How to make interesting posts for VK. What is a post on VK and how to make a beautiful post in a VKontakte group

Good afternoon, dear readers! I think many of you will be surprised if I say that I was inspired to write this article by simply surfing the Internet, or rather scrolling through my VKontakte news feed. The whole point is that every now and then I have to stumble upon such creative and original advertising, that I involuntarily click and follow the link. I am amazed by the imagination of SMM people who came up with such non-trivial posts. I must admit that Lately A lot of interesting advertising has appeared on VKontakte, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to. In this regard, I decided that today’s review I need to devote to how to make a post in contact not only informative, but also attractive. Just imagine how the number of subscribers in your group will increase, how the event will progress and how many products you will be able to sell if you can “ catch a wave” and make a killer offer, making it in the most ordinary, at first glance, post on a social network.

What is a post in contact?

I have already told you about it and formalized it. However, no matter how much I would like it, even a perfectly designed group will not become popular if you do not take care of quality content and you will post second-rate news in it. Those who are involved in the promotion and promotion of businesses on the Internet know that high-quality, and, most importantly, correctly formatted posts can become first-class advertising. However, before we proceed to the actual creation of advertising, I suggest spending a couple of minutes on the theory. First of all, we need to find out what a VK post is?

Posting You and I will call messages that are posted on the walls of VKontakte user accounts, published in groups and communities. It is with the help of posts that we can share interesting news and all kinds of information with each other. All those posts that you post on the wall of your page, repost from other groups and publics, can be viewed by all guests who are on your page. In addition, all posts are displayed in the news feed of your friends and subscribers.

Despite the fact that today there are a great many different types of posts, I would like to draw your attention to two main, which we meet almost everywhere:

Looking ahead a little, I will say that they are more willing to like and repost messages second type.

Basic set of popularity: what must be in a post?

Posting on VKontakte is a delicate matter. It is very important that the material you post in your group is interesting to her readers. Any high-quality VK post should consist of:

In general, I think you understand how to create a post on VK. However, just structuring the ad to promote the project will not be enough for you. To be effective and fruitful, you must follow registration rules advertising posts.

Publication size

Consider the size of the VK post. Since more than half of social network users view their news feed from mobile phones, you should take care that the size advertising banner was small. An ad with parameters is considered optimal 560*360 . It is not recommended to place text at the very edge of the picture. It is better if you place it in the center, thereby focusing all the reader’s attention on the essence of the post. If you use not a classic banner as advertising material, but a selection of several photos, pay attention to how they will look after publication in the news feed of your subscribers. Often, after posting such posts, the pictures line up in a single row and are greatly compressed. In addition, here you also need to remember that most users will view images from the screens of mobile phones and tablets.

Pay attention to the size of the title and the text itself

Even if you don’t take into account all the features and subtleties of copywriting, and neglect the specifics of selling texts, you still need to take into account the following points when creating a post:

Use the signs

It is important that when creating VK posts on the wall, you use arrow pointers. With their help, you need to check the final direction to the link. remember, that the link should be located at the beginning of the text. An exception to this rule can only be considered publications that are advertising in nature and in which the advertising is hidden. Do not forget also that the link must certainly appear at the very bottom of the banner.

Use symbols and emoticons

This is not the first year that the social network VKontakte has made us happy additional option, allowing you to significantly increase the number of views of posts. In order to attract as much user attention as possible to your ads, select emoticons and symbols in accordance with the theme of your advertisement and general design post.

Don't forget about moderation and try to avoid using too many emoticons, as this will only irritate and alienate customers. It is important that the symbols set accents in the text and not be the basis of the ad.

Don't make mistakes

Advertising posts for the VK group should under no circumstances have errors. You must clearly understand that clients never forgive mistakes and perceive them as neglect. No one will be interested in a sentence that is written with wild spelling, punctuation, stylistic and other errors. Even if there are users who will forgive you for a typo, flooding in the comments of other subscribers will undoubtedly discourage them from buying products from you or using your services.

If you are not lazy and spend only 1-2 minutes checking your advertising material and 4-5 minutes correcting errors, then the conversion of your group will increase by 2 or even 4 times! Rest assured, potential clients Necessarily They will appreciate your work and attention.

What kind of posts can there be?

In order for you to understand how to make an advertising post on VKontakte attractive and interesting, remember what news evokes the most emotions in you, what news do you pay attention to when scrolling through your feed on a social network? I am sure that most of you, just like me, are more “clinged” to visual content. If the image interests us, then we involuntarily proceed to read the text accompanying this post. So, if you are really interested, adopt these news design techniques.

Group topic

One of the easiest ways to attract subscribers is to talk about the group and its topics. The success of promoting your “brainchild” in in this case will depend on how correctly you select the group to buy advertising. It is very important that the public in which your community will be promoted is filled with your target audience.

Since you already know how to make high-quality and attractive posts in a VKontakte group, make sure that your advertising contains attractive pictures that will interest your target audience. This is what will help you ensure an increase in subscribers.

An honest story about your public

Excessive amount of advertising in news feeds users of VKontakte leads to the fact that people simply get used to it. This is why SMM marketers have to spend more and more time and effort on inventing new methods of attracting subscribers to their public pages. I advise you to stand out among the crowd of these creatives, try to simply tell your audience about the public, its topic, why you created it, and what useful things they can find in it. It is very important to do personal appeal, indicating maximum amount personal details and small details. Such frankness will certainly find echoes in the hearts of readers and will arouse more trust in them.

Pictures depicting what the target audience dreams of

This technique is often used by all kinds of information businessmen, owners of bookmakers and casinos. Think about what their target audience might dream about? Of course, about how to quickly and easily earn a lot of money, thereby providing yourself with a comfortable life. As a rule, advertising posts of such groups and communities use pictures with images of money, expensive cars, luxurious women, and branded clothing.

Think about what the target audience of your public page wants, and make this desire an advertising “hook”. I want to give you one piece of advice right away: do not use for posts stock pictures . It will be much better if you take a couple of photos yourself, thereby instilling more trust in your readers.

Pictures that evoke emotions

Choose images to design your posts that would stand out in the general flow of news in the reader’s feed and attract attention. Do not under any circumstances think that the photos should be shocking. Although, I admit, when you see something unexpected, your gaze lingers on the image, and you involuntarily return to the news headline. You don't have to attract readers with nude photos. The most important thing is that the images stand out and evoke certain emotions.

Right now, scroll through the VKontakte news and pay attention to which pictures you lingered your gaze on for a long time. I assure you that the pattern will be discovered very soon.

Appeal to the target audience

If you need to attract the attention of your target audience to your group, then there is one very effective method. Its essence is to start the message text with an appeal to users certain group. For example, if you are promoting a group that is dedicated to cars, then you should start your greeting text with the phrase: “ Attention all motorists!».

This tactic is incredibly simple, but quite effective. You can use it not only for promotion own groups, but also for the sale of any goods and services.

Several links in a row

When I first came across an ad with several absolutely identical links, I didn’t immediately understand why it was done. I clicked on each one to make sure they took me to the same page. When the page I already knew opened up in front of me again, I understood the idea of ​​​​advertising.

The fact is that the link block immediately catches the eye, and the fact that it uses links from one page arouses the reader’s curiosity and desire to double-check the direction of the links. Thus, much is accomplished larger number transitions, which leads to increased activity in the group.

Emoticons and symbols

The most common and familiar to us emoticons can create the necessary accents in a post and direct readers’ attention to certain parts of the message. By using all kinds of exclamation marks, arrows, index fingers, etc., you draw the attention of subscribers to the text that you want them to read.

For example, an emoticon with the image “ gift“subconsciously gives us the feeling that something pleasant awaits us. If we see in the post " palm tree" or " Sun”, then we assume that the message will be about relaxation. Feel free to brighten up your advertising with emoticons that suit its theme. However, remember that their number must be moderate. If you overdo it with symbols, not only will you not attract readers, you will literally repel them.

The most important information in the picture

Most of the VKontakte images have either small or medium-sized inscriptions. However, despite this, the text always matches the image perfectly in color. If you can fit all the information about your news in one picture, it will definitely attract attention huge number people who will want to visit your community.


Just recently VKontakte released updates that launch all GIFs automatically. This allowed marketers to take advantage of another way to interact with their audience. We all know that a GIF is short video, translated into a specific format. Since videos are always more effective than texts, the success of GIFs (which, among other things, also plays automatically) in promoting projects simply cannot be overestimated.

A personal recommendation from someone we trust is one of the strongest promotion methods of all time. It is for this reason that SMMers actively use it when composing their advertising posts. In the screenshots you saw examples of what recommendations look like in the context of public news. If you decide to use this particular promotion option, then make sure that your recommendation is as detailed as possible, and most importantly, personal. For example, if you are the admin of a well-promoted public page and are thinking about it, then you can give the following advice. “I’ve been reading this community for several months now and am absolutely delighted! Found here incredibly cool ideas, which I have never seen before in any other public. For example, the last thing I liked was a life hack for creating a projector with your own hands. If you are not yet subscribed to this group, add now!

Don't subscribe if...

One of the most effective promotion templates that plays on the pride of subscribers. The title of the post screams: “ Don't subscribe if you don't have certain qualities " This type of handling is quite rough, but at the same time it gives an incredible return. The whole point of success is that a person always responds to a challenge. For example, if the public gives the following message: “Public for smart people. If in doubt, don’t join.” Anyone who sees this phrase will immediately think, “I’m smart. It is likely that there will be no stupid posts in this public. So it should be interesting here.” Considering that an extremely small number of people position themselves as stupid, such advertising will bring the creator of the public more than one hundred fresh subscribers.

99 out of 100 people will miss this

Appeal to a person’s individuality, emphasis on his individuality and difference from the majority is always a compliment for our EGO. In addition, on a purely psychological level, the negative connotation, when they say that the majority will not do something, is perceived as an incentive to prove that “I am not like everyone else, I am different,” “I will definitely succeed!”

Chat on your phone

VKontakte appeared relatively recently new feature with the publication of screenshots of correspondence between two users. The idea is this: in a mobile chat, two users exchange barbs, jokes, interesting facts, music, and so on. One of the conversation participants certainly advises the other to join the community from which he draws his inspiration and witty phrases. In this case, the advertisement can look either like a regular link, or like a repost of some post from the wall of the group that is being promoted in this correspondence.

I don’t know how popular this method of promotion is, since I myself no longer react to such posts in my feed. Anyway, Every method is worth trying and testing. Only through trial and error will you figure out how to make a post on VK interesting and catchy.

Continued in source

The point is that the post provides only part of the information, and the end of it must be read by following a link to another community. Any person will be interested to know how the story ends, and he will go to your public page.

So that you don’t have the problem of how to create a link to a post that will definitely be clicked on, make sure that the content of the ad itself is interesting and intriguing.

How to create and publish posts in communities?

Before we move on to the actual creation and posting of a post, I want to tell you that per day you will need to post approximately 3-8 ads(depending on your topic: an author’s blog has 2-4 posts, and for example a public with films 5-8). At the same time, 20% of this number should be occupied by selling posts, and 80% should be allocated to posts of an information and entertainment nature. It is advisable to select pictures for all publications, since, as practice shows, they are the ones that give the greatest response.

If you know that you won't have enough time over the next week to compile and publish material, then it makes sense for you prepare posts in advance and send them to standby mode. Making a scheduled post is as easy as making a standard one. To do this you need:

  1. Write ad text
  2. Add photos to it by clicking on the " Attach» — « Photo»
  3. Set the timer for the date and time the post appears
  4. Send the resulting message using the " In queue» to the list of deferred publications

You can create no more than 10 scheduled posts in one day. If this amount is not enough for you, you want to post more news, or you need to create preparations for several days in advance, then it makes sense for you to resort to services for automating work on a social network. For example, software such as or will perfectly cope with the task.

Often there is a need to raise a certain post to the very top of the page and save it there on certain time. To pin the material, you can use the pinning function. To do this, you simply click on the text of your ad and open it on top current page and at the very bottom of the window select the button “ Pin».

In general, this is where the creation and posting of publications in a community or public page ends.

Where to post?

So, since our post is ready, it means it’s time to put it to work. In order for new subscribers to join our group, we need to find a place to publish our content. In order to get likes on a VK post and find new readers for the group, we can:

  1. Post a post on your page/group. This option is completely free. You simply publish the material on the community wall of which you are the admin, repost it to your VKontakte page and wait for your friends and subscribers to notice the news and start subscribing to your page
  2. Contact for help markup services and order repost posts for money. Here I can advise you to interact with such promotion sites as , Socelin , VK surfing . I have already told you about each of them, and therefore I suggest you look for more detailed information in separate reviews dedicated to these sites
  3. Buy advertising through admins of other groups. This option is one of the most economical, since you contact directly to the performer. All you need to do is write to the administrator of the community in which you want to place your advertisement, informing him that you need to publish a post, discuss with him the details of placing your order, pay for advertising and wait for the influx of new subscribers
  4. Buy advertising space on exchanges associate , plibber . This will allow you to save your own time and be confident that all the terms of the agreement will be met. Again, you can find out how these services work in my previous reviews.
  5. Buy space for publication on . This option is the most expensive, and therefore is more suitable for already relatively promoted pages. You can find out more about the specifics of how the advertising exchange works in a separate article.


In today’s review, I told you about the most effective and efficient, in my opinion, options for designing VKontakte posts. Using this information, you can not only significantly increase the number of subscribers in your groups, but also grow as an SMM specialist. Try, test, look for compromises
Greetings! It’s amazing, but the number of people who want to monetize their profile on the most popular Russian social network VKontakte is constantly growing...

The art of publishing: how to create an interesting and popular VK post?

4.1 (82.22%) 9 votes

On your personal page you can post recordings. There is a special information feed for these purposes. It's called a wall.

IN this manual I want to introduce you to this tool and explain how it works. We'll figure it out how to write on a VKontakte wall, what settings can be set for publications, etc.

Where is the wall?

Go to your social network page. On the right side of the screen, just below the block with photos, there is a user wall. All your posts are published here. At the same time, the most recent one is at the top of the list. Unless, of course, you manually pinned the selected post (see).

How to write on a VKontakte wall

To start publishing a post, go to the message creation form. It says "Anything new". Place your mouse cursor there and type the desired text.

You can add required content. To do this, use the buttons located at the bottom of the editor. The following items are available for use:

Add required content by selecting the appropriate item in the menu.

It is possible to disable comments for a post. To do this, hover your mouse over the gear icon and check the box next to "Disable comments".

Nearby there is an icon in the form of a padlock. When you click on it, your post will be viewable only by those users who are your friends.

When you have fully prepared your post for publication, adding all the necessary content, you should click on the “Submit” button. Your new post will be displayed on the wall.

If necessary, you can always make edits (see).

Privacy settings for a wall in VK

Go to your page and open the “Settings” section.

Now open the “Privacy” tab and find the block "Writings on the Wall".

Here you can configure access options for your records.


Now you know all the nuances of creating and editing posts on the VKontakte wall. Share interesting information with your friends and subscribers.


In contact with

If you are going to promote on the most popular social network, then the first step is this, and then figure out how to publish your first post on VK.

If you already have your own VKontakte group, you have probably wondered more than once how to increase its popularity and make it more attractive to potential subscribers. Unfortunately, only one beautiful design a group is not enough unless you make it your goal to regularly publish top-notch news in the form of beautiful posts.

What is a post on VK?

This is a message that is published on the wall of an account or community. Using posts, social network users talk about their news, share interesting opinions, photographs and videos. The published post will be immediately visible to all your friends and subscribers in the news feed. Thanks to it, you can notify about competitions, promotions and advantageous offers, which can be extremely useful for increasing sales.

A bright, beautifully designed and understandable post will very quickly attract the attention of the target audience and allow you to achieve the goal that you set when publishing it. If you regularly publish useful and interesting content, aimed at you target audience, you can be sure that your group will rapidly grow in number, and the number of people willing to use your services or make a purchase in the group.

I propose to clearly consider, using the test group as an example, exactly how you can publish posts of all possible types.

Post title

In each group you can make a pinned post, which will always appear at the top of the list. This is very convenient if you want to post any information that should be the first to be noticed by group visitors. Let's take a closer look:

You need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Everything you write in this field will become the text of your title:

If you are satisfied with the entered text, you just need to click on the “Submit” button and your post will be published.

Select the “Pin” item. After this, we refresh the browser page by pressing the F5 button, and see the result:

The entry is now displayed as a group header. Until you unpin it, it will always be located exactly there.

How to write a text post

Great, we've sorted out the creation of the header. Now you need to understand how to send a regular text post. Again, to do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Everything you write in this field will become the text of your post:

How to publish a post with a photo

You can make a post with a picture, and optionally add to it required text. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the camera icon:

Selecting from the specified location the desired picture, it will be loaded into the post being created:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, it turns out to publish a post with our text and image:

Video post

You can make a post with a video recording, and optionally add the necessary text to it. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the film strip icon:

By selecting the desired video from the specified location, it will be loaded into the post being created:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, we manage to publish a post with our text and video.

Poll post

Also a great opportunity would be to create a poll or poll that can be posted as a post. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

Here we select the “Poll” tab. A form for creating a survey appears. In the required fields, enter the survey question and suggested answer options. Fields are provided for several additional questions.

When the work is done, all you have to do is click the “Submit” button to publish your survey:

Post on VK with music

You can make a post with an audio recording, adding the necessary text to it if you wish. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the note icon:

A window will open in which you can select the audio recordings you want to add. Keep in mind that you can only add to a post those videos that have already been uploaded to the audio section of your account.

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, you can publish a post with your text and audio recording.

You can attach a document of absolutely any type and format to your post. Unfortunately, group subscribers will only be able to see your file by its name and extension. Therefore, be sure to indicate which program can be used to tear off this document.

Here we select the “Document” tab. A list of documents you have previously downloaded will appear. Here you can download new document by clicking on the “Upload new file” button:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, it turns out to publish a post with your text and document.

How to attach a card to an entry in VK

You can also post with an attached section of the map. Very often this allows you to clearly show where the specific place, to make it easier for others to navigate and not have to use search engines for this.

To send such a post, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

A map of your city will open. Here you can specify the required street and house number, and then click on the “Attach location” button.

After this, the map section will be loaded into the post you are creating:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, you can publish a post with your text and a section of the map.

How to add a graffiti post

You can make a post with your own graffiti, adding the necessary text to it if you wish. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

Here we select the “Graffiti” tab. A window will appear where you can draw graffiti using different colors and settings:

Creating a post with delayed publication

The post creation capabilities are impressive. You can create several news items in advance and specify the exact time when each of them will be published. This is very convenient if you cannot make posts every day, but it is possible to prepare them in advance.

To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu. Here we select the “Timer” tab:

You will be able to set the exact date and time, down to the minute:

After this, all you have to do is click the “Queue” button to send the post to await the specified time:

Please note that the post is located in the “Delayed” tab, where you can publish it ahead of schedule at any time. If you don’t want to do it manually every time, then choose the appropriate service.

Funny statuses and quotes. I looked through my VKontakte wall and found a lot funny statuses. Statuses about love, statuses about life.
A must read, a great mood is guaranteed!

I'm a strong girl...I'll take out the trash and my brain, if necessary.

Coffee at work is a drink that is drunk when you are hungry.

Read the word HANA backwards, and you have a reason to calm down and forget about everything!

Thought is an orgasm of the brain; those who can experience it enjoy it. Those who cannot... are forced to imitate. unfortunately many imitate

Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment.

Many people see who I appear to be, but not everyone feels who I really am...

Positive emotions arise only if you put everything into perspective)

How the question “what’s new?” infuriates me. from people who don’t really know what I had old

Do you mind if I smoke?
- You know, I don’t care even if you shoot yourself.

Anyone who still considers women the weaker sex should watch how they close the door on a minibus.

The most terrible weapon is a phone in the hands of a drunk woman

Yesterday on the bus some asshole climbed into my bag, I didn’t notice at first, in the evening I open the bag - he’s sitting

Man is the architect of his own happiness! go get it!

A knowledgeable person is more erudite than a Googled person!

A homeless person enters a glass collection point:
- Do you accept bottles of Scotch whiskey?
- No, sir!

My daughters, I am leaving for distant countries. What should I bring you?
-Dad, is it possible to somehow go buy bread in a less pretentious way?...

The words "Don't be nervous!" They help to bring a person back to a normal state of rabies.

Sometimes you look at men for whom you previously had sympathy, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy.

No earthly music can compare in its sweetness with the beating of a loving heart...

They say that a normal woman's breasts should fit in the palm of a guy's hand. They'll grow a paw, and then you go and have a complex

If happiness doesn’t come for a long time, it means it’s big and comes in small steps.

A man got lost in the forest. He walks through the forest and yells at the top of his lungs: Awww!
A bear comes out to the meeting and asks: Why are you yelling?
- Yes, I got lost, I think maybe someone will hear.
- Well, I heard, has it become easier?

Life is like a sport. For one - weightlifting, for another - figure skating. Unlucky people have to lift the barbell while standing on skates

Such global things as mutual love, health, world peace, self-realization, career success, your home can make us happy... However, a balloon and raspberry-scented lip gloss are also important

Do you really have a dream? What did you do today to make it come true?!

Look. If you don't see, listen. If you don't hear, guess. If you don't guess, forget it.

Anything can happen. Everything. Just something - rarely and not with everyone. But this does not mean - with anyone and never.

You're not paying attention to me at all!
- I appeal to you, don’t drive me away!
- Well, of course, today you noticed that I put on makeup?
- I noticed!
- I didn’t put on makeup!!!

I don’t drink vodka - I disinfect my soul with it.

Forget about life and it will get better...

Do you want to go back to childhood? ... It’s snowing outside, a blizzard, and they’ll wrap you in a jacket and take you on a sled =))... with full packages tangerines and sweets on your knees...

Mom, smile! Now a bird will fly out of here!
- Son! It's time to tell you the whole truth. Birds in
no camera. There is no Baba Yaga either. Babayka does not exist. Grandfather
Your uncle dressed himself in frost every year. Your dad is not in
expedition, but in prison. The top will never bite you on the side, but
There are no gnomes living in the refrigerator. The stork does not bring children, in the store
They don’t sell them either, and only caterpillars can be found in cabbage. Group
"Shpilki" sings along with a soundtrack, your grandfather is gay, my neighbor and I are not
fought, but had sex! Now, son, you know everything...
- I celebrated my thirtieth birthday...

No one loves a woman for her youth or maturity, for her beauty or
ugliness, for stupidity or intelligence; they love her not for anything, but simply
because they love.

I use the Rich brush, it cleans my teeth even in hard-to-reach places, what about you?
- And I don’t have teeth in hard-to-reach places.

You get burned by one person, and then you don’t trust the whole world.

You get angry with him and think, “I’ll tell him everything now,” and then you realize that there’s nothing to say other than “I love you.”

If you are not pointedly marked, it means they are seriously interested in you

If you didn’t have a bicycle as a child, and now you have a Bentley, then you still DIDN’T have a bicycle as a child!

In the life of each of us there are only two ways: to come to terms with what we have today, or to take responsibility for changing our lives for the better.

The cruelest loneliness is the loneliness of the heart

Loving is like standing on fresh cement. The longer you stand, the harder it is to break away... And you can never leave without leaving traces...

I opened the closet and I had the feeling that I was keeping two-thirds of my clothes in case I went crazy.

The inscription on the door of the psychiatrist's office: "Please keep quiet. Remember: you are not alone. They hear you... They are everywhere!.."

I don't get offended by people, I just change my opinion about them.

There is no need to build ideal happiness for yourself. Relax, it will come to you on its own.

appreciate those people who put aside their pride for you

If your life has lost color, color it yourself. She's worth it.

“I forgive you,” the girl wrote with a nail on the hood of his car.

love is evil, and for some it is simply merciless

No man will make you happy if you are unhappy. Your happiness is your concern.

“Man was born for happiness, like a bird for flight!” - penguins and ostriches love to gloat.

It is much better to do great things, to celebrate great victories, even if there are mistakes along the way, than to join the ranks ordinary people who know neither great joy nor great misfortune, living a gray life where there are neither victories nor defeats.

Do you want to eat? Eat an apple. Would you like an apple? So I'm not hungry!

Something tells me that I’ve gone crazy... It seems like it’s my conscience.....

Monday. NY. Sex. Tuesday. London. Sex. Wednesday. Paris. Sex. The styling is gone, but it’s so cool, so cool.

There is something in every person for which you can love him, and in everyone there is something for which you can hate him. The choice is always ours.

Sidorov got married solely thanks to the Internet. Judge for yourself, would Sidorov have made it to the theater if his modem hadn’t broken?..

Curlers. If there are many of them, then they are curlers, but what if there is only one!?! Curler, hair curler? Curler?

Take a closer look, these letters glow with happiness!

Buy Raptor and you won't see mosquitoes anymore! - Better buy our grass and you will see mosquitoes in 3D format!

When we ask for forgiveness, we acknowledge to the other person how important it is to us.

Music changes in life, but we must continue to dance...

Loneliness begins with coffee, cigarettes, morning redness under the eyes, which becomes the norm, a forgotten cell phone at home, zero missed calls in the evening, a careless hairstyle, forgotten dreams, prose poetry, flat shoes, scribbled pieces of paper, inscriptions on the windows.

A Georgian and a girl are sitting in the compartment. The Georgian tries to establish a conversation:
- Why is such a beautiful girl silent all the time?
- I want to and remain silent.
- Wah! He wants and is silent!

Love is a model of the universe with an infinite number of discoveries. This is the energy exchange of two people at the mental level, spiritual unity, kinship of thoughts and emotions, which can break our existential loneliness. Alla Snitsar.

Do you have a goal in life? At least some?...
- You know, I would like
come home and not take the keys out of my pocket...I just want
ring your door... and have it open...

Take me back to the past, there was such a wonderful future...

There are two ways to free you from suffering: quick death and lasting love. Friedrich Nietzsche.

I live 50 meters from the airport next to the railway. Why do I need a silent washing machine?

Three days! For three days I chased after you to tell you how indifferent I am to you!

Chronic office illness: you always want to eat before lunch, sleep after lunch, and it feels like you don’t get paid enough!

Women's logic is a complete fuck-up to the male psyche

Babayka lives in my bag! He spills chewing gum, opens powder, confuses his headphones, hides his cell phone when it rings... crumples and tears various pieces of paper I need...

The most difficult fight is when you have to fight laziness for happiness.

On a trolleybus. Man: Excuse me, can I get to the central market?
Grandma: no. A man looks disappointed and gets off the trolleybus. The doors close and the trolleybus starts moving. Grandma adds: “But I’ll get there!”

Women like to be listened to, but that doesn't mean they want to make decisions.

If a Woman is simultaneously dissatisfied with the weather, the state of the economy and His tie, He needs to at least hug Her

A girl's two problems: "What are you staring at?" and "Why isn't anyone looking at me?"

Women only quarrel with those with whom they later want to make peace. They send the rest...

I'm happy by default. Please do not meddle in the settings

A guy walks into a video and music store and examines the shelves with interest.
Sales consultant: - Hello! May I help you? -
No thanks! I'm just looking for something else to download from a torrent.

Friends, save your statuses. they will help your psychiatrist with a diagnosis!)))

You must be able to make a choice in this life.. CROSS OUT someone, and EMPHASIZE someone...

I will smile, dream, invent - and I will definitely become the Greatest Joy in the World for someone...

you have everything to be with me except desire

Hmmm... Damn...
And how can I say now that it wasn’t me who called him...
And 7 glasses of martini???.

Three stages of a woman's intoxication: 1. Oh, how drunk I am... 2. Who is drunk? Am I drunk??? 3. To the taxi driver’s question: “Where are we going?” - hit him over the head with a handbag and say: “None of your business, bastard” hee hee....))))

Two essences are always fighting in a woman: a cat that wants to walk on its own, and a dog that needs an owner...

the longer a girl is without a boyfriend, the more frank the avatar is

Don't be afraid of your desires! Fear mine

Never say: “I was wrong”, better say: “Wow, how interesting it turned out...”

Every morning I tell myself: “Get up, beauty, great things await us!”, but an inner voice whispers that if they wait, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait...

the world was created for me to purr in it)))

I'm confused. -How? -Like headphones from a player...

Worst nightmare: make sandwiches, pour tea, bring it all to
bed, wrap yourself in a blanket and forget the TV remote...

Coffee at night - prolongs your online contact =)

Sometimes you painfully want to put an obscene status on VKontakte, but you remember that you have some disgustingly decent people in your contacts... and what’s most disgusting is that they also consider you a disgustingly decent person.

There are three exotic species of animals in Russia: Yoshkin-cat, Blyakha-fly and Yadrena-louse. Yes, by the way, there is also a yokar babay, but this is no longer an animal...

the “same rake” attraction is a favorite women’s pastime...

The Internet is a wonderland: you got there and disappeared there)

I won’t go on the Internet... I won’t go on the Internet.. I won’t go on the Internet... I’m not on the Internet... I’m not on the Internet

Apparently, miracles are not yet known to happen to me.

Old bridges may still be useful. It's better to burn the old rake...

I know what loneliness is: a bitten piece of chocolate, music that already hurts my ears, a computer that is always on, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and painfully closed eyes.

Depression is when you go online and don’t know where to go.

A cup of coffee will cheer you up. Half a chocolate - eating bad luck. This proven bittersweet taste seems to whisper to me: “Everything will be alright.”

We do not dare to do many things not because they are difficult; it is difficult precisely because we do not dare to do it.

She still speaks in statuses, thinks in notes, hears in music, and lives in photographs...

We get used to smiling at those who don’t want to smile, and looking great at the moment when we want to scream in pain.

Most of all people love to be loved.

Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do. Lev Tolstoy

All people strive for happiness - there are no exceptions to this rule; Everyone’s methods are different, but the goal is the same... Happiness is the motivating motive for any actions of any person, even one who is planning to hang himself. Blaise Pascal

When we are happy, we are always kind, but when we are kind, we are not always happy. Oscar Wilde

Whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it is very important that you do it. Gandhi

We never live in the present, we all just anticipate the future and rush it, as if it were late, or call on the past and try to bring it back, as if it had gone too soon. Blaise Pascal

Happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future, it has the present - and that is not a day, but a moment. Ivan Turgenev

The only way to be happy is to love suffering. Woody Allen

There are different states. Then you strive forward, completely filled with the sunny, energetic, free present, you rejoice, and nothing exists for you other than this. And sometimes you suddenly feel a pang about something lost, and you feel sad about the silvery, rainy, tender past. Both are great to experience. Both are wealth. Evgeniy Grishkovets

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen. Denis Diderot

Think of life as a box of cookies. In the box of cookies there are some favorite cookies and some not so favorite ones. Eat the most delicious ones first - only the ones you don’t particularly like will remain. When I'm sad, I always think about this box. If you endure now, it will be easier later. So it turns out that life is a box of cookies. Haruki Murakami

Life loves to create darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side. Paulo Coelho

If it’s bad in the past, be glad it’s not now. If it’s bad now, be glad it’s not in the past or in the future. If it’s bad in the future, be glad it’s not in the past and not now. It’s bad at all times - rejoice that it’s only with you. If everyone has it bad, be glad you’re not the only one. Always be happy, it’s easier to live,
suffer less. Vadim Mozgovoy

We must learn to be happy with what we have. But aerobatics is to rejoice in what does not exist.

Two fish splash in the water. The little one asks the big one: Mom, they say that some fish climbed onto land and are now walking on the ground. Who are they? - Oh, mostly those who are dissatisfied with everything. Bernard Werber

What gives us joy is not what surrounds us, but our attitude towards the environment, and we are happy when we have what we love, and not what others consider worthy of love. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

One girl was asked what is the most important person, what is the most important time and what is the most necessary thing? And she answered, thinking that the most important person is the one with whom you are in right now when you communicate, the most important time is the one in which you are living now, and the most necessary thing is to do good to the person with whom you are dealing at every given minute. Lev Tolstoy.

Those who truly love cannot be depressed. Depression occurs only in those who are self-obsessed. And the lover thinks about another person, about the one he loves.

When you rejoice, look into the depths of your heart, and you will see that now you rejoice precisely in what previously saddened you. When you are sad, look again into your heart and you will see that truly you are crying for what was your joy

The universe only makes sense when we have someone to share our feelings with. (Paulo Coelho)

I know what being in love is: a dream without nightmares, tender kisses, a magical mood around the clock, abandoned work, forgotten affairs, light ahead of the tunnel and exercise in the morning... I know what love is: it is an ego completely dissolved in something still unfamiliar , a sweet shiver all over the body from a simple touch, continuous phone calls and text messages, a state of self-confidence, disheveled hair in the morning, a voice that gives goosebumps all over the body... I know what separation is: it is pain that gradually begins to overshadow the meaning of life, coffee mixed with cognac and sleeping pills, tears in the pillow, eternally swollen eyes, this desire to settle on a desert island. Self-contempt and hatred of memories... I know what loneliness is: things scattered in disarray, insanely philosophical entries in a diary, a candle with a half-decayed wick, a bitten piece of chocolate, a TV running non-stop and a feeling of cold inside... I know what it is hatred: this is an incredible capacity for work, some too smart books, a neat manicure and a new hairstyle, endless trips on the train around the tenth circle and conversations with myself on purely abstract topics and the desire for revenge... I know what indifference is: these are photographs thrown into the far corner, erased phone number, now always having valerian pills with me, slight irritability, cynical smile when meeting and not telling anyone relevant question: "How are you?"…

Somewhere far away lives a small, quiet man who collects all the sad tears, and makes stars out of them, and hangs them in the sky. And when the cause of sadness disappears, a star falls so that someone there on earth can make a happy wish...

It happens... that your heart is wounded... and you are in a lot of pain... and you want to tell everything to hell... but... there is some small “but” that barely whispers about hope...

If you need popularity, recognition and traffic to your page, then interesting posts for VK on the wall of a group, public, or personal profile must be added regularly. By maintaining and warming up the interest of your audience, you not only retain your current subscribers, but also attract new ones by posting viral, cool content that active audience will be happy to share.

Finding the most popular posts on VK is actually not that difficult. The main difficulty is to learn how to select the juiciest content among the daily ton of news, memes, pictures, photographs and videos, delivering only the best of them to your subscribers. You can, of course, follow the path of least resistance and collect posts from neighboring communities with similar topics, but your subscribers, for the most part, will definitely not be happy with such actions (soon the comments will be filled with cries of “BAYAYAN!!!”).

One of the key mistakes of many novice communities is that they use hackneyed posts (aka “accordions”). This is not the best tactic and most often it does not lead to anything good, even if these pictures and memes are very funny. Content is of key importance in the development of the community, so it needs special attention. Follow global trends, respond to new hype in a timely manner and use situational marketing. To simplify the analysis of information and preparation of materials, there are a number of resources where you can find suitable ideas for VKontakte posts:

  1. This site contains the most popular posts from all VKontakte communities. The rating can be viewed by likes and reposts. Time filtering allows you to view posts from the last hour/day/week/all time.
  2. here users themselves collect the most interesting content from various sites and social networks. The Russian-language analogue is .
  3. The resource contains a lot of useful, often voluminous, information (news, facts), so it is an excellent source for creating thorough posts.
  4. And– here you can dig up a lot interesting collections, life hacks and interesting facts on a wide variety of topics.
  5.– a good source of photo content that allows you to create cool posts.

By using these services wisely, you can come up with a lot of ideas and build a great content plan, making your community unique and interesting.

What and how to post?

It would seem nothing complicated, take the recording and publish it in the group. No, it’s not that simple. In this matter, you need to take into account factors such as the topic of the community and the frequency of publications. Now, in order.


You can post up to 50 posts per day in a group (VK limits), but you don’t need to try to use up the entire limit. The frequency directly depends on your topic. If these are serious business projects, online or offline stores, narrow-profile niche communities or other similar topics, then in this case the quality better quantity. In such communities, it is enough to post 1-3 posts a day, alternating educational information, Interesting Facts and humor with posts that explore a core community topic (for example, information about a new product in a store or news about an upcoming business conference).

If your community has a broad topic (travel, love, cool pictures, cinema, music - as an example), then a large limit of posts is in your favor. Such projects require frequent posting and usually post from 10 to 50 posts a day, alternating funny memes with posts about love, sad pictures with educational facts, etc. It all depends on the topic, and more on that later.


I am sure that none of the people reading this text will post in a vegan group about the divine taste of kebab just taken from the fire. I think the example is clear, but now a little more detailed.

Find your niche. Find your topic. You should not post the same type of posts, you need varied content, but you must clearly understand what you want from the community and what its purpose is.

If you are a business coach, you will need beautiful, motivating content on the topic of making money and free leisure. Store owner - give it to your target audience educational stories about the brands sold and the use of the items offered, find funny memes that will suit your tastes potential buyers, and do not forget to periodically indicate your contacts in posts. Entrepreneurs - tell us about the benefits of your product, its advantages, show the backside of its production, be open to customers. Flower sellers - write posts on VK about love, suggest that beautiful flowers would be a very good gift for a best friend, add romance and cuteness to the group. And these same examples apply to everyone else! Study your audience, interact with them, and then you will understand them.

And, for starters, a few examples of good posts. 1 and 2 – can be successfully used by the tourism business, or some romantic or feminine destinations. 3 is a great option for the store community. 4 is an example of correct (above) and incorrect (below) situational content.

[Total votes: 10 Average: 2.8/5]