIers, hope you are doing well. Today we talk about Female for English download error which appears in MIUI notification panel. This download process continues goes on and always waiting for WiFi. No one wants their notification panel filled with an error message which always appears on their screens. You can easily solve this error.

    Generally, this error happens because of Google voice search function. This function gives flexibility to you for searching via your voice. Nowadays you can see Google also promote their voice search functionality in India. You can stop this Female for English (India) error in an easy way. This solution worked for all Xiaomi mobiles including Redmi & Mi Series no matter which is Redmi 1S, Redmi 2 / Prime, Redmi 3S / Prime, Redmi note 3, Redmi note 4G, Mi 2, Mi 3, Mi 4, Mi 4i, Mi 5, Mi 5s plus etc. You can easily see many other Android smartphones also face this problem. Lenovo, Samsung, Yureka, leeco, Micromax, Moto G etc.

    Steps to Fix Female for English (India) Error in Xiaomi Mobiles:

    You can solve this voice error easily via following some simple steps which we described in below section.
    Follow below steps to solve Female for English (India) Error in MIUI 7/8:

    1. Go to Settings -> Additional settings.
    2. Language & input -> Text-to-speech output
    3. Tap on gear-icon in “Google Text-to-speech Engine”.
    4. Then “Install voice data”.
    5. Select English (India) and if you have a button to delete Voice set 2 delete that set.
    6. If you still need it, redownload it from that screen.
    7. Problem Solved.

    After following above steps your voice notification error solved. Here you can download and delete language sets according to your need. Now you are thinking why Google gives these language packs ?No one uses this type of services. But you know every service which is provided by the system is definitely useful for someone. So maybe this service is not used by you but this is very important in terms of Voice search and typing.
    Normally you face this problem after Resetting your phone or As usual MIUI update. Always clear the cache data after MIUI update in order to enjoy MIUI services without any hassle.

    This time we don’t post screenshot of steps because this time you get more. All solution steps of Google language problem is embed in a video and we upload this video on Youtube. So enjoy.