How to remove the ban on updating Windows 7 using administration tools

Over time, everything changes. It seems that we ourselves know this very well, but when it comes to computer operation, for some reason many people completely forget about it. And it’s not even that the device itself becomes outdated over time. Often, users simply forget to enable update support for their dear Windows 7 OS. As a result, after working like this for several months, and if you’re lucky, years, it begins to slow down, wither, and so on. Therefore, whether you want it or not, you still have to learn how to run the Windows 7 Update service on your PC.

Method #1: Launch from the taskbar

At any time while working on your computer, this service for Windows 7 can be launched directly from the taskbar. In this case, we proceed like this:

  1. left-click on the icon that hides program shortcuts in the taskbar;
  2. Find the “Support Center” shortcut and right-click on it;
  3. In the menu that appears, click on the “Open update center...” item:

As a result, the service will offer to select a method for installing updates for Windows 7. At this stage, you can make whole line settings:

  1. determine who is allowed to update the operating system;
  2. choose to receive a Windows notification;
  3. install support for recommended updates, etc.

However, what is really required of us is to enable support for important updates. Note that the Center... service may offer several options for downloading and installing new files for Windows 7. However, in this case it is better to trust the operating system to update automatically. To do this, select the appropriate option in the “Important updates” section and click OK:

That's basically all!

Option #2: Launch from the Start Menu

In order to get to Windows Update and start the corresponding service, you can use the Start menu. To do this, click on the “Start” button on the taskbar or a key on the keyboard. Next, select “Control Panel”, and in it – “Windows Update”:

As a result, the system center window will open. From this moment we act in the same way as in method No. 1: open the “Setting parameters” section, select automatic start important updates and save the settings.

Method No. 3: Start through the Run utility

You can also run the process on a computer running Windows 7 from the Run program. You can open it with a simple combination of hot keys and R. After the utility has started, enter for it cmd command and click OK:

As a result, the command line will open, as you already correctly understood. We proceed like this:

As a result, the service will start automatically.

Method number 4: Launch through task manager

You can also load the service on Windows 7 using the wuapp command. To execute it, press Ctrl, Shift and Esc at the same time, go to the “File” menu of the task manager, select the “New task” item and enter the wuapp command to execute it:

This will open Windows Update. Next, we perform the steps from method No. 1.

Method No. 5: Launch through the Administrative Tools service

To start a service for OS Windows 7 using administration, open “Start”, type the word “admin” into the search field and click the first item in the list that appears:

After that, in the “Administration” window, find and select the “Services” item. Then, in a new window, look for and click on the “Update Center...” service and launch it by clicking on the corresponding button on the screen:

No. 6: Setting up from the “Support Center”

In Windows 7, you can also start a service on your computer that will update the system through the “Support Center”. You can enter it through Start - Control Panel or directly from the taskbar. Whichever login option we choose, after the “Support Center” opens, in the “Security” section next to the “Update Center...” item, click the “Change settings” button:

In the system window that appears, select “Install updates automatically...”:

As a result, we get a working Windows service 7, which will update the system in a timely manner.

Option #7: Debugging a broken service

If the service is started but not working, proceed as follows:

  1. open the “Run” utility and enter the command services.msc for it;
  2. in the “Services” window, click “Update Center...” and click the “Stop” tab;
  3. find the SoftwareDistribution folder through a search and rename it to SoftwareDistribution12;
  4. disable antivirus, download optimizers and other programs;
  5. return to the “Services” window and restart the service using the “Run” item;
  6. reboot the computer.

You can be sure that one of the methods suggested to you will definitely work!

I don’t know about you, but personally, auto updating in Windows 7 infuriates me. By and large, not only me, but also everyone I know. In fact, there is no use for it anymore, because... Microsoft has stopped supporting the OS and your PC/laptop will not download anything important.

In addition to what was said above, updates further worsen Internet speed, computer performance (affects only weak and old models), and you also have to wait when turning it off and on.

As you can see for yourself, there’s no point in automatic update there is no such thing in Windows 7, and let's look at all possible images of how to disable it.

How to turn off auto-update in windows 7

Or another option, thanks to our almost selfless YouTube videos

If for some reason the video above does not suit you, for example, you are saving traffic (is this still possible in 2018?), let's take a look using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the Start menu, click on Control Panel, then click on Update Center.
  1. Settings. Find this option on the left side as shown in the picture.

  1. In the drop-down menu, click “Don’t check for updates (not recommended).” Don’t be afraid, even if they don’t recommend it, the main thing is that it won’t annoy us anymore. I almost forgot, you need to remove the checkboxes as in the screenshot and click OK.

That's all, such a simple way to disable updates, and how much nerves are saved).

How to disable updating via command line

Dedicated to those who don't need graphical shell, he thinks that he is a hacker and a fan of Ubuntu. Come on, I'm kidding. This is the fastest and easiest way you can think of.

In the command line you need to enter - net stop wuauserv

That's all! Just in case for those who don’t know how to open it:

Click "Start" And "All programs".

Select directory "Standard".

On the list standard applications find "Command line". Click on this element RMB. Choose "Run as administrator".

"Command line" launched. Enter your command command:

That's it, we live peacefully and are happy. All updates are disabled)

Timely updating of the system is designed to maintain its relevance and security from intruders. But for various reasons, some users want to disable this function. In the short term, indeed, sometimes this is justified if, for example, you perform certain manual settings PC. In this case, sometimes it is necessary not only to disable the ability to update, but also to completely deactivate the service that is responsible for it. Let's find out how to solve this task in Windows 7.

The name of the service, which is responsible for installing updates (both automatic and manual), speaks for itself - "Windows Update". You can deactivate it as follows: in the usual ways, and not quite standard. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Method 1: "Service Manager"

The most commonly used and reliable way to disable "Windows Update" is the use "Service Manager".

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Click "System and safety".
  3. Next, select the name of the large section "Administration".
  4. In the list of tools that will appear in a new window, click "Services".

    There are more quick option transition to "Service Manager", although it requires memorizing one command. To call up a tool "Run" dial Win+R. In the utility field, enter:

    Click "OK".

  5. Any of the above paths will open a window "Service Manager". It contains a list. In this list you need to find the name "Windows Update". To simplify the task, build it in alphabetical order by clicking "Name". Status "Works" in column "State" means the fact that the service is running.
  6. To disable "Update centre", select the name of this element and then click "Stop" in the left area of ​​the window.
  7. The shutdown process is in progress.
  8. The service has now stopped. This is evidenced by the disappearance of the inscription "Works" in field "State". But if in the column "Startup type" set value "Automatically", That "Update centre" will be launched when next switch on computer, and this is not always acceptable for the user who disconnected.
  9. To prevent this, you should change the status in the column "Startup type". Click on the element name right key mice (RMB). Choose "Properties".
  10. By going to the properties window, being in the tab "Are common", click on the field "Startup type".
  11. Select a value from the drop-down list "Manually" or "Disabled". In the first case, the service is not activated after restarting the computer. To enable it, you will need to use one of the many manual activation methods. In the second case, it can be activated only after the user again changes the launch type in the properties from "Disabled" on "Manually" or "Automatically". Therefore, it is the second shutdown option that is more reliable.
  12. After the choice is made, press the buttons sequentially "Apply" And "OK".
  13. Returning to the window "Dispatcher". As you can see, the element status "Update Center" in a collumn "Startup type" it was changed. Now the service will not start even after rebooting the PC.

How to activate again if necessary "Update Center", described in a separate lesson.

Method 2: "Command Line"

You can also solve the problem by entering a command in « Command line» running as an administrator.

But it's worth remembering that this method stop, unlike the previous one, deactivates the service only until the next restart of the computer. If you need to stop it for more long time, then you will have to repeat the operation through "Command line", but it’s better to use it right away Method 1.

Method 3: "Task Manager"

You can also stop the update service using "Task Manager".

Method 4: "System Configuration"

The next method to solve the problem is through a window "System Configurations".

  1. Go to window "System Configurations" you can from the section "Administration" "Control Panels". About how to get into this section, it was said in the description Method 1. So, in the window "Administration" click "System configuration".

    You can also run this tool from under a window "Run". Call "Run" (Win+R). Enter:

    Click "OK".

  2. Shell "System Configurations" launched. Move to section "Services".
  3. In the section that opens, find the element "Windows Update". To do this faster, build the list alphabetically by clicking "Service". Once the item is found, uncheck the box to the left of it. Then click "Apply" And "OK".
  4. A window will open "System Setup". It will ask you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If you want to do this immediately, then close all documents and programs, and then click "Reboot".

    Otherwise, press "Exit without reboot". Then the changes will take effect only after you turn on the PC manually again.

  5. After restarting the computer, the update service should be disabled.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to deactivate the update service. If you need to disconnect only for the period of the current PC session, then you can use any of the options described above, which you consider the most convenient. If you need to shutdown for a long time, which involves at least one reboot of the computer, then in this case, in order to avoid the need to perform the procedure several times, it would be optimal to shutdown after "Service Manager" with changing the launch type in properties.

Updates operating system are an important component ensuring its performance and safety. However, in certain situations it may be necessary to temporarily disable this process. Some users fundamentally disable updates at their own peril and risk. We do not recommend doing this unless really necessary, but, nevertheless, we will consider the main ways to turn off the update in Windows 7.

There are several options for disabling updates, but they can all be divided into two groups. In one of them, actions are performed through Windows Update, and in the second, in the Service Manager.

Method 1: Control Panel

First of all, let's consider the most popular option among users for solving the problem. This method involves going to Windows Update through the Control Panel.

Method 2: Run window

But there is a faster option to get to the section of the Control Panel we need. This can be done using a window "Run".

Method 3: Service Manager

In addition, we can solve this problem by disabling the corresponding service in the Service Manager

  1. You can go to the Service Manager either through the window "Run", either through the Control Panel, as well as using the Task Manager.

    In the first case, call the window "Run", by pressing the combination Win+R. Next, enter the command into it:

    Click "OK".

    In the second case, go to the Control Panel in the same way as described above, through the button "Start". Then we visit the section again "System and safety". And in this window, click on the name "Administration".

    The third option for accessing the Service Manager involves using the Task Manager. To launch it, type the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Or click right click mouse on the taskbar located at the bottom of the screen. In the context list, select the option "Start Task Manager".

    After launching the Task Manager, go to the tab "Services", then click on the button of the same name at the bottom of the window.

  2. Then you go to the Service Manager. In the window of this tool we look for an element called "Windows Update" and select it. Moving to the tab "Advanced", if we are in the tab "Standard". Tab shortcuts are located at the bottom of the window. On the left side, click on the inscription "Stop service".
  3. After this, the service will be completely disabled. Instead of an inscription "Stop service" the inscription will appear in the appropriate place "Start service". And in the object’s status graph the status will disappear "Works". But in in this case it may start automatically after you restart your computer.

To block its operation even after a restart, there is another option to disable it in the Service Manager.

In this case, the service will also be disabled. Moreover, only the last type of shutdown will ensure that the service will not start the next time the computer is restarted.

There are several ways to disable updates in Windows 7. But if you want to disable only automatic ones, then it is better to solve this problem through Windows Update. If the task is complete shutdown, then a more reliable option would be to stop the service entirely through the Service Manager, setting the appropriate startup type.

I'm tired of this already endless update Windows 7! Downloads and installs every day. Internet speed slows down, computer slows down, and reboots without asking. And this system doesn’t care whether I’m watching a movie, writing a term paper, or making an important report for management. And updates are installed for 2 hours, and do not allow you to turn off your PC or laptop.

And most importantly - there is almost no sense! Yes, vulnerabilities are eliminated, but you will not notice the difference at all BEFORE the update and AFTER it. Unless the traffic eats up, but there’s no room local disk C will pick it up again. In general, complete hemorrhoids.

Therefore, if you are also tired of this option, turn it off! Especially for those who do not know how to disable updates on Windows 7, below is attached detailed instructions with screenshots.

There are 2 ways to turn off the annoying Windows 7 auto-update feature

First, let's look at turning off automatic updates on Windows 7. This is necessary so that the system does not download anything or start installation without your permission.

If you suddenly need to turn on the search for updates, then open the same window and select one of the first three items to choose from (whichever is more convenient).

However, after this, the message “Windows Update is disabled” will constantly pop up at the bottom of the screen (near the clock). Please turn it on."

So that it doesn't get boring:

Ready. You just removed this message, and you won't be bothered by it anymore.

Method 2: Windows Update

For this:

Ready. You have just completely disabled the update service on Windows 7 (searching for and installing them).

This procedure is carried out the same way on all computers and laptops running Windows 7. The version (Home, Professional, Ultimate) or bitness (32- or 64-bit) does not affect this.

Why do you need to turn off auto-update in Windows 7?

  1. Unlicensed installed copy of Windows. At the very least, activation may fail during the update. In the worst cases, the computer or laptop does not turn on after a reboot and you have to reinstall the OS (Microsoft developers know how to give surprises 🙂).
  2. Limited Internet. If you have a limited amount of traffic, then regular updates will cost a pretty penny.
  3. Slow internet speed. Auto-updates greatly reduce loading speed. And if yours is already small, then...
  4. Low hard drive space. Auto-updates do not take up much space, but over time they can accumulate to 10-20 GB. And if there is little space left on your hard drive, your computer (or laptop) will run slowly.
  5. You cannot turn off your PC during auto-update. This is terribly annoying (don't leave it on overnight!).

By the way, as an option, you can disable only auto-update. That is, select the 2nd or 3rd option in the Update Center settings (so that the installation decision is made by you personally).