How to turn capital letters into lowercase letters. How to make small letters on your keyboard

To change capital letters to lowercase letters, press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard. If you need to type a small number of capital letters, hold down the Shift key and, without releasing it, press the letters you need. When the text is printed, change its case using the key combination Shift+F3. The Word text editor has a special menu item that controls case.

You will need

  • keyboard


  • If you are typing in capital letters, press the Caps Lock key, which is located on the left side of the keyboard.

    After this, continue typing in capital letters. If you need to continue typing in capital letters again, press Caps Lock again. If this key is pressed and typing is done in capital letters, the corresponding indicator will light up in the upper right part of the keyboard.

  • In order to type several capital letters in a row, press the Shift key; there are two of them on the keyboard - on the left and on the right. Without releasing this key, type the desired text. If capital letters were typed before, the typing will be in capitals and vice versa. After releasing the key, the register settings return to their original values.
  • If the text has already been typed and there is a need to replace capital letters with lowercase ones, select the desired fragment in a block using the mouse. If you need to select all the text, press the key combination Ctrl+A (Latin). Then, press the key combination Shift+F3. To do this, hold down the Shift key and press F3 without releasing it. After the first press of this key, capital letters will turn into capital letters, after the second press (no need to release the Shift key!), all the first letters of the words will become capital letters, after the third, all letters will become capital letters again. By pressing this key combination, select the desired register.
  • If the text was typed in the Word 2003 text editor (files with the doc extension), select it with the mouse using a block. Then, in the menu located at the top of the editor window, find the “Format” item. Select Format-Register. The table that opens will list all possible actions with the register. Having selected the desired item, select the required register. If you need to replace capital letters with uppercase ones, use the “all lowercase” option. The name of the item may change depending on the version of the text editor, but the principle will be the same.
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    Greetings, dear readers. Today I will share with you some very useful function in Excel, namely, I will tell you how to make all letters CAPITAL in Excel. When working with Word, this is quite easy if you know. How to do this in Excel? Let's figure it out together.

    How is this done in Word? You need to highlight the word and press SHIFT + F3. After a few clicks we will get all words in UPPER CASE. What happens in Excel? He suggests entering a formula.

    The fact is that in an Excel table you need to use special formulas that convert words to UPPER or lower case. Let's consider two cases - when everything is written in CAPITAL letters, and when in small letters.

    I prepared a table for one of the lessons (), and I will use it. I will work in Excel 2013. But the method for turning capital letters into small letters and vice versa will work in Excel 2010, 2007.

    How to make small letters BIG

    In my table, the data is located in column A, so I will enter the formula in column B. In your table, you can do it in any free column, or add a new one.

    So let's start with cell A1. Place the cursor on cell B1, open the “Formulas” tab and in the “Function Library” section select “Text”.

    In the drop-down menu we find “UPPER CAPITAL”. The “Function Arguments” window will open, which requests the address of the cell from which the data will be taken. In my case, this is cell A1. I choose her.

    After that, I click on “OK”, or faster, press ENTER on the keyboard.

    Now in cell B1 it says “=UPPERCASE(A1)”, which means “make all letters in cell A1 CAPITAL”. Great, all that remains is to apply the same formula to the remaining cells in the column.

    Move the cursor to the right edge of the cell and the cursor becomes a thick cross. Hold down the left mouse button and drag to the end of the data column. Let go and the formula is applied to all selected rows.

    That's all. Look how it looks on me.

    How to make BIG letters small

    Once we've succeeded in forming capital letters, I'll show you how to return them to lowercase letters. I have Column B filled with big words, so I'll use Column C.

    I'll start with cell B1, so I put the cursor in C1. Open the “Formulas” tab, then “Text” in the “Function Library”. In this list you need to find “LOWER” from the word “lowercase”.

    A window pops up again asking you to specify a cell with data. I select B1 and press Enter (or the “OK” button).

    Next, I apply the same formula to the entire column. I move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell, the cursor turns into a thick cross, hold down the left mouse button and drag to the end of the data. I let go, and the job is done. All CAPITAL letters have become small.

    How to save data after changes?

    I think this is a good question, because if you delete the original values ​​​​from column A, then all the results of the formula will be lost.

    See what you need to do for this.

    We select all the received data in the result column. We copy them CTRL + V (Russian M), or right-click – “Copy”.

    Select an empty column. Then right-click in it, find the special Insert options and select “Values”.

    Here's the trick. Now you won't be confused by the need to convert all letters to UPPER or lower case.

    Good day to everyone, my dear friends and readers of the blog site. It's probably happened to you that you were writing a word or sentence in Word, but suddenly you wanted to somehow highlight the text and make each letter in the text capitalize instead of lowercase. Or maybe vice versa? Have you written a text with Caps Lock held down and want to make all letters lowercase? So today I’ll show you how to make all letters capitalize in word and vice versa, in two ways at once.

    Method No. 1

    The easiest way, which will work in any version of Word, is to select the part of the text that you want to make completely capital, and then press the key combination SHIFT+F3. But what’s most interesting is that the case change occurs in two stages: first, only the first letters of each word become capitalized, and when pressed again, absolutely all letters become capitalized.

    Method No. 2

    The second method is even simpler than the first. You just need to select the fragment where you want to change the register, then go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Register” button. The screenshot below shows what it looks like. And here you are immediately given several options for the development of events. I won’t list them, everything should be clear.

    Well, in general, if you decide to make all the characters in capitals, then do not forget to press the magic key before typing Caps Lock. Then you will no longer have to perform any manipulations with changing the register).

    That's basically it. Now you know how to turn lowercase letters into capital letters, and I really hope that my article today helped you, so don’t forget to subscribe to updates on my blog articles. It will be interesting. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

    Do you know when you're typing in a document and then look at the screen and realize you forgot to turn off CapsLock? All letters in the text are capitalized (large), they have to be deleted and then retyped.

    We have already written about how to solve this problem. However, sometimes there is a need to perform a radically opposite action in Word - make all the letters capital. This is exactly what we will talk about below.

    1. Select the text that should be printed in capital letters.

    2. In a group "Font" located in the tab "Home", press the button "Register".

    3. Select the required register type. In our case, this is “ALL CAPITAL”.

    4. All letters in the selected text fragment will change to capital letters.

    You can also make capital letters in Word using hotkeys.

    1. Select the text or fragment of text that should be written in capital letters.

    2. Press twice “SHIFT+F3”.

    3. All small letters will become capital letters.

    This is how easy it is to make capital letters from small ones in Word. We wish you success in further exploring the functions and capabilities of this program.

    Greetings, dear readers. Today I will share with you some very useful function in Excel, namely, I will tell you how to make all letters CAPITAL in Excel. When working with Word, this is quite easy if you know. How to do this in Excel? Let's figure it out together.

    How is this done in Word? You need to highlight the word and press SHIFT + F3. After a few clicks we will get all words in UPPER CASE. What happens in Excel? He suggests entering a formula.

    The fact is that in an Excel table you need to use special formulas that convert words to UPPER or lower case. Let's consider two cases - when everything is written in CAPITAL letters, and when in small letters.

    I prepared a table for one of the lessons (), and I will use it. I will work in Excel 2013. But the method for turning capital letters into small letters and vice versa will work in Excel 2010, 2007.

    How to make small letters BIG

    In my table, the data is located in column A, so I will enter the formula in column B. In your table, you can do it in any free column, or add a new one.

    So let's start with cell A1. Place the cursor on cell B1, open the “Formulas” tab and in the “Function Library” section select “Text”.

    In the drop-down menu we find “UPPER CAPITAL”. The “Function Arguments” window will open, which requests the address of the cell from which the data will be taken. In my case, this is cell A1. I choose her.

    After that, I click on “OK”, or faster, press ENTER on the keyboard.

    Now in cell B1 it says “=UPPERCASE(A1)”, which means “make all letters in cell A1 CAPITAL”. Great, all that remains is to apply the same formula to the remaining cells in the column.

    Move the cursor to the right edge of the cell and the cursor becomes a thick cross. Hold down the left mouse button and drag to the end of the data column. Let go and the formula is applied to all selected rows.

    That's all. Look how it looks on me.

    How to make BIG letters small

    Once we've succeeded in forming capital letters, I'll show you how to return them to lowercase letters. I have Column B filled with big words, so I'll use Column C.

    I'll start with cell B1, so I put the cursor in C1. Open the “Formulas” tab, then “Text” in the “Function Library”. In this list you need to find “LOWER” from the word “lowercase”.

    A window pops up again asking you to specify a cell with data. I select B1 and press Enter (or the “OK” button).

    Next, I apply the same formula to the entire column. I move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell, the cursor turns into a thick cross, hold down the left mouse button and drag to the end of the data. I let go, and the job is done. All CAPITAL letters have become small.

    How to save data after changes?

    I think this is a good question, because if you delete the original values ​​​​from column A, then all the results of the formula will be lost.

    See what you need to do for this.

    We select all the received data in the result column. We copy them CTRL + V (Russian M), or right-click – “Copy”.

    Select an empty column. Then right-click in it, find the special Insert options and select “Values”.

    Here's the trick. Now you won't be confused by the need to convert all letters to UPPER or lower case.

    Do you know when you're typing in a document and then look at the screen and realize you forgot to turn off CapsLock? All letters in the text are capitalized (large), they have to be deleted and then retyped.

    We have already written about how to solve this problem. However, sometimes there is a need to perform a radically opposite action in Word - make all the letters capital. This is exactly what we will talk about below.

    1. Select the text that should be printed in capital letters.

    2. In a group "Font" located in the tab "Home", press the button "Register".

    3. Select the required register type. In our case, this is “ALL CAPITAL”.

    4. All letters in the selected text fragment will change to capital letters.

    You can also make capital letters in Word using hotkeys.

    1. Select the text or fragment of text that should be written in capital letters.

    2. Press twice “SHIFT+F3”.

    3. All small letters will become capital letters.

    This is how easy it is to make capital letters from small ones in Word. We wish you success in further exploring the functions and capabilities of this program.

    Good day to everyone, my dear friends and readers of the blog site. It's probably happened to you that you were writing a word or sentence in Word, but suddenly you wanted to somehow highlight the text and make each letter in the text capitalize instead of lowercase. Or maybe vice versa? Have you written a text with Caps Lock held down and want to make all letters lowercase? So today I’ll show you how to make all letters capitalize in word and vice versa, in two ways at once.

    Method No. 1

    The easiest way, which will work in any version of Word, is to highlight the part of the text that you want to make completely capital, and then press the key combination SHIFT+F3. But what’s most interesting is that the case change occurs in two stages: first, only the first letters of each word become capitalized, and when pressed again, absolutely all letters become capitalized.

    Method No. 2

    The second method is even simpler than the first. You just need to select the fragment where you want to change the register, then go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Register” button. The screenshot below shows what it looks like. And here you are immediately given several options for the development of events. I won’t list them, everything should be clear.

    Well, in general, if you decide to make all the characters in capitals, then do not forget to press the magic key before typing Caps Lock. Then you will no longer have to perform any manipulations with changing the register).

    That's basically it. Now you know how to turn lowercase letters into capital letters, and I really hope that my article today helped you, so don’t forget to subscribe to updates on my blog articles. It will be interesting. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

    The word “register” has come to us since the time of typewriters. This was a special key, when turned on, the printing of capital letters switched to capital letters.

    In fact, in our time, little has changed for the keyboard of personal computers and the case of switching letters is now performed by the “Shift” and “Caps Lock” keys.

    How to change case in Word

    In addition to the key on the keyboard for switching case, there are several commands in the menu ribbon. To see them, you need to open the “Home” tab and find the “Register” command in the “Font” tool block. This command includes the following items:

    • As in sentences. The command replaces the first letter in each sentence with a capital letter, and all others automatically become lowercase.
    • All lower case. After enabling this command, the entire selection consists of only small (lowercase) letters.
    • All capitals. This command replaces all letters with capital letters.
    • Start with capitals. A command to write each word with a capital letter.
    • Change register. This command performs letter inversion, i.e. changes all letters to their opposites.

    In addition, the Word editor has the ability to change the case of individual letters and assign them upper or lower case. Very useful when working with mathematical or chemical formulas.

    You can change the case of letters to upper or lower on the “Home” tab, “Font” block using the buttons of the same name:

    • Subscript;
    • Superscript.

    That's probably enough with the theoretical part, let's get down to practice and use a few examples to figure out how changing the register works.

    How to make small letters big

    It is not always possible to predict which register is appropriate in a particular case. Fortunately, Word provides a function with which you can convert small letters to large ones.

    This procedure is performed using the tools in the “Home” menu ribbon, or using the “Font” advanced settings window.

    Let's take a closer look at how this is implemented in practice.

    Convert lowercase letters to uppercase

    The function of replacing lowercase letters with capital letters throughout the entire text or entire fragment is useful for filling out questionnaires and other official documents where there is an instruction to write data using capital letters. And also to highlight fragments of text to which the reader needs to pay special attention.

    To make the text in capital letters, you need to meet the following conditions:

    1. Select the text that needs to be converted.
    2. Go to the “Home” tab, in the “Font” section, click on the arrow of the “Register” button (looks like “Aa”);
    3. From the list of available options, select “All caps”.

    Note. You can change the letters to capital ones if, after selecting a fragment or entire document, check the “All capitals” line. To find it, you need to follow the chain of command selection: “Home” → “Font” (arrow in the lower right corner) → Font window → “Modification” → “All capitals”.

    This command replaces all text with standard sized letters.

    If you want the text to be in capital letters, but their height corresponds to the size of lowercase letters, you can check the box next to the “small caps” line in the “Font” advanced settings window.

    Automatically change the first letter to capital

    When typing text quickly, typos pop up every now and then. One of the most common is to lowercase the first letter of a new sentence.

    In Word, it is possible to automatically change the first letter from lowercase to uppercase. Converting only the first letter of a word to a capital letter can be done using two tools from the Register command:

    1. Select the desired piece of text.
    2. In the “Home” tab, find the “Register” tool and select from the possible options “Start with capitals”.

    This tool is used for text that uses proper names or other words that begin with a capital letter.

    When text is typed in a case-insensitive manner, but there is a beginning and an end to a sentence (there are periods at the end of the sentence), you can change the case from small letters to capital letters by applying the “As in sentences” command to such text.

    Remove automatic capitalization of the first letter

    To prevent the first letter of each sentence from being automatically capitalized as you type, you need to change the default AutoCorrect settings:

    1. Open the “AutoCorrect: Russian” window: “File” → “Options” → “Spelling” → “AutoCorrect Options”;
    2. In the window, open the “AutoCorrect” tab and uncheck the box next to the line “Capitalize the first letters of sentences.”

    How to Make Large Letters Small in Word

    Replacing capital letters with lowercase ones is used in cases where the Caps Lock key is accidentally pressed, or it is necessary to change the size or type of font.

    Using examples, we will understand how this is implemented.

    Superscript and subscript

    Sometimes you want individual words or characters to be positioned above or below the main line of a line in a document. For example, designations of mathematical degrees, chemical elements. In corporate document flow, explanations for blank lines are also written in superscript font to separate them from the main text.

    You can configure the display of superscript characters as follows:

    1. Select text or individual letters to change;
    2. Open the advanced settings window “Font” (“Home” → “Font” → arrow in the lower right corner);
    3. In the “Modification” section, check the “superscript” box.

    Note: This tool is also located on the menu ribbon in the "Font" section or is activated by pressing the three keys "Ctrl" + "Shift" ++.

    To display an interlinear type of text writing, you need to perform the same algorithm, but just check the box next to the “interlinear” line, or press the key combination “Ctrl” +=.

    Change font size

    You can change a large letter to a small letter by reducing the font size without changing the case of the letters. To quickly replace it with a smaller font, you need to use the “Reduce Size” tool, which is located in the “Home” menu ribbon in the “Font” section.

    Looks like "A▼". Works for selected text, or for text typed after clicking on the specified button. Each click reduces the font by 0.5 pt.

    You can increase the font size by using the Increase Font tool, which is located on the menu bar next to the Decrease Font tool and looks like “A▲”. Enlarges the font by 0.5 pt.

    Make capital letters lowercase

    When you accidentally turn on the Caps Lock key and then type text by mistake, you do not need to retype it. In this case, using the “Change Case” function will effectively and quickly correct the situation.

    Using this function, you can convert capital letters to lowercase and then lowercase will become uppercase, and capital letters will become lowercase.

    You can also find this function in the list of options for replacing the Register tool.

    In order for the selected text to be written in lowercase letters in full, after selecting the text, use the “all lowercase” tool (“Home” → “Font” → “Case”).